Boiled beef liver recipes. How long does it take to cook beef liver? How to cook it deliciously

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A large number of dishes can be prepared from beef liver, and therefore many people have a question: how long to cook beef liver for salad, pate, pies and other various dishes so that it is soft?

Since beef liver is a delicate product and its composition contains a lot of folic acid and vitamins A, B and C, it is important to boil it properly so that it does not lose all its beneficial properties and does not become tough. Here you should pay attention not only to the cooking time, but also to the cooking process; there are some subtleties here.

How to cook beef liver for salad

For salad, it is best to take chilled liver, but if you have frozen liver, you need to defrost it before cooking, leaving the product at room temperature, covering it with cling film, or do it in the microwave by turning on a special mode for this.

Before cooking beef liver in a saucepan, rinse it well - put it in a bowl with water or milk - leave to soak for 5-10 minutes. Firstly, after soaking, we can remove the film much faster, and secondly, milk, as a rule, reduces the specific bitterness of the offal.

After the product has thawed, be sure to remove all films, veins, bile ducts, wash it and cut it into the necessary pieces. Place the liver in a pan of boiling water. Next, remove the foam as it appears. You need to cook over low heat with a lid, 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt to the offal. If we add salt during soaking or before cooking, the dish will turn out to be dry and tough.

How long to cook beef liver

If you want to cook beef liver in a large piece (whole) until cooked, then after boiling water, keep it in boiling water for about 40 minutes, no more.

If the pieces are small, then 20 minutes or even less is enough. You can check the readiness of the liver by piercing it with a fork or knife; if light, pink juice appears at the puncture site, then the dish is ready.

How long to cook beef liver for pate

It can be done in different ways. For example, if you want to make boiled liver pate, then you need:

- rinse the liver and throw it into boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Skim off the foam periodically; you need to add salt at the very end so that the offal does not turn out hard. After this time, pierce it with a knife; if a clear juice comes out, it means everything is ready and you can turn off the heat.

If you know all these nuances and subtleties in cooking, then not only the beef liver will turn out soft and very tasty, but also dishes made from it.

How long to cook beef liver for pies until done

Since the pies are then cooked in the oven and subjected to additional heat treatment, it is enough to cook the liver for the pies for only 15-20 minutes maximum. This is based on the fact that we take a whole piece of product without cutting it.

In order for frozen liver to retain its benefits and structure, it must be properly defrosted. It is best to do this on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 3-5 hours.

Important! If you intend to cut the liver into small pieces, then you should not defrost the liver completely.

If time is limited, the liver can be defrosted on the table at room temperature. If you have even less time, then a piece of liver can be defrosted in warm water, combining the processes of thawing and soaking.

You should not use a microwave oven; the defrosting process in it can cause unwanted changes in the structure of the liver.

Steamed or thawed beef needs to be soaked. Milk is good for this. If there is not enough milk, you can dilute it half with water or get by with just water. Before soaking, you need to cut out all large vessels and remove excess fat. After soaking, during the cooking process, the liver becomes more juicy and soft and does not give off bitterness.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the film covering the liver. With beef liver, it is easy to remove it from a whole piece until completely defrosted and before cutting into pieces before soaking. However, if you need the pieces to retain their shape, it is advisable to soak and cook them without first removing the film, and you need to remove the film from the cooked product.

Once prepared, you can cook it.

How much and how to cook beef liver for children

Liver should be introduced into the diet of babies after meat, that is, not earlier than 11-12 months. When choosing liver for baby food, it is advisable to choose fresh beef liver from animals no older than three years.

Important! The first time the baby should be given liver in a small amount, no more than 1/2 - 1.0 tsp.

Beef liver for babies should be cooked after soaking, cutting into pieces and thoroughly rinsing with running water. This technique will rid the liver of foreign matter.

First way

For baby food, the liver is boiled in a small amount of clean water.

Quite large pieces are immersed in cold water, brought to a boil and cooked for 2-3 minutes. After this, the broth is drained and the liver is washed again. Fill the liver with clean water and bring to a boil. Remove scale 2-3 times. and cook for 40 minutes.

After this, the liver is pricked with a fork to a depth of 1.5 - 2.0 cm. If there is no bleeding, then it is ready. When cut, a well-cooked liver has a uniform gray color. Further, boiled liver can be used to prepare pate or puree.

Second way

The first stage of cooking in the second method is the same as in the previous method. After this, cut the liver into smaller pieces, and also finely chop the vegetables that are already in the child’s diet. Pour a little water over everything and cook until the vegetables are ready for 12 - 15 minutes.

After this, the liver can be crushed to a puree.

How and how much to cook liver for adults

The liver can be used for preparing dishes intended for adults and children over 5-6 years old for different times and in several ways.

Important! It is traditionally believed that steamed liver can be cooked less, but this is not always true.

If the origin of the product is not entirely clear and there is no accurate information about its verification by veterinary services, then to obtain a safe product, steamed liver must be cooked 10 - 15 minutes longer than frozen liver.

First way

This method is suitable for preparing dietary liver pates and soufflés.

You need to take 600 - 700 grams of prepared liver, cut it into two or three pieces, add cold water, it will be enough for 800 - 900 ml, heat to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes. Pour out the water. Cut the liver into small pieces.

Heat the water to a boil, add salt and black pepper to taste and add the liver pieces. Cook for 15 minutes. Liver cooked in this way can be used in any liver pate and tender soufflé; it is very well crushed in a blender.

Second way

Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that you need liver that is either obtained from very mature cows or has been left in the home refrigerator.

In this case, it can be welded correctly after additional manipulations. The liver, soaked and previously cleared of films, fat and large veins, should be cut into medium-sized pieces.

After this, pour a heap of baking soda onto a board or baking sheet. Dip each piece well in soda; it should completely cover the pieces with a thin layer.

Place everything in a suitable container and leave for 90-100 minutes on the table at room temperature.

After this, all the soda must be washed off with running water. Pour clean water into a saucepan of a suitable size and add. Heat to a boil. Remove the scum and cook under the lid at moderate heat for 50 - 60 minutes.

Important! To avoid the pieces sticking tightly to the bottom of the pan, they need to be lifted from the bottom two to three times during cooking.

5-10 minutes before the liver is ready, add salt to taste and add spices as desired; ground pepper and bay leaf will be enough.

After this, the liver boiled in this way can be used for fillings and various dishes. , prepared in this way, turns out soft, and the taste of soda is not felt.

Thus, the cooking time for liver varies from a quarter of an hour to 60 - 70 minutes.

10 months ago

Beef liver is a very tender offal, amenable to any heat treatment: frying, baking, stewing. However, it is not the most loved by the majority due to its bright bitter taste. However, people who simply prepared it incorrectly often get negative impressions of beef liver. In order to get the maximum benefit from it and reveal all its taste, you should find out how long to cook beef liver, how to do it so that it becomes soft, and what ways to remove unwanted bitterness.

Unlike meat, by-products cannot simply be thrown into water and cooked: they accumulate a lot of harmful substances during the life of an animal or bird, especially the liver, the body’s filter. It is these substances that give an unpleasant aftertaste that spoils the whole impression. In order to get rid of it, and at the same time ensure maximum tenderness to the structure of the offal, you should perform the following steps:

  1. Choose dark red pieces that are free of visual defects and unpleasant odors.
  2. Remove the film and remove all veins. If you can’t do it now, leave it for later. At this stage, cleansing is not a priority.
  3. Rinse under running water, cut into several pieces and pour in fresh milk.

The duration of soaking beef liver is 2-3 hours. If desired, you can do this in clean cold water, but maximum tenderness can only be achieved with milk, as well as removing bitterness. If you don’t have time at all, keep the offal in it for at least an hour.

After soaking, it is much easier to clean the liver, especially if you rub it with coarse salt. Such actions will not affect the taste in any way, since the salt is not allowed to be absorbed - the film is removed immediately.

You can also clean the frozen liver before soaking in an equally simple way: pour hot water over it and cut the film - it will come off without any effort on your part. The veins are quickly cut out with a thin sharp knife.

So, the offal has been washed, soaked and cleaned, it’s time to cook. This can be done in several ways: the fastest is in a pressure cooker. Here beef liver will cook in 20 minutes, but not all housewives have such a device. Most people cook in a saucepan on the stove, and this is done as follows:

  1. Bring water to a boil in a large saucepan (at least 3 liters in volume).
  2. Put a whole piece of liver or cut into several parts: this will directly determine how long to cook the beef liver.
  3. Wait until the water boils again and reduce the burner power to 70%. Cover the pan with a lid.

After this, the liver is cooked for 40 minutes., if it is cooked in a whole piece. Cut into several pieces, it can be prepared in 25-30 minutes., depending on how large you cut it. 5-7 minutes before the expected end of cooking, add salt to the liver - this should not be done earlier, as it can become tough.

Be sure to check the cooked liver for its degree of readiness: if the knife blade goes in easily, it can be removed from the pan and used for its intended purpose.

In a saucepan on the stove is not the only way to cook beef liver: it turns out no less tasty and tender if you cook it in a slow cooker. The procedure itself is the same as on the stove, only the offal is placed in cold water, and the countdown begins from the moment it boils. On the “Stewing” program you need to cook for 35 minutes, and if the piece is very large, the time is increased to 45 minutes. And if you decide to steam beef liver, follow this scheme:

  1. Cut the prepared liver into small pieces and place on a steamer rack.
  2. Pour cold water into the bowl and close the device with the lid.
  3. Cook for half an hour.

Do not place a whole piece of beef liver into a steamer, as this will complicate the preparation of the offal and significantly increase the duration of this process. It is also only required to add salt at the end.

If you are boiling beef liver for a child, you should immediately cook it in pieces and keep it in boiling water for at least 40 minutes. After heat treatment, it is crushed in a blender and served with vegetable puree or porridge. For greater tenderness, you can cook beef liver for a child with the addition of cream or sour cream.

To begin with, you need to remove the film from the liver, then trim off the unnecessary veins. There is a very proven and long-standing method. To ensure that the liver does not have any bitterness and is soft, you need to soak it in milk for 20 - 30 minutes. After that, dry the liver from moisture and you can boil it.

How long to cook beef liver

How many minutes to cook beef liver. Of course, if you want to boil the whole beef liver, you need at least 40 minutes. In order for the liver to boil faster, you need to cut it into medium cubes and cook for 25 - 30 minutes.

In order to find out whether the liver is ready or not, take out one piece and pierce it with a knife. If, when pierced, a clear liquid flows out of the liver, the liver is ready; if it is still bleeding, it needs to be cooked further.

You need to salt the liver halfway through cooking.

How long to cook beef liver for salad - For salad, you need to cook the liver depending on the size of the piece, cook medium pieces for about 25 - 30 minutes, salt the liver almost at the end.

We would like to present to your attention a delicious recipe for salad with beef liver!!!

Today we will tell you how to properly cook pork liver and how long it will take. It should be noted that most housewives determine the degree of readiness of the mentioned product, as they say, “by eye.” But if this is your first time dealing with such an ingredient, then such an approach may negatively affect the taste of the final dish. This is due to the fact that if the offal is not properly heat treated, it can remain raw or, conversely, boil over, making dinner not as desired. That is why it is very important to know how long to cook pork liver at home.

General Product Information

How long to cook pork liver? Before we answer the question, we want to tell you what this product is.

Liver is a delicate ingredient that is most often consumed fried. Although, when properly prepared, boiled offal can be quite tasty. However, it should be noted that beef liver or poultry liver is best suited for heat treatment in boiling water. As for pork, chefs recommend using it only for frying or stewing. Although some housewives are happy to use it boiled.

Ingredient selection

Many housewives know how long to cook pork liver. As for her choice, many questions often arise here. To get rid of doubts, we recommend that you adhere to certain rules.

  • It is better to buy liver fresh rather than frozen.
  • When choosing such an offal, you should pay attention to its aroma. If an ingredient has an unpleasant and repulsive odor, then it is better to discard it. The most delicious liver smells like fresh meat and fresh milk.
  • When purchasing pork by-product, pay special attention to its color. Fresh liver should be bright and reddish. A shade that is too dark (almost black) is evidence that the product has already been sitting on the counter.

Product pre-treatment

To make a delicious lunch, it’s not enough just to know how long to cook pork liver. After all, it is very important to process it correctly. This fact is due to the fact that such an offal contains a lot of bitterness. You can get rid of it by soaking the ingredient in milk. But before this, the liver should be thoroughly washed in warm water. It is also necessary to cut off all ducts from the product. This process should be carried out very carefully. After all, if bile gets on a meat product, it will no longer be suitable for consumption.

As a result of the described actions, you should get a clean liver without various veins, ducts, etc.

How to soak properly?

Having bought fresh offal for the first time, housewives ask only one question: how long to cook pork liver? But before answering it in detail, we should tell you exactly how to get rid of the bitterness that is inherent in the liver. To do this, the clean and processed offal must be placed in a deep bowl, and then immediately filled with fresh and not very fatty milk. In this case, the drink should completely cover the meat ingredient. It is advisable to keep the whole liver in this state for about an hour. If you do not have time for this, then the product can be cut into smaller pieces. This will reduce the soaking time by exactly half.

Thus, the liver can be subjected to heat treatment after half an hour.

How long should you cook pork liver?

After the offal has been soaked in milk, heat treatment should begin. To do this, the whole liver must be placed in a pan (preferably deep) and filled with cold, clean water. In this form, the ingredient must be placed on the stove and the contents brought to a boil. If a lot of foam forms on the surface of the broth, then you need to get rid of it using a slotted spoon.

So how long does it take to cook pork liver? After the water boils, you need to add a little salt to it and cook the product under the lid for about 45 minutes. This time should be enough for the offal to become soft and tender. If you cannot wait too long, then it is recommended to cook the liver not in its entirety, but after cutting it into medium pieces. In this case, you will only need 20-24 minutes to fully cook.

Other cooking methods

Now you know how many minutes to cook pork liver. But what to do if you need to stew or fry such a product. To do this, you need to also process the ingredient, soak it in milk, and then cut it into medium pieces (can be strips or cubes).

If you want to get fried liver, then heat the sunflower oil in a saucepan and then lay out the entire chopped product. It is recommended to cook it over medium heat without a lid for ¼ hour. During this time, the pieces of liver should become soft and tender, and also lose all blood.

If you need stewed offal to prepare any dish, you should first fry it in oil for 7 minutes, then pour in a little water, close the lid and cook for about 13 minutes.

This heat treatment is well suited for those who want to get stewed liver with a tasty and aromatic gravy. By flavoring it with spices and adding sour cream or tomato sauce, you will get a hearty and tasty goulash.