Pension system of the Russian Federation. Pension Modern pension system

In January 2002, reform of the social security system began. After numerous discussions by leading experts in this field, as well as government officials, the main bills were approved and adopted. One of the key issues for the state is pension provision for citizens. The moral state of society depends on it. In addition, the pension system also reflects the economic situation of citizens. Issues of its functioning affect the financial condition of organizations and enterprises, the budgetary sphere, household incomes, and investments. Let us further consider what the pension system of the Russian Federation is today.

Relevance of the issue

The state pension system was created to protect citizens from crisis phenomena in the economy during unstable periods. This institution attracts additional funds through the resources available to enterprises and citizens. Through government regulation, a clear system of interaction is built between citizens, subjects of the country and the government as a whole.


The Russian pension system includes three main elements:

  1. The base part. It is formed from the salary fund. 14% of the amount of wages goes first to the federal budget. From it, funds are transferred to the Pension Fund. This amount is distributed among social benefits and the basic part of the pension. If there is a lack of funds in the Pension Fund, the deficit is compensated by revenues from the federal budget.
  2. Insurance part. It amounts to 11-14% of the salary fund. These funds go directly to the Pension Fund. The pension insurance system is used to pay the conditionally funded part. Its value depends on the average salary in the country, the citizen’s payments to the Pension Fund and length of service.
  3. Accumulation part. It amounts to 2-6% of the payroll funds. This amount goes to the worker’s individual account. The size of payments in the future will depend on the employee’s transfers and the income from investing in this part.

In addition, an employer or employee can make voluntary contributions to non-state funds. Funds will also be paid from them subsequently.

Benefits of the structure

The three-tier pension system allows you to change the distribution structure of contributions. Thanks to greater differentiation, the interest of the population, especially those with high and middle incomes, in legalizing their salaries is growing. The predominance of the insurance principle helps to strengthen the sustainability of the entire pension system. By January 1, 2003, savings in the Pension Fund amounted to about 40 billion rubles (0.37% of GDP). At the same time, 1.36 billion was received as profit from the temporary placement of money in securities (government) securities. The return on these investments was about 8%. With inflation exceeding 15% in 2002, this figure means a reduction in the real amount of pension savings.

Modern stage

Currently, the transition from the distribution to the accumulative-distribution structure of pension provision continues. The population can independently choose the fund to which they will make contributions. The implementation of this stage is carried out through a number of activities:

  1. Formation of the regulatory framework in accordance with which the three-tier pension system operates.
  2. Creation of a public council for investing savings.
  3. Conducting competitions to select special depositaries and management companies.
  4. Concluding agreements between the Pension Fund and service organizations on the management of the savings part.
  5. Distribution of letters to the population about the amount of available funds in individual accounts and application forms for the selection of management companies.
  6. Signing agreements on certification of signatures between several banking organizations and the Pension Fund of Russia.

The legislative framework

The provisions of regulatory legal acts formulate the main provisions in accordance with which the pension system is reformed. The purpose of the legislation is to consolidate the direction of changes and create conditions for the formation of a three-level system. Its elements complement each other, creating financial stability in old age, in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, or in the event of disability.

Basic principles

The pension system is based on:

  1. Multi-structure.
  2. Universality and guarantee of the basic level.
  3. Differentiation of norms and conditions of support.
  4. The division of powers between the supreme power and the administration of the subjects.
  5. State regulation.
  6. Financial stability.
  7. Social partnership.

Essential elements

Legislation establishes pensions:

  1. According to the age.
  2. For years of service.
  3. For the loss of a breadwinner.
  4. Social pension.
  5. Due to disability.

The pension system provides for mandatory and additional provision.

Features of formation

Basic pensions are established based on the subsistence level. Their size is the same for everyone. These payments are intended to provide minimum security for pensioners and eliminate their poverty. The source of funding is funds from the federal budget. Compulsory pension insurance is established in addition to the basic one. These payments are differentiated depending on the citizen’s contribution to the structure. All citizens who are employed and receive income are subject to compulsory pension insurance.

  • The modern pension system in Russia consists of three components: state pension provision, non-state pension provision and compulsory pension insurance.

Who is entitled to state pension benefits?

  • Certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive this pension, for example, civil servants, military personnel, astronauts, participants in the Great Patriotic War and victims of radiation and man-made disasters.
  • The source of pension payment is the federal budget.

How is non-state pension provision formed?

  • Non-state pension provision is an individual voluntary formation of a pension.
  • This type of pension is paid only by non-state pension funds (NPFs) and is formed from voluntary contributions from individuals under individual pension plans or from voluntary contributions from employers to employees under corporate pension programs.

What is compulsory pension insurance?

  • Compulsory pension insurance involves the payment of insurance pensions through mandatory insurance contributions from employers, which amount to 22% of the employee’s annual earnings.
  • Depending on the age category, a pensioner can receive insurance and funded pensions.
  • At the choice of a citizen, either all 22% of the salary can be used to form the insurance part of the pension, or 16% - to the insurance pension, 6% - to form the funded part.

What is an insurance pension and how is it calculated?

  • The insurance pension is taken into account as a future liability to the insured persons and is used to pay current pensioners.
  • The formation of an insurance pension is carried out in pension points, the number of which will depend on length of service, salary and retirement age.
  • To qualify for an old-age insurance pension, you must have 30 or more pension points, but this norm will come into full force in 2025.

What is a funded pension?

  • A funded pension is understood as a sum of money formed from employer contributions and profits from their investment. Pension savings are transferred to the citizen’s account and paid every month after retirement.
  • The main difference between a funded pension and an insurance pension is the possibility of investment - if the insurance pension is managed exclusively by the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), then the funded share can be transferred to other management companies.

Who is entitled to a funded pension?

  • Savings capital is accumulated through a portion of insurance contributions (6% of wages) only for Russians born in 1967 or later who are officially employed.
  • By the end of 2015, such citizens had to decide whether they wanted to form a funded part from their insurance premiums or all funds should go only to the insurance model.
  • Those born in 1966 and earlier were not given the opportunity to choose a pension with a funded component. All their payments - 22% of the salary - go to the Pension Fund.

Who are the “silent people”?

  • According to the definition enshrined in legislation, “silent people” are citizens who have not taken advantage of the right to choose a state or private management company to manage their pension savings, the functions of which are performed by the state corporation Vnesheconombank or a non-state pension fund (NPF).
  • The funds of the “silent people” are by default invested as part of the expanded investment portfolio of the state management company.
  • In 2016, the government did not extend the transition period for transferring funded pensions to another management company or non-state pension fund. Now the “silent people” will form only an insurance pension. All contributions that the employer pays for them will go to the Pension Fund.

What is happening to pension savings now?

  • Since 2014, the transfer of citizens' funds to funded pensions has been frozen. All the money went to create an insurance pension for citizens. According to the authorities, the decision to freeze was made due to the need to balance the pension system and guarantee stable payments to all pensioners.
  • The freeze affected both the funds of the “silent ones” and the clients of the NPF. Subsequently, the moratorium extended to 2015 and 2016.
  • All previously generated pension savings are still invested in the selected NPF and will be paid to the citizen in full, taking into account investment income, when he receives the right to retire and applies for it.
  • After unfreezing, savings contributions will again begin to flow into the personal accounts of the owners.

What changes are offered with the funded pension?

  • At the moment, the fate of the funded pension has not been finally decided. In May 2016, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that a new system for the formation of pension savings will be launched in Russia by 2018, which will be based on the principles of voluntariness, when citizens will have to take care of the size of their future pension themselves.
  • Future retirees will be able to open savings accounts in pension funds or commercial banks.
  • According to various estimates, the voluntary funded pension system will reduce the budget transfer of the Pension Fund (the funds that the Pension Fund receives from the budget for the payment of current pensions) by 300-400 billion rubles. annually.

Why is something constantly changing in the pension system?

  • According to experts, the pension reform is dictated by the need to find the most budget-balanced version of pension provision, which will allow, while ensuring decent savings for citizens in old age, not to increase the budget deficit and provide the economy with the necessary “long-term” money.

The Russian pension system is a synthesis of the distribution mechanism of pension provision and elements of funded pension provision. Since 2002, the country has launched a pension reform mechanism, which is one of the components of the complex of economic reforms carried out in Russia. The pension reform is aimed at changing the existing distribution system for calculating pensions, supplementing it with a funded part and personalized accounting.

The Russian pension system in its modern form includes relations regarding the formation, assignment and payment of the following types of pensions: state pensions, labor pensions, non-state pensions.

State pension pension is a monthly state cash payment that is provided to citizens in order to compensate them for earnings (income) lost in connection with the termination of the federal state civil service upon reaching the length of service established by law upon retirement to an old-age (disability) pension. This pension is provided to government employees; military personnel; participants of the Great Patriotic War; citizens affected by radiation and man-made disasters; disabled citizens (disabled people).

In 2009, pension reform continued, aimed at improving the pension system. A number of laws have been adopted, according to which the unified social tax paid by employers, from January 1, 2010, is replaced by insurance contributions paid by employers directly to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Thus, in accordance with the federal law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation,” the old-age labor pension from January 1, 2010 consists of two parts - insurance and funded.

Instead of the basic part of the labor pension, a fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension has been introduced as an integral part of this part of the pension. The fixed basic amount of the insurance part of the labor pension corresponds to the previously existing size of the basic part of the labor pension, it’s just that now it is part of the insurance part of the labor pension.

The insurance and funded parts of the labor pension are formed from insurance contributions paid by the employer for each employee. The size of the insurance and funded parts of the labor pension depends on the earnings of the insured person and the duration of his work activity.

Contributions paid to the insurance part of the pension are conditionally funded; they are spent on paying pensions to today's pensioners, and the state's obligations to pay this part of the pension in the future accumulate in the accounts. Contributions to the funded part of the pension are not spent on payments, but are accumulated in individual personal (pension) accounts of citizens.

The funded part of the pension is the only part of the labor pension, the fate of which a citizen has the right to decide independently. Currently in Russia there is a two-level system for managing the funded part of a pension: a citizen can choose between the Pension Fund (PFR) and one of the non-state pension funds. Funds deposited into the savings system account are subject to investment, and the income received as a result of investment is also taken into account in the accounts of the insured persons, as well as insurance premiums. Investment of pension savings of persons remaining in the Pension Fund of Russia is carried out by private management companies selected based on the results of a competition held in accordance with the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation or the State Management Company. The state management company, the functions of which, by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, is performed by Vnesheconombank, in accordance with the law, has the right to invest pension savings only in government securities and mortgage-backed securities, confirmed by state guarantees, which provides this placement option with the least risk, but also the lowest profitability.

Non-state pension funds, as well as private management companies, are legally allowed to invest pension savings in a wider range of instruments. This allows them to receive higher investment returns. The Russian state pension system is supplemented by voluntary pension provision. It implies the provision of pensions at the expense of employers, citizens, or at the expense of budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets.

Both compulsory and voluntary pension provision can be provided both through a state institution - the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and through non-state pension funds. All funds have many options for savings schemes, both corporate and personal. In a corporate scheme, contributions are paid in full or in part by the employer; in an individual scheme, an individual voluntarily forms his own future pension.

All responsibility and control for the payment of pensions, according to the law “On Compulsory Pension Insurance,” rests with the state. The body exercising external control over the activities of non-state pension funds and the safety of pension savings, as well as the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, a state management company, is the Federal Service for Financial Markets. The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation protects the interests of participants in the non-state pension fund, insured persons and their legal successors.

Thus, it can be noted that In most countries of the world, a pension system based on the principle of “solidarity of generations” still prevails, when pensions are paid from mandatory payments that are currently paid by working citizens. This system in the West is called “Pay as You Go” (PAYG), which can be translated as “payment as you go.” This is the so-called first pillar of the pension systems existing in different countries. However, this “first pillar” is becoming increasingly shaky. It is being undermined by the aging population of developed countries, as a result of which the ratio of the number of workers to the number of pensioners is decreasing. The growth of the average standard of living requires the establishment of increasingly “generous” pensions. This leads to an increase in the state’s obligations to pensioners, to a forced increase in mandatory pension contributions, to an increase in the cost of financing the PAYG pension system, which even in the most prosperous countries reaches 10% of GDP. The solution to the problem is the transition to more modern and efficient systems - the “second pillar” , based on contributions from enterprises and the possibility of investing these assets, as well as on voluntary pension savings of citizens - the so-called third pillar of the pension system.

The pension system of the Russian Federation is a complex, extensive system of protecting Russian citizens in old age. Separate sections of this system provide social protection for various groups of the population, including civil servants, military personnel, workers in hazardous and hazardous industries, people living in the Far North, disabled people, dependents, those who have lost their breadwinner and others.


Separate legislation regulates pension provision for citizens who arrived in the Russian Federation from the states of the former USSR.

The state body for managing the funds of the pension system and ensuring the rights of citizens to pension provision is the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), which has branches throughout the country.

Along with the Pension Fund, the pension system includes non-state pension funds (NPFs), which are private organizations. Their activities are regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Citizens of Russia who are insured in the compulsory pension insurance system (OPS) have the right to a pension. Registration in the OPS system is carried out by Pension Fund branches. Registration is confirmed by assigning the citizen an Individual Personal Account Insurance Number (SNILS) and issuing an Insurance Certificate of State Pension Insurance (green plastic card).

You can apply for registration in the OPS system through your employer (when you first start working) or in person at the Pension Fund office at your place of residence. SNILS is a unique number that is assigned to a citizen for life.

When a citizen’s personal data changes, for example, last name, the insurance certificate must be replaced, but the SNILS in the new certificate remains the same. If you change your job or place of residence, your insurance certificate does not change.


The basis of the pension system is the old-age labor pension, assigned to men upon reaching 60 years of age, and to women at 55 years of age. To assign an old-age retirement pension, it is necessary to develop a minimum insurance period. Unlike work experience, insurance experience is confirmed not by entries in the work book, but by entries on an individual personal account in the compulsory insurance system about insurance contributions made by the employer or the citizen himself.

When paying wages to employees, employers pay insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance at a rate of 22%. At the same time, the maximum annual earnings from which insurance premiums are paid is 624 thousand rubles. Insurance premiums are personalized and reflected on an individual personal account. Information about the status of an individual personal account (receipt of insurance contributions, accumulated pension capital) can be obtained from the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence. Some categories of citizens pay insurance premiums to the Pension Fund for themselves. The latter, as a rule, include citizens from among the self-employed population - individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries and others.

The minimum insurance period for assigning an old-age pension is 5 years. The Government of the Russian Federation is developing new rules for calculating old-age labor pensions, which will be in force starting in 2015. In accordance with them, the minimum insurance period required to assign a labor pension will be gradually increased over 10 years (one year per year) and by 2025 it will be 15 years.

The size of the old-age labor pension consists of the insurance and funded parts of the old-age labor pension. The size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension depends on the amount of insurance contributions that were paid to the Pension Fund. In addition, according to a special calculation, the size of the insurance part of the labor pension is influenced by the length of service before 2002, both in the USSR and Russia.

The size of the funded part of the old-age labor pension depends on the size of pension savings on the date of application for a pension.

To assign a labor pension, you must contact the Pension Fund office at your place of residence. If a citizen’s compulsory pension insurance insurer is a non-state pension fund, then you must contact this non-state pension fund to assign the funded part of your labor pension.

The old-age social pension is assigned in the absence of a minimum insurance period when men reach 65 years of age and women reach 60 years of age.


Along with the compulsory pension insurance system, since 1992, Russia has had a system of non-state pension provision, which is carried out by non-state pension funds. Non-state pension provision is a voluntary form of pension provision, which is carried out on the basis of a pension agreement and pension rules of the fund. A pension agreement with a non-state pension fund can be concluded by a legal entity or an individual (depositor). The agreement is concluded in favor of persons appointed by the investor, namely: an employer can conclude a pension agreement in favor of its current or former employees (veterans), an individual can enter into a pension agreement in his own favor or in favor of third parties (spouse, parents, etc. .).

According to the pension agreement, the investor makes pension contributions, and the fund calculates and pays non-state pensions to persons appointed by the investor.

A non-state pension is assigned if there are grounds for receiving a labor pension and can be paid for life or for a number of years.

Pension reserves of NPFs are formed from pension contributions and investment income on them. Pension reserves are invested in various instruments - bank deposits, shares and bonds of business companies, government securities. Rules and restrictions when investing are prescribed in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Control over the investment of pension reserves is carried out by a specialized depository, independent of the NPF.

The NPF opens a pension account for each investor and participant. Pension contributions, investment income, and payments are taken into account in pension accounts.

At the request of NPF participants, they provide free statements of the status of pension accounts once a year. Upon termination of the pension agreement, the NPF pays the redemption amount.

Each NPF develops its own pension rules, so the programs offered differ among different NPFs. Information about pension products can be found on the NPF websites. There is no single website that would provide a qualitative comparison of pension programs.


The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation opens individual personal accounts in the OPS system to citizens living in Crimea and Sevastopol upon receipt of the necessary data from the federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy in the field of migration, or a body providing state or municipal services.

Periods of work on the territory of Ukraine are counted in the insurance (work) experience, including special ones, similarly to periods of work in Russia. Work periods are confirmed by documents issued by employers or relevant state (municipal) bodies.

Since August 1, 2014, the legislation of the Russian Federation on insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia has been applied in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol. From January 1, 2015, pension provision for citizens living in Crimea and Sevastopol will be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The amounts of pensions previously assigned under the legislation of Ukraine are subject to recalculation from January 1, 2015 based on materials from pension files without requiring applications for recalculation. The right to a pension is not revised during recalculation.

From January 1, 2015, the concept of the insurance part of a labor pension will be replaced by the concept of an insurance pension, and the concept of the funded part of a labor pension by the concept of a funded pension.

The material was prepared by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (

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The pension system of the Russian Federation has not yet been fully formed. There is constant work to improve it.

As a rule, young people leaving the school doors do not think about long-term retirement prospects. And when to think about it. Life around is in full swing. Studying a profession, looking for a job, finding a job, getting married, having a child... Retirement seems like a distant prospect.

And the vast majority of people don’t think about the fact that, firstly, they should think about that time, and secondly, you should carefully file all documents related to your studies and work throughout your life. Paper to paper. In a separate folder!

In fact, applying for a pension is not an easy task, since it is necessary to calculate pension payments with an accuracy of kopecks. All these calculations are based on documents that you have accumulated throughout your life in your special folder. These documents should reflect your entire working life. This point does not apply to those who practically did not work. Although the time that a person worked must be confirmed by relevant documents.

Logic dictates that the absence (for example, due to loss and impossibility of restoration) of at least one document will lead to a reduction in pension payments. At a young age, a loss in the future in the amount of pension payments, for example 100 rubles, is not taken seriously, since if necessary, you can “intercept”, for example, from your parents. But when you retire, these same 100 rubles will be literally worth their weight in gold. Think about this and try to scrupulously preserve all documents throughout your life.

Why are some pensioners happy with their pensions and some not?

There is a lot of noise in conversations in kitchens, as well as on the Internet in recent years, regarding the size of pensions and indexation. Moreover, many people follow the lead of provocateurs who are trying to direct the angry opinion of the people in the direction they need. Yes, there is such a possibility and it is connected with the fact that many do not understand the essence of the pension system, its structure and methods of forming pensions.

Seeing only bare numbers, many do not ask the question: “the funded part of the pension, what is it?” And an insurance pension also refers to pension payments. Do you know how this part is formed? But it is precisely because of the differences in the principle of formation of one or another part of the pension that the difference in the amount arises. Believe me, a person who has worked conscientiously all his life will receive a fairly significant pension. Yes, these are not millions, but still.

Let's take our time and figure out how the Russian pension system is being reformed.

What is the pension system and when did it appear?

In general, the idea of ​​financial support for older people who are no longer able to earn income through their labor, but will live for some time, appeared in the 19th century in Germany. The scientific potential of Germany was strong even at that time (just remember K. Marx), so the idea of ​​collecting insurance premiums from workers and employers to create a fund for financial support for the older generation was adopted as a basis.

The main thing in the adopted system was that a person who worked well (naturally accumulated more contributions) eventually received more pension payments. Fair? Naturally.

However, at the same time, Denmark tried to create a different model of the pension system. It was decided to equalize the rights of all people of retirement age to receive financial payments. Although not entirely directly, since it was proposed to pay from the general fund to those in need. Well, just some kind of communism. If you didn’t work and didn’t bring any benefit to society, you get it; if you worked and brought benefit, you get the same amount. Yes, this system made it possible to reduce poverty among older people, but its shortcomings were obvious.

By the way, the Danish equalization scheme was used in the USSR, which did not contribute to the understanding of the need to benefit society through the production of goods. It is no coincidence that incentives to work in the USSR were laws such as the fight against parasitism.

The international community did not agree with the leveling nature of the Danish model, and the model developed in Germany was adopted as the basis in most countries. Naturally, this model has been adjusted more than once. Thus, already in the twentieth century, the concept of a guaranteed pension and its minimum amount was introduced. Moreover, the guaranteed pension was not tied to the results of a person’s work.

A little history

In its modern form, the pension system in Russia began operating only 25 years ago. On December 22, 1990, Resolution No. 442-1 of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR was issued, which determined the transition from the egalitarian model to the creation of an off-budget pension fund. Considering that in leading Western countries pension systems have been operating and improving for more than 100 years, it is not correct to compare the systems and levels of pensions in Russia and theirs, which regularly happens on the pages of social networks, causing discontent among the people.

On the Internet you can find information about the changes that our pension system has undergone and continues to undergo. It is clear that many mistakes have been made. This is due to the fact that Russia continues to improve its economic model, which cannot be completely imported from the West.

Along with mistakes in the development of our pension system, there are also objective difficulties. Here's a concrete example. When all developed countries introduced their pension systems, a common problem was identified related to the reduction of people working after reaching retirement age. Let this be conditionally 60 years (although this age is not accepted in all countries). So, if back in 1900 there were 66% of men working after 60 years of age, then by 1990 this figure dropped to 28%.

This problem (a decrease in the number of workers, and therefore a decrease in the state’s gross income) is characteristic not only of Russia. But for our country, this problem has been superimposed by the so-called “demographic hole”. The essence of this problem is that, according to statistics, in most countries, two workers “feed” one pensioner (this is the principle of social solidarity between generations), and in our country, due to a decrease in labor force and an increase in the number of pensioners, the 2:1 ratio decreases, and as a result a pension fund deficit has been created. This deficit has to be covered by the state.

The pension system of the Russian Federation today

Currently, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) is engaged in providing pensions to people of the older generation (and not only) in Russia. This is an autonomous, but state-supported, credit and financial organization in which insurance premiums of all working citizens are accumulated.

Any employee should know and understand the following.

Contributions to the Pension Fund for a future pension are paid by the employer in the amount of 22% of the employee’s accrued wages. These are insurance premiums. That is, your employer insures your old age.

In fact, the percentage rate of insurance premiums depends on the amount of income paid and the status of the organization where the employee works. It is worth noting that the 13% of income tax that is calculated from the employee goes to the budget and will not in any way affect the amount of the pension in the future.

As a distraction. Of course, the current older generation, who received most of their working experience during the Soviet era, are luckier with their pensions. The middle and younger generation, who have worked and are working in modern conditions (with salaries in envelopes), have natural fears about the size of their future pensions.

Choose a job with a white salary. By the way, it is not in vain that the state is fighting against salaries in envelopes, having the understanding that over time there will be dissatisfied people who at one time did not understand the essence of the problem and have very insignificant amounts in their accounts with the Pension Fund. Of course, it is not always possible to find a decent job with a decent salary.

In this case, the issue of accumulating contributions to your pension fund account is entirely on your shoulders. You can replenish this account, or you can save it into your account in a non-state pension fund or in any bank. But this must be done with the understanding that at the time of retirement you will not have to shout at all the crossroads that your pension is small. Who is to blame for this? You yourself.

Changes in the pension system since 2015

In 2015, the pension system of the Russian Federation underwent strategic changes that are in line with global trends. Obviously, it is right not to repeat the mistakes that other developed countries have made.

So, we proceed from the fact that in Russia there is compulsory pension insurance, which generates a certain amount for each potential pensioner. Mandatory deductions (from white wages) have been constantly subject to reforms in recent years. Why? Again, this was necessary as part of the search for a fair system of providing for the older generation in an unstable economy.

The main change adopted since 2015 is the principle of forming the insurance and savings parts. That is, the Pension Fund of Russia will also have two parts, only from 2015 they will be independent parts with their own formation system.

The insurance part now depends more on length of service, which is quite fair. To take into account inflation, a point accounting system has been introduced (the so-called IPC - individual pension coefficient). By the way, current pensioners will not feel the changes, and the IPC will be applied to those who are still working.

Thus, the insurance part is the basic, indexed part. For example, in 2015, this part was indexed to 837.97 rubles and as a result, the insurance part amounted to 12,045.77 rubles.

There is also a so-called social pension, which is assigned by the state to people who have not worked (or who have worked little). So in 2015, this pension was indexed even more - by 901.73 rubles, which ultimately amounts to 8,479.29 rubles.

If you look closely at the comparisons of pension values ​​that are circulating on social networks, the figure that appears is 8,479 rubles compared to, for example, 40,000 rubles (in terms of) in an EU country. Do you think the comparison is fair? Firstly, they compare the amount of the pension of a person who did not work and did not save (in our country) with the amount of the pension of a working person in a Western country. Their social pensions are also not very high. Secondly, for a correct comparison it would be necessary to compare the prices of everything in the countries with which the comparison is being made.

By the way, there is also additional pension insurance, in which a person independently enters into an agreement, for example, with non-state pension funds that invest money to make a profit on your invested money in riskier, but with higher interest, projects. But everyone decides for themselves.

How can you track your savings in the Pension Fund? Very simple.

Every person and even a child should have a so-called. This is a document with your personal account number within the Pension Fund.

Modern Internet technologies have not bypassed the Pension Fund, which has its own official website, providing convenient access to both its data and government services.

Here's what they say about the new procedure for calculating pensions: