Petrushevskaya country story read. The problem of life's hopelessness in the story by L. Petrushevskaya “Country. And the saddest thing in me

Lesson objectives:

  1. Promote understanding of the story's problems
  2. Develop oral and written speech
  3. To foster tolerance and an active life position among high school students


sheets with parts of the story in envelopes on each desk, a portrait of the author of the story L. Petrushevskaya, a poster with aphorisms, sketches of the cover for the story, an epigraph on the board.

The text of the story, printed in parts on separate pieces of paper:


Who can tell how a quiet, drinking woman lives with her child, unseen by anyone in a one-room apartment. How every evening, no matter how drunk she is, she puts away her daughter’s things for kindergarten so that everything is at hand in the morning.

She has traces of her former beauty on her face - arched eyebrows, a thin nose, but her daughter is a lethargic, white, large girl, who doesn’t even look like her father, because her father is a bright blond with bright red lips. The daughter usually plays quietly on the floor while the mother drinks at the table or lying on the ottoman. Then they both go to bed, turn off the lights, and in the morning they get up as if nothing had happened and run through the cold, in the dark, to the kindergarten.

Several times a year, mother and daughter go out to visit, sit at the table, and then the mother perks up, starts talking loudly, and rests her chin with one hand and turns around, that is, she pretends that she belongs here. She belonged here while the blond man was her husband, and then everything faded away, all her past life and all her past acquaintances. Now we have to choose those houses and those days on which the bright blond does not go to visit his new wife, a woman, they say, of a cruel nature, who does not let anyone get away with anything.

And so the mother, whose daughter is from a blond man, carefully calls and congratulates someone on his birthday, stalls, mumbles, asks how life is going, but she herself does not say that she will come: she waits. He waits until everything is resolved there, at the other end of the telephone line, and finally hangs up and runs to the grocery store for another bottle, and then to kindergarten to get his daughter.

It used to happen that until the daughter fell asleep, there was no talk of any bottle, and then everything became simpler, everything went by itself, because it doesn’t matter to the girl whether her mother drinks tea or medicine. The girl really doesn’t care, she quietly plays on the floor with her old toys, and no one in the world knows how they live together and how the mother calculates everything, calculates and decides that there is no harm if the same amount of money that it would have been spent on lunch, it will be spent on wine - the girl is well-fed in kindergarten, but she herself doesn’t need anything.

And they save, turn off the lights, go to bed at nine o'clock, and no one knows what divine dreams the daughter and mother have, no one knows how they touch the pillow with their heads and immediately fall asleep to return to the country that they will leave again early in the morning to run along a dark, frosty street somewhere and for some reason, when you should never wake up.

Epigraph on the board:

Big city - big loneliness. (Ancient aphorism)

During the classes:

1. Updating knowledge.

There is an opinion that the development of Russian literature stopped at the end of the twentieth century. Do you agree with this?

What approaches to the philosophical and aesthetic understanding of the world take place in modern literature?

Teacher’s word: It’s nice that you keep up with our time and follow the latest literature. Summarizing your statements, we can say that the avant-garde, postmodernist, realistic and even naturalistic ways of depicting the world are familiar to you. Today we turn to the work of the 1991 Pushkin Prize laureate Lyudmila Stefanovna Petrushevskaya.

2. Student's message about the author.

Lyudmila Stefanovna Petrushevskaya was born in 1938 in Moscow. She graduated from the university, worked as a radio correspondent, and as an editor in the television information department. Since the mid-60s he has been writing stories. She gained fame as a playwright (plays “Music Lessons”, “Cinzano”, “Three Girls in Blue”), and in the 5th grade we read her fairy tale play “Two windows.”

Petrushevskaya’s first book was published only in 1988; the plays also began to be staged 16 years after they were written. The writer's creative work includes stories, fairy tales, cartoon scripts, and translations from Polish.

Petrushevskaya’s characters behave in accordance with the cruel life circumstances in which they are forced to live. For example, the main character of the story

Your circle”(1988) abandons her only son: she knows about her incurable illness and tries with a heartless act to force her ex-husband to take care of the child. However, none of Petrushevskaya’s heroes is subjected to complete author’s condemnation. The basis of this attitude towards the characters is the writer’s inherent “democracy... as ethics, and aesthetics, and a way of thinking, and a type of beauty,” according to the literary critic Borisov. In an effort to create a diverse picture of modern life, a complete image of Russia, Petrushevskaya turns not only to dramatic and prosaic, but also to poetic creativity. Genre of a work written in free verse Karamzin” (1994), in which classic plots are refracted in a unique way (for example, in contrast to poor Liza, the heroine named poor Rufa drowns in a barrel of water, trying to get out of it a hidden bottle of vodka), the writer defines it as a “village diary”.

3. Fragment-by-fragment reading of the story and analytical conversation during the reading.

Several people are already familiar with this story and want to submit their cover designs. Why they chose this way of expressing the main idea and which sketch you think will be more successful, we will discuss after getting acquainted with this work.

The story is short, but we will read it in separate fragments. A group of students at a separate table will try to answer the question: “What new did you discover in a text you already knew after such a fragmentary reading?”

Questions for the class:

What could be hidden under the heading “Country”? (The answers voiced the idea that Oblomov had his own country, he strove there in a dream; they remembered the dreams of the heroine of Chernyshevsky’s novel Vera Pavlovna; they suggested that in the short story this word was in some figurative sense).

Read the beginning of the story. How is the heroine characterized?

What do we want to know about her after these words? (Why does this woman drink? How can you be “invisible to anyone”? Why are things called “things”?)

Let's read the second fragment. Why are details needed to describe appearance? (They carry neither psychologism nor the author’s assessment - only external signs).

Third fragment. What questions can you ask so that the answer to them will help reveal the content of everything you read? (Why does a woman drink? Why the repetitions of “past”, “past”? Why the mention of the new wife of the “bright blond”? Etc.)

Does the following passage add anything to the understanding of the woman's character? (The word “runs” draws attention. Where is the woman in a hurry? What has become the purpose of existence?)

Let's read the next fragment. Does a girl really care what her mother drinks? Whose view of the problem is this? (The author seems detached, this is the heroine’s opinion).

Let's read the last fragment and highlight the features of the composition. (Repeats the beginning, the ring composition creates the effect of the infinity of such a life.)

The epithet “divine dreams” stands out from the general structure of the story. Why is it needed? (Opinions were voiced that a woman’s life is opposed to the Country of God, i.e. light, goodness; that this drinking woman also has God living in her soul...)

What is contrasted in the story? Let's write these words down.

What words are repeated in the text? Why does the author need this? (Time and the heroine don’t seem to change, and neither does the world around. Examples of repetitions:

daughter plays quietly
drinking, drinking, no matter how drunk she is
invisible to no one, no one in the world knows
turn off the lights
run, run, run.

The contrast between two women: she is quiet and the new wife is cruel - helps to understand who is able to achieve their own in our time.)

Please write in your notebook the answer to the question: “What needs to be done to change the life of a mother and daughter?” (I will allow 5 minutes for this task).

4. Reflection stage.

Read your answers. (Everyone has the idea that they need support, attention, sympathy from others).

What did the authors want to reflect on their covers for the story? What would you change after this lesson? (One of the authors of the sketch said that he would not paint the room and figures in gloomy black and gray tones in order to leave hope for a change in life. Another girl would refuse the green color, because “the green serpent”, but from this background “green melancholy.” But most importantly, they said that this problem is not just the woman who was portrayed).

Personally, I liked the sketch where the sheet is divided, like the world, into two parts and the gap symbolizes indifference.

Which aphorism most fully reveals the meaning of the story? For Petrushevskaya, cruel naturalism in depicting life is an opportunity to pose questions to readers. What problems worry you?

1) The reason that prompts the sentient soul to flee from society is the desire to find society.

(Ralph Waldo Emerson, American philosopher, essayist)

2) Indifference is the highest cruelty.

(Mitchell Wilson, American writer)

3) The cause of many misadventures lies at the bottom of a wine glass.

(Ivan Vazov, Bulgarian writer)

4) A dream is more powerful than reality.

(Antole Franz, French writer)

5) A person’s happiness and misfortune depend as much on his character as on his fate.

(François de La Rochefoucauld, French moralist writer)

5. Conclusion on the lesson.

The short story reflects current issues. Of course, the problem is not only that a woman drinks, although this is a social problem and requires resolution. Write a review or essay on the story, select your own examples of aphorisms, excerpts from poetic works for your essay. This is a homework assignment.

6. Poetic five-minute.

Reading by heart poems or syncwine or synopsis written at home (a group of prepared students speaks).

In terms of genre, L.S. Petrushevskaya’s stories resemble miniatures, sketches, sketches, but the writer herself insists that these are stories that cannot be called short, if you think about the depth of their problems and the volume of life material. The author raises in his works the problems of loneliness, homelessness, instability

human destinies, the indifference of others. The story “Country” is no exception in this regard. The plot is based on a seemingly simple everyday story about an abandoned woman, abandoned by her husband, but a real tragedy unfolds before the reader, frightening in its ordinariness. The main character is a lonely drinking woman “with traces of her former beauty on her face.” The very first lines of the story show her loneliness: “a quiet, drinking woman...not visible to anyone.” Every day she “drinks quietly,” and this becomes the meaning of her existence, a way

hide from problems, from loneliness, from life. But before us is a Mother with a daughter! Could she be lonely and unhappy? “The daughter is a lethargic, white, large girl, not even like her father,” while the mother quietly drinks and “usually plays.” The girl doesn’t care whether “her mother drinks tea or medicine,” “she quietly plays with her old toys on the floor.” That's all that is said about the daughter in the story. No childish joy, no childish pranks, no affection for the mother. Telling another small tragedy, the writer shows how this usually happens: after betrayal by

With her husband, the woman tries to find oblivion in wine and does not notice how it becomes both a way of life and its meaning. “It used to happen that until the daughter fell asleep, there was no talk about any bottle, and then everything became simpler, everything went by itself...” And now “the mother calculates everything, calculates and decides that there is no harm in it, if that the same amount of money that would go to lunch will go to wine - the girl is well-fed in kindergarten, but she herself doesn’t need anything.”

The life of the main character is a run in a vicious circle: “every evening, no matter how drunk she is, she puts away her daughter’s things for kindergarten so that everything is at hand in the morning”; “they both go to bed, turn off the lights, and in the morning they get up as if nothing had happened and run through the cold, in the dark, to the kindergarten”; “hangs up and runs to

grocery store for another bottle, and then to kindergarten for my daughter”; “to run along a dark, frosty street somewhere and for some reason.” The space in the story emphasizes the loneliness of the heroine, the indifference of those around her to her fate, and the futility of her existence: either the isolation of a one-room apartment, or a short stay as a guest, in someone else’s enclosed space, or an attempt to escape from it, but where? In the cold, in the dark... And only in a dream they find themselves with their daughter in a country that is not similar to their life, in a country from which they do not want to return to reality.

Depicting the joyless existence of her heroine, Petrushevskaya paints morning and evening. A day in the heroine’s life seems to be missing. And only the night gives long-awaited oblivion: “the daughter and mother dream divine dreams,” dreams that are better than their lives, and they “should never wake up.” Time in the story is divided into past and present. In the past, the heroine was the wife of a bright blond man, a beautiful, sociable woman, she had friends, acquaintances, there was another life; “...then everything faded away, all my past life and all my past acquaintances.” And in the present, in addition to memories, there are attempts to return to the circle of a past life: “Several times a year, a mother and daughter go out to visit, sit at the table, and then the mother perks up, starts talking loudly and props her chin with one hand and turns around, that is, she looks like she belongs here.” But before going to her former acquaintances, she “chooses those houses and those days on which the bright blond does not go to visit his new wife.” And after the heroine carefully asks to visit, she “runs to the grocery store for another bottle, and then to the kindergarten for her daughter.” How different the present life of a lonely drinking woman is from her past! But there are two more heroes in the story - the heroine’s ex-husband and his new wife. Petrushevskaya is a master of detail, of the exact word. The main feature of the ex-husband’s appearance is bright: “bright blond with bright red lips.” The portrait makes a repulsive impression, which is intensified through the narration of the life of his ex-wife and daughter and through the characterization of his new wife, a woman of “a tough type who does not

gives away nothing to anyone." Just a few strokes, and the portrait of a “henpecked”, weak-willed, effeminate man is ready! He is not interested in either the fate of his ex-wife or the fate of his daughter. In order to emphasize the contrast between the past and present life of the heroine, the author uses antitheses: evening - morning, who is no one, quiet - loud, the heroine's past life and the present, the heroine is a new wife, life is a dream. The writer conveys the hopelessness of the life of the mother and daughter, their loneliness through the frequent use of negative pronouns and adverbs in a small work: nobody is used three times, nobody and nothing are used twice, never occurs. It is no coincidence that the writer does not give names to her heroines, because they have lost themselves, lost hope for the best. The story has a ring composition, which emphasizes the isolation of the heroine’s life and her hopelessness. The meaning of the title of the story is that the mother and daughter are looking for happiness in the world of dreams, in the land of divine dreams: “they immediately fall asleep in order to return to the country that they will leave in the morning...”. And this country is so different from everything that surrounds them! The narration is told from a third person, there is no clearly expressed author's attitude to the events described, it is like an observation from the outside, but not from an impartial observer, but from a person who is not indifferent to what is happening to us. In such a small work, Petrushevskaya raises the most important moral and philosophical problems: the problem of loneliness, the collapse of the family as a spiritual whole, the problem of drunkenness, indifference, betrayal. On the one hand, the writer exaggerates the colors in her depiction of the everyday life of the heroes and their destinies, but, on the other hand, behind this one can feel the pathos of denial of such reality, a protest against human indifference, against the loss of one’s “I” and the meaning of life. And I agree with E. Nevzglyadova, who writes about the stories of L.S. Petrushevskaya: “The image of decay does not yet carry decay, the negative aspects of reality, described reliably and talentedly, contain an active charge of humanity and compassion, encourage

reconsider the way of life to a much greater extent than open calls and condemnation expressed by the author. This has always been the case in Russian classical literature.”

Literature lesson 9th grade based on Petrushevskaya’s story “Country”

SUBJECT: Big city -...... big loneliness. Based on the story “Country” by L.S. Petrushevskaya.TARGET: creating conditions for deepening the skills of analyzing a work of art through the inclusion of various media materials.


1. improve the skills of analyzing literary texts, expand the educational space of students through media means.

2. develop students’ monologue speech and critical thinking.

3. to form the moral qualities of an individual through the analysis of problems raised in media texts: a work of fiction, a feature film.

4. cultivate tolerance as an integral component of communicative culture.

EQUIPMENT: slide film, musical accompaniment, envelopes with fragments of text on the tables.

EXPECTED RESULT: development of an active life position of students through the analysis of literary text.

During the classes

    Org. Moment

    Motivational-target block

A) Introduction to the topic (video fragment of movement in a big city)

Have you watched the video, what associations did you have?

Make an associative series associated with this frame.

(slide 1)

Before us is the life of a big city, a country, a modern society that is always on the move.

Let's now try to peer into the faces and eyes of people walking around the city.

What do you think can be seen there?

Make an associative series.

We made two rows.

What problem is being highlighted?


B) topic

Therefore, the topic of our lesson is:

Big city - big loneliness

How do you understand these words?

What problem do we need to solve?

Write down in your notebooks the question you would like answered.

Who wants to voice it?


Lord forbid that I should not hear someone else’s misfortunes

God forbid, if you hear, you won’t help.

Rina Levinzon “Stanzas of the century)

And today in class we will try to look into the twilight of the hearts of the heroes of L. Petrushevskaya’s story “Country”

What is characteristic of Petrushevskaya’s prose?

(post-modernism,Postmodernism is one of the leading trends in literature; postmodernism makes extensive use of quotations from public works.

Postmodernism is a set of trends in artistic culture associated with the abolition of the distinctions between “high and low”, “beautiful and ugly”. Representatives of postmodernism fill their works with fragments of the real life process.

The story is called "Country". What do you think this piece might be about?

Write your guesses in your booklet.

B U K L E T!

We predict by the title of the work.

We will read the text, making stops, and try to understand why the author gave such a title to the story?



(slide5) Fragment-by-fragment reading of text

Reading and analysis of 1 fragment by the student

What did you feel and what surprised you in this fragment?

Let's turn to the portraits of the heroes.

What worries you?(It’s surprising that she’s invisible to anyone, quiet; it’s alarming that she has traces of her former beauty, i.e. external changes. Her daughter is a sickly girl...) - So, before us is the main character: lonely, drinking with traces of her former beauty, to no one invisible, with a lethargic daughter in her arms, she closed herself off in her monotonous life. And life in a big city goes on as usual and passes by without noticing it.

Imagine what's next?(Write your forecast in the logbook)

Reading the second fragment. A student is reading.

Guess what characterization the author will give to a little girl who is being brought up in such a family?

Complete the mother's characteristics

and daughters.

We have a third character in the story - THE FATHER

What characteristics does the author give him, and what follows from this?

What words in this fragment attract special attention? They scream about trouble, which at first glance does not exist.

Emphasize them.

Did anything ever happen? How was your day?

But the woman still waits, hopes that everything will change. She tries to return to that life, but the big city does not accept her and is silent. And then hopelessness and again “to the grocery store for a bottle.”

Why are details needed to describe appearance?

(They carry neither psychologism nor the author’s assessment - only external signs).

Reading 3 fragments.

We tried to look into the twilight of our heroine's heart.

What happened to her in this short period?

( external changes are replaced by internal ones... nothing is needed)

What's especially scary?

(the hobby has become a habit, others don’t care)

What can this lifestyle lead to?

(female alcoholism)

How relevant is this problem in the modern world?

Three words are intentionally left out in this passage. Taking into account all of the above, the author’s thoughts, you will add them a little later.

Why do they go out and not go to visit?

How does the mother behave when visiting?

What new do we learn about the girl’s father?

What does a woman expect from these visits?

What words say that the visit does not bring joy, need, that they are alone here again?

(Before reading 4 fragments, make a cluster “Everyday life of a lonely woman”)

Does the following passage add anything to the understanding of the woman's character? (The word “runs” draws attention. Where is the woman rushing? What has become the purpose of existence?)

Unfortunately, such events could happen anywhere and to anyone. However, as one Roman philosopher Seneca said, “as long as a person lives, he should never lose hope.”

How do you think the story ends?


Reading 4 fragments - Read the last fragment and highlight the features of the composition. (Repeats the beginning, the ring composition creates the effect of the infinity of such a life.)

What kind of dreams do you have?

- Attention to the board.

Who told us how a quiet, drinking woman lives with her daughter?

What has people's indifference led to?

To loneliness. Mother and daughter are lonely and forgotten people.

What dreams do mothers and daughters have?


Why don't mother and daughter want to wake up?

They don’t want to return to a life whose meaning has been lost.

What is the word dream associated with in this story?

Is the title of the story “Country” apt?


A Country Called Illusion

Our heroes created a country called ILLUSION and are happy only there.

They want to get out of loneliness, but they can’t do it alone, and there are no caring people nearby.

So what country are we talking about?

The life of a big city - society and the life of a lonely person sometimes goes in parallel, like two worlds that for some reason cannot cut one's teeth.

The story's most poignant point?

What words can describe the feeling after reading the story?

Group work

Let's draw a conclusion after working in groups

1-Artistic features of the story

3-Features of story composition


Why can't they cross paths?

Let's go back to the questions you asked at the beginning of the lesson and add the title of the lesson topic"Big city, big loneliness"

Each person has his own country, which he can plunge into in difficult times. Unfortunately, for mother and daughter this country turned out to be the land of dreams, i.e. some kind of illusion.

What needs to be done to make the illusion turn into reality?

Slide Which aphorism will help our heroine find a way out of this situation?


How do you feel now and what would you like to change in your life or in the life of the heroine. You will write about this in your essay.


1 The problem of hopelessness in life in L. Petrushevskaya’s story “Country” (lesson in the technology of developing critical thinking, reading with stops). teacher of Russian language and literature I KK Sabinina Nadezhda Yurievna

2 Objectives: Continue acquaintance with the modern author - L.S. Petrushevskaya; teach to read a work of fiction thoughtfully. Continue training in literary text analysis. Discuss moral problems, in particular the problem of indifference, and cultivate a humane attitude towards people. Continue to practice techniques for developing critical thinking through reading and writing. 1. Equipment: texts of the story by L.S. Petrushevskaya, technological lesson map, multimedia presentation, exhibition of books by L.S. Petrushevskaya Everything is not going well in this apartment, In this city, in this country, In this faded, unscrewed world, And the saddest thing is that D. Bykov, Lord, do not let me hear someone else’s misfortune. God forbid, if you hear, you won’t help. R. Levnizon 1. Set goals for the lesson. educational skills that develop the intellect and personality Get acquainted with the work of a modern writer See what problems the author solves, how useful it is for me to know what the writer writes about as a person Continue developing the skill of working with text, searching for the most comprehensive information in it

3 Condition: the text is unfamiliar, we do not read it entirely in parts. We draw conclusions after reading the fragment. We think, we talk, we argue!!! 1. What do you think is the meaning of the name “Country” by Petrushevskaya? - What associations arise when you hear the word “country”? Human resources are not valued here. Country of childhood Country This is a place where there are a lot of people, and also problems!!! Homeland, the place where you live 2. During the student’s speech, write down the main points that characterize the work of L. Petrushevskaya (continue the phrase). The truth of life is complex and tragic. Human relationships are distorted, especially in the family The main feeling is despair, ineradicable loneliness The heroes are almost always anonymous, faceless, impersonal The conflict is, as a rule, insoluble One of the main motives is the motive of helplessness The world of her heroes is a world of degraded people - What can be added to the scheme “Country according to Petrushevskaya” "? - What will Petrushevskaya’s story with that title be about? One among many, what are the causes of dead end, hopelessness in life? Everything is not going well in this apartment, In this city, in this country, In this faded, unscrewed world, And the saddest thing is that in me

4 3. Comprehension of what you read. Fragment 1 Text Question First reading What can I Who can tell me how a quiet, drinking woman lives with her child, unseen by anyone in a one-room apartment. How every evening, no matter how drunk she is, she puts away her daughter’s things for kindergarten so that everything is at hand in the morning. - So how does a woman live? - What does this fragment and this expression mean? - How do others feel about her problems? Lonely, with your own problems, with your child, no one needs you; poor: “things”; drinks out of hopelessness, is in a hurry somewhere (where?) Is this just a desire for accuracy? add? They isolated themselves with one word, disowned the unnecessary invisible microscopicity of “things” - everything small, a person, a grain of sand. They don’t see the child at all. Conclusion: all these are problems every day and their unresolved nature. Fragment 2 She herself has traces of her former beauty on her face, arched eyebrows, a thin nose, but her daughter is a lethargic, white, large girl, who doesn’t even look like her father, because her father is bright blond with bright red lips. The daughter usually plays quietly on the floor while the mother drinks at the table or lies on the ottoman. Then they both go to bed, turn off the lights, and in the morning they get up as if nothing had happened and run through the cold in the dark to the kindergarten. - How was the life of a woman with such appearance before? What is the girl's appearance like? - Whose assessment is this? - How does a mother treat her daughter? - How does a girl’s appearance help reveal her character? - What did you find out about your father? - How mother and daughter are similar, what unites them. - Why do the heroes live this way? - What bright events do you dream about? Make a guess. Apparently, she enjoyed success, she was bright, elegant, fragile, sophisticated. large, out of fashion, not like that, “not even like my father”, faded, sad and these are the flowers of life?! Someone's voice is heard, an invisible dialogue, perhaps the words of the mother herself: disappointment about her daughter. The father is an unpleasant type, the features are purely feminine, repulsive to Sleep and oblivion. Every day is a string of similar events. The heroines strive to live through it as quickly as possible in order to quickly fall into sleep, into a dream of another life.

5 Fragment 3 Several times a year, mother and daughter go out to visit, sit at the table, and then the mother perks up, starts talking loudly and rests her chin with one hand and turns around, that is, she pretends that she belongs here. She belonged here while the blond man was her husband, and then everything faded away, all her past life and all her past acquaintances. Now we have to choose those houses and those days on which the bright blond does not go to visit his new wife, a woman, they say, of a tough type who does not let anyone get away with anything. - Were your predictions justified? - What is a woman really waiting for? - What does her behavior at a party mean? - Is her past life really coming back to her? - Do they still treat her? - How is the new wife different from the heroine? - Whose side is the author on? Visiting is an attempt to return to the past. She has no present, she yearns for the past. Doesn't dream about the future. He flirts, looks at others, shows himself, looks for someone with his eyes - all false in public! Society rejected her (drunkenness, the blond abandoned her) “she was one of her own while the blond was a husband.” Another thing in her is strength, pressure, arrogance not to give in to anyone, as in a fight. No movement => people weren’t interested in her before. The dirt, the bottom, the emptiness has subsided. Life is a struggle: our heroine is weak. She lost. - Why did she lose? Loser? Fragment 4 And so the mother, who has a daughter from a blond man, carefully calls and congratulates someone on his birthday, stalls, mumbles, asks how life is going, but she herself does not say that she will come: she waits. He waits until he decides there, at the other end of the telephone line, and finally hangs up and runs to the grocery store for another bottle, and then to the kindergarten to get his daughter. - So why does a woman allow others to make decisions for her? - Why is this sequence of cases alarming? - Why does it all end like this? She has rights to her husband, to her old life, but she does not know how to defend them. She procrastinates, mumbles, does not make any decisions, the initiative is not in her hands. This sequence has become familiar: for the heroine it is commonplace. It doesn’t matter why he drinks: either out of grief or out of joy. In one row there is a bottle and a child, an object of interest

6 Fragment 5 It used to happen that until the daughter fell asleep, there was no talk of any bottle, but then everything became simpler, everything went by itself, because does it really matter to the girl whether her mother drinks tea or medicine? The girl really doesn’t care: she quietly plays on the floor with her old toys, and no one in the world knows how they live together and how the mother calculates everything, calculates and decides that there is no harm if the same amount of money What would have been spent on lunch will be spent on wine - the girl is well-fed in kindergarten, but she herself does not need anything. - Does a girl really care whether her mother drinks or not? Whose statement is this? - How does the girl live? - Who or what is to blame for the fact that they live like this? - What do you think will be the continuation of the story? Your forecast. This is the mother’s excuse, the girl here is voiceless, like a doll. Quiet is not a suitable word for childhood. The girl might care. Children have the ability to hear everything while going about their business. The girl lives not only in poverty, she lives in another world, a world of dolls, old toys. Her mother drinks, her father abandoned her, her friends cut themselves off. And again the mother’s voice under the guise of self-sacrifice: “I don’t need anything, as long as she feels good.” But she, like an adult, moves away from the problem into her own world, into her own country of illusions and salvation. The daughter gave up, just like her mother. “You don’t need anything”: the material has turned into the spiritual. Fragment 6 And they save, turn off the lights, go to bed at nine o'clock, and no one knows what divine dreams the daughter and mother have, no one knows how they touch the pillow with their heads and immediately fall asleep to return to the country they they will be left again early in the morning to run along a dark frosty street somewhere and for some reason, when they should never wake up. - With what intonation should this fragment be read? Why? - Why does the epithet for the word dreams surprise you? - So what country are we talking about? They save they turn off the lights they go to bed at nine o'clock the day has shortened => the night has lengthened divine bright, enchanting, pleasant, light, heavenly touch and abyss poverty darkness inaction night // day: the night is more necessary the motive of death and life in the next world the world of dreams, oblivion, illusions fictional problem-free world - Are we successful in

7 at the beginning of the work, did you interpret the title of the story? - Who might the last words of the story belong to: the author, the heroines? This is the desire of the heroes there to sleep better and not wake up, not leave the state of sleep. - What is the cause of the problems, who is to blame for the deadlock and hopelessness of the situation? 5. Reflection. Working with aphorisms: - How does the aphorism offered to you help you draw a conclusion about what you read? What do you agree with and what do you disagree with? As long as a person is alive, he should never lose hope. (Saneka, Roman writer, philosopher) Indifference is the highest cruelty. (Mitchell Wilson, American writer) A dream is more powerful than reality. (A. France, French writer) A true friend is known in misfortune. (Aesop, ancient Greek fabulist) Homework: 1. Re-read the notes made in class, make corrections and additions, filling in the fourth column with your thoughts. 2. Write a miniature essay on the topic “What would I like to change in the country where the heroes of the story live.” (Remember what the meaning of the word “country” is in the context of L. Petrushevskaya’s story).

COUNTRY LYUDMILA PETRUSHEVSKAYA (born in 1938) TASKS TASK 1. Answer the questions to the text: 1) Where and with whom does the heroine of the story live? The heroine of the story lives with her child in a one-room apartment.

Lesson topic: Loneliness: happiness or trouble in people's lives? Goals: -reading and understanding the story by L. Petrushevskaya “Country”; - development of moral sensitivity and ability to empathize; - skill development

COUNTRY LYUDMILA PETRUSHEVSKAYA (born in 1938) DICTIONARY Drinker (from the verb. to drink) drinker Drunk - drunk Visible (from the verb. to see) visible One-room apartment One-room apartment Things (colloquial) = things

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Municipal educational institution

“Secondary school No. 26 with in-depth study of individual subjects” in Nizhnekamsk, Republic of Tatarstan

Analysis of the theme and idea of ​​Lyudmila Petrushevskaya’s story “Country”

Prepared by the teacher

Russian language and literature

Volkova Marianna Romanovna

Nizhnekamsk 2010

Volkova Marianna


teacher of Russian language and literature

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 26 with in-depth study of individual


Nizhnekamsk Republic of Tatarstan

A literature lesson in the 11th grade based on the work of L. Petrushevskaya “Country” using the technology of developing critical thinking through reading and writing. This technology allows you to prepare students for writing task C in the Unified State Examination tests.Subject: Analysis of the theme and idea of ​​Lyudmila Petrushevskaya’s story “Country”. Target: Continue acquaintance of students with the modern author - L.S. Petrushevskaya; teach to read a work of fiction thoughtfully. Continue training in literary text analysis. Repeat information about the expressive means of artistic speech. Discuss moral problems, in particular the problem of indifference, talk about the need for a humane attitude towards people. Continue to practice the methodology for developing critical thinking through reading and writing (RCMP) Learning to write miniature essays, developing positive personal qualities.ZUN: Analysis of the text, comprehension of the author’s position and expression of one’s own position.
Board design: Title of the author’s work, table, keywords:A quiet woman lives with her childWith traces of former beauty on her face,The daughter is a lethargic, white, large girl;Several times a year they go out to visit;The blond man was her husband;Past life and past acquaintances;No one in the world knows how they live together; They save money, turn off the lights To return to that country.
During the classes. 1. Challenge – pre-text stage.a) a word about the author and her works.

Student performance: Petrushevskaya Lyudmila Stefanovna - prose writer, playwright.

Born on May 26, 1938 in Moscow into the family of an employee. She lived through a difficult, half-starved childhood during the war, wandered around visiting relatives, and lived in an orphanage near Ufa. After the war, she returned to Moscow and graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow University. She worked as a correspondent for Moscow newspapers, as an employee of publishing houses, and since 1972 as an editor at the Central Television Studio.

Petrushevskaya began to compose poetry early and write scripts for student evenings, without seriously thinking about writing. The first published work was the story “Across the Fields,” which appeared in 1972 in Aurora magazine. From that time on, Petrushevskaya’s prose was not published for more than ten years.

The very first plays were noticed by amateur theaters: the play “Music Lessons” (1973) was staged by R. Viktyuk in 1979 at the studio theater of the Moskvorechye House of Culture and was almost immediately banned (published only in 1983). The production of “Cinzano” was carried out by the Gaudeamus Theater in Lviv. Professional theaters began staging Petrushevskaya’s plays in the 1980s: the one-act play “Love” at the Taganka Theater, “Colombina’s Apartment” at Sovremennik, “Moscow Choir” at the Moscow Art Theater. For a long time, the writer had to work “on the table” - the editors could not publish stories and plays about the “shadow sides of life.” She did not stop working, creating joke plays (“Andante”, “Columbine’s Apartment”), dialogue plays (“Glass of Water”, “Insulated Box”), a monologue play (“Songs of the 20th Century”, which gave the name to the collection of her dramatic works ).

Petrushevskaya's prose continues her dramaturgy in thematic terms and in the use of artistic techniques. Her works represent a kind of encyclopedia of women's life from youth to old age: “The Adventures of Vera”, “The Story of Clarissa”, “Xenia’s Daughter”, “Country”, “Who Will Answer?”, “Mysticism”, “Hygiene” and many others. In 1990, the cycle “Songs of the Eastern Slavs” was written, in 1992 - the story “Time is Night”. She writes fairy tales for both adults and children: “Once upon a time there was an alarm clock,” “Well, Mom, well!” – “Fairy Tales Told to Children” (1993); “The Little Sorceress”, “A Puppet Romance” (1996).

L. Petrushevskaya lives and works in Moscow.

Goal setting: write a miniature essay on the topics: “The meaning of the title of L. Petrushevskaya’s story “Country.”

What name would you give it?

b) work with words - keys: write them down in a notebook and try to draw a plot based on them.

2. Text stage - comprehension: reading the text/story by the teacher. Work on the text.

A country.

Who can tell how a quiet, drinking woman lives with her child, unseen by anyone in a one-room apartment. How every evening, no matter how drunk she is, she puts away her daughter’s things for kindergarten so that everything is at hand in the morning.

She herself has traces of her former beauty on her face - arched eyebrows, a thin nose, but her daughter is a lethargic, white, large girl, who doesn’t even look like her father, because her father is bright blond with bright red lips. The daughter usually plays quietly on the floor while the mother drinks at the table or lying on the ottoman. Then they both go to bed, turn off the lights, and in the morning they get up as if nothing had happened and run through the cold, in the dark, to the kindergarten.

Several times a year, mother and daughter go out to visit, sit at the table, and then the mother perks up, starts talking loudly and rests her chin with one hand and turns around, that is, she pretends that she belongs here. She belonged here while the blond man was her husband, and then everything faded away, all her past life and all her past acquaintances. Now we have to choose those houses and those days on which the bright blond does not go to visit his new wife, a woman, they say, of a tough type who does not let anyone get away with anything.

And so the mother, whose daughter is from a blond man, carefully calls and congratulates someone on his birthday, stalls, mumbles, asks how life is going, but she herself does not say that she will come: she waits. He waits until everything is resolved there, at the other end of the telephone line, and finally hangs up and runs to the grocery store for another bottle, and then to kindergarten to get his daughter.

It used to happen that until the daughter fell asleep, there was no talk of any bottle, and then everything became simpler, everything went by itself, because it doesn’t matter to the girl whether her mother drinks tea or medicine. The girl really doesn’t care, she quietly plays on the floor with her old toys, and no one in the world knows how they live together and how the mother calculates everything, calculates and decides that there is no harm if the same amount of money that It would have been spent on lunch, it will be spent on wine - the girl is well-fed in kindergarten, but she herself doesn’t need anything.

And they save, turn off the lights, go to bed at nine o'clock, and no one knows what divine dreams the daughter and mother have, no one knows how they touch the pillow with their heads and immediately fall asleep to return to the country that they will leave again early in the morning to run along a dark, frosty street somewhere and for some reason, when you should never wake up.


Distribute the text to students, complete the description .

What did you do?

From student essays:

“Before us is the main character of the story: a lonely, drunken woman, “with traces of her former beauty on her face.” She is the “invisible” mother of that sluggish, white, large girl who seems to be no longer needed by anyone, playing with old toys. I lost my past, I lost my happiness. She became isolated in the current world of everyday life, existing only quietly in her one-room apartment. “Everything is not going well in this apartment...” writes Alsou Rakhmatullina.

“Despite all the hardships, the woman is trying to get her past back. He especially looks forward to those couple of days a year to get out on a visit and feel like he is among people, to perk up, to live at least for some moment the same life as before. Indeed, while visiting old acquaintances, a woman’s past life returns, although she is no longer treated in the same way as she was treated before, when “the blond man was her husband.”

This same “bright blond” with feminine features evokes a repulsive feeling in me. And his new chosen one of a “hard type,” as I believe, is the complete opposite of his former wife. But it seems to me that the mother is still waiting for the return of her daughter’s father, each time waiting “until it is decided there, at the other end of the telephone wire.” And again, in despair, he “runs to the grocery store for another bottle.” (from the composition of Ziyatdinova Aigul)

“Similar events, full of immorality, could happen to anyone, anywhere. However, as the Roman philosopher Seneca said, “As long as a person lives, he should never lose hope.” Everyone has their own “country” into which they can plunge “in moments of spiritual adversity.” For mother and daughter, this only country is a dream, which, unfortunately, will someday be interrupted “to run along a dark, frosty street somewhere and for some reason, while it would be necessary to never wake up.” - quote Daminova Irina.


-What could be hidden under the heading “Country”?(The answers voiced the idea that Oblomov had his own country, he strove there in a dream; they remembered the dreams of the heroine of Chernyshevsky’s novel Vera Pavlovna; they suggested that in the short story this word was in some figurative sense).

-How is the heroine characterized?

- What do we want to know about her after these words?(Why does this woman drink? How can you be “invisible to anyone”? Why are things called “things”?)

Which Can you ask questions so that the answer to them helps reveal the content of everything you read?(Why does a woman drink? Why the repetitions of “past”, “past”? Why the mention of the new wife of the “bright blond”? Etc.)

-The epithet “divine dreams” stands out from the general structure of the story. Why is it needed?(Opinions were voiced that a woman’s life is opposed to the Country of God, i.e. light, goodness; that this drinking woman also has God living in her soul...)

Write the first sentence to your essay on the topic.

What three arguments can you give? Write it down.

(The short story reflects current problems. Of course, the problem is not only that a woman drinks, although this is a social problem and requires resolution.)

Homework: write a miniature essay of 200 words “The meaning of the title of L. Petrushevskaya’s story “Country.”


1. Kyakshto N.N. Petrushevskaya // Russian writers: Bibliographer. Dictionary: In 2 hours – Part 2. – M., 1998. – p. 184–187.

2. Stanzas of the century / Comp. E.A. Evtushenko. – M. – Minsk: Polifact, 1997.3. Magazine: “Family and School” 2003 No. 24. Magazine: “Russian Literature” 2002 No. 75. Magazine: “Questions of Literature” 2000 No. 2

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