Writer Krestovsky biography. Sergey Kristovsky. Life experience of Vladimir Kristovsky

Vladimir Kristovsky is the youngest of the Kristovsky brothers from the Uma2rman group. Author of music and lyrics. Performer and guitarist.

Early years, childhood and family of Vladimir Kristovsky

Since childhood, Volodya had a good voice and loved to sing. The boy's love for music was fostered by his father, Evgeniy Visvaldovich, an amateur musician. Volodya always dreamed of becoming an artist.

In adolescence, the boy’s voice began to break, and for some time Vladimir did not sing at all. But the desire to be an artist did not leave him. For Volodya, an example was always his older brother Sergei, who, while still a young man, performed with his group and was successful. The age difference between the brothers was five years, and Vladimir tried to imitate Sergei in everything. He was very worried when his older brother beat him in various sports games.

Vladimir really did not like studying, and he was very reluctant to attend school. He preferred to compose poems and select music for them. But in comparison with Sergei’s songs, his poems seemed awkward, incomprehensible, “not like that”...

However, the younger Kristovsky is used to getting his way. At first, his older brother helped him with lyrics for songs. Over time, Vladimir felt that he could not only write music, but also compose words to the melody.

The most memorable for Vladimir during this period were the wonderful evenings when Sergei brought his many friends home, and they sang their songs until late.

The beginning of the career of musician Vladimir Kristovsky

Volodya gathered a group of guys who performed his songs and gave it the name “View from Above.” Vladimir brought the first demo recording of his songs to Moscow in 1998. However, the music was punk in nature, and not everyone perceived it the way the musician himself would have liked.

Vladimir distributed cassettes with his songs to all existing recording studios. The guy's expectations were not met. According to the conclusion of professionals from the recording company Gala Records, what the guy wrote, to use informal vocabulary, was “complete crap.”

But this did not stop Vladimir. And after a while he recorded another tape with three new songs. It was with these songs that Vladimir became the winner of the “Live Sound” competition, which was held by one of the famous newspapers.

Immediately after winning the competition, an article was published about the musician with the publication of his photograph. Vladimir was given the opportunity to record and publish an album in a studio in the capital. But this time the musician’s hopes were not destined to come true. There was a default in the country, which ruined all plans.

Life experience of Vladimir Kristovsky

After school, Vladimir received a specialty as an electrician. After some time, he became an apprentice gas-electric welder. A little later he decided to master hairdressing, but he did not have the patience to work in this specialty. So all these professions remained unclaimed by Vladimir.

Vladimir Kristovsky - My favorite song

Kristovsky Jr. worked everywhere: as a night watchman at a morgue, as an operator at a gas station, as a driver at the Ministry of Finance. I managed to work as an agent selling chocolate and lemonade, worked as a courier, as a seller of household appliances, and even worked as a deputy director in one of the design firms. Going through one profession after another, Vladimir realized that his life’s work was music.

Vladimir Kristovsky's path to fame

Vladimir brought the songs written in Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow and tried to sell them. Among the potential buyers was the Tatu group, which was little known at the time. The songs of Nizhny Novgorod could be sung by Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina.

But cassette recordings of songs with a guitar were not in demand, and Vladimir had to return to his native Nizhny Novgorod with nothing.

In his hometown, Vladimir got a job at the Karambol club, where he sang his songs and accompanied himself with a guitar. The first fee he received for writing an anthem for a restaurant was $300.

Kristovsky tried to assemble his own group, but the idea failed. Then brother Sergei, who already had some experience and enjoyed success, came to the rescue. The elder Kristovsky invited Vladimir to perform together. They united into one group. The first performance that the public saw took place in Moscow on Vladimir’s birthday, in December 2003.

Vladimir Kristovsky told the truth about himself

Achievements and awards of Vladimir Kristovsky, “Uma2rman”

In October 2004, the brothers became winners at the RussiaMusic Awards in the “Best Debut” category. Around the same time, their first album, “In the City of N,” was released.

In 2009, the group “Uma2rman” became the creator and arranger of the main song of the popular TV series “Daddy’s Daughters” and the author of the soundtrack to the film “Oh, Lucky Man”.

In 2010, the brothers worked on dubbing the cartoon “Belka and Strelka. Star dogs"

In 2011, the group “Uma2rman” released their fourth album, “Everyone is Crazy in This City,” for which they were nominated for the Muz-TV award in the “Best Rock Group” category. But, unfortunately, “Um2rman” lost primacy to the popular group “Mumiy Troll” and its leader Ilya Lagutenko.

In 2012, the Kristovsky group wrote the text and voiced the new title sequence for the popular sitcom “Daddy’s Daughters.”

Personal life of Vladimir Kristovsky

Vladimir married at the age of twenty. His chosen one was eighteen-year-old Valeria Rimskaya, a member of the Nizhny Novgorod KVN team. The young people met at one of the KVN games. In 1995 the wedding took place. The marriage produced four wonderful daughters.

Recently, in an interview with HELLO! the artist said that after 17 years of marriage, he decided to break up with Valeria. The reason for the divorce, according to Vladimir, was that their relationship grew from love into friendship.

The separation was not easy for the spouses. The musician even had to undergo a rehabilitation course in one of the clinics in Germany. However, Vladimir Kristovsky believes that Lera will remain his best friend.

Vladimir Kristovsky today

The younger Kristovsky is interested in cars, boxing and snowboarding. But Vladimir’s main passion is motorcycles. But everything that touches the air (planes, helicopters) causes fear.

Vladimir treats money calmly. He believes that they are necessary, but you need to earn enough so as not to think about what you will eat today.

In 2013, the premiere of an expensive and technically difficult video for the song “Muse” took place.

Currently, the Kristovsky brothers continue to work on a new album, which will include songs such as “Friday” and “Dance, Muse.”

Vsevolod Vladimirovich Krestovsky is a famous writer. He was a student of the Faculty of History and Philology at St. Petersburg University, but did not complete the course. He began his literary activity with poems (separate publication, St. Petersburg, 1862). He became widely famous thanks to his great novel “The Slums of St. Petersburg,” written in a sensational manner, which was published in Otechestvennye Zapiski from 1864 to 1867 (5 separate editions). The following works by Krestovsky are devoted to a one-sided denunciation of the movement of the sixties, which the author associates with the Polish uprising.

Krestovsky was born on February 11, 1840 in the Kyiv province. He came from an old noble family. Vsevolod Vladimirovich’s father, Vladimir Vasilyevich, fought near Sevastopol as an officer in the Uhlan regiment in the Crimean Company, then retired and moved to his family in St. Petersburg. By that time (1850-1856), Vsevolod had completed a course of science at the 1st Gymnasium and in 1857 entered the Faculty of History and Philology of the St. Petersburg Imperial University. Vsevolod Krestovsky’s first writing experiments in the genres of psychological stories and essays on morals date back to this same time.

By 1859, Vsevolod Krestovsky’s family went bankrupt. He was forced to leave the university and earned his living as a literary day laborer in the magazine "Russian Word" with Apollo Grigoriev, simultaneously giving lessons for the gymnasium course to officials who wanted to pass exams for the first rank of collegiate registrar (grade 14).

One of Krestovsky’s first students was the 19-year-old assistant police officer of the Sennaya Market, Ivan Dmitrievich Putilin. In gratitude for the teaching, Putilin, at the request of Vsevolod, Krestovsky began to introduce him to the criminal world of St. Petersburg. Thanks to Putilin and his chief, investigative bailiff K.K. Galakhov, Krestovsky received a unique opportunity to participate in police raids and catching criminals using personal investigation, interrogating suspects, working in the capital’s judicial and police archives, etc.

In 1860, Krestovsky married for love the 20-year-old lady Varvara Dmitrievna Grineva - and, due to inescapable poverty, settled with his young wife in an empty dacha on Petrovsky Island. Despite the extreme poverty of the furnishings (the residents' beds were replaced by haystacks), this dacha became a favorite gathering place for talented St. Petersburg youth of that era.

Frequent guests of the young couple were the artist brothers Makovsky, sculptor Mikhail Mikeshin, and writer Nikolai Leskov. Krestovsky took the last two “on location” to the most “famous” St. Petersburg hangouts of that era - “Vyazma Lavra”, “Malinnik”, the “Ruffs” tavern near the Anichkov Bridge, etc. For the sake of safety, Krestovsky always dressed himself and his companions in beggarly rags or the robes of day laborers, but several times they had to fight off the thieves who suspected something was wrong in hand-to-hand fights.

In 1863, Krestovsky separated from his wife. Probably at the same time, having by that time become an expert in the hidden underground shelters of criminals, he attracted the attention of the Third Department of the Chancery of E.I.V. - and in the same 1863 he left on a special assignment to the Kingdom of Poland as part of the official commission to study the dungeons of Warsaw, used by participants in the Polish uprising of 1863. There, Krestovsky began work on the manuscript of his first novel, “Petersburg Slums,” published in the journal “Otechestvennye Zapiski” in 1864-1866.

The publication of this book overnight made Krestovsky one of the most famous and fashionable writers in Russia.

In the summer of 1867, he went on a steamship tour along the Volga to participate in a series of literary evenings. Once in Nizhny Novgorod, Vsevolod Krestovsky witnessed the blatant abuses of the local chief of police Lappo-Starzhenetsky and began a newspaper campaign against the latter. Krestovsky’s opponent tried to bring him to trial for libel, but as a result of the proceedings, the author was completely acquitted, and his opponent was expelled from office in disgrace.

In July 1868, Krestovsky voluntarily enlisted in the 14th Uhlan Yamburg Regiment in the Grodno province, combining the service of a combat cavalry officer with creative activity. In 1870, the writer, with the rank of lieutenant, was seconded to the Main Headquarters of the Russian Army in St. Petersburg with an official assignment to write the history of the regiment. At the same time, he carried out some other special assignments, as a result of which in 1872 he was transferred with the same rank to the Uhlan Regiment of the Life Guards. In December 1876, headquarters captain Krestovsky received leave from service and went to the warring Balkans as an official correspondent for the capital's newspaper "Government Gazette" with the volunteer detachment of General M.G. Chernyav.

From the beginning of the Russian-Turkish War, Krestovsky ended up at the headquarters of the active Danube Army as the editor of the army newspaper “Military Flying List”. By this time, the writer became acquainted with General M.D. Skobelev, as well as with foreign correspondents accredited at the headquarters. Unlike their civilian colleagues, the VVK had the right to unhindered entry into the army’s rear areas, and more than once voluntarily participated in the combat operations of the advanced units of the Russian troops. Including the assault on the Trayanov Pass on Shipka, the battles for Grandfather Apache and the raid of Strukov’s cavalry detachment to Adrianople in February 1878. For military merits and courage, the military journalist was awarded the rank of headquarters captain and the Order of St. Anna, 3rd class. St. Stanislav, 2nd class. with swords. St. Vladimir 4 tbsp. with swords, Serbian Takovsky cross, orders of Romania and Montenegro.

Soon after the end of hostilities (in February 1880), VVK was sent as “secretary for military-land relations” to the squadron of the Pacific Fleet under the command of Admiral S.S. Lesovsky. The VVK traveled to the squadron base in Vladivostok by passenger ship from Naples via the Suez Canal, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. In November 1881, the VVK, together with Lesovsky’s squadron, arrived at the Japanese port of Nagasaki and remained there for another six months on a military-diplomatic mission.

Returning to Russia in 1882, the VVK with the rank of lieutenant colonel was soon transferred from the capital to the disposal of the Governor-General of Turkestan M.G. Chernyaev. He participated in embassies to Bukhara and Khiva, excavated mounds in Samarkand - and remarried the young 20-year-old widow of an official for special assignments, Evdokia Lagoda.

From 1884 to 1887 The VVK again served in the capitals, inspected zemstvo institutions in Central Russia, and was engaged in journalism in the newspapers "Citizen" and "Svet". In April 1887, he was appointed staff officer of the Border Guard Corps under the Customs Department of the Ministry of Finance, receiving the rank of colonel.

The next 5 years of V.V. Krestovsky’s life were spent in constant travel with inspections along the borders in Transcaucasia and the Kingdom of Poland. In the summer of 1892, V.V. Krestovsky, already with the rank of major general, moved to Warsaw, becoming the editor of the newspaper "Warsaw Bulletin" under the Governor-General of the Kingdom of Poland I.V. Gurko.

In the last period of his life, Krestovsky was seriously concerned with the “Polish” and “Jewish issues” and the problem of the relationship between national cultures in the conditions of the development of capitalism in Russia. To better understand this issue. In his declining years, V.V. Krestovsky, together with Jewish clergy, studied the Talmud and Torah and even learned Hebrew (in addition to which he spoke fluent French and German, could communicate in English and Polish, knew the basics of Japanese - and, of course, was fluent " criminal language", being the author of the first dictionary of criminal jargon in Russia). On January 18, 1895, Vsevolod Vladimirovich Krestovsky died of chronic kidney disease in Warsaw, leaving a widow and six children from two marriages. His descendants still live in Russia.

Unfortunately, after 1917, their ancestor was considered “an apologist for the conservative-protective trend in Russian literature.” Moreover, during his lifetime he did not hide his dislike for the “liberal intelligentsia” and the “national liberation movements” of the Russian Empire. Therefore, republications of Krestovsky’s works, as well as the film adaptation of his most famous novel “Petersburg Slums,” have become possible since the late 1980s. and his biography has not yet been written by anyone.

  • Vsevolod Vladimirovich Krestovsky is a famous Russian writer of the 19th century, the author of the novel “Petersburg Slums” - a book about “the well-fed and the hungry”, an “adventure novel” in six parts, where he for the first time, long before M. Gorky, depicts the heroes of the capital’s “bottom”. The writer left a rich legacy: novels, novellas, individual stories, numerous translations, diaries and travel notes, replete with many contrasts in both style and affection. He was also widely known as a talented military journalist. Offered to the reader are the travel notes of V.V. Krestovsky “In distant waters and countries” - a detailed report (despite some abbreviations that did not lead to complete perception) of the expedition member Admiral S.S. Lesovsky and his staff from Odessa to distant Japan and China via the Bosphorus, the Mediterranean Sea, the Suez Canal and the Indian Ocean. The work revealed the remarkable talent of the writer as an observant traveler, possessing figurative language, and a talented writer of everyday life. In short
  • | | (0)
    • Genre:
    • Vsevolod Vladimirovich Krestovsky is a famous Russian writer of the 19th century, the author of the novel “Petersburg Slums” - a book about “the well-fed and the hungry”, an “adventure novel” in six parts, where he for the first time, long before M. Gorky, depicts the heroes of the capital’s “bottom”. The writer left a rich legacy: novels, novellas, individual stories, numerous translations, diaries and travel notes, replete with many contrasts in both style and affection. He was also widely known as a talented military journalist. Offered to the reader are the travel notes of V.V. Krestovsky “In distant waters and countries” - a detailed report (despite some abbreviations that did not lead to complete perception) of the expedition member Admiral S.S. Lesovsky and his staff from Odessa to distant Japan and China via the Bosphorus, the Mediterranean Sea, the Suez Canal and the Indian Ocean. The work revealed the remarkable talent of the writer as an observant traveler, possessing figurative language, and a talented writer of everyday life.
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    • Genre:
    • “Panurgovo Herd” is the first book in Vsevolod Krestovsky’s historical duology “Bloody Pouf”. A poet, writer and publicist, author of the famous novel “Petersburg Slums”, Krestovsky shows in a fascinating and unexpected way the events of the “New Time of Troubles” - 1861–1863. In the novel “Panurgovo Herd”, love intrigues, nihilism, undermining the moral foundations of society, and an insidious Polish conspiracy are links in a single chain that threatens to shackle the Russian state at a difficult moment in history. Array
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    • Genre:
    • The first novel of the famous historical writer Vsevolod Krestovsky, “The Slums of St. Petersburg,” has already fallen in love with both the reader and the viewer who managed to watch its television version on their screens. Now before you is the most mature, bright and most suppressed work of this master - the novel-dulogy “Bloody Pouf,” - published for the first time more than a hundred years after its lifetime publication. Using in it, as in “Petersburg Slums,” an exciting adventurous plot, Vsevolod Krestovsky recreates one of the most little-known and extremely distorted periods in the life of our Fatherland after the peasant era, slandered in history textbooks liberation in 1861, insightfully reveals the secret reasons for the combined actions of a variety of forces aimed at the destruction of the Russian Empire.Array
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    • Genre:
    • V. V. Krestovsky (1840–1895) - author of one of the most popular novels of the 19th century. - “Petersburg slums.” It is less known that Krestovsky penned many books on military topics, including “Essays on Cavalry Life,” which reveals the “physiology” of army service in peacetime in remote garrisons. The book is written in a rich, rich, personalized and humorous language. The author touches on many problems of army life that have become aggravated in our “troubled” times.
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    Sergey Kristovsky is a Russian singer and rock musician, one of the founders of the popular group “Uma2rmaH”.

    Sergey was born and raised in the city of Nizhny Novgorod. The boy’s parents were engineer Olga Vladimirovna and professional athlete Evgeniy Visvaldovich, who played hockey for the Dynamo-Gorky team. The family also raised a younger brother, a future colleague in a rock band, and a little sister, Nadezhda. The girl also wanted to follow in the footsteps of her brothers, but in the end she became a designer.

    The Kristovsky couple, despite their main professions, were creative. From a young age, my mother was fond of writing her own poems, and my father was an amateur musician. Seryozha fell in love with sports when he was still tiny. The boy was not even two years old when he first picked up a hockey stick. And at six Kristovsky was already accepted into the children's hockey section.

    In addition, Sergei played football and went to the pool. Another hobby of the teenager was biking. On his 10th birthday, his parents gave their son his first moped, and later the boy assembled motorcycles on his own, from the simple Voskhod to the prestigious Java by Soviet standards.

    However, the guy's thoughts were connected with the hockey rink. Sergei was sure that he would become a professional player, but at the age of 19 Kristovsky received a serious injury, which put an end to his hopes for big-time sports. Sergei’s sports biography was not destined to happen.

    It was then that, in order not to fall into depression, Sergei picked up the guitar for the first time. The first chords were shown to the young man by his father, always ready to help the children in their endeavors. The Kristovsky brothers still say that their parents have always been best friends. Gradually, the young man learned to play and even began to compose his own songs.

    After school, Sergei did not go to college. Sergei changed many professions: he was a turner at a factory, a postman, a loader, a laborer at a construction site, and even a nanny in a kindergarten. Eventually, he got a job as a DJ in a nightclub and began singing in public for the first time. The young musician’s mini-performances were well received, so Kristovsky came up with the idea of ​​creating his own musical group.


    Sergei Kristovsky named the first team “Broadway”. The guys compiled a repertoire based on the principle of cover versions of famous hits, most often Western ones. Sergei translated the texts into Russian and, with the help of his poetic talent, adapted them to the old music. Broadway recorded a studio album, went on tour, and then broke up.

    Kristovsky himself became a member of the rock group “Country Saloon”, in which he became a bass guitarist. And here Sergei’s original songs were released to the people for the first time. In 1995, the musician again created his own band, which he called “Sherwood”. Within Nizhny Novgorod, the guys are gaining popularity, especially since Sergei now offered the public completely new songs, and not covers, as before.

    This team is still alive, despite the fact that the creator often performs in a new project. But whenever possible, Sergei Kristovsky returns to his native brainchild and records records with the musicians. Albums such as “Twelve Zero Zero”, “Step Behind You” and “Look into Your Eyes” were released. The songs for them were created at different times, but all three recordings appeared on CDs in 2002.

    The most popular project of Sergei Kristovsky remains the duet “Uma2rmaH” organized together with his brother. This team formed spontaneously. Vladimir Kristovsky showed Sergei his own songs, the brothers began to discuss the music, and as a result, each track was reworked and perfected, with both young men putting in the same amount of effort and emotion. In 2003, 15 tracks were recorded at a Nizhny Novgorod studio for a demo album sent to Moscow production centers.

    The song “Praskovya” received the first approval, and from the song itself. The singer invited Nizhny Novgorod residents to a solo concert at the Moscow club “16 tons”, where she performed a hit together with the Kristovskys. In the spring of next year, the first video was recorded for the song. Then the compositions “Say Goodbye” and “Uma Thurman” gained popularity, and the first album “In the City of N” was a huge success. The disc received platinum status after selling millions of copies across the country.

    The producer, who at that time was filming the blockbuster “Night Watch,” became interested in the work of Sergei and Vladimir. The Kristovskys were invited to write the soundtrack. The popularity of the film and the song, which stayed at the top of the Russian charts for several weeks, influenced the group’s rating.

    In 2005, at the MUZ-TV awards, “Uma Thurman” received prizes in the categories “Breakthrough of the Year” and “Best Song” for the musical composition “Forgive.” In the same year, the brothers delighted their fans with their second disc, “Or maybe this is a dream?...”, which included the songs “Hey, Fat One,” “River,” and “Bird of Happiness.” In support of the album, Sergei and Vladimir Kristovsky gave a concert at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex, where they gathered a full house.

    “Uma Thurman” becomes a participant and then a headliner at the “Invasion” music festival. In 2007, continuing their collaboration with filmmakers, the Kristovskys created the soundtrack for the popular TV series. The third album, “Where Dreams May Come,” appeared in 2008. When creating the songs “You Won’t Call”, “Paris”, the brothers collaborated with, and vocals were heard in the song “Love on a Snowboard”. By the same time, the clips “Give me a cigarette!”, “California”, “Romance” appeared.

    In parallel with his work in the Uma Thurman group, Sergei Kristovsky begins his solo career with the creation of the album “Through the Cities,” which includes the musician’s musical compositions recorded over several years.

    In 2011, the fourth album “Uma2rmaH” - “Everyone is Crazy in This City” - hit the shelves of music stores, which was included in the ranking of the 25 best Russian albums of the year. Two years later, Sergei repeated his solo experience, releasing the album “Tomorrow”.

    The most famous hits of the group “Uma2rmaH” are, in addition to those already listed, “You’re Far Away”, “You Won’t Call”, “Olya from the Network”.

    Among the solo songs of Sergei Kristovsky, it is necessary to note “Snowfall”, “Through the Cities” and duet compositions “Fallen” with and “You and I” with. Sherwood musicians helped Sergei Kristovsky in creating solo projects.

    Personal life

    Sergei Kristovsky was already popular with the opposite sex in high school. Young fans did not give the tall and broad-shouldered athlete a pass at school. But the young man experienced his first feeling for his classmate Lyuba. For some time, the lovers even lived together and were planning to get married.

    But at the age of 20, the girl left Sergei. Having experienced a difficult separation, Kristovsky married a girl named Anna, but the marriage did not last long. Seeing that her son could not improve his personal life, his mother introduced Sergei to his colleague’s daughter. Natalya was an intelligent and calm girl. Soon the wedding took place.

    Sergei Kristovsky lived with his wife Natalya for many years. In this marriage, the musician had three sons - Vladislav, Evgeniy and Ilya, as well as a daughter Alisa. The children turned out to be musically gifted and already play instruments and sing. And the little daughter became an ardent fan of her father’s songs. However, despite the apparent idyll, this union also cracked.

    In 2014, the musician, while on tour in Minsk, met a young actress, star of a television series. Sergei and Natalya met without plans for the future. Both were sure that the affair would soon end. Sergei broke up with the young actress several times, but returned again. Soon Zemtsova became pregnant and gave birth to a son, Ivan, while the lovers hid the name of the baby’s father. Kristovsky tried to hide the break with his family from the public.

    But in the spring of 2016, Sergei and Natalya began to appear at social events together, and then announced their wedding. took place in the Spanish resort town of Marbella, where relatives and close friends of the bride and groom came.

    It is worth adding that the singer and musician never forgot his childhood dream of becoming a professional athlete. The artist periodically plays for the football club of Russian pop stars “StarCo”, as well as for the hockey team “KomAr”.

    Sergey Kristovsky now

    Sergei Kristovsky still tours a lot with the Uma Thurman group, and also gives solo concerts. In 2016, the brothers recorded their fifth album, entitled “Sing, Spring!”, which included the tracks “Toxins”, “One on One”, “Happy”. In the same year, the composition “Jules Verne” appeared. Sergey and Vladimir dedicated a song to the monument to the French writer, which is located in Nizhny Novgorod. Kristovsky also pleased fans with new videos for the songs “Bestia” and “Envy”.

    In 2017, the Kristovskys resumed their collaboration with television, recording the musical composition “Vanyusha”, used in the film. The last two videos for the hits “Uma2rmaH” were videos called “Kamon” and “One Way”.


    • 2002 - “Twelve zero-zero”
    • 2002 - “Step after you”
    • 2002 - “Look into your eyes”
    • 2004 - “In the city of N”
    • 2005 - “Or maybe this is a dream?..”
    • 2008 - “What Dreams May Come”
    • 2008 - “Through the Cities”
    • 2011 - “Everyone is crazy in this city”
    • 2013 - “Tomorrow”
    • 2016 - “Sing, spring!”