Why can't you have a wedding on a leap year? Leap year - signs of difficult times

Leap year 2016: superstitions and myths

Do you know, dear sorceresses, that the coming 2016 will be one day longer than the last? This year is considered a leap year. Is it good or bad? Let's figure it out together!

Word of mouth is an amazing phenomenon. With its help, any, even not very significant detail can acquire secrets, legends and even horror stories. It was the same with leap years. Although initially the idea was very useful and harmless.

Leap year: history

What does leap year mean? Back in 45 BC, the famous Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar introduced a calendar named after the great himself. They called it “Julian”. So, astronomically, one year, according to him, turned out to be equal to 365 days + ¼ day. It turns out that every year I accumulated an “extra” 6 hours. Over the course of 4 years, it only lasted for one day.

They were placed at the very end of February, deciding to make every 4 years one day longer. That's all!

Leap year: superstitions

However, rumor stubbornly attributed all sorts of harm and bad things to the unusual year. People generally do not tolerate anything that is not like the ordinary.

Leap year in Rus' is considered the year of Kasyan - a saint with, to put it mildly, a “tarnished” reputation. According to one version, this man betrayed the Lord and contacted the devil. True, he later repented.

According to another, he was in such a hurry to go to heaven in his elegant clothes that he refused on the way to a hard worker who found himself in a difficult situation. For this, he was given a day in the calendar that happens only once every 4 years - February 29. Which of this is true and which is not - who will figure it out now? After all, so many years have passed...

But, one way or another, the leap year has gathered a great many prejudices around it. Let's try to analyze each of them.

Is it possible to get married on a leap year?

If you suddenly, due to your inexperience and ignorance, decide to formalize your relationship within a year with 366 days, then you will hear a lot of horror stories about this. Rest assured!

Here are the most common ones:

    Young people will certainly get divorced (although let's be objective - no one is immune from divorce!)

    The couple’s life will be difficult and unhappy (it will be! If lovers do not learn to appreciate each other and fulfill their family responsibilities! And the date of marriage does not play a fatal role here)

    One of the newlyweds will die early (you might think that life expectancy directly depends on the year of marriage!)

    Those who get married will cheat on each other (and this is already the result of upbringing and the degree of personal decency!)

In a word, if you take apart each such speculation “piece by piece”, it turns out that everything is very far-fetched and has no logical basis. Everything attributed to couples getting married on a leap year can easily happen in any family.

If you want to choose the ideal date for your wedding, then simply contact a professional astrologer who will calculate the most favorable day specifically for the two of you.

Is it possible to get divorced during a leap year?

It is believed that people who have made such a “fatal mistake” will no longer be able to find happiness. However, divorce is not a very pleasant event anyway. And you need to try with all your might to preserve the relationship that you have legalized and, especially, in which children appeared.

Regarding the lack of happiness in the future, this is a dubious horror story. Your ability to attract the attention of people of the opposite sex is certainly the result of your personal qualities, and not an extra day of the year!

What should you not do during a leap year?

    It is believed that during a leap year you absolutely cannot change your job, otherwise you may be left without it altogether. However, if you are offered to move from an unloved position to a better one, and even get an increase in salary, you are unlikely to remember this frightening sign! Well, if you do lose your job, it’s unlikely to be because of the extra days accumulated over 4 years. Most likely, it's just not your thing. We, sorceresses, will definitely not be upset about this. We already know that everything is for the better!

    During a leap year, taboos are imposed on all changes in general. And this applies not only to work, but also to place of residence, car, partner and even hairstyle. Dear girls, how can you not change your hairstyle for a whole year if you really want to?! This is perhaps more destructive for a woman than some empty superstitions. And about the partner - this is too much. Well, why not drag a disgusted man along with you on a non-leap year?!

    You can't start anything new during a leap year. Perhaps, if we assume that this year is the beginning of a four-year cycle, this sign becomes more or less justified. But even in this case, you should not impose strict taboos on yourself. Let's say life itself brings you to changes in a leap year - opening your own business, starting school, creating new relationships, etc. Well, let these events happen, but try to make sure everything goes well. Then you will spend all the next 4 years of the cycle on the crest of luck.

    The worst belief about leap years is that it is during such periods that the most large-scale disasters and cataclysms happen. However, stubborn statistics do not confirm this superstition. It is enough just to note the fact that the terrible year 1941 was not a leap year. And in general, in the world every year, and not once every 4 years, something out of the ordinary happens.

    It is also believed that caroling should not be done during a leap year, otherwise there will be no happiness. Of course, this sign is very ancient. And for us, modern people, it is hardly relevant.

Having a baby on a leap year

Perhaps the most absurd statement about a leap year: you cannot give birth during these 366 days. It is believed that the fate of such a person will not be the happiest. But, excuse me, what if the Soul has already arrived? Where should I put her?! Carrying around for an extra year?

Children are a blessing and they come at the best time of our lives! Even if it happens in a leap year.

Moreover, every self-respecting sorceress knows that in many ways we create our own happy lives. And no leap year is a hindrance to us in this matter! We will teach our children the same thing, right?!

Moreover, there is also the exact opposite point of view: people who were born in this unusual year are themselves extraordinary individuals. In ancient times they were even credited with magical qualities. How do you like this turn?!

Children born in a leap year

To further dispel your doubts and fears - and pregnant women already have a lot of them, and without empty superstitions, let me give you a few names of people born on a leap year:

    Russian actress Irina Kupchenko is in demand and successful in her profession, the wife of one of the most attractive men in Soviet cinema, Vasily Lanovoy (played Gray in Scarlet Sails).

    Garik Kharlamov, who is "Bulldog" - a talented humorist, the darling of fate and a favorite of the public

    Gioachino Rossini, Italian composer, author of many popular operas - “The Barber of Seville”, “Othello”, etc.

So, as you see, a leap year is not a reason to sound the alarm and hide in corners until better times. This is a great chance to once again make sure that we ourselves, with our thoughts and actions, our beliefs, create our own reality.

And may the only disappointment that leap year 2016 brings you is that spring will come to us a day later!

What can't you do during leap year 2016?

    You know, there are many opinions on this issue. But it’s up to you to decide whether to dwell on this topic or not). It seems to me that you just need to live and enjoy life. And it doesn’t matter at all what year it is, as they say.

    But for superstitious people there are these tips:

    • First. Don't carol. There is an opinion that this can lead to unfavorable consequences in a leap year;
    • Second. Don't change jobs. There is an opinion that then you will not be able to find anything suitable for a long time;
    • Third. Animals should not be sold. This could be bad for your wallet in the future.
    • Fourth. It’s better not to tell anyone about your dreams this year. Tell me - nothing will come true.
    • Fifth. Perhaps the most interesting thing is not to invite guests to your house when your baby gets her first tooth. Who knows what this could mean for the baby?! It's better to play it safe.)
  • An old sign that I know and have heard about: during a leap year you cannot pick any mushrooms and prepare them for the winter: salt, pickle, dry, boil, freeze.

    It is believed that with mushrooms you can collect a lot of negativity from the earth.

    And this applies not only to 2016 of the Monkey, but to every leap year.

    If you believe in omens, then the restrictions for this 2016 are exactly the same as in other leap years.

    Don't get married, don't get divorced, don't have children, don't build.

    Do not pick mushrooms. Don't dig in the garden.

    Do not change your place of work.

    For some reason, it is believed that a leap year must be difficult, but then 2016 falls in the year of the red monkey, a capricious animal in itself. So the coming year promises to be very busy for superstitious people. As for specific prohibitions, it is not advisable to have a wedding on a leap year; it is better to spend an extra year as a bride and test your feelings for strength. It was correctly written about mushrooms, which are also not recommended to be collected in a leap year. And you can’t tell strangers what you want to name your baby if he is born this year, you can’t celebrate birthdays if this year you turn a number ending in nine, you can’t quarrel especially this year, because any quarrel will additionally place a heavy burden on your aura. Well, the most important thing is not to believe stupid omens.

    I hear from many people that you can’t buy or sell real estate during a leap year, the deal won’t be successful, and also that you can’t make major repairs in a house or apartment. I don’t know how serious these restrictions are, but I don’t plan anything like that for 2016.

    There is a sign that a child born in a leap year must be baptized that year and take the closest blood relatives as godparents.

    Do not disclose the name of an unborn baby; a pregnant woman is strictly forbidden to cut her hair before giving birth in a leap year.

    According to signs, marriages made in 2016 will be short-lived.

    In short, people believe that a high year is somehow not so and not lucky. If we proceed from this, then any act can, in principle, be subject to skepticism. Especially, of course, important ones, such as marriage, for example, people in such a year are especially afraid of this event.

    According to popular superstitions, which were born from the legend that February 29 is Kasyanov’s day, and this comrade was once an angel and was guilty before God because he told the demons about his plans. For this he is beaten for three years, and in the fourth year he is released to earth, where he takes out his evil on people. In order not to attract his attention, you should not change anything in your life during a leap year: you should not get married, get divorced, change jobs, you should not take out large sums of debt. But it’s up to everyone to believe in omens or not. It is best to tune in to the positive, because there is a placebo effect, if you believe in good things, it will happen, if you believe in bad things, it will happen too.

    You can’t fill your head with superstitions :)

    They are an atavism of the pagan past of our ancestors, but we have crossed the threshold of the 21st century!

    We need to live as always, as usual, as in any other year!

    When buying an apartment, use your brains, not signs,

    when entering into marriage - with the heart, and not with superstitions,

    at the birth of a child, prepare in advance all the conditions for its birth and take care of its health.

    And don’t refer to some Kasyan and a leap year, which supposedly will ruin your life in some way, just because there is one more day in the year and bad legends have been made about it since ancient times.

    Just remember your own past and previous leap years; it will probably turn out that they were no different from others!

    There are a lot of signs that relate to leap years. However, I wouldn’t want to set myself up for something bad. It is better to take these signs calmly.

    One of them is a sign that says that you cannot get married during a leap year, as the family will be plagued by failures. The union may be unhappy and short-lived.

    It is also impossible to get divorced this year, since one of the spouses will not find happiness.

    You cannot build houses this year.

    You can’t talk about your plans, they may not come true.

    You shouldn't change your job, you won't succeed.

    As I understand it, you can’t start anything new on a leap year. You can read about this in detail here.

People greet an ordinary year with 365 days with joy and hope. But when it's time for a leap year, even in the air you can feel some tension.

The earth revolves around the sun. But not in 365 days. The planet spends a little more. The difference is almost six hours. To be more precise - 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds. Over four years of revolutions, additional days always accumulated. What was to be done with them and where to “place” them on the calendar? Gaius Julius Caesar took care of this and added one day to the fourth year. They added it to the shortest month – February. In Rus', a year with extra days began to be called a leap year.

February 29 – Kasyanov’s Day

The extra day of February is called Kasyanov. Who this character really was is still a mystery.

According to some beliefs, Kasyan was an Angel, although not very reliable. He knew about many of God's plans, but for some reason he chose to cooperate with the demons and informed them about the plans of the Almighty. For which he paid. For three years in a row he received a hit on the forehead as punishment, on the fourth he was lowered to Earth and given a rest.

According to another legend, Kasyan was a saint. But he had a bad character and was addicted to alcohol. He used it for three years in a row, and on the fourth he established a dry law for himself.

What not to do

If you believe the signs, it is better not to plan serious undertakings during this period.

  • For example, a new job. It will bring disappointment not only in terms of wages. Other things will also not suit you: the team and its leaders, the work and rest schedule and the organization of the process. Motivation may drop to zero. And this will inevitably lead to the fact that a person will not stay in the found place for long and will be in search again.
  • It’s also better not to change your apartment at this time. A lot of effort will be spent to purchase a new home. But the expected comfort will be in question. And the neighbors may not be the best.
  • Numerous illnesses this year are in store for those who decide to build a bathhouse. It is also believed that the building may be threatened by the aforementioned Kasyan. He loves to harm people and can easily burn down a building. Agree, I don’t want to take any risks.

  • During a turbulent year, it is better for expectant mothers not to dye or cut their hair. Otherwise, the born child may have health problems. And when the baby gets his first tooth, you shouldn’t invite guests. It is believed that then this and the rest of the teeth will be bad.
  • For a child born on a leap year, only blood relatives are taken as godfathers. It is they who, having a stronger connection with the baby, will be able to protect him from adversity and misfortune.
  • Plans should not be shared with others during this period either. Luck may run out, and dreams will remain unfulfilled.

Moving away from global life events, let’s look at less significant ones.

  • Those who like to make jokes during a leap year should refrain from doing so. The evil spirit is not asleep at any time, it will accidentally become interested in a person and that person will get into trouble.
  • In a turbulent year, it is also better to live together with domestic animals, care for them and cherish them. You cannot sell or exchange, all this leads to poverty.
  • Picking mushrooms is also undesirable. A simple hobby can lead to illness or worse.

Leap year protection

People have come up with a lot of conspiracies to protect themselves during this period, and read them before the onset of the new year and before its departure. There are a lot of signs. For example, what should you do when you leave the house and hear the first thunder or howl of a dog?

As a consolation

Skeptics are wary of the superstitions associated with leap years. Yes, and according to the encyclopedia
“Chronicle of Humanity” it can be seen that various cataclysms, catastrophes and other troubles occurred regardless of what time it was.

In leap years, for example, the following events occurred: in 1912 the famous Titanic sank, forty years later the Americans exploded a hydrogen bomb, and in 1960 a devastating earthquake occurred in Chile.

Non-leap dates are not much different from sad dates. 1914, 1939 - the beginning of the First and Second World Wars, respectively, 1941 - the Great Patriotic War broke out. 1945 - atomic bombing of two Japanese cities took place.

The best day…

About five million people whose birthday falls on February 29 can refute bad ideas about leap years. For them, such a day is the brightest, most special, kind and magical. And, of course, these people are looking forward to having a fun holiday, inviting guests and receiving gifts from them. This means that they are in a great hurry for the leap year to approach and are not at all afraid of it.

There are many superstitions and superstitions about the leap year; it is in 2016 that you can make your dreams come true, or sit quietly and not “stick your head out”! What to do, how not to miss out on luck?

Whether you should believe them is up to you to decide, but since ancient times this year has been considered more unlucky than all others. February 29 is called the day of Kasyan - an evil and envious person, and therefore this day was considered the most dangerous and demonic.

What can't you do during a leap year?

  1. Invest money in a new business.
  2. Carry out large-scale construction.
  3. Make large purchases.
  4. Sell ​​real estate and cars.
  5. Drowning kittens and puppies.
  6. Change place of work and residence.
  7. Get married and get divorced.
  8. Do renovations in the house.
  9. Travel for a long time from home.
  10. Get your hair cut in position.
  11. Share your plans for the future.
  12. Giving and borrowing money.
  13. Caroling at Christmas.
  14. Collect mushrooms.
  15. Celebrate the round dates of wedding days.
  16. Do not invite guests into the house until the child has his first tooth.
  17. You can’t put a bathhouse - it will cause illness.

All these signs are purely subjective, because in fact not a single belief has been proven. Only you can decide whether to believe in it or not?

According to astrologers, you need to believe less in all sorts of fortune-telling, and think more about and plan every day and year, then there will be fewer failures and frustrations. As they say, your future depends only on you.

But if you really believe in all these signs too much, then you really should postpone large-scale undertakings and events for a year, so as not to jinx the course of events yourself.

If a house can be planned and built, then the birth of a child is a blessing from the Lord. What awaits such children? To reassure you in advance, let’s say this: such children are no different from babies born in other years.

Although some people consider such children to be weaker and mentally retarded, others predict a grandiose future for them, endow them with superpowers, and prophesy for them untold wealth and good health.

If you are superstitious, and there is no way to postpone the wedding, then there are a few more signs for a happy family life:

  • You cannot wear a short or tight dress to a wedding;
  • give it to a friend or other girls to try on;
  • You cannot put a wedding ring on a glove;
  • It is better to organize a wedding in a more humorous manner; there should be competitions at the holiday, positive and pleasant music should be played;
  • The more children there are at the wedding, the better it will be.

Everyone approaches the Leap Year differently, this year was invented by people and therefore only they can decide how to live it.

Why is there a leap year?

The Earth makes a full revolution around the Sun, which is 365 days and 6 hours. Accordingly, time accumulates every year. And so that snowdrops do not bloom in December, once every 4 years one more day is added to the calendar.

Astrologers associate 2016 with global natural disasters, natural disasters; the fire monkey will regularly present various surprises. These are only bad events, but also big changes on the world political stage.

In ancient times, there was a tradition; in this year, girls were allowed to woo a guy, but he did not dare refuse her. Unfortunately, such marriages very often broke up, and therefore legends began to be made about a non-pugnacious leap year for those getting married.

Therefore, if you plan the wedding in advance, by mutual agreement, and live faithfully for many years, then nothing bad will happen. Today, astrologers have already prepared in advance a whole list of dates that are most favorable for the celebration.

In January it is 2.4, 25th day of the month. In February - 14, 18, 20, 25. In March, no weddings, under any circumstances. It is also not advisable to carry out other important events this month.

The month of May also does not promise good luck in marriage matters; it is best to wait until June 25th. There are a lot of lucky days in July; weddings can be celebrated almost every day. The same applies to the month of August, but you should be wary of the period from the 24th to the 31st.

September, like March, is not suitable for marriage; there are two lunar eclipses this month. October is good and lucky, November and December are generous with good days, you can plan a wedding on any day of the weekend, and on weekdays you should be wary of inaccurate dates.

Professor Hemme made certain calculations and stated that the birthday should be calculated depending on the time of birth. If the child was born before 6 a.m. on the 29th, then the holiday should be celebrated on February 28, if from six in the morning to 12 noon, then in the second year - on February 28, and in the third - on March 1.

From noon to six o'clock in the evening - February 28, and the next two years - March 1. If born at night on February 29th, all birthdays are celebrated on March 1st. These are the calculations of the famous astrologer.

Build your life yourself, because only you are responsible for the next day and the next year. I wish you happiness and good luck!

It is a truism that a leap year is somewhat different from ordinary ones, at least in that it is one day longer. It is also said that this is the year of troubles. To confirm these words, I have before my eyes a graph of an accident for ten years that my husband had at work. Believe it or not, there is a slight uptick every four years. The year turns out to be more traumatic. On the other hand, my parents got married back in 1964. Their wedding date was initially set for February 29. They realized it in time and moved it to another date. At the same time, they lived in peace and harmony for more than 40 years. So what not to do in a leap year, what is allowed?

  1. You can't have a baby on a leap year

An absolutely absurd sign. Happiness definitely does not depend on the year of birth. When the concept of a leap year appeared in Ancient Rome, people born on it were considered extraordinary individuals, endowed .

  1. You can't get married on a leap year


  • The marriage will end in divorce;
  • Married life will be unsuccessful;
  • One of the newlyweds will die early.

I have already given the example of my own parents. And although my dad lived only 67 years, it cannot be said about him that he died young.

  1. You cannot start something new (change jobs, buy a new home or car, get a new haircut, etc.)

What can I say about this? A leap year is the beginning of a four-year cycle. We lay the foundation for all endeavors. Therefore, you need to treat them with utmost attention and caution. You should only do what you are confident in. Then all four years will pass under the sign of success. And unprepared projects do not always lead to positive results even in normal years.

  1. Leap year is a time of disasters

In the 20th century, only the sinking of the Titanic occurred during leap years. Nature does not have leap years. This extra day is present in our minds. And perhaps people are more wary about this time. And the psychological attitude gives rise to a series of minor troubles. This may explain the surge in road accidents.

What not to do on a leap year what role do they play signs and superstitions? There is only one conclusion. If you consider this year happy, it will pass under the sign of happiness.