Why did the movie "8 Best Dates" fail? Why the “8 Best Dates” failed How the film’s distribution went: 8 First Dates

Lavrov: the film industry should take into account unfriendly attacks... On the topic: Disobedients, Russian citizenship: Saratov ignored the premiere of “8 best dates».

Zelensky was banned from filming in Russian cinema. I liked the comedies with him, “8 First Dates” and “8 New Dates,” but last film"8 Best Dates" is a complete failure.

8 best dates, Marius Weisberg Well, right in the same style as “8 new dates”! In principle, I think this is not news for a film director, that’s why main character vet. Nothing, a funny cute movie...

A worthy opinion. Art is outside of politics Therefore, I was a little confused by the statements of some people who opposed the film “8 Best Dates” being shown in Russia because of Vladimir Zelensky...

Bandera actor Zelensky changed his mind about going to Moscow...(ATO) and with an anti-Russian position, he decided not to come to Moscow for the pre-screening of the film “8 Best Dates,” in which he played one of the main roles.

Moscow is preparing to welcome the punitive sponsor - the Ukrainian... I don’t know whether to cry or laugh, but tomorrow in Russia, in Moscow, the next “premiere” of the comedy “8 Best Dates” with Ukrainian actor Vladimir Zelensky will take place.

Art is outside of politics Someone else's opinion. Therefore, I was a little confused by the statements of some people who opposed the film “8 Best Dates” being shown in Russia because of Vladimir Zelensky...

Ukraine: The Verkhovna Rada banned films from Russia Its sequel “8 Best Dates,” released in March this year, caused a storm of criticism among ordinary Russian viewers.

Results of March: for three months of the Year of Russian Cinema its losses... And the romantic comedy with a budget of $1.3 million “8 Best Dates”, which collected $2.48 million, closes the top three in March.

Review of the film “8 Best Dates” A very kind and positive film. Zelensky is an excellent actor and, to be honest, he, as a rule, pulls off all his projects on charisma and authority.

How censorship is being revived There was a storm of indignation in connection with the release in Russia at the beginning of 2016 of Vladimir Zelensky’s Ukrainian comedy “8 Best Dates.” There is no politics in the film itself...

About cinema A few weeks ago I came across news reports that no one was going to see the film “8 Best Dates”, where the main role is played by the terrible Ukrainian actor Zelensky...

46 million rubles - ...from the boycott of the comedy “8 Best Dates” with... So, it’s time to sum up some results on the boycott of the film “8 Best Dates”, to which the sponsor of Ukrainian NON-Nazis and punitive forces, Mr. Zelensky.

Will “8 Best Dates” pay off at our box office? Let me remind you that the second part collected 168 million over the weekend, and the first part of the film with Zelensky - 125 million rubles. That is, part 3 started three times weaker than the second.

46 million rubles - ...from the boycott of the comedy “8 Best Dates” with... So, it’s time to take stock of the boycott of the film “8 Best Dates”, to which he had a hand

46 million rubles - ...from the boycott of the comedy “8 Best Dates” with... If these people came to power in Russia, with a 146% probability they would be happy to make the director of the film “8 Best Dates” Marius Weisberg

But we have not even begun to discuss a very interesting article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - 205.1. "Promoting terrorist activities"

Even though the director Marius Weisberg expressed confidence that the film would also be successful at the box office, the premiere of the comedy film “8 Best Dates” actually failed throughout Russia. Let us recall that the first two comedies - “8 First Dates” and “8 New Dates” - in which the main role was played by the sponsor of the Ukrainian punitive battalions Zelensky, with budgets of 72 million rubles and 77 million rubles, collected 210 million and 420 million rubles at the box office, respectively .

Today we see a slightly different picture.

In our video, you saw how residents of snickering Moscow voted with labor rubles, and even more encouraging news comes from the localities. As a correspondent for the Saratov publication “The Fourth Power” reported yesterday, in Saratov the “Pioneer” cinema was canceled premiere show movie "8 Best Dates" The film was supposed to premiere on March 3 at 12:50. A meticulous journalist wanted to find out from cinema visitors whether they knew about where will he go part of the money for the ticket they bought, but people who would like to watch a film with Vladimir Zelensky, it didn’t turn out.

The cinema box office reported that four tickets were reserved for the premiere screening of the film. However, no one came for them. “The cashier and the administrator were somewhat surprised by this, noting that cases when premieres are not attended, of course, do happen, but very rarely. By 12:52 not a single ticket had been sold, and therefore the decision was made to cancel the premiere screening.”

We also note that on the Kinopoisk website, the largest portal about cinema, the film has already received an “encouraging” rating.

© RIA Novosti, Ekaterina Chesnokova | Go to photobank

By the way, such a funny feature of the site is that if a registered user clicks on one star under the caption “Movie rating”, then the rating becomes even lower. I have no doubt that distributors and producers will try to increase the ratings back - but there are hundreds of thousands of times more of those who think that sponsoring punishers is bad, isn’t it?

The distributors, PR people and producers of the film seem to have not understood anything, and, as it seems to us, they are trying to stop the healing effect of protest actions for public morality using the methods of the last decade.

Compare the results for the query “8 best protest dates” in Yandex and Google. Of course, all the photos from the protests against the film disappeared from Yandex on their own, yeah. "It is itself."

However, bags of money cannot drown out the voice of truth. But we have not even begun to discuss a very interesting article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - 205.1. "Promotion of terrorist activities." This is actually what Zelensky is doing by sponsoring punitive battalions. And for his support group, this article contains paragraph 3: “Assisting in the commission of a crime under Article 205 of this Code is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 10 to 20 years.”

According to box office forecasts, from March 3 to 6, the apolitical comedy “Eight Best Dates” was supposed to collect 120-130 million rubles at the domestic box office. “There is a scandal around the film, but this will not harm the box office,” specialized websites reported.

As stated in the analytical report of the Cinema Fund, the film collected only 52.8 million rubles. If you're wondering why this is such a big deal, let's talk about it.

Quiet boycott

For those who happen to be unaware, this is what the so-called scandal. Executor leading role, actor Zelensky(Rep. Ukraine), last year he actively promoted himself as a supporter of the punitive forces fighting in the Donbass.

He said that he was transferring money to them for the so-called. ATO. He bowed low for “killing scum” on camera. At the beginning of this year, a public initiative to boycott the film arose in Russia. Let us note, by the way, that the state had and does not have anything to do with it.

On the contrary, the state behaved in an emphatically formal manner. The Ministry of Culture issued the film with a distribution certificate and no rental didn't interfere. As for the structures near the state, they generally supported the film. The distributor of the film, just in case, was Central Partnership, part of to the state holding


“Channel One” delicately promoted the film; “leading media” not only did not support the boycott of “Dating,” but did not even report it. And no “activists in balaclavas” blocked cinemas, burst into directors’ houses and kicked them in the head. It’s just that near some cinemas there were single pickets with posters that stated what exactly the viewer was now responsible for donating their money to. Yes, calls for a boycott have spread on social networks. Yes, some resources - certainly not included in the list of what is considered “influential media” within the Russian media class - supported the boycott.

The fact that all these beggars together managed to drop a practically wealthy (threequel to a successful comedy,

Vera Brezhneva

, TV on hand, March 8 on the calendar) profits for filmmakers - at the moment, while you are reading this, - these same filmmakers are trying to somehow comprehend.

Why did everything that happened come as a surprise to the creative class and what were they even thinking?

Above children's corpses

And that's the whole point. The origins of such intricate sublimity should not be sought at all in the “all-humanity” of Russian culture, which the creators themselves like to refer to. The reasons are closer and simpler.

In short, our creative class is the last untouched reserve of the late Soviet intelligentsia's worldview. Not disturbed even by the nineties. This feeling from ordinary citizens that they were friends all around and that they could be above politics disappeared very quickly. It disappeared especially quickly from the 25-50 million (depending on how you count) “foreign Russians” who found themselves in post-Soviet.

national republics

It was quickly explained to ordinary citizens that they were now nobody and there was no way to call them.

It was their confused relatives who began to come to them, squeezed out of their Transcaucasus, Central Asia, Baltic states and Moldova.

It was their loved ones who served in the 14th Guards, which defended Transnistria. At the 201st base, which preserved Tajikistan. In the 58th Army, which saved Ossetia. It was their language that was banned in government agencies

and schools.

It is Crimea that fled to them, it is Donetsk and Lugansk that hurt in their heads, it is Odessa that bleeds in their memory.

...But nothing has changed for the creators.

The creators have been surrounded by friends all these years.

They calmly arrived in the most brutally Russophobic mini-Reichs - and at their concerts, independent ministers and deputies who had not forgotten their Komsomol youth sat complacently. And they, who only yesterday adopted some new resolution to eradicate the consequences of the centuries-old Russian occupation, came to the Russian creative guests behind the scenes and invited them to cozy restaurants in the old city, and sang soulful songs together. And it seemed to the Moscow guests that the friendship of peoples had not gone away, that everything was just like in the 1970s. The creative class was reliably isolated from the political reality of the post-USSR.. It even removes operas from the repertoire - and at any moment it will start repressing them, like in 1937. And this despite the fact that by definition it belongs to the creators.

And those non-native states - they shouldn’t, but they themselves are very friendly. They come behind the scenes, invite you to restaurants, and sing songs.

That, in fact, is the whole secret “above politics.”

Who will leave without a penny

And now - the most important thing. What happened with the release of “Eight Best Dates” is not the first proof that there is a civil society in the country. But this is the first time that civil society has worked directly with the creative class. Without resorting to the help of the state, “Kiselevskaya propaganda”, “Channel One” and the Minister of Culture. That is, all that it was customary for the creators to attribute all the cases when citizens suddenly refused to watch/listen/read them.

And if the creators are smart enough, they will realize that in the country, in addition to the state, there is another, much more powerful and merciless, repressive political apparatus. Which, if anything goes against him, will simply undress them and leave them without a penny.

And these are citizens.

And if you're lucky, then perhaps the creators will even be smart enough to finally do something that no one has seen from them for twenty years. They will begin to take an interest in their own public and find out what reality they live in and what is important to them.

The release of the film “8 Best Dates” with the participation of Ukrainian patriot Zelensky into Russian distribution is an extremely controversial event. It was not possible to remove this film from distribution even despite the fact that the artist who played the main role in it is known not only for his public anti-Russian statements, but also financial assistance participants of the ATO in Donbass.

Zelensky was previously quite popular in the segment of Russian cinema and films with his participation were always a box office success. However, after his controversial statements and actions, people's love to Zelensky in Russia quickly faded away. The actor did not lose heart, continuing to perform in Ukraine, delighting the punishers with his jokes, mostly, of course, about Russia. But all good things quickly come to an end, just like the money generously donated by Zelensky and his team to ATO participants. Zelensky didn’t come up with anything smarter than earning money in Russia and spending it in Ukraine. As if nothing had happened, he starred in a new Russian film and even planned to come to Moscow for the preview and premiere. I came to my senses. More precisely, the Russian citizens who wrote a statement regarding Zelensky’s anti-Russian statements to the Prosecutor General’s Office made them come to their senses.

The film quickly fails at the box office. Over the five days of release in Russia, it collected almost two times less than the project managers planned to collect over two weekends. Today we can say that the film has not yet even recouped the costs of its creation, not to mention the costs of the advertising campaign, which, according to preliminary estimates, even exceeded the budget for filming the film. But, despite the fact that many Russians openly spit on posters depicting Zelensky, who called the residents of Donbass “scum” and chanted in front of the punitive forces “We showed Russia the fuck!”, someone went to see the film with his participation! How else can you explain the fact that the film “8 Best Dates” has already collected more than 60 million rubles in Russia?

Not last role played by an advertising campaign launched on the central channel, whose leadership suddenly “forgot” the political role of the Ukrainian patriot Zelensky. Just as the Gazprom Media company, which allocated money for filming, forgot about this earlier of this film and provided the anti-Russian clown Zelensky not only with work, but also with a fee. I have always said that in most cases, where business begins, patriotism ends. With rare exceptions, this is exactly the case. It's a shame. It turns out that national idea, voiced by President Putin, concerns only us, ordinary Russians, and does not apply to the management of corporations, even those in which the state owns a controlling stake?

The film's distributors and producers, who expect to make up for the box office failure in two holidays- March 7 and 8, they appeal to our prudence and remind us, Russians, that we must be above such prejudices. Yes, they're right. But it is precisely the realization that we are above all the unprincipled clowns-guest workers who scold Russia, and after that, as if nothing had happened, come to us to work, should stop those who are going to have a fun time today, watching how people act and make faces on the big screen. Zelensky, who recently financed the murders of children in the Donbass, is clowning. For those who still decided to go and look at “ acting"Zelensky, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the contents of the video posted above, which reflects the whole essence of this artist. Watch the first three minutes, listen to the songs, soulful and patriotic.

Regarding the Gazprom-Media company, which finances the filming of this film, with a dubious character in the leading role, I can say the following. It is necessary to take an extremely careful and balanced approach to the distribution of excess profits received from the sale of “national property”, and not direct them to payments to people who, in one form or another, finance the murder of Russian-speaking citizens in the Donbass and throw mud at Russia. Don't forget that subsoil within the territory Russian Federation, including underground space and minerals contained in the subsoil, energy and other resources, are state property. And by carefully reviewing the Constitution one can understand that bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people. It is unlikely that the people will approve of such investments of profits received from the sale of resources owned by the state...

Alexey Zotiev

You and I often hear statements that sport is outside of politics, culture is outside of politics, charity is outside of politics. Politics is a separate little world that supposedly does not claim absolute dominance. A little world that seems to be OUTSIDE, but at the same time EVERYWHERE...

Politics, no matter how the term is defined, is in fact an opinion. And what more people This opinion is supported by the stronger the politician. Ask anyone you know if they have their own own opinion? The answer will be clear!

That is, any society is extremely politicized and to believe that politics is OUTSIDE of anything is a myth and a delusion. Politics is our essence. Politics is a kind of game. A game for money, territory, resources, people and power over all of the above. And as one told everyone a famous person: “Our whole life is a game, and the people in it are actors.”

We are all essentially politicians, only of different calibers and playing our own games. And our every action is another political step, known only to ourselves.

The absolutely apolitical comedy film “8 Best Dates” is being released in Russian cinemas. And they kind of tell us, guys, go take a look. Do not pay attention to the fact that Zelensky plays one of the main roles. After all, culture is OUTSIDE of politics. Bring the money and enjoy the acting and funny situations presented in the film.

The Ministry of Culture issued the film a distribution certificate and did not interfere with the screening in any way. Near-state structures supported the premiere and its screening in Russian cinemas. The distributor was Central Partnership, which is part of the state holding Gazprom Media. Leading Russian media promoted this picture on television and radio.

However, as it turned out, people HAVE THEIR OWN OPINION! And a huge number of Russians boycotted this film. The reason is the Ukrainian showman Zelensky. Who bowed to the punitive forces, sponsored the genocide of the population of Donbass and thanked them for “killing the scum.” I thanked him for the murder of children, civilians and people who defend their families and their homeland with weapons in their hands.

As a result, the film did not collect the multimillion-dollar money it claimed Russian citizens. The rental was a spectacular failure in our country. Has the state influenced Russians so that they do not pay money for viewing? No! Did the TV box influence the opinion of Russians? Definitely NO! In fact, the protests organized by activists in front of some cinemas were not even covered in the media (except for a few blogs and websites).

What influenced it then?

And it was influenced by what I am happy to observe last years. It's hard civil position. This is the cohesion of the population. This is your own opinion, independent of anyone. And thank God, the Russians now have all this!

And if this is the merit of the current policy, it’s up to you to decide. After all, you have your own opinion on this matter?)