Clean the church house. White candle. Plants and herbs

The walls of premises, like all objects, can accumulate negative and positive energy. A home is a fortress for a person, a kind of dome in which you want to hide after a hard day and take refuge from your problems, relieve stress, sit in silence, immersed in your native atmosphere. However, it often happens that, having moved to a new place, people begin to feel an oppressive heaviness in their souls, scandals become more frequent, and in general it seems that some entity is constantly wandering nearby. In such cases, many people think about how to cleanse the apartment of negativity on their own.

How to recognize spoiled karma

An apartment, just like a person, can get sick. When a large amount of negative energy accumulates, the main owner of the house, the brownie, gets sick and cannot keep order and protect the house from the invasion of negativity from the outside. The main signs of the invasion of negative energy:

  • all households, including animals, are constantly sick, conflicts are becoming more frequent;
  • animals behave aggressively, ask to leave the house and do not return;
  • children under seven years of age may complain that there is someone else in the house besides family members;
  • furniture often breaks, pipes leak;
  • various pests appear such as cockroaches, bedbugs, rodents;
  • flowers wither.

It becomes especially difficult when, upon entering one’s own home, a person cannot relax, and constantly wants to escape, just to avoid being in the room. Pangs of fear come over me. If most of the signs described above coincide, you need to think about how to cleanse the apartment of negativity.

Features of rituals

Before you cleanse your apartment of negativity yourself, you need to study some information about the peculiarities of rituals. To thoroughly clean your apartment of negativity, you need to do a general cleaning, or more correctly, a global cleansing. First of all, you should throw away all unnecessary, old things. If you really hate throwing them away, you can sell them. This way you will save yourself from unnecessary trash and bring benefit to someone.

Do not collect unnecessary things, they sit, gather dust and accumulate your negativity, which comes from you during scandals. Naturally, no relationship is so ideal that there are no quarrels at all, and words spoken in a fit of anger are often imprinted on walls and things, like cuts on a human body. Ideally, cleaning should be done four times a year. It is recommended to use holy water when washing premises and household utensils in conjunction with cleaning rituals.

Preparing for the ritual

Before you clean the room yourself, you need to cleanse your body and tune your thoughts in the right way. Before the procedure, take a hot shower or bath with salt. This will help relieve stress and prepare properly for the ceremony. During ablution, you should imagine how all problems and troubles flow away along with streams of water, and the body becomes light and weightless. Thoughts are cleared, and confidence in the future comes.

After showering, wear clean cotton clothes that you feel comfortable in. Nothing should hinder your movements. To recharge yourself with positivity, if you need it, clean yourself up, put on makeup, or do something that brings you joy, for example, eat ice cream or chocolate. Open all the windows wide so that a pleasant, invigorating draft flows through the apartment and takes away all sorrows and negativity.

There should be no people in the room who are not interested in cleaning the house. First of all, clean up and throw away all the old stuff, including chipped kitchen utensils and old clothes that you hate to throw away, but no one wears. You should use the entire space of your home to the maximum, so you can drive away the evil entities that settle in old things.

Common ritual

Today, almost every good housewife knows how to cleanse her apartment of negativity with a church candle. This method came to us from our ancestors and is successfully used to this day. With its help, you can clean your home yourself without much difficulty. The method allows you not only to clean the room, but also to determine how much and where negative energy has accumulated. If you know that problems began after a certain person visited your home, then this method will help determine where the lining is located.

Light a church candle and walk around each corner of the apartment, moving clockwise and reading the plot:

“The fire will cleanse, the candle will show, the place will indicate where to look for the lining. Where the damage is hidden, it cannot be seen, but a candle can show everything. Don’t harm her anymore, don’t salt her, and don’t litter my house. Come out, brownie, we will clean up with you, we will drive away all the troubles and live in goodness.”

All this time, observe the reaction of the candle, where the flame will shimmer in different colors, smoke and crackle, you should linger longer and read “Our Father” until the flame evens out. If one candle has become completely black from soot, it should be replaced with another. The cinders after the ritual should be buried in a deserted place, and upon arriving home, your hands should be washed with soap up to the elbow.

The second version of this ritual is carried out not alone, but with an assistant. In this case, one person goes around the house with a candle. Prayer should sound all the time. The second person follows on the heels of the leader and sprinkles all the corners, cabinets and their contents with holy water. As in the first option, after the ritual, the candle stubs need to be buried in a deserted place.

Removal of damage is carried out in a similar way by fumigation with herbs. To do this, take twigs of St. John's wort and wormwood. St. John's wort has long been considered not only a healing plant, but also endowed with magical properties. It is best if the collection is done with your own hands. Herbs should be collected during the waxing moon, as they retain more energy.

Sound Ritual

Cleaning from damage can be done using sound. It is recommended to play an audio recording of the bell every day. This will help disperse the evil spirits. Wind music is also a powerful protection.

You can use Tibetan bowls to cleanse your apartment of damage. With a bowl, you need to sit in the middle of the room in which most of the time is spent and, striking it, read prayers. They finish the ritual when the soul becomes lighter, the feeling comes that the situation around has changed and it has become easier to breathe.

Salt ritual

Cleaning an apartment with salt to remove negativity is another common method that has been used for a very long time. Salt is considered a powerful energy absorber in magical circles. The material does not have its own energy, but is a neutral field, like a white sheet of paper on which you can write whatever your heart desires. It is used both to cause damage and to eliminate it. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • a piece of natural cloth to wash the floor;
  • a bucket of spring water;
  • a pack of salt, you can use sea salt.

At midnight on the full moon, sit in the middle of the room over a bucket of water and read the following words:

“Just as fast waters destroy everything in their path, so the damage is destined to leave me. Pack up your belongings, your legs are quick, leave, run away, don’t leave a trace. Don’t go to good people, but go to the swamps, there is work for you there.”

In the morning, when the sun rises, throw salt into the water and wipe all surfaces from dust, wash the floors. The water should be poured out at the intersection and the rag should be buried with the words:

“You can’t get out, you can’t get out of the damp earth due to the most terrible damage. Troubles will not return to my abode. My words are firm and my will is strong. Amen".

Preventive measures

Protecting the apartment in the future is a very important stage. After cleansing the energy, it is important to make sure that enemies are not able to enter your home and cause harm again. After all, if the damage was caused deliberately, when expelling negative energy, it will all return to the ill-wisher, who, in turn, will try to return the damage back. Removing damage requires following certain rules. Under no circumstances should you lend anything to anyone, especially salt, sugar, matches, or chairs.

Natural protection of the home is houseplants. The list of useful plants includes aloe, ficus, violets, by the way, they will not bloom in a house with bad energy, cacti, cyclamen. A seven-arrow icon should be hung above the door so that it looks at the people entering the house. To protect yourself from unwanted guests, place a broom turned upside down near the threshold.

The most common method of protection against negativity in the East is aromatherapy. You can also use it. For such purposes, it is recommended to use tea tree, citrus, and coconut aroma oils.

Esters should be added to water when wet cleaning is carried out. This is not only an excellent method to protect yourself from dark forces, but also to lift your spirits and improve the immunity of your household. The more positive emotions people living in the room experience, the less space there will be for dark matters that strive to find a gap and slip into the house.

You can remove the evil eye and damage from your home and protect yourself from witchcraft attacks on your own. Choose an effective ritual and eliminate negativity forever.

In the article:

How to cleanse an apartment from damage and the evil eye

To get rid of negative influences on the house, they perform a cleansing ritual, but first. If found - . Then they begin the ritual.

Carrying out general cleaning. Remove items related to death or witchcraft from the premises:

  • cards;
  • clothes of the dead;
  • broken mirrors;
  • black headscarves (worn at funerals).

These things are returned to their places after cleaning, but some have no place in the house. For example, sources of negative energy -. During the cleaning process you may find:

  • bones;
  • threads;
  • hair;
  • buttons;
  • handkerchiefs;
  • needles (door jambs are carefully checked);
  • wax figures woven from sticks.

If you find such an object, do not rush to sound the alarm. Lining is considered to be things that lie in an unusual place, for example, or buttons in the shades of a chandelier. They take a black dense cloth in which they wrap the lining, take it outside and burn it to ashes.

They carefully sort through the pillows: often when damaged, objects of unknown origin appear in them.

If there was a deceased person in the house recently, his things are burned. They throw away the pillow, bedding and mattress of the deceased. During the cleaning period, mirrors are removed from living rooms.

After the work has been done, they go to the temple and consecrate 2 bags, one with salt, the second with poppy seeds. Mix the ingredients and pour the mixture into each corner of the apartment.

Finish with the one facing east. It is believed that this is the gate to heaven, so it must be open. Sprinkling the housing, they say:

I scatter poppy seeds and salt, I bring joy back to the house. Let illness and misfortune, evil and evil spirits go away, let grace and love return to my home. Let comfort and joy return, and grief and troubles go away. Amen.

Poppy is placed in the corners of the balcony and veranda. There are no exceptions. After the ceremony they wait 3 days. Then they carefully sweep the used ingredients into a bag and leave it in a vacant lot. Upon returning home, they collect blessed poppy seeds (without salt) in small bags and place them in different rooms.

Simple conspiracies to rid your home of damage

There are many ways to get rid of the negative impact directed at the apartment. The front door needs to be cleaned every year. She is most often subject to magical attacks. First the ceremony is performed indoors, then outside. On the 15th–16th lunar day in the morning before sunrise, they thoroughly wash the door, saying:

Water, water, wash away all the sorrows, all the troubles and all the dirty tricks.

Where there is water, there is trouble.

Returning to the apartment, they fill a bucket of cool water. Reading "Our Father" and throw salt (preferably consecrated) into the container. The action is accompanied by the words:

Protect, salt, from sorcerers and witches, from evil intent and evil slander.

The entrance door is washed again on both sides with the enchanted liquid. The rag is not thrown away, but the water is poured under the tree. Take a large clove of garlic and rub the rim of the door. They say:

Away, away, everything unclean and slanderous.

When the ceremony is completed, they cross themselves and say:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Frankincense and wormwood for cleansing negative programs

You can cleanse your home using incense and wormwood. The hostess must buy the ingredients. They count the number of corners and make the same number of small bags from coarse fabric.

The herbs are divided and placed into bundles. Make sure they are approximately the same. In the process they whisper:

She collected wormwood, looked for incense, cleaned the house, protected it. Bring back peace to my home, bring back harmony, joy and understanding. Drive away spirits and demons. Drive them away and let them set foot on the threshold of my house. Amen.

The prepared bags are carried to the corners. For three days in a row, pieces of incense are set on fire and the room is fumigated. Every morning they read the Lord's Prayer before breakfast.

Removing the evil eye from a house with an apple

The fruit is used in rituals. Most often this is, but it can also be used to protect the home. Take a big red apple and a candle. The larger the living space, the thicker it is.

The seeds are cut out from the fruit, making a hole. They insert a candle there and leave it in one room for an hour. Pronounce:

Apple, apple, take on yourself all the anger, everything unclean, everyone is cursed and all the slander.

After the time has expired, the attributes are moved to another room and the spell is repeated. A candle with an apple should be everywhere, including in the corridor and on the balcony. Each time they enter a new room, they repeat the words. After the ritual, the fruit and candle are left in a vacant lot.

Signs of damage to the house

When the sorcerer cannot get to the victim, he affects the home. Important from the evil eye and damage. If protection is not put in place, but witchcraft is exerted, the problem will quickly manifest itself:

  • it is impossible to have a pet - cats and dogs do not want to enter the door;
  • it often seems that there is someone at home;
  • extraneous rustles, creaks, distant steps are heard;
  • fails, even on ideal terms for the transaction;
  • friends come less often;
  • with severe damage, the house takes victims - people die one after another (there is definitely something in common);
  • if witchcraft affected the area around the building, nothing grows on the ground;
  • the owners are haunted by failures;
  • Cracks form on the walls and ceilings, often forming a characteristic pattern (pentacles, silhouettes, faces).

Magic is not necessarily to blame for strange things happening in the house. Perhaps the room is not suitable for the person, the place is associated with negative memories. Before you start cleaning your home, make sure your guesses are true.

How to determine damage in the house yourself

The two rituals below will help determine whether the damage has been successfully removed and find out about its presence.

Fried salt

WITH The olive oil is placed in a frying pan and placed on medium heat. There is no need to heat it up, as with.

After half an hour they look at the color:

  1. Turns yellow or becomes light brown - there is no negative effect.
  2. If it turns dark brown or black, clean the room immediately.

Candle flame

You can determine the witchcraft effect without reading special conspiracies. In the morning they go to church and buy an ordinary wax candle. At home they put it on the table. When the attribute flares up a little, evaluate the flame.

After purchasing a new home, the question inevitably arises: what rituals should be performed to energetically cleanse and balance this space. How to customize your living space “for yourself”? Today there are many methods and techniques belonging to different traditions. However, the ideal option to start activating the positive forces of space is cleansing the apartment with a candle.

The use of candles in the energy improvement of a house or apartment is not a new invention at all. It has been known since time immemorial, when people performed complex rituals when laying the foundation of a house and inhabiting it. People believed that they needed to carry a purifying substance (either fire or water) around the perimeter of the house. It was supposed to eliminate all potentially negative clots of energy and negative information.

The fire was also a calling signal for the spirits, who were appeased and into whose jurisdiction the room passed after it had been tuned in the right way and negative elements had been removed from its structure. Lares, penates and manas, brownies and storerooms - all these creatures and deities received home space into their hands and had to take care of it in every possible way and protect it from evil deeds, words and eyes.

Preparing for cleansing

To cleanse a house or apartment from negative influences, various ceremonies and rituals are used. Today you can often see a priest being called to a new home. This is done so that he sprinkles all the corners and reads prayers in the house. This creates a peaceful and kind atmosphere of Christian love and reverence for God in the house. But you can consecrate your home yourself using church candles. These candles will be a kind of conductor between the temple and the home.

Cleaning an apartment with a candle should not be done at random, but in a strictly defined order, in compliance with a number of specific rules:

Before the ritual, you need to fast for one to three days. Then prepare yourself to read the holy prayers. To do this, go to church the day before, confess and receive communion.
To prepare the apartment, you need to place a bowl of table salt in all its corners (without exception) for a period of 1-3 days. This is done so that the salt absorbs all the negativity floating in the air of the rooms.

The principle of energy cleansing of premises is to walk around all the rooms of a house or apartment, reading prayers with a candle in hand. You need to go through all residential and non-residential premises and show them well to the fire. These will burn out all the negativity at the energy level and bestow positivity.

The circumambulation must be performed exclusively clockwise, otherwise the ritual will turn out to be anti-Christian and will bring unknown things to the house.

What is needed for the ceremony

Candles for cleaning the apartment from negativity need to be bought at the church. It is advisable to choose the thickest and longest ones, but in the absence of them, any will do. It is believed that the longer the candle burns and the larger its dimensions, the better the space will be saturated with goodness.

It is better to consolidate the result obtained with a “seal” - a word-formula that seals the space in the state in which it came after its cleaning. This will prevent new evil from entering the room and will limit the negativity to the threshold of the house. You can seal it in different ways, but the main thing is to say that since it was done, it will now remain so forever.

It’s very good if you have some protective items in your house. These could be, for example, icons in the red corner, horseshoes for good luck, various aroma lamps, lit incense or Indian incense. Any of these additional magical things will help cleanse and maintain the home in a certain energy state.

Methods of cleansing

Despite the primitiveness of the actions that are necessary in the process of clearing a room with fire, at the moment there are several ways to carry out this activity.

The simplest cleansing of a house or apartment with a candle can be represented as a combination of the following rites and rituals:

The most ordinary wax candle is purchased in the temple. Any strong prayer can be unlearned. You can learn, for example, even the simplest “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.”

Before cleaning, the house or apartment is thoroughly cleaned and washed, leaving not a speck of dirt or a pinch of dust.
They take the church candle in their right hand and stand at the right doorframe of the entrance, taking it as a starting point. They light a candle, clasp their other hand into a fist and begin to read prayers from memory. At the same time, with a burning candle, you need to move along the walls of the room. In the corners you should stop and make the sign of the cross with a burning candle. This way the corners will be completely cleaned.

The main principle of the ritual is to track failures, which can be identified by the flame. Where it begins to behave violently, crackle or pound heavily, you need to stop. At this point you need to read the entire set of prayers until the candle calms down. At the end of the ritual, you need to return to the door and leave the candle near it to burn out. When the candle goes out, say:

“My place must be clean, not smelly and not let go by enemies. I illuminate it with a candle, empower it and keep it that way. Amen!".

Cleansing an apartment with a candle is good because you don’t need to learn complex prayers and spells. Even the simplest prayer “Our Father” is suitable for this.

Another method seems somewhat more complicated, since it calls on the saints of God as assistants. It is done like this:

You need to acquire icons of Orthodox saints who are your patrons or simply appeal to you.
For each icon, buy a large candle and a traditional icon cloth.
Install altars of icons with candles in those places where there are the greatest problems with the energy background.
Light the candles and read near each icon three times the prayers that are intended for that saint.
Leave the candle until it burns out. Wrap icons in linen and hang them throughout the house as space guardians.

It happens that housing is heavily saturated with negativity, other people’s evil thoughts and other energy-informational impurities. And even walking around, sprinkling with holy water and fumigating with herbs don’t help. In this case, you need to give the fire more time and strength. For example, this way:

After going around with a candle and reading prayers or psalms, you need to go around the house again and call all the brownies for help. To do this, place them on the windowsills with a piece of food and a drop of drink. You can call in any way, by asking or persuading, but without threatening. Then you should place a large candle (maximum size) in the center of each room. This will be the energy-informational centering point of space, which will remove all bad energy and burn it to the ground.

Cleaning the apartment with a candle should be done throughout the whole day, making sure that candles are constantly burning in all rooms.
At the end of the ceremony, you need to take away the cinders, thank the house-elders and ask them to keep the rooms in the same condition always.

The video talks about the properties of fire and candles:

Why do you need cleansing?

Cleaning an apartment with a candle always helps not only to make it warm, light and comfortable for residents and guests. Cleaning also creates a certain microenvironment of the mental background, the space of feelings and thought forms. In other words, a cleaned apartment will never become a place for scandals, hatred, tears and resentment. She will bring joy, goodness and happiness with all her appearance.

Fire is a universal means for expelling all kinds of evil spirits, even those of immaterial origin. Therefore, it easily eliminates certain blocks of living space. It removes negative accumulations of energy and other negative phenomena.

Home is a place where a person rests his soul and body. Everything here should be reliable, cozy, and also clean - literally and figuratively. Spiritual energy is no less important than furniture and other furnishings. Let there be no expensive household appliances in the house; there should be no extraneous vibrations in it. In this article, you will learn how to cleanse your home using a candle. It's not difficult and anyone can do it.

Why is home cleaning necessary?

The air is inhabited by spiritual entities invisible to the eye. These are not only angels, but also unclean spirits. Out of condescension towards weak human nature, the Lord hides their appearance from view. Therefore, if strange things begin to happen in your home, or extraneous sounds are heard, you need to cleanse the house with a candle.

Fire has long been considered an assistant during various rituals. First of all, you should do some general cleaning:

  • get rid of excess dust - knock out carpets, wash curtains, wipe all open areas;
  • throwing away unnecessary, damaged things will free up space;
  • aroma lamp - essential oils can lift your spirits and act as a preventative against infections;
  • plant flowers - they will fill the apartment not only with oxygen, but also with positive vibrations.

After putting things in order, rest will become much more effective. As a result, a person will achieve better results at work. And spiritual labors will be easier. To cleanse your home with a church candle, you need to purchase it from a church shop. The size does not really matter, but it is important that it is made of wax. Many candles are now made from paraffin - this is a cheap material that does not have the natural properties of a natural bee product. Wax candles are more expensive.

Performing a cleansing ritual

When cleaning an apartment with a candle, you must start from the front door. The corridor side also needs to be cleaned. The lit candle is passed clockwise several times. Cross-shaped movements are also used - from top to bottom then from left to right. You need to go around all the necessary points:

  • door handles;
  • peephole;
  • call button;
  • corners - it is believed that the “darkest” energy is there.

To make house cleaning with a candle more effective, you must also use holy water. You can collect a little in an Orthodox church. While reading the Lord's Prayer, it is necessary to sprinkle all the corners, as well as the doorposts. This is also done with cross-shaped movements. There is no need to pour a lot, purely symbolically. Don't forget to sprinkle the threshold and the outside of the front door.

Be sure to walk through the bathroom and toilet room. Clean mirrors from dust and throw away trash. Also sprinkle holy water on all corners.

It is believed that if a church candle begins to crack, then the cleansing of the apartment is successful. You should not be afraid, you just need to wait until the flame burns evenly. If the fire goes out, it’s okay too - you need to light it again. To prevent hot wax from dripping onto your hands, you need to put a circle of cardboard or thick paper on the candle.

To calmly cleanse the house with a candle, it is better to choose a moment when there is no one in the house. etc. Some people recommend taking a shower before starting, using salt. After which you can begin the ritual. It is advisable to conduct it in a calm state of mind, so as not to add bad energy.

To finish cleaning the apartment from negativity, you need to throw away the remaining candles, then wash your hands thoroughly. This can be repeated no more than twice a year. If you feel that the effect is insufficient, you can do it again after 3 days.

To make it more convenient to use consecrated water, you can purchase a small sprinkler at the church store. You can bless not only a house, but also any objects, while a special prayer is read, it is in church collections. Or read “Our Father.”

You can clean the house not only with a candle; music also works well. Nowadays it is not difficult to find recordings of church hymns. Reading psalms and singing akathists are suitable. The ringing of bells has a good effect on energy; even the holy fathers of the Orthodox Church have noticed this.

It is necessary to maintain the achieved effect, this is not so difficult:

  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • throw away dried and diseased plants;
  • do not keep cracked dishes in the house;
  • put things back in their place, do not clutter the living space.

Images of Christ, the Mother of God and saints have a good influence on residents. Place the image on a special shelf; many also purchase a lamp. They are lit in front of icons on holidays, in the last week of Great Lent, on Easter, and also during prayer. It’s not for nothing that Orthodox images are called a window into another reality. They help a person to gather himself and find the best in himself.

The words of Orthodox prayers also have the power to drive away unclean spirits. Only they must be pronounced out loud by the owners, and not mechanically, but meaningfully. If all of the above methods do not help, you should invite a priest to consecrate the home. God bless you!

How to cleanse a house of negativity with a candle

How to clean a house or apartment with a candle was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

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If you want to create comfort and happiness in your home, you need to not only clean up regularly, but also know how to cleanse your home of negative energy. It’s quite easy to do this yourself: there are certain practices that we will share.

You've probably noticed more than once that some people's homes breathe easily and freely, while others have an oppressive atmosphere. It's all about energy - it can be positive or negative and directly affects the well-being and emotional state of people.

Cleansing your home of negative energy is necessary:

  • If you want you and your household to be healthy and energetic
  • Strive for happiness and harmony
  • Do you want to fill your home with positive energy?
  • Do you want to be successful, be fulfilled in life and easily achieve your goals?
  • You suspect that the situation in the house is unfavorable
  • You bought an apartment and want to get rid of the energy of the previous residents

If any of the above applies to you, apply the practices that we will recommend below.

How do you know if there are traces of negative energy in your home?

If you are sick, the doctor will first diagnose you and then prescribe treatment. You should follow the same scheme - first check whether you really need to clear the space of negativity.

The verification methods are as follows:

  1. Light a wax church candle and walk around the apartment. Look into each room. If a candle produces a lot of smoke, and the flame “dances”, it is restless and chaotic, then there is cause for concern
  2. Observe the behavior of pets. In a house with negative energy, they behave extremely restlessly. They try to run out of the apartment when the door opens, and go to bed only near the entrance. In advanced cases, pets get sick and run away
  3. Houseplants also respond well to the energy of the house. If even unpretentious indoor flowers do not take root in your apartment, and gifted bouquets wither very quickly, then it is necessary to cleanse the house of negativity

Once you have discovered that something is wrong with your home energy, begin to cleanse the space.

How to cleanse your home of negative energy: simple ways

Before performing complex spiritual practices, do the basics. Few people know, but quite ordinary actions can transform the energetic atmosphere of your home.

Do some spring cleaning

There will never be positive energy in a house where there is always disorder and chaos.

  1. Get rid of all the accumulated junk. People often store a lot of unnecessary things in their closets - the habit of leaving something “useful” for a rainy day works. Conduct an audit of your wardrobe, sort out documents, jewelry, get rid of unnecessary little things. You should only keep items and things that you use regularly or that bring you joy.
  2. Wash windows and mirrors until they shine. These objects are energy reflectors. A dirty mirror and stained glass are the reason why negative energy accumulates in the apartment. Therefore, carefully ensure that all reflective surfaces are clean.
  3. Wash everything: the insides of cabinets, household appliances, clean the furniture. The less dirt, the more bright energy in the house

Advice: assign each item in the house its own place and make sure that it is always stored where it should be.

Fix everything that's broken

It is also very important to ensure that there are no broken, outdated or unused things at home. That's why:

  • Fix leaking faucets and remove blockages in pipes. All this overlaps to a large extent with monetary energy
  • Throw away equipment that is outdated and not used. This could be an old iron, TV or vacuum cleaner, which are kept “just in case”

Getting rid of junk and fixing broken things is already a huge step towards cleansing your home of negative energy. You will feel that after spring cleaning it has become easier to breathe.

Even if your home is always in order, do not skip these points - in any house there is a certain amount of unnecessary things that are stored on the mezzanine.

How to cleanse your home of negative energy: effective techniques

Only after you have followed the previous recommendations, begin energy practices. They are as follows:

  • Believers can walk around the premises with a lit wax church candle, sprinkle the corners of the rooms with holy water, read prayers asking to bless the home
  • After some unpleasant person visits your apartment, wash the floor with salt water. Used water should be disposed of outside the house - perhaps into the ground. Preferably in a place where people rarely go. This ritual will wash away all the negativity that came into the house with an ill-wisher
  • In sunny weather, open the windows to ventilate the room. At this time, mentally imagine how positive, fiery energy enters your apartment and fills the space
  • Use positive affirmations and visualization while cleaning. Mentally visualize pictures of a happy and prosperous life. Thank your household for everything, praise them. Wish success, health and happiness to every family member

And finally, change your thinking to a positive one:

  • Stop complaining, criticizing and being offended. At moments when such emotions visit you, mentally check yourself and formulate what you are going to say in a calm manner
  • Never look for someone to blame: take responsibility for your own life. Always try to understand by what actions and thoughts you attracted a problem or unpleasant situation.

Watch a video about cleansing your home of negative energy:

Give people compliments more often, do not envy, but rejoice in other people’s successes, thank your family, praise them

Internal changes always lead to external changes: as soon as you feel the positive energy within yourself, the surrounding space will imperceptibly change and be cleared of negativity.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: