Prepare theory for OGE physics. Independent preparation for the OGE: is it effective and what is needed for it? Preparing for the OGE in physics: tips for students

Most often they write about preparing for the Unified State Exam, undeservedly forgetting about the Unified State Exam. But in order to take the exam after the eleventh grade, you must first go to the tenth and study fruitfully for another two years. It is the preparation for the OGE and passing it that mobilizes all the child’s internal reserves and powerfully motivates him to continue his studies and strive for a prosperous future and an interesting profession.

By intensively preparing for the OGE, the child builds a solid foundation for further success. This includes good studies in grades 10-11, a significant foundation for passing the Unified State Exam with a high score, and successful studies in the chosen educational institution where the child will enter after graduation.

The examination paper consists of two parts and contains 26 tasks. In Part 1 there are twenty-two tasks of varying difficulty, but requiring a short answer - you need to write a number or a set of numbers as an answer, and establish correspondences.

Part 2 - four tasks - requires detailed answers. Moreover, one of them is laboratory work. Equipment for it will be provided, so there is no possibility of making a mistake with the necessary instruments and materials. What should the graduate demonstrate when completing this practical task? Correctly conduct a physical experiment, sketch, be able to write down the results obtained, analyze them and make correct calculations. The task is very difficult and you need to carefully prepare for it. Also, do not forget that you only need to clearly complete the assigned task. There is no need to carry out any additional measurements that are possible when carrying out this or that laboratory work, as well as calculations during the exam - this is a waste of such precious time, which could be used to solve other tasks. No points are awarded for additional research and solutions. Only for completing the assigned task.

Often an offensive mistake when preparing experimental work is a careless sketch of the experimental setup, or its absence, or incompleteness.

Also, graduates often forget to write down units of measurement during calculations or, having made correct calculations, do not draw a conclusion. Trifle? But they add up to points.

What else should you pay attention to when preparing for the OGE in physics? For the correctness of the calculations. Even with ideal accuracy of physical calculations, mathematical calculations, unfortunately, often turn out to be erroneous, and hence low scores.

When making decisions, it is always necessary to write down not only the calculations, but also all the formulas used in this case. If they are missing or only a few are recorded, you should not expect good results. There should also be a brief record of the condition, for example, a calculation problem.

Taking into account the conditions of the OGE, the nature of the tasks, you need to prepare for the upcoming test. Don’t just cram theory and formulas, but strive for understanding so that every letter in the formula is filled with meaning.

If we look at the analysis of exam papers even for the Unified State Exam, we see that in addition to the topic “Mechanical Motion”, all the others covered up to the tenth grade: thermal, electromagnetic and quantum phenomena cause difficulties for graduates and numerous errors. Even... Archimedes' law. Therefore, having been well prepared to pass the Unified State Exam, the child is already preparing to successfully pass the Unified State Exam.

When solving the demo version of the OGE-2017, exam papers from previous years, it is necessary to achieve not only the correct solution, but also learn to fit into the time allotted for the exam - 180 minutes. Some schoolchildren, due to the specifics of their temperament, do not like haste: they are used to savoring a task, thinking about different solutions for a long time, and taking their time to write it down. The “Specification of Testing and Measuring Materials in Physics” - a golden document, a truly practical guide to successful step-by-step preparation for passing the exam - provides a practically calculated approximate required optimal time: it is proposed to spend 2-5 minutes on solving basic tasks, with increased complexity - from 6 to 15, high - 20-30. When preparing, it is imperative to take into account the clearly limited period of time allotted for completing the examination work.

Hard work, perseverance, the desire to learn, understand, and achieve a goal always leads to victory and high results.

The state final certification for ninth grade graduates is currently voluntary; you can always refuse and take the usual traditional exams.

Why then is the OGE (GIA) form more attractive for 9th grade graduates of 2019? Carrying out direct certification in this new form allows you to obtain an independent assessment of schoolchildren’s preparation. All OGE (GIA) tasks are presented in the form of a special form, including questions with a choice of answers to them. A direct analogy is drawn with the Unified State Exam. In this case, you can give both short and detailed answers. Our website website will help you prepare well and realistically assess your chances.


GIA and OGE tests online with answer checking

help you decide on your further choice of a specialized high school class.

  1. You yourself can easily assess your knowledge in the chosen subject. To do this, our project offers you various tests in a number of disciplines.
  2. Our website dedicated to
  3. preparation for passing the State Examination Test 2019, grade 9 online

Start preparing in advance, don’t put everything off until the last few weeks. The end of the year is already a stressful period, you will have to write tests, complete individual assignments and many other types of work, and there will be very little time to prepare. In addition, it is better to absorb information in small parts, delving into each rule and formula.

Exercise regularly. It is better to set aside 1-2 hours every day than to devote the whole weekend to preparing and sitting at the computer for many hours in a row. Don’t forget, the brain can work effectively for no more than 40-45 minutes, after which you must definitely take a break. If you try to “catch up” on all the classes you missed during the week in one day, the material you read will be forgotten very quickly.

Don't forget about repetition. It is best to repeat the material twice - 6 hours after studying and the next day. Repeat and remember only the key information, and you will not forget it until the day of the exam.

Study in a calm, quiet environment, do not be distracted by any household chores, concentrate.

How to prepare for the OGE yourself: what materials are needed?

First of all, take care of the equipment and stock up on all the necessary materials that you will use.

You shouldn’t immediately go to the library and ask for textbooks from previous years; they are unlikely to help you. The fact is that the material in them is presented with lengthy explanations, the study of which will take a lot of time. In addition, the OGE program changes annually, some topics are skipped. In textbooks you will have to learn and repeat everything, even things that may not be useful at all in the exam.

Special preparation guides will be an excellent alternative to textbooks. The material in them is presented concisely; in fact, basic concepts, formulas, dates, rules and other key information are highlighted. Often the text is accompanied by tables, diagrams, diagrams and other graphic components that simplify the process of systematizing and memorizing information.

In addition to manuals and collections with the theoretical part, you will need materials for practice. It would be a good idea to practice solving tests and problems, answering written questions and writing essays, that is, performing the types of tasks that you will encounter during testing.

A complete database of materials for preparation on the site "site"

In order not to waste extra money and time searching for and purchasing all the necessary manuals and collections with training tasks, register on the website. Here you will find a complete database of materials that will help you prepare for the OGE in all subjects:

  • Russian language and literature
  • English, Spanish, French, German
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Social studies
  • Stories
  • Mathematics
  • Geographies
  • Computer Science

We have collected all the necessary materials for our users:

  1. Theoretical manuals that contain textual information, tables, diagrams, diagrams, graphs, maps, images and much more.
  2. Practical tasks, including tests, tasks, examples, open tasks with independent formulation of the correct answer, retellings, essays and others.

All materials on the website “site” are divided into separate sections corresponding to subjects and organized by topic. Thanks to this, you can easily find the information you need and prepare yourself as efficiently as possible.

If you are preparing for the Unified State Exam, we offer you online preparation, which will save you time and money.

When taking the GIA, 9th grade students are offered a choice of taking two subjects, including physics. This subject is most relevant for those students who plan to transfer to a specialized school, gymnasium or lyceum after the exam. The GIA exam allows you to evaluate a student’s abilities, his aptitude for certain sciences and the quality of knowledge. Based on the results of this exam, students are admitted to grade 10, where the main emphasis is on physics and mathematics. If a child has firmly decided that he needs physics, then it’s time to start an intensive training course.

Specialists in preparation for the State Examination in Physics give the following valuable advice:

  1. Objectively assess your current level of knowledge and try to pass the trial test.
  2. After analyzing your test results, create a plan to prepare for the exam. Highlight all the weak points and pay great attention to the specifics of the GIA test itself. Your tutor will help you with this difficult work.
  3. Preparations should begin as soon as possible. It must be carried out intensively and purposefully. Leave time at the end of your preparation to solve the tests. Successful passing of the State Examination is aimed at the student’s full understanding of the subject, its basic concepts, and formulas.

Now let's find out more about the exam itself. A tutor will not coach you just for an exam, especially if you plan to pass it with a high score. The third part is especially difficult for schoolchildren. At preparation for the State Examination in Physics It is necessary to maintain a balance with fundamental preparation and banal coaching on tests. A tutor will not let you get lost in the answers to even the most tricky questions, will help you improve your level of knowledge and create a basis for successfully passing the Unified State Exam in a couple of years.

First of all, you must understand that you should not prepare alone. Indeed, a number of subjects do not cause any difficulties for schoolchildren and you can prepare for them on your own, but physics is a complex science that is difficult to understand without outside help. A misunderstanding of even one concept can lead to a number of serious errors. should be carried out under the supervision of professional teachers who can explain all the necessary material and provide teaching aids.

On top of this, the student will be able to solve previous years' tests and you will never have to settle for multiple textbooks. Additional manuals and tests help you gain the necessary practical skills. Unfortunately, it must consist not only in knowledge of the discipline itself, but also in developing skills in solving various problems.

In addition, preparation for external testing is usually divided into two main stages. First, the tutor should prepare you in theory, and only then reinforce your knowledge with practical tasks. Only this approach to studying the subject will help you prepare for the State Examination exam as effectively as possible. When working with it should be carried out over several months. The theoretical component is of particular importance for successful completion, since the tests contain questions that can only be answered if you have the necessary knowledge. The practical basis of knowledge can only be obtained by directly solving problems. To teach a schoolchild to operate with all sorts of terms and formulas, it is necessary to solve more than a dozen similar problems. This is necessary in order to sharpen your skills and train your brain for many hours of work on the exam. If you work on the same blocks of problems for several months, then during the GIA testing the student will be able to find a solution within a couple of minutes.

Any knowledge obtained during the course must be periodically systematized, so that during the exam there will be no confusion in the child’s head. After all, a trained brain immediately understands exactly what formula is needed to solve a particular problem.

The State Examination in Physics is a specific exam that requires serious preparation. Don't leave this preparation until the last minute. Parents and students must understand that to fully understand the subject, it is necessary to study at least twice a week for 1.5-2 hours. Only a serious approach will help you effectively prepare for the State Examination.

If you have not yet found a suitable tutor, then try to solve the tests yourself and identify your weaknesses. Work independently to solve your problems, then it will be easier for you to explain to the tutor what issues concern you most.

And remember, you must have experience in preparing for State Examination Testing. Look only for practicing professionals who can give you complete knowledge on all topics.

Many parents criticize the modern educational system because of its heavy focus on obtaining abstract scores rather than real knowledge. There is some truth in this, but in any case, every student expects a GIA in the 9th grade. If you expect to enter a technical university in the future, then preparing for the OGE in physics is one of the key ways to achieve this goal. What is important here is real knowledge, not grades on a report card. How to prepare for the OGE in physics to get the desired score?

Secrets of successful preparation
  1. Having a plan.

    Without an action plan, it's difficult to get a really high score. If preparation for the OGE in physics does not have deadlines for mastering the required information, then by the exam date there is a high probability of knowledge gaps. At the same time, the main thing in the existing plan is that the set goals correspond to the student’s capabilities, including psychological ones. After all, the learning process is not always simple and requires intense brain activity, after which there must be time to rest.

  2. Understanding the current state of knowledge.

    This is important not only when starting preparation, but also directly during the process to determine the level of progress. When preparing for the State Examination, the best way to monitor knowledge is practice tests. Having passed such testing in Unium, the student will receive an optimal level of load, allowing him to effectively study “problem areas” so that they do not cause loss of points in the exam.

  3. Possibility of preparation adjustments by the mentor.

    Mastering topics can have different productivity. For example, some students easily understand the interference and diffraction of light, while for others this topic is complex and requires more careful attention. A student prepares for the exam at Unium with the constant support of a specialist who will tell you what you need to focus on and what you just need to quickly remember, how to prepare for the OGE in physics systematically and effectively.