Tighten the oval of the face exercises. Face lift exercises

What women do to prolong the youth of their faces. They buy expensive creams and other miracle products, visit beauty salons, undergo terrible procedures, and even go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Many girls don’t even think that the problem can be solved in safer ways.

Exercises for the face and neck are very effective. They will tone the muscles, visibly tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles. Moreover, you can study anywhere: at home, sitting in front of the TV, or in the office at the computer. In a few months, thanks to such gymnastics, your face will become young and beautiful again.

Features of exercise effectiveness

The skin on the neck and face is so delicate that it must be handled very carefully so as not to injure or stretch the epidermis. It is believed that after thirty years, any facial movement can turn into a new wrinkle. Therefore, in order to maintain youth, you do not need to frown, squint your eyes, or even smile at all.

But lately this opinion has often been challenged. Plastic surgeons have noticed that those who have well-developed facial muscles look younger. These people include teachers, artists and television presenters. They use many facial muscles, which is why they have well-defined facial contours and firmer skin.

And necks are based on constructing active grimaces, which is why they are so effective. Gymnastics affects the deep layers of the epidermis, which masks, creams and massage are not capable of. Thanks to exercises, blood circulation in tissues improves, muscles become stronger and skin turgor increases, as a result of which the face becomes young and attractive. Moreover, you can do gymnastics at any age: from 15 to 60 years old.

Proper execution

  • Before starting the course, it is recommended to take a photograph of your face. Then you need to take a control photo every 15 days. This way the result after gymnastics will be clearly visible.
  • It is better to practice in front of a mirror while sitting on a chair. This way you can track the correctness of your actions.

  • Before starting any exercise for the oval of the face and neck, you need to take the starting position. Straighten your back, pull your shoulders back and straighten, pull in your tummy, tighten your buttocks and thighs.
  • During exercises, fix your facial muscles with your hands. Some cosmetologists recommend doing gymnastics with cotton gloves to prevent your fingers from slipping. But in fact, it is difficult to control and feel hand movements in them.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, since violation of the technique may result in the appearance of new wrinkles. Therefore, you can additionally visit a cosmetologist who teaches facial gymnastics, or watch educational video lessons.
  • Develop the habit of doing exercises for the muscles of the face and neck every day. The main thing is not to be lazy and not to take breaks, then the result will be visible within a week. Do it for 21 days, and facial exercises will become as commonplace as brushing your teeth.

Preparing the face

Before gymnastics, it is better to wash your face with a special product, if possible, to cleanse it of impurities. After this, you need to apply oil, nourishing or baby cream. You need to pay attention not only to the face, but also to the neck.

When the product is absorbed, it is recommended to warm the skin with a light massage. To do this, gently pat your palms or lightly tap your fingertips on your forehead, cheeks, chin and neck for several minutes. This massage will prepare the facial muscles for further stress and prevent stretching of the skin.

Now you can start gymnastics. At the beginning, a few exercises will be enough, so choose two or three and get started. Increase the load and number of approaches gradually.


This is a very simple and fun exercise for the neck. The idea is to chant the vowel sounds: a, u, i, o, e. In this case, tension in the muscles of the neck and face is of great importance. Repeat this exercise five to ten times.


Throw your head back, point your chin up. At the same time, you need to tense your neck muscles. Do not change the position of your head, forcefully lower your lower jaw as if you were trying to bite off a hanging apple. It is important to take your time when performing all actions. You need to try to feel the tension of the muscles in the face and neck. However, moderation must be observed, especially at the initial stage. If you have not done facial gymnastics before, then do five approaches. If you have experience in this matter, then ten repetitions will be optimal.


Want to make the perfect oval? Exercise for the face and neck “Dandelion” will help make this dream come true. The steps are very simple and familiar to everyone. You need to slightly stretch your lips and exhale air at the same time. At the same time, you can imagine that you are blowing the fluffy cap off a dandelion or extinguishing the flame of a candle. As in previous cases, five to ten approaches are provided.


To perform this gymnastics, you need to strongly tense the muscles of your cheeks and press on the palate from the inside with the tip of your tongue. All actions are performed simultaneously. If there is a feeling of tension in the chin area, then the exercise is being performed without errors. Five to ten repetitions will be enough.


Despite the fun of the actions, this is a very effective exercise for the face and neck, for wrinkles in the mouth and nasolabial folds. The gymnastics is very simple. You can imagine that there is an object in front that you want to kiss. You need to stretch your lips forward and forcefully smack the air. After this, you should relax your facial muscles and repeat all the steps again. Ten to fifteen approaches will be enough.


To perform this exercise correctly, you need to sit up straight and lower your shoulders. The idea is to try to turn your head back to the left as much as possible. Owls, for example, can do this at 270 degrees. When turning, you should freeze for thirteen seconds and tense your neck muscles. In the same way, gymnastics is performed to the right. It is recommended to do this exercise five to ten times on each side.

Reach your nose

Perhaps many competed with each other in childhood in performing this exercise, not even suspecting that it tightens the oval of the face. The technique of this gymnastics is both complex and simple. Its meaning is that you need to try to reach the tip of your nose with your tongue. But what is important is not the fact of performing this exercise for the face and neck, but the efforts that are made. It is important to feel the tension in the muscles in the chin and neck and do everything at a calm pace. It will be enough to repeat the gymnastics ten to fifteen times.

Bodyflex - simplicity and effectiveness

This is breathing exercises, which is part of the famous method of the same name, developed for weight loss. Exercises will help improve overall appearance, strengthen the muscles of the forehead, cheeks and neck. Thanks to improved blood circulation, your face will acquire a fresh color.

The main advantage of gymnastics is its simplicity. There is no need to exhaust yourself with difficult workouts. Bodyflex contains only two exercises for the face and neck in its complex. At the same time, they have a wide spectrum of action, thanks to which many muscles are worked.

The technique is based on proper breathing, which saturates the blood with oxygen. This is why the tone of the face increases, the skin becomes tightened and elastic.

Features of performing bodyflex

For this type of gymnastics it is important to breathe correctly. First you need to release the air from your lungs, then take a deep breath. Again you need to exhale through your mouth, and then completely draw in your stomach. Now the breath is held for ten seconds, and again - inhale. The order of actions is of great importance, so it is very important not to violate it.

While holding your breath, you need to massage points on your face: around the lips, under the eyes, between the eyebrows, and so on. You need to apply a little pressure on these places with your fingertips and then release. All these actions are performed while there is no breathing. The manipulations are repeated about ten times for each active point.

Let's look at two miracle exercises for face and neck lifting, which are part of the breathing technique and help you look several years younger.

Exercise "Lion"

This element of gymnastics perfectly corrects the oval, eliminates wrinkles around the nose and mouth, strengthens the muscles of the cheeks and around the eyes. Let's take the starting position. Spread your legs about thirty centimeters wide, rest your hands on your thighs just above your knees. Lower your pelvis down a little, as if you are going to sit down, keep your head straight. Now you can begin bodyflex gymnastics, followed by drawing in the abdomen and holding your breath.

Pull your lips into a small circle and open your eyes very wide, trying to raise them as high as possible. This action will perfectly tighten the muscles under the eyes. Now the formed circle from the lips needs to be lowered down, straining the nasal area and cheeks as much as possible. Then stick out your tongue completely without relaxing your mouth. This will strengthen the muscles of the neck and chin. You should hold this position for at least eight seconds. Then return to the starting position. To strengthen the muscles of the face and neck, you need to repeat this exercise five times.

Exercise “Ugly grimace”

Here is the same starting position as in the “Lion” exercise. When you finish the introductory part, keep your back straight and try to move your lower jaw forward so that it extends beyond your upper teeth. After this, you need to stick out your lower lip and stretch your neck upward, tensing your muscles. Now slowly raise your head and try to reach the ceiling with your outstretched lips. In this case, the feet should be pressed to the floor, and the arms should be thrown back. We count to eight and return to the starting position. We also do five approaches of the exercise.

After exercise, you should feel a slight tingling or slight itching on the skin of your face and neck. This indicates increased blood circulation in the tissues, which means everything was done correctly. If there is no such feeling, you should work on your mistakes.

There is no need to try to complete all the suggested exercises for the face and neck at one time or set a record for the number of approaches. Loads should be moderate but regular.

After gymnastics, it is useful to do a contrast wash or wipe your face with an ice cube. This will provide additional stimulation of blood vessels and improve blood circulation in the tissues. After this procedure, it is recommended to apply your usual cream to the skin.

Perform the exercises correctly and you will restore your face and neck to their former elasticity and firmness.

You can look luxurious at any age. Modern aesthetic medicine offers a wide selection of hardware procedures and beauty injections. Facelift exercises continue to be popular - an affordable way to maintain youth. Regular training will allow you to stop age-related changes, even if you don’t have time.

Benefits of facial exercises

An ideal oval shape, an even, smooth skin structure; similar results can be achieved without regularly visiting a cosmetologist. Effective gymnastics will strengthen muscle fibers, restore oxygen breathing, and cell regeneration. After 25 years, the synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases.

The gradual reduction of important elements leads to loss of elasticity. Creams, fluids, serums act only in the upper layers of the skin. You can activate the rejuvenation processes yourself by mastering the basics of face building.

Training results:

  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • swelling and flabbiness disappear;
  • a beautiful oval face is formed;
  • cheekbones take on clear outlines;
  • correction of facial features, general harmonization;
  • lifting bulldog cheeks, jowls;
  • skin color and structure improves.

Thanks to the activation of blood circulation during facial gymnastics, cells receive nutrients and oxygen in large volumes. Fragile capillaries are strengthened, which avoids problems such as rosacea. The face literally transforms.

Note! By normalizing internal processes, you can even cope with acne and enlarged pores.

Set of exercises

A non-surgical facelift will improve the appearance of your face at any age. Facelift classes can be carried out in the morning or evening. Standard repetition for all exercises is 10 times.

For a facelift:

  1. Take a deep breath into your cheeks and purse your lips tightly. Press on your cheeks with your palms, pumping the muscles.
  2. To tighten the oval, smile as much as possible, trying to lift your cheeks with the corners of your lips. From this position, quickly stretch your lips into a tube.
  3. Stretch your lips, mentally pronouncing the sound “O”. Massage the inner surface of the cheeks with your tongue.
  4. Throw your head up, mentally pronouncing the sound “U”. Hold for a few seconds, feeling the tension in the muscles of your chin.
  5. Tilt your head back, trying to touch the back of your head. Then tilt your head forward and touch your chin to your décolleté.

Exercises for tightening facial skin.

To strengthen the oval

Effective gymnastics “Super Face” from Anastasia Burdyug will allow you to notice a positive effect after 2 months. A prerequisite is regularity - 2 times a day for 8 minutes. A natural contour, no wrinkles, will be the best reward.

Superface Exercises:

  1. For face-building, the initial body position is sitting in front of a mirror, the stomach is pulled in, the muscles of the thighs and buttocks are tense. After maximum tension, relaxation necessarily follows. Squeezing your lips tightly, exhale, feeling the vibration.
  2. To tighten your face at home, you need to open your mouth wide and curl your lips behind your teeth. Try to reach for the lower and upper sky.
  3. Then narrow the opening of your mouth, do not smile. Raise the corners of your lips up.
  4. From this position, look up and hold for 30 seconds.
  5. Open your mouth, cover your teeth with your lips. Tighten your lips, feeling the muscle fibers up to your cheekbones.
  6. Place your fingers near your cheekbones, but do not touch your face.
  7. Alternately tense and relax your muscles, and push invisible energy flows with your fingers for 30 seconds.

Gymnastics “Super face” from Anastasia Burdyug.

From jowls

Face-forming exercises from Galina Dubinina will help get rid of age-related changes. You can start training after 35 years. It is at this age that the oval loses its clear lines, the chin and cheeks sag.

Gymnastics face lifting:

  1. The technique for sagging cheeks is to wrap your lips around your teeth, smile as much as possible, and hold for 8 seconds.
  2. Use your tongue to reach your upper lip and hold for 8 seconds.
  3. Close your lips with your upper lip, pull the corners of your mouth up, lifting your cheeks as much as possible.
  4. Smile, exposing the top row of teeth. Cheeks tense, lips stretched out, mentally pronouncing the sound “O”. Hold for a count of 8.
  5. Support your fist with your lower jaw. Overcoming resistance, try to open your mouth.
  6. Reach towards the upper palate with the central part of the tongue. Hold the position for 8 seconds.
  7. Stretch your mouth, lowering the corners of your lips, feeling the tension of the internal muscles.

How to remove jowls on your face.

For wrinkles

It is important not only to perform gymnastics for a circular lift. At home, you can get rid of sagging cheeks and reduce the depth of facial folds.


  1. Slowly raise your eyebrows, feeling the tension. Then lower the arches so slowly.
  2. Open your eyes wide, then close them tightly.
  3. One corner of the mouth raises the cheek, then returns to its original position. Repeat for the other side.
  4. Purse your lips tightly, hold for a few seconds, then relax.
  5. Move the corners of your mouth as far apart as possible and hold the tension for several seconds.
  6. Use your palms to secure your temples. Try to connect the eyebrow arches into one line, feeling a pleasant tension.

Gymnastics for the face Make Face.

Exercises from Jacqueline Kennedy

The standard of elegance and grace, and today is an example for millions of women. Without plastic surgery or nanotechnology, the first lady of the United States retained her luxurious, blooming appearance into old age. And all thanks to the famous lifting complex, which was developed by her personal cosmetologist.

Rejuvenating gymnastics:

  1. First you need to warm up the skin with light patting movements. It is important to follow massage lines to prevent stretch marks and improve lymphatic drainage.
  2. Inhale through your nose, trying to widen your nostrils as much as possible. Exhale smoothly in 3-4 passes through closed lips; you can feel resistance.
  3. Repeat the previous exercise, only fix your index fingers at the corners of your mouth.
  4. Inhale through the nostrils, exhale smoothly through the right side of the mouth, while puffing out the cheek. Repeat the technique for sagging cheeks on the left side.
  5. Take air into your cheeks and roll it like a ball. Paying special attention to the areas under the lower and above the upper lip.
  6. Close your teeth, open your lips as wide as possible, then relax.
  7. Pronounce, clearly pronouncing the vowels - I, A, O, Y.
  8. Place your palms on your cheeks, your ring fingers at the inner corners, your index fingers at the outer corners of your eyes. Medium - fix the area under the eyebrow arch. Try to close your eyes; your middle fingers hold your upper eyelids, providing resistance.
  9. Place your palms on your forehead, open your eyes wide, eyebrows and forehead should remain motionless. Hold for 5–8 seconds.
  10. From this position, “shoot” your eyes left and right. Perform the exercise in each direction for 10 seconds.
  11. Raise your eyes up and hold for 5 seconds. Sharply look down and also hold for 5 seconds.
  12. Use your eyes to describe an imaginary circle, an oval, an inverted “8”, or a rectangle. Alternately change direction, starting from the lower left, upper, lower right, upper corner.
  13. Blink quickly with relaxed eyelids for 10 seconds.
  14. Finally, turn your neck to the right, feeling tension, change direction. Place your chin on your chest, then tilt your head up.

Unique exercises for face lift.

Comprehensive work to preserve youth consists of many aspects. You can increase the effectiveness of face-building training yourself by following simple tips.

Attention! The first results will become noticeable in a few weeks, and it will take up to 2 months to consolidate.

Rules for facial exercises:

  1. For classes, choose loose clothing made from natural fabrics. The neck area should not be covered with scarves or stoles.
  2. It is better to ventilate the room before starting. Fresh air will normalize oxygen breathing, accelerating cell renewal processes.
  3. It is worth paying attention to the menu. The diet should contain protein-rich foods - lean meats, fish, seafood, cottage cheese, legumes.
  4. Smooth load distribution is important. It is not recommended to exercise intensively, overstraining your muscles in order to give up exercise the next day. Good results can be achieved by performing the complex daily in a comfortable mode.
  5. Must be combined with cosmetic care. Creams, serums, masks will help you relax after active exercise. And the active components will provide the skin with important elements.

To master the oval tightening technique, you will need to cleanse your skin of makeup and take a comfortable position in front of the mirror. Layering of thick foundation and powder often leads to inflammation and acne. Therefore, it is still better to remove the tone with lotion or cosmetic milk. After the facial muscle tightening complex is secured, you can perform it at any convenient time.

Safety regulations

To successfully master facial gymnastics in the first stages, you will need to carefully monitor your facial expressions. When performing in front of the mirror, no creases or new wrinkles should form. These areas can be fixed with your fingers or palms.

How to avoid mistakes:

  • be sure to do a warm-up warm-up - tapping, patting with fingertips;
  • during the exercise, only one muscle group is involved, the participation of additional ones is a mistake;
  • after completing the complex, you can use a tonic or alcohol-free lotion to remove toxins;
  • Gradually you need to increase the load, maintaining tension;
  • cannot exceed the specified number of times.


Contraindications for tightening exercises include recent injections, procedures with a lifting effect, and plastic surgery (within 2 years). It is also recommended to avoid face shaping if you have hypertension or pathologies of the facial nerve.

Useful video

Fitness for the face “forget about old age.”

Defined cheekbones, absence of wrinkles and sagging, healthy skin color are the main components of an ideal face for the fair sex. Unfortunately, over time we do not get younger: the skin becomes flabby and dry; folds appear on the face; cheeks sag; a double chin appears; the neck is losing its elegance. If you are over 30 years old and have begun to notice how your skin has begun to lose its former beauty, then this article will help you understand what exercises can restore metabolic processes, improve blood and lymph circulation and correct skin unevenness without surgery.

To prevent the occurrence of these problems, from the age of 25-30 you should start doing exercises to tighten the oval of the face, which, along with masks and massages, will help stop the aging process.

Before performing exercises for the cheeks, neck, and oval of the face, you need to prepare the skin. Wash your hands well with soap, clean your face of cosmetics and do a light massage with oils, nourishing or baby cream. This way you will warm up your face, reduce the stress on the skin and muscles and the risk of stretch marks.

Practice sitting while watching yourself in the mirror. Do “facial exercises” slowly until you feel a slight burning sensation in your muscles.

To get lasting results, perform the exercises daily and do not stop the procedures for at least three months. If you decide to stop doing them, then do it gradually.

Exercises for tightening the oval face

In order for the muscles to become toned and the cells to be saturated with oxygen, you need to train problem areas of the face 1-2 times a day using various exercises. It's not that difficult to do them.


Wrinkles are longitudinal and transverse folds and grooves on the skin. They are: horizontal, vertical, facial and deep.

Causes of wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows, and around the eyes:

The exercises are performed while sitting at a table in front of a mirror, with your elbows supported on the table:

In order to remove folds and grooves, you can apply a special anti-aging wrinkle cream, which is rubbed into the skin along massage lines. It is recommended to use homemade or store-bought masks several times a week that are designed specifically to combat such problem areas of the skin.

Massage will allow you to remove fine wrinkles. Before you start making it, watch the instructional videos. Good results in the fight against the impending problem are given by:

  • laser resurfacing,
  • RF lifting,
  • microcurrent therapy,
  • microdermabrasion.

In advanced cases, the skin can be smoothed using deep peeling, radio wave therapy, and vacuum massage.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of deep wrinkles with the help of creams, massages, exercises, masks and hardware cosmetology. Only injection techniques (Botox, contour plastic surgery, mesotherapy, plasma lifting, biorevitalization) or minimally invasive methods (thread lifting) can combat them. If none of the methods can give a good effect, then surgical methods (front lifting, SMAS lifting) come to the rescue, which are performed under general anesthesia, as a result of which they have contraindications.

Against sagging cheeks, or “bulldog jowls”

Factors influencing the appearance of sagging soft tissues of the face:

  • age-related changes;
  • excess weight;
  • sudden weight loss.

There are many methods for tightening sagging cheeks: masks (for example, lemon, yeast), contrast showers (pouring the face with hot or cold water), gymnastics for the cheeks, special massages and exercises. Here are some tricks that will make your cheeks firmer and firmer.:

If you have the opportunity, then make an appointment with a professional massage therapist who will give you a massage to restore facial contours. Using video tutorials, you can try to make it yourself. The massage should be accompanied by pain. But do not overdo it with pressure, as there is a risk of bruising and bruising.

Cosmetology and aesthetic surgery offer the following correction methods: bioreinforcement, plasma lifting, thermolifting, thread lifting, injection lipolysis, check lifting with endotins, SMAS lifting, removal of Bisha's lumps. Surgical correction methods should be used only when you are over 60 years old and conventional procedures do not provide results.

Against double chin

Factors influencing the appearance of a double chin:

  • body structure features;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • poor posture;
  • excess weight;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • age.

Gymnastics includes exercises that are designed to strengthen the muscles of the lower face and neck, improve blood circulation and skin elasticity:

Modern developments in the field of cosmetology offer the following procedures that will help you get rid of a double chin in a short time: myostimulation, vacuum massage, lifting, fractional laser, mesotherapy, radiofrequency lifting, photorejuvenation, ozone therapy, ultrasonic cavitation.

At advanced stages of the problem, the most effective, but at the same time undesirable, surgical methods are: mini-liposuction, mentoplasty, ligature lifting. Before resorting to surgery, remember that in the neck and chin area there are nerve fibers and blood vessels, damage to which is dangerous. In addition, if you have diabetes, blood and thyroid diseases, or cancer, then you are prohibited from going under the knife.

For the beauty of the neck

These exercises for the neck help make it more graceful and flexible, prevent the early appearance of wrinkles, prevent the development of osteochondrosis, and correct the oval of the face:

  1. Tilt your head back and press your tongue against the alveoli (the tubercles behind the upper row of teeth) and the roof of your mouth. Slowly turn your head in different directions.
  2. Tilt your head back, push your lower lip forward. Slowly lower your head to your chest. And so 5-10 times.
  3. Make deep bends to the right and left sides so that your ear touches your shoulder. Repeat 10 times.

In addition to the exercises, you can do neck rubbing; try tapping with your fingertips in the area of ​​the head, neck and shoulders; wipe your neck with pieces of ice.

To improve the results of your efforts, remember these useful tips and always follow them:

Attention, TODAY only!

Well-defined cheekbones, slightly sunken cheeks and a chiseled chin form a beautiful oval face, making the appearance sophisticated, graceful and expressive. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of such traits, especially for those who have already turned thirty.

Nowadays, there are many methods by which the oval of the face is corrected, starting with all kinds of cosmetic procedures such as myostimulation or thread lifting and ending with surgical operations. But in the pursuit of fashionable procedures, many forget about other, perhaps even no less effective, ways to improve their appearance. Some of the most effective include various exercises for the facial muscles.

Why do you need facial exercises?

2. Clench your teeth, place your fingers along your cheekbones, so that your ring and little fingers are near the corners of your lips. At the same time, they should only touch the face, without pressing or stretching the skin. While in this position, protrude your lower lip until you reach maximum tension, then hold for three seconds. After this, relax for three seconds and repeat again.

3. Turn your head slightly to the left, lift your chin and open your mouth as if you want to bite something. When the muscles of your neck and chin are tense as much as possible, freeze for five seconds, then lower your chin and relax. Perform this exercise to tighten the oval of the face for each side five times.

4. Place your palms on the lower cheek area, with your little fingers at the corners of your lips. Stretch your lips slightly as if you want to smile, and you should feel the muscles of your cheeks tense under your fingers. Increase the tension little by little, when you reach the maximum, hold for five seconds and relax for a couple of seconds. After this, stick out your tongue and try to reach the tip of it to your chin. When the muscles tense as much as possible, hold for five seconds, then relax for two.

5. Place your fist on your chin. Begin to slightly lower your lower jaw, while pressing on it with your fist and, overcoming resistance, tense your muscles. Gradually increase the force of pressing, when you reach the greatest tension, hold for three seconds, then relax for three seconds. After this, stick out your tongue and try to reach your chin. When the muscles tense as much as possible, freeze for two seconds, then return your tongue to your mouth and relax for one second.

6. Clench your teeth and stretch your lips as far as possible to the sides. Use the tip of your tongue to press on the roof of your mouth, gradually increasing the pressure. At the same time, you should feel tension in the muscles of the chin. Hold the maximum tension for five seconds, then relax for three seconds.

To correct the shape of your face more effectively, first perform each exercise five times and gradually increase the number of repetitions. Ideally, by the third week their number should be increased to fifteen to twenty.

Those who spend long hours with their heads bowed at office jobs, who don't talk much to others, or who use both sides of their body unevenly should be wary of sagging facial skin and a double chin. The book "Japanese Skin Care Revolution" tells and shows how to achieve a facelift using simple exercises.

Sagging occurs because the muscles that support the face weaken - in this case, caring only for the surface layer of the skin is not enough to strengthen them. You need other therapeutic procedures - massage to improve lymph flow, masks to strengthen the skin, and also, most importantly, exercises for the facial muscles to tone them.

It has long become a habit for me to tighten my cheeks whenever there is such an opportunity. It may seem to you that such simple actions cannot achieve much, but even this will be enough to prevent sagging.

For skin that is prone to horizontal wrinkles caused by sagging, I recommend massaging it with a neck cream.

Take a generous amount of neck cream in your hands and press into the depressions behind your earlobes where the lymph nodes are located. Then, alternating hands, massage your neck, squeezing the left side with your right hand and the right side with your left. Visualize yourself directing lymph, along with waste products and toxins, towards your collarbones.

  1. Squeeze your neck and press on the lymph nodes in the depressions behind your ears.
  2. Direct the lymph towards the collarbones.

You can get rid of sagging cheeks with three simple steps. Once a day, slowly tighten your cheeks with your hands ten times in a row. Strengthen your skin with a face mask. Finally, do mouth exercises. Train underused cheek muscles by pronouncing the five Japanese eye sounds, which sound like the Russian sounds “ah”, “a-u”, “i-i”, “oh”, “oo-o”.

Grab your cheeks with your hands and slowly pull them up. Repeat 10 times.

To perform exercises with your mouth, open your mouth wide and slowly pronounce the sounds “ah”, “a-u”, “i-i”, “oh”, “o-o” in turn. This exercise engages all the muscles of the face, thereby helping to combat sagging and distortion of the face. For those who spend a lot of time at a desk in the office or do not often talk to other people, I advise you to repeat this exercise whenever possible and as much as possible.

To eliminate sagging at the corners of your mouth, tighten the corners of your lips by pinching them with your thumbs and forefingers. To remove vertical wrinkles above the lips, release tension in this area with three fingers pressed together. Finally, make a clown smile to discover which side has more wrinkles and more sagging corners of your lips. Try to chew food on this side of your jaw.

  1. Pinch and lift the corners of your mouth.
  2. Press with your fingers and smooth out the wrinkles above your lips.
  3. With your lips closed, open your mouth into a big clown smile to reveal any slack.
  4. Train the muscles surrounding your mouth with vowel sound exercises.

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Comment on the article "How to tighten skin without surgery: 4 exercises for facial muscles"

Well, for example, the face became haggard, sagging, wrinkles appeared, and sagging muscles. Well, in general, hide traces of weight loss... What are you doing? How do you get out of the situation? But now, without waiting for the sagging, like last time, I decided to massage the sagging a little.


I want to take a RF (or FR) lifting course in the fall, and I’m thinking about hyaluronic acid injections. There are gymnastics for the face, like bodyflex. I do 10 in the morning and 10 in the evening for my neck, as if leaning back, the masseuse advised. as well as care, masks. I alternate moisturizers with acid and with a lifting effect, I did a medium peel. Over time, the skin tightens and the painful appearance disappears. It is also advisable to drink flaxseed oil or fish oil. It looks like it should reflect well on the skin

I’ll stand next to you and listen... This is precisely why I’m afraid of losing weight quickly, the oval of my face is changing, and - I don’t know, perhaps it coincided with age-related changes last time, but my neck is becoming uglier :(
But I’m so far from all the beauty-related manipulations :) I only started using face-neck cream all the time this year, and I washed off eye makeup with cream, and that’s it)))

I liked Yoga for the face from Lourdes Doplito Sabuk. It’s true that I don’t have enough patience to do it all the time, after improvement I quit, then again I need to do something for which there are real, and not hypothetical, prerequisites. Facial massage: how to remove wrinkles and facial swelling at home...


current plastic, unfortunately.

Only a lift will radically change the situation :(
Filler in the cheekbones somewhat improves the appearance. The event is quite expensive: (Because one syringe is not enough, to get at least some visible effect you need at least 2. And at the same time, I would not say that my situation is absolutely terrible.

From 8 kg there is nothing to sag. you are not over 50, slight sagging skin will disappear on its own in the process of losing weight within a few months. if very sharp, any serum. Coconut oil is comedogenic - don't overdo it on your face. Read about camelina, evening primrose and jojoba.


Is it possible to replace collagen in preparations with jellied meat (khash) from cow legs?

03/05/2016 02:16:26, Apr

But I didn’t drink anything, nothing sagged. from 05/10 to 13/12 minutes 8 kg and from 13/12 another minus 2 kg. And in a year I lost about 17 kg. But I really go to a cosmetologist once a week and have professional facial procedures done there, maybe that’s why nothing sag

The face becomes thinner and the skin sags, and the scar under the chin only worsens the problem. Well, the neck is becoming uglier and uglier. Your neck and face will never tighten up. Why be misleading? This is stretched skin; it is almost impossible to tighten it.


At first it sags incredibly. Then he pulls himself up. Up to forty for many, if not all. If not, probably just plastic.

I don’t know, I didn’t notice any sagging, if there is any, it’s probably due to age, and not from losing weight, I didn’t do anything special, maybe sports really helped :))

Sagging skin around the ears.. Skin care. Fashion and beauty. Inspired by a question about sagging skin. I don’t know, my facial skin sagged when I was fat. Natalia, how quickly did she lose weight and for how long? sometimes the body after a diet may need about...

I would advise doing a medium peel >. Section: Facial care (at 25 years old, facial skin has aged and what to do about acne). That's the whole question... I'm 30, literally a year ago everything was fine, and I looked no more than 20-22...


Peeling helps revitalize facial skin after 30. Peeling 10 procedures every winter and so on for the rest of your life, but the result will be on your face! At home, use only professional salon cosmetics (creams, masks), Dior and Chanel, this is good, but it doesn’t work))
I do peeling Renofaz (glycolic acid 70%).
I don’t recommend medium peeling, the skin will peel off for a long time, the result is not guaranteed, allergic reactions to all manipulations with the face are possible later (this is from the experience of my cosmetologist).
Look for a cosmetologist, many work at home and use luxury salon cosmetics, this is better than going to the salon for cheap Jansen, etc.

12/22/2010 22:09:24, I'm 35

we need to take a comprehensive approach, act both outside and inside.
1. Get tested, go to a qualified doctor if there is a deviation in them
2. A nutritionist is not the last person in this matter; improper, irrational nutrition and the effect of all procedures are null and void!
3. There is a yellow peeling on the face, it is only for 2 days, the face will be pink, it will peel off, of course, but for the whole week. Then moisturize with mesotherapy.
4. Multivitamins, you can have complexes like “for skin elasticity” in Vichy countries.
All this, of course, is expensive and will take time, but it will solve the problem and you will continue to maintain your beauty.
5. If “molting” again meso+vitamins+ampoules are good CH5+ min 3 months
Good luck

I aged very quickly (. Facial care. Now I want to repeat it. You were also correctly written about facial massage and regular visits to a cosmetologist. I also want to do a bio-reinforcement procedure, just for jowls, a double chin and a swollen oval.


You can do gymnastics, smear yourself with creams, but only a needle will have a real effect. Unfortunately or fortunately, this is true. So that the reflection makes you very happy. So I would advise you to go to a clinic with a good cosmetologist, if funds allow. Specific procedures include photorejuvenation or biorevitalization. You can do both;-) one by one, starting with bio. You can, of course, fall in love. But I believe more in Botox. Which will raise eyebrows, open eyes and smooth out everything that is needed. You will be like a May rose, especially since it’s spring, summer is ahead, which means you will be visible during the long days and short nights)

Well, until you find/decide on some activity that would light up your eyes))), I suggest the following:

firstly, there is absolutely no need to remember what and how it was there in 29 and compare with the current state! It’s Happiness(!) that there was such a long period in your life when you looked significantly younger than your age. there is no need for any parallels - this is depressing))). The holiday will return to your street, that’s absolutely certain.

secondly, for the oval of the face we begin to do exercises:
2.1. tilt your head back, relax your lower jaw, open your mouth. tighten the muscles of the chin area, slowly but forcefully lift the lower jaw towards the upper one so that the lower lip, turning slightly outward, overlaps the upper one. repeat the exercise until you feel pain in the muscles of the chin. Gradually increase the number of movements and then perform them for 5-6 minutes in the morning and evening. start today!)))
2.2. Forcefully cover your upper lip with your lower lip and tilt your head up to the side (approximately 45 degrees), feeling the tension from the jaw down. Hold this position for a few minutes, return to the starting position, and relax. repeat 15 times left and right.
2.3. While inhaling through the nose, with your mouth closed, press your tongue forcefully against the lower jaw, below the teeth (which will tighten the muscles of the chin and neck. Exhale, relax.
2.4. There is one more thing, but I can’t formulate it properly right now, I’ll add it later)))

These are very good exercises that do not provoke unpleasant changes in appearance and act extremely quickly. the next day, when you feel pain in your muscles, be patient, don’t quit, it’s worth it)))
There is Carol Maggio’s gymnastics, but it must be performed very carefully, it is advisable to start under the supervision of a person who has been practicing it for a long time, because, unfortunately, there can actually be more harm to the face than good.

thirdly, it is useful for girls to dream in the fresh air with a glass of red))) (let's say). How are you doing with this?))

fourthly, to the team. it stimulates))). I'm not necessarily talking about work. language courses, cutting and sewing)), cooking, shooting classes, parachute jumping, historical walking tours around Moscow...

fifth, help someone. only from the heart.