Spearfishing. Underwater hunter be careful

Most men enjoy the thrill of the hunt. It's in the genes. An underwater hunter is completely immersed in a world hidden from prying eyes and explores it, obtaining trophies. Anyone who decides to take up spearfishing has a question: where to start?

Where to start for a beginner

First, decide whether this will be a trial hunt or a permanent hobby, and then start choosing equipment. Many brands and an abundance of information will only confuse a beginner and the start of spearfishing may never take place. Equipment must be selected taking into account the following factors:

  1. The place where the first hunt will take place (the conditions at sea are completely different than in the river).
  2. What kind of fish will be hunted?
  3. Time of year and weather conditions.

What you need for spearfishing

The right equipment can save a hunter from possible health problems or even save a life.


A hunter needs a good wetsuit to avoid overheating in the summer and to avoid freezing in the winter. Experienced hunters have several suits, but for new hunters it is wise to limit yourself to one. Experienced hunters advise taking a separate suit (jacket and pants), 9 mm thick without zippers.

Mask and breathing tube

The mask should fit snugly to the hunter's face. You should not buy masks with different effects and coatings. Do not forget that the main task of the mask is to keep water out and create a good view. The average length of the breathing tube is 40 cm.

A novice hunter does not need tubes with various devices: hinges, balls and valves. They will not affect the quality of spearfishing in any way. It is best to take a soft tube. The soft tube will not tear the mouthpiece out of your mouth and will not tear the mask off your face if during the hunt it gets caught on an obstacle, such as rocks or stones.


Fins should be selected so that they fit comfortably on your feet. It is better for a novice hunter to opt for short fins (up to 65 cm). To use long fins you need proper technique and developed muscles that drive them.

There are a huge variety of underwater guns. Many beginners try to find the “best” gun in the world. Each type has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. For beginner hunters, a crossbow or an air gun with a receiver length of 55 cm is suitable.

Weight belt

With the help of a weight belt, the hunter regulates his buoyancy. For effective diving, a belt with ballast is attached to the diver's belt. This piece of equipment is also used to carry additional equipment (knife, flashlight, cucumber). Many divers also use weights for:

  1. Unloading systems of the “backpack” type, if it is necessary to distribute a large load (9-10 kg -12 kg) along the spine.
  2. Unloading vests (allow you to carry additional equipment on the shore).
  3. Weights attached to the legs (used for hunting in shallow water).

Many beginners make similar mistakes that prevent them from enjoying the hunt. They fuss and forget that:

  • You need to dive lightly so as not to scare away the fish.
  • Wear fins while in the water.
  • Shoot and reload the underwater gun only in water.
  • You need to monitor the time of immersion and rest so as not to exhaust the body.
  • You should hunt with a calm face, otherwise water may get under the mask.
  • Being in the water at the limit of holding your breath is fraught with sudden loss of consciousness.
  • Swimming devices, fishing hooks and gear should be avoided.

For a novice spearfisher, it is best to find a group of experienced divers. With them he will take the necessary lessons in underwater hunting and learn the basics in practice. Experienced mentors will show you the correct foot technique, point out possible errors in behavior or equipment, and teach you how to act correctly in emergency circumstances. With their experience, the beginner will gain confidence in his abilities and will be able to float away from the worries of the everyday world, completely losing himself in the hunt. Happy spearfishing!

Video about how a beginner can learn spearfishing:

... Recent news about the hook of a middle-aged underwater hunter and with the cord of a kukan for the driftwood lying at the bottom of the pit, it shocked the entire “pinnipeds” community. The air in the lungs was already running out, and the lack of a knife did not allow freedom by cutting the nylon cord or branch. The result is the death of a completely experienced hunter.

Underwater hunting knows many cases where, in the absence of a signal buoy, an underwater hunter collided with motor boats. Severe bruises and lacerations are just a small price to pay for the “maybe” that we hope for when trying to save on our own safety.

Hunters of large catfish will definitely point out the need for a corresponding reel with an additional line on their gun. True, there will always be those who argue about the excesses of such equipment, citing their own experience. It is not a fact that the length of a standard line will allow us to emerge from the depths to the surface, demanding to throw a gun with a trophy, which underwater hunters do not like.
In the case of Anton, the shot fish simply tightened the line several times around the drifter, preventing him from surfacing with the weapon. Common sense did not allow Anton to wait for the instinct of self-preservation to kick in, and he, throwing the gun, rose to the surface. A repeated dive showed that both the trophy and the gun itself were missing from the rubble.
We believe that the conclusions from such practice should be careful attention to your own equipment and the advance acquisition of attributes that ensure the safety of spearfishing.
Other cases when the risk arises due to the arrogance and carelessness of the hunter, overcome by passion, are no less common. Ivan, not without reason, was considered an experienced and careful hunter. Of course, because the length of his swims, incl. winter, has already exceeded 7 years.
That day, when hunting in the place where water was discharged from a hydroelectric power station, there were practically no qualifying fish in clear water, and I didn’t want to waste money on small zander and pike. But the underwater thickets, located 3-4 meters from the edge of the coastal ice, were very attractive.
The first two dives were successful, Ivan discovered and managed to catch decent specimens of pike perch and burbot on the kukan. This also weakened his caution. When, during the third dive, the undercurrent treacherously pulled the hunter along the shore 15 meters from the end of the ice field, there was no longer any chance of salvation.
Experienced underwater hunter, who made it a rule never to dive under the ice, became a victim of the excitement in pursuit of a trophy and ignored safety considerations, which led to his death.
No less impressive is another story, no one knows who heard it or when. Neglect of his own safety led the hunter far under a reed roof, from under which, even if he wanted to, he could not find a way out. Only by miracle did he manage to make his way up through the reeds to the saving air. The result of the hunt was the loss of half of the equipment and fear, which forced the hunter to give up swimming forever.
Finally, violation of the basic rules for examining rubble during rafting hunting cost the life of a rather experienced trickster. So, once again rafting down a familiar river, Maxim discovered a previously unknown blockage. Diving from the side and back of the rubble did not bring any results, but the hunter’s vision snatched from the darkness the tail of a worthy specimen standing in front of it.
Did Maxim know that it was impossible to climb into the rubble with the current? He knew, and he repeatedly spoke about this to his less experienced friends, explaining to them the long-known rules. All three sides of any blockage are yours, but the front, the one directly along the flow, is taboo.
Ignoring this rule, the strength of the current and the underwater snag did not allow the underwater hunter to leave the rubble in time, where he was discovered a few days later with the now unnecessary trophy on the harpoon.
To summarize what has been said, we note again that spearfishing is not a safe activity, and therefore its successful outcome in terms of self-preservation depends entirely on the hunter himself. Neither passion, nor many years of experience, nor even the most worthy trophy should become the reason for our death or injury. Take care of yourself, and may the hunt be truly successful, in every sense of the word.

Spearfishing for beginners involves, first of all, familiarizing the future hunter with the regulations governing this activity. Of course, you are not going to poach and are doing it only for sport. Everyone must follow the rules of spearfishing. For their violation, fines are provided for everyone, regardless of the hunter’s goals.

How to avoid becoming a poacher

Spearfishing is, like regular hunting, a conditionally licensed activity.

To start spearfishing, you need to:

  • be a member of a sport fishing club (the organization may have a different name, but it must have the appropriate license from the Russian Underwater Fishing Federation - FPRF);
  • have documents permitting hunting.

A document confirming membership in the club is the “Underwater Hunter of the Russian Federation” certificate. A document permitting hunting - a permit - is also issued by the administration of the home club.

Spearfishing without these documents is considered illegal. You say: who will find me in this river? Anything can happen. It's better not to joke with the law. By joining a sport fishing club, in addition to legalizing your own status, you will make a lot of new acquaintances, find yourself among like-minded people and protect yourself from troubles.

Restrictions and fines for violating them

Even if you have a certificate and a permit, you cannot hunt wherever you want. Hunting in Russia is prohibited:

  • in protected natural areas, reserves, as well as in adjacent territories;
  • for fish that belongs to a protected species (there are dozens of such species);
  • near dams, locks, on fairways, despite the fact that it is in these places that a lot of fish accumulate;
  • in places where the right to commercial production belongs to any legal entities;
  • during spawning (you can’t not only hunt, but even sail a boat in these places!);
  • where people rest;
  • using scuba gear (you can only use a mask and snorkel!);
  • using dynamite.

An administrative fine for violating fishing rules for citizens is up to 5 thousand rubles. with confiscation of weapons and watercraft (Article 8.37 Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Criminal liability for catching fish species protected by the Red Books involves correctional labor, restriction or imprisonment for up to 3 years (Article 258.1 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

As you can see, many things are prohibited, and it is not always possible to know whether you are violating the rules of spearfishing right now and in this place. For example, this concerns the time of spawning, protected fish species, and the assignment of a reservoir to a fishing industry.

All these problems can be avoided by a centralized club organization. Club hunting vouchers are issued only to those places where hunting is permitted without restrictions. An alternative option is to go hunting in distant seas, where there are no legal restrictions.

Required Equipment

To start spearfishing, you need the following equipment:

  • underwater crossbow or air gun;
  • underwater mask;
  • breathing tube;
  • flippers;
  • wetsuit;
  • weight belt;
  • gloves;

Mask and snorkel. Before purchasing a scuba mask, try it on. The greater the viewing angle, the better. The mask should fit well to the face. Carry out a test: place the mask on your face without securing it with an elastic band, inhale a little through your nose. If the mask does not fall off, then it is yours. From $50. With a breathing tube, everything is simple: take a regular J-tube. $15

Flippers. When choosing fins, give preference to longer and narrower ones. Of course, they must fit tightly so as not to be lost in the water. Good fins will cost $150. Very good - $400.

Wetsuit. Not required, but highly recommended. It is warmer, which is important if the hunt lasts longer. Overall, the suit makes being in the water more comfortable. If you are going to hunt in mid-latitudes during the standard spring to autumn period, take 7mm neoprene suits for temperatures of 10-18°C. You can meet $150 without any problems.

Belt. If you hunt in a wetsuit, a weight belt is a definite must. Neoprene suits increase buoyancy. The thicker the suit, the higher this parameter. Depending on the weight of the hunter, a 7 mm suit will require 5-7 kg of additional weight. From $10.

Gloves. Necessary for the same thing a suit is for. Made from neoprene in various thicknesses. There are five- and three-finger ones (thumb, index, all the rest - together). They do not restrict movement and prevent water from flowing inside. From $15.

Knife. Absolutely necessary equipment for spearfishing. If a hunter finds himself in an unpleasant situation with algae or nets, then a knife is what comes to the rescue and saves lives. This tool does not have to be large, but it must be sharp.

The cost of a set of basic equipment for spearfishing is $500-$600.

Secrets of spearfishing

Underwater fishing is a combination of skills, techniques and tactical principles. All this changes depending on the hunting pool, the fish living in it, the season and even weather conditions. The main secrets of spearfishing concern the behavior of the hunter underwater. Here are some basic tips:

  1. Be like a fish

The underwater world is phlegmatic, quiet and motionless. Not only are sudden movements discouraged here, but any movement as such is perceived as dangerous. In order to be a successful hunter, you must mimic this underwater phlegm, merge with it. If you swim, do it with a minimum of movements. Don't wave your arms and gun. Make subtle movements with your fins. If you're hunting from a boat, get into the water so you can't hear it.

  1. Hunting is the ability to wait

When a fish swims past a bottom snag, it doesn’t care about it. An underwater hunter must fully follow this principle and be just such a lifeless snag. After all, hunting is not shooting. Hunting is about waiting and stalking prey. Beginners, seeing the target, suddenly raise their guns. The fish's reaction is immediate: it disappears.

Therefore, the main secrets of spearfishing:

  • become a snag for a while;
  • do not make noise or movements;
  • wait for the right moment.
  1. Keep calm

If, when you see a fish, you do not restrain your emotions, then even if you maintain external calm, you will not be able to deceive the fish. Humans are 80% water. There is also water around. The liquid medium perfectly conducts sounds. Your heart, which begins to beat a little faster in anticipation of the prey, will give you away instantly.

  1. Train your ears

Learn to listen in the water. Different types of fish make different sounds when swimming. You can hear fish approaching long before you see them. This will allow you to hunt from cover and become a successful fisherman.

Required maximum concentration, endurance, caution, good physical training to find and obtain fish resources using special weapons.

What is underwater hunting?

This sport has existed for a very long time. Its essence is that a hunter with a special pneumatic underwater gun and other devices tries to find and catch fish that swim in the water column or hide at the bottom. During the entire hunting period, the athlete has to work while holding his breath.

The use of scuba gear is prohibited in most countries of the world and is considered poaching.

Underwater hunting is carried out both in the coastal zone and at a depth of 30 meters or more. Static apnea (breath holding) in hunters diving to great depths can exceed five minutes. It requires strength and endurance - you have to swim for a long time using only your lower limbs. At this time, the hands are holding an underwater gun. The better the athlete knows the habits of fish and how to catch them in various conditions, the greater the chance of returning with a full cage.

In many countries this hobby is very popular. European and world championships are held regularly. The difference is that spearfishing is more common in Russia in lakes and rivers, and in other countries, sea hunting takes the main share.

Hunting in inland waters is generally prohibited in some places. But Russia's rich fishing resources make it possible to catch fish in fresh water bodies within the country.

Basic rules of spearfishing

Spearfishing for beginners should begin with learning the basic rules. Otherwise, you may run into trouble related to violation of the law.

Beginning hunters should know that fishing is regulated Federal Law of the Russian Federation, adopted in 2004. All lovers of this vibrant, exciting sport are required to comply with the “Model Rules for Sports and Amateur Fishing,” because spearfishing is a type of fishing that uses state fish resources.

The hunter must:

  • know your responsibilities and requirements that the Law imposes on users of fishery resources;
  • have the necessary documents;
  • know the prohibited periods, areas and types of fish resources;
  • use permitted fishing gear.

For violation of fishing rules, various types of liability are provided, including criminal liability. It all depends on how serious the violation was. Control is entrusted to fishery inspectors, who are vested with broad powers.


Spearfishing is fraught with many dangers that you need to be aware of. Strictly follow personal safety rules, as negligence can lead to injury or death.

  1. Never stay in water for very long, to the point of holding your breath. In the excitement of chasing fish, it’s easy to lose track of time. You may experience a blackout - an instant loss of consciousness from lack of oxygen. The mind turns off, and the hunter faces death at the bottom.
  2. You need to rest after each dive for twice as long as the duration of the dive.
  3. Don't shoot at unclear targets. The flippers can easily be mistaken for the tail of a large fish.
  4. Load and unload your underwater gun only in water. This will protect you from accidentally flying out an arrow that has great power.
  5. Do not approach the fish until it is quiet to avoid injury from the sharp tip.
  6. Release the weight belt only when there are no obstacles to ascent.
  7. Don't forget to take a knife with you, which will save you in a difficult situation.
  8. Beware of boats, especially fast ones, fishing nets and hooks set by poachers for large fish.
  9. Watch the current so that it does not nail you to the rocks or drag you into rubble or snags.
  10. In winter, beware of occasional ice floes, as well as freezing of your wetsuit after reaching land.
  11. At the first sign of hypothermia, get out of the water and take steps to warm up.
  12. Do not hunt under the rubble of snags or logs, no matter how attractive the prey may seem.

We invite you to watch a spearfishing video useful for beginners. Enjoy watching.


Available in specialized stores wide choose equipment of imported and domestic production.

In addition, many hunters, especially in the periphery, order the production of improved fishing gear from local craftsmen.

But this requires experience and understanding of what you want. And for beginners there is a direct route to the store.


Through its glass the hunter sees the underwater world. The mask must fit tightly to the face so that water cannot seep under it. The mask is selected individually, taking into account the shape of the face, future hunting conditions, and sensitivity to rubber. The review should be good.

If you are allergic to rubber, buy a silicone mask. Transparent material is not suitable, as the reflected sun will interfere with the view.

Corrective glasses are needed if it is difficult for you to see objects at a distance of a meter or two.


This device provides the hunter with the opportunity to constantly assess the situation around him and easily deal with fish caught or caught off the hook. Seriously hunt It’s impossible without a high-quality, comfortable tube.

The main requirement is that its upper part must be sufficiently mobile in relation to the mouthpiece so that the palate does not become bloody due to vibrations of the tube while searching for fish at the bottom or in thickets of underwater bushes. The corrugated insert copes with this task. It is important to choose the appropriate size mouthpiece. Hunters praise this part, made of silicone.

The upper valve of the breathing tube helps not to spook the fish, prevents cold water from reaching the teeth during winter hunting and allows you to float under the leaves of water lilies or a layer of duckweed. Ask for advice from those who have been spearfishing for a long time. They will tell you which model to choose.


Comfort under water is the key to successful hunting. A wetsuit is needed at any water temperature, because the movement is very slow, and after an hour of being in water with t + 25C without a protective suit, you will freeze. The wetsuit also protects the diver from various mechanical damage: scratches from fishing hooks, snags and tree branches, burning animals and plants, and corals.

Suits for spearfishing are divided into wet and dry.

The first type is made of special rubber – neoprene. A small amount of water seeps inside, under the suit, but body temperature warms it up and creates a pleasant warmth for the person.

Dry suits are made of rubberized fabric or sheet rubber. Warm clothing is required to protect against hypothermia. Getting water under it is unacceptable.

Which wetsuit is better? Each type has pros and cons. A wet suit gives greater freedom of movement, it is more elastic, allows you to dive deeply and you feel much less tired. If such a suit breaks, nothing bad will happen. Choose a neoprene thickness of 7mm.

The main advantage of a dry suit is good protection against hypothermia while in icy water. The water temperature in lakes and rivers in Russia has never been high. A dry wetsuit makes it possible to catch fish throughout the Russian Federation, even in frosty winters. Choose a few sizes larger to fit warm clothes underneath.

Belt with weights

An important condition for normal spearfishing is zero buoyancy so that the hunter can easily rise and fall in the water column and can hang for a while. How to reduce buoyancy? Use a weight belt. A simple device consists of a thick and wide belt to which lead weights of different shapes and weights are attached.

Sometimes compensators are used in which the lead filling of special bags is replaced by sealed bags with shot. But they quickly silt up, and in the cold the Velcro freezes. It will also not be possible to wind the kukan loosely around the front weights.


A device with such a strange name is much makes life easier underwater hunter. The caught fish needs to be stored somewhere. Kukan solves this problem. You can swim along the river for several kilometers, explore the thickets and the bottom, and then return back with the fish, where there is convenient access to the shore.

Kukan is a guide cone with a metal latch, a durable steel needle and a thick nylon cord, the strength of which is given by weaving. It is attached to the back of the hunter's belt.

It holds fish of any size and weight well.


For quiet, smooth movement, an underwater hunter needs fins. The basic rule is that galoshes should not squeeze the feet, and should not have protrusions or hooks.

Stiffer fins are suitable for hunting in deep water and strong currents, while softer fins are suitable for less extreme conditions.


Air guns. The shot is fired under the influence of compressed air, which pushes the arrow out under pressure. Shotguns have a rear or front grip. The piston type is more reliable, although more complex in design. The best length for Russian reservoirs is from 500 to 800mm. The handle should be in the middle, and the distance to the fish should be within 1-1.5 m.

The arrowhead can be single (one tooth) or with several teeth. A single tooth is more suitable for clean reservoirs, and a trident is more suitable for catching fish at the bottom or in thickets.

Crossbows. Their action is based on stretching rods made of rubber. The barrel has a classic round cross-section. The material is a durable aluminum alloy, which is used in aircraft construction. Convenient, simple weapon. Suitable for all categories of underwater hunters, regardless of experience.

The fort is a cheap, simple, compact and lightweight weapon that was used by our ancestors. A sharpened spear perfectly hits fish. It can be used to probe muddy bottoms or voids between snags. If you miss, you can hit the fish again much faster than with other weapons.

If your hunting instinct has awakened in you or a “brazen” crucian carp has torn off your favorite lure while fishing and you need immediate satisfaction, then a speargun will help you achieve what you want.

Of course, for those who have never engaged in such an exciting activity, starting to master it on their own will be very difficult. If it is not possible to use the services of an instructor, then the recommendations in our article will help you master the basics of spearfishing for beginners.

What is spearfishing

This type of amateur extraction of natural resources is carried out by immersing a person in the water column, while artificially interrupting the breathing process. Only trained hunters can dive to significant depths, but for underwater fishing to be successful, a dive of 2–3 meters is sufficient.

Modern underwater hunting is carried out using a gun with a harpoon, the release of which occurs due to the energy of compressed air or special tensioners.

Advantages and disadvantages

pros is that the hunter, unlike the fisherman on the shore, can move around in the water to search for prey, and also receive aesthetic pleasure from contemplating underwater landscapes.

Negative points are that this is a rather energy-intensive activity, as well as possibly severe hypothermia of the body at an uncomfortable water temperature for humans.

Selecting a location

Seas and oceans are most suitable for this type of hunting. In such places, spearfishing is divided into pelagic and rock. In the first case, the hunt is for fish that are located in the water column, in the second - for the inhabitants of underwater reefs and rocks. In such places the water is always clear, which easily allows the hunter to find prey.

If it is not possible to organize sea spearfishing, then this can be done in the country’s inland waters. The main condition for the successful implementation of this type of leisure is the transparency of the water.

In rivers, oddly enough, it is much easier to get a trophy specimen than in stagnant lake water. There is a logical explanation for this. There is almost perfect silence in the lake, which is disturbed by the movement of the hunter underwater, and the cautious large fish strives to leave the dangerous place as soon as possible. In the river, the fish are accustomed to the constant movement of the water mass, and it is possible to sneak up on the prey unnoticed, against the current.

How to increase your fish catch?

Over 7 years of active fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. This pheromone additive attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. Discussion of the bite activator “Hungry Fish”.
  2. Promotion gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific type of gear.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Basic Rules

  1. The requirements apply to other types of fishing, the only difference being that the fishing gear is different from “land-based” fishing.
  2. It is allowed to use only those devices that are permitted for this type of hunting, and also not to engage in underwater fishing during fish spawning. In addition, hunting for “Red Book” fish species is prohibited.

In order to fish in accordance with all the rules, a person must have with him an “Underwater Hunter of the Russian Federation” certificate, which can be obtained from the branch of the Russian Underwater Fishing Federation - such a certificate gives the right to participate in underwater hunting competitions.

Security requirements

This type of fishing is an extreme activity. The safety measures that a person must observe are aimed primarily at preserving the life and health of the shooter.

  1. Safety requirements are divided into:
  2. Rules for handling a gun.
  3. Rules for being in the aquatic environment.

Risk factors associated with the hunting process.

  • Firearms must always be loaded and unloaded in water. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in personal injury and mechanical damage to the gun.
  • It is prohibited to let go of a loaded gun even for a short period of time. Even if you are 100% sure that the gun is not loaded, you should not point it at people.
  • If any part of the gun fails or requires replacement, then repairs can only be made by replacing it with an original part. It is prohibited to “modify” the gun or change its technical characteristics.
  • It is forbidden to hold the gun by the harpoon or line; when fired, you can get serious damage.
  • The safety catch is removed only immediately before firing.

Rules for being in the aquatic environment:

  1. All kinds of watercraft equipped with an engine pose a great danger. In the water, it can be difficult to determine from which direction a boat is approaching. Even a bright buoy, which must be used when underwater hunting, does not always allow, at modern surface speeds, to notice in time the place where the underwater hunter is located.
  2. When hunting for large fish, in cases where a successful shot was fired, you should stay at a considerable distance from the shot fish, and not engage in hand-to-hand combat with the prey until it becomes weak. If you ignore this requirement, then during a fight you can be seriously injured by the harpoon protruding from the fish’s body.
  3. The weight belt must have a mechanism that allows you to easily release this load in a critical situation.
  4. Corroded debris also poses a great danger, which are attractive because in such places there may be catfish or other large fish. In addition to trophy prey, there may be torn off gear or poacher’s nets that an underwater hunter can get caught in. Also, during an emergency ascent, you may not notice the logs overhead and get injured, which can lead to loss of consciousness.
  5. If fishing is carried out in cold water, then hypothermia can occur even in a wetsuit. Therefore, when plunging into the cold waters of mountain rivers, or in winter, it is necessary to monitor your well-being, use a wetsuit that must have sufficient thickness of material to retain heat, and if signs such as severe chills, shortness of breath, increased heart rate appear, you should immediately stop hunting , and go ashore to warm up.
  6. You should not stay under water for too long, to the point of holding your breath. You should also not dive when you are very excited or experiencing negative emotions; this will result in a manifold increase in oxygen consumption in the brain.
  7. Spearfishing is too energy-consuming a hobby, so for a good rest, it takes twice as long as it took to dive.
  8. It is strictly forbidden to shoot at unclear targets. This rule applies to both underwater and wild animal hunting.
  9. When hunting on a mountain river or at a sufficient distance from the shore in sea water, you can get carried away by the process and not notice the current, which can carry the unlucky fisherman far into the open sea. On a river, strong movement of the water mass can cause a collision with stones, followed by loss of consciousness.
  10. A sharp knife must be present in your equipment. Cases where experienced athletes died after becoming entangled in fishing nets occur every year.

Criteria for choosing equipment for beginners

  1. The mask must be made of high-quality materials, the porthole must withstand significant pressure and possible impacts on hard objects.
  2. When broken, glass should not form fragments that could injure the eyes. For this type of outdoor activity, models with minimal under-mask space are suitable, which together with a wetsuit add positive buoyancy to the hunter. The tube is suitable: rigid, classic, with a strap for fastening,
  3. and of sufficient length to allow one to remain on the surface of the water for a long time, watching for prey.
  4. The choice of a wetsuit should be taken very seriously, because the comfort of staying in such an unnatural environment for humans as water will depend on the correct selection of underwater “clothing”. Wetsuits can be dry, semi-dry or wet. In a dry wetsuit, it is almost completely impossible for water to get inside; in a wet suit, this happens every time you dive. In a wetsuit, the water that gets inside acts as a heat insulator, being heated by the human body. The thickness of the wetsuit fabric depends on the temperature of the water where the dive will take place. To make hunting comfortable in winter, models with a material thickness of 9–11 mm are suitable. To balance the lifting force and the force of gravity of the earth, the hunter needs to use a special belt with a load. The load is selected in such a way that the hunter can easily dive to the desired depth if necessary, and can also easily surface to the surface to catch his breath. The belt fastening mechanism should exclude the possibility of involuntary unfastening, but at the same time, if unpredictable situations arise that require an emergency ascent, it should be easy to remove.
  5. The fins are different from ordinary ones and have a greater length, as well as a bend angle relative to the plane of the foot. This shape allows you to reduce the load on the foot, develop greater speed and maneuverability.
  6. Weapons are divided into pneumatics and rubber bands. In the first case, compressed air is used, in the second, elastic rubber.

Start- this is already half the battle, so if you are interested in this type of extreme recreation, then you should purchase equipment and go to the nearest body of clear water to acquire skills and professional experience.