Step-by-step instructions: How to draw an elephant? We draw with children step by step. How to easily draw an elephant for children Draw a drawing with a simple pencil on the theme of elephant

Almost all children love to visit zoos with their parents, getting to know new animals. They are especially interested in large and immense individuals, somewhat similar to extinct dinosaurs. Elephants are precisely the type of wild animal that, despite their enormous weight and large dimensions, was tamed by people and began to be used as indispensable assistants in harvesting crops, entertaining tourists, and even building houses and non-residential premises. It is unlikely that it will be possible to depict both a small and a large individual in dimensions close to a living creature. However, a pencil drawing of an elephant can still be depicted by reducing each proportion by a million times.

In today's article, we invite our little readers to draw a pencil drawing of an elephant in various motifs. Several step-by-step variations proposed below will help show how an elephant can be depicted in an easy (simple), complex or very intricate technique.

Unlike many other mammals, elephants sleep standing up and their small babies on their sides.

Elephants' ears weigh more than 150 kilograms, and the distance between them can reach up to 3.5-4.5 meters.

Elephants also eat a lot. In one day they can drink more than 250 liters of water and eat about 400 kg.

They can swim, walk slowly and quickly, covering long distances.

Tamed elephants respond to 50-55 commands and have the largest brains.

Pencil drawing of an elephant for children, master class with photo

Below is a step-by-step instruction that will help you recreate a simple and at the same time beautiful elephant, without artistic skills. It is enough to follow the step-by-step master class to get a drawing identical to the original.

8 picture instructions along with drawing tools will help turn even a beginner into an “amateur artist.”

Drawing an elephant step by step with a pencil

Adults are unlikely to like a simple drawing based on lines. But a “living” likeness, which includes anatomy, shape and silhouette, is quite suitable for starting creativity.

An artist's work always begins with anatomy. First, the author studies the structure of the skeleton, the location of each bone, their shape, length and even proportionality. And only after that he starts drawing. First, a sketch is drawn, which later acquires distinct features and drawing.

The photo below shows what you should start from when creating a drawing.

Finished drawings of an elephant in pencil, photo ideas:

Elephant, one of the largest animals on the planet. It is a herbivore, eating a variety of leaves, grass, twigs, roots and fruits. In Asian countries and Africa, people were able to tame the elephant, and sometimes they use it as transport and even play football on elephants. Elephants are quite good-natured and emotional, but in a rage they can destroy everything in their path. Despite its large size, the elephant is afraid of mice. Today we learn to draw an elephant with a simple pencil. This step-by-step lesson is perfect for beginning artists, as well as children.

Tools and materials:

  1. Paper.
  2. A hard pencil.
  3. Soft simple pencil.
  4. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Step1. Draw a large oval, the edges of which are slightly pointed. This figure will serve as the basis for the elephant's head and ears:

Step2. On top of the oval we determine the width of the head and draw the trunk of the animal. At the end the trunk curls slightly inward:

Step3. From the top of the head to the ears, add lines that connect them. Below we will draw the place where the tusks will grow from:

Step4. There will be quite a lot of curves on the elephant's head, let's draw them with lines. The place where the eyes are located will extend slightly beyond the base of the head. The tusks are not large, but they will be slightly pointed. At the end of the trunk we will add a small plane on which the nostrils will be located. The lower part of the ears has small folds, outline them along the edge:

Step5. You can remove unnecessary lines with an eraser, which previously helped us during construction. Round eyes are located far from each other, and their size is very small, relative to the entire head:

Step6. Now let's draw the entire body of the mammal. The elephant is captured while walking on the grass, so we draw it in a standing position. Three of his legs are clearly visible, but the fourth is blocked due to its distant location. Only the lower part of the leg peeks out. The body has a rounded shape, and the tail hangs from the back:

Step7. Let's move on to applying shadows. Let's draw the darkest places on the elephant's body. To do this, you can use a soft, simple pencil. It is worth noting that the light falls from the top right, similarly the shadow will be on the left side of the body:

Step8. We continue to apply the shadow, but here we use a hard pencil for a smoother transition. The entire trunk of an elephant, starting from the head, is covered with folds due to its hard skin. Place the folds horizontally:

Step9. Now we need to work out the elephant's body in more detail. We detail the folds not only on the head and trunk, but also on the legs. Using a soft pencil again, we will increase the contrast of the drawing:

Let's learn how to draw an elephant. We have already learned how to draw many animals, such as a leopard, a kitten, a wolf, which means it’s time to create this big nosed animal. There are some very fascinating facts about elephants.

  1. An elephant consumes 230 kilograms of hay and 270 liters of water every day.
  2. One ear of an adult African elephant weighs 85 kg. If an African elephant straightens its ears, then the distance between them will be equal to its height.
  3. The height of an elephant can be easily calculated from its footprint; the circumference of the footprint of the elephant's front leg multiplied by two corresponds to the height of the elephant to the shoulder.
  4. The story that an elephant has 4 knees is not true - an elephant has 2 knees and 2 elbows.
  5. The largest officially "registered" elephant weighed 12 tons. Elephants love water very much, swim well, even at depth, and can impregnate several females at once, having sex with them in the water.
  6. Elephants usually move at a speed of 2-6 km/h, but for a short time they can reach speeds of up to 35-40 km/h.
  7. Elephants sleep standing up, gathered together in a dense group; only the cubs lie on their sides on the ground.
So, let's get down to the drawing itself.

How to draw an elephant with a pencil step by step

First, let's mark the place on the paper where the elephant will be located.
Let's draw the main elements of the body: a large torso, ears and trunk.
Let's add details: eyes, fangs and tail.
Let's remove the auxiliary lines and apply shading throughout the body to give it a realistic look.

I hope you enjoyed the elephant drawing lesson and didn't find it difficult. Don't forget to leave a comment below, along with an example of your drawing.

The African or Indian giant is always interesting to the younger generation, who in their reality do not have the opportunity to encounter him in reality. We offer you pictures for children with elephants, as well as photos and images on a white background, which will help you get a general idea of ​​these exotic animals. They are used in presentations, reports, when compiling essays, and, of course, when studying the life of elephants.

Photo of an elephant for children

The largest animal that we can only see in a zoo or in a photo. These inhabitants of the savannah have already been tamed by humans, and therefore are well studied. It becomes amusing for kids to watch baby elephants clinging to their mother’s trunk with their trunk, as if holding a hand.

An elephant's trunk is a universal tool. With its help, the animal can knock down a powerful tiger, or pick up the smallest pebble from the ground. At the same time, elephants cannot jump at all, but they develop speed when running up to 30 km.

Funny and funny: with big ears, a trunk, with a ball

The elephant is a real giant, it weighs 4-10 tons, like a large truck. The colossus feeds exclusively on plant foods. The mammal lives not only in Africa, but also in Asia. African and Asian elephants differ in size, ear size and shape.

The little elephant is cute. But you can’t call him a baby - just after being born, “Manyunya” already weighs about 200 kg.

In the wild, elephants live in herds of 10-12 individuals. Elephant herds are matriarchal and are led by the oldest female. Herds constantly roam in search of food and water.

There is a misconception that elephants drink water with their trunk. This is wrong. The trunk is the nose, which the animal also uses as a kind of “hand”. At a watering hole, the giant scoops up water for them to put into their mouths.

A huge elephant is man's friend. In African countries and India it is used as transport, on construction sites, and in military affairs.

We can see funny, clumsy, but very cute elephants in the zoo, in circuses and, of course, in cool pictures for children.

Painted elephants

Hand-drawn mammals inspire pride and allow you to perceive the world more realistically.

These pencil drawings of elephants can be made more attractive by coloring them or adding African or Indian landscapes.

Guess the cartoon from the picture (cartoon elephants)

The kindest fatties have become favorites of cartoons for a reason - they always exude charm and protection. Clumsiness and clumsiness are more than compensated for by their cheerful disposition and cleanliness, and the fountains of water they produce delight not only kids.

How to draw an elephant with a pencil?

It is difficult to portray representatives of exotic fauna if you have not personally interacted with them. We offer a video that shows how to draw an elephant for children without spending a lot of effort and resources.

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On this page you will definitely learn how to draw an elephant with a pencil step by step, for this we have collected for you several step-by-step lessons, as well as a video lesson. Prepare your pencil. paper and good mood.

How to draw an elephant with a pencil step by step for beginners

Video lesson: how to draw an elephant with a pencil

How to simply draw an elephant step by step

How to draw an elephant in motion with a pencil step by step

Video: how to draw a cute Baby Elephant for a child

How to learn to draw a 3D elephant on a ball step by step

In this wonderful and simple lesson you will learn how to draw a 3D elephant standing on a ball step by step

  • Step 1

    Hello! Today you will learn how to draw a 3D elephant on a ball step by step. Let's start by sketching out the head and back.

  • Step 2
  • Step 3

    Now we draw the ball, eye, ear and outline the tail.

  • Step 4
  • Step 5

    Add color to the animal.

  • Step 6

    Let's finish decorating the elephant and move on to the next step.

  • Step 7

    Now apply the shadow step by step. We start with the lightest tone.

  • Step 8

    Then the next shade tone.

  • Step 9

    Let's complete the shading of the picture; the shadow at this stage will be the darkest.

  • Step 10

    Draw a dotted line along which we remove the upper part of the sheet.

  • Step 11

    Super! Our circus elephant turned out great. Creative success and see you again at purmix!