Healthy recipes with chicken. Chicken dishes, main course recipes

Chicken main courses. Dozens of recipes for preparing chicken main courses: fried, baked, in cutlets. Some recipes are simple, some require some skill.

There are 642 recipes in the "Chicken Dishes" section

Chicken with potatoes in the oven

If you need to quickly prepare a hearty lunch for the whole family at once, then a recipe for chicken with potatoes in the oven is your option. You just need to cut the peeled potatoes into cubes and place them on a baking sheet along with the chicken chopped into pieces, first...

Stewed chicken fillet with wild mushrooms and green adjika

Frozen honey mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, and saffron milk caps are an excellent product from which you can prepare a lot of tasty things. We offer a simple recipe for stewed wild mushrooms with chicken fillet. The highlight of the dish is ready-made green adjika, in which the meat is pre-marinated. ...

How to tie a bird carcass with twine

Before smoking and baking, it is advisable to tie a poultry carcass (chicken, duck or goose) with twine. Tying with twine not only promotes uniform cooking of meat, it will preserve the shape of the carcass and will not give the already smoked bird a chance when the meat fibers become...

Chicken breast pockets with cheese

Chicken breast pockets with cheese - a recipe for a simple meat dish that can become a table decoration. Chicken breast is a dietary meat, so you shouldn’t weigh it down with frying. Bake the breast fillet in the oven, and to prevent the meat from drying out...

How to smoke chicken

We now have a home smokehouse, so now we will share proven smoking recipes. Before smoking, the chicken must be well salted, and this is done in several ways. Let's start with the simplest thing - dry salting. Then we send the chicken...

Stuffed chicken thighs “Bashmachki”

Appetizing “shoes” made from chicken thighs look unusual on the dinner table. A rim of browned bacon not only holds its shape, but also dilutes the flavor with its inherent fat. The “shoes” are stuffed with a cheese-egg mixture with garlic...

Roast chicken with quince, Central Asian style

Quince is a very interesting and healthy autumn fruit, rich in pectin. In Central Asia, it is eaten fresh, baked, steamed, added to pilaf and roast. We will stew chicken with quince. I took thigh meat with bone. If for this recipe you use...

Chicken teriyaki

Today we will cook this chicken in 15 minutes using ready-made teriyaki sauce. The longest thing here is to prepare the garlic and chop it. This sauce is sold in bags, it is made in Russia and is quite inexpensive. The recipe is written on the package....

African chicken stew with pumpkin and peanuts

African women prepare stewed chicken with pumpkin and peanuts for an evening meal. The dish turns out tasty and very filling. Despite the huge amount of garlic and ginger, they do not sound like in Asian cuisine, but are more muted. As a side dish...

Chicken terrine

In the chicken terrine prepared according to this recipe, juicy pieces of meat from chicken thighs are intertwined in a marble pattern, frozen under the influence of jelly. A large amount of spices and garlic gave the baked terrine an excellent taste, maintaining its juiciness...

Bulgur with chicken and mushrooms

Bulgur is good not only because it is tasty and nutritious. Cooking it is a real pleasure. Cereals are combined with vegetables and mushrooms, and, as in this recipe, with chicken and mushrooms at the same time. The small but necessary joys of life include...

Chicken drumsticks marinated with curry on the grill

I offer a recipe for baked chicken drumsticks on a grill, as one of the options for chicken kebab. For the marinade, take a mixture of onions and ready-made curry powder. The result is juicy chicken meat with a crispy, spicy crust. And note, in...

Chicken legs with mascarpone in the oven

It is best to use the products as prescribed in traditional recipes. However, brave chefs, constantly striving for self-expression in the art of gastronomy, are testing options that are far from trivial. For example, the French serve...

Chicken fillet in egg

Chicken fillet in an egg is a recipe for a very tender dish, which, moreover, is very simple and very quick to prepare. Egg-breaded strips of beaten chicken fillet are fried in oil and served with any vegetable side dish. The ingredients in the recipe are for 4...

Chicken legs in the oven with mushroom sauce

A recipe for a simple, inexpensive and very tasty dish of chicken legs in the oven. An additional mushroom sauce with sour cream is prepared for the meat. You can stew anything with it - cutlets, fish, vegetables. It always turns out great. Number of products in rec...

Chicken gherkin in the oven in lemon marinade with potatoes

Various marinades are suitable for cooking chicken. This recipe for a chicken marinade is based on lemon juice with the addition of zest and several spices - turmeric, paprika, cinnamon, ground cumin and chili. All ingredients are mixed with vegetable oil...

How to cut up a chicken

If you are faced with the question of how to quickly cut up a chicken, then these step-by-step instructions with photos will be useful to you. Everything is very simple, clear, and, most importantly, very convenient. The purchased chicken can be immediately cut into pieces and put in the refrigerator, and...

Chicken on the grill

A recipe for grilled chicken will be especially useful with the onset of barbecue season, when summer residents and vacationers flock to the countryside for picnics. The simplest marinade for chicken kebab (onion, salt and paprika) will emphasize the taste of a delicate juicy...

Chicken in ginger marinade with apples and orange

If you like baked meat with a light citrus aroma, then you will definitely like the recipe for oven-baked chicken with ginger marinade and citrus juice. Before putting the chicken in the oven, place apples and slices in the belly of the chicken...


And this section of our “delicious” site has prepared for you a fair supply of culinary delights based on the most tender chicken meat. Chicken is known to be a dietary food product. It follows from this that every “visitor” to the dinner table excludes the possibility of overloading the effects of chicken dishes on their body. The dishes offered to your attention below will be received with a bang by gourmets of all age categories. You are welcome to the wide open spaces of the “Chicken Dishes” section.

Chicken, as you know, is a light, dietary meat. Dishes containing chicken meat are easily absorbed by the digestive system.

There are a great many recipes for pates: from meat, offal, fish and vegetables. Each housewife has her own signature recipe. This chicken pate recipe deserves to be in your cookbook. The addition of mushrooms gives the chicken pate an extraordinary flavor.

You don't know what to cook to surprise your loved ones with your culinary talent? Some recipes are too difficult to prepare, others require huge financial costs to purchase ingredients.

Chicken meat is not only very tasty, but also incredibly healthy. With the help of a dish called “Chicken Block” you can please your family and friends with another culinary masterpiece, which is very easy and simple to prepare even for a young housewife.

Gourmets are recommended to pay attention to this exquisite French combination and expand their taste knowledge by trying this creation. The standard julienne was most likely eaten by everyone, but packaged in a crispy, tender, French brioche, most likely, not many people.

Chicken is a dietary product that is suitable for everyone. But the taste of this dish will open up new facets of chicken fillet for you. The main flavors in it come from corn flakes, which, in combination with tomato-cheese sauce, will change the idea of ​​this culinary recipe.

Jellied is a standard dish on the holiday table, but the unusual combination and appearance of chicken aspic will change your idea of ​​its preparation forever.

This delicious and unusual chicken dish is so easy to prepare! And it won't take you much time. Surprise your family by serving them this “openwork” chicken instead of the usual chops or cutlets. They will certainly be delighted. Chicken meat is very tender, a lot of people like it. But it’s not every day that you have the opportunity to eat grilled chicken, and you really want something tasty. Chicken with potatoes in egg and cheese filling is an amazing dish that can be cooked every day.

Chicken meat is one of the most popular in the world today. Considering the high cost of red meat, as well as numerous reports from scientists that beef, pork and other similar types of meat are harmful to health and even very seriously increase the incidence of cancer in humans, we can say with confidence: chicken is at the top of popularity, and quite deservedly. It has high protein content, is healthier and also versatile. You can prepare a huge variety of dishes from chicken, and the meat itself can be made according to a large number of unique recipes. However, the question is what kind of chicken you buy.

The fact is that stores most often sell chicken meat obtained from factories where the birds spend their entire lives in cages, sitting in the same place. Due to this, they become overgrown with meat, which is then sold profitably. But in this article we will talk about domestic chicken. This is a completely different type of bird that requires a special approach. Very often you can read questions online about what to cook from homemade chicken. Many people believe that its meat is too tough, so they immediately refuse to have anything to do with this bird at all. You shouldn't act so radically. In this article, you will learn about the best way to choose homemade chicken, how it differs from factory-made chicken, how to prepare it, and what to cook from homemade chicken. Thus, if you read this article, you will have an idea of ​​​​what you should do if you get your hands on home-made chicken, rather than factory-made chicken.

Domestic chicken: what does it mean?

So, it is necessary to assume that not all readers are experienced cooks, so it is worth starting with the basics. This means that this will not immediately tell you what to cook with homemade chicken. Rather, you will find out what domestic chicken is, because many people, before reading this article, had no idea that chicken meat could be divided according to a similar principle. So, a domestic chicken is a bird that grew up on a farm or on someone’s farm. This means that she moved freely, ate natural food, and led a full life until, for one reason or another, she was slaughtered for meat. Accordingly, you should not be afraid of such a product, since in general it is a completely normal alternative to regular store-bought chicken. That is why this article will consider what to cook from homemade chicken, since, despite the widespread belief that the meat of such chicken is not suitable for cooking, as it is too tough, it can still be cooked, and more than successfully. But first of all, it is worth addressing the issue of hardness and softness of meat.

Laying hens

If you are thinking about how to cook delicious homemade chicken, everything will depend on what type of chicken you have. The fact is that all these birds are divided into laying hens and broilers. Laying hens are those chickens that are used on the farm to lay eggs. They often live much longer than everyone else, because they do not lose the ability to lay eggs for a long time, and no one is interested in their meat. Yes, if you get your hands on a laying hen carcass, then with almost one hundred percent probability you can say that its meat will be tough, so you may experience certain difficulties in cooking it. And the question of how to deliciously cook homemade chicken will be quite difficult to answer, but still possible. What about domestic broilers?


When it comes to what can be prepared from homemade chicken, most often we are talking about broilers, because, despite the fact that they grew up in free conditions, they have much more pleasant meat. That is why, if you have the opportunity to choose what kind of homemade chicken to cook, you should definitely choose a broiler rather than a laying hen. How to distinguish them from each other? This will be discussed a little later, when the question of how to cook homemade chicken so that it is soft will be considered in more detail. In the meantime, it’s worth considering in detail the difference between domestic and factory-farmed birds.

What is the difference between homemade chicken and factory chicken?

Many people believe that domestic chicken is almost poisonous, so they refuse to either cook or eat it. You should not listen to such statements, because they only mislead you. It’s better to think about how to make pilaf from homemade chicken or how to make other delicious dishes from meat that is considered unsuitable for use. You can rest assured, because homemade chicken is practically no worse than factory chicken, and in some aspects even better. If you don’t believe me, then you should find out certain details about both methods of raising these birds. Factory-bred chickens are raised in large quantities in cramped cages where they cannot move, resulting in a maximum volume of meat compared to poultry. Moreover, in advanced factories, birds can be fed hormones so that the meat grows even faster. Given the far from pleasant living conditions, such chickens are susceptible to a wide variety of diseases, so in most cases they are constantly fed antibiotics, and this naturally affects their body, that is, their meat, which you then eat.

If you take domestic chickens, they spend their entire lives as full-fledged birds. They walk on lawns, eat natural food, which makes their meat much healthier and also low in calories (due to the huge difference between constantly being in one place in the cage and constantly moving in the fresh air). Thus, domestic chickens are practically dietary, especially when compared with factory chickens. So if you are asked how to cook homemade chicken stew from a private backyard, you should clarify that homemade chicken is in no way inferior to factory-made chicken, and therefore deserves a fully tasty recipe.

Cooking rules

If you want to learn how to cook homemade chicken, recipes with photos are not always the best help. The fact is that homemade chicken recipes are no different from the recipes you use for factory-made store-bought chicken. The main differences are in how exactly you prepare the bird. That is why in this article you will find the key rules for preparing this type of meat, which will allow you to achieve an ideal result, which will be extremely difficult to distinguish from store-bought meat. Moreover, do not forget that homemade chicken meat has an equally impressive taste, so get ready for a new unforgettable experience.

Bird age

This is not a big secret, but if you didn't already know it, then you should remember that chickens in factories do not live to see a year and in most cases are sent for meat at the age of six months to a year. The same applies to poultry, if you want to get a quality product from them. What is the reason? Here it’s worth returning to the most common opinion that domestic chickens have tough meat. The fact is that the meat is tough not in domestic chickens, but in those birds that are more than a year old. Accordingly, you need to focus on purchasing those birds that are not yet twelve months old. And if in the case of factory-farmed birds you definitely will not make a mistake, since all the chickens there are younger than a year, then in the case of poultry you need to be careful.

Blue skin

Another rule that you should always follow is directly related to the previous one. You already know that meat can be tough in birds that live for more than a year, and most often in laying hens that lay eggs for several years. Naturally, when such a bird dies or stops laying eggs, they do not want to throw it away, but prefer to sell it. You should not go on a whim and buy such a bird for the reason that it is cheaper. Look carefully at the skin of the chicken you want to buy. If she is bluish, refuse to buy, as this is a laying hen whose meat will be very dry. Broilers under the age of one year are most often distinguished by a yellow-white skin, so you can focus on this color when purchasing domestic chickens.

Boiling chicken

Well, now you know almost everything there is to know about homemade chicken, so it's time to move on to the preparation. How to cook delicious homemade chicken? Recipes can be very diverse, but first you need to determine what kind of chicken you have on hand. What to do if you end up with a laying hen or a bird that is more than a year old? Don’t get upset and throw it away, as the situation can still be saved. To do this, you will need to be patient and boil this chicken for at least two hours. Then its meat will soften significantly, and you can use it to prepare the dish that interests you most.

Cooking in the oven

Now it’s time to look specifically at what you can make from homemade chicken. As mentioned above, it is not much different from the factory one, with the exception of tougher meat, so you can choose any recipes that you like. But to get the perfect result, you can use the recipes that will be presented in this article. But first of all, it’s worth telling you exactly how to cook such chicken. The fact is that some people like to fry poultry, while others prefer to boil or stew it. But if you get homemade chicken, you'd better opt for the oven. How to cook tender homemade chicken in the oven? To do this, it is best for you to use a special “sleeve”, which will allow the meat to become juicier, retain all the moisture without releasing it into the space, so the meat will not dry out. If it's a homemade chicken, it's also a good idea to make slits in the chicken and put pieces of butter in there for an even more impressive result. Pay attention to the wings and legs, as you'll need to bake this chicken longer, and if you don't want those parts to spoil from being in the oven for too long, you'll want to wrap them in foil.

Dish in the sleeve

How to cook homemade chicken in the oven so that you get a complete and delicious dish? To do this, it is recommended to cook it with a side dish, that is, put potatoes, carrots, onions and other similar ingredients that interest you in the sleeve, then brush the chicken with your favorite marinade and put it in the sleeve with the vegetables. Tie the sleeve tightly, put it all on a baking sheet and put it in the oven for an hour and a half.

Chicken with rice

Another interesting recipe for preparing homemade chicken is a kind of dish with rice, which, with some amendments, can be called pilaf. To do this, you need to boil the rice until half cooked, add vegetables and herbs to it. After this, completely boil the chicken meat, cutting it into pieces of the size that suits you best. Place all this in the form, if desired, pour over the sauce for juiciness and sprinkle with cheese, and then put in the oven for twenty minutes.

Chicken with apples

Well, another recipe worth mentioning will teach you how to properly cook homemade chicken in a sleeveless oven. To do this, you need to flatten the carcass as much as possible, spread it with marinade or seasonings, and then put it in the oven for an hour and a half. But at the same time, periodically remove the chicken from the oven and pour the prepared broth over it. The broth will add tenderness to the meat and also guarantee a golden crust. It is also recommended to place apples on a baking sheet so that they are baked along with the chicken, and then you will have a ready-made complete dish.

New Year's Eve died down and a week began when relatives and friends began their visits to guests. I no longer want a lot of meat, salads and snacks. The body requires something dietary, but always tasty.

In this case, the ideal solution would be chicken, which, after simmering in the oven, becomes an amazingly tasty and healthy dietary food. Of course, chicken is cooked not only in the oven, but also in...

They do.

They are preparing. Well, one of the most common. I can’t forget one of my favorite dishes, this.

Chicken meat contains a high content of animal proteins necessary for the body and easily digestible.

Well, a chicken baked whole in the oven is not only healthy, but also looks appetizing. It can easily be served on a holiday table as a main dish, as well as for an everyday dinner.

What to cook with chicken - Chicken in the oven detailed recipes with photos

There are a lot of different options for baking, giving your own unique taste - from various marinades to dishes and cooking methods.

But we want to get aromatic, tender meat with a crispy crust, don’t we? Then marinating will come to the rescue.

1. Marinade for chicken

There are quite a large number of ready-made store-bought marinades, but it turns out much tastier with with his own hand cooked
All marinades are quite simple and their preparation basically boils down to the fact that you need to mix all the ingredients well and then coat the bird.

To meat marinated, you need to leave the carcass to soak in the mixed ingredients for 3-12 hours.
Here are a few recipes that will suit your taste preferences.

Mustard-honey marinade

The unique combination of sweetness and spice gives the meat a piquant taste. But not only that, the crust is baked until crispy and looks like it’s glazed!


  • Liquid honey – 150 gr.
  • French mustard – 100 gr.
  • Lemon juice – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sunflower or olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic clove – 5 pcs.
  • Greens – 1 bunch.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


Chop the greens and garlic cloves, mix with everyone other components.

Hot marinade

Spicy eaters will love this scorching taste.


  • Soy sauce – 150 ml.
  • Green onions – 1 bunch.
  • Ground red pepper – 2 tsp.
  • Garlic – 5-8 cloves
  • Ginger – 8 cm fresh root
  • Salt - to taste.


1. Grind the onion feathers.

2. Rub ginger root and garlic with a grater

3. Mix everything in a marinade cup.

Sour cream marinade

The meat will simply melt in your mouth if you marinate it in sour cream with spices.


  • Sour cream – 5 tbsp. l.
  • Soy sauce - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Ready mustard – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Provençal herbs - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Ground ginger - 2 tsp.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


Combine all ingredients and beat until smooth and creamy.

Lemon marinade

Probably the most delicious marinade with a unique lemon note, which also softens the meat quickly enough, so it does not require a long waiting process and the meat is ready for further processing in a maximum of 5 hours.


  • Lemon – 2 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic clove – 5 pcs.
  • Rosemary, dill - 0.5 bunch each
  • Ground allspice – 1 tsp.
  • Salt - to taste


1. Grind the garlic cloves, half a bunch of dill and rosemary.

2. Chop the lemons into small pieces in a way convenient for you. You can grate it.

3. Mix all ingredients and mix well.

And a few more secrets of marinating:

1. The most juicy and tender marinated meat is obtained from freshly chilled meat products.

2. It is not advisable to use plastic and aluminum dishes for pickling - firstly, it is harmful to the body, and secondly, the product may develop an off-flavor. The ideal solution is glass and enamel dishes.

3. The degree of tenderness of the meat depends on the duration of marinating. The smaller, the tougher.

4. If soy sauces are used in marinating, then you must remember that they are already quite salty and there is a chance of over-salting the meat if you add salt thoughtlessly.

2. Chicken in the oven with potatoes

Potatoes and chicken are the best food of all times! And really, what do all housewives usually make as a side dish for chicken? That's right - potatoes: fried, boiled, steamed, stewed, crushed, etc.

The easiest way to prepare this combination of important and healthy foods for the body is to put them in one bowl and bake.


  • Chicken carcass – 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise – 200 gr.
  • Potatoes – 1 kg.
  • Garlic cloves – 5 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


1. Rub the prepared carcass with salt and pepper.

2. Grind the garlic in a garlic press and mix with mayonnaise.

3. Rub the bird with the mayonnaise-garlic mixture.

4. Place the chicken in the refrigerator to soak in the marinade for 3 hours.

5. Cut the peeled potatoes into half-centimeter thick slices, add salt and pepper to your taste.

6. Grease a baking sheet with sunflower oil.

7. Spread the potatoes in an even layer.

8. Place marinated chicken on top of the potatoes.

9. Send it to bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for an hour and a half.

10. Place on a large platter and decorate as you wish.

Bon appetit!

3. Chicken in the oven in foil

The peculiarity of foil is that it prevents food from burning in the oven. And if you cover a baked dish with it on top, it will simmer as if under a lid.


  • Chicken carcass – up to 1.4 kg.
  • Salt, spices - 2 tsp each.


1. Rub the pre-prepared chicken carcass with your favorite spices and salt. To make them easier to apply, it is better to mix them immediately in a cup.

2. Leave the bird alone for 25 minutes so that it has time to absorb the spices and become salted.

3. Wrap the carcass in foil and place it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 50 minutes.

4. Open the foil and continue baking for another 20 minutes to form a golden crispy crust.

5. If there is a convection mode in the oven, then turn it on for 7 minutes, then the crust will become truly fragile and crispy.

6. As a side dish, add boiled vegetables and potatoes.

Bon appetit!

4. Chicken in the oven in the sleeve

The benefit of baking sleeves is that this heat-resistant film creates a kind of air valve in which the products are steamed with hot air and at the same time saturated with each other’s juices and odors.


  • Chicken carcass – up to 1.7 kg.
  • Paprika, soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Chili pepper – 0.5 tsp. no slide
  • Salt, spices - to taste


1. Combine seasonings with soy sauce and beat with a fork until smooth.

2. Coat the entire carcass with the resulting emulsion and let it soak in the spices for at least half an hour.

3. Lay out the sleeve on a baking sheet and place the marinated bird in it. We tie it well around the edges and make two small punctures on top with a toothpick so that the film does not burst from the steam during cooking.

4. Place in an oven preheated to 190 degrees and bake for 1.5 hours.

5. Carefully remove the finished carcass from the film so as not to tear the skin and not get burned by the juice.

6. Decorate with herbs or vegetables and can be served. The side dish can either be placed on the same dish as the meat, or in plates nearby.

Bon appetit!

5. Whole chicken in the oven

Lemon gives the chicken a special tenderness and unique taste. It is not necessary to lubricate the meat with lemon juice. You can stuff slices of this amazing citrus marinator right under the skin.


  • Chicken carcass – up to 1.8 kg
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Rosemary – 2 sprigs.
  • Salt, spices - to taste.


1. Cut the lemon into rings half a centimeter thick.

2. Pry up the skin on the brisket with your fingers and push one or a pair of citrus plastics on each side.

3. Coat the bird with salt and pepper. You can add your favorite spices. We push a rosemary sprig and the remaining lemon inside the carcass.

4. We tie the legs with kitchen thread so that the chicken looks more compact and does not dry out in the abdominal part.

5. Place in the oven at 180 degrees for 70 minutes.

6. Before serving, the thread must be removed, and it is advisable to decorate the dish to your taste.

Bon appetit!

6. Chicken in the oven with salt

Although it is believed that you can easily over-salt any meat with salt, there is still an interesting and fairly simple recipe for roasting poultry on a bed of salt.


  • Chicken carcass – up to 1.8 kg.
  • Salt – 1 kg.


1. Using culinary scissors, cut the brisket down the middle.

2. We straighten the carcass into a flatter position and blot it thoroughly with paper towels to dry it and prevent the salt from sticking and ruining the taste of the dish.

3. Cover a baking sheet with parchment. Pour salt onto it and spread it in an even one and a half centimeter layer.

It is not advisable to use iodized salt to avoid bitterness due to iodine.

4. Place the chicken on top of the salt pillow in a straightened form.

5. Send to bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 60-70 minutes.

6. Let it cool a little and carefully transfer it to a dish, trying not to pierce the skin so as not to get burned by the hot juice.

7. The plate can be decorated with slices of fresh tomatoes and lettuce or parsley leaves.

Bon appetit!

7. Chicken in the oven with vegetables

If you put assorted vegetables into the carcass, then after baking it will acquire the taste of a well-steamed vegetable stew. These vegetables will be an excellent side dish for tender baked chicken meat.


  • Chicken carcass – up to 1.8 kg.
  • Bulgarian green and red peppers - 2 pcs.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 5 cloves.
  • Sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. l.+2. Art. l.
  • Lemon – 0.5 pcs.
  • Rosemary - 3 tsp.
  • Bay leaf – 5 pcs.
  • Spices, salt, pepper - to taste.


1. Cut the onion into quarters. Chop the rosemary (if fresh). Combine all the spices and lemon.

2. Mix sunflower oil with pepper and salt to your taste.

3. Stuff the carcass with spices (0.5 onions, 2 bay leaves, 0.5 lemons), and rub the top with oil emulsion.

4. Place the bird in a mold, sprinkle with rosemary and a couple of bay leaves.

5. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour.

6. Grind the other half of the onion, peppers and garlic in any form convenient for you.

7. Season the vegetable filling with the remaining rosemary, salt and pepper, add 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil and stir well.

8. Place on a baking sheet with the carcass and bake everything together for about 60 minutes.

Serve the dish hot, placing stewed vegetables around the chicken.

Bon appetit!

8. Chicken in the oven on a can

Quite an interesting way to prepare homemade grilled chicken in an ordinary glass jar. But it’s better to make the marinade yourself to feel the real homemade taste.


  • Chicken carcass – up to 2 kg.
  • Mayonnaise – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic cloves – 3 pcs.
  • Paprika – 1 tsp.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper, spices - to taste.


1. Grind the garlic cloves as finely as possible. You can do this with a garlic press, or you can chop it with a knife.

2. Mix salt, favorite spices and garlic with mayonnaise.

3. Coat the carcass with sour cream marinade.

4. Thoroughly rinse the glass jar so that there are no labels or drips.

A seven hundred gram container is best.

5. Fill the jar a third with water, throw bay leaves and a few peppercorns into it.

6. Place the bird on the jar and wrap it with thread so that the wings and paws are pressed and the carcass does not fall.

7. Place the jar-meat structure on a tray, into which you need to pour a little water so that the dripping fats do not burn.

8. Place the structure in a cold oven on the lowest rack and gradually increase the temperature to 180 degrees, at which to simmer the chicken for about 80 minutes.

9. Place the finished dish on a platter and serve.

Bon appetit!

9. Chicken in the oven in a bag

You don’t have to bake the chicken with potatoes; you can just bake one chicken in a cooking bag. The meat is first steamed and then baked. This option is very good for people who cannot break their diet.


  • Chicken carcass – up to 1400 gr.
  • Seasoning for chicken – 15 gr.
  • Butter – 50 gr.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


1. Melt the butter and add spices to it. Mix well until smooth.

2. Rub the pre-prepared chicken with the oil marinade and put it in a cool place to cool for 3-12 hours.

3. We tie the chicken legs to make the carcass more compact.

4. Spread the bag on a baking sheet and place the marinated bird in it.

5. Send to bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 60 minutes.

6. Rip the bag in the middle so that the carcass is exposed, and put it in the oven for another 20 minutes at 180 degrees to get a golden crispy skin.

Bon appetit!

10. Chicken in the oven with rice

In addition to potatoes, rice is a very popular side dish. But why cook it separately, when you can use it as a filling, of which there will be much more if you don’t stuff the carcass, but simply lay it on top of a mound of rice? With this option, both the meat and the side dish will be ready at the same time. And the rice will be much tastier, because it will be soaked in chicken juice during baking.


  • Chicken carcass – up to 1.6 kg.
  • Rice – 1 glass.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Celery – 1 stalk.
  • Butter and sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Garlic clove – 2 pcs.
  • Spices, salt - to taste.


1. Using culinary scissors, cut out the spine from the carcass. Rub the bird with salt and your favorite spices.

2. Wash the rice well and boil until half cooked.

3. Chop the vegetables in any way convenient for you and send them to simmer in a frying pan with sunflower oil for 5 minutes. Halfway through frying, add salt and pepper.

4. Add rice to the vegetable dressing and fry for another 3 minutes so that the rice has time to soak up the vegetable juice.

5. Cover a baking sheet with foil. Spread the rice-vegetable mixture onto it in a heap.

6. Cover the mound of stuffing with the spread chicken and grease the carcass with sunflower oil.

7. Send to bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 1 hour.

8. Place the filling with chicken beautifully on a dish and decorate with herbs and fresh vegetable slices.

Bon appetit!

11. Video - Chicken in the oven

There are many ways to cook a whole chicken in the oven. Everyone cooks according to their imagination and taste preference.

If you decide to switch to lighter meat than beef and pork, then chicken is the ideal solution!

To eat delicious poultry, you don’t have to stand at the stove for hours. Baking a whole chicken not only saves housewives time, but also delights every time with its variety of flavors, which appear depending on the ingredients of the marinade.

How to cook homemade chicken so that it is tender in the oven? Do I need to pre-boil it to get juicy meat? What ingredients go well with country bird? We answer the most common questions about their homemade chicken dishes. And we write down recipes for delicious poultry cooked in the oven.

Medium difficulty

Domestic chicken has tough meat. In any case, many housewives think so. And they are mistaken, since not all birds raised in the countryside are not suitable for preparing gourmet dishes. Why is domestic chicken meat tough? There are different breeds, which are conventionally divided into layers and broilers. So, laying hens, and especially older ones, have really tough meat. But in broilers, and even those raised “on free bread”, it has an amazingly delicate and rich taste.

Subtleties of cooking poultry meat

Juicy chicken in the oven will come from a broiler carcass. It is distinguished by a rounded chest and large hips. It is ideal to choose fresh meat - its skin will be white with yellowish tint, and the protruding fat will be ideal white.

By the way, you shouldn’t expect high fat content from poultry. Due to the fact that she is raised in the wild, walking around the yard or in an enclosure, she does not have time to gain fat. Unlike broilers raised in poultry farms, where they sit around all their lives, without any physical activity. Therefore, poultry dishes can be considered dietary - they contain fewer calories than broilers from the supermarket.

To make homemade chicken in the oven perfectly tasty, follow these rules.

  • The bird must be no more than a year old. Older chickens have tough meat, regardless of breed. There is no need to clarify “how old the bird was” from the seller. Just weigh the carcass and refuse to buy if it weighs more than 1.5 kg.
  • Do not buy birds with bluish skin. It distinguishes a breed of laying hens that is not intended for cooking.
  • If, nevertheless, you come across a laying hen or an old bird, it should first be boiled for 2 hours, and only then baked. Then the dish will turn out juicy.
  • The right solution for how to fry a chicken or rooster in the oven at home so that it is juicy is to use a cooking sleeve. In it, the meat is cooked, as in a pressure cooker, boiling in its own juice. The intensity of cooking in the sleeve is higher than in a glass form under a lid. You can also bake in foil, but make sure that there are no holes in it. Otherwise, the juice will leak out and the bird will remain dry.

Before baking the carcass, make cuts in the breast and place pieces of butter in them. Thanks to it, lean breast will become more juicy. Either insert the wings into the “pockets” on the breast, or wrap them in foil, shiny side out. During the baking process, these thin parts tend to burn while the thighs and breasts cook.

Cooking chicken in the sleeve

So, let's find out how to cook homemade chicken in the oven using a cooking sleeve. Along with the meat, you can add potatoes or other vegetables, such as tomatoes, onions, zucchini, zucchini, and cauliflower. A carcass cooked with vegetables will acquire a more interesting taste. And you will receive a complete dish for dinner, with a ready-made side dish.

You will need:

  • chicken - 1 carcass;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • ketchup - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt and spices;
  • potatoes or other vegetables - optional.


  1. Rinse, remove feathers, and dry the chicken carcass.
  2. Cut the onion into small pieces, pass the garlic through a press.
  3. Mix mayonnaise and ketchup (or tomato paste) with garlic and onion. Coat the carcass with this marinade and sprinkle with spices.
  4. Marinate for 1 hour under film.
  5. Prepare vegetables (potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes), cut into cubes and place in a sleeve.
  6. Place the chicken on a bed of vegetables and tie the sleeve.
  7. Place the bag on a baking sheet. Place in a preheated oven for 1.5 hours, bake at 200°.

Dishes for celebrations and for every day

Country chicken in the oven is suitable for everyday diet and for holidays. In the first case, you can cook it with a cereal side dish, for example, rice or buckwheat. In the second, we offer a more refined dish - baked chicken with original sauce.

You can make a sauce from the juice that is released when the bird is roasted. Boil 350 ml of white wine in a saucepan, add pepper and salt, leave for 5 minutes. Add the juice from the chicken stewed in the sleeve and boil again. Separately, boil 200 ml of water, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and lemon juice into it, stir until dissolved. Add 250 grams of gooseberries or other sour berries, boil, and grind through a sieve. Add the mixture to a mixture of white wine and meat juice, stir, serve with chicken.

With rice for the whole family

This recipe for juicy chicken in the oven is suitable even for old birds with tough meat. The dish turns out to be satisfying, with a crumbly side dish, and is also suitable for a children's table. It's better to divide it into pieces.

You will need:

  • rice - 100 g;
  • chicken - 1 carcass;
  • onions and carrots - 1 root vegetable each;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • chicken broth - 200 ml;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g.


  1. Wash and cook the rice until half cooked. Cook over low heat.
  2. Chop the onion and carrots, fry, mix with rice.
  3. Boil the bird carcass, cut into pieces.
  4. Fry the flour, add butter, dilute with broth. When the mixture boils, add mayonnaise.
  5. Place rice with vegetables, chicken meat in the form, pour over the sauce.
  6. Sprinkle with cheese and place in the oven. Fry at 200° and bake for 20 minutes.

With apples - for the holiday

A good recipe for how to bake a whole homemade chicken in the oven and get an original dish for a family celebration like in the photo.

You will need:

  • chicken - 1 carcass;
  • apples - 2 large;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • broth - 200 ml;
  • salt and pepper;
  • spices - to your taste.


  1. Cut the carcass and “spread” it on the cutting table. This way it will bake faster.
  2. Rub with spices, salt, garlic inside and outside.
  3. Cut the apples into slices, place on a baking sheet, add broth.
  4. Place the carcass skin side up.
  5. Place in the oven for 1.5 hours. By pouring broth over the carcass, you will get a beautiful crust.
Now you know how to make chicken in the oven juicy, quickly and tasty, even if it is poultry. Try making it for your family!
