Butt like a nut. How to Get a Big, Tight Butt Like a Nut: The Ultimate Guide to Exercise and Nutrition

16 things you need to know before you start making your butt look like a nut.
Not everyone wants to change the appearance of their buttocks. And that's great! However, for those who truly strive for change, it is necessary to know what nutrition, training and lifestyle should be in order to achieve their goals of changing body proportions. In this article, we'll look at 16 tips that will get you closer to your goal faster!

1. The first thing you need to know is that our buttocks, what you are working on and what you want to change, consist of three muscles: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and minimus. On top, these muscles are covered with a layer of fat.

2. The desire to change the buttocks must necessarily be associated with working out exactly three muscle groups. The growth of the butt can be ensured by the growth of three muscles, and not just any one muscle separately. Rounded and well-developed buttocks are more attractive. You need to know exactly how to train them. We'll get to this very soon.

3. The next point to getting closer to the desired buttocks is to find out what kind of fat layer is on your buttocks. The fact is that both the abs and the buttocks look completely different if there is excess fat on them. Many people have quite large buttocks, but this is unattractive, because they are large due to the fat layer. And it’s beautiful when it’s the muscles that make our butt visually larger and rounder.

4. Therefore, one of the first things to do is determine whether you want to lose those extra pounds of fat from your butt. Many people who want to get into an attractive shape believe that they just need to lose extra pounds from their buttocks. And only a certain percentage wants to build muscle in this part of the body after that.

5. To lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than your body needs. Reduce your calorie intake gradually without depriving yourself of a balanced diet. You need to find a balance between losing weight and feeling normal. Don’t make yourself hungry, don’t force your body. You must have the strength to train and live a full life.

6. You should change the proportions of protein, carbohydrates and fat a little. Reduce your carbohydrate intake slightly, add some protein, and cut back on fat. But don’t completely give up any of these components of a complete diet.

7. Do not rely on your scale, because when you weigh yourself, you cannot be sure that the weight loss is due to fat loss. When building muscle mass, which is needed for burning fat, for good metabolism and for the growth of your buttocks, you want to be sure that when you lose weight, it is fat that is going away. In this case, you can use special scales that reflect body composition and proportions, and also take measurements using a centimeter. And then use a special calculator to determine your body fat percentage.

8. Exercise and cardio play a role in shaping your butt, but it's not that simple. Many workouts and exercise routines have a lot of positive benefits. For example, they develop endurance, flexibility, train the heart, but do little for your buttocks. Workouts such as running, yoga, Pilates, and cycling are greatly overrated in terms of shaping the buttocks.

9. The best cardio for you is high-intensity movements and workouts, such as running up stairs and walking down to rest. You can also use step machines at the gym. Typically, cardio is necessary for those who are losing excess fat. This kind of cardio will be both fat-burning and an excellent workout for the cardiovascular system and your buttocks.

10. Don't believe the hype, you'll have to do more than just squats. It is indeed true that squats are part of glute training. However, is squatting alone enough to grow your butt? Definitely not. If you are doing squats easily, then be sure to change something. You have to get your glutes working. But in any case, neither squats nor any other exercise alone will start the process of muscle growth.

11. Start your strength training with the bridge exercise, gradually adding weights.
You can start with this exercise if you are a beginner. It's great for strengthening your butt, but it's also doable and accessible to everyone. Also come up with and learn more and more new exercises, do different variations of squats, lunges, add weights. Your muscles need to be surprised to trigger the growth process in them.

12. Once your glutes become stronger, add weight and learn more challenging exercise variations. It's best to add weight to those exercises that you have mastered perfectly. You can, for example, place dumbbells on your thighs in a bridge exercise.

13. But don't overdo it. Too heavy a weight can only harm you and will not bring you closer to your goal, and the resulting injuries can, on the contrary, return you to the very beginning of training. If you put a barbell on your hips before your muscles get used to the load, you will still not be able to perform such an exercise, or you will do it very poorly and also injure yourself. The weight is not as important as the technique and quality of the exercises.

14. Strength training should be 3-5 times a week. Preferably, constantly with progress. The pace of progress may vary. When the process of changing body proportions has begun, strength loads take the lead along with your nutrition. Progressive overload is also important. More reps, more variety, perfect every move.

15. Start and end each of your workouts by working your buttocks. At the beginning of the workout, do easier variations, then do the main part for all muscle groups and finish with more complicated variations of exercises for the buttocks.

16. Find time for proper rest. Your muscles grow during rest and sleep, and not right in the gym during the next squats.

Be realistic in your expectations for results. It will definitely happen, but each person is unique, each of us has characteristics of the body’s response to certain changes. Also, our genetic potential can help or hinder some of the results.

In I voiced the main theses of the strategy for building a big and pumped up butt. And now I want to move on to a local plan for a tactical solution to the task at hand and voice a program for girls in the gym for butt training and talk about the best “building” exercises.
The main advantage in creating beautiful pumped up butt is the wide variety of butt exercises in the gym and their variability. The same movement can be performed with a barbell, a Smith machine, and even dumbbells. One foot and two at once. And all these options will turn out to be correct and effective.
However, you need to understand that the most complex types of exercises contribute not so much to gaining mass in the buttocks, but rather to giving them shape. If you are a professional athlete, you can perform the most difficult variations and get results from them. But, if you are an ordinary gym goer who dreams of a pumped up butt, choose the simplest and most technically understandable exercises, use maximum working weights, perform 8-10 repetitions per set, and you will be happy. That is, butt.

Howpump up a big butt

1. Deep squats with a barbell

Usually when woman shakes her butt, she performs a whole range of exercises for this. The program for girls in the gym for the butts of other representatives of the fair sex includes up to a dozen different exercises. But to pump up a big butt, just back squats with a barbell are enough. In the name of this exercise for the butt in the gym, the word deep is decisive. The fact is that the buttocks are maximally involved in the work when the squat occurs below parallel. Rising from a low squat position is carried out not due to the leg muscles, but precisely due to the work of the buttocks. The lower you squat, the more load your gluteal muscles will receive.

how to pump up your butt video:

Conclusion: deep squats with a barbell are the best, it should be placed first in the set of exercises for the gluteal muscles. And, the number of approaches can be increased to 5-6. This will allow you to pump up a girl’s butt in the gym faster.

2. Leg press in the simulator

This butt exercise in the gym Almost completely repeats the biomechanics of squats with a barbell, while removing most of the load from the lower back and spine. During the leg press, the pelvis and shoulders must be pressed firmly against the back of the machine, and the feet must be positioned as wide and high as possible so that the knees drop as low as possible when performing the press. In addition to a good workout on the butt, the leg press in the machine has a strong impact on the hamstrings.

You don’t have to straighten your legs completely at the top of the trajectory, concentrating on working in the lower half of the movement. The main advantage of this exercise is that, unlike barbell squats, it can be done with one leg. In this case, the working weight will need to be reduced, but the load on the gluteal muscles, quadriceps and hamstrings will only increase. I recommend alternating the press with both legs with its “one-legged” version in order to constantly put a new, unusual load on the butt.

Conclusion: to pump up ass to a girl in the gym quickly, this muscle group must be constantly surprised, forcing it to respond with an increase in volume in response to a new exercise.

3. Reverse lunges

This movement rounds out the top three butt exercises in the gym. It is very similar to regular lunges, so beloved by regional fitness gurus, but the step in this exercise is not forward, but backward.

As you understand, walking around the hall backwards will not work, so these lunges (I call them lunges) are done on the spot. And as in other cases, the optimal equipment for such an exercise is a Smith machine.

Reverse lunges can be performed in two variations.

  • Option 1. Perform the exercise by doing lunges on each leg in turn. In this case, most of the load will fall on the top of the gluteal muscles.
  • Option 2. First perform the exercise for one leg, then for the other. In this case, the load on the buttocks will shift to the very bottom, and the load on the hamstrings will increase significantly.

Conclusion: Since different variations of this exercise target different segments of the gluteal muscles, it is necessary to perform both versions of this exercise.

How to make a buttlike a nut

After girls ass will become pumped up and increase in volume, it must be turned into a butt like a nut, optimal in size and magnificent in shape. To do this, you need to develop the lateral sections of this muscle group in order to give the buttocks an ideal appearance not only from the front, but also from the flanks. For this purpose, we need only two exercises, but they are quite enough, since in ordinary life these parts of the buttocks practically do not work and respond to the load very quickly.

1. Leg abduction

This butt exercise in the gym, unlike deep squats and leg presses, is not so much a mass-building exercise as a formative one. It can be done in different ways, depending on the equipment available in the gym.

The leg abduction can be performed in a crossover, on any lower block, or in a special swing simulator. But this does not change the execution technique - a slow, controlled movement with a distinct pause of 2-3 seconds at the top of the trajectory.

Conclusion: kicking your leg to the side is the best forming movement for building butts like nuts. Therefore, like squats with a barbell, it should be done in 5-6 approaches.

2. Leg extensions on a special simulator

Such equipment is now present in any self-respecting sports club and is extremely popular among women. This is an excellent formative butt exercise in the gym. When performing it, all muscles except the gluteal ones are switched off from work.

Thus, the immediate load on the butt will simply increase to the skies. However, despite its simplicity, it has several important nuances.

  • To increase the load on the muscles of the buttocks, when performing this exercise you need to bend forward.
  • A pumped up butt like a nut is the result of working with heavy weights. This means that the weight on the machine must be set so that the last repetition in the approach is given with enormous effort.
  • The buttocks are included in the work only on the last segment of the trajectory. Therefore, it is on this part of the movement that you need to focus all your attention.

After completing the dynamic version of the leg raise in the machine, you need to perform one static set. It is done like this: a small weight is set, the legs are spread to the extreme position, the butt is strained with all its might and the body freezes in complete immobility for 30–40 seconds.

Static load allows you to include additional areas of the gluteal muscles in the work and increase their density, taking one step closer to creating beautiful butt.

I talked about the five most effective butt exercises in the gym. But there is no point in doing them all at every workout. Otherwise, the muscles will very quickly adapt to the load and stop responding to it. It would be correct to create two separate complexes, each of which will consist of 1-2 exercises for gaining muscle mass and one forming one. These complexes can be alternated weekly, trying to perform them differently each time. This can be done by changing the speed of each exercise or the rest time between them. AND program for girls in the gym on the ass might look like this:

Week 1


Approaches Repetitions

Back squat

Reverse lunges (option 1) 3-4
Breeding legs in a special simulator 3-4

Week 2




Bench leg press (two legs) 5-6

Reverse lunges (option 2)


Leg abduction to the side on the lower block


Program for girls in the gym on the butt may include other exercises. The same deadlift from the floor or pelvic lifts with weights are excellent exercises for the butt in the gym. But, in my opinion, you can include them in your training complex only after mastering the simplest and most basic movements. Since both thrust and pelvic lifts, in addition to the gluteal muscles, place a lot of stress on the lower back and are traumatic exercises.

The main thing is not to let the buttock muscles get used to the load. And then your figure will change to the envy of your friends, and to the delight of men, crowned with a beautiful pumped up butt. Be beautiful and graceful.

A butt like a nut is the dream of many modern girls, because elastic and toned buttocks without cellulite always look attractive. It is possible to pump up even a saggy butt, but this will require considerable effort. Women are often afraid to pump up, so they train this part of the body with bodyweight squats, performing 50 or more repetitions. But this is pointless and even harmful, as it leads to wear and tear on the joints. You can build up your gluteal muscles only by using sufficient weights. In order not to pump your legs, you just need to carefully study the technique of doing the exercises.

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    Can everyone get big buttocks?

    Many girls believe that their butt is naturally flat and it is impossible to make it convex. But often the buttocks are simply undeveloped due to a sedentary lifestyle, because in modern conditions people walk less and less, climb stairs, etc. This is especially true for women who spend 8 hours on a chair in the office.

    All this leads to atrophy of the gluteal muscles, making the butt saggy and flabby. In this case, it is quite possible to correct the situation. It is enough to pump up your buttocks with the help of physical exercises, making them beautiful and toned.

    The final result will largely depend on genetics. Thin girls with an ectomorphic physique have difficulty gaining muscle mass, so it will be more difficult for them to pump up Brazilian buttocks. But it is still possible if you are prepared to make efforts for a sufficiently long time.

    There is a myth that to gain a firm butt you need to do cardio training, that is, a lot of running, jumping, etc. In fact, such exercises lead to loss of muscle mass, as a result of which the condition of the buttocks only worsens.

    Cardio training will help you burn fat, but it is impossible to make your butt bigger with its help, because building muscle mass and losing weight are incompatible goals. In the first case, you will need to eat with a calorie surplus and perform weight-bearing exercises, in the second, you will have to provide a daily deficit. Therefore, they first build muscle and then, if necessary, burn fat.

    To make your flat butt firm and round, you definitely need to do strength training. The best way to do this is to join a gym, where there is a variety of weights. It will be more difficult to grow buttocks at home. The main condition for muscle growth is constant progression of load. Otherwise, the muscle fibers will adapt and stop responding to the impact.

    Basic principles

    You can get attractive shapes quite quickly, since the buttocks have a lot of muscle fibers and a high potential for growth. If you wish, you can make them really huge. However, to do this you need to follow several rules:

    • perform exercises with heavy weights and constantly increase it;
    • recover between workouts;
    • eat in a calorie surplus.

    Before increasing weights, you need to learn to feel the gluteal muscles. Many girls do the exercises incorrectly, as a result of which their legs and hips are pumped up, but their butt remains small and flabby.

    In addition, it is important to think about safety precautions, since training with heavy weights creates an increased risk of injury.

    Instead of long cardio workouts, you should do short, but high-intensity sessions. Interval training is ideal. They allow you to effectively develop the cardiovascular system without leading to loss of muscle mass.

    You can also walk on a treadmill at a slow pace for 10 to 15 minutes after strength training.

    Effective exercises

    There are many different exercises to help grow and strengthen your gluteal muscles. The most effective are the basic ones, which involve several muscle groups at once. They provoke muscle growth.

    Isolated exercises are not directly aimed at enlarging the buttocks, so using only leg swings, pelvic lifts, etc. is ineffective. They can be performed at the end of a workout to finally work out the muscles.

    Before moving on to the main set of exercises, it is necessary to do a warm-up (bending, jumping, running with shin overlapping and high hip lifting, etc.).


    The main and well-known exercise for growing the buttocks is squats. It is quite effective, but difficult to implement.

    Key points to pay attention to:

    • in the starting position, the legs are slightly bent at the knees: straightening them completely is harmful to the joints;
    • you should squat, moving your pelvis back;
    • the buttocks start working after passing the level of parallel with the floor, so you need to try to go lower;
    • The back must be kept straight, it is forbidden to round the lower back;
    • The forward tilt of the body should be slight, so you should try to squat perpendicular to the floor.

    To make your butt look like a nut, you must use weights - a barbell or dumbbells.

    Many girls say that they feel only the muscles of the front surface of their legs during squats. This means that the technique is incorrect. As a result, it is not the buttocks that will grow, but the bolsters above the knees. The secret to engaging your glutes is to squeeze them as you lift. In addition, you need to choose the correct position of your legs: it should be at least wider than your shoulders.

    The best option for working the buttocks is the sumo squat. It differs from the classic one in that you need to spread your legs as wide as possible, with your toes pointed to the sides. It is convenient to use a weight or dumbbell as a weight, which you need to hold in your hands.

    In addition to the buttocks, this exercise works the muscles of the inner thigh.


    Another basic exercise for the buttocks is straight or bent leg rows. It is also called deadlift.


    1. 1. Pick up a barbell or dumbbells.
    2. 2. Initial body position - shoulder blades retracted, abs tense.
    3. 3. The weight must be lowered just below the knees, moving the pelvis back and slightly bending the legs at the knees. At the same time, it should literally glide over your legs.
    4. 4. It is important to ensure that your back is perfectly straight. Rounding of the lower back is absolutely unacceptable.
    5. 5. Due to the tension of the gluteal muscles, you should straighten up, returning to the starting position.

    This exercise does not work the quadriceps, the growth of which girls are so afraid of. But when performing, the muscles of the back of the thigh are involved, making the area under the buttocks toned.

    A more complicated option is the deadlift with a kettlebell on one leg. In this case, you will have to maintain balance. In addition, a leg raised above the floor will act as an additional burden.

    You will need:

    1. 1. Take the weight in your right hand.
    2. 2. Raise your left leg back, keeping it straight.
    3. 3. In this case, the body must be tilted forward until it is parallel to the floor.
    4. 4. The right leg can be slightly bent at the knee.

    The kettlebell should not be heavy, since single-leg rows are used to polish muscles and improve coordination, and not to increase volume. This exercise is suitable for experienced athletes. Beginners should stick to simpler options.

    You can also do a crossover tilt. You will need to cross your legs and perform a standard deadlift. In this case, the buttocks will stretch more. First you need to put one leg forward, then the other.


    Load the gluteal muscles and lunges. They can be done forward, backward, sideways, walking, crosswise, etc. One leg is always the working leg, and the other is the supporting leg. Only the working one should get tired; the second one is used to maintain balance.

    The standard option is forward lunges with dumbbells in your hands. When taking a step with your right foot, you need to make sure that your knees are bent at an angle of 90 degrees and your body is perpendicular to the floor. The back, as when performing other exercises, should remain straight.

    It is more difficult to maintain balance when performing lunges with a barbell on your shoulders. But this allows you to take more weight and pump up your elastic butt faster.

    A suitable option for working out the buttocks would be the so-called skater lunges. They are performed as follows:

    1. 1. Starting position, as with standard lunges, is to stand up straight and straighten your chest.
    2. 2. Unlike the classic version, you will need to step not straight back, but diagonally - that is, you will need to put your right leg behind your left.
    3. 3. You can help yourself with your hands, moving them towards the step.

    Cross lunges should not be performed by people with knee problems. In addition, they should be abandoned if discomfort appears during the implementation process.

    Leg press

    In the gym, you can pump up your buttocks using the leg press. This exercise can replace squats if they are prohibited for health reasons (back or knee injuries).

    In order for the load to go not to the legs, but to the butt, you need to place your feet on the platform as wide as possible, spreading them along its edges.

    The platform should be lowered until the lower back begins to lift away from the back of the machine. Shortly before this, you need to stop and press the weight up, leaving your knees slightly bent.

    You need to push the platform with your heels - then the load vector will fall directly on the gluteal muscles.

    Entering the platform


    1. An exercise that can be performed both at home and in a fitness club is climbing a hill. You will need to find a cabinet, bench or other stable object.
    2. 1. First, place your right foot on the platform. The body should be straight.
    3. 2. Then you need to rise up, resting the heel of your right foot on the hill. The left leg should be left hanging in the air.
    4. 3. Then you need to go down without removing your right foot from the platform.

    4. After completing the specified number of repetitions, you need to change your leg.

    You can also jump onto the platform. This exercise is more difficult as it requires explosive strength. You should jump onto a hill with your knees bent. You need to land back softly so as not to injure your heels.

    Gluteal bridge

    The previous exercises are basic. They should be performed at the beginning of your workout. After this, you can move on to isolation techniques for finishing. You can feel your buttocks by performing pelvic lifts.

    1. To do this you need:
    2. 1. Lie on your back and bend your knees.
    3. 2. Tightening your gluteal muscles, lift your pelvis up.

    3. Stop at the top for a couple of counts, and then lower to the floor and, without stopping at the bottom, do the next repetition..

    You can't roll onto your neck. This is harmful to the vertebrae and can cause the development of cervical osteochondrosis

    To avoid unwanted consequences, you can lean your back on a bench or soft ottoman. To increase the load on the pelvis, you should put a barbell, and for beginners - a pancake from it.

    If it is not possible to use weights, you can increase the effectiveness of the exercise by lifting one leg up. It must be kept straight perpendicular to the floor. The other leg is bent and left on the floor, raising the pelvis with support on the heel.

    It is even more difficult to perform a glute bridge on one leg with support on a bolster or platform.

    Isolation exercises also include various types of leg swings. They can be done backwards, to the sides and upwards from a standing, lying or all fours position. In order for only the gluteal muscles to work when performing swings, it is necessary to keep the body motionless, otherwise the exercise will be performed due to inertia.

    Back swings are aimed at working the gluteus maximus muscle. The leg that is abducted should be straight. To increase the load, you can wear weights on your ankles.

    Leg abductions engage the gluteus medius muscles, which are located on the sides of the butt. To better feel the target muscles, you can use a resistance band for fitness.

    You can also perform upward leg swings while standing on all fours. The shin should be perpendicular to the floor, and the foot should be parallel to it.

    This exercise will tighten the gluteus maximus muscle.


    Most gyms have a hyperextension machine. There are various variations of this exercise. If you do it with a round back, the gluteal muscles will be involved in the work.


    1. 1. Take the starting position on the machine, adjusting its rollers so that they are at mid-thigh level.
    2. 2. Slightly round your upper back and cross your arms over your chest.
    3. 3. Lower yourself down, bending at the waist, until your body is parallel to the floor.
    4. 4. Rise up, straining your buttocks, until your torso forms a straight line with your legs.

    At the top point, you should linger for 1-2 seconds for maximum muscle contraction. The hamstring biceps, located on the back of the legs, also receives a load in this exercise.

    Breeding legs in the simulator

    In a fitness club, you can also perform an exercise for the buttocks, such as leg raises in a machine. The technique is quite simple and understandable, since the trajectory of movement is specified by the design.

    Your thighs should rest against the bolsters. Legs should be spread apart as far as possible. Then you need to slowly bring them together, overcoming the resistance of the simulator.

    Exhale when spreading your legs, and inhale when returning to the starting position.

    The exercises presented must be arranged in the correct sequence to create an effective training program.

    To grow muscles, basic exercises must be performed with heavy weights in 3-4 sets of 8-10 repetitions. The multi-repetition rhythm recommended in numerous sources should be abandoned if you want to get bigger buttocks.

    Isolation exercises should be done in 4-6 approaches, 15-20 times each. Then the muscles will be worked from different angles.

    The table shows a training program aimed at growing the gluteal muscles in a short time:

    You need to exercise 1-2 times a week. The main condition is not to carry out the next workout until the muscle pain goes away: this indicates that the muscles have not had time to recover.

    This program is designed for approximately 21 days. Then the exercises can be replaced with similar ones so that the muscles do not get used to the load.

    Nutrition for butt growth

    To get Brazilian butts, it is equally important to pay attention to nutrition. Without this, training will be in vain.

    The basic rule is to maintain a calorie surplus. Many women are afraid to increase their caloric intake, but without this you can forget about a big and attractive butt.

    You must also adhere to the following principles:

    • consume less sweets and sugar;
    • instead, include in your diet foods containing complex carbohydrates (buckwheat, rice, durum pasta, etc.);
    • eat more protein foods (meat, cottage cheese, eggs, fish) so that the daily dose of protein reaches 2 g per kilogram of weight;
    • do not exclude “healthy” fats from the diet (fish, nuts, olive oil, etc.);
    • consume fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines and is included in whole grains, cereals and vegetables;
    • drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day;
    • Avoid fast food and other processed foods that contain trans fats.

    By properly combining training and nutrition, you can build large and firm buttocks. The first results can be noticed after a month of regular exercise.

    Often girls complain that they quickly give up training. To prevent this from happening, the right attitude is important. The motivation can be the image of your appearance in a swimsuit in the summer.

    But it is worth considering that preparation will have to begin in the fall - winter, because increasing volumes is not a quick matter. First, the muscles will need to get used to the load. In addition, you will have to spend time carefully practicing the exercise technique. After some time, the results will begin to become noticeable, which will become additional motivation to continue training.

    For most girls, following a diet for butt growth is much easier than for losing weight, since you won’t have to limit yourself in food and feel hungry.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

    I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

    But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelifting? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

We have collected all the exercises for the buttocks that you can practice at home using minimal equipment. With due diligence, your butt, if it suddenly looks sad, will soon cheer up. Go ahead for a beautiful view from behind!


The gluteal muscles of the body are 3 paired muscles: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and minimus. The gluteus maximus muscle is the largest muscle in the entire body. It begins at the pelvic bone and attaches to the back of the femur just below the hip joint. The function of this muscle is to extend the hip with slight external rotation. When fixing the hip, it tilts the pelvis back.
The gluteus medius muscle begins on the gluteal surface of the ilium, passes into the short broad tendon and attaches to the greater trochanter of the femur.
The gluteus minimus muscle is located under the gluteus medius. The function of all these muscles is hip abduction.

Features of the training.
Only if you have a small pelvis and you just need to tighten your buttocks and make them elastic, choose training with heavy weights. Train 2 times a week, with at least 2 days between each workout. Do 4-5 sets of 5-8 repetitions. If pain persists, don’t be alarmed, just take a bath or do cardio.

If you want to make your buttocks visually smaller, give up weights or do exercises with small weights. But you will have to exercise 5-6 times a week. Do 5-6 sets, 18-20 repetitions.

Raising the pelvis with the leg extended upward.
Lie on the floor, stretch your leg up and lift your pelvis, squeezing your muscles. Do 15 reps per set, 6-8 sets. To pump up your butt more effectively, you can load your leg with a weighting agent containing shot (sold in any sports store.
Thus, if it is difficult to do with a raised leg, simply raise your pelvis, squeezing the muscles of your buttocks.

Swing backwards and to the sides (from the lower block or with the lever of the simulator).
A fantastically simple exercise - just grab the back of a chair and swing. Just don't swing too fast - on the contrary, it will be more effective to swing slowly. Don't rest at the bottom of the swing - start the next swing right away. At an advanced level and in the gym, use a lower block or glute machine to work.
Lunges forward.

The most important exercise for a beautiful butt. They are ineffective for weight loss, as they help build muscle mass. When performing them, the gluteus minimus muscle and the anterior surface of the thigh and lower leg work. Take dumbbells in your hands, extend your arms along your body and start lunging. You can do them either on the spot or moving forward around the room. The wider the step, the more the gluteal muscles are involved.

Keep your body and back straight;

The knee of the leg set back should touch the floor;

Keep your hands with dumbbells parallel to your body.


The king of butt exercises, squats also improve the tone of the quadriceps and hamstrings. Pump it up like this: first squat without weight to avoid sprains and injuries.
Squat technique:

Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Squat, moving your buttocks back and as if sitting on an invisible chair. Once you reach a 90-degree angle, rise up, also shifting your weight back. Do every fourth squat, holding for 10-30 seconds at the bottom point.

At an advanced level, pick up dumbbells or squat with a barbell or bodybar. Weights seriously increase the load.
Do 4-5 sets of 10 squats, resting no more than a minute between sets. Squats are done deeply, the butt must be brought back as far as possible, the back is straight. Squat as low as possible: the lower you squat, the more your glutes will be involved in the squat. Your feet should be at a width that makes it comfortable for you to do deep squats.

When squatting, the following muscles are used:
Quadriceps (quadriceps femoris).
Large gluteal muscles.
Adductor muscles of the thigh.
Soleus muscles (lower leg).
Calf muscles.
Biceps femoris.

And when squats with weights, the back and abdominal muscles are also worked out.
So squats are not an isolated exercise at all and are not aimed exclusively at the butt: it is basic and trains everything at once. Therefore, before performing it, it is necessary to do a warm-up to avoid injury.
Squats effectively get rid of cellulite and improve the shape of your thighs (do shallow squats on your thighs. If you do squats 3-5 times a week, the results will become noticeable within a month. And the more squats you do, the faster your butt will become curvy!

Bridge (pelvic lifts).

How to pump up your butt When performing this exercise, lean on your hands, then the load will be distributed evenly, and the spinal region will not be overstrained. Lie on the floor with your arms extended along your torso, bend your legs and move them as close to your buttocks as possible. Now lift your pelvis, making a bridge and tensing your buttock muscles. You can stay in this position if you feel an effect, such as trembling. Do this exercise “Ladder”: 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 repetitions.

Swing back on all fours.
Swinging on all fours is a very useful exercise. Just get on all fours and do backswings, say 50 with one leg and 50 with the other per day. Doing the ladder exercise will also be effective: 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 repetitions. To be effective, you can put a dumbbell under your knee and lift your leg with it - just not quickly, so as not to drop the dumbbell. Do not relax your buttock muscles.

Swing your leg to the side from a position lying on your side.
The exercise helps to enlarge the gluteus minimus and medius muscles. Lie on the floor on your side, rest your head on your hand. Inhaling, lift your leg off the floor, keeping your knee straight. The leg should make an angle of no more than 70 degrees with the body. Maintaining isometric force, hold your leg, then lower it.

High chair.
Press your back against the wall and sit down as if sitting on an invisible chair. Hold this for 30 seconds, then rest and do 2 more sets. Try increasing the time by 10 seconds every day.

Breeding legs on the simulator.
The increased tone of the hips gives them roundness, which visually narrows the waist. The exercise tightens and strengthens the leg muscles. To perform the exercise, sit on the machine, inhale and open your hips as far as possible. If the back of the machine is tilted back, the gluteus medius muscles are more involved in the work. When the back is in a vertical position, the upper section of the gluteus maximus muscle works. To hit both sets of muscles, change the angle of your back while performing the approach.

Hip lift.
Lie on your stomach, bend your knees. As you exhale, lift your legs up and stay in this position. Do 2 sets of 15 seconds each.

Tilt at the cross.
Stand up and cross your legs. Take dumbbells and lean forward, keeping your back straight. Then change the cross of your legs and repeat.

Bent leg raises.
Lie on your back, straighten one leg and bend the other. In this position, lift your pelvis as high as possible, keeping your legs in their original position.

Jumping to higher ground.
Find a stable, stable pedestal approximately 30-40 cm high and jump onto it. Do 4 sets of 10 reps. If this exercise begins to be easy for you, pick up dumbbells or put weights on your legs.

Jump squats.
Stand in the starting position, feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head. Squat down to a 90-degree angle, then quickly jump out of this position. Do 4 sets of 12 reps.

Sumo squats.
Spread your legs wide, turn your feet with the inner surface forward, and squat from this position as deeply as possible. Do 4 sets of 12 reps. When the exercise starts to become too easy for you, pick up dumbbells.

Stand in the “Feet slightly wider than shoulder-width” position, take dumbbells or a barbell and begin to lean down, moving your body forward and pushing your butt back. Do 4 sets of 10 reps.
When performing this exercise, do not replace the dumbbells with a barbell. Dumbbells allow you to “Feel” the muscles of the buttocks more clearly. Barbell deadlifts primarily work the back extensors, while dumbbells work the hamstrings and glutes.

Leg press.
The platform leg press is an effective exercise for the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. To increase the load on the gluteal muscles, place your feet closer to the upper edge of the platform. To further increase your effectiveness, do single-leg platform presses.

Take the starting position on the appropriate hyperextension machine. Bend down to an angle of 90 degrees, then return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Deadlift with a kettlebell on one leg.
This exercise is great for shaping your buttocks. Stand on one leg, pick up a weight and bend forward. When performing, focus on contracting the gluteal muscles. If your back hurts after performing the exercise, reduce the weight of the weight. The exercise should be performed only using the buttocks, and if the back is also involved in the exercise, then the weight is too heavy.

Lunges with a barbell.
When doing this exercise, try to lengthen your stride - this way you will work the gluteal muscles more than the quadriceps.

Glute bridge with barbell.
This exercise uses virtually no hamstrings or quadriceps muscles, making it the most effective.

Cardio training for a firm butt:
Running or walking on a treadmill “uphill”, running on a flat surface tends, on the contrary, to reduce the volume of the buttocks. Interval training Prefer interval training to training at a measured pace. This way the fat will “oxidize” faster and efforts to give your butt an ideal shape will be crowned with success faster.

We have collected all the exercises for the buttocks, one or another can be practiced in family agreements, using the smallest equipment. With appropriate effort, your priest, if suddenly she is sad, will quickly cheer up. Forward, behind the specious appearance from behind!

The gluteal muscles of the body are 3 paired muscles: the gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus. The gluteus maximus muscle of the leg is the largest muscle in the body. It begins at the pelvic bone and is attached to the back of the femur, slightly wider than the hip joint. The function of this muscle is to extend the thigh with slight external rotation. When the leg is fixed, it tilts the pelvis back.
The gluteus medius muscle begins on the gluteal surface of the ilium, runs into a short vast tendon and is attached to the large trochanter of the leg.
The small gluteal muscle is located under the gluteus medius. The function of these muscles is abduction of the leg.

Training Personality
If you have a small pelvis, and you need to easily tighten your buttocks and make them elastic, choose training with heavy weights. Train 2 times a week, with more than 2 days between each workout. Master 4-5 sets of 5-8 repetitions. If pain persists, don’t be alarmed, it’s easy to take a bath or do cardio.

If you want to make your buttocks look younger, give up weights or do exercises with small weights. But you will have to practice 5-6 times a week. Master 5-6 approaches, 18-20 repetitions.

Raising the pelvis with the leg extended upward
Lie on the floor, stretch your leg up and lift your pelvis, squeezing your muscles. Master 15 reps per set, 6-8 sets. To pump up the priest more effectively, you can load your leg with a weighting agent containing shot (sold in any sports store).
If it is not difficult to create an oppressive position with your leg raised, raise your pelvis, squeezing the muscles of your buttocks.

Swing backwards and to the sides (from the lower unit or with the lever of the simulator)
For a fantastically common exercise, grab the back of a chair and do a swing. Just don’t swing too quickly; on the contrary, it will be more effective to build the swings slowly. Do not rest at the bottom of the swing; immediately begin the next swing. At an advanced spirit level and in the gym, connect a lower unit or a buttock exerciser to the lesson.
Lunges forward

The most important exercise for a shapely butt. They are ineffective for weight loss because they specifically help build muscle mass. When performing them, the small gluteal muscle and the anterior surface of the leg and lower leg are active. Take dumbbells in your hands, extend your arms along your body and start lunging. You can build them both on the square and moving forward around the room. The wider the step, the more strongly the gluteal muscles are involved.

Keep your body and back sincere;

The knee of the leg set back must touch the floor;

Keep your hands with dumbbells parallel to your body.


The master of butt exercises, squats also tone the quadriceps and hamstrings. Pump it up like this: initially squat without weight to prevent sprains and injuries.
Squat technique:

Stand sincerely, with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Squat, moving your buttocks back and seeming to sit on an invisible chair. Once you reach a 90-degree angle, rise up, also moving your weight back. Master every 4th squat, holding for 10-30 seconds at the bottom point.

At an advanced spirit level, pick up dumbbells or squat with a barbell or bodybar. Weights seriously increase the load.
Do 4-5 sets of 10 squats, resting for less than a minute between sets. The squats are done deeply, the priest needs to really bring it back, the back is sincere. Squat to a very deep position: the deeper you squat, the more your glutes will be involved in the squat. Your feet should stand at a certain width so that you can comfortably do deep squats.

The proper muscles used when squatting are:
quadriceps (quadriceps leg muscles)
adult gluteal muscles
adductor muscles of the leg
soleus muscles (shin)
calf muscles
leg biceps

And when squats with weights, the muscles of the back and abs are also worked out.
So squats are not an isolated exercise at all and are not particularly aimed at the priest: it is basic and trains everything immediately. Therefore, before performing it, you must definitely do a warm-up to prevent injuries.
Squats effectively get rid of cellulite and improve the shape of your thighs (do shallow squats on your legs). When performing squats 3-5 times a week, results will become visible within a month. And the more squats you do, the faster your butt will become tempting!

Bridge (pelvic lifts)

how to pump up your butt When performing this exercise, lean on your hands, then the overload will be distributed moderately, and the spinal region will not be overstrained. Lie on the floor with your arms extended along your body, bend your legs and move them as close to your buttocks as possible. Now lift your pelvis, building a bridge and tensing the muscles of your buttocks. Can you stick with this