Prepare a zucchini dinner. The most delicious zucchini dishes, recipes

What to cook from zucchini quickly and tasty: recipes with photos + ideas

The summer menu in my family undoubtedly includes zucchini dishes. Of course, zucchini preparations occupy the leading position, but I still try to prepare interesting and tasty zucchini dishes at least several times a week. In addition, thanks to the availability of zucchini, we have zucchini dishes on our table all year round. Most of all, I like to test new zucchini recipes and tell you about my positive culinary results here on the Home Restaurant website.

For your convenience, I have collected all the most delicious zucchini dishes in a separate section, and if you are interested in delicious zucchini recipes, just add the page to your bookmarks. All zucchini dishes presented on the Home Restaurant website are accompanied by step-by-step photos with a detailed description of the cooking process.

I wish you bon appetit and pleasant culinary creativity!

We are preparing an incredibly tasty, aromatic and healthy zucchini puree soup in chicken broth. This is a great option for the summer when the fresh vegetable season is in full swing. I really like this recipe. From simple and affordable products you get amazing taste, light...

Zucchini rolls are one of the most popular snacks that can be made from this vegetable. Today we will prepare zucchini rolls with tomatoes and garlic in batter. For this recipe, it is advisable to use young oblong-shaped zucchini with small seeds and thin...

In the summer, zucchini rolls with chicken fillet, cheese and tomatoes are perfect as a cold appetizer. In this recipe, all the ingredients are harmoniously combined with each other, making the appetizer not only satisfying, but also very tasty. To make the rolls lower in calories, we...

Now the zucchini season has begun, so I hasten to tell you a simple and delicious recipe for zucchini rolls with mushrooms and cheese. This appetizer is suitable for both the everyday menu and the holiday table. For this recipe, it is better to use young oblong zucchini...

I recently prepared Korean-style spicy carrots using my proven recipe, which has been on the site for a long time. As always, it turned out very tasty, so the next day there were only a few spoons left. Since I had delicious young zucchini in stock, ...

Today we are preparing delicious Mother-in-law’s Tongue from zucchini for the winter - a recipe with photos at your service! I love this recipe for its simplicity and, of course, great taste. The result is approximately 4.5 liters of delicious finished preserves. To keep the preparations for a long time, use...

Store-bought zucchini caviar is always very tasty, and many housewives try to prepare store-bought zucchini caviar for the winter at home. I’m no exception: my family loves this kind of caviar, so I also wanted to cook it myself. I recommend …

Dear friends, zucchini season is in full swing. There are so many amazing recipes you can make with them! You can make a stew or sauté, an appetizer with tomatoes and cheese, fry with garlic or stew in sour cream... Or even better, cook delicious stuffed zucchini...

Most pleasing are raw salads and thinly sliced ​​zucchini. This way all the enzymes are preserved in this juicy ingredient. The raw vegetable fits perfectly into both proper nutrition and a low-carb diet.

If you find it difficult to decide on zucchini dishes:

Start with the simplest ones. Click item No. 6 - high-speed zucchini cooking for every taste.

Quick navigation through the article:

Recipe No. 1. Bake the circles under a crust of cheese

The fattest dish in the review, which got here thanks to the strong love for cheese crust among the men of the family.

For 2-4 servings you need:

  • Zucchini of any kind - 2 pcs. medium size
  • Hard cheese (Dutch, Parmesan) - 60-80 g (or ½ cup in small shavings)
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves if desired
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste

*We don’t add salt, the saltiness of the cheese is enough.

How to cook.

Place the cheese in the freezer at superfrost for 5-7 minutes. Frozen cheese is easier to grate using a regular fine grater. We need just such shavings to carefully sprinkle the vegetables.

We wash, but do not clean, the zucchini. Cut them into circles no more than 1 cm thick.

Preheat the oven to 200-220 degrees Celsius.

Place the pieces on a baking sheet that has been greased with oil. You can use parchment paper or foil. Important! The laying is loose, with a small distance between the pieces.

If you like the aroma of garlic, crush a couple of cloves with a press and add just a little of the pulp to the vegetables. And the most convenient flavoring option is garlic salt or dried garlic powder. They are available in large supermarkets on the spice racks.

Now the most crucial moment is carefully sprinkling with cheese shavings, without going beyond the vegetables. To do this, take the cheese with gentle pinches or use a teaspoon.

Place the zucchini in the preheated oven for 15-10 minutes. Our goal is melted cheese that will change color to golden light brown. Remove the beauty from the oven as soon as the cheese crust reaches the condition.

Serve the savory mugs hot. The dish cannot be called low-calorie, but “nourishing, tasty and fast!” It suits him exactly!

Recipe No. 2. Bake spectacular boats with garlic

This is the perfect recipe to demonstrate with photos. It captivates with its beautiful simplicity and is easily transformed to suit any number of eaters.


The calorie and fat content of elegant baked halves is low:

  • No more than 130 kcal per serving(at the rate of 1 serving = 2 halves). You can also adjust the amount of oil for coating and adjust the seasonings to taste.

We plan medium-sized zucchini (up to 20 cm in length) individually - 1-2 pieces. per guest. Everything else is up to taste. We take larger garlic cloves, we will cut them crosswise. For the sauce, vegetable oil and half the amount of lemon juice. Don't forget some dry spices. It could be a mixture of peppers, colored paprika or curry.

Seasonings made from dry herbs are also suitable - Provençal or Italian herbs, the Slavic set of dill and parsley. The main thing is that you like the aroma.

How to cook quickly and tasty.

Following the illustrations, cut the zucchini in half, make cross cuts and place loosely on a baking sheet covered with foil. Cut the garlic into slices.

Beat the butter and lemon juice with a fork until finely suspended. Using a brush, spread the mixture on top of each vegetable half. Then crush with spices and add pieces of garlic.

Bake in a preheated oven (200 degrees Celsius) for about 30-40 minutes until the plates soften.

To make the zucchini cook faster, you can wrap them in foil for 15-20 minutes. We check the softness after 15 minutes of baking by pricking the boats with a fork.

If you like garlic, add an extra clove to the press and mix the garlic puree with oil and lemon juice.

Recipe No. 3. Zucchini with corn in 10 minutes

Slim - yes!

Again, a healthy and tasty example, with a minimum of calories and easy to regulate fats:

  • One serving of the recipe contains no more than 140 kcal.

For 4 servings we need:

  • Zucchini of any kind - 4 pcs. medium size
  • Corn (kernels) - 1 cup

*Anything will do: canned or frozen

  • Garlic - 2 cloves (cut into 4-6 pieces with a knife)
  • Oil for frying - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Juice of 1 medium lemon
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste (1-2 pinches)
  • Fresh cilantro (or parsley) - 2 tbsp. spoons (finely chopped)
  • Parmesan (or other hard cheese) - 2 tbsp. spoons (three small)

Spices with Italian accent (dry herbs):

  • Basil - ¼ teaspoon
  • Oregano (or oregano) - ¼ teaspoon
  • Thyme (or thyme) - ¼ teaspoon

How to cook.

We cut the zucchini lengthwise into 4 parts, and then crosswise to get quarters from the rings. Thickness up to 1 cm. The ideal size for the recipe is clearly shown in the photo below.

If we chose not thin zucchini, but thick regular zucchini, we can cut the vegetable in half lengthwise, and then each half into three strips. Cut the resulting 6 strips crosswise in 1 cm increments.

Heat the oil in a deep, wide frying pan over medium heat. Add chopped garlic. Stirring, heat for 1 minute. If you don't like fried garlic, you can remove it after a minute.

Add chopped zucchini, corn and three dry spices to fry. Stir constantly and fry for 4-6 minutes until the zucchini begins to soften. Our goal is for the vegetables to have an al dente texture, when the pieces are still firm but easy to chew.

At the end of frying, pour in lemon juice, add chopped cilantro, salt, pepper, mix and remove from heat. Sprinkle with cheese shavings and serve.

Secrets of a unique fast dish:

  • Making a low-calorie recipe extremely easy= no cheese. But you can add pieces of bell pepper. Cut them into cubes, 1.5 times smaller than the leading vegetable.
  • For lovers of elastic vegetables, we enlarge the cuts. The bell pepper can be cut into thin strips, then it is better to fry it first - 1 minute before the zucchini and corn.

Recipe No. 4. Zucchini fritters

The recipe, proven over generations, won’t take much time. Even a bachelor can do it quickly, armed with a regular grater. The process is described in the perfect video. Everything is fast (2 minutes!), there are important close-ups and the author has a good presentation.

We need:

  • Zucchini (or regular zucchini) - about 800 g (2 large pieces)
  • Flour - 60-80 g
  • Eggs - 2-3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Salt - ½ teaspoon
  • Greens to taste - 1 medium bunch

Recipe No. 5. Zucchini cream soup

For 4-5 servings we need the simplest ingredients:

  • Zucchini (or regular zucchini) 1-1.5 kg or 5-7 pcs. medium size (+/-20 cm in length)
  • Fresh dill - 1 medium bunch
  • White onion - 1 medium onion
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Butter - 30-50 grams

*Both oils can be adjusted to suit your needs based on calories

  • Water (boiling water) - 0.5 cups + 3-5 tablespoons
  • Cream (10% fat) - 200 ml
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste

How to cook.

We clean the zucchini and cut off the tails. Cut into small cubes: lengthwise in half, again lengthwise into 2 parts each half and crosswise into cubes. Coarsely chop the dill.

Heat the oil in a deep large frying pan. First, pour in the vegetable oil, then add the creamy one and wait until it melts, stirring.

Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in oil until translucent. This will take 2-3 minutes on medium heat. Don't forget to stir so it doesn't burn.

Add zucchini cubes. Fry the vegetables and onions for 5 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.

Add dill and simmer for another 2 minutes. Now pour in half a glass of boiling water and simmer for another 7-10 minutes over medium heat. Stir from time to time! If the water boils away quickly, you can add more boiling water (2-3 tablespoons).

Pour in the cream, stir and leave to simmer for another 2 minutes.

Remove from heat, let cool slightly and transfer the mixture to a blender. To make the device easier to operate, you can add a little water (about 80-150 ml). Puree the mixture until smooth.

We evaluate the soup for comfortable texture. If it turns out thick, you can dilute it a little with water. Add hot water 1-2 tablespoons at a time, stir and taste. You can also adjust salt and pepper to taste or add your favorite spices.

Serve beautifully with a leaf of greenery and croutons. Those on a bread-free diet should reduce the butter in the recipe, but add some coarse walnut crumbles or just a couple of walnut butterflies to the serving.

An ideal first course without potatoes and extra carbohydrates. Bon appetit!

The soup is magical! Proven by Science

1 serving contains no more than 250 kcal. Soup is ideal for dieting. This dish is best eaten in the evening to get rid of nighttime hunger pangs. It has been scientifically proven that food in the form of puree envelops the walls of the stomach and stays in it longer.

Quick, tasty, dietary wise and very easy to prepare. With an eye on slimness and health, this recipe can be placed on the winning pedestal with the proud title “Hurry to try!”

The simplest ideas: 10 more dishes, 8 of them dietary

To make our hero a noticeable participant in the meal, use basic but tasty dishes from classical and non-traditional cooking.

Simply fry in a pan for up to 30 minutes

To do this, cut each vegetable into rings or plates. Thickness - about 1 cm, fry in a heated frying pan. You can roll it in flour or breadcrumbs (more calories, but a crispier crust).

Avoiding excessive calories, grease the pan with oil using a piece of gauze or try frying without oil on a non-stick coating. In this dietary method, do not forget to wash off the carbon deposits from the pan after each batch - with a sponge.

Of course, you guessed it or have tried snacks on fried circles more than once. The classic is as simple as “twice two”: zucchini, curd mass with garlic, tomato and a generous head of chopped herbs. Bon appetite!

Prepare bean stew in half an hour

We often stew bell peppers, zucchini and add porcini mushrooms sautéed with onions. At the very end, sprinkle with fresh herbs. Sometimes we don’t skimp on carrots and onions or take several types of the leading vegetable - regular, zucchini and yellow.

A more high-calorie option with complex carbohydrates is also nice - with beans, peas, corn.

Know-how about beans in a healthy menu!

Preparing beans for future use in the freezer is a lifesaver in our kitchen. In the evening, pour a lot of beans with cold water (2-3 parts water to 1 part beans). Let it boil and keep on fire for 3-5 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave it covered (!) until the morning.

The next day, drain the water. Together with it, the product leaves 90% of gas-forming harmful substances. It remains to cook the beans until soft. In a multicooker on the “Baking” mode, this will take 40-50 minutes. On the stove over medium heat in plenty of water - about 1 hour.

Place the finished beans in a colander and let them cool. We put it into bags. We form in portions according to the average quantity for frequent recipes in the family menu. We send the portioned packaging to be frozen in superfrost mode. This way, at one time, we get many servings of beans for stews, sautés and soups. What's remarkable is as harmless to digestion as possible, even for baby food.

Diversify your steamed vegetables in 10 minutes

We love you very much dietary combination of the main character with carrots and 1-3 types of cabbage(broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts). We cut the zucchini a little larger than the cabbage. These are usually quarters or halves of thick rings. The thinnest cut is for carrots. Let the vegetable mixture steam in the slow cooker for no more than 10-12 minutes. Serve with a variety of sauces.

  1. Light mayonnaise and dill. Or the ideal vitamin option is to sprinkle the dish with finely chopped herbs (2-3 types), nut crumbs and season with olive oil.
  2. Another non-trivial sauce for those who care about their health and figure. Add garlic gruel, a handful of your favorite seeds and unexpected herbs (fresh rosemary, sage, wild garlic) to natural yogurt.

Fry the zucchini noodles for 10 minutes

Luxurious reception for a new sound - peel off the zucchini with a vegetable peeler thin plates and quickly fry them in a frying pan. Don't skimp on your favorite seasonings and try different vegetables side by side. Root vegetables are best, of which there should not be a lot. But wet neighbors are not suitable, incl. tomatoes.

In our opinion, the recipe tastes best with carrots. You need to grind it into thin strips. A Berner grater or a sharp knife will help.

We need:

  • Young zucchini - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • Carrots - optional
  • Fresh favorite greens
  • Salt, pepper, spices - to taste
  • Oil for frying - up to 2 tbsp. spoons

Let's prepare the vegetables.

Grind the carrots into thin strips. We cut the main characters in half lengthwise. Carefully plan the plates, similar to wide homemade noodles. There should be some sandpaper on one side of the plate. Finely chop the greens and press the garlic through a press.

Fry in Asian style.

Heat the oil in a frying pan. Place the strips and fry for 1.5 minutes. Add carrots, stir for another 1 minute. Salt, season, add garlic and chopped herbs and mix. Turn off the heat, cover with a lid and let stand for 1-2 minutes. Voila! A completely independent dish or a beautiful and quick side dish.

Add raw zucchini to coleslaw

Two not boring ones, light and fiber-rich sample:

Use raw squash noodles

If you have a noodle cutter for vegetables, this is a matter of a couple of minutes.

Discover the world of healthy zucchini recipes!

You can try a lot of ultra-fast and mega-tasty recipes with zucchini noodles. With unusual cuts, the lion's share of success comes from a savory sauce and healthy minimalism.

One of light summer salads with honey-garlic sauce is well described in the video below. You will need a narrow set of ingredients:

  • Zucchini, tomatoes, honey, garlic, butter, herbs and a little dexterity when slicing the main character.
  • Calorie content of 1 serving does not exceed 150 kcal.

Please note that the girl does without a noodle cutter, including showing how to use a Berner grater. Her advice is 100% practical, we checked. There would be desire and a little patience.

Marinate ultra-thin slices in just 2 hours

We have already described this rare quick option in a series of long dishes with marinade (link below the article).

Just 2 hours for soaking - and you can conquer the hearts of gourmets, even those who are on a diet! The reason for the success is the already mentioned cutting into the thinnest plates. All you need is a vegetable peeler (peeler), a minimum of fat and sugar and a maximum of aromas.

And that is not all! Below the article you will find:

  1. Snack rolls that are so delicious to fill in different ways;
  2. Nearby are baked vegetable mixes, where our hero is again at the head.

We hope you found the selection of our favorite recipes with photos appetizing. We tried to give a detailed answer to the question about zucchini dishes that can be prepared quickly and tasty.

We covered the dietary side of the issue according to personal tastes. In the summer we indulge a lot in raw vegetables. We like to stew and bake without overloading with oil. It is always worth considering that vegetables provide us with few calories in combination with fiber and vitamins.

  • To prepare dishes from zucchini, unripe fruits are usually used; it is these zucchini that have delicate skin and juicy pulp; the seeds in unripe zucchini are practically not felt.
  • If the zucchini still has a thick skin, it should be cut off. In this case, the zucchini dish will turn out tender.
  • If young fruits are used to stuff zucchini, the peel does not need to be removed. To make the stuffed zucchini more juicy and soft, the zucchini should first be boiled and only then stuffed.
  • In addition to traditional zucchini, the zucchini variety is often used in cooking. They are distinguished by their very delicate skin and the absence of seeds, which makes them universal and suitable for almost all zucchini dishes.
  • However, it is advisable to use zucchini of this variety immediately; storing it for a long time is not recommended. If the zucchini has been sitting for a long time, the peel begins to taste bitter. In this case, be sure to cut off the peel so as not to spoil the entire dish.
  • When boiling or stewing zucchini, it should be taken into account that the larger the zucchini (or pieces), the fewer vitamins the vegetable loses, and, consequently, the entire zucchini dish.
  • Zucchini is used for winter preparations in the same way as regular zucchini. Moreover, the recipe is the same for both zucchini and zucchini.
  • To prepare squash caviar for the winter, the caviar is first stewed, then the caviar in jars must be sterilized.

Zucchini is a versatile product from which you can prepare dozens of different dishes. This tender-fleshed vegetable has a neutral taste and goes well with other ingredients. And such properties as low calorie content and saturation with microelements, vitamins and fiber put it in a leading position in dietary nutrition.

However, in order for dishes from these healthy vegetables to be as tasty as possible and pleasing to the eye, you need to know how to cook zucchini correctly, as well as which fruits to prefer for a particular recipe.

Salads with zucchini

Zucchini can be added to salads either raw or after heat treatment (fried or boiled). If a recipe calls for raw zucchini, it is advisable that these be small, young fruits.

Fresh zucchini salad with cucumber and apple

To prepare such a salad, you need to take fresh young zucchini, cut it into rings (or cubes) and pour boiling water over it for a few minutes. Then put the steamed vegetable in a salad bowl, add chopped cucumber, grated green apple and chopped garlic to taste.

Before serving, sprinkle the salad with dill and season with vegetable oil.

Korean-style zucchini salad

The recipe for another interesting vegetable salad, in which zucchini is placed raw, is presented in the following video.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 kg of peeled young zucchini;
  • two halves of large bell peppers, yellow and red;
  • half a large raw carrot, shredded;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • three sprigs of green onions;
  • 1.5 tsp. with a heap of salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • vinegar or acetic acid;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • ground coriander (about 1 tsp);
  • ground red pepper (about 0.5 tsp).

How to fry zucchini?

Fried zucchini is the simplest and at the same time excellent quick dish, which can be served either on its own or as a light side dish for fish or meat.

To prepare fried zucchini you will need:

  • 1 medium zucchini,
  • sunflower oil,
  • flour, salt and spices.

The zucchini needs to be peeled and cut into rings of medium thickness. Then roll the resulting vegetable rings in flour mixed with salt and spices and fry on both sides in a frying pan in sunflower oil until a golden crust forms.

The finished zucchini can be topped with garlic and sour cream sauce, which will add a special piquancy to the finished dish.

How to bake zucchini in the oven?

Baked zucchini can be called one of the most delicious, low-calorie and easy-to-prepare dishes. We bring to your attention some simple quick recipes.

Zucchini baked with tomatoes

To bake zucchini with tomatoes and cheese you will need:

  • 3 medium sized zucchini
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 100 grams of any cheese,
  • 100 grams of mayonnaise,
  • 1 head of garlic,
  • salt, seasonings to taste.

Zucchini must be thoroughly washed, peeled and cut into rings 5 ​​mm thick. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place zucchini rings on it at a short distance from each other.

Next, prepare the sauce from mayonnaise, cheese and garlic. To do this, you need to grate the cheese on a coarse grater, finely chop the garlic cloves, and mix it all with mayonnaise. Apply the prepared sauce to each slice of zucchini.

Then place tomato rings on top of the zucchini, soak again in the cheese-garlic sauce and sprinkle with the rest of the grated cheese. Bake zucchini in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25-35 minutes until an appetizing crust forms.

Zucchini with sour cream sauce

In order to cook zucchini with sour cream sauce, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 small zucchini,
  • a few cloves of garlic,
  • chopped dill and parsley (1 tablespoon each),
  • 1 glass of thick sour cream,
  • 200 grams of hard cheese,
  • salt, seasonings, vegetable oil.

Pre-peeled zucchini should be cut into cubes and placed in a plastic bag. Add salt (to taste), spices, parsley and add a little vegetable oil. Then shake the bag several times to mix all the ingredients together.

Place the resulting mixture on a baking sheet, pour garlic-sour cream sauce on top and sprinkle with finely grated cheese. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 220 degrees, for 40 minutes. The finished dish can be decorated with dill and parsley if desired.

Stuffed zucchini

Meat filling is most often used as a filling for preparing stuffed zucchini. However, zucchini stuffed with vegetables is no less tasty and healthy.

You can cook dishes from zucchini with minced meat both in the oven and in a regular frying pan. The shape of zucchini for filling with filling is also very varied: you can cut out “boats”, rings, columns from them, or simply stuff whole vegetables.

Before you prepare stuffed zucchini, you need to choose the right fruits for stuffing. It is better to give preference to small-sized young vegetables - they have thin skins, which during heat treatment acquire a delicate taste.

A simple recipe for making zucchini stuffed with meat filling requires the following ingredients:

  • 5 small young zucchini,
  • 300 grams of minced meat,
  • 1 glass of rice,
  • onion, carrot and tomato (1 pc.),
  • bunch of parsley,
  • salt, spices, vegetable oil.

We will prepare the zucchini as follows:

  1. Initially, you need to cut the fruit into three parts and boil for several minutes in salted water.
  2. Then remove the pulp from the zucchini and cut it into small pieces.
  3. To prepare the filling, zucchini pulp, carrots and onions are fried in sunflower oil. Then add boiled rice to this mass and simmer over low heat.
  4. After 10 minutes, add minced meat, chopped tomato, spices, a little water and continue to simmer for another 10-15 minutes.
  5. When the filling is ready, fill whole zucchini with the resulting mixture, place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 50 minutes at 190 degrees.

To cook zucchini with minced cheese in the oven you will need:

  • 3 zucchini,
  • breadcrumbs (4 spoons),
  • 100 grams of cheese,
  • 4 cloves of garlic,
  • sprigs of parsley and dill (for decoration).

The washed zucchini is cut lengthwise into 2 parts and the core is selected - a “boat” shaped form for stuffing is obtained. Then the pulp is mixed with garlic, breadcrumbs and grated cheese (a small part of the cheese should be left for sprinkling).

The resulting mixture should be filled with zucchini boats and sprinkled with cheese on top. Place all this on a baking sheet, previously sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and place in a preheated oven (up to 200 degrees) for exactly an hour.

Cooking zucchini in a slow cooker

Stewed zucchini with vegetables is an ideal dish for cooking in a slow cooker. These vegetables form a particularly successful combination with carrots, onions, bell peppers and garlic.

Stewed zucchini with beans


  • zucchini, carrots, onions, tomatoes (1 pc.),
  • egg - 1 pc.,
  • 1 can of canned beans,
  • sour cream - 200 grams,
  • cheese - 100 grams,
  • sunflower or olive oil,
  • salt, pepper, herbs.

You can prepare zucchini and beans as follows:

  1. Zucchini, tomato and onion are cut into cubes, and carrots and cheese are grated on a coarse grater. Lightly beat the egg and mix with sour cream.
  2. Place zucchini, onions and carrots in the multicooker bowl and turn on the “fry” mode for 15 minutes.
  3. Then add tomatoes and beans to the vegetables, pour sour cream sauce on top and cook for another 45 minutes in the “stew” mode.
  4. 10 minutes before the dish is ready, sprinkle with grated cheese and finely chopped herbs.

Tender zucchini casserole

Another unusual zucchini dish that can be easily and simply prepared using a slow cooker.

Ingredients for the casserole:

  • 1 medium zucchini,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 1 medium tomato
  • sour cream,
  • milk,
  • a little white flour
  • salt and spices (to taste).

The process of preparing this dish is described in detail in the following video:

How to preserve zucchini for the winter?

Freezing young fruits

Frozen zucchini for future use can be an excellent alternative to fresh fruits in the winter: you can also fry delicious ones from them, cook caviar, stew them or add them to soup.

Even after defrosting, these vegetables retain their beneficial properties and taste. But how to freeze them correctly?

Everything is more than simple:

  1. young zucchini must be thoroughly washed and peeled,
  2. cut into cubes or rings,
  3. place in a clean vegetable freezer bag and place in the freezer.

If you decide to cook them in the cold winter, all you need to do is take them out of the freezer and, without even defrosting them, add them to the desired dish or fry them in a frying pan.

Freezing stuffed semi-finished products

In a similar way, you can freeze stuffed zucchini for future use. To do this you just need:

  1. stuff raw, peeled zucchini with minced meat or vegetables according to one of the recipes above (or any other);
  2. place them in a freezer bag;
  3. put in the freezer.

When their time comes, you can put them on a baking sheet without defrosting and bake them in the oven.


Another win-win option for deliciously preparing zucchini for the winter is canning. A salad, lecho, sauté, adjika or appetizer, carefully prepared by your own hands during the vegetable season, will become the highlight of the New Year's or holiday table and a pleasant memory of the bygone summer.

You will find an interesting and very simple recipe for preparing a winter snack from zucchini and eggplant in the following video:

Culinary community in LiveJournal - Recipes from the Cook

Homemade zucchini recipes

A delicious snack for your table. Zucchini lecho goes well with any side dish. I prefer to eat it as an independent dish.

In this ratatouille recipe, the vegetables are cooked longer than usual to produce a richer flavor.

A very tasty snack during the cold season. In addition, adjika from zucchini for the winter at home will be an excellent addition to any side dish and main course.

In the summer at the dacha, when zucchini appears, this dish becomes almost daily. Zucchini stewed in sour cream can be eaten simply with bread. Tasty, tender and not boring. Try it!

Everyone loves them. Try cooking zucchini in a creamy sauce in a slow cooker. The end result is fragrant and incredibly tender zucchini that melts in your mouth.

A wonderful recipe for making zucchini with nuts will pleasantly surprise you and your loved ones. Beautiful and tasty! Plus it's useful!

Simple and delicious food without oil and without frying. For those who want to eat healthy - a recipe for stewed vegetables in a slow cooker!

The beauty of the dish is that it is both healthy and tasty. Therefore, if you are watching your diet, I hope you will find the recipe for making zucchini pancakes without eggs useful.

Beautiful “barrels” of zucchini are a great solution not only for lunch with the whole family, but also for the holiday table. Show your imagination and some culinary skills.

Every housewife has her own fairly simple and satisfying dishes for lunch or dinner. I offer you an excellent option - stuffed zucchini in a slow cooker for your culinary piggy bank.

I suggest you prepare a very easy, quick and tasty dish - baked zucchini in the oven. There are many options. Try this one.

Looking for a recipe for a delicious and low-calorie dish? Then I bring to your attention a rather simple, quick and very appetizing option - stewed eggplants with zucchini.

In the summer, during the vegetable season, you want to diversify your diet as much as possible and cook something tasty every time. One of the fairly simple and quick options is zucchini and carrot pancakes.

Zucchini stuffed with minced meat is a well-known dish. There are a lot of options for preparing it. Each has its own flavor. I suggest most likely a classic recipe for zucchini with minced meat. Try it!

If you combine these two simple ingredients, we get an incredibly delicious dish with amazing aroma. It is perfect for a warm dinner with the family, as well as for a romantic meeting.

I bring to your attention delicious and not very heavy oven-baked zucchini stuffed with meat. This dish is a great option for lunch or dinner.

Let's remember summer. I suggest making zucchini stew. A very tasty, aromatic dish that will satisfy the tastes of all family members and even those who are on a diet :)

A light, low-calorie, but at the same time satisfying dish. If you are following a healthy diet and miss vegetables, it’s time to cook zucchini baked with cheese according to the classic recipe.

An incredibly tasty dish in which we will use vitamin-rich vegetables and nutritious meat. It perfectly combines excellent taste, benefits and unique aroma.

Recipe for soup with tomatoes, zucchini, onions, parsley, garlic, white wine and Worcestershire sauce.

A very tasty and light dish that you can enjoy, especially in the first half of the day. It is prepared quickly and is very popular for the simplicity of the recipe.

I am posting a very simple recipe for zucchini with minced meat and rice. It turns out delicious. And this dish is much faster to prepare than many other similar ones.

A simple recipe for making squash caviar. Prepare for the holiday table and stock up for the winter.

I cook stuffed zucchini baked in the oven all year round. Fortunately, now you can always buy fresh zucchini in the store. This dish can be called satisfying and at the same time not very high in calories.

Zucchini pizza is an original variation of everyone’s favorite dish, especially relevant in the spring-summer season. This healthy and easy-to-prepare dish will undoubtedly please you and your loved ones.

Zucchini soup with mint turns out incredibly tasty and tender. It is very easy and simple to prepare. This dish itself is very light and healthy.

I love creamy zucchini soup - there is no better dish in the summer heat. And it quenches thirst, and refreshes, and satiates. And if you add celery, this soup is also incredibly healthy.

If you don’t know what to cook from zucchini, I recommend pureed zucchini soup. The dish is not only very healthy, but also very tasty and refreshing on a summer day.

Zucchini sauce is an unusual and even rare guest on tables, but in vain! Zucchini sauce does not take much effort and money, although the taste is not inferior to many other expensive sauces.

Zucchini in tomatoes for the winter is an excellent preparation that goes well in our family, even if we are small zucchini lovers.

This dish will appeal to absolutely all zucchini and cheese lovers. Tender and satisfying zucchini pancakes with cheese are easy to prepare, just a little patience and they are on your table.

Creamy zucchini soup is a delicious summer soup that is very quick and easy to prepare. A fairly low-calorie soup that does not require special culinary skills. I'll tell you how to cook it!

You can make a lot of delicious things from zucchini. I will tell you the simplest recipe for making zucchini with sausage. They can easily replace your usual bread sandwiches!

With the onset of spring, we want to delight ourselves and our loved ones with vitamin-rich light meals more often. Fresh zucchini salad is an original and simple dish that you will definitely like!

A quick and simple dish that can be prepared for both lunch and dinner. It is quite light, one might even say dietary, so with this recipe you don’t have to worry about your figure.

Zucchini pancakes are very tasty, and zucchini contains many minerals and vitamins, so the dish can be considered healthy and nutritious. I recommend!

Traditional dishes sometimes undergo changes that can make them even more delicious. I bring to your attention an excellent option for a hearty lunch or dinner - moussaka with zucchini.

An excellent dish, especially for those who are on fasting days or trying to eat less carbohydrates. Despite this, it is very filling and incredibly tasty.

If you are striving for an ideal figure, then first you need to balance your diet. Zucchini soup for weight loss is perfect for those who want to keep their body in great shape.

Delicious, aromatic and spicy zucchini in the air fryer is an excellent option for a light snack or side dish.

Zucchini Kiev is a delicious appetizer, especially in winter. How wonderful it is to open a fragrant jar, fragrant with herbs and garlic. I learned this recipe in Kyiv and now I share it with you.

Zucchini soufflé is a tender dish that simply melts in your mouth. A soufflé is prepared from fresh zucchini, milk and eggs and baked in the oven. We will need portioned soufflé molds.

During the vegetable season, you want to cook a lot of tasty and healthy dishes. I bring to your attention one of these options - pasta with zucchini.

Vegetable rolls are a great way to delight your household with a varied and always tasty snack. One of the easiest and most delicate recipes is zucchini rolls with cheese!

Surely everyone wants to enjoy something tasty in winter? The recipe for cooking zucchini with mayonnaise for the winter will help you solve the problem. I promise it will be delicious!

Zucchini with mayonnaise is an easy and quick snack. You don’t have to spend much on it; all the components of the recipe are not expensive and are available in any store. Try cooking this!

Such zucchini can be a side dish, an appetizer, or an independent dish. They are very easy to prepare, and absolutely everyone will like them, even children.

The recipe for making zucchini baked with rice and minced meat is quite simple and will not take much of your time. It will turn out aesthetically beautiful and incredibly tasty. Try these zucchini recipes.

This tasty and original dish will primarily appeal to those who love wholesome and healthy food. Zucchini casserole with cottage cheese turns out very tender and incredibly tasty.

Do you want to please yourself and your loved ones with a delicious vegetable dish? Then I bring to your attention baked zucchini with eggplant.

A good recipe for zucchini in cream. It won’t take you much time to prepare, and the result will be amazing. The appetizer looks very beautiful on the table, the zucchini will come out juicy and appetizing.

Do you think that jam can only be made from berries and fruits? Then I bring to your attention an original recipe - zucchini jam with oranges.

Want to whip up a delicious snack? Then I offer you an excellent option - healthy and delicious zucchini in the microwave.

During the vegetable season, you always want to cook not only healthy dishes, but also tasty and most importantly - varied. I offer you an excellent option - zucchini in sour cream sauce.

Just as sometimes in the chilly winter you want to uncork something canned to go with fried potatoes or any other main dish... Even more, sometimes you want something unusual.

An excellent recipe for zucchini and salmon. Suitable for any table, truly a light summer meal. Surprise everyone with this dish and no one will leave you hungry! They will also ask for more!

With this recipe, making a delicious and healthy side dish couldn't be easier. Zucchini stewed with carrots goes well with any meat or fish, and can also be a separate dish.

An excellent recipe for zucchini with bell peppers for those who are worried about extra pounds. A lot of healthy vegetables and the unsurpassed taste of these zucchini will delight even true gourmets.

What could be tastier than homemade pancakes made with your own hands? Zucchini pancakes in the oven - a hearty and low-calorie dish for your table!

Who said simple things can't be delicious? This dish is excellent proof that a combination of simple ingredients can sometimes produce amazing results.

The best thing you can cook in the summer is zucchini and potatoes in the oven, because in this amazing dish you will find a combination of excellent taste with the benefits of summer vegetables.

The recipe for cooking zucchini with breast in the oven is not complicated. Ideal to feed the whole family. Children eat with pleasure too, verified.

Don’t have time to stand at the stove for a long time and run around the shops looking for groceries? Make amazing zucchini and bacon. A quick and tasty solution to the problem!

Zucchini in the oven with minced meat is a beautiful, satisfying and very tasty dish for a family dinner or holiday. Preparing these zucchini is simple; no side dish is required, and any ingredients can be used.

A recipe for making a good snack that you can easily take with you on any hike. Nourishing and tasty zucchini with stew will not leave anyone indifferent!

An excellent recipe for zucchini in milk from vegetarian cuisine. So easy to prepare that it couldn’t be further from here. A vegetable dish that will not leave you indifferent!

If you have a juicy fresh zucchini, or better yet two, then you can prepare wonderful zucchini pancakes in the oven. These zucchini take just over half an hour to prepare and are served hot or cold.

In the summer, when you want to treat yourself to something light and at the same time tasty, you can easily prepare zucchini with vegetables. A simple recipe for zucchini with carrots and onions.