Cool statuses. Smart statuses Cool phrases for status

The most terrible pain can be inflicted on a person only by the one who gave him the most happiness.

Indifference makes a woman nervous, and care makes her affectionate. Every man has what he deserves.

Why do we leave, abandon men? We don’t just leave without any reason! We do not abandon the caring, strong and gentle. We don’t abandon the cheerful, rebellious, faithful and loving people... The shape and color of your eyes is not important to us! We are leaving those who are tyrants and weaklings, infantile, boring, stupid, fools. We leave when we fall out of love and are bored, when you cheat on us indifferently! We don’t just leave without any reason. We never abandon worthy men!

I just want to be happy... It’s rare to encounter trouble! I just want to be loved... Not to be alone... I just want not to shed tears... from the grief of bereavement... I just want to hold roses... And feel their scent!

Fate is fate, but the choice is yours!

During life, people lose a lot: love, virginity, teeth, favorite toys, and all this hurts, but the most painful thing is to lose the people who loved you and were with you since childhood. This pain will never fade away in your heart.

Love without respect does not go far and does not rise high: it is an angel with one wing.

You can’t kill first, then whisper: I didn’t do it on purpose. You can’t betray all the time, then pray: I’ll correct myself - for sure. You can’t come back and pretend that everything remains the same. After all, life does not stand still. You always have to pay for everything...

Statuses are beautiful phrases - Well, I fell in love again! And again, it seems, into myself...

I don’t know what I like about you, I don’t know what I love about you, but the wind touches your lips... and I envy it...

A woman's heart is like a deep ocean full of secrets...

If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first!

According to statistics, all respondents have doors tightly closed in their hearts. The abandoned have this habit: not to trust any of the people.

Any girl becomes chic when she is with a man who knows how to light up her eyes and decorate her life.

Happiness is like health: when you don’t notice it, it means it’s there.

A woman should look so smart that her stupidity will be a pleasant surprise.

Alas, happiness was not given to us for long.

There is not a single man in the world who can be content with only the soul of a woman for a long time.

My conscience is clear because I never use it...

He who illuminates the lives of others will never be left without light.

Let's cross out the past. There's an amazingly beautiful future ahead.

And I will probably never grow up... And no matter how much they deceive me and offend me, I will still believe people... I will still dream and look at the world with naive eyes...

You say: “Time is passing.” Mad Men. This is what you are going through.

Men who do not forgive women for their small shortcomings will never enjoy their great virtues.

And a man should leave as gracefully as he came... That is, forever...

Looking for a prince! It may not be on a white horse... It may be on a gray donkey... The main thing is that you believe in a fairy tale, like me!

I love caring, loving, responsible and reliable men!!! I generally love science fiction!

Life is a game. Everyone plays it, but not everyone wins, because the prize is death...

There is no need to be important, it is important to be needed...

Happiness is not a life without worries and sorrows, happiness is a state of mind.

Somewhere deep inside me lives a tall and slender, athletic girl. But I always cover her mouth with chocolate cake so that she doesn’t get smart.

I really want to go where the sea and warmth are... And no worries!!! Sit on the seashore in the summer, watch the sunset and think about good things...

She has brown eyes, a kind heart, a complex character and childish whims, she loves only those who are worthy...

The most difficult thing in life is to understand which bridge to cross and which to burn.

Don't judge us guys. We were kind once upon a time... You will remember how you treated the first one. Which became a bitch...

A woman rarely forgives a man for jealousy, and never forgives the lack of jealousy.

They don’t remember about their beloved girl - they think about her constantly!

People come into my life... People leave it... And I just turn up the music in my headphones louder...
I pour the tea stronger... And I continue to live...

No matter how much bad things they say about me, I always have something to add. 118

Nothing limits your actions like the phrase “do what you want”... 78

Guys get jealous when they love you. Girls are jealous even when they don't love you. 82

Can't find an approach to me? Go around! 226 - cool statuses

Comrade, let’s go check out the cash... 19

Nothing strengthens faith in a person more than 100% prepayment. 32

If you know exactly who is to blame, don’t give yourself away. 52

I walk with my eyes closed and a smile from ear to ear, towards my future happiness, through a field of rakes... 115

From the statement: “How do I feel…” Crossed out. “How I did you all...” Crossed out. “Yes, you all should go to...” Crossed out. “Please grant me another vacation.” 36

Dear Money! I miss you very much. I promise to buy you a new wallet. If you want, you can invite your relatives from Europe or America - I won’t object. I will accept everyone! 38

I want chronic health, progressive happiness, recurring success, a hypertensive salary, and an eternally pregnant wallet without the threat of miscarriage!))) 47

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The best way to test a guy’s fidelity is to ask the sleeping person in the morning the question: “Will you go to yours or will you stay with me?” 72

According to statistics, the phrase “How huge he is!” Most often heard by a spider. 65

Briefly about yourself: Year of manufacture 1991, Mileage 20, Light color, Height 162, Lights blue, Documents on hand, Tuning present, Body not damaged, not rusty, Roof in place, but no brakes. All options, I start with half a turn. 59

You can't look in the mirror when you eat - you'll eat away your happiness. And when you drink, you drink. And it’s better not to hang a mirror in the toilet at all... 68

Sex is when he wants, erotica is when she wants, porn is when both want. 52

If you don't have the money to change your wardrobe, change your job! For the new team, all your old clothes are new. 40

Flowers should be for no reason... Happiness should be unique... The house should be warm... The weather - and it doesn’t matter what the weather is! But love should be mutual. 47

All people bring happiness - some by their presence, others by their absence) 70

What would I give to a person who has everything? I would punch him in the jaw. 19

If men knew what women were thinking, they would court twenty times more boldly. 47

Only nesting dolls can live soul to soul. 73

I need to call my mom and tell her where I am. - Hello, mom? Where I am? 46

The little boy was watching porn. I didn’t understand the movie, but I was sweating a lot. 31

The main thing is that they are waiting for you at home, and not waiting for you 63

Chocolate tastes twice as good if you can’t have it) 40

The Lord protects us all. But the shelf life is different for everyone. 47

I am protected by the great ancient Egyptian god of peace and tranquility - DANUNAH. 74

Every day those around me prove to me that life without a brain is real. 67

No one will die a virgin: life will fuck us all. 38

Topic: quotes and phrases for status on a social network:

  • Looking for a quiet haven for a restless soul...
  • If you want to work, sleep and everything will pass.
  • I am happiness! And I’ll decide who to make happy!
  • I love people who like me, they have good taste...
  • Why did they come up with a clock change? Some people sleep an hour more, others walk an hour more, and I work an hour more.
  • No one can stop a magnifying glass from magnifying the sun's ray. Sometimes people do the same, trying to bring the actions of others to the point of absurdity and, at least in this way, harm them.
  • We hate those we love because they are the ones who can cause us the most suffering.
  • Love is such a bastard that sits in the heart and screams and whines all the time: “I’m here, I’m here!”
  • A subordinate in front of his superiors should look dashing and stupid, so as not to embarrass his superiors with his understanding...
  • Girl, can you be more careful? - Leave me alone - What are you allowing yourself to do?! - Leave me alone... - Don’t you know any other words? - Scuba gear! - What does scuba diving have to do with it? - Leave me alone.
  • The most influential person after a corporate party is the one with the photos...
  • I am proud of two people: Gagarin and Newton. one tried to escape from this planet, and the second proved that the first would never succeed...
  • Three reasons for not showing up for work: forgot, drank, scored.
  • Only good people love good people.
  • Some people have thousands of reasons why they can't do what they want, when all they need is one reason why they can do it.
  • Smile, bosses love idiots.
  • Labor made a tired monkey out of a monkey.
  • Baby, be simpler, straighten my crown...
  • You need to marry the kind of woman you would choose as your friend if she were a man.
  • People are ready to do anything for money! Even to work...
  • I dream about stars in my hands, about the moon in a small package, about the sun in the closet and about myself in your heart...
  • They think that they pay us, then let them think that we work...
  • You can always close your eyes to anything.
  • Don't reject people who want to be with you, perhaps they will be the only ones who will stay with you in the most difficult moments of your life.
  • How do they become heartless? It's simple: you once gave your heart, but received nothing in return...
  • The boss favors, but the dog does not favor.
  • Lately, paychecks have started to feel like change.
  • It's good to drive early in the morning - the streets are empty, the idiots are sleeping.
  • May God grant everyone to have what those who have us have.
  • A true optimist sees positives even in a cemetery instead of crosses.
  • Sclerosis is a wonderful disease! Nothing hurts and every day there is news.
  • To the one who has found the meaning of life, please do not touch or hide it with your hands!
  • Life is a cruel joke; when you have all the cards in your hand, it suddenly offers you a game of checkers.
  • Sometimes, to maintain an angelic character, you need devilish patience.
  • I'm not a flooder, I just have something to say!
  • They don’t spend as long in prison as you do on the Internet...
  • I left to come back with a run!
  • I groom cats. Castration is possible. How will it work out...
  • I would change the world, but God does not provide sources...
  • If this inscription becomes smaller, your monitor is being taken away!
  • It’s easier not to let us in than to kick us out later!
  • You need to be afraid not of death, but of an empty life.

A selection of expressions, quotes and cool phrases for statuses on social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook.

It is not beauty that decides whom we love. Love decides who we consider beautiful.

You say: “Time is passing.” Mad Men. This is what you are going through.

It's sweet when love at first sight becomes love until your last breath.

Pain is temporary, pride is eternal.

Love is when you wait for a pencil to appear opposite His nickname...

I don't give up: I'm not a bottle!

I'm in a great mood, so don't you dare open your mouth))

There is no need to be important, it is important to be needed...

Everything for your smile.

Until two people say - I LOVE, the third one says - MOTHER!!!

While you're far away, I'm dying quietly...

She has brown eyes, a kind heart, a complex character and childish whims, she loves only those who are worthy.....

- You're a fool. - There must be some zest in me!

You are... And the rest will be...

The kids just got older...

Let's cross out the past. There is an amazingly beautiful future ahead.

A man, like a fairy tale, must have a good ending.

Hello. Bye. I'm in the clouds.

Let’s not tell you what to do, and I won’t tell you where to go...

Fate is fate, but the choice is yours! Statuses and beautiful phrases

He didn’t see what was outside the windows, he looked at her reflection...

Dreams make life more beautiful!

They swore. And they made peace. And they called. Loved. They hated it. But they were.

Happiness is when fate meets dreams.

How little you know. How loudly judge.

It’s never too late to just say: “I’m sorry, my love, I behaved like an idiot!”

Where there is no risk, no fun))

Thanks to the past for teaching me a lot...

Hugging someone you really want to hug is more than magical.

Do you know who is handsome? read the first word!

Well, a very capricious girl... Well, she really wants a toy... His and only his!!!

Money is evil. You come to the store, there’s just not enough evil....

The truly closest person is the one who knows your past, believes in your future, and now accepts you for who you are.

Miracles are where people believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they happen.

You hold another person's happiness in your hands.

Live in dance, because dance is the rhythm of life. Statuses and beautiful phrases

God gave you to me, and we should be together.

Forgive me for everything. For the pain, for the screams and a bunch of dead nerve cells. Sorry. I love you, Mom.

Emotional pain lasts 12 minutes, the rest is all self-hypnosis.

Give me a reason.. to live..

Don’t talk about me with thoughts... Don’t remember... go away.

Nights like this need to be framed.

Love is pain and at the same time a reward! Betrayal pours salt into the wound. Reciprocity is the real reward!!!

Her heart is my home.

You are nothing if you can't dream. You don't exist if you don't implement your ideas.

Just remember those loving eyes that looked at you, and forget all the insults.

Music is the stuff of emotions.

Everything will pass, everything will pass soon... Just wait a little longer, because you know - time heals...

Focusing on the beat of the heart...

...I love sudden heavy seems like it’s in a hurry somewhere...

Do you want to be like me? Strive for the ideal...

-Everything is very simple. You have changed.

You need to say that you love while hugging, and not write it in the status.

Gorgeous - that's what your life should be called ;)

When someone calls you beautiful, there will be those who disagree. Just think!..

I love juicy fruits, juicy girls, and a life full of positive emotions and adventures)!

We did everything we could. Let others do better than us.

I just want to feel your breath!

Statuses and beautiful phrases