Examples of building logistics systems. Organization of logistics management using the example of the enterprise JSC "Scientific Instruments" Types of information logistics systems


Currently, the Russian economy operates according to the laws of the market. Each enterprise in such conditions pursues an absolutely independent policy and only it bears responsibility for the results of its activities.

In modern conditions, the market places rather stringent demands on each subject of financial and economic activity, and problems in the Russian economy only aggravate the already difficult situation of many Russian enterprises. To survive and function in such conditions, it is no longer enough for an enterprise to simply produce products in the maximum possible volume, fulfilling its internal plans; it is then also important to sell these products. But in conditions of fierce competition, only the enterprise that can offer the market high-quality products at a lower price than its competitors will survive.

If we consider together the range of problems that logistics considers, then the common issues for them will be the management of material and corresponding information flows.

In domestic and foreign literature one can find a broad interpretation of the concept of logistics, in which the subject of logistics is not limited to material flow. Today, logistics includes the management of human, energy, information and other flows that take place in economic systems. Terms such as banking logistics, information logistics and a number of others have appeared. The term logistics begins to be used in situations involving clear planning of an agreed sequence of actions.

The expansion of the scope of logistics, which was observed in the 80s and 90s, and especially now, is explained, first of all, by the development of methods of managing material flows. Naturally, in this case, the idea and method of logistics begin to go beyond the management of material flows and be applied more broadly. However, the main potential of logistics lies in the rationalization of the management of material flows.

1.1 Logistics. Concept, goals, functions. Logistics management.

The definition of logistics is usually given in a broad and narrow sense.

In a broad sense, logistics is the science of managing and optimizing material flows, service flows and related information and financial flows in a specific micro-, meso- or macroeconomic system to achieve its goals.

In a narrow sense (from a business perspective), logistics is an integral management tool that contributes to the achievement of the organization’s strategic, tactical or operational goals through effective (from the point of view of reducing overall costs and meeting the requirements of end consumers for the quality of products and services) management of material and service flows, as well as the accompanying flows of information and financial resources.

Among the logistics functions at the business organization level, basic, key and supporting functions are distinguished. Basic logistics functions include: supply, production and sales. The three specified logistics functions are carried out by almost any commodity producer.

The key logistics functions include the following:

 Support of customer service standards

 Procurement management

 Transportation

 Inventory management

 Manage order procedures

 Management of production procedures

 Pricing

 Physical distribution

Maintaining customer service standards, ensuring a given level of product quality, distribution of goods and after-sales service is the primary task of the logistics management of any company. The ideology of total quality management has spread widely abroad, and mandatory certification of goods and services has been adopted using the ISO 9000 series of standards. Logistics solutions play a decisive role in operations to deliver goods of the required quality at the specified time and place, as well as to bring services to the consumer. Much attention in logistics management is paid to the procedures for purchasing material resources to ensure production goals. Organization and management of procurement at a company includes a set of tasks such as selecting suppliers of material resources, planning the need for resources, determining rational volumes and timing of their deliveries, organizing contract work, choosing forms of supply and types of transport for delivering material resources to the production divisions of the company and etc. The importance of procurement procedures is also explained by the fact that factors of time and location of suppliers, the quality of material resources have a great influence on the amount of logistics costs.

One of the key integrated logistics functions is transportation. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that without transportation there is practically no material flow. At the same time, the transportation process itself is considered in a broader sense than the actual transportation of goods, namely as a combination of the process of transportation, loading and unloading, forwarding and other relevant logistics operations. The importance of transportation is not least explained by the fact that its costs in some sectors of the economy reach 2/3 of total logistics costs. Transportation management usually involves solving such problems as choosing a carrier and forwarder, choosing a mode of transport, determining rational routes, selecting a vehicle for a certain type of cargo, etc.

Inventory management of material resources and finished products is the process of creating control and regulation of inventory levels in the supply, production and marketing of products. If the space factor is decisive during transportation, then the time factor is crucial when managing inventory. Usually there is always a certain need for stocks of material resources and production on the one hand and between production and the consumer of finished products on the other. Reducing the risks of a shortage of material resources in the production process or unsatisfied consumer demand for finished products, inventories at the same time play a negative role in the economy, freezing the financial resources of organizations in large volumes of inventory. Therefore, the most important task of logistics management is to optimize inventory levels in logistics chains and systems while ensuring the required level of customer service. The high costs of creating and maintaining inventory levels, ranging from 20% to 60% of total logistics costs, further emphasizes the importance of this key logistics function. The order procedure management function determines the receipt and processing of inventory, the timing of receipt of finished products or the provision of services to the consumer, and also initiates the work of the corporate distribution network or logistics intermediaries for the delivery and sale of finished products to consumers. Although the costs of this key logistics function are not as high as transportation or inventory management, its importance in modern business is very high, since it directly determines the quality of customer service.

Manufacturing procedures management, or operations management, is a key logistics function in product manufacturing. From the standpoint of logistics, the importance of operational management lies in the most effective (in terms of reducing costs and improving product quality) management of the flow of material resources and work in progress in the technological processes of production of finished products. At the same time, the logistics tasks of volumetric scheduling, minimizing the level of inventories of material resources and work in progress, forecasting the need for material resources, reducing the duration of the production cycle, etc. are of great importance. These and other tasks of operational management are solved, for example, by micrologistics intra-production systems such as “demands/resource planning”, “optimal production technologies”, KANBAN, etc.

One of the key logistics functions includes pricing. The pricing strategy is closely related to the marketing and logistics strategies of the product manufacturer. The logistics strategy sets the level of general logistics costs that form the basis for the price of finished products, and the planned level of profitability and the final selling price of finished products to the consumer, determined by market conditions, competitors’ price levels and demand forecasts, depend on the marketing strategy.

1.2 Supporting logistics functions.

Supporting logistics functions usually include:

 warehousing

 cargo handling

 protective packaging

 ensuring the return of goods

 provision of spare parts and service

 collection of returnable waste

 information and computer support

Warehousing is a logistics function for managing the spatial distribution of inventories and involves performing such tasks as determining the number, type and location of warehouses; storage volume of minerals and finished products; inventory placement planning; design of transportation, sorting, loading and unloading areas; selection of loading and unloading and other warehouse equipment, etc.

Cargo handling is usually carried out in parallel with warehousing and also provides the function of maintaining inventories. Elementary logistics operations that make up the cargo handling process are the movement of material resources or finished products in a warehouse, placement of products on warehouse racks, etc. This complex logistics function is usually associated with the selection of technological equipment for organizing the movement of goods through the warehouse, loading and unloading equipment, organizing sorting procedures, consolidation and picking of goods for order fulfillment and transportation; maintaining a rational volume of warehouse turnover, etc.

In the distribution processes of finished products from manufacturers, an important role is played by protective packaging, which ensures the safety of goods delivered to consumers by various modes of transport. In addition, packaging is of great importance in marketing, since consumer demand largely depends on its attractiveness. The use of standard standard size ranges of containers and packaging in physical distribution can significantly reduce logistics costs by matching the volumetric modules of containers and packaging with the cargo capacity of vehicles, as well as the technological parameters of warehouses and cargo processing equipment.

Logistics support functions also include various procedures for returning goods that for some reason do not satisfy customers or have not passed the warranty period. Along with organizing service, repairing equipment and providing consumers with spare parts, procedures for returning finished products to manufacturers form an after-sales service system, which is sometimes classified as a key logistics function.

In the processes of production and marketing of finished products, so-called secondary material resources arise, which consist of production waste (returnable and non-returnable) and waste from industrial and personal consumption. Secondary material resources form specific material flows, the management of which is currently also considered an object of logistics research.

Modern logistics systems cannot function without information and computer support. In many ways, it was the electronic processing of information about material and financial flows, automation of document flow during organization, product promotion, planning, organization, regulation, accounting and analysis and control of material flows on computers in supply, production and sales that made it possible to implement the modern integrated concept of logistics. Information and computer support is currently used for almost all logistics activities, both at the micro- and macroeconomic level.

The logistics functions under consideration are basic, but do not exhaust all their diversity in terms of possible actions on material flows, service flows and related information and financial flows in modern business. Logistic operations and functions are specified by initial conditions, parameters of the external environment, strategy alternatives, and characteristics of the objective function. To determine the volume of logistics operations and functions of a company, one should take into account external, inter-shop, inter-site, inter-operational, intra-warehouse and other cargo flows, which depend on a number of factors, and primarily on the level of production organization.

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Kaliningrad State Technical University

Department of Production Management

Course work

Logistic optimization of enterprise activities using the example of Sovlit LLC

Work completed

student of group 06-MO

Bajorinaite R.V.


Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Parshina L.P.

Kaliningrad, 2010


1. Technical and economic characteristics of Sovlit LLC

1.1 General information (historical background)

1.2 Dynamics of the main indicators of the enterprise’s activity

1.4 Assessment of the feasibility of reorganizing the organizational structure and the possibility of establishing a single logistics service

1.5 Composition of the main functions of the logistics service

2. “Development of a logistics system based on Sovlit LLC”

2.1 Development of a logistics system

2.2 Characteristics of material, financial and information flows

2.3 Characteristics of logistics operations (activities)

3. “Logistic optimization of the activities of Sovlit LLC”

3.1 Procurement (purchasing) logistics

3.2 Inventory logistics

3.3 Distribution logistics

3.4 Transport logistics

3.5 Economic assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed measures



During the period of formation of market relations in Russia, a new scientific and practical direction appeared and began to actively develop - logistics. Interest in it is due to the needs of economic and business development and the increased volumes of freight traffic. Initially, firms' efforts were aimed mainly at reducing production costs. Nowadays, when supply everywhere has begun to exceed demand, entrepreneurs have also begun to recognize the importance of ensuring sales by reducing transport and storage costs. New principles of organization and management, based on conceptual approaches and methods of thinking, united by the general concept of “logistics”, are increasingly and successfully applied in practice by the most efficiently functioning enterprises, transport companies, firms and associations.

Currently, there are many types of logistics. Here are some of them:

Transport logistics (and road transport logistics in particular)

Warehouse logistics (warehousing logistics)

Commercial logistics

Information logistics

Marketing logistics

Purchasing logistics

Production logistics

Industrial logistics

Distribution logistics (distribution or sales logistics).

The increased interest in this science in both the global and Russian economies is due to a number of factors: the rapid increase in transportation costs, fundamental changes in the philosophy of inventories, the creation of product channels, the rapid development of computer technology, and the transition from the concept of a seller's market to the concept of a buyer's market.

Foreign experience shows that logistics plays a strategically important role in modern business. From a business perspective, logistics is understood as the effective management of material and related (information, financial, service) flows to achieve corporate goals with optimal expenditure of all resources. The introduction of logistics management methods into business practice allows firms to significantly reduce all types of product inventories in production, supply and, of course, sales, accelerate the turnover of working capital, reduce production costs and distribution costs, and ensure the most complete satisfaction of consumers in the quality of goods and services.

The purpose of the course work is to analyze management at an enterprise using modern logistics methods, logistics optimization of the enterprise’s activities, as a result of which the development of measures to improve the company’s work. The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that effective management in modern market conditions is a necessary condition for increasing business efficiency, creating , development and implementation of the competitive advantages of the enterprise. The subject of the study is the organization of management at the enterprise. The object of the study is Sovlit LLC. The main activity of the enterprise in question is the production of soft carbonated drinks, juice drinks, drinking water and sparkling mineral water.
1. “Technical and economic characteristics of Sovlit LLC”

1.1General information (historical background)

Limited Liability Company "Sovlit" was founded in June 1997. The general director of the enterprise is Sapozhnikov Andrey Vyacheslavovich. The company has an excellent business reputation and an extensive list of clients and completed projects. The successful development of cooperation between Sovlit LLC and regular customers is facilitated by a flexible pricing policy and an individual approach to each partner. The main criteria when choosing products supplied by the company are their reliability. This approach, combined with highly qualified specialists, allows us to solve problems of any complexity. Sovlit LLC uses professional experience accumulated by leading specialists, and also relies on proven and promising technologies.

The activity of the enterprise is characterized not only by constantly growing sales volumes, increasing profitability and net profit, replenishment and modernization of fixed assets, but also by a competent, targeted personnel policy focused on the selection of qualified personnel. Almost all employees of the administrative and managerial apparatus and more than half of the production staff of Sovlit LLC have been working since its inception, have qualifications corresponding to their positions and practical experience in the field of high technologies

The main activity is the production and sale of carbonated soft drinks, juice drinks, drinking water and carbonated mineral water. Production equipment is located on our own premises. There are equipped warehouses for raw materials and for stock of finished products.

Location of Sovlit LLC: 238750, Sovetsk, Nekrasova St., 4. Sovlit LLC uses the professional experience accumulated by leading specialists, and also relies on proven and promising technologies, and develops new non-standard solutions.

Sovlit LLC is a dynamically developing company aimed at increasing the volume of sales of goods, works and services.

The enterprise independently plans its production, economic, financial and other activities on the basis of contracts or other forms of obligations, and is free to choose their subject, the order of economic relationships and determine the responsibility of the contracting parties for their obligations.

The enterprise operates on the basis of the principle of full self-financing, self-financing and self-sufficiency, carries out independent accounting of work results, maintains operational accounting and statistical records, and controls in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The company's activities are characterized by a competent, targeted personnel policy focused on the selection of qualified personnel. Almost all employees of the administrative and managerial apparatus and more than half of the production personnel of Sovlit LLC have been working since its creation, have qualifications and practical experience corresponding to their positions.

Table 1. - Main economic indicators of Sovlit LLC in 2008-2009.

Indicators 2008 thousand roubles 2009 thousand roubles Abs. off thousand rubles Relates. off,%
1. Revenue, t.r. 18710 19566 +856 104,6
2. Profit from the sale of goods, etc. 6885 7885 +1000 114,5
3. Average annual value of property, etc. 283 226 -57 79,9
4. Capital productivity, t.r./t.r. 24,40 48,58 +24,18 199,1
5.Profitability of sales,% 61,6 71,8 10,2 116,6
6.Volume of goods sold, etc. 11174 10980 -194 98,3

Thus, from this table we can conclude that the company’s condition has improved and this is evidenced by the dynamics of the following indicators:

· revenue increased by 856 thousand rubles;

· capital productivity increased by 199%;

· sales profitability increased significantly by 16.6%;

1.3 Characteristics of the organizational structure of Sovlit LLC

The enterprise has a linear-functional management structure, when the company is managed not only from the center, but also directly at the workplace: in each economic division of the enterprise there are carefully selected personnel who coordinate the work of a particular entity in accordance with the general strategy of the company.

General management of the company's activities is carried out by the general director. His direct subordination includes the chief technologist, commercial director, chief accountant, chief economist, and deputy director for general issues. The organizational management structure of Sovlit LLC is presented in the diagram in Fig. 1.

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The figure shows the drug product of an industrial company that has production facilities in Moscow, purchasing components and materials in the USA and Europe.

The company's drug structure includes MR suppliers in the USA and Europe; logistics intermediaries: carriers, a forwarder consolidating supplies of goods from the USA at its terminal, a forwarder consolidating goods from Europe at a terminal in Finland; structural divisions: production No. 1 in Moscow, production No. 2 in St. Petersburg, own transport divisions and a GP warehouse in Moscow; consumers. The above links make up the company’s logistics network, united by a single management with the help of the logistics department. In general, the network structure and the superstructure - the logistics department - form the LAN of an industrial company.

As an example of the Logistics System of a trading company, the following figure shows the LS of a distributor of pharmaceutical products, conventionally called “PHARM”.

By analogy with an industrial company, the pharmaceutical company of a trading company consists of suppliers (manufacturers and large distributors of pharmaceuticals), logistics intermediaries (transport and forwarding companies), its own structural divisions (purchasing department, sales and distribution department, wholesale and retail warehouse, network of own pharmacies) , consumers (pharmacies in Moscow and the Moscow region), united by a logistics service.

Logistics system of the enterprise JSC "Pharmacevt"

Let's consider the logistics system using a specific example.

The Pharmacist group of companies has existed on the Russian market for a long time. "Pharmacevt" is one of the largest distributors of pharmaceutical products in Russia.

In order to increase the range of services offered, it was created Pharmacy chain LLC "Pharmatsevt Plus" in Rostov-on-Don and the region. The network includes more than 30 pharmacies and 3 pharmacy points in Rostov-on-Don, Bataysk, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Taganrog, Volgodonsk, Belaya Kalitva, Semikarakorsk, Gukovo and Salsk.

Since 2001, the company has been producing medicines.

The enterprise is an integrated part of the logistics chain for the circulation of medicines. At the same time, the enterprise itself is a manufacturer of medicines and represents a complex logistics chain with many functional links.

The logistics system of a given enterprise can be represented in the form of a diagram that reflects the main links associated with the implementation of material (commodity) flows and accompanying information flows.


On the territory of the enterprise, goods (materials) from suppliers arrive at the warehouse for incoming raw materials.

To eliminate the possibility of materials and preparations that do not meet the established criteria entering the warehouse and sending to consumers, the company has developed and successfully operates a multilateral quality management system.

    Quality control organization (QC)) is directly related to material flows through sampling and regulating the direction of these flows, as well as through the creation of multilateral information flows.

    Quality Assurance Department (QA) operates only with information flows accompanying material flows of a production nature.

The functions of the QA, which is above the production structure, include the implementation and control over the implementation of the enterprise’s quality assurance system, including in the warehouse area.

Therefore, the products first arrive at the quality control organization, where control is carried out.

Upon approval, products (materials) are sent to production. Production consumes these material flows, transforming them into finished products, which also enter the finished goods warehouse in the form of material flows. From where, if the OKC makes a positive decision about the possibility of its implementation, it goes to the consumer. It is mandatory to monitor the compliance of the assembled batch with the invoice and the correct organization of delivery depending on the temperature conditions.

The geography of supplies of CJSC Pharmacist is very extensive. In addition to Rostov-on-Don, the Rostov region, the subjects of the Southern Federal District, it includes St. Petersburg and Moscow, the regions of the Central and Northwestern federal districts, Saratov, Volgograd, Ufa, Kazan, it’s impossible to list them all.

    Depending on the distance and volume of cargo, the appropriate types of vehicles are used.

    For large quantities and distant deliveries - one and a half and four ton trucks. Including special transport for the delivery of hypoglycemic and immunobiological drugs.

One of the first logistics information systems to become widespread is the Kanban system, developed by a Japanese company Toyota(Figure 3.8). This system ensures coordination of all stages of the production process according to the “just in time” principle. The fundamental principle of operation inherent in this system is to “pull” supplies from previous operations as products are consumed. Each part (batch) is equipped with a “boar” order card. The name of the system itself comes from the name of this card. As the product is consumed, the order card is sent to the previous workplace in the production process.

Workshops and workplaces are connected not by a general plan, but by an order that allows you to tune in to demand measurements. Naturally, production facilities must be able to adapt to these changes.

The Kaban system is used both for intra-production management of the supply of product batches and between enterprises.

There are several types of the “Boar” system, providing:

    delivery in equal lots with varying time between deliveries;

    delivery of batches of products at regular intervals with varying batch sizes;

Rice. 3.8. Operating principle of the Kanban logistics information system

    variation in both batch size and delivery time;

    taking into account the specifics of production by varying the composition (nomenclature and quantity) of products in a batch.

The effectiveness of the “Kaban” system consists in:

    coordinating production volumes with market demand for finished products;

    reducing the volume of work in progress;

    reducing inventories of materials, components and finished products in warehouses and the costs of their storage.

Modern corporate information systems contain logistics modules. Thus, the Galaktika corporate information system provides solutions to the following logistics tasks as part of the logistics circuit:

    Inventory control;

    Contract management;

    Production logistics management;

    Logistics management;

    Order management;

    Settlements with suppliers and recipients;

    Supply management;

    Sales management.

Control questions:

    Name the main links of the logistics chain.

    What are the paradigms for creating a logistics information system?

    Name the general and specific indicators of the logistics information system.

    Describe the structure of the inventory management model.

    What is the information support for determining the optimal volume of a replenishment lot: Wilson's model?

    What is information support for managing an enterprise’s monetary assets: the Baumol model?

    Expand the substantive formulation of a set of functional tasks of a logistics information system for the distribution of goods among branches of a distribution company.

    What is the information support for the matrix model for choosing the supply structure taking into account guaranteed profit?

    Describe the bimatrix model for assessing the supply structure, taking into account guaranteed and lost profits.

    What is the information support for the model of the optimal period of replenishment and redistribution of inventories in the network of branches of an interregional trading company with random demand?

    Give a formalized formulation of the problem of finding the optimal sequence for a vehicle to bypass the branches of an interregional trading company.

    What is the information support for the model of finding the optimal sequence for a vehicle to bypass the branches of an interregional trading company?

    Give a formalized formulation of the transport problem of replenishment and redistribution of inventories in a network of branches of an interregional trading company.

    What is the information support for the model of replenishment and redistribution of inventories in the network of branches of an interregional trading company?

    Give a formalized statement of the problem of selecting suppliers for an interregional trading company.

    What is the information support for the supplier selection model of an interregional trading company?