Project of the oral part in Russian 9th grade. Demo version of the oral part of the OGE in the Russian language. Narration of personal life experience

ATTENTION!!! OGE 2018 in Russian language. Oral part. 16.01.2018 15:47

In 2018, the final interview in the Russian language in grade 9 will be held as part of the All-Russian testing work on April 13-16, 2018.

What will be tested in the oral part? The final interview will be aimed at checking spontaneous speech.

What tasks will the oral part of the exam include?

1) reading the text aloud;

2) retelling the text with additional information;

3) monologue statement on one of the selected topics;

4) dialogue with the examiner-interlocutor.

What texts will be offered to schoolchildren during the exam? Texts about outstanding people of Russia (for example, about the first cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin, about the famous surgeon N. Pirogov, about our contemporaries Doctor Lisa (Elizaveta Glinka) and a doctor from Krasnoyarsk, who performed an operation in difficult conditions and saved the life of a child.

How long will the exam last? Each participant will be given about 15 minutes to complete the work.

Will there be grades for the exam? No, the interview will be assessed on a pass/fail basis.

Who will grade the answer on the exam? The assessment of the completion of work assignments will be carried out by an expert directly in the process of answering according to specially developed criteria, taking into account compliance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language. But during the interview process, an audio recording will be made.

Where will the exam take place? The final interview will be held for 9th grade graduates in their schools.

Structure of the interview.

Task 1 - expressive reading aloud of a text (scientific-journalistic style). Preparation time - 2 minutes. Time to complete - 2 minutes.

Task 2 - retelling the text using additional information. Preparation time - 1 minute. Time to complete - 3 minutes.

Task 3 - monologue statement based on the text. Preparation time - 1 minute. Execution time - 3 minutes.

Task 4 - participation in dialogue. There is no preparation time. Time to complete - 3 minutes.

Exam grading system: pass/fail.

Pass: more than or equal to 8 points.

Failure: less than 8 points.

Total response time (including preparation time) is 15 minutes.

How many points can you get for each task:


Primary score

Percentage of all work

Exercise 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Compliance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language


The maximum score for the oral part of the OGE 2018 is 14 points.

15 minutes per exam participant are allotted to complete the examination work.

The order of the exam, the time allotted for each task.

Examiner actions

Student Actions


Greeting the student. Acquaintance. A short story about the content of the exam


Invite the student to become familiar with the text to read aloud

In a few seconds, remind you that you are ready to read

Preparing to read aloud. Reading the text to yourself

Listening to the text. Emotional reaction to student reading

Reading text aloud

Switching a student to another type of work.

Preparing for a retelling using additional information

Listening to the text. Emotional reaction to the student's retelling

Retelling the text with additional information

Invite the student to choose an option for the topic of the conversation and give the corresponding card


Invite the student to become familiar with the topic of the monologue. Warn that 1 minute is allotted for preparation, and the statement should not take more than 3 minutes

Preparing to answer

Listen to the oral response. Emotional reaction to the answer

Answer on the topic of the selected option


Ask questions for dialogue

Enters into dialogue

Provide emotional support to the student

On September 5, at a press conference at the Situation Information Center of Rosobrnadzor, a presentation of the final interview model in the Russian language for 9th grade students took place.

An oral interview in the Russian language is being introduced as part of the implementation of the Concept of Teaching Russian Language and Literature to test the oral speech skills of schoolchildren. It is planned that passing the final interview will in the future become admission to the state final certification for ninth grade graduates.

Oral part in the Russian language OGE 2018 - demo version from FIPI

A lot of hard work went into developing the examination model. Pilot testing of two models of the oral part of the GIA in the Russian language, an oral interview with a teacher and a computer form of the exam was carried out in October 2016 in the Moscow region, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Chechen Republic. About 1.5 thousand students took part in it. Based on the results of testing and social and professional discussion, the model of the oral part of the GIA, which is an interview between a student and a teacher, was finalized. Its large-scale testing will be carried out in the fall of 2017 in 19 regions of the Russian Federation. Participation of regions in testing the final interview this year is voluntary and its results will not affect students’ admission to GIA-9 in 2018.

The final interview in the Russian language is aimed at testing spontaneous speech skills - the participant will be given about a minute to prepare.
The interview model includes the following types of tasks:
1) reading the text aloud;
2) retelling the text with additional information;
3) monologue statement on one of the selected topics;
4) dialogue with the examiner-interlocutor.
All reading texts that will be offered to interview participants are texts about outstanding people of Russia, such as the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the famous surgeon Nikolai Pirogov, our contemporaries Doctor Lisa (Elizaveta Glinka) and a doctor from Krasnoyarsk who performed an operation in difficult conditions and saved the child's life.

Each participant will be given about 15 minutes to complete the work. An audio recording will be made during the interview process.
The assessment of the completion of work assignments will be carried out by an expert directly in the process of answering according to specially developed criteria, taking into account compliance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

It is planned that the final interview will be held for 9th grade graduates in their schools. It will be assessed on a pass/fail system.

The head of the federal commission for developers of the KIM Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, Irina Tsybulko, noted that the developed model of the final interview has no analogues in world practice and expressed hope that the teaching community will take an active part in its discussion.

Material taken from the FIPI website

Beginning of the form

In 1869, while working on the textbook “Fundamentals of Chemistry,” Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev created his famous Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. The scientist discovered that the properties known in his time
The 63 chemical elements repeat periodically if you arrange the elements in order of increasing atomic weight: from the lightest, hydrogen, to the heaviest, uranium.

This pattern formed the basis of the Periodic Table, which established strict patterns and brought order to the chaotic world of chemical elements before this discovery. Based on his system, Mendeleev described the existence of several still unknown chemical elements and described their most important properties. Subsequently, all these elements were discovered.

It is difficult to name an area of ​​human activity that would not interest Mendeleev: he studied oil fields, flew alone in a hot air balloon, was interested in the development of the Arctic and developed an icebreaker project. The activity of a scientist testifies to the power of the human mind, capable of penetrating the secrets of nature, and the limitless possibilities of knowledge.

Retell the text you read, including in the retelling the statement of the chemist and philosopher B. Kedrov:

“Mendeleev’s life is work, work and again work, inspiring scientific achievements and bringing the greatest joy of creativity...”

Beginning of the form

As a young officer in 1899, Arsenyev arrived in the Far East “to serve.” But when he saw with his own eyes the boundless Ussuri taiga, wild mountain slopes, wayward rivers, inhospitable ocean shores, he realized that he would stay here for the rest of his life. The result of his numerous expeditions was the discovery of more than 200 archaeological sites in the south of the Far East. The scientist conveyed his observations of the nature of the Far East, customs and traditions of the local population in his books. Everything that is told in his books happened to him and was first the pages of his travel diaries and notebooks. Arsenyev created a new, local history direction in domestic scientific and artistic literature. A tributary of the Ussu River, two mountains, a volcano in Kamchatka, a city and a village are named in honor of the researcher.

Strong, resilient and desperately brave, Arsenyev was always the first to take risks, did not disdain any work, and in the most hopeless situations he knew how to maintain vigor in weakened companions. Arsenyev died after catching a cold during the expedition. His life was cut short
suddenly - he did not live to see 60 years old, when he was still full of energy, strength and plans for the future.

He wrote many wonderful books, but he never got around to writing one book, although he was preparing for it all the time. This is a book about how to become a traveler, what to do when you lose your way, there is not enough food, a raft capsizes, a forest fire breaks out, a flood begins, a comrade gets lost... There is no such book. But when you read “Across the Ussuri Region”, “Dersu Uzala”, “Meetings in the Taiga” and other books by Arsenyev, you will find in them much of what he wanted to talk about in this unwritten book.

Retell the text you read, including in the retelling the statement of one of Arsenyev’s first biographers, Nikolai Evgenievich Kabanov:

“From the example of the life and work of Arsenyev, who devoted 30 years of his life to the study of Primorye, young people can and should learn, for whom Primorye is not only a land of exoticism and romance, but also a land of enormous wealth and boundless prospects...”

Consider where best to use this quote in your retelling.

End of form

Beginning of the form

End of form

Excerpt from an article by Svetlana Matsson-Popova

"Ship "Vasa""

In Stockholm there is a museum of one exhibit - the ship Vasa, the only ship in the world from the 17th century, the wooden structure of which is 95% preserved. He sank after swimming for only half an hour.

The chronicler recorded only a few words about the disaster that befell Sweden and the Swedish fleet on a warm August day in 1628: “Between four and five o’clock the huge new ship Vasa capsized and sank.” More than 300 years passed, and they decided to raise the ship. There was no such old and at the same time so well preserved ship in the world.

Why is Vasa so well preserved? In the cold Baltic Sea, its slightly salty water does not contain the wood-boring shell, which quickly eats up a tree in the warm southern seas.

Restorers managed to solve the most difficult problem of preserving wood. Typically, when wood is removed from water, the liquid evaporates and the wood shrinks, cracks, and disintegrates. For 17 years, the building was irrigated day and night with a composition that replaced water. It was necessary to remove 580 tons of water from the hull! At first the work was done manually, then a fully automated system was installed with 500 mouthpieces outside and inside the housing.

Fragment of a poem by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

"Dead Souls"

And what Russian doesn’t like driving fast? Is it his soul, striving to get dizzy, to go on a spree, to sometimes say: “damn it all!” - Shouldn’t his soul love her? Isn’t it possible to love her when you hear something enthusiastically wonderful in her? It seems that an unknown force has taken you on its wing, and you are flying, and everything is flying: miles are flying, merchants are flying towards you on the beams of their wagons, a forest is flying on both sides with dark formations of spruces and pines, with a clumsy knock and the cry of a crow, it flies the whole road goes to God knows where into the disappearing distance, and something terrible is contained in this quick flickering, where the disappearing object does not have time to appear - only the sky above your head, and light clouds, and the rushing month alone seem motionless. Eh, three! bird three, who invented you? to know, you could only have been born among a lively people, in that land that does not like to joke, but has spread out smoothly across half the world, and go ahead and count the miles until it hits your eyes. And not a cunning, it seems, road projectile, not grabbed by an iron screw, but hastily equipped and assembled alive by an efficient Yaroslavl man with only an ax and a hammer. The driver is not wearing German boots: he has a beard and mittens, and sits on God knows what; but he stood up, swung, and began to sing - the horses like a whirlwind, the spokes in the wheels mixed into one smooth circle, only the road trembled, and a pedestrian who stopped screamed in fear - and there she rushed, rushed, rushed!.. And there you can already see in the distance, like something is gathering dust and drilling into the air.

Isn’t it so for you, Rus', that you are rushing along like a brisk, unstoppable troika? The road beneath you smokes, the bridges rattle, everything falls behind and is left behind. The contemplator, amazed by God's miracle, stopped: was this lightning thrown from the sky? What does this terrifying movement mean? and what kind of unknown power is contained in these horses, unknown to the light? Oh, horses, horses, what kind of horses! Are there whirlwinds in your manes? Is there a sensitive ear burning in every vein of yours? They heard a familiar song from above, together and at once tensed their copper breasts and, almost without touching the ground with their hooves, turned into just elongated lines flying through the air, and all inspired by God rushes!.. Rus', where are you rushing? Give an answer. Doesn't give an answer. The bell rings with a wonderful ringing; The air, torn into pieces, thunders and becomes the wind; everything that is on earth flies past, and, looking askance, other peoples and states step aside and give way to it.

Read the text aloud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare.

Excerpt from an article by Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin

“On the book trade and the love of reading in Russia”

Twenty-five years ago there were two bookstores in Moscow that did not sell even 10 thousand rubles a year. Now there are twenty of them, and together they earn about 200 thousand rubles annually. Why is there an increase in reading lovers in Russia?

Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov was the main distributor of the book trade in Moscow. Having taken over the university printing house, he multiplied the mechanical methods of book printing, opened shops in other cities, gave books to be translated, tried in every possible way to encourage the public to read, guessed the general taste and did not forget the private. He traded books like a rich Dutch or English merchant trades in the works of all lands: that is, with intelligence, with insight, with far-sighted consideration. Previously, Moscow newspapers sold no more than 600 copies - Novikov made them much richer in content, added various other articles to the political ones, and, finally, gave out free “Children's Reading” with Vedomosti, which, despite the student translation of many plays, was liked by the public. The number of subscribers multiplied every year and ten years later reached 4 thousand. Since 1797, newspapers have become important for Russia.

Read the text “to yourself”, pay attention to punctuation marks. Read the text aloud expressively.

Fragment of an article by Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

That is, with all the strength of your soul, with all the enthusiasm, with all the frenzy of which ardent youth, greedy and passionate for the impressions of grace, is only capable? Or, better said, can you not love the theater more than anything in the world except goodness and truth? And in fact, isn’t all the charm of the fine arts concentrated in it? Isn’t he the ruler of our feelings, ready at any time and under any circumstances to excite and excite them, just as a hurricane stirs up sandy blizzards in the boundless steppes of Arabia?.. Which of all the arts has such powerful means of striking the soul with impressions... What is it? , I ask you, this theater?.. Oh, this is a true temple of art, upon entering which you are instantly freed from everyday relationships! These sounds of instruments being tuned in an orchestra torment your soul with the expectation of something wonderful, compress your heart with a premonition of some inexplicably sweet bliss; this people, filling the huge amphitheater, shares your impatient expectation, you merge with them in one feeling; this luxurious and magnificent curtain, this sea of ​​lights hints to you of the miracles and divas scattered throughout God's beautiful creation and concentrated on the cramped space of the stage! And then the orchestra struck - and your soul anticipates in its sounds the impressions that are preparing to amaze it; and now the curtain has risen - and before your eyes an endless world of human passions and destinies unfolds!

Read the text aloud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare.

Excerpt from the articleIbragimkhalil Magomedova

"In needles all year round"

Spruce is a finely organized nature, so to speak. She, a resident of open spaces, begins to get sick and waste away if she has to breathe polluted city air.

The ancestors of spruce appeared on Earth about 300 million years ago. These were large trees with a developed tree system and leaves, some of them reaching a meter. Spruce acquired its modern appearance in the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era, 100–130 million years ago. Imprints of its needle-like leaves in geological deposits are found along with the fossilized remains of giant lizards.

Currently, spruce trees belonging to the pine family grow in all temperate climate zones of Europe, Asia and North America. Of the 40 species of this coniferous plant, eight are found in Russia. In favorable conditions, mature spruce trees reach 40–45 meters in height, the trunk is straight and slender. The diameter of the largest trees is more than a meter. Spruce trees bloom in May. They bear fruit for 25–30 years. Spruces are long-lived, some of them live up to 500 years.

Read the text aloud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare.

Excerpt from the Great Encyclopedia of Astronomy

The Old Slavonic word “universe” means a place inhabited by people “placed” there by God. Previously, the world for people was limited to the sphere of sky around the Earth. Now the boundaries of the material world accessible to research have been pushed so far that even light has been traveling from there for billions of years. Of course, the night sky looks the same today as it did thousands of years ago. But we perceive it completely differently than our ancestors. In the modern understanding, the Universe is that material world that is accessible to observation and theoretical understanding.

Sometimes it seems that seeing the Universe is very simple - you just need to look at the sky on a clear night. But it is not so. You can only see no more than 3 thousand stars above the horizon, and there are trillions of them in our Galaxy alone! And a huge number of such galaxies can be seen with the help of large telescopes. The space available for observation is constantly expanding. But this is still not the whole world that exists outside of us and independently of us.

The oldest zodiac constellations were identified back in Babylon; initially there were 18 of them, but gradually their number was reduced to 12. These are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. For today’s astronomers, they are not much different from the other 76 (there are 88 constellations in total on the modern star map), but they played a huge role in the history of culture: since ancient times, humanity has believed that they are capable of influencing people’s lives in different ways.

But what do the words mean: “The sun is in such and such a constellation”? After all, the Sun appears in the sky during the day, and the stars at night. The fact is that if sunlight did not obscure the stars for us in the daytime sky, we would see the Sun - the star closest to us - against the background of one of the 12 zodiac constellations, consisting of distant stars. The constellation that eclipses the sun's rays will be the “defining” one for a given period. However, it will not be possible to see its stars in the sky soon - in six months, when the sun will be in the opposite zodiac constellation.

Excerpt from the encyclopedia "Astronomy"

The flighty daughter of astronomy is what astrology is jokingly called. It originated in the Babylonian kingdom, which arose at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. e. Observing solar and lunar eclipses, astrologers of Mesopotamia tried to predict events on a national scale: harvest and famine, drought and flood, the welfare of the people and the arrival of terrible diseases.

The further development of astrology is associated with Greece. Here it is based on the doctrine of “universal sympathy” - the mutual influence of all forces and phenomena. Greek astrologers predicted the fates of not only states, but also individuals, taking into account in which constellation the Sun was at the moment of a person’s birth, and how the planets were located at that moment. Astrologers developed a complex system of classifying constellations and planets, dividing them into dry and wet, masculine and feminine, and also associating them with metals, colors and the four “primary elements” (air, water, earth and fire).

The main brainchild of astrology is horoscopes. Their name is translated from Greek as “observer of time.” Horoscopes are a kind of map of the location of stars and constellations at the moment of a person’s birth, the interaction of which determines the future fate of the newborn.

Excerpt from a book

"Tropical Plants"

More than 300,000 plant species grow on Earth. They are adapted to different living conditions: frost or heat, drought or flooding, twilight of forests or open sun. Tropical plants grow only where it is hot. We live in a temperate climate, and for us tropical and subtropical plants look unusual, since they are not typical for our nature. They are not like our plants, they have different leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits.

However, many tropical plants have become “native” to us, because they grow in our gardens and orchards, in flower beds or in pots on windowsills. But without the care of humans, who create familiar conditions for these heat-loving creatures, not a single tropical plant would survive in our climate.

And if you have a desire to grow a tropical plant at home, first find out how to care for the flower and decide whether it is possible to provide it with suitable conditions: timely watering, fertilizer, air humidification and, of course, sufficient lighting.

Read the text aloud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare.

Excerpt from an article by Konstantin Vorobyov

"Behind the white crane"

Amongwonderfulbirdsourfaunaspecialinterestiswhitecrane, orSiberian Crane. ThisbeautifulbirdopenedAnddescribedV1773 famous yearnaturalistPeterPallas. FirstsameintelligenceOSiberian Crane, appearedatusVprint, relatemoreTo1762 yearAndbelongRussiangeographerPetruRychkov. WITHthosesince thenpassedmore200 years, Butourknowledgeaboutthisformbeforethesesince thenremainsketchyAndmeager.

The nesting area in Southwestern Siberia, from where information about white cranes was first obtained, no longer exists. The decisive factor in its disappearance was, apparently, the drying out of lakes and swamps, which occurred very intensively here in the second half of the 19th century.

ModernrangeSiberian Cranepresentyourselftwosmalldelimitedterritories. OnenestingregionlocatedVWesternSiberia, Vlower reachesObi, otherVNortheastYakutia, Vhard-to-reach tundraTonorthfrom69 - thparallels.

The very limited range of the Siberian Crane, as well as the steady decline in its numbers, cause legitimate concern and great concern for the future fate of this wonderful bird, listed in the Red Book.

Read the text aloud expressively. You have 1.5 minutes to prepare.

Excerpt from a magazine article

"Science and life"

Currently, astrophysicists have no doubt about the existence in space of very dense cosmic objects with a strong gravitational field, which are commonly called black holes. Despite the fact that astronomers have not yet been able to see them directly, they have discovered many objects that are most likely black holes. These are supermassive formations in the centers of galaxies, including our Galaxy, as well as components of some binary star systems.

Black holes are also called the heart of spiral galaxies. They have such strong gravity that even photons—the elementary particles that carry light and electromagnetic radiation—cannot escape them.

As an analogy, you can imagine a river with a movable valve that pushes water in one direction. Waves traveling through water in the opposite direction cannot “overtake” the total mass of water.

The concept of black holes has been exciting the minds of theoretical physicists for about 50 years, but still many questions about how black holes work remain unresolved. So physicists are looking for ways to simulate a black hole simulator.

This academic year we have plannedapprobation of an oral exam in the Russian language in 9th grade . All regions will participate in it,” said Sergei Kravtsov. Such a test will become mandatory from 2019. The oral interview will take place in schools and will be assessed in the following format:"pass/fail".

Oral part of the OGE in Russian ( spontaneous correct speech)

The oral part in Russian will consist of four tasks.

Exercise 1– reading a short text out loud. Expressive reading is one aspect of reading skill. Reading that correctly conveys the ideological content of a work of art or article. Reading texts will contain information about outstanding people of the past and present. Preparation time - 2 minutes to prepare. Please note that reading the text out loud should not take more than 3 minutes. Errors cannot be corrected when reading!

Task 2- retelling the text with additional information (including quotes). Preparation time is 1 minute; you can use a draft and a pen during preparation (outline paragraphs, keywords). When retelling, the text is removed, leaving a quote in front of your eyes that the graduate can read out.

While completing task 3, it is necessary to construct a coherent monologue statement on one of the selected topics based on the plan. (at least 10 phrases) monologues on the photo are offered - description, topic - narration based on life experience and reasoning on the question posed. Preparation time – 1 minute. (statement no more than 3 minutes)

Task 4- dialogue with the examiner-interlocutor. (3 questions) Time to prepare - no preparation. The examiner will ask you to answer three questions.

The total response time for one examinee (including preparation time) is 15 minutes.

Each subsequent task is issued after the completion of the previous task. During the interview process there will be audio recording. (video recording)

Graduates of 9th grade will have a final interview in their schools . It will be assessed according to the system "pass"/"fail" .

Total points for the entire work19 points.

The examinee receives credit if he scores 10 or more points.

    Materials for testing the oral exam in the Russian language in 9th grade are being developed in the region. RCIO can make its own adjustments.

    Sound recording (video recording) is required.

    If a child has a speech impediment (stuttering, failure to pronounce letters), they should not feel disadvantaged, you can extend the time a little, do not stop

    There is still no clear regulatory framework for children with disabilities; there is no talk about them yet

    You can retake it once

    Do not memorize, do not train in a stereotyped manner - there must be spontaneous speech!

    Prepare according to the collections of I.P. Tsybulko, T.N. Malysheva (“National Education”, “Enlightenment”)

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Oral part of the OGE in the Russian language Structure and specifics of the exam Prepared by the teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU Secondary School No. 2 of Kislovodsk Syrovatko G.Yu. 2018

2 slide

Slide description:

The main methodological goal of introducing an oral interview in grade 9 is to test the communicative competence of graduates. In addition, an oral interview solves several organizational problems. It will allow you to: test your knowledge of the Russian language in the “Speaking” section; make a decision on admission to the OGE in the Russian language; take into account the results of the oral interview when admitting to specialized humanities classes.

3 slide

Slide description:

In the 2016 academic year, testing was carried out in the following regions of the Russian Federation: - Moscow region, - Chechen Republic, - Tatarstan. In September–November 2017, 61 constituent entities of the Russian Federation took part in the testing. According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 20, 2017 No. 1025, monitoring the quality of preparation of 9th grade students in the academic subject “Russian language” will take place in the form of a final interview from February 14 to 16, 2018. The oral exam in the Russian language in grade 9 will be held in all regions of Russia in the form of testing in test mode on April 13 and 16, 2018. This academic year, the interview will not affect admission to the final certification. Next academic year, an oral exam in Russian will become mandatory. The interview will take place at your home school.

4 slide

Slide description:

Approbation at MBOU Secondary School No. 2 In October 2017, on the basis of MBOU Secondary School No. 2, the oral part of the OGE was tested in the “Interlocutor” form. 28 9th grade students took part in it. 3 audiences were involved in testing: 1 audience - 1 option 2 audience - 2 option 3 audience - 1 option Total number of points - 14 Average score - 10

5 slide

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Before introducing the interview into the OGE program, several models of this test were tested. The first of them involved communication between the student and members of the examination committee, and the second - a computer form with recording of students’ speech using appropriate software. A speaking test, in which 1,500 schoolchildren took part in 2017, showed that live communication is the preferred form of assessment.

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The educational institution is responsible for the development of students’ communicative competence. Every teacher should teach children to speak: read aloud, retell a text, construct a monologue, conduct a dialogue. Every teacher must require students to comply with the norms of competent standard speech. This is the responsibility of not only the teacher of Russian language and literature. All subject teachers (not only the Russian language teacher) are responsible for how the child behaves during the oral interview and whether he will be allowed to take the OGE.

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A huge responsibility falls on the shoulders of the examiner-interlocutor (not a teacher of Russian language and literature): - must be competent in many areas; - must be able to conduct a dialogue; - must be able to “talk” the child; - must be able to gain trust, psychologically prepare the child for dialogue. How the child will go through the interview will depend on the examiner-interlocutor and whether he will score the required number of points (but only in task No. 4). He must conduct the dialogue kindly, not correct mistakes, not interfere with the participant’s speech, and appeal to the child’s personal experience and emotions.

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Specifics of the interview procedure: In each educational organization participating in testing, audiences must be allocated: - at least 1 audience for oral answers with an interlocutor, equipped with a means of audio recording of students’ oral answers. - audience waiting for students to take their turn for an oral response. It is recommended to call only students who will have to answer during the next one lesson (assuming that the duration of one student’s response is about 15 minutes). In the waiting room, the organizers fill out a statement of compliance with the names of the test participants and their codes, which will then be used to establish a connection between the recording of the oral response and the assessment results. In each educational organization participating in testing, the following specialists must be appointed: - at least two organizers who ensure the movement of students; - an organizer outside the classroom, ensuring order and silence in the corridor; - an examiner-interlocutor who conducts the examination procedure and talks with the student on the chosen topic; - an expert who evaluates the quality of a student’s speech directly during communication with the interlocutor). It is possible to evaluate the answers after the completion of the interview, using audio recordings of oral answers. It is also possible to check the answers by two experts, one of whom evaluates the answer directly in the classroom as the student communicates with the examiner-interlocutor, and the other - based on audio recordings of oral answers. - a technical specialist who provides an audio recording of the conversation with the interlocutor;

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The organizer invites one student at a time to the audience. The student introduces himself and names his test participant code, which was assigned in the waiting room.

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TASK 1. Reading the text. Consciously and correctly convey the author’s intention to listeners in accordance with punctuation marks. TASK 2. Retelling the text read using additional information. Preserve all the main micro-themes of the source text and it is appropriate and logical to include the above statement in it during the retelling. TASK 3. Creating an oral monologue statement on one of the selected conversation topics (1-3) in a volume of at least 10 phrases. 1.Describe the photo, revealing the topic in full (description); 2. Talk about your personal life experience, revealing the topic in full (narration); 3.Give a complete answer to the problematic question posed, arguing your point of view; give complete answers to the questions in the plan (reasoning). TASK 4.Participation in dialogue with the examiner-interlocutor Give complete answers to the questions posed, present thoughts logically, consistently, using a variety of syntactic structures, richness and accuracy of the dictionary. Communication tasks

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Option 1 Instructions for completing tasks The oral part in the Russian language consists of four tasks. Task 1 – reading a short text aloud. Preparation time: 2 minutes. In task 2 it is proposed to retell the text read, supplementing it with a statement. Preparation time – 1 minute. In task 3, you are asked to choose one of three proposed conversation options: a description of a photograph, a narration based on life experience, a reasoning on one of the formulated problems. Preparation time – 1 minute. In task 4 you will have to participate in a conversation on the topic of the previous task. Your total response time (including preparation time) is 15 minutes. During the entire response time, audio and video recordings are made. Try to fully complete the assigned tasks, speak clearly and clearly, stay on topic and follow the proposed answer plan. This way you can score the most points. We wish you success!

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Expressively read the text about the famous Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov (1730–1800) out loud. You have 2 minutes to prepare. The famous phrase “It’s hard to learn, easy to fight” belongs to Generalissimo Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. Throughout his life, the commander participated in more than 60 battles and did not suffer a single defeat on the battlefield! And he won his first victory as a child. It was a victory over one's own weakness. Alexander was a very sick child. But since childhood, he firmly decided to become a military man and prepared for service: he went in for sports, accustomed himself to the cold, to physical activity, to simple clothing and food. Suvorov respected his subordinates - officers and soldiers, and was an enemy of drill. He personally took care of the soldiers’ food and clothing, their health, and knew how to joke and cheer them up in difficult times. The soldiers loved their commander, selflessly followed him and won. Suvorov went down in the history of military art as an innovative commander. He left behind the famous work “The Science of Victory,” in which he summarized his many years of experience in training and educating troops in a simple and accessible form. Suvorov's school formed a whole generation of commanders who glorified the Fatherland. The Suvorov military schools are named in honor of the great commander, and today’s boys in uniform proudly call themselves “Suvorovites.” (171 words)

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Advice for students: Take your time. read the text carefully, pay attention to punctuation marks, adhere to an average speech rate, pay special attention to complex words with an accent mark, put the numeral in the correct form.

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Retell the text you read, including in the retelling the words of the Russian military historian General Modest Ivanovich Bogdanovich, a contemporary of A.V. Suvorov: “Many years will pass, other great leaders will appear among the Russian people, but every time the steel wall of Russian bayonets has to fall on the enemies, we will remember Suvorov.” Think about where it is better to use the words of M.I. Bogdanovich in the retelling. You can use any citing methods. You have 1 minute to prepare.

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TYPICAL ERRORS: - slow reading pace, monotonous intonation; - incorrect reading of the ending of a dependent word; - distortion of words; - replacing words according to meaning; - incorrect placement of stress; - incorrect grammatical form of the numeral in the indirect case; - replacement of entire words by optical similarity; - omissions: a) words; b) syllables; c) letters; - permutations: a) words; b) syllables; c) letters

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Attention: when reading a text, an important factor is the intonation component - pauses and accents must clearly correspond to the punctuation found in the text. The first task also tests the student's reading rate; When working with task number 2, you need to voice the main topic of the fragment and its subtopics. Missing a thought or adding a topic that was not addressed in the passage will result in a score reduction. All arguments and thoughts of the student must complement the text, logically fitting into its outline; in all types of tasks, the commission pays attention to grammatical, speech and spelling errors - words must be pronounced correctly, without distortion or incorrect emphasis.

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Sequence of preparation for retelling: 1. Formulate the topic (what is the text talking about?) and the main idea (what did the author want to say?) of the text; 2.Number the number of paragraphs (micro-topics); 3. Highlight the key words, the main idea of ​​each micro-topic of the text; 4. Establish semantic relationships between parts of the text. 5.Make a plan for the text; 6. Consider the place and form of including the quotation, 7. Retell the text, logically and appropriately including the given statement. Use techniques for shortening the text: excluding minor details, generalizing individual phenomena and facts. Recommendations for students

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Select one of the suggested conversation topics. Topic 1. Summer vacation (based on the description of the photo). Topic 2. My favorite actor (narration based on life experience). Topic 3. What should school breaks be like? (reasoning on the question posed) You have 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes.

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Topic 1. Summer vacation. Describe the photo. Don't forget to describe: time and place of action; children's occupation; their appearance; the general atmosphere of the event and the mood of the participants.

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Topic 2. Favorite actor Tell us about your favorite actor. Don't forget to tell us: who is your favorite actor or actress; what films or performances he (she) took part in; which role played by this actor do you like best and why; What do you appreciate in the acting skills of your favorite actor? Topic 3. What should school breaks be like? Don't forget to answer the questions. Why are changes needed at school? How many breaks should there be during the school day? Why? How long should the change last? Why? How should the change take place?

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Topic 1. Summer vacation Describe the photo. 1) What type of recreation do you prefer - active or passive? Why? 2) How do you prefer to relax - with friends or with your parents? Why? 3) What event of the summer holidays do you remember most? Topic 2. Favorite actor Tell us about your favorite actor. 1) Does a famous actor have the right to have a private life kept secret from his fans? Why? 2) Having an idol: what positive and negative aspects do you see in this? 3) Do you agree that fame is the main success in life? Topic 3. What should school breaks be like? 1) Should students be active during school recess? 2) Is it important to be able to go out into the schoolyard during recess? Why doesn't school administration always allow this? 3) Should recess be organized by adults or can students plan their own time? During the conversation you will be asked questions on the topic of conversation you have chosen. Please provide complete answers to questions asked by your interlocutor.

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STRUCTURE OF A MONOLOGUE-REASONING (TASK 3) 1. Thesis (formulated answer to the question posed; interpretation of the word proposed in the task; statement proven in reasoning). ... is ... In my opinion (I think, it seems to me), ... It seems to me, ... 2. The main part. Argumentation. Examples are arguments. 1) Firstly,... secondly,... thirdly,... 2) To confirm what has been said, let us turn to the following facts:... 3) This fact confirms the idea that... 4) This idea is easy to prove by referring to examples from... (life, personal experience, TV shows, films, etc.) 5) For example, by analyzing the behavior (speech, actions) (of whom?) you can see that... 6) In addition, another proof of the validity of my statement can serve as an example:... 3. Conclusion (a conclusion made on the basis of arguments and related to the thesis). Thus,... So,... Therefore,... To summarize what has been said, I would like to note... I think that... I would really like that... I would like to believe that... Summarizing what has been said, I would like to note that... Recommendations for students

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RULES OF DIALOGUE (TASK 4) 1. Listen carefully to the question. 2.In each question, highlight the key words that will be used in your answer. 3. Avoid monosyllabic answers: yes, no, of course, etc. 4. To avoid monosyllabic answers, use complex sentences with subordinate clauses of cause, condition, consequence. 5. Soften the categorical nature of your statements with introductory words: I think; it seems to me; apparently, etc. 6. Pay special attention to questions that require a detailed answer (What do you recommend...?). 6. When answering a question in detail, use rubricator words: firstly, secondly, finally. 7. When building a reasoning-recommendation, arrange the information in a certain order that corresponds to the logic of the reasoning. 8.Use an average speech rate, which allows you to think through the continuation of your speech. 9. Avoid long pauses. 10.Make sure your speech is correct and clean. Avoid filler words. Recommendations for students