Passing grades on the OGE in all subjects. What is the OGE - rules for taking the exam and the scale for transferring points

The Main State Exam (OGE) is a test facing every ninth grader! The exam is mandatory for all high school graduates, but ninth-graders who want to continue their studies in colleges prepare especially diligently for it, because for admission they must demonstrate a high level of knowledge and, if possible, get the highest possible score.

It's time for future graduates to learn as much as possible about how exam papers are checked, and what the scale for converting OGE test scores into traditional assessments will be in 2019.

What will the OGE look like in 2019?

If the Unified State Exam reform is practically completed by 2019 and no fundamental changes are expected in KIMs for 11th graders, then the Unified State Examination is just entering the reform stage. In the last academic year 2017-2018, the number of subjects submitted for final certification was once again increased, and in 2019 students will have to take a total of 5 exams:

  • 2 compulsory: Russian language and mathematics;
  • 3 to choose from such disciplines as: physics, chemistry, history, computer science, foreign language, social studies, biology, geography and literature.

There is no official information about the introduction of the 6th exam yet. But previously it was said that by 2020 the total number of subjects taken will reach six.

The choice of a specialized subject should not be random, because the result of the General Examination directly affects the grade in the certificate and is the main criterion for selection into specialized classes.

Checking OGE exam papers

In 2019, ninth-graders from all regions of the Russian Federation will perform the same tasks, because, unlike in previous years, today the process of developing a single bank of tasks that will allow assessing the real level of students’ knowledge is actively underway.

As in 2018, 9th grade graduates will write their papers on the basis of their educational institution, which significantly increases the chances of a good result. The examination of OGE exam papers, as before, will be carried out by school teachers who have sufficient qualifications to become a State Examination Expert.

By analogy with the Unified State Exam, all work will be checked by two experts. If the opinions of experts differ significantly, then a third expert will be involved in the verification process, whose opinion will become decisive.

If a student does not agree with the experts’ assessment, he can file an appeal and the work will be re-checked again, but by completely different experts who are members of the appeal commission.

During the test, initial points are awarded for each correctly completed task, which are then converted into the usual 5-point grade for schoolchildren.

Point conversion scale

Although the Federal State Budgetary Institution “FIPI” has developed a single standardized scale for converting primary OGE scores into grades, in 2019 (as before) other standards may be officially approved at the local level, taking into account regional characteristics.

Thus, for 2018, the following score conversion tables were approved, which with a high degree of probability will be relevant in the 2018-2019 academic year.

After reviewing the document, you can see that when assigning grades in Russian language and mathematics (all levels), not only the overall total score is taken into account.

So, in Russian to get a grade:

  • “4” you must score at least 4 points for literacy with 25-33 total points;
  • “5” – at least 6 points for literacy with 34-39 total.

Special requirements for assessing works in mathematics are dictated by the fact that two subjects are taken for the exam: algebra and geometry. Accordingly, the student must not only reach the minimum threshold, but demonstrate a certain level of knowledge in each of the main school disciplines in the mathematics course.

The threshold for entry into specialized classes and colleges also differs depending on the chosen direction:

Russian language


(naturally scientific and economic profile)


(physics and mathematics profile)

Social science

Computer science


Foreign language



(with experiment)

(no experiment)

The general table for interpreting OGE test scores in all subjects in 2019 will look like:

Residents of regions where in 2019, when determining the results of the OGE, the recommended unified scale for converting points for those completing 9th grade is taken as a basis, can also use a convenient online calculator, which can be found on the website

Retake the OGE

In 2018, more than 1.3 million ninth-graders took the OGE, most of whom passed the tests without any problems. But, as always, there are those who received an “unsatisfactory” rating. What awaits these ninth graders? There are several options for the development of events:

  1. A retake, which is open to students who have no more than 2 unsatisfactory results.
  2. A timeout lasting an academic year, during which the student gets the opportunity to better prepare for the exam (possibly by individually studying with teachers).

OGE 2017 points conversion table

Finding out your grade based on test scores has become much easier. Thanks to this table, you can assess the level of your knowledge and fill in the gaps in topics that raise questions for you.

Solve, check the correct answers and find out your score. We would also like to draw your attention to some planned in KIMs in 2016.

* Russian language

The mark “4” is given if the student scored from 25 to 33 points, of which at least 4 points for literacy (according to the criteria of GK1-GK4). If, according to the criteria of GK1-GK4, a student scores less than 4 points, a mark of “3” is given.

The mark “5” is given if the student scored from 34 to 39 points, of which at least 6 points for literacy (according to GK1-GK4 criteria). If, according to the criteria of GK1-GK4, a student scores less than 6 points, a mark of “4” is given.

* Mathematics

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work is 32 points. Of these, for the module “Algebra” - 14 points, for the module “Geometry” - 11 points, for the module “Real Mathematics” - 7 points.

The recommended minimum result of the examination work, indicating the mastery of the federal component of the educational standard in the subject area “Mathematics”, is 8 points scored in total for completing tasks in all three modules, provided that at least 3 points from them are in the “Algebra” module , at least 2 points in the “Geometry” module and at least 2 points in the “Real Mathematics” module. Overcoming this minimum result entitles the graduate to receive, in accordance with the curriculum of the educational institution, a final grade in mathematics or algebra and geometry. Recommended scales for converting the primary score into an examination mark on a five-point scale:

  • the total score for completing the work as a whole - in the exam mark in mathematics;
  • the total score for completing tasks related to the “Algebra” section (all tasks of the “Algebra” module and tasks 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 of the “Real Mathematics” module) - into the exam mark in algebra;
  • the total score for completing tasks related to the “Geometry” section (all tasks of the “Geometry” module and task 17 of the “Real Mathematics” module) - into the exam mark in geometry).

* Chemistry 1

Work without real experiment,

The mark “5” will be given if, out of the total amount of points sufficient to obtain this mark, the graduate has scored 5 or more points for completing the tasks of part 3.

* Chemistry 2

Working with a real experiment,

The mark “5” will be given if, out of the total amount of points sufficient to obtain this mark, the graduate has scored 7 or more points for completing the tasks of part 3.

Impact on the certificate

According to the above grading criteria, test scores for the OGE can be recalculated using a standard five-point system. But these grades will not affect the final certificate. Students will be given certificates with the grades they earned during the school year. This assessment only affects if you get a bad mark on the OGE - the certificate will not be issued.

This grading system was introduced to more accurately assess the level of knowledge of students with good and excellent grades.

At the OGE 2017 in chemistry, ninth-graders will be offered 22 tasks or 24 tasks (depending on the type of exam), for solving each of them you can get from 1 to 5 points. Maximum amount primary points will be 34 (if the OGE is taken without the experimental part) or 38 (if experimental tasks are completed). The tables below show the maximum points that can be earned for each task.

Table 1. OGE without experimental part

Table 2. OGE with laboratory work

The scores obtained are converted into traditional grades. If a ninth-grader receives less than 9 primary points, the OGE in chemistry is considered failed. To receive an “excellent” grade, it is not necessary to solve all exam tasks.

Table 3. Conversion of primary OGE scores into grades (OGE without experimental part)

Table 4. Conversion of primary OGE scores into grades (OGE with laboratory work)

Do not forget that the recalculation scale is changing: in 2016 it was different, in 2018 it will also change a little (if only because of the change in the structure of the test and the number of tasks). The indicated figures are valid only for 2017 and only for the OGE in chemistry.

The main state exams in Russia have begun. For schoolchildren who have completed 9th grade, the time has come for diligent preparatory studies and, of course, stress. No one wants to score fewer points than they should.

In this article, you will find a table for converting OGE points using a five-point system. Based on it, you will know what minimum you need to score for a “three”, “four” and “five” in each subject in 2017.

Scale for converting OGE points to grades

Russian language

The mandatory exam in this subject consists of 3 parts:

  1. Presentation
  2. Testing
  3. The task consists of writing a complete and detailed answer


The second compulsory subject that you will have to pass in order to advance to 10th grade. Those wishing to continue their studies in the faculties of physics and mathematics are recommended to score the maximum score, which in 2017 ranges from 22 to 32.

The examination paper in mathematics, as well as in the Russian language, consists of 3 parts:

  • Algebra (11 tasks), tasks are divided into basic and advanced levels of difficulty
  • Geometry (8 tasks)
  • Real mathematics (7 tasks)

The recommended passing score is 30. In order to get a “C”, you will need to score at least 8 points (5 in algebra and 3 in geometry). The results will be available on June 16, 2017.

If you have completed 11 grades, then our next publication will be useful to you, in which we posted and also told you how you can find out the results by name and document number!


The exam in this subject includes:

  1. 4 tasks that require a complete answer, as well as a practical task using special equipment.

For “3” you will need to score 10. If you want to continue your studies in college in technical specialties, then the recommended number is 30 points. The results will be announced (June 13 - 14).


Work on this subject can be entirely your choice. The exam is carried out in 2 stages:

  • The test includes 19 tasks that require a short answer.
  • 4 tasks (with meaningful answer), laboratory work

Based on a five-point system, to get a “5” you will need to score from 27 to 34. For a “3” it is enough to score 9 points (or 9 to complete 9 tasks correctly). You will be able to find out the results on June 16, 2017.


The maximum score for this subject is from 36 to 46, which means that you need to correctly answer 36 questions (consisting of a test and tasks for which you need to provide a detailed answer).

If you are planning to apply to medical colleges, then you should score - 33 (recommended passing score).

Computer science

The examination paper consists of two parts (a test and 2 tasks performed on a computer).

The minimum score for “3” is 5. To pass with excellent marks, you will need to score 22. Students are given 150 minutes to complete the work.

When will the results of the OGE (State Examination) 2017 be known?

Click on the tab to view the graph.

Results announcement schedule

Regardless of the discipline you choose, prepare thoroughly. We hope that you will all score the required number of points and you will not have to retake it after September 1st.

Ninth-graders are puzzled not only by how to successfully pass the State Exam, but also by translating the points they scored into a grade. Schoolchildren are familiar with the five-point scale, and you can understand what grade will be for a certain number of points using the compiled OGE-2018 tablet.

Every year the score table changes, because the minimum and maximum number of points with the passing grade and OGE tasks change. There cannot be a single scale for all subjects, because each of them has its own score.

When writing the OGE-2018 you should know some subtleties

When taking “Mathematics”, “Russian Language” and “Chemistry”, it is not enough just to score the minimum score: you must meet certain criteria. So, for example, in “Mathematics” you need to get 32 ​​points. A passing score is 8 points, but if a lot of points were scored in “Algebra” and 2 points in “Geometry”, then the exam will be passed “unsatisfactorily”.

It’s not difficult to write “Russian Language” with a C, but those who want to get a B must score 25-33 points, four for literacy, because they will give a C. If a student wants to get an A, he must score six points for literacy. Literacy is assessed by composition, punctuation, beauty of writing, expressiveness of speech, and spelling.

When taking Chemistry without an experiment, it is more difficult to get an A. So, you need to score 31-40 points, from the third part - 5 points. With the experiment - 29-38 points and from the third part - 7 points.

Table for converting points into grades for the OGE-2018

OGE-2018 in “Russian language”:

  1. 0-14 b. — rating “2”;
  2. 15-24 points - score “3”;
  3. 25-33 points - score “4”;
  4. 34-39 points - rating “5”.

OGE-2018 in “Mathematics”:

  1. 0-7 points - score “2”;
  2. 8-14 points - score “3”;
  3. 15-21 points - score “4”;
  4. 22-32 points - rating “5”.

OGE-2018 in “Physics”:

  1. 0-9 b. — rating “2”;
  2. 10-19 b. — rating “3”;
  3. 20-30 b. — rating “4”;
  4. 31-40 b. — rating “5”.

OGE-2018 in “Chemistry” without experiment:

  1. 0-8 b. — rating “2”;
  2. 9-17 b. — rating “3”;
  3. 18-26 b. — rating “4”;
  4. 27-34 b. — rating “5”.

OGE-2018 in “Chemistry” with experiment:

  1. 0 - 8 b. — rating “2”;
  2. 9-18 b. — rating “3”;
  3. 19-28 b. — rating “4”;
  4. 29-38 b. — rating “5”.

OGE-2018 in “Biology”:

  1. 0-12 b. — rating “2”;
  2. 13-25 b. — rating “3”;
  3. 26-36 b. — rating “4”;
  4. 37-46 b. — rating “5”.

OGE-2018 in “Geography”:

  1. 0-11 b. — rating “2”;
  2. 12-19 b. — rating “3”;
  3. 20-26 b. — rating “4”;
  4. 27-32 b. — rating “5”.

OGE-2018 in “Social Studies”:

  1. 0-14 b. — rating “2”;
  2. 15-24 b. — rating “3”;
  3. 25-33 b. — rating “4”;
  4. 34-39 b. — rating “5”.

OGE-2018 in “History”:

  1. 0-12 b. — rating “2”;
  2. 13-23 b. — rating “3”;
  3. 24-34 b. — rating “4”;
  4. 35-44 b. — rating “5”.

OGE-2018 on “Literature”:

  1. 0-9 b. — rating “2”;
  2. 10-17 b. — rating “3”;
  3. 18-24 b. — rating “4”;
  4. 25-29 b. — rating “5”.

OGE-2018 in “Informatics and ICT”:

  1. 0-4 b. — rating “2”;
  2. 5-11 b. — rating “3”;
  3. 12-17 b. — rating “4”;
  4. 18-22 b. — rating “5”.

OGE-2018 in “Foreign languages”:

  1. 0-28 b. — rating “2”;
  2. 29-45 b. — rating “3”;
  3. 46-58 b. — rating “4”;
  4. 59-70 b. — rating “5”.
  1. “Russian language” - 31;
  2. “Mathematics” - 19 for physicists, 18 for others;
  3. "Physics" - 30;
  4. “Chemistry” - 23 without experiment, 25 - with it;
  5. "Biology" - 33;
  6. "Geography" - 24;
  7. "Social studies" - 30;
  8. “History” - 32;
  9. “Literature” - 19;
  10. "Informatics" - 15;
  11. “Foreign language” - 56.

It’s easy to get passing scores, because this is the minimum from which a C grade begins. Passing the OGE-2018 will not be difficult, because no one wants many children to come for a retake. In addition, the more retakers, the less prestigious the school will be considered, since there will be an assumption that the teachers have put little knowledge into the children’s heads.