What is Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” directed against? What is the story “After the Ball” directed against? Moral analysis of the work of L. N. Tolstoy

L.N. Tolstoy's story “After the Ball” is directed against the cruelty that reigned in the army. This author's protest lies on the surface of the story: the cruel scene of beating a soldier makes a very difficult impression on readers.

Another conflict internal conflict person who brings up for discussion

The colonel puts on one or the other mask depending on where he is. “Does it have to be like this?” - the reader asks himself a question. It is known that L.N. Tolstoy believed that a person should be himself. But it is not he who suffers from the colonel’s “masks,” but Ivan Vasilyevich. The worst thing is that people who wear masks are rarely able to recognize this feature as a flaw. Other people living near them suffer from this.

Changes in human relations often depend on the fact that people get used to seeing each other in one of the masks, and when they see another mask or true face, they cannot accept them. Ivan Vasilyevich saw the colonel during the punishment, he was shocked by this scene. Did the colonel really know something justifying

cruelty? Was there anything that justified one person beating another? Ivan Vasilyevich could not find such an excuse, and neither the author nor the reader finds it. Therefore, we can conclude that masks destroy human relationships.


  • what is the story after the ball aimed at?
  • what is the story after the ball directed against? what do they depend on?
  • review of the story after the ball
  • what the story after the ball is directed against, what it depends on according to the author’s thoughts
  • What is the story after the ball directed against, on what, according to the author, do changes in human relationships depend?

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Psychological portrait of the main character of L. N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball”

Story by L.N. Tolstoy's "After the Ball" raises important universal problems: what is honor, duty, conscience, how one should behave in order to be called a real person, what is more important - the judgment of people or the judgment of God.

This work depicts two episodes from the life of one person - General B. First we see him at a ball marking the end of Maslenitsa week. Here he appears before us in the most favorable light - as a loving father and a good soldier.

But here comes the first morning of Great Lent, a time when a person is obliged to think about his soul, about his actions, about his life. And this morning General B. reveals himself from a completely different side - as a stupid follower of orders, as a man without a soul and heart.

Ivan Vasilyevich sees how a fugitive Tatar is being punished on the parade ground. This picture is simply terrible, it is impossible to read it without shuddering: “At each blow, the punished, as if in surprise, turned his face, wrinkled with suffering, in the direction from which the blow fell, and, baring his white teeth, repeated some of the same words "

As Ivan Vasilyevich approached, he heard them: “Brothers, have mercy. Brothers, have mercy." And all this was led by General B.!

What he saw made the narrator think about a lot. He decided never to serve, so as not to desecrate his soul and not to dirty his hands by carrying out the inhuman orders of anyone. This hero wanted to take his destiny into his own hands and be responsible only for his actions. This, in his understanding, meant staying an honest man thinking about their duty and their conscience.

It is important that even Ivan Vasilyevich’s love for Varenka B., after what he saw on the parade ground, began to wane. Can a person raised by such a father have other ideas about honor, conscience, and duty? I don't think so. And, in my opinion, the narrator thought so in the depths of his soul.

In this story, Tolstoy opposes life “by order.” He tells us that we cannot live by following the orders of other people, no matter what position they hold. You need to listen to your heart, yourself - it will always tell you the right decision. And if it seems to you that you do not know the correct answer to the question “What is duty, conscience, honor?”, then you need to turn to the Bible. After all, the covenants of this book are universal principles of morality and morality, human wisdom collected together. L.N. Tolstoy called for turning to precisely this kind of morality, and not to the morality of temporary rulers, replaceable sovereigns. You need to account for your actions to your soul, that is, to God, says the great Russian writer.

Story by L.N. Tolstoy's "After the Ball" is directed against the cruelty that reigned in the army. This author's protest lies on the surface of the story: the cruel scene of beating a soldier makes a very difficult impression on readers.

Another conflict is the internal conflict of the person who brings up for discussion

The colonel puts on one or the other mask depending on where he is. “Does it have to be this way?” - the reader asks himself a question. It is known that L.N. Tolstoy believed that a person should be himself. But it is not he who suffers from the colonel’s “masks,” but Ivan Vasilyevich. The worst thing is that people who wear masks are rarely able to recognize this feature as a flaw. Other people living near them suffer from this.

Changes in human relationships often depend on the fact that people get used to seeing each other in one of the masks, and when they see another mask or true face, they cannot accept it. Ivan Vasilyevich saw the colonel during the punishment, he was shocked by this scene. Did the colonel really know anything that justified cruelty? Was there anything that justified one person beating another? Ivan Vasilyevich could not find such an excuse, and neither the author nor the reader finds it. Therefore, we can conclude that masks destroy human relationships.

What is Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” directed against?

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Searched on this page:

  • what is the story after the ball aimed at?
  • what is the story after the ball directed against? what do they depend on?
  • review of the story after the ball
  • what the story after the ball is directed against, what it depends on according to the author’s thoughts
  • What is the story after the ball directed against, on what, according to the author, do changes in human relationships depend?

L. N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” raises important universal problems: what is honor, duty, conscience, how one should behave in order to be called a real person, what is more important - the judgment of people or the judgment of God.
This work depicts two episodes from the life of one person - General B. First we see him at a ball marking the end of Maslenitsa week. Here he appears before us in the most favorable light - as a loving father and a good soldier.
But here comes the first morning of Great Lent, a time when a person is obliged to think about his soul, about his actions, about his life. And this morning General B. reveals himself from a completely different side - as a stupid follower of orders, as a man without a soul and heart.
Ivan Vasilyevich sees how a fugitive Tatar is being punished on the parade ground. This picture is simply terrible, it is impossible to read it without shuddering: “With each blow, the punished, as if in surprise, turned his face, wrinkled with suffering, in the direction from which the blow fell, and, baring his white teeth, repeated some of the same words "
As Ivan Vasilyevich approached, he heard them: “Brothers, have mercy. Brothers, have mercy.” And all this was led by General B.
What he saw made the narrator think about a lot. He decided never to serve, so as not to desecrate his soul and not to dirty his hands by carrying out the inhuman orders of anyone. This hero wanted to take his destiny into his own hands and be responsible only for his actions. This, in his understanding, meant remaining an honest person, thinking about his duty and his conscience.
It is important that even Ivan Vasilyevich’s love for Varenka B., after what he saw on the parade ground, began to wane. Can a person raised by such a father have other ideas about honor, conscience, and duty? I don't think so. And, in my opinion, the narrator thought so in the depths of his soul.
In this story, Tolstoy opposes life “by order.” He tells us that we cannot live by following the orders of other people, no matter what position they hold. You need to listen to your heart, yourself - it will always tell you the right decision. And if it seems to you that you do not know the correct answer to the question “What is duty, conscience, honor?”, then you need to turn to the Bible. After all, the covenants of this book are universal principles of morality and morality, human wisdom collected together. L.N. Tolstoy called for turning to precisely this kind of morality, and not to the morality of temporary rulers, replaceable sovereigns. You need to account for your actions to your soul, that is, to God, says the great Russian writer.

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  • What Tolsto's Story Is Directed Against

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“What is L.N. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” directed against? What, according to the author, determines changes in human relationships?

When you get acquainted with the story of L.N. Tolstoy's "After the Ball", you understand, this work will not leave anyone indifferent, especially since moral issues raised in Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” and these problems were relevant then, they remain relevant today. The work makes you think about what humanity, duty, and conscience are.

Why did Tolstoy call the story “After the Ball”

I would like to start my essay on Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” by looking for an answer to the question: “Why did Tolstoy call the story “After the Ball?” and the answer comes by itself when you read the lines to the end. Even at the beginning of the work, it was not clear why the author gave this name to his work. After all, the actions are described at the ball, which was organized in honor of the end of Maslenitsa. Here we see a polite, gallant colonel. We see him as a kind, good military leader, a loving father. This is how Ivan Vasilyevich, the same man who tells us his story that happened many years ago, saw him. But it is not the events at the ball that are important in the work.

It was after the ball that the whole essence was revealed human soul, who so skillfully hid behind a mask during the ball. It is after the ball that an episode occurs that is impossible to read without shuddering, and where you see a terrible transformation loving father into a person who stupidly follows orders, throwing away everything human. This is an episode of the beating of a fugitive Tatar. Everything happens immediately after the social reception, on the day of Lent. At a time when everyone is trying to think about their soul, about their actions, we see how the colonel took off his mask and turned into a beast that lives “by order.”

What is Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball” directed against? Most likely, against the cruelty that reigns in the army, as well as against those who like to live in peace, putting on masks and hiding their true faces. And here what matters is not how often people change their masks, but what you really are. It can be very painful to realize that a person you know on one side is actually completely different. It was painful for Ivan Vasilyevich to realize the reality on whose behalf the story is told and who accidentally saw the procedure for punishing a military deserter.

The colonel’s duplicity shocked Ivan Vasilyevich, crushed him morally so much that “Love? Love began to wane from that day on.” But Ivan Vasilyevich fell in love with the colonel’s daughter with all his heart, but everything was crossed out by the incident after the ball. Ivan Vasilyevich, a man who was encountering treachery and such cruelty for the first time, could not forgive the act of the colonel, who vigilantly ensured that the soldiers struck the Tatar’s back with a stick as they should. The narrator, after what he saw, thought about his life, future fate, and decides not to serve, so as not to carry out anyone’s orders.