Drawing on the theme of space exploration. Space pictures and games for children. Why? “What kind of planets are there?”

Showing publications 1-10 of 235.
All sections | Space. Drawing classes, space drawings

Target: Development of the ability to differentiate the blue color and its shades - blue and violet. Tasks: 1.Development of auditory and visual perception 2.Development of the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper;. 3.Development of creative activity and imagination; 4.Development of color perception....

Notes on drawing in the preparatory group for children with special needs “Flying saucers and aliens from outer space” Abstract of the GCD on artistic and aesthetic development in the compensatory preparatory group for children with STD Subject: "Flying saucers and aliens from space» Age: school preparatory group (6-7 years) Target: creating conditions for the development of imagination and...

Space. Drawing classes, space drawings - Summary of a lesson on unconventional drawing in the preparatory group “The colorful world of space”

Publication “Lesson outline for non-traditional drawing in preparatory school...”"The colorful world of space." Topic: The colorful world of space Lesson form: game. Goal: to introduce children to unconventional drawing techniques using stencils, templates, and forks. Objectives: - consolidate skills and abilities in working with paints; - develop...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

It was worth living! We've made it this far! It was worth living! Wait, hope, think, work, try, So that the first of us can pave a brave path Through outer space. Into this region of starlessness, soundlessness, mysterious darkness He ascended for the first time with an unheard of flight...

Summary of a lesson on drawing using non-traditional techniques for children of senior preschool age “Cosmos” Goal: to reveal the creative potential of children through unconventional drawing techniques. Objectives: Educational: - improve children’s technical skills in visual arts; - learn to experiment with different art materials. Educational: -...

I decided to show how to draw space with children. Well, how to draw, spray. Suitable for Cosmonautics Day. Or just as a drawing lesson in an unusual sense. We will need gouache, black cardboard (and they are not often used as usual), water (several jars, a brush and...

Space. Drawing classes, space drawings - Photo report of drawings “We vote for peace on the planet” in the senior group

September 3 is the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism. Events dedicated to this day were held in our kindergarten. Parents and children together prepared a wall newspaper and drawings. We vote against terrorism. The phenomenon of terrorism has accompanied humanity for many centuries....

Technique: palm typing Purpose: to generalize and expand children's knowledge about friendship. Fix the “palm print” drawing technique. Enrich the vocabulary of preschoolers (friendship, clarity, understanding, affectionate words, introduce children to the secrets of friendship. Develop social feelings (emotions....

Showing publications 31-40 of 235.
All sections | Space. Drawing classes, space drawings

Target: development of creativity and imagination through unconventional techniques drawing, formation of a positive emotional attitude towards beauty space. Didactic material: white cardboard, wax crayons, black gouache, wide brush, toothpicks, space melody...

Here's to a wonderful holiday "Day astronautics» , celebration of the first flight in space. In my group, I spent activity with children"Flight to space» . Together with the children, we built a rocket that you could only get into if you guessed the riddle. Having made yourself more comfortable inside...

Space. Drawing classes, space drawings - “Journey into space.” Summary of a lesson on drawing in an unconventional way “blowing into a tube” for the younger group

Publication “Journey into Space”. Summary of a lesson on drawing non-traditional...” "Journey into Space." Goal: To introduce children to a new, unconventional way of drawing, “blow into a tube.” Strengthen children's initial understanding of space. Repeat the words: space, planets, stars, rocket, astronaut, sun. Material: Illustrations: planets, starry sky,...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Lesson summary on “Artistic and aesthetic development” in the preparatory group (6-7 years old) Topic: “Fly, rocket, to the stars” Dominant educational area: Artistic and aesthetic Integration of educational areas: Social - communicative, cognitive,...

I remember the sun sparkled that day: What an amazing April it was! And in my heart joy shone with pride: Gagarin arrived from space! Inna Levchenko Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention a photo report of how we painted the portrait of Yuri Gagarin. I decided to draw...

Goal: development of creative abilities through unconventional drawing techniques. Objectives: educational: improve the ability to work in the scratch technique; continue to learn how to subordinate various means of expression (color, shape, technique, composition) to achieve integrity...

Space. Drawing classes, space drawings - GCD for drawing in the middle group “Collective work “Fairy Planets”

Objectives: - introduce children to a new technique of drawing on salt; - continue to develop the skill of selecting beautiful color combinations to create the intended image Material: - a sheet of whatman paper with a drawn outer space; - circles cut out of thick paper; PVA glue; -...

Presentation on drawing “Flying to the Moon” Humanity will not remain on earth forever, but, in pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer the entire circumsolar space.” K. Tsiolkovsky On April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. On this day in 1961...

Drawing on the theme “Space” is an endless field for creative experiments. When depicting the Universe “on canvas,” a small or adult artist makes individual decisions: what paper to use, what colors to choose, how to design the composition and how to complement it. Depending on the choice of materials and execution technique, the design can be more vivid or less pronounced, rich in details or laconic and abstract. Space with planets, stars and a satellite, drawn in pencil or gouache, cannot be compared with watercolor in terms of realism. A small galaxy created with a sponge and acrylic paint will become the greatest pride of a novice artist or talented child. And if you have never had to do this kind of creativity before, don’t be upset. We will tell and show how to draw space in step-by-step master classes with photos and videos.

Drawings with colored pencils or paints on the theme “Space” - step-by-step master class for children

Children's drawings with paints or pencils on the theme “Space” are an excellent way of self-realization for the little ones. By depicting the cosmic abyss, colorful planets and fiery comets, children show their imagination, discover new talents, and show their individuality. And if several different techniques are used in a master class on creating illustrations, the process immediately becomes much more interesting, entertaining and educational.

Necessary materials for children's drawing with pencil and paints on the theme “Space”

  • thick white paper
  • black Whatman paper
  • compass (or round objects of different diameters - lids, saucers, glasses)
  • pencil
  • gouache paints (including white)
  • brushes of different thicknesses
  • stationery scissors
  • PVA glue

A step-by-step master class for children on creating a bright drawing on the theme “Space”

  1. Place a thick white sheet on the work surface. Using round objects of different diameters and an ordinary pencil, draw nine circles on paper.
  2. Depending on the diameter, the circle will be one or another planet. For example, the largest figure is Jupiter, and the smallest is Mercury.
  3. Using gouache paints, apply characteristic colors to the circles. You can look at the real colors of the planets in a children's encyclopedia, or you can create unusual fantasy planets to suit your taste.
  4. When the paint is completely dry, cut out the resulting shapes using sharp scissors along the contour.
  5. On a black piece of paper (you can use half) leave splashes of white gouache paint. To do this, take a little gouache on your brush and wave it over the paper several times.
  6. Plan the location of your planets "in space". Place them carefully on whatman paper and take a closer look. If you like the composition, proceed to the next stage.
  7. Using office glue or PVA, secure all the elements in place.
  8. Press each planet firmly with the palm of your hand or a thick textbook to ensure the pieces stick firmly. Do not overdo it with glue so that excess mass does not leak out to the sides. On a black background, the spots will be especially noticeable.
  9. After the glue has completely dried, remove the textbook and evaluate the result. Drawing with colored pencils or paints on the theme “Space” according to the step-by-step master class for children is completely ready! Photo 11

How to paint space with watercolors - an unusual idea for beginners

Using watercolors to create a “Space” drawing is much simpler than it seems at first glance. On a wet basis, the colors mix independently into bizarre galactic patterns, realistically displaying wondrous nebula and fine stardust. Even a child can cope with such a simple art technique. And for adults, we offer a more complicated option for beginning artists - an unusual idea to paint space with watercolors in a geometric shape.

Necessary materials for painting “Space” in watercolor for beginners

  • sheet of thick white paper
  • water and brushes of different sizes
  • watercolor paints
  • acrylic paints (black and white)
  • salt
  • ruler
  • protractor
  • sharpened pencil
  • masking fluid for watercolors (Art Masking fluid)

How to paint space in watercolor in an unusual way - step-by-step instructions

  1. Take the “pacific” as the basis for the image - a sign of peace and love. Using a template from the Internet, transfer the outline onto thick white paper. You can also draw the drawing yourself using a ruler and compass.
  2. To prevent watercolor stains from getting into restricted areas, use a special masking agent. At the last stage of preparing the drawing, it is easy to remove it from the white area.
  3. Fill in the sign with watercolor masking without going beyond the outline. Wait until completely dry.
  4. Thoroughly wet the areas between the axes of the sign with clean water. This way the paint will form more realistic “cosmic” stains.
  5. Apply a drop of blue watercolor to one of the wet areas. Don't make too harsh strokes; let the paint spread on its own.
  6. Add black watercolor or ink to the blue tones to create a natural galaxy effect.
  7. Thus, fill all the free areas with colorful stains. When the watercolor has dried a little, add a yellow glow and purple reflections.
  8. Don't be afraid to protrude into the white areas of the sign. When you're done, you can clean them.
  9. Sprinkle the still wet picture with coarse salt. Sprinkle the resulting space with small specks of white acrylic paint.
  10. When the image is completely dry, sketch out the outlines of the marvelous space town with a pencil. Using a thin brush and white paint, draw all the lines.
  11. As a final step, remove the thin film of watercolor masking from the white areas of the sign. The contours will become smooth and clear, and the fields will become snow-white.
  12. Now you know how to paint space in watercolor - an unusual idea for beginners will allow you to create a beautiful panel for your home or a bright postcard for a loved one with your own hands. Photo25

How to draw the perfect cosmos with stars, satellites and planets with a sponge on home ceramics

Most often, space is painted with watercolors - quickly, conveniently, and practically. But what if you want to cover a household item that is completely unsuitable for watercolor with a fashionable galactic image? After all, ceramics, wood and other popular materials absorb watery paint, leaving only faded shades on the surface. In this case, it is better to use pigment ink or acrylic paints in combination with a soft sponge or foam sponge. This way the image will be successfully fixed and will retain its brightness and clarity for a long time.

To learn how to quickly draw space with planets and stars with a sponge and acrylic paint on ceramics, see our next master class with photos.

Necessary materials for the drawing “Space with stars and planets” on home ceramics

  • old plain ceramic dishes
  • acrylic paints
  • spray with water
  • sponges or sponges of different sizes
  • synthetic brush
  • Matt lacquer

How to paint space with stars on ceramics with a sponge and acrylic paints

Another interesting and original option on how to paint space with paints

Watercolor images of space are good in themselves. They seem to be imbued with a special atmosphere of depth and mystery. But even such seemingly extraordinary drawings can be made even more entertaining. For example, combining a space background with a city panorama. You will learn how to paint space with paints for such an original and unusual option in our next step-by-step master class.

Necessary materials for the original painting “Space” with paints

  • thick landscape paper or watercolor paper
  • watercolor paints
  • masking fluid for watercolors
  • white acrylic paint
  • medical alcohol
  • salt
  • pencil and ruler
  • brushes of different thicknesses
  • artistic adhesive tape
  • black gel pen

How to paint space in an interesting and original way - step-by-step instructions

  1. Draw a horizontal line along the bottom half of the paper with a pencil. This way you will limit the drawing area. From the line up, draw several slender houses by hand. Don't worry about their symmetry. The more chaotic the buildings, the more original the drawing will look.
  2. Apply artistic tape underneath the line. It will serve as a limiter for paints.
  3. Paint over the houses with white watercolor masking. Wait for the liquid to dry.
  4. Moisten empty spaces on the sheet with clean water. On the wet surface of the paper, spread different shades of blue: from deep inky to sky blue.
  5. Add additional colors to different tones of blue watercolor - lilac, pink, green, etc. The galaxy should turn out bright and more or less natural.
  6. Sprinkle the wet pattern with table salt. As soon as the “space” dries, shake off the grains.
  7. Using white acrylic paint and an art brush (you can use a toothbrush), leave small white drops - stars - on the drawing.
  8. Place drops of alcohol in several places. The substance will slightly blur the paint and give the image a more complete look.
  9. Use an eraser to lift the masking layer and remove the thin film. Now the places for houses are in perfect order.
  10. Using a black pen, draw windows and doors on the houses. Remove the art tape.
  11. This interesting and original version of how to paint space with paints will appeal not only to children. Even adults will enjoy spending time with such an exciting creative process.

How to quickly draw and successfully use the “Space” drawing in gouache

To beautifully draw space with gouache and use it in an original way in your home interior or as a souvenir, you need to make a blank yourself. To do this you will need thick paper and an ordinary wooden hoop. By carefully pressing a damp white sheet between the circles of the hoop, and then drying it with hairdryers, you will create an ideal field for “cosmic” creativity.

Necessary materials for drawing “Space” with gouache paints

  • blank - hoop with paper
  • gouache paints
  • white cardboard cutouts (feather, polar bear, diamond, etc.)
  • good photo
  • white acrylic paint
  • tinted or printed paper

Master class on the creation and original use of gouache drawing “Space”

After watching our step-by-step master classes with photos and videos, you learned how to draw space with a pencil, gouache, watercolor or sponge with acrylic paints. Spend a little more time on the process, and your drawing on the theme “Space” with planets, stars and a satellite will be ideal not only for children, but also for novice artists.

Space exploration is possible with children of preschool and early school age. Kids are interested in everything. But since it is still difficult to scientifically tell them the entire theory of the starry sky, pictures, drawings, cartoons, games, coloring books, stories, poems, songs and even riddles about space for children will come to the aid of parents and educators. All this you can find on the website.

Here you can watch a free video presentation for children using the Doman method about Space and the Planets of the Solar System -.

Games for children of preschool and primary school age are aimed at developing fine motor skills of the fingers, memory, logic, attentiveness, creative games, coloring and much more. In addition, here you can download cards with the Planets for children for free - real photographs and drawings.

With the help of such fun and simple games, you will instill in your child a love of Space, he will discover a lot of new and unknown things for himself, and get acquainted with the world around him.


Here you can download cards with Planets for children for free. Click on the picture to print.

How to play?

For the youngest kids, you can simply show cards with the Planets and list their names. Then invite the child to choose first from two options, then the more necessary Planet. A very good game is when you print out two options with these space cards, cut one option into cards with Planets and invite the child to lay out the cards with Planets and name the name of this or that Planet. You can also play a very good game to develop memory - print out two versions with the Planets of the Solar System, cut them into cards, turn them over and find two identical Planets in pairs.

Another free space game. Print, cut into cards and make up a story with your child about the Planets of the Solar System, about astronauts, etc. This game is aimed at developing speech, fine motor skills of the fingers and getting to know the world around us.

A space game to develop mindfulness.

Here you need to find the extra ones in each line.

on the development of fine motor skills of children's fingers. Here you need to help the rockets get to the Planets - circle the dotted line with a pencil.

Space puzzle for kids. Cut the pictures into as many pieces as your child can put together.

A game to develop attention. Here you need to connect identical Planets.

We sort the Planets by size: large, medium and small.

Here you need to color Planet Earth by numbers. Creative game for children.

Video materials

Children love to check information and see its accuracy with their own eyes. A cartoon about astronauts and planet Earth will help you with this. Video clips will clearly show children how our solar system lives.

1. Why. “What kind of planets are there?”

This cartoon, whose heroes are a boy, a girl and a cosmic creature, will tell you what the planets of the solar system are like. Here the children will clearly see how it is built, what is the diameter of the Earth, what are the distances between the planets. The study of astronomy is structured in a fascinating way, in the form of a journey of heroes. You can watch the cartoon here

2. Astronomy for the little ones

The cartoon is dedicated to the study of the movement of planets in orbits. Children will see with their own eyes how space works. They will be invited on a journey by the astronaut bunny, the main character of the video. If you use your imagination, you can fly on spaceships and learn a lot from aliens. You can watch the cartoon here

3. Film series Dizyak Mizyak

Dizyak Mizyak's studio offers children a film about space, in which letters and syllables are simultaneously studied. An astronaut and a spaceship bring letters to an unknown planet. Thanks to such a clear and visual way, children quickly learn to read. You can download or watch the video here

4. Presentation “Space and Man”

This presentation is based on scientific facts, real photographs and space footage. It talks about astronauts and the structure of space and is perfect for schoolchildren. You can download or watch it here

Also on the site you will find songs and poems about space. Have fun studying!


"Every atom of our body
was once a star."
Vincent Freeman

A week ago on our creative Instagram @miftvorchestvo we launched a competition for the best completion of the task from the notebook “642 ideas on what to draw”. The task sounded simple - space. Many creative and imaginative works were published for the competition. You can see them all by tag. We publish the best works and give a step-by-step master class on how to learn to draw space.

Best works for competition #642ideicosmos

“If you can’t fly into space, make it come to you.” Author of the photo - @al.ex_kv.

“And when darkness sleeps beside you, And the morning is far away, I wanna hold your hand and guide you...” Parov Stelar ft. Lilja Bloom - Shine. Photo by @julia_owlie.

Are they really cool? 🙂

Step-by-step master class

If you did not participate in the competition, but also want to learn how to draw space, save somewhere these step-by-step instructions on what and how to do so that it turns out bright and beautiful.

1. In order to draw the Universe, only 3-4 colors are enough. At least that's the amount you can start with. Important: The sheet for watercolors must be very dense so that it does not wrinkle from water and so that the paint spreads beautifully and evenly.

2. The outline can be drawn with a hard pencil to indicate the space that you will wet with water. Wet part of the allocated space.

3. Apply paint to the wetted area. Try to make the contours beautiful.

4. Wet the rest of the space with water and apply a different color of paint. Selectively add bright pops of color throughout the design. The drawing must be wet so that the paint flows beautifully.

5. Once the design is completely dry, apply the stars. This can be done with white or yellow paint using an old toothbrush.

6. Some stars could be drawn more carefully.

Photo for the master class from the site kitty-ink.tumblr.com.

If you sprinkle salt on a wet drawing, the structure of space will turn out even more interesting. The salt will absorb some of the paint, and if you shake it off after it has completely dried, there will be beautiful white dots and clouds in place of the salt.

On our creative Instagram @miftvorchestvo we will regularly hold competitions on notebooks “642 ideas, what to draw”, “642 ideas, what to write about” and “642 ideas, what else to write about” (new!). Subscribe to keep up to date with everything creative, interesting and creatively fun.

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