Family trip. To the museum with the whole family. Family trip to museums

Travel rules for the Family trip "The whole family to the museum"

1. Travel…

You can start your journey from any museum on the themed route and continue in the order you like.

To start your trip, you need to come to the selected museum on a weekend at any time during its opening hours and simply buy entrance tickets. There is no additional fee for participating in the program! Please remember that ticket offices in museums usually close an hour earlier than the museum.

2. Documents and navigation maps...

At the first museum, all travelers from 5 to 14 years old will receive a game passport.

The passport contains information about its owner and is equipped with four travel maps, which include museums participating in thematic routes, and also contains all the information about the work of the museums. In addition, in the passport you will find brief descriptions of all museum routes.

By presenting their passport, travelers receive a game guide at each museum, with the help of which they set off on a journey full of surprises and discoveries.

After completing the tasks in the guidebook, you will be given a stamp in the circles next to the names of the museums. The more museums you go through, the more prints will appear on your map.

Don't forget your passport at home, always take it with you.

If you have lost your passport, you can obtain a duplicate from any participating museum. However, the stamp impressions of the museums visited are, alas, not restored: they are different in all museums.

3. Pleasant trifles...

The traveler's passport and guidebooks remain with you as a keepsake. You can color them, re-read them, complete assignments at home, and also show them to friends and acquaintances and even show off a little. After all, when you have learned something interesting and also completed tricky tasks, you have something to be proud of!

Each museum will also give you a small commemorative reward. Each thematic route has its own rewards.

When you go through all the museums of one thematic route, you will also become the owner of a memorable diploma.

4. Family passes...

As part of the project, family subscriptions have been published, which are distributed through the Moscow Department of Social Protection of the Population, the Public Relations Committee and the Moscow Department of Culture among low-income and socially vulnerable families.

If you are a family pass holder, this information is for you.

A family pass entitles a family of up to four people in any composition to free entry to any six participating museums.

Don't forget your season ticket at home: without it you won't be given free tickets.

The subscription is valid only on the days of the program.

If you have lost your membership, we will not be able to replace the loss. Take care of him.

The subscription has six identical tear-off stubs, which will be torn off when visiting museums. When there are no tear-off stubs left, the subscription ceases to provide free entry to the museum. But the journey can be continued by purchasing regular entrance tickets. All benefits established by the Moscow Government and the Moscow Department of Culture are preserved.

5. For adults...

Dear adults! The success of your family trip largely depends on you.

To help you on your upcoming journey, we have prepared a Cheat Sheet for Adults, which you can download from this page just below. Also, many museums have written useful Tips for Parents for you, which you will find on this website on the museum pages (with a description, ticket prices and opening hours).

If you are taking a very young child with you, remember that all museums of routes for children 5-7 and 8-11 years old have prepared special sheets with several simple tasks for children 3-4 years old. You can download them below. There are no such leaflets on the teenage route.

For cases when your children want to complete tasks on their own, without your help, museums have written additional interesting information for you about some of the exhibits that you will meet along the way. Attention! This information can only be downloaded from this site. It is not in museums. Download, print, and go!

« Moscow State United Museum-Reserve invites boys and girls, as well as their parents, to take part in the inter-museum program “Family Journey: the whole family to the museum.” This project is taking place in our museum for the fourth time. This year, young guests will have an exciting journey with guidebook “Why is the brownie sad?” at the Kolomenskoye Peasant's Estate (Ethnographic Center, nearest metro station "Kolomenskoye"). During the trip you will visit a real Russian hut. Find out how it works. You will also find answers to the following questions: what is a lighthouse? Where is the basement? What did the Kolomna peasants do and what nickname did they have?

To participate in the program, you need to buy a regular entrance ticket to the Ethnographic Center at the ticket office, then at the exhibition you will receive a free Traveler’s Passport, a game guide and parting words from the museum staff. Travel is possible start with any museum participating in the thematic route “Everything flows, everything changes?”

We are waiting for you every Saturday and Sunday from September 26 to November 15, 2015 during museum opening hours: September 26 from 11.00 to 19.00, and all subsequent weekends from 10.00 to 18.00

Come, you won't be bored!

Information about all events of the parallel program, the schedule, as well as conditions for participation are contained in a special information booklet, which each family will receive in museums participating in the main program.

Additional information about museums and project routes can be found on the following websites:WWW. KIDSINMUSEUMS. RU, WWW. KULTURA. M.O.S.. RU

During school holidays, from November 1 to November 6, 2016 year every day, as well as from November 12 to December 18 Every Saturday and Sunday Moscow museums cease to be just museums! Only once a year they are combined into new themed routes, full of surprises, unexpected discoveries, clever riddles and puzzles. Museums become places for play and fun, observation and exploration, reflection and debate. Museums will reveal to children, teenagers and their parents the secrets of different times, people and professions. One thing is required from travelers - active participation, so that not a single mystery remains unsolved. You just need to choose a route that is suitable for your age and interest, and set off to meet bright impressions.

Topics of the routes of the project "Family trip. Take the whole family to the museum"

For children 5-7 years old, the route “Science is not a joke!”
Biological Museum named after. K. A. Timiryazeva
Museum of Architecture named after A. V. Shchusev
Moscow Literary Museum-Center of K. G. Paustovsky
Museum of Archeology of Moscow
Museum "Lights of Moscow"

For children aged 8-11 years, the route “Science is not boring!”
Intercession Cathedral, State Historical Museum
Polytechnic Museum (exhibition "Russia does it itself")
Zoological Museum of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Museum and memorial complex "History of the T-34 tank"
Central Museum of Musical Culture named after. M. I. Glinka
Ilya Glazunov Gallery
"House of N.V. Gogol" - memorial museum and scientific library

For teenagers from 12 years old, the route “And genius, and experience, and chance...”
House-Museum of A.P. Chekhov, State Literary Museum
Museum of Contemporary Russian History
Money Museum
Museum of the International Society "Memorial"
Memorial apartment of Andrei Bely
House-Museum of A. I. Herzen, State Literary Museum

You can start your journey from any museum on each age-specific thematic route. To do this, you need to buy a regular entrance ticket, receive a free Traveler's Passport, a game guide and parting words from the museum staff. You can continue your museum adventure in any order.

When visiting each subsequent museum, the young traveler receives a new guidebook and other necessary materials. And, of course, small but memorable gifts await all travelers. And if you visit all the museums on one thematic route, then you will also receive a traveler’s diploma!

If the traveler is so young that he doesn’t even fall into the “5 to 7 years old” category, it doesn’t matter! After all, in every museum (except for the teenage route) special sheets have been prepared with simple but interesting tasks for children 3-4 years old. And for adult travel companions, the museums have prepared interesting additional information for the routes, which can be downloaded from the project website.

From September 26 to November 15, on Saturdays and Sundays, Moscow museums hold a travel game. 27 museums, 4 themed routes, 27 game guides, 48 ​​activities for the whole family. Interesting stories, riddles, puzzles, unexpected travel companions and a lot of pleasure from friendly live communication. All this - "Family trip. The whole family to the museum!" - an inter-museum program conducted with the support of the Moscow Department of Culture.

The program includes museums dedicated to great events and famous people, musical and artistic, literary and historical, technical and natural science. With a rich and varied program, everyone will find a museum to their liking.

Twenty-seven museums are combined into four routes of the main program, each of which in its own way reveals a unifying theme on the pages of the game guide, while finding meaningful paths to each other. Game characters will help young travelers navigate the exhibition and tasks on the pages of the guidebooks, and thoughtful questions will quietly involve visitors in joint thinking, discussion and exchange of opinions. A special route has been developed for teenagers that will not make them feel like participants in a children's game. You can start your journey from any museum by purchasing a regular museum admission ticket and continue in any order.

New museum experiences will also be provided by parallel program events designed specifically for family audiences and teenagers.

Game activities and excursions, master classes and quests, literary, musical and historical trips are available to everyone also on Saturdays and Sundays according to a special schedule. Libraries prepared a separate block of events. The full content of the parallel program and schedule of events is on the project website ( and in a special booklet.


" Route "To the museum without a leash..."

"Museum-panorama "Battle of Borodino"

"Museum of V. A. Tropinin and Moscow artists of his time

"Ilya Glazunov Gallery

"Museum" P. I. Tchaikovsky and Moscow" (department of the VMOMC named after M. I. Glinka)

"State Museum of Oriental Art

" Zoological Museum of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov

"Museum of Contemporary History of Russia

"Route "In the footsteps of..."

" Space Museum

" Memorial Museum of A. N. Scriabin

" Museum and memorial complex "History of the T-34 tank"

"State Museum of Defense of Moscow

" Moscow Literary Museum-Center of K. G. Paustovsky

" State Geological Museum named after V.I. Vernadsky RAS

"Museum of Money

" Route "Everything flows, everything changes?"

"Museum of Archeology of Moscow (department of the Moscow Museum of Moscow")

" State Biological Museum named after K. A. Timiryazev

"Moscow State United Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye"

" Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno"

"House-Museum of A.P. Chekhov (department of the State Literary Museum)


"House of N.V. Gogol - memorial museum and scientific library

"State Museum of Ceramics and "Kuskovo Estate of the 18th Century"

" Moscow Museum of Modern Art

"Museum of Naive Art

"Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War

" Museum of Science and Industry

"House-Museum of A. I. Herzen (department of the State Literary Museum)

" Museum of the International Society "Memorial"


Project "Family trip. The whole family to the museum!" - the only large-scale city inter-museum program for the whole family. It has been implemented annually with the support of the Moscow Department of Culture since 2008. The initiator and organizer of the program is the State Biological Museum named after. K.A. Timiryazev. In 2014, the total attendance of the project was more than 110 thousand people.