I dreamed that someone said run. Run away from danger in a dream - get protection in real life

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Did you dream of running away and hiding, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of running away and hiding in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I dream that I and my family and friends are hiding in dark huge houses, we are constantly running and hiding, from something huge (but I didn’t see it specifically), there are constantly rustling noises, shadows, objects moving and scarlet lights

    In a dream, lightning from the tower kills all the people and destroys everything near the tower. I also see people dying, hit by black and red lightning that looks like machine gun bullets from the tower. There are destroyed burning buildings in a circle. I’m trying to run further from this place, climbed over a high mesh fence and run further from this place through vegetable gardens and courtyards, fearing that lightning might kill me too. I reached a stone tunnel, where it’s dark. A man joins me, who I also ran away from this lightning. Then, I understand that I am a woman. We walk together in a dark tunnel. We found a badge attached to his chest on his clothes. I decided to get rid of this badge and throw it away and persuade the man to throw away his badge too. I think that we are employees and we are tracked using these badges and killed with lightning, as unnecessary witnesses. For some reason, the man wanted to go online through his phone and we see how lightning struck the place where we threw the icons. Then we see the light at the end of the tunnel...

    At the beginning of the dream, I saw a black tornado from the window... it was approaching and then going away, it was double... then it enveloped the whole house from the window, the sky was black, then it disappeared and appeared somewhere far away... a little later people appeared, it seemed like terrorists, they were in clown masks and could become huge, that they looked into the third floor, then of normal height... looking through the windows, they looked for people and killed them... they also killed all the people who were on the street... there was panic, there were corpses lying, someone was running away... later I I went outside to find some other shelter, when I approached my friends, this car with those terrorists drove up and started getting out, I ran home... during sleep they didn’t do anything to me, but I often met their eyes and they peered into them... when I was at home they looked into my windows but I covered them with curtains...

    I ran away from a group of people and tried to hide from them, but every time they found me. It was like playing hide and seek, but not fun at all. They found every new place I hid in with ease, as if they knew exactly where I was. The dream ended with me running with another girl, and thinking where else I could hide. All this time I was in a hospital gown

    Hello! I dreamed that I was in an unfamiliar area, with a company that seemed to be on vacation in a hotel and I was hiding, running away from someone, moving from room to room and climbing down a rope through the window, I felt like I was being chased and overtaken. 1 man was chasing me. I don't know why

    I was running with some girl by the hand, but in my thoughts I thought that she was my friend. In life I don’t know her. Some guy was running after us. In a dream I knew him, but in life I don’t know him. We we ran for a long time, then we ran into the courtyard of some school and the alarm went off... There was another guy with us. He helped us run and hide... we all perceived it as a game... when the alarm went off, we ran to the porch of the school, and this guy didn’t reach us a little... And I woke up

    I dreamed that I and some other people were taken hostage. We are on a ship, the ship is standing in the middle of a lake. I understand that we were taken hostage by my ex and his partner. I don’t remember how or why, I stole an expensive piece of jewelry from him, I think it was a ring. She jumped into the water, the water was clear and she swam. She swam both on and under the water. He watched and it was as if I read his thoughts; he knew that he would catch up with me. But I quickly got to the shore, although the shore was very sloping, and ran into the forest. He looked for me, but didn't find me. I used to dream about my ex for six nights in a row and in the form of my late husband. He was in the house of my deceased grandmother and my mother fed him, and I was unhappy, then a big truck arrived and my uncle from this truck got me a can of watermelons, then we live in some house as a family and that he wants to break off the relationship with my woman, but I have to talk to her and she calmly leaves (although in the dream she is a young girl, but in reality he lives with a woman eighteen years older than him) We again have a secret relationship, he confesses his love to me with music and gives me a massage , we part so that no one can see us and for some reason I give him my boots, his woman is watching us, I’m scared, then she hires a beggar to harm me - I run away. I also dreamed that I was trying to clean his toilet room with a toothbrush first (I cleaned a small piece), and then I began to clean his dirty toilet (not in feces), I had a dream that I wanted to buy new shoes, and I looked - I was standing in black shoes on heels, but they are not new. The last dream, he is old and a beggar sitting on the ocean shore, and I offer him help, how to steal money from the bank by cunning and he becomes young again.

    at first there was a fight with a guy, I don’t know him, but in the dream we knew each other, my nose was broken, when I ran into the crowd and asked for help, it was as if no one saw or heard me, only a friend came up and said that he would see him home later , we started running away from there with the girls, through the spring forest, they seemed to be looking for us, but one dog ran past us, and the second didn’t even look in our direction, we ran further, and ended up in some large abandoned building, breaking the walls looked like bricks, but as it turned out, the boards went to another room of the building, people we knew noticed us, threw screwdrivers and screws past us, then they came up and we just talked as if we were acquaintances, but at the same time we ran away further, there were two windows, one was blocked up as if with a structure of material, next to it there were boards laid up, it was easy for me to roam, having freed one side the burrs were visible on the window, but when I freed the second from the boards the burrs were no longer there, it was winter outside the window, we still got out of buildings and ended up in someone's yard, to close the gate behind you, you had to twist it and jump over it, but there was a goat that was basically fighting while I was tightening the bolt, the grandfather was standing in the yard smoking and just watching, somehow I was already on the other side, my grandmother was there and offered me something to eat or something like that, but I refused, in the end my mother appeared somewhere and chatted nicely with this grandmother, and I told my mother that I wanted to live like I wanted to eat and hugged her , and I
    I woke up, why I dreamed about it, and how to interpret it all

    I'm running away from a man who wants me to be with him. But this is contrary to my desire. He constantly finds me and I'm scared. Me and others are trying to poison him. But he doesn't do me any harm.

    I dreamed that I was running away from someone, but before that I set fire to something like dynamite in front of the building (the building is our office), trying to blow it up. And then again I ran away, either through the window, trying to go down some wall, or down from some fence, hiding all the time so that no one would see me. Hiding under some walls, fences, behind bushes

    In the dream, I ran away from all the people with my friends separately. They wanted to catch me
    Some I knew and others I didn’t. And in one, my keys were stolen in my pocket, I caught up with her and then ran back

    I’m walking down the street, I see a man, apparently an alcoholic, he seemed familiar to me and I ran to a nearby store, he followed me, I don’t know what to do and I started hiding behind the saleswoman with the words “take him away.” I was very afraid of that man, although he didn’t look familiar, but I felt like I knew him well.

    I dreamed that I was having an affair with the president, and I don’t remember some money, it just had something to do with money. I found out my brother was very angry and wanted to kill me, I ran away from him and hid in the street, then it turned out that they were accusing me of something and they wanted to put me in prison for something I don’t remember, everyone was looking for me and I ran away and ran away. I felt some kind of fear, I don’t remember how it ended. Why such a dream?

    I saw that I was running very hard, first from one stranger, then he was arguing with another stranger and the second one began to chase me. He wanted me to stay with him. I didn’t believe it all the time, I ran and his girlfriend helped him. Then I hid, he couldn’t find me and left.. Why all this?

    People were led through a corridor, which consisted of several sections. They were being led to kill them, but it was possible to escape while the sections were still open. Some managed to escape, including me. There was also a minefield there, but we managed to get through it.

    In the dream, three people burst into the house when I was not beaten. The grandfather whom they were killing was in Donetsk, I saw it from afar and started to hide, they didn’t see me. In the dream I was very scared.

    I dreamed that I found myself in some town unknown to me and I was scared all the time. That someone was spying on me and I was trying to run away. then somewhere a bicycle appeared and I was already riding a bicycle, and a woman younger than me was chasing me, also on a bicycle. At first the road was asphalted. and then came the mud and the field. but I directly jump over this mud and drive again into some village and, already in the company of a man and a woman, we again run and hide from our pursuers. We run out into some square. where there are a lot of people. but I don't know. that these people will not help us and then I see a group of men. whom I know. that they are some kind of elite group. I run up to them and hide among them. but the pursuers see me and try to take me away. and I ask them for protection. They all get on the truck and drive away, and one elderly man waves his hand at me and says, “Come on, I’ll take you out” and takes me away. And I think, I was saved. and these two. with whom I ran away. they took them and they will be killed. woke up in fear. what is all this for?? I have a house in the village where my grandparents lived. There are 9 old women in it. But a year has already passed since they are gone. From that moment I stopped going there... So, in my dream I was in that house with my cat. I went out into the street in my underwear and a raincoat, and some man followed me, I became scared. Somehow I ran away from him and hid behind a high fence. I watched him through the crack. Two boys (8-10 years old) pass by the fence and are chatting about something, but then my gaze goes to my cat, and I begin to panic, fear JUST AS THOSE GUYS CALLED HIS NAME, MANILI, and I was afraid that he would not go to him. But my fears were not confirmed, he did not fall into their hands, and only when I went out and called him to me, he came to me. This is where they woke me up

    It all started with the fact that I was accused of murder, which I had heard nothing about, I don’t know who was killed and I don’t even remember the previous day. I managed to hide and run away from the people who were trying to catch me. People who were fat and acquaintances helped. At first they hid in their old house, where they once lived with their parents in the village. There were a lot of strangers there. Then I found myself in some building, running away, being chased and shot at. They caught up, almost gave up, stopped, aimed a gun at me, but the man didn’t shoot and let me go. There was no more chase, I was already in my usual environment in the city, but there were still thoughts in my head that I needed to run and hide. There was no guilt, there was a strong feeling that she had not committed a crime.

    First I was walking with a classmate, and then an intersection appeared from somewhere. I crossed it, but my classmate did not. Then I found myself on the mountain and started to get out with some person. But then I found myself on the icy surface and some people, two men, began to chase me. I thought they were dead and ran away. But they caught me and sheltered me. And they took care of me in some wooden house, where there were many girls and boys.

    I ran away from the girl and hid, I owed her money, 10 rubles, they wanted this money and couldn’t just give it back, I got lost in the maze, all the places were similar, I hid in the tunnels and there the old man helped me find the way

    I dreamed of a column of people walking near houses along a mud road, and we stopped where there were trees and bushes in front of the house to rest. The man began to tell us that tigers could run and suddenly the people in front screamed and screamed. Everyone started running in the opposite direction. I ran too and saw an old house. The door was open and I entered. Next came girls of different ages from 3 to 18 years old, there were about 10 of them. I told them to go into the house from the veranda, but they didn’t listen. And suddenly I saw a tiger walking into the yard through the window. She told everyone to quietly go into the house. And before the two girls had time to run in, they hid in the pantry. I told my grandmother, the owner of the house, the situation; she was old and didn’t understand well. Through the window I saw two tigers jumping in the snow. And the third tried to break into the house

If someone is chasing you in a dream or wants to attack you, this means that there is a place of concern in your real life. In such dreams, the pursuer may be an attacker, an animal, a monster, or some vague figure. Typically, the stalker wants to harm you, catch you, injure you, or even kill you. Fleeing is an instinctive response to physical threat, both in the real world and in dreams. Naturally, in a dream you are trying to run away, hide, or somehow outwit your pursuer. Such dreams have several meanings.

Chasing in a dream means avoiding or ignoring real problems in life. Your actions in a dream show how you respond to the pressure of life situations and how you cope with fears and stress. If you run away from persecution, then in real life you act in a similar way when solving situations. Instead of confronting circumstances, you try to run away from problems and what does not suit you. If you are trying to hide from your pursuer in a dream, it means that in life you are hiding from problems.

Chasing in a dream means running away from oneself. The pursuer or attacker may be an aspect of your own personality. Perhaps you suppress or reject some feelings or character traits. Anger, jealousy, fear and even love can appear in your dreams as a threatening figure. You are projecting your own personality onto the pursuer.

When interpreting a dream about a chase, take into account the distance between you and the threatening figure. This indicates your proximity to the problem. If the stalker is very close or even attacks you, this indicates that the problem will not go away. The problem will remain unresolved until you confront him. If in a dream you increase the gap between you and the one who is pursuing you, then you will be able to successfully solve the problem or it will disappear.

It’s a good sign when you successfully avoid being chased in a dream - this subconscious mind gives a good sign that no matter what difficulties you encounter, they will be easy to overcome. Dreams of persecution are usually based on the desire to get away from problems such as the inability to build relationships with colleagues and relatives, the feeling of being a black sheep in society and of being useless to others. There are different dream books, and they interpret the question differently - what does it mean to run in a dream.

Hasse's dream book believes that leaving an enemy in a dream means the return of the past. In order not to be frightened by trifles, a person needs to learn to interpret his dreams well - learn to remember them. It is better to remember all the little things, all the details and details. Try to preserve all the sensations. It is better to write it down in the present tense on a piece of paper after sleep. The most important messages from the subconscious are conveyed by dreams that are bright, colorful and full of emotions! To correctly interpret a dream, you need to sort it out and find correspondences in life and in a dream. Consider all the details, pay special attention to feelings in conflict situations (if there were any). It is necessary to analyze the dream because of the feeling and experience. In a dream, a person’s subconscious signals facts that are not visible in life. Having learned to interpret dreams, a person begins to better understand himself, his life and possibilities.

According to the dream book of the 21st century. Diseases run away, appear in a dream, and can rarely foreshadow illnesses in reality. While running, if you get sick in a dream with some completely unspecified disease, then in reality life’s anxieties or worries await you. If a sick relative recovers in a dream after running, this means the presence of obsessive fears that are hidden from the subconscious. Appearing sick and at the same time seeing how everyone around is running and caring - this may mean a desire for carelessness in real life, to run away from all existing problems; the dreamer may be an absolutely irresponsible person. If in a dream you clearly see yourself sick and at the same time cheerfully run long distances, this means moral fatigue, your nerves are on edge, the dreamer needs urgent rest in order to gain strength and continue living.

If you dream of familiar people, then you need to determine if there is any connection with these people. This can be both a financial and emotional connection! Being stalked by strangers could mean that the brain is thinking that the person doesn't fit in with the world around them. This state is typical for the period after moving to another environment. Often such dreams precede such turning points in life as promotion on the career ladder or weddings.

Such a dream, where the pursuer is a familiar person, indicates that in real life this person will bring many problems and difficulties. It is worth considering caution in communicating with him. Or, this may indicate that the dreamer himself is worried that this person will overtake him in some areas of his life and take away what belongs to him. A person is constantly in this fear. If this is the case, then you need to think about a more loyal attitude towards the problem and this fictional rival and not drive yourself into such stress.

Being chased by a stranger in a dream, from whom you have to run, may symbolize some kind of complex or shortcoming that the dreamer in real life wants to get rid of. Or is it some kind of negative character trait that often lets a person down in life and brings him a lot of trouble. The dream can clearly indicate it through the image and behavior of the stalker. It is worth reconsidering your behavior and trying to get rid of this trait.

If in a dream criminals or monsters managed to catch up with the person who is seeing this dream, and also inflict damage and injury on him, then this should be interpreted in such a way that in real life they can be haunted by significant problems and losses from some unpleasant situations. What problem will “catch up”.

Monsters, criminals who haunt dreams - all this is a symbol of problems that surround a person in real life. You shouldn’t run away from them; perhaps the most correct option is to turn to face them and give a worthy rebuff. Perhaps there will be no battle and it will be possible to simply come to an agreement and easily solve all the problems. Fear has big eyes, but you can’t run away from problems forever. In most cases, it turns out that fears of solving the problem were useless and greatly exaggerated.

But more often than not, such dreams symbolize a person’s desire to escape from a problem or set of problems that surrounds him. And the bandits or monsters that chase you in these dreams are a “visualization” of problems. In this case, you expose yourself to suffering for no reason. Remember, you need to go back and face your pursuers (or aspect of yourself) and negotiate with them. Then your drama will stop. If you cannot budge or move very slowly, this means that you will soon have to face a problem that you did not want to pay attention to. Problems can be not only external. In a dream, a person may be “chased” by his own binge drinking and drug addiction.

Besides, a dog is a friend. A dog barking at you may be a friend who is making you angry. But a dog that rushes at you from a gateway in a dream clearly indicates that an enemy has suddenly appeared or an unexpected nuisance. If the dog is familiar to you, this indicates the source of the problem. An excellent pedigree for your dog will most likely mean that you have high expectations for your life or career. Seeker Running on your trail means either an enemy is chasing you, or a friend who is looking for you. If you were bitten by a dog, then this means an image received from a friend. A thin, hungry, homeless dog can indicate illness and trouble for friends or troubles in your personal life. If your friend works with you in business, then the image of a skinny, big dog may indicate trouble and illness in that particular one. A dog show indicates your ambitions and claims. Seeing yourself as a dog owner in a dream means success; This is the personification of the fact that you control yourself, control the situation.

If you regularly have the same dream, it means that your psyche is trying to reach your consciousness so that you pay attention to problems in the body, warns Tatyana Mizinova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, leading researcher at the Institute of Psychoanalysis. - Such dreams more often indicate that there is some kind of trauma, a conflict zone in the psyche. Or a person has a strong unfulfilled desire. The third option is that the subconscious mind tells you about your physiological state. If, for example, you dream of shackles on your feet, maybe rheumatism has already come up? Dream symbolism can really be so straightforward. In any case, you cannot ignore the signals - try to understand the meaning of the message yourself or go to a psychologist.

Therefore, a mountain can indicate the dreamer’s social ambitions: the higher and steeper its slopes, the more unrealistic a person’s career aspirations. However, low mountains may indicate that the dreamer’s level of aspirations is greatly underestimated. Therefore, the realism of ambitions will be associated with the fact that it is possible to climb the mountain or the dreamer can imagine himself at the top only thanks to a “magic demolition”. The better the road and the method of ascent are visible, the greater the likelihood that the dreamer will pass the life (barrier) the path itself, and will not dream of mythical benefactors.

A person who has to run in a dream is in reality trying to escape from the problems and affairs that haunt his head. To find out in more detail the interpretation of the dream - to run, as well as what this action is dreamed of, films will help. To do this, you need to try to recreate a detailed picture of the dream from the plot of the dream, the emotional experiences of the dreamer and the end of the dream.

A dream in which you have to run away from a man warns of the danger of being deceived. It is worthwhile to carefully study all the materials when signing a contract, and when purchasing large household appliances, carefully inspect the purchased product. For a girl who is trying to escape from her husband, such a dream means a subconscious fear of starting a serious relationship. If the person in the dream is familiar, the dream book interprets it as a warning that a relationship with him will not bring happiness.

Why do you dream of running away from the police? According to the dream book, such a dream means fear of a person and exerts obvious pressure. This person is much stronger and more powerful than the dreamer. Running away from the police in a dream may foreshadow a conflict with a person at work who has a high position.

Why do you dream of running away from a tiger? Such a dream speaks of a person’s subconscious fear that he does not have enough strength and vital energy to complete the work he has started. The dream book advises taking a break from your daily activities, which will give you the opportunity to relax and gain strength.

The life of absolutely each of us is completely unique and filled with a variety of events every day.

But in reality our actions are limited by our own consciousness, common sense, and education. But in dreams everything is different.

Sometimes we dream about everything, and we do all sorts of actions in our mysterious dreams! It is interesting that simple and ordinary physical actions at night can carry a special symbolic meaning. And what is literal and clear in reality can speak of something hidden and important in dreams.

You don’t have to run away often – and fortunately, because this action is unlikely to be associated with anything pleasant or joyful. In real life, many people do not often have the opportunity to run away - from danger, from being chased by an angry dog ​​or bandits.

It's more reminiscent of an action-packed adventure film, or even an action movie. There, heroes often escape from pursuit, from bandits or police, from predatory animals - and not only dogs, but also from a bear, wolf, bull or even a tiger.

But in dreams, we ourselves can sometimes become heroes of such a film - and experience all this ourselves. Running away and hiding, hiding from danger and pursuit - what does all this mean, why do you dream of running away, what can you expect in reality after such a dynamic dream?

A lot depends on the scenario and details, such as:

  • You ran away from a man in a dream.
  • From an angry bear.
  • From a large bull or cow.
  • From an angry dog.
  • From a snake.
  • From another animal.
  • From the chase.
  • From bandits or a maniac.
  • Just from a stranger.
  • From my husband.
  • From danger.
  • From prison or captivity.
  • You had to hide while running away.

Who were you running from in your troubled dreams? This directly determines what you dream about running away to, so don’t miss the details - this is important. Let's see what the interpreter says.

Run as fast as you can

Who or what you had to run from is the main question after such a dream. However, it is worth considering that such “effective” dreams, in which you did not see a certain sign, but your actions were a sign, these dreams are unusual.

Most often they indicate some internal, hidden processes in the subconscious. As for attempts to escape, in this case, most often the metaphor is simple - you are trying or want to escape in reality, you are trying to hide.

From whom or what? Of course, not from a bull, dog or bear, but from any of your own fears, from difficulties or dangers, from responsibility - there can be an infinite number of options here.

And the main advice is to look inside yourself, delve into your inner fears, open them, and work with them. Because, as such a dream says, they interfere with you - and it’s time to change, to work on yourself.

1. As the dream book says, running away from a man in a dream is a hint that you are extremely frivolous and gullible in reality. This does not at all mean that you are in danger from some man, it indicates that you should be more careful in the business sphere so as not to fall into a trap.

Be careful when signing documents, making transactions and giving money - your carelessness can play a very cruel joke. Don't let this happen.

2. If you had to run as fast as you could in a dream and hide from an angry bear, then this dream, as absolutely all dream books say, foreshadows a quick wedding and happiness in the family. This strange metaphor is very old – and, believe me, time-tested!

3. If you were running away from a snake in a dream, this is a reason to take care of your health and not treat it carelessly. You are susceptible to illness and vulnerable, which means you should take care of yourself so as not to get sick for a long time.

4. Running away from a wild bull in your dreams is a difficult sign. Chasing a bull promises, on the one hand, a strong patron whom you reject or fear (but in vain), or it may foreshadow your conversations and contacts with your superiors.

But it is obvious that you are afraid of your superiors, and this fear is unfounded - rest assured, you, in fact, have not yet committed anything terrible, and nothing terrible awaits you. And calmness will only add respect to you.

5. Running away from a dog in your dreams can be very alarming and scary, but in reality it promises the appearance of someone in your life. Who exactly? The dream book hints that this may be the appearance of a new friend or a devoted man. Don't miss the chance!

6. A dream like this, in which you had to run away or hide from some animals, means (for women) the subconscious fear of men.

You are afraid that you may be offended or hurt - probably the reason is in your past, but this is preventing you from building a new relationship now, in reality.

Think that your past has absolutely nothing to do with the new acquaintances you make. After all, it is clear that all people are different, so if you step over this useless fear, then one day a man will appear, and he will certainly make you happy.

7. Running away from being chased in your dreams - for example, from the police, or from someone else - this can promise minor difficulties in business. But you are more afraid of these hypothetical difficulties, and worry in advance. But in vain - after all, if you are not afraid, then any obstacles will disappear easily and without any extra effort.

8. A terrible dream in which you happened to run away from bandits or even from a maniac is a call that there is not much time left to complete some important task, hurry up!

You hesitate or are afraid to do something, put it off or find excuses, but you just have to do it - decisively and boldly. This is important, don't overthink it - just do what you have to do without fear.

9. If you had to hide from someone in a dream, this is a hint that you should not do everything yourself, but accept someone else’s help, moreover, be able to ask for help.

This is not shameful, and, on the contrary, friends and family will be pleased that you need them, and they will be happy and willing to help you in many ways.

10. If a woman dreams that she is running away from her husband, this is a hint of fear of him. Possibly not unreasonable. Are you honest with your spouse, are you faithful to him?

11. Running away from some danger in dreams is advice to the dreamer to take care of what he has. You may not value what you have - but if you lose it, you will regret it bitterly. Think about this after such a dream.

12. If you were simply hiding in a dream, not knowing from whom or from what, this indicates your laziness, inertia, or simply unwillingness to do something. Perhaps something important, fulfilling your obligations or fulfilling a promise. Find strength within yourself.

13. Escape from prison or captivity in a dream is a wonderful sign; great success and good luck await you in business, affairs, and at work.

Thus, dreams in which the dreamer runs as fast as he can are very deep and meaningful. If the interpreter gives you serious advice, do not rush to refuse, think, think deeply.

Perhaps, thanks to this significant dream, you will be able to seriously change your behavior, thoughts, and as a result, your destiny? It's within your power! Author: Vasilina Serova

Anchor points:

The meaning of running in a dream

Running in a dream can have different meanings, especially since interpreters ambiguously interpret dreams in which you are running, escaping, etc. The most vague interpretation of such dreams is found in Loff’s dream book, who believes that running in a dream symbolizes desire to protect oneself from danger. The interpreter is sure that such dreams encourage you to analyze your own life situation, especially those aspects in which you feel any pressure from the outside. Loffa notes that running in a dream indicates the possibility of overcoming some problems occurring in your life.

Longo notes in his dream book that a dream about running represents your reluctance to deal with problems in reality. At the same time, the interpreter is sure that the purpose of the dream is to make you understand that the problem can be solved, you just need to look around. Running in a dream, in his opinion, foreshadows a discovery that will bring you moral satisfaction and peace of mind.

For the British, running in dreams is interpreted as the approach of success in business, mutual love and a happy marriage, and Hasse considers dreams in which you were running somewhere a message about the imminent receipt of money. In Miller's dream book, dreams of running are interpreted as an indication of a quick improvement in your situation and approaching success in some business. Tsvetkov interprets running as omen of malaise, and in the case when you were barefoot, you should expect a deterioration in your financial situation.

Dreamed escape

Dreams in which you are running away from someone or something can directly represent your reluctance to face problems head-on. Most interpreters note that the purpose of such a dream is to demonstrate the need to stop and search for a solution. , which you open while fleeing, indicates that the solution to the problem is urgent.

In Miller’s dream book, such a dream is interpreted as a message that hope for organizing things in the way you expected has been lost. Hasse considers such dreams to be an indication that you will be able to avoid some kind of trouble or danger. In the English dream book, dreaming about escaping in reality can result in a risk of loss of honor, so interpreters recommend being on your guard.

Loffa pays attention to the details of the dream, in particular who or what you are running from. The interpreter is sure that in order to fully understand the meaning of what you saw, it is necessary to analyze your feelings from the dream, remember the circumstances of the escape and attach significance to your possible acquaintance with the pursuer. By the way, the British note in their dream book that dreams in which you run away from your loved one indicate that a feeling for another person has settled in your heart.

A dream in which a character is running away from someone is a common phenomenon; they are mainly running away from problems or, conversely, troubles await you in the future that will be difficult for you to get rid of. Let's try to understand in more detail what this can mean in different dream books.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Running away in a dream means contradiction and internal conflict. You are not able to solve problems that arise on your own, because you cannot make a clear decision about your further actions.

Modern dream book

If in a dream you were running away from someone, a long and dangerous journey awaits you. If you escaped from prison, rejoice. Tremendous success in business awaits you. If in a dream you see people running headlong away from impending danger, warn your friends. They are in a dangerous position.

Summer dream book

If you see in a dream that you are running away from someone, it means that in the near future you will become dependent on some character.

Eastern dream book

If a girl has a dream in which she is trying to run away, she will be disappointed in a love relationship (even to the point of infidelity). If she tries to run with all her might, but nothing works, you need to be more careful. Her enemies set traps for her. If a young woman saw a dream in which her lover runs away from her with someone else, let her be ready to find out about her lover’s betrayal.

Loff's Dream Book

If in a dream you are running away from people, reconsider your relationships with others. Most often, they don’t like you much, or you find yourself in a big debt to them. Often such a dream means that one of your colleagues secretly hates you and wishes the worst for you.

If strangers were running after you, it means that changes are happening in your life that frighten you and make you tremble.

Autumn dream book

Running away in a dream means safely avoiding many dangers and troubles in real life.

Ukrainian dream book

If you saw people running in a dream, money will come to you. If you are trying to escape, but are standing in one place, better times are still far away. If you have achieved your goal, it means that your business will be successful. A character who runs in a dream without knowing where should be prepared for a monetary loss. If you overtake a specific character in a dream, it means that he will die before you.

Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream you are running with other people, a fun holiday event awaits you. After this, your business will be successful. If there is a hitch while running due to you tripping or falling, you will be ruined.