An essay on the topic “Solving moral problems in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of our time. Essays hero of our time “Hero of our time”

“A Hero of Our Time,” written in 1838-1839 based on “Notes of an Officer” and the novel “Princess Ligovskaya,” is the first major socio-psychological novel in Russian prose, combining the features of the romantic and realistic periods in Russian literature of the beginning and middle XIX century. This is a novel about the fate of a Russian man with an awakened consciousness, who turned out to be a “superfluous person” in an era of “timelessness.” In this regard, the question may arise about the possibility of the existence of such a hero in that era. But it was no coincidence that Lermontov called his novel “Hero of Our Time.” With this, he established his credo - the inner world of the individual is free and not subject to the laws of a specific time.

In the preface to Pechorin's Journal, Lermontov writes: “The history of the human soul, even the smallest soul, is perhaps more curious and useful than the history of an entire people...” Lermontov set himself the task of telling this “story of the human soul” in his novel. His attention is drawn to revealing the complex, contradictory character of the novel's protagonist.

This ideological task of the author also determined the unique construction of the novel. Its peculiarity is the violation of the chronological sequence of events. The novel is a collection of five motley chapter-stories, each with its own genre, its own plot and its own title. All these stories are united into something whole, into a single novel by the main character, who sometimes himself turns into a narrator.

Each story is written in its own genre. “Bela” represents the genre of the Caucasian short story, “Maksim Maksimych” is a travelogue, “Taman” is an adventure, adventurous short story, “Princess Mary” is a secular story, and “Fatalist” is a parable story, not devoid of mysticism and philosophy. The prefaces to the novel and Pechorin's diaries are written in a journalistic style; the genre picture of the novel is complemented by Pechorin's diary. The combination of various genres in a single work is an achievement of Lermontov’s prose, which influenced the further development of the major novel in Russian literature.

The rapid creative growth of the writer contributed to the fact that Lermontov, at the age of 24, had already comprehended the “deepest bottom of the Ocean of life” and in his novel made an artistic discovery of an almost scientific analysis of man’s contradictory relationship with reality. This novel is the result of Lermontov’s entire work. “A Hero of Our Time” presents all the characteristic features of the writer’s work: the novel is colored with the exotic flavor of Caucasian poems, it contains analysis and critical perception of reality, and the main character is a “Lermontov” man, a demonic individualist hero.

The time of which Pechorin is the hero is a contradictory era of “knowledge and doubt,” “brilliance and deception.” The features of Lermontov's hero are tension and concentration of thought on oneself, on one's “I,” and the passionate power of personal feeling. Pechorin chases life, greedily catches its impressions and at the same time languishes with life, despises it and himself. Speaking about friendship, about higher spiritual aspirations, about the meaning of life, about passions, Lermontov tries to explore the reasons for the hero’s dissatisfaction with his purpose in life. The hero's strong-willed nature draws him to activity, to struggle. But Pechorin is not yet morally ready to rebel against reality, against the foundations of secular society that have developed over centuries. Lermontov shows that his hero is waging a fierce struggle with individuals who meet on his way. This struggle is fundamentally petty, aimless and futile.

When Pechorin “with the severity of a judge and a citizen” evaluates his actions, which are devoid of deep meaning, he himself comes to the sad conclusion: “In this vain struggle, I exhausted both the heat of my soul and the constancy of will necessary for real life.” Here it is, the most terrible contradiction: “immense powers of the soul” - and small, unworthy actions; the desire to “love the whole world”, the thirst for the fullness of life - and complete hopelessness, the consciousness of one’s doom. However, this inconsistency in the character of the main character did not prevent Lermontov from creating a complete, deep psychological image - the image of a “superfluous” person. And Lermontov blames the social environment for the fact that Pechorin has turned into a “smart irrelevance” - the time of which Pechorin was the hero. Pechorin himself says: “My soul is spoiled by the light,” that is, by the secular society in which he lived and from which he could not escape. “My colorless youth passed in a struggle with myself and the world; fearing ridicule, I buried my best feelings in the depths of my heart: they died there.”

Alexander Kholodov — 28.06.2011

An essay on the topic “hero of our time - who is he?”
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“The hero of our time - who is he?”

The word "hero" can be understood in different ways. On the one hand, this is a participant in some event, on the other hand, this is a special individual who stands out from the crowd thanks to his extraordinary personality qualities.

Everyone remembers Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time.” Lermontov said that “Pechorin is the name of the work,” no matter what it was. It's no secret that Pechorin is far from ideal, he is worse than an ordinary egoist, because he is aware of this, but cannot do anything. Consequently, any person can be a hero of our time, regardless of his profession, education, what he is interested in, what nationality he is - it simply doesn’t matter. We are all heroes, if you look at the situation from Lermontov’s point of view.

However, in order to create an image of such a person, it is necessary to select from the general mass the most characteristic signs of a modern personality, character traits, behavior, and then combine them into one totality. In a word, our task is to draw a typical person living in modern times and engaged in the most characteristic activities of our time.

What is he like? It is difficult to answer this question because everyone is different, so it is better to consider each case separately. I'll try to draw a bad and a good image, and then the middle.

So, a bad hero of our time. This is an immoral, selfish person who lives by the principles “take everything from life”, “you have to try everything in this life”, etc. He is not interested in anything that goes beyond the boundaries of his biological needs and needs for pleasure; he usually does not read, smokes and drinks. But he can even be educated, smart, but use his mind for selfish purposes, for his own benefit. In short, we can say that this is an entity that contributes to the degradation of society.

Who is this real hero of the time, who brings progress, who strives for the highest ideals? Among people of my age, I almost never met such people, probably because I saw little of the world. This person has specific interests, clear views, his own opinion, which is justified and, most often, fair. It does not allow ignoring culture, what is happening in the world and in the life of society. His consciousness is always aware of the most pressing problems of the world, and most importantly, he has the ability to reason analytically, supporting his arguments with arguments and facts. A true hero of our time must not only reason, but also do something, set a goal to go towards it, because without a goal he is nothing, just a living organism doing nothing. Also regarding qualities - decency, honesty, disregard for public opinion in order to achieve good goals, broad outlook, well-read, good sports training. Many will think that I simply described how I see the ideal hero of our time. Yes, this is just an ideal, it is possible to have such qualities, but it is not always easy to live with them. In reality, everything is much more complicated.

Who should we place in the middle? This individual has morality, but often neglects it and is skeptical about it. Undoubtedly, the “middle peasant” has his own opinion, but he does not really like to express it, only if it directly concerns his interests. Most likely, the average student reads science fiction literature, preferring it to Russian classics, or reads exclusively scientific books during his studies. At the end of college or institute, his path developing the mind ends - the mind is dried up by science, and moral development stands still, or moral principles are already completely formed. This hero will not do something if they might think badly of him, sometimes he is so concerned about what others think of him that he completely stops believing in himself, although he has good abilities. He is also not averse to having fun or doing “nothing,” but there is hardly a person who does not do this. Sometimes, the average person does bad things, but scars remain on his conscience; he suffers like Raskolnikov in the novel “Crime and Punishment” by F. Dostoevsky.

Yes you? This is not always the case!


His conscience does not always torment him, because everything is relative in this world, as we know. It’s clear that there is no such specific image, there is no specific person, because everyone is individual, inside everyone there is a whole world, not everyone seems possible for us to study, because there are also closed people.

And now I will describe a man whom I once considered a hero - he is my friend. I can’t say that he is a moral monster, but I can’t say that he is perfect either. I admire that he managed to create a new himself and get used to life in this image. He is a man of mystery; you don’t know what to expect from him. Thanks to this, even respect, real respect, which is based not on fear, but on admiration, involuntarily awakens towards him. Yes, he is funny, he likes to make depraved jokes, but, looking around, you understand that the whole world is like this and it is impossible to be a black sheep - you have to adapt to certain conditions, but a person gets used to everything. And my friend gets used to everything, adapts.

Yes, he is a simple opportunist!

I assure you, no!

Not a material device, not a desire to gain benefit, but a desire to be the soul of the campaign, to amuse everyone, to find a certain key for everyone. He has an incredible ability to please girls, he is witty, which is why some girls say “oh, he’s too smart, I wouldn’t date him.” Of course, my friend is well-read, enlightened and crazy about sports.

And without weaknesses?

Oh no!

For example, sometimes his own ambitions lead him into a dead end, this forces my friend to accept the world as it is, because whatever happens is for the better, as M. Bulgakov said.

Thus, a hero of our time is every person living in our time, no matter who he is and what he is, he is still a hero. In my essay, I described three types of people, whom I classified according to certain criteria; these people are the most general types of such individuals that are found in our society. And finally, I described a person whom I once admired, some of whose wonderful qualities I idealized, but this person is already a separate story, he is real, he exists as one of the heroes of our time. There are no ideals. Everyone I described, in my opinion, is the hero of our time. There may be those who are against it. My answer is I don’t know.


Borova D, Sharashenidze M.

This work is an attempt to rethink the classic’s work in relation to modern life, to answer the question: “Are there heroes of our time in modern Russia? What features do they have?”



Like a fable, so is life

Not valued for length

But for the content.


Every time has its own heroes. Writers, poets, and artists talked about them.

Thus, in Lermontov’s work “Hero of Our Time,” according to traditional opinion, Pechorin appears as a hero of his time. But the author emphasizes that this image represents not a portrait of one person, but an artistic type that absorbed the features of an entire generation of the early 19th century. The novel shows a young man suffering from his restlessness, in despair asking himself a painful question: “Why did I live? For what purpose was I born? He does not have the slightest inclination to follow the beaten path of secular young people. Pechorin is an officer. He serves, but is not curated. We cannot help but see that Pechorin is head and shoulders above the people around him: he is smart, educated, talented, brave, energetic. We are repulsed by his indifference to people, his inability for true love and friendship, individualism and selfishness. He is deeply unsympathetic to us because of the pitifulness of his actions, the waste of his strength, and the actions by which he brings suffering to other people.

The complexity and inconsistency of Pechorin’s character can be considered a consequence of the social and political conditions of the 30s of the 19th century, a time of gloomy reaction, deep upheavals and disappointments.

Man is, by his very nature, a social being; he is not capable of self-isolation, of a closed existence within himself. The joys and sufferings of others become the real food of his life only when his relationships with people are built on the basis of goodness, nobility of aspirations, and justice.

In the image of Pechorin, Lermontov showed the futility of trying to live in society and be free from it.

Reading Lermontov’s novel, you involuntarily draw a parallel with the twenty-first century and understand that we have a lot in common. Our time is a time of great economic and political changes. A time of acceleration of objective development, which increases the value of the quality of education and efficiency. And just as sharply increases in price the moral qualities that are inextricably linked with the social sphere of life - conscience, honesty, humanity. Difficult time...

But in Russia there were, are and will be many heroes in various spheres of life. Heroes can be known or unknown. Each person has their own. For some, it could be, for example, a participant in the hostilities in Chechnya - General Romanov, actor Menshov, figure skater Plushenko, singer Dima Belan, a famous politician, scientist, doctor, teacher, businessman.

It seems that now a Hero becomes an energetic, purposeful person who understands well that it is necessary to work with pleasure, and where and with whom he works is not important. This is not necessarily the highest position.

Here, for example, is one of our friends who is not yet thirty. He graduated from university and worked in various companies. I independently studied two foreign languages. Now he is the commercial director of a large company. His business is thriving. And this is the result of his hard work and professionalism.

For a modern Hero, it is important to have a good home. As a rule, he has a working wife and always has children. He understands that he no longer works only for himself, but also for his children. He strives to give his children a good education. Family is very important to him, because without a family a person simply loses his perspective.

What I admire in such people is the ability to work in such a way as to receive satisfaction from their work, the ability to organize themselves in such a way as to find time for work and rest, and weekly rest with family, children, and friends.

It is important to him that he is not alone. When a person is on his own, he is flawed, but when he can lean on a friend’s shoulder, when there is someone to hope for, someone to help, life becomes a joy. For our country to become stable, such people are needed.

And there are many such people in our country. They understand: to live successfully and happily, you need to be an internationalist. Therefore, those people who are prone to xenophobia are forced out from among the Heroes.

And their friends are just like them: honest and decent. They are the core, the foundation of our society.

I would like to tell you about a person living in our native village of Kutuzovka. This is Kargina Olga Petrovna. She successfully graduated from the Kutuzovskaya Secondary School and the Omsk Regional College of Culture and Art, and is now a student at Omsk University. F. M. Dostoevsky.

Olga Petrovna has been the artistic director of the Kutuzovsky rural House of Culture for 8 years. He is a person of high morality, honesty and integrity. For her students, Olga is an example of great hard work and dedication to her work. A good organizer, she rallied around her the guys who were in love with dance. The choreographic groups led by this talented person are laureates and diploma winners of not only regional, but also international competitions. Her life is work, search, the desire to surpass herself yesterday. Even today she is full of creative plans and ideas.

Fellow villagers know Olga Petrovna as a demanding leader and as a responsive person, always ready to help.

Olga is a person with an active life position, the initiator of many interesting things in the village, deputy chairman of the Youth Chamber of the Sherbakul district of the Omsk region.

Looking at this fragile girl, you can’t help but think: this is the image of a Hero of our time. She is independent, active, active. He has moral principles and a good education. And even though Olga is still young, she has already done enough in her life to earn the respect and love of the people among whom she grew up and lives. After all, only in working for the benefit of people and society does a person reveal himself most fully as an individual, find the meaning of his existence, spiritually enriching himself.

Pechorin's time has long passed. Today's Hero, having moral qualities, education, efficiency, and hard work, lives not only for himself, his family, but also for people, society, and his country.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Municipal educational institution "Kutuzovskaya secondary school".

Essay “Hero of Our Time”

Completed by: Borova D. and Sharashenidze M.

10th grade students.

Head: Veikum G.V.

Teacher of Russian language and literature.

S. Kutuzovka.

- This is my favorite work of the writer. Here the author, thanks to the description of the life of the main character Pechorin, shows talented and energetic people who cannot find a use for themselves in life, although they are capable people. The writer managed to create the image of a young man of the thirties, thereby causing a storm of admiration among progressive people, as they saw the truth in this work. But critics criticized this novel, although Lermontov’s response was immediate, because he says that critics do not believe in the image of the hero, because he is truthful and there is more truth in him than we would really like.

Hero of our time short essay

When you read the work, we see the hero’s desire to unravel the meaning of life, but on the other hand, his aimless existence kills him. At the same time, even today there are people who live their lives aimlessly, so the work is still relevant in our time.

The novel consists of several stories, which introduce us to the hero of the work. So in Bell's first story we meet Pechorin for the first time. Here Maxim Maksimych describes the hero. He talks about Pechorin, whose youth was spent in St. Petersburg. Next we will find out how it is transferred to the Caucasus. Here the hero meets Bella, whose affection he tries to win, and having achieved the girl, he gets bored and realizes that it is not his and he made a mistake in his choice.

In the chapter Maxim Maksimych Pechorin is shown to us exactly as Maxim Maksimych saw him. For him, this is a strange person who, even while laughing, had a cold look.
In Pechorin's Journal, the main character himself writes about himself. This part of the work is like a diary, where the hero tells a story with smugglers. Having revealed the secret of the activities of Yanko and his girlfriend, Pechorin becomes disappointed, he is upset by his senseless interference in their lives.

The story of Princess Mary is probably the most important story where Pechorin begins to analyze his actions and his life. He meets Mary here and again tries to woo the girl, but not because he fell in love, but because she is passionate about another man. Pechorin enters into a fight with Grushnitsky and this fight leads to a duel in which Grushnitsky dies.

The author's work ends with the story Fatalist. Here the hero solves an important philosophical question about whether a person decides his own destiny and writes it himself or whether everything depends on fate.
Pechorin appears before us as an active person who is trying to find himself in life, but he is not succeeding.

Female images in the hero of our time

In addition to Pechorin, the author also depicts female images in his work. This is how we meet the brave smuggler with her dexterity and cunning. This is a girl who can sincerely love a young man and at the same time be cruel towards the elderly and the blind.

We meet Bella, a proud girl with her human dignity, whose fate ends tragically.

There is another girl who managed to comprehend the depths of Pechorin’s soul and this was Vera. She realized who Pechorin really was and her love for him did not cool. But Vera was married and her love didn’t lead to any good.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 11"

Izobilnensky municipal district

Stavropol Territory


"Hero of our time"

Russian language teacher and


Spetsova M.G.


Hero of our time - who is he? This question got me thinking. This is probably a contemporary of mine, perhaps even a peer, who differs from me and many others in some exceptional act, decision, behavior.

What motivates these people who are committing, perhaps, the most important act in their lives? The desire to become famous or something else? In my opinion, exceptional people, heroes of our time, do not think about feat, about glory. They simply live and work according to conscience, morality, moral principles. Only one for whom honor and conscience are not empty words, who lives according to life’s morality, without compromising his views and without breaking his soul, can be called a man; constantly improves his inner qualities, bringing them to the service of people. Such a person is like Gorky’s Danko, who with the flame of his heart illuminated the path to a bright and beautiful life for others. It is these people that keep the world going and move.

Every country has its heroes - people who have done many good deeds or who save people's lives every day. But probably not everyone understands how great the heroism of war journalists is. Every day is a new danger, even in peacetime. But what about journalists reporting in “hot spots” such as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine? A journalist is, first of all, a caring person, capable of feeling the pain of others. These qualities are of particular importance when working in “hot spots”, when a journalist is required to be able to analyze the situation of what is happening, a competent psychological approach, and an objective assessment of the facts. Their lives are fraught with constant risk. Every day they come face to face with death. The main duty of a journalist working in “hot spots” is to cover the event, provide information about military conflicts to the whole world and save his life.
Often these people in their profession are faced with many factors that require immediate solutions. The entire future fate of the editorial office or the journalist himself may depend on one second. Over the years, military journalists have developed the ability to instantly make the necessary decisions during combat operations. It seems to me that a journalist’s patriotism is manifested in the ability to show the true face of war, talk about the real situation in the world, and reveal the truth to the common man. But in an effort to show the truth, many make the wrong choice, which is not always justified. For example, the history of the photograph “Famine in Sudan”.
The famous photojournalist and journalist of the 90s, Kevin Carter, became famous throughout the world for this work. But was the attempt to convey the horror of what was happening humane? The photo shows a small starving girl with vultures circling next to her, waiting for quick prey. The correct decision would have been to drive the birds away, but the journalist decided to “catch” the opportune moment. At that moment he ceased to be a man, and all the patriotism of the human personality was lost. Sometimes one millisecond of life can turn the whole world upside down, force you to reconsider principles and views, give a push forward or throw you back into the past. It is in this millisecond that you can commit a rash act or work according to a planned plan, solve a complex problem, or even answer honestly to yourself the question: what is more important?

On the contrary, wartime journalist Vladimir Ivanov did not stand aside. During the battle for the city of Belgorod, he heroically joined the ranks of the fighters. He boldly replaced the fallen battalion commander and independently led the battalion to storm the enemy. Having received mortal wounds in the chest, Vladimir died on the battlefield. But this death was not in vain - he saved several soldiers from death, defended his homeland, and defended honor and dignity in the face of fascist-German troops. This person can undoubtedly be called a patriot of the country and soul. It seems to me that we should all look up to such an example of human fortitude and courage.

Faced with a choice: an excellent shot that can serve a career, or a human life, each journalist independently chooses his own path. But despite any situations or difficulties, you need to remember that, first of all, you are a person. We must remember the love for our homeland, our land, and remember the value of human life. He who loves his people will be with them in moments of joy and in moments of sorrow. And no matter what your profession is, you will do everything to help your brothers and sisters become spiritually purer and richer, you will support them in word and deed, you will be honest with them.