An essay based on the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “Heroic Leap”. Essay-description of Vasnetsov’s painting “Heroic Leap” I prefer Vasnetsov’s painting “Heroic Leap”

V. M. Vasnetsov “Heroic Leap (essay based on the painting)

I really like to read fairy tales and epics, imagining myself either as a brave and decisive Ivan, or as a mighty, broad-shouldered hero. Having seen the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “Heroic Leap”, I immediately realized that The same one amazing also endlessly loves and appreciates the inexhaustible treasury of Russian folk literature.

The huge black heroic horse has just pushed off the ground with its hooves, and already the dense loess seems like low grass, and the clouds are getting closer and closer. Such a horse will be able to cover any distance in a matter of seconds in order to deliver the formidable rider to the desired goal.

The hero was handsome and stern, tightly gripping the sides of the zealous horse with his strong legs. This is a real Russian warrior, even hordes of enemies are not afraid of him - let them tremble and tremble themselves! A silver helmet, reliable chain mail, and a shield will be able to protect the hero from the swords and arrows of the enemy, and a long, strong spear will strike terror into the invaders of Russian land. The warrior proudly and carefully looks around the endless expanses of his homeland, at the first danger, be prepared to stand up for his people

This is what I felt when looking at V. M. Vasnetsov’s painting “Heroic Leap.” And I also realized that I, too, would not flinch at the decisive moment, I would be able to protect the weak and defend justice when it comes Need to.

On May 15, 1848, a very famous artist today, Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, was born. He became interested in painting in his youth. Took drawing lessons. Today, many famous paintings belong to his pen, and people continue to admire him. His fabulous styles and the characters he drew are simply mesmerizing. One of such exciting paintings is his work “Heroic Leap”.

The picture shows the hero in all his glory on a mighty horse. He behaves very confidently and menacingly. Dressed in battle armor. Therefore, we can judge that he is preparing for battle. The hero wears a shield on his right hand and holds a stake with an iron tip in it. In the left hand there is a chick for controlling the horse. There is a sword in the front of the belt. The hero is fully equipped and ready for battle. Even his horse is fully prepared. With all her proud appearance she shows how much she serves her master. The grandiose, high and unique jump she performed at the behest of her master proves her devotion. The sky in the background, although bright, is slightly overcast. The earth and trees are dark in color. All nature was transformed before the onset of the battle. But thanks to our hero and his invincible appearance, we have no need to worry.

It seems to me that the picture fully corresponds to its title. Both the horse with its grandiose leap and the hero with his invincible appearance fit very harmoniously into one whole - the heroic leap. I think everyone will see in the picture what Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov wanted to convey. The steadfastness of the Russian spirit and its love for nature. His fairy-tale characters always come to life in his paintings and make us believe in miracles.

Methodological development of a lesson on speech development.

Essay based on the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “Heroic Leap”

I wanted to show what the essence of my people is...

V. Vasnetsov.


To teach how to collect material for an essay and use it when describing what is depicted in the picture;

Use synonyms and figurative and expressive means of language in your own speech;

Develop and train observation, artistic and aesthetic taste;

Introduce students to the historical past of their homeland.

Lesson equipment:

Interactive board;

Reproductions of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “The Heroic Leap” (1914), “The Knight at the Crossroads” (1882), “The Heroes” (1898).

During the classes:

    Organizational aspects. Lesson topic message.

A pre-prepared student reads:

And strong, mighty

Bogatyrs in glorious Rus'!

Do not let enemies ride across our land,

Do not trample the Russian land with their horses,

They will not outshine our red sun.

Russia stands forever and does not waver!

And it will stand for centuries without moving!

(excerpt from an epic)

Today we are getting acquainted with the painting “Heroic Leap” by V.M. Vasnetsov, 1914.

    A story about the artist's work.

“I have always lived only in Russia,” Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926) said about himself. He became famous for such films as “Heroes”, “The Knight at the Crossroads”, “The Heroic Leap”.

(Reproductions of paintings are shown on the interactive board)

They are inspired by Russian folk tales and epics. They can be called picturesque poetic tales about the native people, about the glorious national antiquity and its immortal heroes.

In his work, Vasnetsov sought to reveal aesthetic national ideals as the ideals of the people, to find and establish a connection between the past and present of his native country.

In his childhood and early youth, the artist was surrounded by rural life, almost untouched by urban influence. Ancient tales, songs, and traditions passed down from mouth to mouth meant a lot to the future artist.

After graduating from the Vyatka Theological Seminary, he entered the Academy of Arts, where he did not complete the course, but received only two silver medals for drawing in a life class and for a sketch. V. Vasnetsov went to Paris at his own expense, where his works soon appeared at traveling exhibitions. In most cases, they were written on themes from Russian fairy tales and epics. The paintings were imbued with the Russian folk spirit and deep, sincere mood.

    Conversation on the picture . (using an interactive whiteboard)

The painting depicts Ilya Muromets.

Teacher: How did you recognize him?

Students: We know Vasnetsov’s painting “Bogatyrs”, which depicts Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich. (Demonstration of the picture).

Teacher: V. Vasnetsov especially emphasized in his favorite heroes the calm majesty born of the consciousness of the sacred duty assigned to oneself. The painting creates “not only the impression of strength... but also the impression of goodness, generosity and good nature - Ilya Muromets himself is most full of them.” (V.V. Stasov)

Teacher: What do we know about this hero?

The material was prepared by students as individual homework.

1st narrator:

Folk legend identified the famous hero Ilya Muromets with the Monk Ilya Muromets, Pechersky, about whom V.M. Vasnetsov received knowledge in the theological seminary.

Ilya Muromets was born around 1143. in the village of Karacharovo, near Murom, Vladimir region, in the family of the peasant Ivan, Timofeev’s son, and his wife Euphrosyne, daughter of Yakov.

From childhood until he was thirty-three years old, Ilya was paralyzed, and then received healing from three prophetic elders, who predicted that “death in battle was not written for him.”

Taking parental blessing,

“Oh, you goy, dear, dear father!

Give me your blessing,

I will go to the glorious capital Kyiv-grad-

Pray to the miracle workers of Kyiv

Mortgage for Prince Vladimir,

Serve him faithfully,

Stand up for the Christian faith,”

Ilya was a member of the squad of the Kyiv prince Vladimir Monomakh for many years - he was “the first hero in Kyiv.”

2nd narrator:

Having never known defeat, Ilya Muromets became famous for his numerous military exploits and unprecedented strength, which he used only to fight the enemies of the Fatherland, protect the Russian people and restore justice.

All the legends testify to the sedate character of Ilya Muromets, who never extolled himself, remaining a simple peasant son: “I am a simple Russian hero, a peasant son. I didn’t save people out of selfishness, and I don’t need either silver or gold. I saved Russian people, red girls, small children, old mothers. I will not come to you as a commander to live in wealth. My wealth is heroic strength, my business is to serve Rus', to defend it from enemies.”

Teacher: Ilya Muromets was canonized in 1643. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate established the Order of St. Elijah of Muromets, which is awarded to military personnel who have distinguished themselves by serving the Fatherland, including in hot spots.

    Description of the picture. Teaching by example.

The huge black heroic horse has just pushed off the ground with its hooves, and already the dense forest seems like low grass, and the clouds are getting closer and closer. Such a horse will be able to overcome any distance in a matter of seconds in order to deliver the formidable rider to the desired goal.

A handsome and stern hero, tightly gripping the sides of a zealous horse with his strong legs. This is a real Russian warrior, even hordes of enemies are not afraid of him - let them tremble and tremble themselves! A silver helmet, reliable chain mail, and a shield will be able to protect the hero from the swords and arrows of the enemy, and a long, strong spear will strike terror into the invaders of the Russian land. The warrior proudly and carefully looks around the endless expanses of his homeland; at the first danger, he is ready to stand up for his people.

    Vocabulary and stylistic work.

Chainmail- armor woven from iron rings, a metal net to protect against cold steel. Depending on the variety, it had different names: chain mail, shell, baidana, yacerine. Different types of chain mail were used - from a chain mail shirt, which covered only the torso and shoulders, to full hauberks, which covered the body completely, from head to toe.

Barmitsa- an element of the helmet in the form of a chain mail mesh, framing the helmet along the lower edge. Covered the neck, shoulders, back of the head and sides of the head; in some cases chest and lower face

Bracers- part of the armor that protects the arms from the elbow to the hand. The simplest bracers were made of the tire type and consisted of metal plates attached to a leather base. However, they were inferior to all-metal bracers, which probably appeared in Western Asia. The most advanced bracers are the tubular type. This bracer consists of two strongly curved plates - the upper ( elbow rest) and lower ( Cherevets). These plates could be hinged and closed using straps and buckles.

Flail- flexible-jointed edged weapon with shock-crushing action. It is a shock load (bone, metal or stone weight - beat), connected by a suspension (chain, belt or strong rope) to a wooden handle - flail.

A spear- piercing, throwing or piercing-cutting polearm bladed weapons. The length of the spear ranged from 3 to 4 meters. The spears were throwing and heavy for close combat.

Zealous – fast, swift.

Voronoi– black, the color of a raven’s wing.

Harness- horse harness, items and accessories for harnessing, saddling and driving horses

    Comparative analysis of two paintings by V.M. Vasnetsov.

Demonstration of the painting “The Knight at the Crossroads”.

Teacher: It is known that the painting “Heroic Leap” was one of the last works of the artist. Let's turn to V. Vasnetsov's first work, “The Knight at the Crossroads,” in order to compare the mood of the heroes of the picture.

What do we see in the first work of the artist V. Vasnetsov?

Student answers:

The artist conveyed the atmosphere of epic tales;

The wild, endless steppe, black birds, mossy boulders, human and horse skulls evoke horror;

Teacher: Describe the knight's equipment:

Student answers:

Warrior in battle armor: plate chain mail covers the rider's body;

Helmet with aventail

Thick aventail covers the shoulders

Bracers up to the elbows.

The knight is well armed:

Quiver of arrows

Heavy flail for close combat

Ranged Spear

The heavy almond-shaped shield saved its owner many times

The horse matches the rider - strong, hardy, accustomed to battle. Most likely, this is the knight’s favorite horse. This is evidenced by the rich harness of the horse.

Teacher: What moment did the artist capture?

Student answers:

The rider paused at the stone only for a few minutes to read the inscription. He will continue on his way forward.

Teacher: What does this say?

Student answers:

Bright sky, reflections of light on the knight’s equipment and the horse’s mane.

Teacher: The artist creates the impression that the knight knows everything that will happen, he has chosen the straight road and will not hesitate long at the crossroads.

Here are the artist’s own words about “Vityaz,” spoken in old age: “I wanted to show what the essence of my people is, what distinctive qualities they have among other peoples. We are poets, and without poetry, without dreams, you cannot do anything in life. We, without sparing ourselves, fought and will fight for the independence of our land. Russian people are knights at a crossroads - never be afraid of what the future promises us.”

Teacher: What do V. Vasnetsov’s paintings symbolize?

Vasnetsov’s paintings depict national images full of deep human feelings and experiences. They symbolize the greatness, courage, beauty and strength of the Russian people in the person of Ilya Muromets.

Student reads:

The power of the Russian spirit was revealed
The artist in this canvas,
depicted the hero
Riding a black horse.

The horse took off from the ground,
Legs drawn up for a jump.
The forest below is darkening in the distance,
Clouds swirl nearby.

Head tilted down
At the heroic horse,
The figure is tense.
Rider, reins of defense,

Trusting the horse, go back
Looks carefully, ready
(The look tells us this)
He defeated his enemies on the spot.

Below is the native land -
Forests, gentle hills,
Meadows, wide fields.
He will protect them - we know!

    Drawing up a plan for an essay based on one of the paintings.

Write on the essay plan board:

    Russian bogatyrs.

    Description of the picture:

a) the image of the hero of the picture.

b) description of the rider and horse

Description of clothing

Description of the harness

3. Composition of the painting

Color spectrum

4. What does the picture teach?


Writing a draft essay

Used Books:

    O.P. Balandina “Teaching composition based on a picture” grades 5-9 Publishing house “Teacher”, Volgograd 2012, pp. 7-15.

    Olga Glagoleva “Holy Warriors of Russian Orthodoxy” EKSMO, Moscow, 2009, pp. 148-155.

    Encyclopedia of world art “Masterpieces of Russian painting”, publishing house “White City”, Moscow, 2006, pp. 260-261,267

    E.P. Borzova, A.V. Nikonov “History of world culture in artistic monuments” pp. 200-201.

    Internet resources.

This methodological development of a lesson on speech development (an essay based on the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “The Heroic Leap” (1914) will help the teacher to continue the theme “Russian heroes” in the artist’s work, to expand the understanding of 5th-6th grade students about the historical epic of Russia, captured in canvases by V. M. Vasnetsov, enrich students’ knowledge with materials from the country’s Orthodox culture, introduce outdated vocabulary into students’ oral and written speech, and cultivate a sense of belonging to the heroic past of our country.