Are Sagittarius and Capricorn compatible in love? Sagittarius and Capricorn - compatibility between men and women. Sexual compatibility between Sagittarius and Capricorn

The topic of this article is the compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn. We will talk about the compatibility of these astrological signs in love and sex, business relationships and friendship.

General compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn, prospects for union

Sagittarius and Capricorn are neighboring signs. And like all neighboring signs, they have a karmic connection, which manifests itself in the presence of some common values.

There is one important thing that is an undoubted value for both partners - intelligence.

Sagittarius is a mental sign oriented towards philosophy and learning, in search of unity, synthesis and universal truth.

Capricorn is a logical continuation of Sagittarius, but manifests itself more as a practical tool that uses existing knowledge.

If they don't think each other is stupid, they'll be on the same page without too much trouble. They both have depth and curiosity. However, most of their values ​​are very different, as are their needs.

While one of them values ​​freedom, breadth and creativity, the other values ​​practicality, responsibility and attentiveness.

Compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn, friendship and business relationships

These signs are able to easily understand each other if they do not get into an argument due to differences in their beliefs. They have a good basis not only for friendship, but also for any kind of business cooperation.

Sagittarius is characterized by optimism, which is reflected in Capricorn and well dilutes his seriousness. At the same time, it is much easier for Sagittarius’ fiery creative ideas to find their justification thanks to Capricorn’s practical approach.

If they respect each other's worldview, there are very few things they cannot implement successfully. They are also very compatible intellectually, provided they do not try to change their partner's way of thinking.

And the most beautiful thing about this union is their complementary protective roles. Both signs represent security. Sagittarius is ruled by the greatest benefactor Jupiter, and Capricorn itself is like a fence, a fence that protects from the world and leads to the outside world.

If they manage to create a functional core, then no one from the outside will be able to influence their relationship.

In such a partnership, the creative energy of the fire sign can manifest itself freely without any restrictions or threats from the outside. And the earth sign, in turn, receives a wide field for activity and the embodiment of plans in the material world.

No matter what field these two want to express themselves in, they can succeed. The main thing is to correctly distribute areas of responsibility.

Sagittarius and Capricorn sexual compatibility

There is something disharmonious in the sexual interaction of these partners. Even when they are physically attracted to each other, over time they may feel like they weren't meant to be together.

There is no logical explanation for this feeling, but it is quite often present. The differences in their personalities can be easily accepted because Sagittarius takes everything in stride, while Capricorn feels responsible enough to understand and accept their partner's immaturity as their own fault.

But the fact is that every Capricorn seeks meaning and depth in their physical relationships. Due to the fact that they are careful, slow and highly value their physical reality.

Sagittarius simply does not understand what Capricorn wants and does not share his seriousness regarding the physical world. At the beginning of their relationship, if they are driven by the same desires, they may not notice this incompatibility. However, over time, it becomes quite obvious that the difference in their archetypal characters is having a negative impact on their sex lives.

The only way for this couple to remain in a healthy sexual relationship is to try to understand and accept their partner's reality.

This means that Sagittarius needs to learn to respect the physical side of the world just like Capricorn does. And it is important for Capricorn to loosen their grip and respect the variability of Sagittarius, which occurs under the influence of Jupiter. In order for there to be harmony in their bed, they need to have sex on a wave of pure emotions.

Sagittarius and Capricorn love compatibility

Any relationship between Capricorn and Sagittarius is a relationship of Earth and Fire, there are both opportunities and difficulties.

At first glance, this union does not look promising, but they have more in common than it might seem at first glance. They can find a common emotional language because Capricorn needs someone opposite to themselves to make them feel whole.

And Sagittarius can become such a person, thanks to the exaltation of Jupiter. If Capricorn has enough faith in Sagittarius, without any unrealistic expectations, they can experience a deep feeling of love. Although the likelihood that Sagittarius will turn out to be the soft and gentle person that Capricorn needs is small, but with intimacy and acceptance of their differences, this union can become the basis for a happy family life.

If we evaluate the compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Capricorn in love relationships as a percentage, then it is about 38%.

Sagittarius man and Capricorn woman compatibility

The Sagittarius man is a seeker, pathfinder and adventurer.

For Capricorn women, on the contrary, everything is here and now, concrete and understandable.

She is not interested in exploring new horizons and prefers to settle down where she is. However, their compatibility exists, and the partners feel it.

Perhaps the Sagittarius man is attracted to the power and authority of the Capricorn woman. And perhaps the Capricorn woman is intrigued by the devilishness of the Sagittarius man, although she is unlikely to admit it.

When this couple stops pretending that they are not interested in each other and finally allows their attraction to manifest, they are in for a pleasant surprise in their intimate life. Sagittarius is a fiery and passionate lover, and the Capricorn woman is sensual and earthly - together they can move mountains and, most importantly, they know how to take their time.

The man in this union is impressed by the wisdom and confidence of his partner. As an intellectual sign, he values ​​knowledge, and she has that in spades. Often the Capricorn woman is wiser than her years. For her part, she appreciates Sagittarius's ability to surprise her and bring spontaneity into her ordered life.

She probably wouldn't accept it from most other men, but he does it with such charm that she can't resist it. Their union works well because both partners have something to offer the other.

However, there will be problems in their relationship. Sagittarians care little about rules and regulations and break them easily. What horrifies the conservative Capricorn is that they are often embarrassed by the behavior of their independent partner. Who, in turn, is disappointed that he is criticized and stopped when all the fun is just beginning.

Much of the conflict in this relationship will be around issues of convention and freedom.

Another problem this couple often faces is their relationship with money. The Capricorn woman is usually financially savvy and very thrifty. While Sagittarius can spend all his savings on a boat to go around the world.

But at the same time, deep down in her soul, a woman of this earth sign wants to throw money around with the same ease. And sometimes she tends to use her partner as an excuse for her behavior, for which, however, she will definitely blame him later.

Even though the Sagittarius man is not the most faithful person, he seems to make an exception for the Capricorn woman and generally remains faithful to her. Perhaps because the Capricorn woman does not show jealousy and does not drive him into a corner, taking away his freedom. Because she allows him to be who he is, he willingly gives up his freedom.

The compatibility of a Capricorn woman and a Sagittarius man is one of the most unexpected and bizarre, but also the most stable.

Capricorn man and Sagittarius woman compatibility

The Sagittarius woman is free, energetic and, in a sense, merciless. She is almost the exact opposite of the Capricorn man, stable, conservative and emotionally anxious. And yet they are drawn to each other because each partner has something that the other is jealous of.

The Capricorn man is unlikely to admit it, but deep down he envies the Sagittarius woman's impartial approach to life. He would like to be sometimes as easy and irresponsible. He also admires her ability to enjoy little things.

The Sagittarius woman is jealous of the Capricorn man's natural, practical approach to life. Somewhere deep down, she wishes that she could just as easily “put down roots” and settle down in life. This couple has a lot to learn from each other, and this is a good start for the relationship.

There is a basis for sexual compatibility here. The representative of the fire element provides the necessary passion and energy, while Capricorn brings the leisurely sensuality of the earth sign. However, in their daily lives there will be a regular confrontation between rootedness and restlessness, between responsibility and freedom.

The Sagittarius woman has a fiery temperament, but it is difficult for her to get an appropriate response from her emotionally cold Capricorn. He has a lot of common sense, but it is difficult for him to understand what his fickle and intellectually demanding partner wants.

The man in this union moves towards his ambitions, and the woman moves towards what is somewhere out there, beyond the horizon. Their actual goals are unlikely to be the same, but these two could make interesting traveling companions for each other for a while. Their compatibility may not stand the test of time.

In order for this relationship to last long, the Sagittarius woman will have to do two things: soften her flirting and, most importantly, agree to simple family happiness.

If she wants to stay with her Capricorn, she will have to do it because he is not going to join her on her endless quests and adventures. Unless it's only when it's time to retire. During this period, he will happily travel around the world, enjoying luxury.

The Sagittarius woman is an adaptable, flexible and changeable sign, so she can compromise if she wants. The question is whether the Capricorn man gives her enough in return to make her want to sacrifice her freedom. Because this is the only way for a long-term harmonious union of a Sagittarius woman and a Capricorn man.

What Sagittarius and Capricorn need to work on in relationships

Sagittarius is one of the most honest signs of the zodiac when it comes to their relationships with others, but they are rarely completely honest with themselves. Capricorn feels this, just as he feels that this is unlikely to change. This undermines deep trust in a partner.

Another problem is the fall of Jupiter in Capricorn, the ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces. It seems that the magic of life and the power of conviction are lost in Capricorn. For them, the only things that produce results are their rational mind and constant work.

And when someone like Sagittarius explains to them that beliefs create their own reality and that it is enough to believe in a good outcome to positively influence circumstances, they tend to perceive it as a mockery. This problem also boils down to a problem of trust, although in fact it goes much deeper.

Therefore, Capricorns need to do a lot of work in this union, and it lies in the ability to listen to the whisper of their heart, despite the loud and confident voice of their intellect.

The motto of Capricorns is discipline and order, which is not surprising, because this zodiac sign is patronized by Saturn; Jupiter’s pets, Sagittarius, on the contrary, are impulsive and impatient. Capricorn and Sagittarius: compatibility in love and close relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem to be impossible, but let's take a closer look. After all, the stars have seen many stranger unions.

The elements of Earth and Fire give these signs different character traits.

It is difficult to imagine a more serious lady than And although she has a wonderful sense of humor, she rarely shows it to strangers. Despite the unapproachable appearance of the daughter of Saturn, she always has many admirers. And all because she has a sharp mind, aristocratic manners, royal bearing and excellent taste. This earthly beauty is usually in no hurry to get married, preferring to pursue a career.

And having achieved career heights, the Capricorn woman does not grab the first person she meets. Her future husband should earn no less than she does. And besides, be smart, decent and neat. Despite such high demands, Saturn’s daughter gets married quite successfully and pleases her husband with her skills throughout her entire life together.

He doesn’t always have the appearance of a hero-lover from a movie, but at the same time he has more than enough fans. In this he is helped by a wonderful sense of humor, natural optimism and cheerfulness, as well as an easy and non-harmful character. The lack of a sharp analytical mind in the son of Jupiter is replaced by resourcefulness, and a penchant for adventure helps not to get bored even in gray everyday life.

This fiery man is very amorous, and he has a big heart with enough room for everyone. He does not divide women by appearance; he is more interested in different cultures and places of residence of beauties. The Sagittarius man loves to travel and has numerous affairs while traveling. As a rule, he marries more than once. But the stars don’t know a single woman who would remain offended by Sagittarius.


The Capricorn woman is very constant in her habits. She vacations in the same place every year, loves to re-read books and practically never takes off her favorite jeans. The Sagittarius man changes his habits every day. He loves to travel and discover new holiday destinations, prefers a computer to books, and does not pay any attention to his clothes at all.

But Jupiter’s son loves creativity and, in his free time from traveling, paints the walls of his apartment to make it more pleasant to be in. To buy paint for the walls, he needs to go to a hardware store, where a Capricorn woman, who loves repairs and design, is already choosing laminate for her living room. On this basis, they may well become acquainted, especially if the store consultant is poorly versed in painting walls. The daughter of Saturn will immediately come to the rescue.

And then you have to go see the result. Moreover, the Sagittarius man will definitely take the phone number of such an informed lady.


The Sagittarius man would prefer that his date with the Capricorn woman take place in some exotic country, but the daughter of Saturn will clearly be against it. For her, the ideal date is a modest dinner in a classical style or a classical music concert with a cup of coffee after. As a last resort, she could agree to a trip out of town.

In order not to frighten off the cautious Capricorn woman, the Sagittarius man will compromise and invite her to the Museum of Contemporary Painting and Art. He himself is very interested in the work of contemporary artists, and Saturn’s daughter is partial to sculpture. Well, and that same cup of coffee at the end with a discussion of what we saw.


The Capricorn woman is wary of love. She is not amorous and often looks closely at a candidate for a lover for a long time. The Sagittarius man noisily bursts into women's hearts and just as easily gives his own in return. At first, he will also try to conquer the unapproachable daughter of Saturn at once. But for such an attack, the son of Jupiter chose the wrong object. What is needed here, rather, is a long siege of the fortress.

Will a fiery man have enough patience, since this is not his strongest side? And can he promise the Capricorn woman not to respond to the calls of his ex-girlfriends and others who want to fall into the arms of a Sagittarius man? If so, then perhaps he will receive the heart of his Snow Queen as a reward.


In general, one thing can be said for sure – it won’t be boring.

There will be many difficulties in the compatibility of a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman. The incredible sociability and carelessness of the Sagittarius man will irritate the reserved and punctual Capricorn woman. And he, in turn, will be upset by the coldness and detachment of his beloved.

The compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn in a love relationship resembles a roller coaster - sometimes love and harmony, sometimes coldness and worries. This couple may even break off their relationship more than once.

Then the Capricorn woman will throw the fickle son of Jupiter out the door and stop answering calls. Then the Sagittarius man may get carried away by the visiting beauty and follow her to her homeland, forgetting to call Saturn’s daughter.


It is difficult to say whether the Capricorn woman and Sagittarius man will ever reach the registry office. But if this is destined to happen, then, most likely, thanks to the patience and wisdom of the daughter of Saturn. She will turn a blind eye to some of the quirks of her versatile husband, and the son of Jupiter, with his good nature and easy, cheerful character, will be able to improve the atmosphere in their common home. In addition, the child-loving Sagittarius man will never leave his children.

So all women who are vying for the heart of a married Sagittarius should think carefully before flirting with him - things will not go further than this.


The cheerful naughty Sagittarius will try to play a joke on baby Capricorn, but in response he will only receive a stern look. This could discourage anyone, but not this natural optimist. During her school years, only the Capricorn girl will know where her eccentric friend is, who is already being sought by the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Both will spend their youth in student groups, and in adulthood the restless Sagittarius man will find his school friend Capricorn and will constantly bother her family with his unexpected appearances.


If a Capricorn woman and a Sagittarius man organize a joint business, then you need to keep an eye on this company. Unexpected projects of the son of Jupiter in a variety of areas will be supported by a stable financial base and analytics from the daughter of Saturn.

This company will be one of the first to enter the international market, thanks to the connections of the Sagittarius man. And thanks to a clear plan developed by the Capricorn woman, the company’s progress will be rapid. This couple is good at working in the fields of international relations, higher education, tourism and Internet technologies.

Compatibility between Capricorn man and Sagittarius woman

The portrait of a medieval knight is quite consistent with Stern and taciturn, decent and responsible. And the sense of duty for this earthly man is not an empty phrase. It would seem that there should have been a line of beautiful ladies at his door for a long time. However, the son of Saturn can justify the title of knight here too - he chooses just one lady and gives her his heart forever. The rest of the women can only sigh, looking at this interesting representative of the earthly element. Hard-working and hardy, economical and handy - his wife can really be envied.

Cheerful and open-minded, loves world peace and travel. She feels at home everywhere, and her natural friendliness allows her to join any team in a matter of hours. Some consider this daughter of Jupiter to be frivolous, but this is not so. She just tries to take life lightly and not get hung up on troubles. This quality undoubtedly helps a fiery woman in her personal life.

She falls in love easily, and after a breakup she does not suffer for a long time. Men adore her for her always good mood and non-conflict nature. In marriage, she will be a good housewife and a cheerful life partner. But you shouldn’t expect complex dishes or carefully ironed socks from Jupiter’s daughter - this is not the main thing in family life, in her opinion.


The Capricorn man is not the most sociable representative of the Zodiac, and the Sagittarius woman is his complete opposite in this matter - she cannot live without communication. And they rest in different places, and most likely work too. Only chance, according to the stars, can help the fiery-earth couple meet.

The Sagittarius woman is always running somewhere and always losing something. And the Capricorn man is never in a hurry and is very attentive to details. Therefore, it is the Son of Saturn who will find the accidentally lost mobile phone of the daughter of Jupiter. An earthly man is very honest and persistent. Therefore, by calling the contacts of the found gadget, he will still find its owner. A polite and sociable Fire lady will undoubtedly offer a reward, which Capricorn will refuse. But not from meeting her in person in some cafe.


The date of this fiery-earth couple can be postponed several times, which the Capricorn man will not like very much. However, the impulsive nature of the Sagittarius woman, plus her forgetfulness, does not always allow this lady to follow her plans.

When they finally meet, all the insults on the part of the son of Saturn will be forgotten. After all, it is simply impossible to be offended by this daughter of Jupiter for a long time, she is so endearing with her spontaneity and sincerity. Therefore, the matter will not be limited to one meeting.


A word like love is not part of the Capricorn man's daily vocabulary. He thinks about it very rarely, and speaks about it even less often. But this word is very popular among the Sagittarius woman. She uses it very often and not only in relation to men, this daughter of Jupiter loves the whole world!

The Capricorn man does not give his heart right away; he needs time to check his feelings. And in this case, what should a Sagittarius woman do, in whose heart love lights up like a light bulb almost at first sight?

It’s good that this lady is an optimist and believes in the compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Sagittarius woman in love. In fact, everything could be exactly like this, unless during the waiting period the daughter of Jupiter falls in love with someone else.


How to combine the love of wanderlust of a Sagittarius woman and the heavy-going Capricorn man? Or the inhospitable hermit son of Saturn and the eternal crowds of people visiting the daughter of Jupiter? Where can I find a recipe for a cloudless relationship for this fiery-earthly couple?

One hope is for the light and gentle character of the Sagittarius woman. If she can accept the grumbling of her beloved Capricorn with her characteristic humor, and in response to the cold silence of her beloved, smile and kiss him tenderly, then everything can still work out for them.


Marriage vows for a Capricorn man are sacred, but the Sagittarius woman does not take it so to heart. For her, the main thing is that everyone around her is happy, and there is no need to complicate life. Despite such seemingly radical differences in life values, the family life of this couple may well be wonderful.

Over time, the Capricorn husband will get used to leaving uninvited guests at the dacha, and the Sagittarius wife will delight her economic husband with the seeds of exotic plants brought from numerous travels. The children of this couple will see the world early, and just as early they will learn to work at their dacha.


Baby Capricorn will immediately notice the energetic Sagittarius girl, but she will not remember him so quickly - there are too many boys and girls around and she needs to talk to everyone. But then she will appreciate his honesty, because for her this is also very important since childhood. At school, the Sagittarius girl will often get into all sorts of troubles because of her absent-mindedness, and the Capricorn boy will only have to get her out of them and support her friend.

In their youth, their paths may diverge, but not because the daughter of Jupiter forgets her friend. She's just cosmopolitan and could very well end up somewhere in Australia. It’s good that these fiery-earthly friends are well versed in computers and master all means of modern communication. Therefore, when they meet again 20 years later, both will have the feeling that they never parted.


A demanding and persistent Capricorn man will lead his business to success through all obstacles. He is an excellent strategist and analyst, and his ability to understand the financial side of things and not waste money will keep his company afloat in any crisis.

The Sagittarius woman has a slightly adventurous character and often gets involved in all sorts of non-standard projects. She has creative thinking, rich imagination and energy to realize all her ideas.

For the ideal implementation of the projects of this fiery-earth couple, the best solution is to share responsibilities. The Capricorn man will sit in the office and be responsible for the company's finances, as well as analyze its activities. Well, the Sagittarius woman will go on business trips around the world and negotiate with partners. In addition, I can also create ideas for unusual projects. The best areas for their efforts will be international relations, education, tourism and applied arts.

5 /5 (6 )

Representatives of the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Capricorn rarely create an alliance, they are too different. However, such marriages do happen. When the first wave of passion subsides, partners will often have to compromise. Only tolerance for mutual habits and mutual respect can preserve the union of Sagittarius and Capricorn. If these conditions are met, the family will be strong. Love and Sagittarius and Capricorn compatibility must be stored carefully. Both signs learn from each other, living together makes each of them better and more successful.

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man

The combination of these two signs is not the best option. It is difficult for these people to find a common language even with a great desire. According to the Capricorn man, the Sagittarius woman should have other qualities, recognize the leadership of a man, which is completely unusual for her. When these people are at a distance, it is easier for them to establish relationships and peaceful existence.

Watch the video. Compatibility Sagittarius and Capricorn.

In love

When a girl of the Sagittarius sign becomes interested in a Capricorn guy, she will be able to please him without much effort and arouse interest in her personality. She is smart, bright, and you won't be bored with her. The complexity of the relationship is that Capricorn will immediately want to become a leader, and the Sagittarius girl will not allow anyone to control her feelings and actions. Capricorn is used to recognizing only his own opinion. He considers the reasoning of others to be an incorrect fact.

This will outrage the young lady. After time, the young man will hear from his girlfriend that he was born in the wrong century, in the wrong country. It's time to reconsider our views on many things, because patriarchy has long become a thing of the past. The guy is not going to change his attitudes, but he will change his opinion about his chosen one, saying that she has an intolerant character and lacks femininity.

95% of couples face a relationship crisis

For the girl, this will be the last straw of patience; the couple will break up with scandals and accusations against each other. When a couple survives a crisis, this will confirm the depth of feelings and hope for a future relationship.

In a relationship

Capricorn can attract a girl at first sight. The guy literally fascinates with his unusual behavior, gloomy, unapproachable appearance, and mysterious gaze. This type of man attracts a Sagittarius woman. All her life she has been hovering under the clouds, and then he appears, such an earthly, reliable man. A young man will be attracted by a Sagittarius girl with her activity, thirst for life, interesting life goals, and hobbies. She is also unlike others, she is not drawn to clothes, and you can always find an interesting topic of conversation with her.

She is a born psychologist who is trusted with secrets. But don’t try to anger her, she will be able to fight back. This is a delicate flower that blooms in the hands of a young man. A man is ready to accept that his girlfriend has no ground under his feet, but falling in love with this girl with her character is not easy right away. A couple has little chance in love. If it is present, no one can defeat the couple. There will be many complaints, grievances, and misunderstandings.

A cheerful woman experiences melancholy when she is next to such a friend. She expected miracles from the wise man, and he invites her to watch an old film and drink tea and sweets. The relationship of this couple develops according to the usual scenario. An interesting meeting, the development of events up to a certain point, the separation of partners.


The marriage of these people will be a complete surprise to those around them. No one expects bright future prospects. Capricorn often morally suppresses the woman nearby. However, the Sagittarius partner has a wayward, unyielding character. She acts as she pleases and lives as she is used to.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Modern astrology: juicy details of the compatibility of the Sagittarius woman.

Her husband does not support her actions. But she doesn't need it. She was not used to consulting with him. This leads to another quarrel. Conflicts will arise in this family over any issue: over spending money, responsibilities, or spending leisure time.

To save this marriage, spouses may have two reasons: mutual feelings and financial dependence of one of the partners, most often Capricorn.

In friendship

Friendship is impossible between a woman and a man of these signs, they get on each other’s nerves, and their characters are incompatible in close communication. The Sagittarius girl gets the impression that the young man finds fault with every word, and he gets the impression that she is too fussy, unpredictable person. It is better for such people to avoid mutual society.

In sex

Sometimes intimacy becomes the first step to building a relationship. A woman of the Sagittarius sign is completely satisfied with sexual relations with her Capricorn partner. She is crazy about him, she believes that he is unique in bed. The man really meets all the demands of his partner, but experiences his own experiences and thoughts. What matters to him is how a woman feels, but on the other hand, he considers himself the only, unique lover.

He knows how to understand a woman's erotic desires. Intimate intimacy for him is colored by feelings, which is valued by his partner. He is closed, hides secrets, but can open up. The woman wants to attract his attention. Capricorn will be pleasantly surprised by such efforts. He will compliment you on beautiful linen and appreciate aromatic oils. He considers this nonsense, but it will still give him pleasure, attention is always pleasant. The Sagittarius woman has a wild imagination and cheerfulness. These qualities are inherent in her intimacy. He chooses a partner to match himself.

She is happy only after her desires are fully satisfied. There are several options here: the end of friendship, the beginning of love or the end of a relationship. For less compatible signs, sexual relations will become a release from all the problems of marriage. The spouses will find unity and mutual understanding.

If the couple has passed the test of dissimilarity in character, over time the intimacy will become more sensual.

In progress

It is difficult for this couple to find common ground when working together. But if this happens, the union will become a successful, productive community. Partners will complement each other and expand common prospects. When a Sagittarius woman is a leader and a Capricorn man is a subordinate employee, this is not a very good combination. Capricorn is a diligent, careful worker. He automates the work in advance, outlines the scheme and details, so as not to waste time on trifles.

He is ambitious and has great business skills compared to Sagittarius. Respects management, but keeps his distance. They rarely change jobs and become an indispensable worker. Following the instructions of the Sagittarius boss, Capricorn does not fully realize his creative potential. Difficult to get along with colleagues due to scrupulousness and uncompromisingness, focused on success.

When the Sagittarius woman is a subordinate employee, and the Capricorn man is the boss, this is also not a very good balance of power. Capricorn expects exact fulfillment of requirements, and the woman of this sign tries to do more work than planned. Women of this constellation have an attractive appearance and lively character, which attracts the attention of the male part of the team. Capricorn does not like it when employees deal with personal matters rather than work.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Capricorn man.

In percentages

The lively nature of Sagittarius complements the seriousness of Capricorn, but also leads to contradictions in relationships. The rhythm of life and temperament vary so much that, despite physical attraction, relationships rarely last.

Compatibility percentage 40% – low compatibility.

Psychological compatibility

Astrologers say that different signs can learn from each other. What can a Sagittarius woman teach a Capricorn man? Sagittarius are flirtatious, flighty creatures, avoiding obligations and imposing their desires and interests on everyone; they tell all sorts of fantastic stories, have their head in the clouds. Capricorns do not mince words and are serious, mature individuals who respect hard work and do not like treachery.

6 out of 8 Capricorns seem unromantic

The Capricorn man is not aggressive and has gallant, old-fashioned manners. He keeps up appearances and cares about people's opinions of him. This doesn't mean Capricorn isn't romantic. He’s just cautious and weighs his actions and decisions. Emotional maturity is what he needs.

The Capricorn woman is calm and modest. The Sagittarius man likes her restraint in her feelings. He is sure that she shows respect to him, a soft, obedient and feminine person. However, not everything is simple in this union. The compatibility of the signs Capricorn and Sagittarius with this ratio does not make it possible to feel the nature of each partner. The Capricorn woman has an inner core that does not allow her to stray from her intended path in life. From the looks of it, she doesn't seem like she has big goals for herself. She doesn't interrupt her Sagittarius when he talks about his plans. This does not mean that a woman of an earth sign will silently follow her beloved man.

Compatibility of Sagittarius man and Capricorn woman

When these people find themselves together for some reason, there are 2 options. Forced communication or the activation of the law of opposites. The girl of the Capricorn sign is a mystery for the Sagittarius boy. She always keeps her thoughts inside and does not show her feelings. What kind of relationship might these partners have?

Watch the video. Who will a Capricorn woman be happy in marriage with?

In love

When a Capricorn girl feels interested in a Sagittarius guy, she will carefully hide her emotions. She is a secretive person and is not sure of the seriousness of her chosen one’s intentions. If, in the opposite situation, the Sagittarius guy was the first to notice the girl, he will begin to convince her of the depth of his feelings.

Sagittarius will spend a lot of time with his friends, even if young people start dating, as they did before meeting her. This will offend the young lady, but she will not be able to change the situation. If she gives an ultimatum about a choice between her and the guy's friends, the choice will not be in her favor.

In a relationship

Capricorn looks towards Sagittarius with distrust. This happens because representatives of these signs belong to different elements. This does not mean that the stars are talking about the impossibility of a union. Different signs make wonderful couples living in a harmonious marriage. Partners do not know boredom; they know how to have fun in their own way. The spouses do not get tired of communication, each has their own personal space. Partners can talk about everything in the world; there are no taboo topics for them. Everyone respects the other partner's privacy.

Complete unification between the signs will not happen, but the relationship will line up perfectly.

When drawing up a relationship horoscope for this couple, you should take into account the individual character traits of each partner. There is always hope for a good relationship. The stars don’t give up; a couple can beat the sad statistics. Go for it!


When a couple decides to get married, there are good reasons. Passionate love, or calculation in a relationship. By weighing the decision and taking a reasonable approach, there is hope for a peaceful life for the couple. If a marriage is concluded only because of passion, it is not known how the relationship will develop, it is too early to judge.

A marriage of passionate love is vulnerable and fragile. If the spouses are young, the chances of a strong relationship are slim. In the intimate life of the couple, the Sagittarius is hoping for at least some romance, and the Capricorn wife is constrained in bed. The woman gets the impression that her husband demands too much from her. She will withdraw into herself and it will be difficult to correct the situation.

In friendship

This zodiac combination of friendship cannot exist between a man and a woman. There is no spiritual intimacy and mutual trust between Capricorn and Sagittarius. Communication between them is possible if the couple have known each other since childhood or are related. In other situations there is no hope for mutual understanding.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Sagittarius man.

In sex

In bed with a Sagittarius, a woman feels relaxed. But for a Capricorn girl this is new. She's not used to this. She is erotic, but strictly observes external decency. However, the manifestation of passion and love from a partner helps her to open up. She also knows how to feel and is ready to experiment. The flame of the spouse’s sensuality needs to be kindled; this is a task for Sagittarius. A woman will be grateful to her husband for understanding and respecting her sexual temperament.

80% compatibility in sex

The erotic horoscope of a couple develops successfully after some time from the start of the relationship. Sexual relationships bring a lot of pleasure to Sagittarius. Women answer him the same. Experiencing intimacy, he believes in love, but often experiences disappointment. He is not created for a long-term union. Average compatibility with a Capricorn woman.

In progress

In business and work, the couple is compatible with labor. It is difficult for partners to assess mutual business opportunities. With forced interaction, such cooperation is possible. Capricorn will force Sagittarius to see the project through to completion. This is a hardworking worker, he can work from morning to night.

Likes to work alone, the sense of collectivism is poorly developed. Sagittarius will direct the partner’s hard work along a promising path. Friendships without sexual attraction are unlikely. Both signs are stubborn. Even if there is mutual respect, partners will not have a desire for friendly relations.

In percentages

Sagittarius manages to change the pedantic nature of Capricorn. Capricorn brings balance to marriage. With mutual respect for mutual interests and leaving personal space, an alliance is possible.

Compatibility 60% – average compatibility.

Psychological compatibility

There are similarities between the signs that only an astrologer can understand. The formation of personalities is influenced by the Sun and Moon in the signs of the Zodiac. The existence of a union is possible with great love. If your partner has doubts or is looking for benefits, it is better to break up immediately. Love at first sight is possible. These signs are attracted to each other like a magnet. The man is attracted by the reserved character and conservatism of his companion, and she is impressed by Sagittarius’s activity, inexhaustible energy, and sense of humor.

The couple is pleasant for people around to look at. Partners feel mutual emotions and stand up to each other’s defense. Marriages of this ratio are rare. In addition to common affection, the signs will find reasons for quarrels. When Sagittarians are in love, they are incapable of cheating. If Capricorns cheat, they do not consider it an incredible fact.

Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of zodiac signs he is Sagittarius, she is Capricorn - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The union of a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman is rarely seen in person. It’s even rarer to meet such an experienced couple who have a long, happy life together. This union will be full of contradictions, sometimes open hostilities, when both spouses will be forced to defend their point of view, worldview and habits. But these relationships are very strong in terms of their influence on both partners. You can even say that every Sagittarius should receive a Capricorn, and every Capricorn - a Sagittarius, in order to finally understand the value of changes in their life, the need for compromises and concessions.

The Sagittarius man is always an extrovert - he does not hide anything behind his soul, is open to the world, full of optimism and living fire. He always strives to move forward, sometimes he is in too much of a hurry, and gets into trouble by stumbling and falling. The Capricorn woman has a very rich inner world, wisdom and balance in everything. She will never take a step without considering its value to her. The Capricorn woman never rushes into the abyss of passions - thoughtfulness of actions is important to her, she always stands firmly on her own two feet, and knows firmly what she wants from this life. They are certainly interested in each other - they are both attracted to qualities that they themselves do not have. The Capricorn woman is surprised to learn that you can approach life so easily and carefree,

as her partner does, and at the same time manage to build her career and be successful in it. The Sagittarius man admires the steadfastness of his partner, her ability not to hesitate in decisions, to firmly know the direction and foresee things in advance. It will be funny to watch the couple when they begin to teach each other about life, trying to reduce the distance that separates them. Most of the time, the balanced Capricorn woman will, of course, act as a teacher, although she will also be happy to listen to her husband's reasonable comments when choosing a perspective. Some disagreements may arise due to completely different attitudes towards family and society. If the Capricorn woman loves stability, loves to command, and manages loved ones, then the Sagittarius man is ready to travel or go to parties and forget about boring family responsibilities. The partner will be annoyed by the constant absence of the Sagittarius man, his fussiness and unpredictability; at some point she will try to reason with her careless companion, but will receive a fiery rebuff. How further relationships will develop depends on the degree of ambition of each partner. Insisting on their own, each of them only intensifies the boiling point in the couple, and the conflict, in this case, promises to become protracted and strong.

This interesting relationship between a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman can become conflicting, blocking their path to happiness. But they must understand a simple thing - in matters of life position and attitude to the world, they are both right, no matter how contradictory their points of view may be. The Capricorn woman has wisdom and can accurately predict their path, and the Sagittarius man fearlessly moves forward, completing the most difficult tasks assigned to him. It is very important for a partner to learn understanding, patience towards each other, and everything else for achieving happiness and success in their couple is already there.

He is Sagittarius, she is Capricorn - compatibility with other signs

Sagittarius and Capricorn - compatibility of signs

This union, like any other combination of fire and earth signs, requires certain efforts on the part of both partners. Compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn signs determines the complexity in relationships, however, if mutual understanding is achieved, their cooperation in any area will be productive. The role of a mentor in such a tandem will be played by the tireless and purposeful Capricorn. In a fatherly way, he will direct his partner’s thoughts and actions in the right direction, without being at all embarrassed by his unpredictability. Sagittarius is impressed by the stability that this relationship provides, and he adapts to Capricorn with his usual ease.

When partners manage to resolve the disputes and disagreements that arose at first, they understand that they can give each other what each desperately needs. Sagittarius is an innovator who opens the door to everything new. He can set the tone for joint activities and determine the level that Capricorn will certainly achieve thanks to his perseverance and work. Sagittarius is always one step ahead of progress, he knows what, where and how exactly is happening, but he himself does not have sufficient constancy and willpower to bring his ideas to completion. But he will perfectly act as an ideological inspirer, in return receiving brilliant execution of his plans.

Compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Capricorn is characterized by a rather slow development of relationships. They do not rush headlong into the pool, looking at each other with doubt. But having thoroughly studied what the character of a companion is, Sagittarius and Capricorn, with a calm soul, begin to build a bright future together.

Capricorn will have a hard time in a relationship with the fickle and explosive Sagittarius. The latter will find it difficult to endure the tediousness and formalism of his partner. In the life together of these signs, there will always be a struggle due to divergent views on both the material sphere and the spiritual. On the other hand, the compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Capricorn will allow them to perfectly complement each other’s skills. Capricorn will build a strong foundation for both of them, and Sagittarius will fill the house with fun and amazing optimism.

Sexual compatibility between Sagittarius and Capricorn

It is difficult for partners to understand each other in the bedroom. Capricorn is cold and conservative, while Sagittarius is hot and expresses his feelings with great expression. They find it difficult to satisfy each other's desires, and such relationships drain and tire both partners. Sexual compatibility between Sagittarius and Capricorn leaves much to be desired.

Compatibility: Sagittarius man - Capricorn woman

The Capricorn woman is modest and calm. Her restraint in showing emotions appeals to Sagittarius. He can be sure that she treats him with respect, and also that she is soft, obedient and very feminine. However, not everything is so simple in this duet.

The compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Capricorn in this ratio clearly proves that partners cannot fully feel what the nature of the chosen one is. After all, the Capricorn lady actually has a tough inner core that allows her not to stray from the intended path. But outwardly it seems that she does not set herself any global goals. She will never interrupt her Sagittarius man when he talks about his incredible ideas. However, this does not mean at all that this earthly woman will silently follow her lover. On the contrary, she will, by invisible force, turn his energy into a peaceful channel, choosing the direction in which they should move. The main thing is that her patience does not run out when she tries to tactfully dissuade her partner from another trip to the Far North or Africa.

Compatibility: Sagittarius woman - Capricorn man

A Capricorn man may seem like the embodiment of an ideal to his companion. It carries a feeling of peace and stability.

Indeed, the Sagittarius lady next to such a person will stand firmly on her feet, if only this expression can be applied to a fiery woman. He is gallant, and he is impressed by a charming girl whom he wants to protect and take under his wing. However, the union of these signs carries quite a lot of difficulties.

The Sagittarius woman, with her incredibly explosive nature, is capable of bringing chaos into the life of her chosen one, disrupting the usual way of life of this conservative. He tends to do everything thoroughly and is faithful to his obligations. For such a man, family is of great importance, which he is ready to support in any difficult situations. The Sagittarius woman will be beside herself when she learns that her lover is again going to spend the whole weekend with his parents, helping them with renovations. Most likely, she will not hesitate to use rather harsh expressions against Capricorn and all his relatives. The consequences will be the saddest, especially for Capricorn. He will not bear the pressure and will give up his fortified positions with such difficulty. Therefore, a woman born under the sign of Sagittarius, who wants to receive stability and support from Capricorn, should be more tactful and attentive to her partner’s feelings. Perhaps then they will be able to save the relationship.

Business compatibility between Sagittarius and Capricorn

These people need to be bound together by some kind of obligation. Then they will be able to achieve good heights in their careers. Under pressure from circumstances, Sagittarius becomes calmer, and Capricorn will be more tolerant of his emotional antics. Then the first will be able to outline territories for future conquests, and the second will make every effort to achieve his plans. At the same time, his partner’s inexhaustible optimism and endless energy will help him.

Couple compatibility horoscope for the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Capricorn

Compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn signs

Compatibility between Sagittarius and Capricorn is quite likely, despite all the differences in the character and worldview of these signs.

Such an alliance is most often found between work colleagues. This couple works well as a team, and complete trust in business breeds trust in their personal lives.

In a pair of Sagittarius and Capricorn, compatibility is great, since both have something to learn from their partner. Since both are open to new knowledge, this union becomes promising for self-expression and self-improvement.

The assiduous homebody Capricorn is depressed by the fact that Sagittarius constantly strives for travel and adventure. But real feelings are capable of miracles - each of them will learn to give in.

However, a seductive Sagittarius can make their partner feel like the most loved person in the world. For this, Capricorn is ready to forgive Sagittarius for his petty pranks.

What do you think could interfere with their happiness?

Compatibility of a couple Sagittarius and Capricorn in detail

How will the relationship develop between the signs Sagittarius and Capricorn?

In the union of Sagittarius and Capricorn, compatibility decreases due to financial problems. Every Capricorn is sure that every person should have savings for a rainy day, or at least a bank account, but Sagittarius has no use for all this - why do they need money if not to spend it?

This couple must learn to share all their thoughts and desires with their partner, because they have earned mutual respect.

The compatibility horoscope for Sagittarius and Capricorn advises not to discuss religion and philosophy, since their opinions categorically disagree on these issues. Usually, Capricorn is religious, his faith is strong and unshakable, and Sagittarius is looking for explanations and reasons for everything.

Advice for building harmonious relationships between the signs Sagittarius and Capricorn

Capricorn seeks stability in relationships and life, but for Sagittarius he will make an exception. Sagittarius's natural charm and eccentric character only delight Capricorn, for whom this relationship will be a breath of fresh air.

Capricorn is a sign of pessimism, and Sagittarius is an inveterate optimist. In this relationship, Sagittarius will teach the partner that there is a rainbow after the rain. A wise Capricorn is a great learner, and when Sagittarius has a bad streak, he will definitely get a dose of optimism from his Capricorn.

Sagittarius will admire Capricorn's stable and balanced attitude towards life, because this is exactly what he lacked in his own.

Sagittarius and Capricorn - love confrontation

Capricorn and Sagittarius will always be able to come to an agreement, but no one wants to come to the negotiating table first. This

wise and strong zodiac signs who very often build successful couples. Their Love very peculiar, but no less powerful for that. Astrologers They advise such couples to control themselves, because each of them has a difficult character. A young girl and a guy, or an adult man and woman. Representatives of these signs face the same relationship problems at any age. If you recognize yourself in one of these signs, and your partner in the second, then be sure to take your relationship seriously. advice from an astrologer. They will help preserve love for many years.

When do strong zodiac signs meet?

They are very different. Capricorn will always be one step back, because he is very conservative, wise beyond his years, and has his own opinion on any issue. Sagittarius also does not lag behind, only he is always one step ahead, because representatives of this sign love to be the first, innovators, inventors. This hard sign, like Capricorn, however. It seems that he is very easy to curb, but this is only the first impression of a person. Capricorns They have an unbending will, stubbornness that even Taurus would envy. Their compatibility horoscope is based on mutual respect, love and understanding. If these three components exist, no one can break such a pair. In ordinary life or marriage, in bed or at the negotiating table, they must recognize each other as strong individuals. Don't be afraid to show your flaws, don't hide your strengths. This is the only way to build a very successful union that will be blessed by the Stars. The compatibility of these zodiac signs is questioned, because there are very few cases when everything goes smoothly from beginning to end.

Sagittarius man, Capricorn woman

These two have different interests, different friends and may never meet at all. Capricorn will look in Sagittarius’ direction with distrust. Man and woman

They can pass by and not look back. And all because they belong to different worlds. But all this does not mean that the Stars are dissuading you from building an alliance. Completely mute. This difference produces very successful couples who achieve harmony in love and marriage. They are never bored, because everyone knows how to have fun in their own way. They don’t get tired of each other, because they spend a lot of time apart. There are no taboo topics for these zodiac signs; if they manage to find harmony, they will talk about anything at home. They are comfortable with each other when each respects the other's privacy. There will never be complete unity between them, unfortunately, but the relationship that is being built is ideal for both. Compiling a relationship horoscope for such bright couple, it is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of each partner. It’s always worth a try, because the stars will never give up on anyone. Try it, your couple and her horoscope will be able to beat the sad statistics.
Love and marriage

In marriage, they must “get used to” each other. This process may take a long time. The Sagittarius man really wants activity and entertainment. He's trying to stir things up Capricorn woman, to get her out of the house, from her serious, wise thoughts. This is not easy to do, because she is already used to living like this. For her, all this is a novelty, which may, in the end, do its job. She will also want to go to a party sometimes. For men such experience is also useful. He is used to active entertainment, dating and frivolous romances. The Capricorn woman will show him how people can live together without infringing on each other's rights. The horoscope of such a couple always says the same thing: give each other space and time “for yourself.” It’s not tedious to “pull the cart sideways.” If your beloved man or woman does not want something, is strongly opposed, just leave him/her and go where you wanted. Significant other will not be offended, but will only wish you good luck from the bottom of his heart. If you want joint activity, it’s worth making a big plan - interests are very different, and it’s not always possible to combine them. Speaking about them:

“Sagittarius: fell in love - achieved it!

Capricorn: fell in love and made me fall in love with myself.”

And you can’t argue that this is their entire ability to love.

Sexual forecast for a couple

In bed and carnal love with a Sagittarius you always feel relaxed. For Capricorn this is a new thing, because she is not used to this. But passion and partner's love will help her open up. She also knows how to feel, loves sex, and is ready to experiment. Her flame needs to be kindled, but this is the task of Sagittarius. A woman will be grateful to you for your patience and understanding, especially if you respect her sexual temperament and preferences. The sexual horoscope of this pair of zodiac signs develops successfully some time after the start of the relationship. The first time can be disappointing for both. A man will be afraid of his partner’s coldness, and a woman, on the contrary, will be afraid of too strong a fire of passion. Over the years, the situation may change, because they will find how to like each other in bed. She will come out of her shell, and then surprise her partner with her hot temper. Horoscope family life This couple is strongly tied to sex.

The horoscope of family happiness is simple. Respect each other. It's simple, just get started:

  • do not insist when your partner tells you “no”;
  • let him or her go free swimming for a while;
  • support and listen, even if it seems to you that this is complete nonsense.

So a couple of these zodiac signs can say with confidence that their marriage was very successful.

Capricorn man, Sagittarius woman

He can attract her at first sight. Literally bewitch him, because he is all so special, a little

gloomy, but very unusual. This type attracts Sagittarius woman. She's been in the clouds all her life, and then He appears - the Capricorn man. He may become interested in her thirst for life, youth at any age. She is the flower that blooms in his hands. The Capricorn man is ready to come to terms with the fact that his partner has no ground under her feet, but it is rare to love her with true love. This couple has little chance in love, but if it does, then no one can hurt the couple. There will be a lot of mutual grievances, misunderstandings, and claims. A Sagittarius woman may become despondent around such a partner. She expected miracles from an unusual, wise man, but he invites her to watch an old historical film, drink tea and snack on the most ordinary sweets. And the worst thing is that by “watching a movie” or “drinking tea” this is exactly what he means. The relationship horoscope for this couple is always approximately the same: an interesting acquaintance, the development of events up to a certain point, the escape of one of the partners. Relationships can leave a bitter taste of disappointment. Nobody lived up to expectations.
Love and marriage

If it happens, marriage for these signs, then be prepared for the fact that Sagittarius and Capricorn will hide their compatibility from everyone. Something can only come from great love, in spite of everything. They can hide the relationship for a long time and not invite anyone to the wedding. Here the passionate Sagittarius woman is ready to follow her lover’s lead, if only he is happy. It’s not easy to make him happy; you’ll still have to suffer with this. In marriage there will be distance in any case. It is not easy for them to be in the same room together, because there is contradiction in the air. Renovating can be a serious challenge for a couple. Both in repair and in life - Capricorn already have a clear plan, and Sagittarius comes up with ideas on the fly, changes, re-paints wallpaper, re-hangs shelves. For Capricorn this is wildness, but for a woman under the zodiac sign Sagittarius it is the norm. This is how their strange love is built. Quarrels and reproaches are replaced by declarations of love and promises to improve. Both are ready to promise, but no one keeps their promises. Either put up with such relationships or don’t build them at all. There are few signs more different than Sagittarius and Capricorn. The horoscope of marriage is always not simple, but the appearance of children can smooth out rough edges and give the couple new horizons for development. Contrary to all opinions, good unions between these zodiac signs develop, but very rarely.

Sexual forecast for a couple

Sometimes friendship sex becomes the first step to a relationship. Sagittarius woman without

crazy about Capricorn, he believes that he is unique in bed. He's really not bad, but he's very self-absorbed. For him, on the one hand, it is important how his partner feels there, and on the other hand, here he is the only one, unique. She, in turn, really wants to attract attention. The Capricorn man will be pleasantly surprised by such efforts and will appreciate your new underwear every time, intricate accessories and aroma oils. He knows what nonsense all this is, but your attention is pleasant. There are two options - the friendship is over, the beginning of love, or the end of everything. For such less compatible zodiac signs, good sex can be an excellent cure for all problems in marriage. There will be unity and real enjoyment of each other. Over time, if the couple endures, the sex will be just great, sensual. This is something worth striving for.

The love horoscope for these dissimilar zodiac signs is very weak. They need other partners for real, complete happiness. If two people meet on the way, so different, then the future of the couple will depend only on the strength of their love. A man and a woman must understand that they cannot change each other. Just love him as he is, just accept her with all her flaws and virtues. That's all. There cannot be any special advice from the stars; only your personal feelings and desires will tell you whether the couple can exist or not. And also - a lot of patience, tenderness and forgiveness. It is important to forgive your partner’s mistakes, because he did not want to offend you at all. It’s just that you are different - this can become the advantage of your couple.

Compatibility of zodiac signs: he is Sagittarius, she is Capricorn

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 11/23 – 12/21
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Compatibility of Zodiac signs Sagittarius – Capricorn

Sagittarius and Capricorn have very little chance of finding mutual understanding, and if close relationships develop between them, then this is rather the exception than the rule. They are sometimes attracted to each other, they consider certain qualities of their partner worthy of respect, Capricorn is impressed by Sagittarius’s optimism, and he is impressed by his rationality and reliability, and yet the difference in life priorities, temperaments and characters turns out to be an abyss through which Capricorn and Sagittarius build a bridge with a huge labor.

Sagittarius and Capricorn - compatibility in love and marriage


Sagittarius man – Capricorn woman

These people rarely pair up. And a completely outlandish phenomenon is a family of a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman with a decent amount of experience living together, not filled with mutual moral torture. There may be an open clash of interests or internal contradictions, since both are too different to come to mutual agreement.

Personal relationships can have a very significant impact on each of the partners. Despite all the difficulties and little prospects, they both benefit from living together, since each of them learns to follow the path of compromise and this greatly helps them in other areas of life. The Sagittarius man is always filled with a thirst for accomplishment, he is in a hurry to get everything done and gets down to business, not afraid of mistakes, full of optimism, enthusiasm and hope. In contrast, the Capricorn woman carefully considers her every step and soberly weighs her desires against her possibilities. Due to their dissimilarity and incompatibility, a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman are very interesting to each other. It seems incomprehensible and amazing to this lady how, with such a carefree and easy attitude to life, one can not only make plans for the future, but also succeed in them. The Sagittarius husband is delighted with his wife’s insight, her steadfastness and the specificity of any of her actions.

These two love to teach each other about life, and from the outside it's quite a funny sight. Capricorn will be more zealous than her husband in this, although it cannot be said that she is completely deaf to his comments and advice. It is difficult for them to come to an agreement on issues of attitude towards society and family. Despite the fact that she is a woman, Capricorn strives to become the head of the family and direct the actions of her husband, but Sagittarius is not at all attracted to such responsibilities; he likes freedom and communication outside the home much more. The desire to escape from her embrace becomes a cause of great irritation for the partner; she notes with disappointment his unpredictability and haste in everything, but attempts to call the chosen one to reason will certainly encounter desperate resistance. If everyone defends their ambitions to the end, the conflict will take on the character of an ongoing confrontation with a gradual increase in internal tension. In order to be happy, the Capricorn woman and her Sagittarius companion must understand a simple truth: there is no right or wrong in different views on the lives of different people, everyone has the right to their own worldview, so you need to learn tolerance and strive for mutual understanding.


Capricorn man – Sagittarius woman

The relationship in this couple will never be like a stagnant swamp: dynamics always reign in them, many events take place that have a noticeable impact on both partners. The spouses have in common the desire for a clear and specific organization of their lives, but the problem is that each of them recognizes their own rules as the only correct ones. This is especially true for the Capricorn man, who puts personal preferences at the forefront, builds his own picture of the world and does not allow anyone to disturb it. The Sagittarius woman is such that she will never give up her principles without a fight; in relation to her husband, she will show uncompromisingness and demonstrate a desire to establish her own order at any cost. She is attracted to social life - at least, much more than the role of a housewife and wife. Such aspirations seem offensive to the Capricorn spouse, and the tension in the relationship sooner or later results in a huge scandal. Each such conflict can put an end to these relationships, even if they were registered in the registry office. But if the pair of Capricorn man and Sagittarius woman manages to survive, and in the future behaves more cautiously, seeing the destructive effect of confrontation, less and less misunderstandings will arise between them.

Such people often marry for very prosaic reasons, for example, financial dependence. Collaboration and goals can also be a bringing factor together, but both of them last only until both need it. Meanwhile, the union of a Sagittarius woman with a man of the Capricorn sign can survive in the face of problems that many other couples cannot cope with, since both are self-confident and persistent in times of life’s troubles. And the hardships and sorrows experienced together make husband and wife true friends, like-minded people, people who deeply sympathize with each other. In any case, Sagittarius in the company of Capricorn becomes more purposeful and persistent, and Capricorn, under the influence of his wife, is filled with greater determination.

To be happy, the horoscope advises both to realize the inadmissibility of confrontation, which takes away their strength and precious time. If they spend their resources on creation, for example, doing business together or helping each other in their careers, they will become not just good friends and like-minded people, but spouses in the true sense of the word. Only in this case will they be completely satisfied with their life together.

Capricorn and Sagittarius - sexual compatibility

In bed, it is difficult for this couple to find a common language, although both zodiac signs are considered to be quite active sexually. But Capricorn is not inclined to advertise this trait and can only reveal himself in the company of a close partner (this is especially true for women). He is alarmed by the reckless Sagittarius, who, in his opinion, is too frank and overly impulsive. Sagittarius wants their relationship in bed to be at least a little romantic, so that there is passion in sex, even for a short time, but instead he is faced with Capricorn’s complexes and tediousness. The accumulated mutual dissatisfaction makes the romance of these people very fleeting.

Compatibility horoscope for Capricorn and Sagittarius in work and business

Despite the fact that Capricorns and Sagittarius belong to the so-called social signs, which are quite often found in the world of business, they rarely form a business couple - primarily due to the fact that at the initial stage of the relationship it is extremely difficult for them to find common ground and understand the working each other's potential. Capricorn considers Sagittarius too frivolous, and he, in turn, gets tired of Capricorn's stubbornness, too reasonable approach to everything, including little things.

However, if a miracle happens and they discover that they can and should work successfully together, then their joint capabilities become much wider than the individual abilities of each. If, for example, Sagittarius is sometimes ready to give up in the face of problems looming on the horizon, then Capricorn will force him to go to the end. But the first, thanks to his breadth of views, sees more prospects and ways in which one can achieve success. Cooperation between representatives of these signs in the sphere of social activities and politics promises to be especially successful.

Couple Capricorn - Sagittarius: compatibility in friendship

Both Sagittarius and Capricorn are so stubborn and unyielding in their views on the world that they will never be able to convince each other of anything, and even the aggressiveness and expansion of Sagittarius is not able to crush the rock of Capricorn’s restraint and firmness. Their friendship simply has nothing to be based on, they do not understand each other, even having mutual respect - but not a desire to get closer. The exception is people of these zodiac signs who are involved in social or political activities: they can become, if not friends, then good like-minded people. A connection between them is also possible on the basis of mutual benefit, as well as due to other circumstances, for example, if they are relatives or the other halves of a friendly couple.

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Representatives of the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Capricorn are completely different personalities in their natural characters. As a result, companions rarely find a common language, so they do not often have the desire to create alliances. But, as you know, opposites attract, so sometimes tandems are created. But in any case, many difficulties arise between representatives of these zodiac signs. Good compatibility can only be in the work sphere, and equality must be respected.

Sagittarius man and Capricorn woman – compatibility

Alliances between a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman are not always successful. This is mainly due to different outlooks on life and the fact that companions adhere to different rhythms of life. Even with sincere feelings, it will be difficult for people to find a common language with each other. For a sincere Sagittarius man, the Capricorn woman will always remain a mystery and this will weigh heavily on him.

In love relationships (love compatibility 67%)

Despite the fact that the compatibility of a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman in a love relationship is slightly above average, this is an undesirable union. But if the lovers nevertheless decide to create a love tandem, then they will be able to teach each other a lot.

With prolonged communication against the backdrop of sincere feelings, the partner will teach her loved one to have a more practical approach to life. Over time, a man next to a sensible beauty will begin to realistically perceive the events taking place in the world around him. He will learn to make decisions carefully and carefully, which will allow him to become a more successful person.

For his part, the partner will teach his beloved to relax after everyday work and not get hung up on life’s problems. A woman will learn to perceive life in more colorful tones and move away from traditional strict views.

In a love tandem, Sagittarius and Capricorn receive from each other everything they need, but at the same time they do not become closer. First of all, this is hampered by different attitudes towards love. The man is romantic and strives to turn love relationships into a holiday. But a woman by her nature cannot understand this; for her, love is more comparable to friendly relations. She strives to plan everything, and there is no room for romantic adventures in her life.

In bed (sexual compatibility 59%)

The compatibility of a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman in bed is not very high. Partners may be attracted to each other in the sexual sphere, but there is a high probability that their passion may very quickly weaken due to the rejection of each other’s spiritual world.

In intimate life, discord is usually associated with the fact that the Sagittarius man strives for romance, but the woman does not accept any games in bed. She is naturally shy and her sensuality is low.

The Capricorn girl always thinks that her partner demands the impossible from her. If a man puts pressure on her, she may withdraw into herself. It will be difficult to correct such a situation in the intimate sphere.

A Sagittarius man who is liberated in bed will not strive to re-educate his partner. But in fairness, it should be noted that this is, in principle, useless. Therefore, the partners may soon separate.

Married (compatibility in family life 63%)

Low compatibility between Sagittarius and Capricorn in marriage indicates that partners decide to start a family if there are good reasons for this. Most likely, life circumstances are such that representatives of these zodiac signs saw benefits for themselves in marriage. It is very rare, but it still happens that chosen ones create family tandems against the backdrop of falling in love.

Moreover, if a marriage is of convenience, then there is a high probability that family relationships will develop safely and last for a long time. But, unfortunately, when Sagittarius and Capricorn decide to start a family against the backdrop of fleeting love, there is no guarantee that the relationship will last. There is a high probability that divorce will soon follow. Most often, this outcome can be predicted when the spouses are young.

In any case, many difficulties always arise in the family of representatives of these zodiac signs. A wife, who by nature is a zealous housewife, will not at all like her husband’s squandering. Serious disagreements will arise on this basis.

Life stability in the family will always be disrupted by the hot temper and emotionality of the spouse. He does not like to obey life's rules, which will greatly irritate his punctual and correct wife.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 82%)

A fairly high rate of compatibility in friendships indicates that the companions who create a friendly tandem treat each other as sincerely as possible. They are ready to provide each other with all the necessary support.

Unfortunately, due to the dissimilarity of characters, a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman rarely intersect on their life paths. As a rule, strong friendships are formed when the girlfriend is older. In this case, she becomes a real life mentor for her young friend. She will teach him to react with restraint to various events in the world around him. A friend will demonstrate to her friend how necessary it is for success to be practical in life.

But at the same time, communicating with a sincere and open partner, a woman will be charged with positivity from him. Her life will be painted in bright colors and become more versatile.

Capricorn man and Sagittarius woman – compatibility

The incompatibility of the natural characters of representatives of these zodiac signs does not allow people to create successful tandems. A man has a conservative outlook on life, so the freedom-loving and unpredictable young lady Sagittarius is unlikely to be interesting to him. On the other hand, an emotional beauty always becomes bored next to a person who strives to live by strict rules.

In love relationships (compatibility in love 40%)

The low compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Sagittarius woman in a love relationship indicates that lovers have difficulty building relationships, even against the backdrop of sincere love.

In a love tandem, it will be especially difficult for your partner. A representative of the Capricorn zodiac sign will have to learn a lot. He will need to broaden his horizons and not get hung up on work. If the relationship continues for a long time, the partner will teach him to relax. Low compatibility between Capricorn and Sagittarius in love emphasizes that this will not be easy to do.

On the other hand, the partner needs to learn to accept her chosen one as he is, with all his natural shortcomings and advantages. In order to maintain a relationship with a loved one, you will need to learn to perceive the world around you more practically.

If partners do not scatter in different directions in a short time after meeting, then they can eventually become one and achieve great success in life. But for this, the Capricorn man must stop striving to dominate the union. If partners go through difficult times, it will show that they really love each other very much.

In bed (sexual compatibility 29%)

Compatibility of Capricorn and Sagittarius in bed is very low. A man transfers his natural practicality to the sexual sphere. The Sagittarius girl is romantic and wants to receive a lot of attention from her partner in bed.

A pragmatic and realistic partner values ​​the traditional approach to intimate relationships. He is incapable of experimenting. Therefore, the partner’s emancipation may be perceived as promiscuity. Such a strict attitude towards sex offends a woman, as a result of which she may close down. This may quickly be followed by a break in the relationship.

If sex for a partner is not a fleeting phenomenon, but is associated with deep feelings, then the girl must be patient and step by step liberate her partner. To be fair, it should be noted that not every representative of the Sagittarius zodiac sign is capable of this.

Married (compatibility in family life 43%)

The low compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Sagittarius woman in marriage indicates that in this case family tandems are created solely on calculation. As a rule, such unions come as a big surprise to others. From the outside, everyone notes that the prospects for long-term family relationships are very illusory.

There will be many difficulties in marriage. First of all, they will be associated with the fact that the Capricorn man will strive to strictly dominate the family. But at the same time, it will not be possible to morally suppress a freedom-loving spouse. If the spouse does not understand this in time, then divorce will most likely follow. A successful tandem is possible only with equality.

Conflicts in the family of representatives of these zodiac signs can occur for various reasons. Big disagreements usually happen in the financial sector. The wife strives for a luxurious life, and the husband is able to make do with little and does not accept wasteful expenses. He is not bothered by a monotonous life, and he will devote a lot of time to work, while his partner cannot live without entertainment.

Only precise calculation can keep spouses together. For example, it could be a general business. If Capricorn and Sagittarius are patient, they will be able to find a common language and build successful family relationships.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 10%)

Friendship between a Capricorn man and a Sagittarius woman is almost impossible. This is exactly the case when friends are completely incompatible with each other by nature. Even when accidentally bumping into each other on the path of life, representatives of these zodiac signs irritate each other.

If people have to work in the same team, then any little thing can lead to serious disagreements. To a Capricorn man, who always follows all the rules of life, his Sagittarius girlfriend will seem very cheeky and fussy. And to a freedom-loving beauty, a person born under the zodiac sign Capricorn will seem boring and uninteresting.

It is always difficult for a Sagittarius woman to win the heart of a Capricorn man. But in fairness, it should be noted that such a desire rarely arises in an emotional and freedom-loving beauty. But if a purposeful companion truly falls in love, then she can do anything.

Firstly, you need to try, when you are next to your chosen one, to demonstrate a serious attitude towards life. It is important to remember that the chosen one is very careful in his choice, so you need to be patient; you won’t be able to quickly establish relationships.

The chosen one of Capricorn likes practical women who are able to solve everyday issues. You should prepare for the fact that he will evaluate every step of his chosen one in order to understand how much she meets his requirements.

If Capricorn has a certain social status, then he will certainly quickly make his choice. This will be due to the fact that he decides that there should be an attractive and original chosen one next to him. With this in mind, the Sagittarius woman needs to behave appropriately. It is important to convince your chosen one that you will not become a burden for him, but will shade his personality.

How a Capricorn man can win a Sagittarius woman

For a Capricorn man, the desire to conquer a Sagittarius woman can arise only against the background of calculation. He will hardly be able to truly fall in love with the extravagant beauty.

In order to attract the attention of your chosen one, you need to surround her with care and warmth. Representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign like persistent men who demonstrate their wealth. You should definitely give beautiful gifts and spend your free time in beautiful places.

If you manage to keep a freedom-loving lady next to you, then there is a high probability that you will be able to win her heart. After all, the beauty is also very calculating, and she will be able to appreciate the natural abilities of her chosen one.

The Sagittarius woman will always appreciate sincerity and directness in a man. She will definitely feel that with him she will be like behind a stone wall. It is important to always look well-groomed, since beauties who were born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius do not tolerate sloppiness. Important attractive factors are good physical fitness and a high level of intellectual development. The young lady should be interested in her chosen one.