ST Biography. The Most Bright Russian Rap Artist. Personal life Alexander Stepanov songwriter

Rapper ST has many faces: he is a popular hip-hop artist, a presenter, a battle rapper, a songwriter and simply a poet. Sometimes it seems that different people work under this pseudonym. But this is not so - the same person manages to prove himself in all guises: Alexander Stepanov.

Sasha was born in the capital of the USSR into the family of a naval officer. Since the boy’s father was often transferred from garrison to garrison, other close relatives followed the head of the family.

From Belokamennaya the Stepanovs went beyond the Arctic Circle to the small town of Gadzhievo, where one of the Northern Fleet bases was located. Then Sasha’s father was transferred to service in Kaluga, and mother and son returned to Moscow.

As a child, Sasha was no different from his peers: he went to school, played with friends in the yard, and attended the sports section. At some point, the boy became interested in music. Having heard the compositions of Tupac Shakur, one of the iconic American rap artists, Sasha himself became interested in this direction.

As a teenager, the guy not only wrote poetry on his own, but also, having encouraged two comrades to join a joint venture, recorded the first musical track with them. This is how the group “Souljar’s Family” was born, which soon became quite famous in the Moscow musical environment.

Closer to graduation, Alexander’s relationship with his parents deteriorated. The father left the family, and the guy could not communicate normally with his mother. Having collected his secondary education certificate from school, Sasha took the documents to the Institute of International Relations. It was not possible to enroll in a budget-funded form of education, and Stepanov went to a paid form.

In order to pay for his studies on time, the guy had to work a lot after classes. There was no time left for music. Sasha didn’t like this state of affairs, and he decided to quit his studies, completely devoting himself to his favorite hobby. Subsequently, Stepanov never regretted his decision.

The dropout young man was noticed by Sergei Parkhomenko (better known as rapper Seryoga). He took Sasha under his wing, and soon the rapper ST became one of the popular performers in the domestic show business. Alexander’s efforts and talent did not go unnoticed by music critics, and the rapper was awarded prestigious awards.

In 2008 ST took part in the show “BiTV for Respect”, which was organized by the MUZ-TV channel. Alexander was just a little short of victory (he won against MS Antu). But ST was not a loser - the Phlatline label expressed a desire to collaborate with the young rapper. The management of this company not only provided Alexander with a constant touring schedule throughout the country, but also helped him record his debut album, “One Hundred of One Hundred.” Basta, Guf, L`One soon recorded joint tracks with ST.

The second album, “Na100ashchy”, didn’t stick around for the first album either. This disc caused an enthusiastic reaction from fans and made the artist even more famous. In support of the album, ST shot several videos, the most popular of which were “Girl from the Periphery” and “Peter-Moscow”.

Interesting notes:

The singles “Rap’N’Roll” and “Going to the Bottom” only consolidated the success. But ST did not stop there - in 2013 he released his third solo album called “Bulletproof”, which Guf, Linda, Katya Nova and the group “Semantic Hallucinations” helped Alexander record.

The year 2014 in ST’s career was marked by the fact that he agreed to participate in “Versus Battle” for the first time., in which he won, defeating Harry Topor. Two years later, Alexander once again participated in the battle and defeated even such an opponent as.

In 2015, the performer released his fourth album, entitled “Handwriting,” to the public, which was complemented by an original cover with poems handwritten by Alexander. In 2016, ST wrote the song “Sea” for. A year later, the rapper began close collaboration with the Leningrad group, with which he shot several videos.

Currently, ST continues to successfully tour with the group and create songs for other artists. In particular, he wrote compositions for and for Olga Buzova. The rapper told journalist Irina Shikhman about this in the YouTube show “Should I Talk?”

In the summer of 2018, the performer gave many concerts in support of the world football championship, which took place in Russia, performing at fan zones in various cities. He also presented the book “Rapper Against Music,” which included poems written by Alexander, but which never became part of the musical compositions.

In addition to concert activities and work in the recording studio, ST tried his hand at cinema. In 2011, he played a cameo role as a guy who was hallucinating in the comedy Pregnant. Two years later, Alexander appeared in one of the episodes of the comedy melodrama

In Alexander’s personal life everything is as good as in his professional career. He is married to television presenter and fashion model Assol Vasilyeva. Together with his wife, the performer can often be seen among the fans of Moscow Spartak. In addition to creating a cozy home, Assol managed to try on her husband and his parents. Alexander improved relations with his father and mother, and now there is peace and harmony in the Stepanov family.

Rapper ST has a hobby - he collects vinyl records. And even in his spare time, he doesn’t let go of his guitar in order to soon please fans of his work with new compositions.

ST started rapping in the early 2000s with his gang “Souljar’s Family”, consisting of such personalities as Shodi and Lil’ Soulja, and ST himself then called himself $t Soulja. The band recorded their first track in 2003, then no one knew them, but over time the songs became better in quality, pleasing the ears of new listeners.

Working with KingRing and using Phlatline

Closer to 2006, the boys were popular in certain circles and Alexandra (this is ST’s real name) was noticed by Seryoga, who already owned the KingRing label and offered to sign a contract. ST couldn't refuse. The popularity of his music grew sharply, and he began performing in the best clubs in Moscow, as well as at all sorts of all-Russian events and top-level festivals. 2 years after the end of the contract, ST decided to leave KingRing and began collaborating with Phlatline.

Hundred from Hundred

In 2008, together with the Monolit label, his first album “One Hundred of Hundred” was released, which turned out to be very successful and brought great popularity to the rapper. With Seryoga, of course, he was also not little-known, but Seryoga turned out to be an impetus for Alexander, who helped him almost independently reach a new level and record his first album. ST actively continues to perform in all elite clubs in Moscow: from “Zhara” to “R&B cafe”. With the support of “Phlatline”, many videos were filmed and released, which were broadcast for a long time on all central music channels. In the spring of 2011, ST said goodbye to “Phlatline”, leaving only history.

Invisible Management

Next came the time of collaboration with “Invisible Management”, on which Alexander released his third solo album “Bulletproof”, as well as many famous videos. The collaboration between the company and the rapper turned out to be short and in 2013 ST terminated the contract and left the office.

In March 2014, he became a participant in the “Versus Battle” project, in which he destroyed rapper Harry Topor, and in November he won against Di Masta in the same battle.

On the Versus Battle website, Alexander Stepanov, aka ST, is called the most vibrant and romantic representative of rap in Russia.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born in Moscow in September 1988 in the family of a military sailor. The first years of the biography developed like that of ordinary boys. At school I wanted to become a musketeer, having been impressed by a film starring him, then as a Russian language teacher, I liked poetry. He himself began writing in his teens, and then decided that it was more interesting to convey poetry through music.

Alexander’s grandfather, Igor Mikhailovich Tuzhilkin, who fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, put words into rhyme. Stepanov learned about this when he was collecting information for the MUZ-TV project for Victory Day. ST dedicated the song “Life Without War” to all the winners.

Stepanov calls his guides in the world of rap. At the age of 15, Sasha formed a group with his classmates and began recording songs.

ST song “Life without war”

After graduating from school, Alexander entered the Institute of International Relations, and since he had to pay for his studies, he worked part-time, but did not give up music. When the father offered to pay for his education, on the condition that his son “stop doing nonsense,” everything became clear for the future rapper. Stepanov left the institute and quit his job.

There are several opinions about the meaning of the stage name ST. According to some sources, these are just the first letters of the surname. Others mention a certain accident in which the musician miraculously survived, and supposedly since then the pseudonym is an abbreviation for the word saint.


The “black boomer” had a hand in promoting Alexander to the musical Olympus. His label KingRing popularized ST's music through clubs and various festivals. However, the rapper released his first album, “One Hundred from a Hundred,” with the help of the Flatline agency. The first video was shot for the track “BEEF” from this album.

In 2011, Stepanov also left Phlatline; the reasons for the separation were not explained. The latest collaboration between the managers and the musician is the album “Na100ashchy”. The music for all 17 tracks was written by Igor Pustelnik Nel.

Later, ST worked under the wing of Invisible Management, which collaborated with, and independent manager Lyudmila Mironova. During this time, the rapper managed to record the album “Bulletproof” with the participation of and.

After the release of the 4th album “Handwriting,” Alexander, together with Adidas, decided to found the #superPOIMS project. Aspiring poets who do not have the opportunity to publish can send their compositions to groups on VKontakte and Instagram. Then the authors are invited to perform at the Joys Bar, where entry is open to everyone.

The only condition is that the poems must be your own, and the reading must be recorded on video. And everything is free, without restrictions and censorship. If one of the authors manages to publish a book, presentations are also held at the Joys Bar.

ST and Bianca's song "Wings"

Alexander shot a video for the track “Wings” from this album, performed together with the popular R’n’B singer. “Okoloshowbiz” and “Phoenix” were released as separate singles, both songs were accompanied by a video.

In June 2016, a battle between ST and . In addition to the intensity and tension within the battle itself, which Miron managed to extinguish, the meeting attracted a considerable audience due to the fact that the video was unavailable on Youtube for several months. The blocking, according to unconfirmed information, allegedly occurred due to an advertisement for an illegal bookmaker shown in the video.

Song "Ch.P.H." performed by ST, the Leningrad group and Florida Chanturia

However, the issue appears to have been resolved, since for Versus the recording of the meeting between the two rappers became the most viewed - by May 2018, the number of viewers exceeded 21 million.

Song by ST and Elena Temnikova “Crazy Russian”

The frontman impressed ST by the fact that he plays all musical instruments and is very demanding of all participants in the collaboration.

Another fruit of joint efforts, this time with, the song “Crazy Russian” was heard in the fantasy blockbuster “Defenders” about people with supernatural abilities.

Personal life

In 2015, Alexander married Assol Vasilyeva, a native of Tver. The rapper said that he first saw a photo of a beautiful girl in an advertising booklet. It wasn’t difficult to get to know each other - ST knew Assol’s sister, Alisa.

Vasilyeva didn’t know who ST was, didn’t listen to the songs and wasn’t very interested in this culture, although she had a relative nearby - hip-hopper Dima 5 Plyukh. But the guy won the heart of his beloved with his actions.

The beauty heard many declarations of love and yet remained unapproachable, which is how she conquered Alexander. And Assol liked the musician because his words did not diverge from his deeds. Young people see the secret of family happiness in the fact that they want to be together every minute.

During their short life together, Assol and Alexander never vacationed together, but beautiful photos and posts in "Instagram"- just the result of work. Vasilyeva accompanies her husband on tour as a manager. Working with a wife is difficult for a rapper. According to ST, his wife is very straightforward, on stage and behind the scenes she addresses him strictly in a workman’s way, but he does not allow himself to respond in kind.

Assol is quite a popular person herself. In the modeling business, she is valued for her resemblance to. Before meeting Sasha, she participated in a TV show, worked as a presenter, and collaborated with the Geometry portal. Having moved to Moscow, she met Yulia Kolyadina, producer of the World Fashion channel, and after Yulia went on maternity leave, she began leading her projects.

ST and “Russian Jolie” are often photographed together for glossy publications. The owner of a tall (185 cm) height and fashionable slight stubble looks good not only in a rapper’s outfit, but also in classic suits.

Of his colleagues, ST enjoys the greatest respect; he also likes the creativity of the Marselle group. Among Western artists, the rapper listens to Nas and Pusha T.

ST now

Alexander is the author of the song “Not enough halves”, which he performs. According to the musician, this step was prompted by the story of Olya’s separation from her husband, a football player. ST considers the TV presenter an interesting person, and first of all, a fragile, vulnerable woman. And the rapper, like a man, was hurt by the inappropriate behavior of Buzova’s yesterday’s “friends,” who attacked her with condemnation and ridicule.

Further cooperation between Stepanov and Buzova is being discussed, but ST will most likely not give away songs, as happened with “Not enough halves”.

At the end of 2017, the rapper released the “Q2ZA” clothing line, developed together with his wife Assol, which he announced at a concert in a Moscow club. ST was supported by Alexandra Streltsova and the group “Mojito”, 5 Plyukh and Pizza, IKA and Dino with their performances. Alexander performed the song “Sea”.

Song by ST and Yulianna Karaulova “Sea”

That same evening, the musician announced the opening of his own label, Istoria music. The company has taken up the promotion of young followers of rap and rock, but, according to the owner, it does not intend to limit itself to the genre. Rapper Aikyu released an album on the label, a collaboration with ST called “We Don’t See Them” was included in the rotation of MUZ-TV, TNT MUSIC and RU.TV. On the Youtube channel, videos of another of Alexander’s wards, NoFun Band, are posted in the format of a series.

The song “Zhu-zhu” performed by ST, the group “Leningrad” and Glucose

In an interview with the TNT channel, the rapper complained about the lack of time and specialists, and therefore is looking for concert directors and PR managers ready to promote the creativity of young people to join his team.

In May 2018, ST took part in a collaboration with Leningrad and. As a result, a cartoon video for the track “Zhu-zhu” appeared. He directed the video, the creator of “False Alarm” for Canadian rapper The Weeknd and the science fiction action movie “Hardcore” with and.


  • 2008 - “One Hundred out of a Hundred”
  • 2009 - “Peter-Moscow”
  • 2010 - “Hoku”
  • 2011 - “The 100th”
  • 2013 - “Bulletproof”
  • 2015 - “Handwriting”
  • 2016 - “#xxxxxxx1”

"SouLJa Family"
He made his first recording in 2003 as part of the group “SouLJa Family”, which included ST (at that time ... Read all

Alexander Andreevich Stepanov, better known by his stage name ST, is a Russian rap artist, former member of the Phlatline association, finalist of the first season of the show “BiTV for Respect.” Since 2011, together with Dino MC 47, he has been hosting the RapInfo program on the A-ONE TV channel.

"SouLJa Family"
He made his first recording in 2003 as part of the group “SouLJa Family”, which included ST (at that time ST Solja), Shodi and Lil "Soulja. He gave birth to twins.

And in 2006, his work attracted the attention of Seryoga, the head of the KingRing label, who immediately offered ST help in recording a solo album and a contract with a production company. Having quickly won the attention and love of listeners, the rapper became a welcome guest in the best clubs in Moscow, as well as a participant in many public events (Coffee Grinder Festival, joint performance with Seryoga at RMA and Golden Gramophone, hip-hop festival Splash, etc. .). In 2008, ST left the KingRing label.

In 2008, he began active collaboration with the first hip-hop agency in Russia, Phlatline. In October of the same year, together with the recording company Monolit, the artist released his debut album, “One Hundred from Hundred.” The album brought ST even more popularity, he became an honored guest in prestigious clubs in the capital (B-Club, ZHARA, R&B cafe, Black October DJ Bar, Diamond Hall, Bar Fly), and began to participate in various public events and music awards.

With the support of Phlatline, many ST videos were shot, which have been on the air for a long time on such well-known TV channels as A-One,, Music Box. On Muz-TV and MTV. One of his most famous videos is the video for the song “Peter-Moscow”; he also has the videos “BEEF”, “Respect”, “Fall in Love”, “In a Different Way feat Guf”, “We Made It Remix” and “In your House."

On February 11, the shooting of a new ST video for the track “Girl from the Periphery” from the album “Na100ashchy” took place. The track was produced by Nel from the group “Marselle”, and singer Alexandra Streltsova, who performed the chorus, will play the main character of the video.
“Girl from the Periphery” will be included in the track list of ST’s second album “Na100ashchy”, which is scheduled for release in early December.
The director of the video was Sarik Andreasyan, who directed the films “BUDS” and the modern sequel to “Office Romance.”
On March 31, 2011, for unknown reasons, he left the Phlatline label along with the performers Marselle and DJ Booch.

"BiTV for respect"
In 2008, Alexander brightly showed himself in the reality show “BiTVa for Respect” (Muz-TV) and became a finalist of the most memorable Hip-Hop TV project in the history of Russian television to date.

Qualifying round, Mad-a vs. ST (won)
- 1/4 finals, D.MASTA vs ST (won)
- 1/2 finals, L" ONE vs. ST (won)
- FINAL: Ant vs ST (lost) (51 percent vs. 49)

“The turning point for me was the day when my father arrived and said that he was ready to pay for my education, provided that I stopped doing, as he put it, “nonsense.”

Real name:Alexander Andreevich Stepanov
Date of Birth:September 23, 1988
Zodiac sign: Virgo
City: Moscow, Russia
Nationality: Russian
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 83 kg

Alexander Stepanov, better known by his pseudonymST (One hundred out of a hundred, $t Soulja)- Russian rap artist, lyricist, poet, finalist of the first season of the show “Battle for Respect”, former member of the Phlatline association, nominee for the 2013 Muz-TV Award in the category “Best Hip-Hop Project”, repeated participant in Versus Battle.

ST has 3 battles - 2 wins and 1 loss (2016 - ).

In addition, the artist has already released4 albums: in 2008- “One hundred out of a hundred”, in 2011- “The 100th”, in 2013"Bulletproof" , in 2015- “Handwriting.”

To date ST is one of the most recognizable and vibrant Russian rap artists. After the release of his first album, his popularity began to grow rapidly, and at the same timestill hasn't subsided.

Over the course of his career, ST has acquireda huge number of fans, hundreds of thousands of subscribersin social networks. At the same time, the artist is absolutely not arrogant, and continues to delight his fans with the quality of his tracks.


Alexander Stepanov was born in Moscow. BecauseST's father served in the navy,the family constantly moved. For the same reason everythingST spent his childhood in Murmansk and Kaluga.

“When I was little, I was a particularly sound sleeper. Mom told me that once in winter, she was taking me on a sled. And I thought about it. And then she realizes that the sled has become too light. He looks, and about two hundred meters away I’m lying in a ball, sleeping. It was funny"

From a very young age, ST was interested in music, and he was especially attracted to new musical trends. Over time, he took up what began to arouse his greatest interest - rap and hip-hop. In one of his interviews, ST admitted thathis musical taste was directly influenced by the world legend of hip-hop2Pac .

“As for Russian hip-hop, I started listening to Decl’s album “Who? You,” I even now remember all the songs by heart. As for foreign rap music, this is, of course, Tupac Shakur, Cypress Hill, I am an ardent fan of the west coast. Tupac is number one for me, I grew up on his music.”

Today his favorite performers on the Western stage areEminem, Jay Z, Pusha T, Nas.As for Russia, he really likes such artists asBasta, Timati, Guf.

“I really praise Basta, because this man has an amazing sense of what people need. Efficient, energetic. I think that Vasya deserves respect more than anyone else. We communicate well with Guf, I really like what he does. I like Smokey Mo's work. And, of course, the music of the group Marcelle”

During his school years, ST began writing his first poems.According to him, he remembers his first works very clearly.

“I then wrote the first big verse, printed it out, and made 10 copies. He wrote that all teachers do not understand us, they underestimate us, but we are the future, we are the new generation. When I came to school and handed it out to the kids, everyone read it. This was the first manifestation of interest in me as a person who writes”

It is known that after school STentered the Institute of International Relations in the paid department.And in order to pay for his studies, he also had to work.

“The turning point for me was the day when my father arrived (he had another family at that time) and said that he was ready to pay for my education, provided that I stopped doing, as he put it, “nonsense.” I said that I would think about it, and the next day I took the documents from the institute and quit my job. In fact, I decided everything for myself very quickly.”

ST Biography - Musical career

ST took his first steps towards a musical careerin 2003.Then, as part of the Souljar’s Family group,he recorded his first song.In addition to ST, the group included such artists as Shodi and Lil' Soulja. It was no coincidence that these guys ended up together, because the latter is a former classmate of ST - they studied together at school 711.Same yearST begins to master the art of recitative and flow.

2006-2007. KingRing

In 2006ST’s creativity was appreciated by the famous Russian rap artist, head of the KingRing labelSeryoga . He invited ST to sign a contract with a production company.The contract became the starting point for ST, because after that he began to rapidly gain popularity and win the love of listeners.

“The clearest example is Seryoga, who was such a folk boy with ditties and a black “boomer”. And at some point he made money from this boomer. And according to Western technology, his next songs became about something else. They were just as honest - “Million US Dollars”, “Discomalaria” - they became cheerful because a person satisfied his first hunger and began to make other songs.”

ST began to be invited not only to the best Moscow clubs, but also to various festivals.So ST became a participant in the Coffee Grinder festival, which was followed by a joint performance with Seryoga at RMA, Golden Gramophone, and participation in the Splash hip-hop festival! and etc.).

2007-2011. Phlatline

In 2007ST begins to actively cooperate with the first hip-hop agency in Russia, Phlatline.In October of the same yearAlexander Stepanov released his first debut album entitled“One hundred out of a hundred” , in which the recording company Monolit helped him.

“For me, every album is my child. And the parent will never be able to answer who he loves more, the eldest or the youngest, or maybe the middle one? “One Hundred of Hundred” is my first-born and, you know, how it happens, you think that you are raising a child, but in reality, he is raising you. So, the first album taught me a lot, for which I will always be grateful.”

The release of the album contributed to an even greater increase in the artist's popularity.He began to be invited to various prestigious clubs in Moscow, among which were such establishments as ZHARA, B-Club, R&B cafe, Black October DJ Bar, Diamond Hall.

At the same time, ST began to be nominated for music awards, he wasa welcome guest at public events.In addition, from that moment ST began to actively tour Russian cities.The first tours in his life lasted from 2006 to 2008.

In 2008ST announced his departure from the KingRing label without explaining the reason for his action.

“I am grateful to Seryoga for everything he did for me. If it weren’t for him at that moment, there would be no rapper ST now. For me personally, Seryoga has in many ways become an example of how an artist should work and devote himself to his work. And although I am now familiar with both the “dinosaurs” of Russian rap and those who are just starting out, I have never seen in anyone such a love for this music and such a desire to gain respect and be recognized. But he was not given this respect. I have never seen a more tragic story.”

Thanks to cooperation with the Phlatline agency, ST was able to film most of their videos. Perhaps,one of the most famous video works at that time was the ST video for the song“Peter-Moscow” . Then the clips were released"BEEF" , "Respect" , “Fall in love” , "Differently" , "In your house" . By the way, the track called “Falling in Love” became the soundtrack to the film “LopuKhi”.

In February 2011an album called“The 100th one.” Famous performers took part in the recording of the album, includingL'One and Guf.

“My second album “Na100ashchy” appeared at a rather difficult time, which undoubtedly influenced both me and him, but as the years have passed, I’m glad to see that it has grown into a strong and independent album.”

In March 2011, Alexander Stepanov(ST) announced his departure from the Phlatline label. Performers Marselle and Dj Booch followed his example. The reason for this act still remains unknown.

2012-2013. Invisible Management

In 2012the beginning of cooperation between ST and Universam Kultury LLC began.In the summer of the same yearA video for a track called “Rap’N’Roll” was shot in Los Angeles. The track became the first single from the artist’s third studio album entitled “Bulletproof”.

“Bulletproof” is an album with a big heart! He took all my pain and splashed it out like a rainbow after the rain. He took all my fears and worries and taught me to cope with them! He is a child of a new era - an indigo child. And just as it helped me, I'm sure it will help the people who hear it! Every song on it is already a small album!”

Also in 2012ST took part in Cypher“"#Let's go on a date", together with Timati, Jenee, 5 Plyukh, Misha Krupin and other performers.

“There are a lot of talented guys who appear on television and radio. I believe that this happened after the turning point “Let's see you later.” Before him, the general public knew who Basta was, who Guf was, heard the word Casta, saw Noise on the Internet. And everything else is a mystery to him. At most, they caught a couple of love songs from the performer and that’s it, no more. And here for the first time there are so many rappers on such a long track.”

In December 2012the video for the track was released“I'm going down”.

“When “I’m Going to the Bottom” just came out, we met with Levan and he said to me: “Sasha, well, you can make funny songs. Why are you sad? Somewhere I’m actually cheerful, but when I, for example, sit in silence alone at home, words awaken in me that I’ve been wanting to say for a long time.”

In March 2013album release took place"Bulletproof" .

“At the beginning of January, when everyone was still celebrating the new year, my team and I were already in full swing preparing the album. Early on, we already held a photo shoot for the cover and booklet. And towards the end of January, I was already flying to New York to shoot a video for a new single!”

In September of the same yeara video was released for an updated version of the song called"Beef"the original of which became available to listenersin 2008. At the end of 2013ST announced the termination of cooperation with Invisible Management.

“I’m constantly writing something, taking notes. Probably for the first time in three albums I rewrote many songs and brought them to mind. It wasn’t like I wrote the text, came to the studio, recorded it - and that’s it, I forgot. We listened to the songs, changed the arrangements, and somewhere I adjusted the verses”

ST Biography - ST today

Spring 2014ST presented his new track called“Smiling with you” , which became a collaboration with the performer Mojito. In his song, ST presented the audience with a lyrical side. Subsequently, the song became the soundtrack to the TV series “Immersion”.

In 2015ST presented his new album entitled“Handwriting”.

“In the album “Handwriting”, in the tab on which the lyrics are usually printed, I wrote poems. Then I thought that there are probably a lot of people who write poetry, but do not have a platform where they could share their creativity. And I created the #superPOETS project and released the first collection of poems by modern poets”

2017was marked by the release of a joint soundtrack with Elena Temnikova“Crazy Russian” for the film “The Defenders”.

Preparations are currently underwayfor the fifth solo album ST, whose output is assignedfor spring 2018.

ST on Versus Battle

In March 2014ST took part in Versus Battle for the first time.

His first opponent was a well-known rap artist from St. Petersburg Harry Axe.

ST and Harry Topor Versus battle

Although all of Harry Topor's battles had previously ended in his victory, this time the judges awarded the victory to ST.

“For the first time, it was a challenge to myself. This is not my element at all, but I really wanted to speak out. I found the most important person, who was then Harry Topor, and expressed everything. It was the most difficult and unpleasant battle - you go out and a person says all sorts of nasty things to your face, and you are forced to accept the terms of the game, stand and listen.”

In November 2014ST vs D.Masta. The fight ended in victory for ST.

In June 2016ST and Oxxxymiron. The battle ended with the victory of the latter.

“Then there were D.Masta and Oxxxymiron. I am grateful to each of them that we did not raise the topic of family and behaved with dignity. In general, I’m the only media artist (let’s say, from pop-rap) who dared to come there. Now I’m waiting for a suitable opponent, I still have something to say.”

ST and “Battle for Respect”

In 2008ST decided to take part in a popular reality show called “BiTV for Respect.” He managed to reach the finals, because ST was remembered by the audience for his bright performances and charisma. However, in the final he lost by a narrow margin to his opponent, known under the pseudonym Ant.

“I really like the lyrical songs that the guys 25/17 release. I believe that Ant is a very talented musician and performer, but, alas, our paths do not cross. It's not good, it's not bad, it just is.

ST - Personal life - ST's wife

In 2015ST married a beautiful girl named Assol. ST fans behind their backs call his chosen one “Russian Angelina Jolie,” because the girl is incredibly similar to the famous actress. Their wedding took place in a narrow family circle.

“I saw her in the photo and fell in love with her eyes - I immediately realized that this was mine. Through friends I agreed to introduce us. And I consider myself to be that alpha male, I’ve never had problems meeting someone, but here I looked like a schoolboy in love with a high school girl and literally couldn’t put two words together. Then I realized that I was in trouble. Assol, by the way, had absolutely no idea who I was or what I was, and in general, when I heard the word “rapper,” I didn’t expect anything good. But in the end I came to her in Tver and said: “You will be my wife.” She laughed, four months later we moved in together, and a year later we got married.”

Assol has a higher education in geographyand, by the way, works in his specialty.She is a successful businesswoman, owning her own travel company.

“I really fell in love, found the woman I was looking for and for whom I am grateful for a lot. Nowadays, in general, the institution of marriage and family is not in trend - copulating with everything that moves is considered cool, but being faithful to one woman is a cost of antiquity. But I live by my principles - my parents divorced, and I never had the feeling of a full family, so I always dreamed of creating a strong unit of society myself.”

ST Family

It is known that ST's parents are divorced. According to him, after that he did not communicate with his father, and his relationship with his mother was rather tense.

“By the way, for which I am especially grateful to Assol - she reconciled me with my entire family. Assol first reconciled me with my mother and regularly calls her, then with my father (he already has two children). This year we even went to the 90th birthday of my grandmother, my father’s mother. The whole family relies on her”

ST admits thatSince childhood, his parents wanted a slightly different future for him.

“My parents, like everyone else, were raised with an absolute understanding that a child first goes to kindergarten, then to school, to college, and, ultimately, to work. At that time it was a simple and understandable picture of the future. However, there was no other”

But now ST’s mother enjoys watching the Rap-Info project, where ST is the host.

“I bought her a laptop, now she’s all over the Internet. I now support both myself and my mother and grandmother through music alone. I believe that I have proven that my music is work.

Hobbies ST


ST is a devoted Spartak fan.According to him, the love of football came to him on its own, since in his family there was no culture of rooting for any football club.

“I don’t remember my father watching any football matches. There is something animalistic around football, real and not hidden. And this is very valuable to me, this release of emotions. And gradually I began to go to matches, Spartak matches, because this is a Moscow team with history. That is, I first fell in love with the colors, and then I became a fan. Now I don’t miss a single home game if I’m in town.”

"The Simpsons"

It is known that ST isan ardent fan of the famous animated series “The Simpsons”.

“I'm a really big fan of this series and Homer Simpson in particular! Now I watch it as if I were reading a new issue of my favorite comic book. Season after season, the series began to lose “between the lines.” And the same South Park is much more daring and unpredictable. However, in the last season of The Simpsons, the all-conquering line of family as the main thing in a person’s life began to be traced, with which I completely agree.”

ST Tattoos

Today, ST has about 18 tattoos on his body.The first one was made at the age of 18 - the inscription “One hundred out of a hundred” in Gothic on the left hand.

“In general, I think that getting a tattoo for the sake of a beautiful picture is stupid. Every tattoo means something to me. Of the latter... On my side I have Lyuba - she symbolizes my Love. And on the back there is Vera. The last one was really hard for me. I never ask for anesthesia, but after 5 hours I asked for a pill. In general, I believe that a tattoo is a kind of cleansing through pain. If you haven't felt all this pain, you won't remember this tattoo.”

ST in life

In his free time, ST, like many people,listens to music, watches movies and TV series and, of course, reads books.ST especially recommends the book “The Master and Margarita,” which he called “a storehouse of wisdom.” It also adds such books as “Fight Club”, “The Alchemist”, “Shogun”, “The Godfather” and “The Big Soldering”.

“Lately I’ve really fallen in love with the work of Lana Del Ray. From the cinema... the last time I came out really impressed was the film “Vysotsky, thank you for being alive” and “Happy New Year, Moms. I also love to read, I read quite a lot. I always take a book with me on the road when I go on tour. I just can’t finish reading Homer’s Odyssey.”

ST doesn't hide his bad habitsand addiction to cigarettes and alcohol.However, the topic of drugs does not interest him at all and is not discussed in any interview.

However, in one of his interviews ST admitted thathis favorite alcoholic drink is “Jack Daniels when it’s classic, and Jameson when it’s for the soul.”To this I addedB-52, calling it “our musketeer drink.”

“I collect vinyl and get a thrill when I manage to buy a new record, I also play the guitar and write songs 24/7. And I’m also the person who hasn’t seen a single interview with Dudya, and I don’t watch TV series at all. But I have January 3, when the New Year has already been celebrated, but Christmas has not yet begun. It's Sony Playstation day, during which I play through some cool game. And of course, shopping – buying myself new sneakers”

An important attribute of ST is a cap, of which he has quite a few in his closet.

“For me, a cap is an integral part of my wardrobe and image. Even those who may not know my songs somehow know that “my baseball cap is red.” I have a lot of caps! Once I tried to count and got lost! This is despite the fact that I periodically give them away and scatter them at concerts.”

List of battles


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