It has become known why Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are getting a divorce. “Standing Alone Again”: a story of love, betrayal and separation of Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux Love story of Jennifer Aniston

Met in 1990

Actor Charlie Schlatter became Jennifer Aniston's first famous boyfriend: the guys worked together on the set of the series Ferris Bueller. In the show, 21-year-old Aniston played Schlatter's older sister, but between takes she showed anything but sisterly feelings towards her colleague. According to members of the film crew, Jen was already a hot girl back then, and many of the guys on the set, including Schlatter, were crazy about her. But the series failed to air, and the passionate office romance ended with the final command “Cut!”

Jen and Adam Duritz

Metmarried in 1995year

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Musician Adam Duritz, founder of the band Counting Crows, is not the most serious hobby in the actress’s life. According to the guy himself, he and Aniston “never even slept.” However, Duritz still became an important stage in Aniston’s life. Why? Because the sly guy also planned to have an affair with Courteney Cox, Jen’s colleague on the TV series “Friends.” Instead of squabbles, the girls just laughed at the unlucky gentleman, and Aniston once and for all concluded for herself that friendship is not worth quarreling over men.


Jen and Tate Donovan

Met from 1995 to 1998

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On the set of Friends, Aniston met not only her best friend, but also her first serious love. Actor Tate Donovan played Joshua in the series, with whom Aniston's character, Rachel, dated in the fourth season. According to the script, it was nothing serious, but in real life, Donovan planned to propose to his beloved. True, the beauty was ahead of her boyfriend, inviting him to break up.

Jen and Brad Pitt

Were married from 2000 to 2005

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We all know this story: a tale of love that was never meant to end. The breakup of one of the most beautiful couples in Hollywood was a real shock for fans of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt. They met in 1998 at a party: the date, according to rumors, was arranged by the guys' agents, and Jennifer charmed Brad. In 2000, they got married out of great love, which, however, did not last very long. Trouble intervened in the couple's life, first because Jennifer did not agree to have children. The real reason for the separation was something completely different: on the set of the film Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Pitt became seriously interested in his partner Angelina Jolie. Jen tried for a long time to bring her husband into the open and make sure that her suspicions about cheating were true. The result of the family drama was the divorce of Pitt and Aniston in 2005.

Jen and Vince Vaughn

Met in 2005-2006

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Jen found solace in the arms of funny guy Vince Vaughn after a painful breakup. Without changing her long-time habit, Aniston started an affair at work: Vaughn was the actress’s partner in the film “Divorce, American Style.”

Jen and Paul Sculfor

Met in 2007

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British fashion model Paul Sculfor is Aniston's fleeting crush between two serious romances.

Jen and John Mayer

Met in 2008-2009

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Singer John Mayer is nine years younger than Aniston, but this did not bother the actress, but the musician’s relationship with the beauty left him in turmoil. He admitted that he was sad after breaking up with Jen, and in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine he said that the breakup with the actress was “the worst time of his life.”

Jen and Bradley Cooper

There were rumors of an affair in 2009

Gossips attributed Aniston to having an affair with Cooper after the release of the film “Promising Doesn't Mean Marrying,” where they played together. Yes, the guys really became close friends on the set and met several times: paparazzi kept catching the actors leaving restaurants. But the stars denied that they were having an affair, and there was no reliable evidence of this.

Jen and Gerard Butler

Met in 2010

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This time, Jennifer expressed sympathy for her colleague more boldly, but journalists suspected the guys of ordinary PR: their joint work “The Headhunter” was being released. The actors appeared together at the Golden Globe Awards ceremony, hugging on the red carpet under the flashes of cameras, and were not shy about taking walks together in their free time. But as soon as the film paid off at the box office, the stars lost interest in each other.

Jen and Justin Theroux

Before the secret wedding in 2015, they dated from May 2011

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After meeting actor Justin Theroux, star of the cult film Mulholland Drive, Aniston’s series of frivolous hobbies and PR affairs with co-stars ended. Justin and Jen met in 2010 on the set of the comedy Wanderlust. At that time, Theroux was deeply unfree: the actor lived for almost 15 years with stylist Heidi Bivens, whom, despite the serious length of the affair, he left for the sake of his passion for the laughing Jen. Journalists began to “marry” the lovers almost immediately, but friends of the couple claim that Theroux actually proposed to Aniston a year after the start of their romance, and she agreed. Only now the wedding was postponed and postponed: either because of a busy filming schedule, or because of disagreements between lovers regarding the organization of the celebration. It seems that poor Jen, having been burned by milk, diligently blew on the water and was in no hurry to get married again. Tired of guessing about the wedding date, gossips even attributed Aniston... to pregnancy! At the premiere of the film “We Are the Millers” in August 2013, the actress appeared in a tight-fitting satin dress that did not hide the star’s belly. But as we know, sometimes a banana is just a banana, and in that case, Jen's curves had nothing to do with pregnancy. The actress herself has learned to take lightly the constant discussions of her “unhappy bachelor and childless life.” “Poor Jen, she’s so unlucky in love,” scream the tabloids. Yes, I’m super lucky in love! Yes, I live without a traditional husband and two kids, but if you don’t like it, then just turn away. But for me, actually “Okay,” Aniston laughed in the face of all the “sympathizers.”

And yet, Aniston could not resist the persuasion of her long-time boyfriend to become her traditional husband. Three years after the proposal, she became the wife of Justin Theroux. The modest celebration took place at the couple's home in Los Angeles. The guests did not know that they were going to a wedding: the lovers sent out invitations to Theroux’s birthday, who would turn 44 on August 10 (apparently, the lovers decided to follow the romantic tradition and got married on the anniversary of the proposal).

In total, there were about 70 guests at the wedding: the newlyweds’ colleagues from the TV series “Friends” and “The Leftovers,” singer Sia, TV presenters Ellen DeGeneres, Chelsea Handler and Howard Stern, and photographer Terry Richardson.

Aniston and Theroux went to Bora Bora to enjoy their honeymoon.

45-year-old Jennifer Aniston and 42-year-old Justin Theroux met when each of them had a love drama behind them. Jen was recovering from a difficult divorce, and Justin was on the verge of breaking up with his common-law wife, when their meeting dramatically changed everything. "Lady Mail.Ru" will tell this story in order.

A true defender

At one point, Jennifer Aniston was very tired of being a “poor girl.” After her husband Brad Pitt left for Angelina Jolie, the star of the series “Friends” was labeled “abandoned and offended” for a long time. While all of America felt sorry for Jen, the actress had already survived the blow of fate and was determined to fight further.

“Where did this 'poor lonely Jen' tag come from? I consider myself incredibly lucky in love. Well, yes, my life does not fit into the traditional framework - I do not have a husband, two children and a house in Connecticut, but this is my life, my experience. If you don't like him, just don't look at me. And I’m happy with my life!” - Aniston said in an interview with Vogue magazine.

Jennifer did not hide the fact that the media put a lot of pressure on her - rumors that the actress could not have children, that Pitt left her for this very reason, always hurt Aniston, who eventually stopped answering any questions about her personal life.

During this difficult period, “that very person” appeared in her life - Jennifer met Justin Theroux, a handsome and talented man. “He is a real defender, what is called a strong shoulder. In addition, Justin is just a good, kind person with a great sense of humor,” this is how the star described her new chosen one.

They met in 2010 on the set of the film “Wanderlust,” where they had to act in rather funny and completely unromantic scenes: for example, milking a goat. Meanwhile, serious passions were developing behind the scenes - Jennifer and Justin's office romance was gaining momentum, while the tabloids continued to wonder how long “poor lonely Jen” would remain alone.

Justin Theroux also had a long and serious relationship behind him - he lived with stylist Heidi Bivens for 14 years. The lovers were happy together for a long time, but for some reason they were in no hurry to walk down the aisle. At the moment when Jen appeared in the actor’s life, he was still not free... Therefore, Theroux had to make a difficult decision: to break up with his long-time common-law wife in order to be together with Aniston. In the end, Justin did not deceive anyone - he simply packed his things and moved.

Justin Theroux with ex-girlfriend Heidi Bivens

At gunpoint

Jennifer and Justin hid their relationship until May 2011, but, of course, they could not remain completely invisible. The couple was seen either on a walk or in a restaurant, and then the paparazzi spotted two cars near Aniston’s house...

Jennifer and Justin are a couple who are probably more tired of rumors than any other Hollywood couple. Even Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie didn’t get as bad as Aniston and Theroux from journalists... Firstly, news about the imminent wedding appeared in the media more often than about the “pregnancy” of the Duchess of Cambridge, and secondly, the paparazzi began to literally follow the couple on their heels, inventing more and more new “information occasions” about their lives.

Jennifer and Justin met in 2010 on the set of the film Wanderlust.

Jennifer had to resolutely and unequivocally refute all the sensational news about herself. At one of the press conferences, she said: “Rumor number one: I don’t plan to get married in the near future. I've already been married once and I don't know if I want to get married again. And rumor number two: no, we are not expecting a child. I just quit smoking and gained a couple of kilograms.”

For Theroux's sake, Aniston decided to take an unprecedented step - she gave up all roles for a whole year in order to fulfill her main responsibility at that time - to be Justin's girlfriend. She came to the actor for filming, accompanied him on trips, and sometimes appeared with Theroux at premieres. In this happy year for both of them, Jennifer and Justin decided not to waste time and purchased their family nest - a luxurious mansion for $21 million, where they began to live together. It would seem that this idyll was missing only one factor - children.

But here, too, Aniston was categorical: “Questions about children irritate me. When journalists see that I don't talk about my family directly, they ask in some other way. For example, how many children would I like to have if I were in the place of my heroine? Do I want a boy or a girl?” And soon rumors about children really stopped appearing - even the most optimistic journalists despaired of hearing this wonderful news from Jennifer.

Aniston did not act in films for a whole year so that she could devote all her time to her lover

Smoke without fire

Jennifer's wedding, which the tabloids scheduled first for the Christmas holidays, then for the beginning of January, never took place, although the engagement ring still glitters on the actress's finger. On the contrary, persistent rumors spread that the couple had entered a difficult period.

It all started when Aniston celebrated her 45th birthday in the company of friends, without Theroux. In addition, the year without work was over for Jennifer, she returned to filming, which means that the couple was no longer seen as often as before. For some reason, lovers even stopped coming together to social events.

(46) and (44) met at a fairly mature age. Each of them managed to get burned in love and rethink a lot. After a painful breakup with Brad Pitt (51), Jennifer was under the scrutiny of the press for a long time and acquired the status of “abandoned.” All her subsequent novels were fleeting and led nowhere. Not everything was smooth in the life of Justin Theroux either: the actor also experienced a difficult breakup. But, having left behind their past relationships and disappointments, Aniston and Theroux seem to be truly happy. PEOPLETLAK I decided to remember how the story of this beautiful couple began.

Jennifer Aniston was born into an actor's family John Aniston and models Nancy Aniston. The actress’s father is Greek by origin, and her mother is a descendant of Scots and Italians. When Jennifer was nine years old, her parents divorced.

Born in Washington into a lawyer's family Eugene Theroux and journalists Phyllis Theroux.

After her parents' divorce, Jennifer stayed with her mother, but often visited her father. It was her father who instilled in young Jen a love of cinema, and at the age of 11, Aniston began playing in a dramatic theater group.

Theroux cannot be called a diligent child. Possessing an obstinate and complex character, Justin was expelled from school several times. The reason was frequent conflicts with teachers and peers. As a result, the boy was sent to Buxton School– private boarding school with an artistic focus. Strict discipline was observed at school, which changed the young man’s character and instilled a love for acting.

In 1987, after graduating from school, Jennifer decides to continue her studies and enters New York acting lyceum. After graduation, Aniston was faced with a choice: to continue her acting career or take psychology courses. It was then that she was offered to take part in the play. This sealed Aniston's fate.

After finishing school I went to London and entered the Academy of Dramatic Arts.

Having chosen cinema, Aniston faced the problem of all aspiring actors: lack of money and lack of roles. Beating the threshold of castings, Jennifer was forced to work part-time as a waitress in a diner called "Jackson's Hole".

After graduating from the Academy of Dramatic Arts, Justin moved to New York, where he began participating in Broadway productions. Soon he meets a famous comedian Ben Stiller(49), who had a significant influence on Theroux's work.

Due to lack of work, Aniston from New York moves to Los Angeles, where he finds his first agent, who immediately put forward a strict demand to the future actress: to lose 15 kg. When Jennifer got into the right shape, she was finally offered roles in low-budget films.

Justin, unlike Jennifer, had a pretty successful career. In 1996, he made his first serious debut in the film "I Shot Andy Warhol". A comedy film followed later. "Romy and Michelle at the Homecoming".

After several failed films, Jennifer finally got lucky. The actress's agent sends her to the casting of a new television series called, which launches the channel NBC. At first she was offered the role of Monica, but Aniston chose the eccentric Rachel.

The series started in 1994 and gained unprecedented success. Aniston's heroine gained great popularity and love from television viewers, and women all over the world dreamed of the same hairstyle as Aniston's. For each episode in the last two seasons of the series, the actress received a fee of one million dollars. This is how Jennifer turned from a loser into a global star.

Justin Theroux also starred in the famous series − "Sex and the City", thanks to which it gained considerable popularity. Then he began to try his hand at directing, and quite successfully. As a result, Theroux became not only an actor, but also a famous screenwriter and director.

Everything was more than smooth in Jennifer's career, as well as in her personal life. In 1997, she had a short romance with the actor Tate Donovan(51). However, after several months the lovers separated.

And in 1998, Aniston meets one of the most desirable men on the planet - Brad Pitt. They met on a blind date organized by the actors' agents. Jennifer was immediately attracted to Brad, and it was mutual. Two years later, in 2000, they got married.

Jennifer and Brad became the brightest and most beloved couple Hollywood. It seemed that nothing could break this strong union. However, in 2005, rumors about discord in the couple began to appear more and more often in the press. The main reason was Pitt's desire to have children, but for Aniston at that time her career came first.

In 2005, divorce proceedings began, to which the actress added a fly in the ointment (40). At that moment, when Aniston was going through a hard breakup, her ex-husband spent time with one of the most beautiful women in the world, who later became his wife and gave the actor three children.

After a painful divorce, Aniston dropped out of life for some time. The support of her best friend Courteney Cox (51) and the help of a psychotherapist helped her overcome depression.

Justin Theroux, like Jennifer, went through a difficult breakup. The actor had a long-term relationship with the stylist Heidi Bivens. The couple lived in a de facto marriage for 14 years, but they were in no hurry to get married. According to rumors, this is what caused the breakup. Heidi wanted children, but Theroux was not ready for this.

Jennifer was having a fleeting affair with the actor at the time. Vince Vaughn(45) and musician John Mayer(37), however, she told the press that this was just friendship.

Aniston and Justin met in 2010 on the set of the film "Wanderlust". Theroux was still living with his girlfriend at the time, but Jen was single. Rumors about the actors' romance began to appear in the press, which were immediately confirmed by Justin's imminent breakup with his partner.

In news that shocked the world and left almost all of us believing that love is dead, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux's relationship is over.

The estranged couple said in a joint statement to The Associated Press in February. 15, 2018, "We usually did this privately, but given that the gossip industry can't resist the opportunity to speculate and invent, we wanted to convey the truth directly. Everything that is published about us that is not directly from us is someone else’s fictional narrative. Above all, we are committed to maintaining the deep respect and love we have for each other."

They had been a couple since 2011, but were only married for two years before pulling the plug on the relationship. What the hell happened to this seemingly happy husband and wife?

They had too little in common

“Jennifer and Justin fell in love very hard and quickly, and yet they were never really right for each other. He was a New York hipster who loved an alternative lifestyle, and Jennifer was living a much more reclusive life when they first started falling in love. The initial chemistry between them made it easier for them to ignore their differences and incompatibilities... he's more nomadic, he's more free spirited, he's rugged and urban, and Jennifer is just not that kind of person."

They were crazy busy

A source told People: “For years, even before they got married, they compromised and did their thing. It included long separations, especially for their work requirements."

The past year has been a particularly grueling schedule-wise: after Theroux wrapped up work on scraps, he did voice work in The Lego Ninjago Movie (2017), appearing in " Star Wars: The Last Jedi(2017), three films were shot, and for the TV show Maniac. Meanwhile, Aniston starred in F yellow bird(2017), directed Dumplin' (2018) and signed on to an as-yet-untitled Apple TV project with Reese Witherspoon for 2018.

A source told Radar Online: "Jen is proud of Justin's work, but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't looking forward to the end of his HBO series, the remnants that moved to Australia for season three." The insider claimed that "afterwards, like Justin said her bosses are leaving the door open if HBO wants another series, Jen is out... it would be better if he could get a serious film career off the ground as that only assumes he's been out for six weeks instead six months."

They may have had a faulty foundation.

Aniston is often portrayed as the victim of Angelina Jolie's kidnapping, but it turns out she may have been a domestic herself. Before sleeping with Aniston in 2011, Theroux was in a live-in relationship with stylist Heidi Bivens for 14 years.

Biven's mother told Radar online, "Heidi told me that Justin told her [after they split] that something would be written about him and Jennifer, that something was going on between them, and he wanted her to I knew it didn’t mean anything, it didn’t happen. From his own mouth, he told my daughter that there was nothing [news that linked him to Jennifer]."

A source told Grace magazine (via Page Six) that Aniston tried to try to establish friendly relations with Bivens. "Jen told Heidi that she understood the painful time she was going through and explained that she wanted her to know, to convey her heart, that she would never steal another woman's man," the insider said."

They lived on different coasts

The biggest obstacle to Aniston and Theroux's marriage was the physical distance between them.

A source told People: “Jennifer loves her life in Los Angeles and if anything, she has become more attached to being there. Justin isn't as comfortable or happy in Los Angeles all the time. He loves New York and always has."

One insider told Us Weekly: "Jen tried the whole New York life with Justin, but she's a California girl at heart. New York was just never going to be home for Jen... spent most of her time [with friends in New York]. Justin's urge to spend as much time as he wanted in New York is what doomed the marriage. Jen thought that after spending time without her,

Justin will miss her more."

Aniston's womb has been a constant source of media attention since Brad Pitt's Mrs., and her marriage to Theroux brought out the tabloid hawks even more, and it devastated her, likely exacerbating tensions in the marriage.

In an update to The Huffington Post in July 2016, Aniston wrote, “For the record, I am not pregnant. Why am I sick of it... maybe I'll be a mom someday... but I'm not chasing motherhood because I feel inadequate in some way... I resent what was done to make me feel 'lesser' because my body is changing and/or I had a hamburger for lunch and was photographed at a weird angle and therefore considered one of two things: 'pregnant' or 'fat.' Not to mention the painful awkwardness that comes with being congratulated by friends, colleagues and strangers on a fictional pregnancy (often dozens of times in one day).”

Unfortunately, her survey didn't necessarily help. As Aniston told VOG in August 2017, “I think the problem is that the tabloids and gossip columns take the human body and put it in a category. They are either fat-shaming, body-shaming, or childless-shaming... I've worked too hard in this life and this career to be reduced to a sad, childless person... I couldn't bear to hear this story about being pregnant or not pregnant anymore ; you have no idea what is going on personally in our lives and why it is happening or not happening.”

Gerard Butler may still have the attention for her

Aniston dated 300 (2006) to actor Gerard Butler in 2009 while they were filming Bounty Hunter (2010). Although the romance was short-lived, sources say the former co-stars may give him another chance.

"Jen has been leaning heavily on Gerard as her relationship with Justin continues to crumble," a source told Radar Online in February 2018, just days before news of the breakup broke. The source added that Butler telling Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen in January 2018 that Aniston was a better kisser than Angelina Jolie was also no coincidence.

"It's no coincidence that just as Jen's marriage is falling apart, Gerard has made a public display of affection and loyalty to her... she's truly touched that Gerard is proving he has her back," the insider claims. “Gerard told Jen that he still carries the torch for her. He made it clear that the timing wasn't right before, but he's ready to commit to her now."

Was he annoyed by her eating habits?

Ageless, perpetually toned, Aniston is one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood and has been ever since she hit the big time with friends, and she puts in a lot of work to stay that way. Did her strict diet bother Thera?

A source told Radar Online in early February 2018: “Jen is banning all types of food from the house, and although she barely spends any time in New York these days, she won't let Justin have it in the apartment. Right now, she won't touch anything with soy or milk in it and gets scared if she sees so much of it in the refrigerator."

The source added that Aniston's behavior went beyond looking at her own girlish figure, claiming: "This is just Jen's latest way of controlling him. But such behavior will definitely not help them get their relationship back on track.”

She might not like his bros

No one is saying you have to love all of your spouse's friends, but in light of the #MeToo and Time movements, Aniston was allegedly more upset about Theroux's brood than ever, partly because of the old saying: "You're the company , which you are holding."

A source told Radar online in January 2018, "Jen hasn't lost her mind with all the harassment history of Hollywood, and this has led to a reality check when it comes to Justin and his eccentric pals like Terry Richardson, Danny Masterson, and even Louis C. -Kay" (Richardson, Masterson, S. and K. are all charged with some form of sexual impropriety or sexual assault; only S.K. has pleaded guilty.)

“These are all guys that Justin seriously respects, but Jen demands that he has no connection with them,” the source said. "Justin loves to play his edgy "Street cred" and his cool New York friends, but it's more controversial than Jen would like, especially when dealing with her big corporate sponsors like Smart Water or production partners like like Apple."

Was she jealous of his girlfriends?

Insiders claim that Aniston was often jealous of Theroux's interactions with other women, especially on set, which, given Brangelina's history, is quite understandable for her.

A source told Radar Online that Theroux "came close" to co-star Emma Stone while filming Maniac. "Justin can be quite flirty when Jen isn't around... there's more friction than trust between Justin and Jen right now."

“Whenever he does get time off and gets to one city, he talks to everyone except [Aniston],” the source said. "Jen became incredibly jealous...[his friendships with women] were one of the couple's main problems."

The media attention was too much to handle

The media attention that surrounds all things Aniston may have damaged the marriage. "He absolutely hated it at first," a source told E! News. "He fell in love with Jennifer, so that was what he came to accept... everyone around him knew that wasn't who he was."

Another insider told Radar Online that when Brangelina filed for divorce, Theroux resented the paparazzi's presence. "The moment this divorce news was announced, it was about timing Aniston's next public appearance and timing it in a way that would embarrass Brad and Angie," the source claims. "Justin hates it, being dragged in as a pawn in his PR game... it's a huge source of tension."

The source also accused Theroux of leaving Aniston to fend for himself at the Golden Globes in January 2018. “Jen was absolutely lost without [Theroux],” the insider said. "He knew Angie would be there and he picked the worst possible time not to support his wife... it would have been the worst kind of public humiliation because she and Justin put on such a united front about being one of the happiest couples in Hollywood."

They supposedly had "the fight to end all fights"

Apparently the final straw for Aniston and Theroux was one particular fight that started out minor but exploded into something major.

A source told Radar Online that "fighting to finish all the fights" shouldn't have been a big deal. "It was a stupid argument—that's the kind of disagreement most couples have," the insider said. “But this time things got out of hand and Jen was eliminated. She came to Justin very strongly. It was tongue twisting of epic proportions. It was best for both of them that Justin removed himself from the situation before it got physical." The source added, "Justin told People that Jen had gone too far and he wasn't coming back."

There's still no word on what the hell they fought in the first place, but chances are it wasn't over whether there was chicken or fish for dinner.

Their last efforts failed

Aniston and Theroux went on vacation to Mexico with actor Jason Bateman and his wife, actress Amanda Anka, in December 2017 and early January 2018 in an attempt to mend their relationship.

A source told Us Weekly that Anka "has been a mediator in recent months, trying to get Jen and Justin to work through their issues and save their marriage. The trip to Cabo was a vacation for Jen and Justin. They left with their friends, hoping to have fun and work on it. The guys and girls hung out separately in Mexico. It didn't work."

Brad Pitt is alone again

Aniston and her infamous ex are back on the market, and the rumor mill is already rife with rumors of a reconciliation.

In December 2017, a source in the know said Pitt had reached out to Aniston following their split. “Brad's conversations with Jen helped him discuss his new life as he gets divorced. He feels a deep connection with her...Brad would take a second chance at love with Jen in a heartbeat,” the insider said.

Jennifer Aniston, 49, and Justin Theroux, 46, looked like the perfect couple. It seemed that long-suffering Jen had finally found female happiness. After all, in public the spouses always looked happy, thus refuting rumors about problems in the marriage. And yet there is no smoke without fire: Aniston and Theroux officially announced their separation. How Jennifer found herself alone again, and whether there were secret signs indicating an approaching breakup (spoiler - there were), the site is looking into it.

February 16, 2018 · Text: Margarita Kochergina · Photo: Getty Images,, Rex Features/FOTODOM.RU

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Jennifer Aniston's personal life has always been of interest to both journalists and fans, and after an extremely painful divorce from Pitt, public attention became simply intrusive. Millions of fans sympathized with Brad's ex-wife, most of whom were women who had been deceived by their husbands. Every time something changed in the relationship between Pitt and Jolie, Internet users immediately tried to find out how the ex-wife of the sex symbol reacted to this or that event (from the birth of children to engagement).

After Aniston met Justin Theroux, this interest did not subside. Constantly appearing gossip on the Internet about the pregnancy of a childless celebrity, who was almost infuriated by them, only inflamed the curiosity of the tabloids and fans. But time passed, and one day these rumors were replaced by rumors of divorce, which, unlike the news that Jen was expecting a child, turned out to be true. In order to understand why this couple broke up, we should go back in time...

On someone else's misfortune

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux first met in 2007 on the set of the film Tropic Thunder, where he acted as a screenwriter and producer. One fine day, the actress stopped by her friend Ben Stiller, the director of the film, to support his new project. As Aniston later admitted, she immediately drew attention to the handsome handsome Theroux, but then fate took them in different directions.

In 2010, Jennifer and Justin were cast in the lead roles in the film Wanderlust. It was while working together that feelings flared up between them. Aniston had been alone for a long time, her romances with colleagues quickly ended: the actress was ready to plunge headlong into a new relationship.

Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston announced their engagement in August 2012

Justin was not free at that time: he lived in a civil marriage with celebrity stylist Heidi Bivens. But Aniston, who was in Heidi’s shoes when Pitt started an affair with Jolie, was not embarrassed.

Rumors soon began to appear that Theroux and Aniston were dating. The actors tried not to advertise their relationship, but nosy paparazzi kept catching them together. At some point, the celebrities decided that there was no point in hiding anymore and confirmed their romance. By that time, Theroux and Bivens had already separated.

Since then, tabloids and fans have followed Aniston and Theroux almost more closely than Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

And rumors regularly appeared on the Internet, either about a wedding, or about a breakup, or about the hysterics of the actress, which she allegedly threw at her lover, or that Jen was expecting a child. The celebrity stood firm, denying the latest gossip in every interview and at every press conference.

2012 was almost the happiest year for Jen and Justin: the actress decided to take an unthinkable step for her - she abandoned filming for 12 months. The star devoted all her time to her lover and accompanied him on filming that took place in different cities.

In August, Justin proposed marriage to his beloved, and she agreed. But fans have been waiting for three long years for the moment when the celebrities finally get married.

Classified as "secret"

There were rumors on the Internet that for a long time the couple could not come to an agreement on where to live permanently: in Los Angeles, as Jen dreamed, or in New York, which Justin did not want to leave. In the end, the actress won and... immediately began to seriously fear that Theroux would return to his former common-law wife, who had moved to the City of Angels. They say that Jennifer stood up to defend her happiness and mercilessly strangled Bivens’ business, preventing her from developing in a new place.

Theroux was actively developing his career as an actor and director, which Aniston was also not too happy with, because they spent little time together.

And in 2014, the unthinkable happened - Justin didn’t show up at Jen’s birthday party.

However, the artist continued to deny rumors that their union was bursting at the seams, and stated that they would simply like to hold the wedding ceremony in secret and without unnecessary noise. Although Jen joked that even their relatives did not believe that they would ever get married. Insiders either reported that the lovers constantly quarrel, or simply spend a long time preparing the marriage contract, or do not see each other for several months, and generally live their own lives.

Rumors regularly appeared on the Internet about problems in the relationship between Theroux and Aniston

In the summer of 2015, the first rumors appeared that Theroux was cheating on Aniston with her colleague on the series “The Leftovers” Margaret Qualley, which was a real blow for the actress, and she allegedly even broke off the engagement.

However, in August of the same year, a joyful event occurred. The couple invited guests to Theroux's birthday, and in the end everyone ended up at the wedding. The lovers forbade friends and relatives from taking photographs or even talking about the celebration. The paparazzi failed to capture any decent footage. Aniston later stated that she would never reveal the details of the ceremony or show off her dress. And, apparently, now fans will never see these pictures.

Since then, Justin and Jennifer often appeared in public together, on the red carpet they certainly held hands and hugged and declared their love for each other in a few interviews.

The first wake-up call

Nevertheless, the wedding did not convince anyone: rumors about problems in the relationship between Aniston and Theroux did not disappear, but, on the contrary, began to appear even more often. Immediately after the celebration, the actress began to torment her husband with jealousy due to the fact that Justin constantly called Heidi and supported her. The actress even made serious scandals for her husband, but he did not want to stop communicating with his ex-lover.

When it became known about the breakup of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in the fall of 2016, Internet users immediately assumed that Aniston and Theroux would soon divorce... and they were right.