Raw milk mushrooms: pickling according to a traditional recipe. How to pickle white milk mushrooms at home

Proper salting of white milk mushrooms makes it possible to preserve mushrooms even in lean years. You can choose the right recipe for cold pickling of white milk mushrooms on this page. However, recipes for hot-salting white milk mushrooms are also presented in a wide variety, with different layouts of spices and ingredients.

Among this splendor, you can choose options for your home creativity of unique tastes. It is worth saying that hot salting of white milk mushrooms for the winter is the safest in terms of preventing infectious intestinal diseases. Read about how to properly pickle white milk mushrooms using a hot method in jars for long-term storage on this page. A huge amount of information has been collected on how to make pickling white milk mushrooms for the winter a simple and enjoyable activity, allowing you to prepare a healthy and tasty product for your family.

Usually lamellar mushrooms are used for pickling, but sometimes tubular mushrooms are also pickled. To pickle white milk mushrooms at home, mushrooms are prepared in the same way as for drying, with the only difference being that they are thoroughly washed. To prevent the washed mushrooms from turning black, they are dipped in previously prepared clean salted water. White milk mushrooms are soaked for 3-5 days. The soaking water is lightly salted so that the mushrooms do not sour. It is changed 2-3 times a day. Soaked mushrooms are kept in a cool place. The dishes for pickling are pre-treated: glass and enamel (without damaging the enamel) are calcined, the barrels are steamed and scraped, then washed with cold water.

How to properly salt white milk mushrooms at home (recipe with video)

There are several ways to pickle white milk mushrooms at home, and you should choose the most suitable method for yourself. Fresh mushrooms cannot be stored for long periods of time due to the high percentage of water they contain. A few days after picking, the mushrooms wither, lose their freshness and juiciness and become unfit for consumption. Therefore, mushrooms should only be used for consumption just a few hours after collection after suitable heat treatment or processed into stable food products, i.e. canned.

A correctly selected recipe for salting white milk mushrooms will allow you to preserve this forest gift longer. At home, mushrooms are prepared for future use by drying, pickling, salting and canning in hermetically sealed glass jars.

When drying mushrooms, up to 76% of the water present in them is removed. The remaining moisture is not enough for the development of microorganisms, which leads to their death.

Before you properly salt white milk mushrooms, you need to know that when preparing natural canned food, the microflora is killed by the high temperature at which the canned food is sterilized. When pickling, the vital activity of microorganisms is suppressed by high temperatures during cooking, and then by the action of acetic acid and table salt. When salting mushrooms, fermentation occurs, during which sugars turn into lactic acid. The latter, together with table salt, is a preservative.

Watch how to pickle white milk mushrooms in the video, which shows the whole process in detail.

Recipes for cold salting white milk mushrooms

Before salting white milk mushrooms in a cold way, place dill umbrellas, currant leaves and horseradish leaves on the bottom of the prepared dish, lay a dense layer of mushrooms with caps down from 5 to 8 cm, sprinkle evenly with salt and spices, then lay the next layer of mushrooms. When the dish is full, cover the mushrooms with a clean linen cloth, then cover the dish with a lid and place pressure on top. A few days later, when the mushrooms have settled, a new layer of mushrooms is placed in the same dish, and so on until it is filled.

Milk milk and white milk mushrooms are suitable for cold salting. You can salt them separately or as a mixture. Before you pickle white milk mushrooms according to the cold canning recipe, you need to sort out the mushrooms, clean them of debris, fill them with clean water and leave for 1–3 hours so that the adhered particles of debris and dirt are soaked. Then the mushroom caps need to be washed from adhering dirt and rinsed thoroughly in clean water. Before placing the mushrooms, add a layer of salt to the bottom of the container. Black currant, cherry and oak leaves, horseradish leaves and roots, and dill stems are placed on top of it to give the mushrooms a better taste and aroma. The mushroom stems are cut off at a distance of 0.5 cm from the cap. Mushrooms should be placed tightly, caps down, in layers 6-10 cm thick. Each layer of mushrooms is sprinkled with salt and spices (bay leaf, pepper, garlic).

A recipe for how to further pickle white milk mushrooms in a cold way

We continue to study the recipe for how to salt white milk mushrooms in a cold way further, after preliminary preparation of the raw materials. So, before salting the white milk mushrooms in a cold way, the mushrooms were thoroughly cleaned, sorted and washed with running water. It's time for the magic of the pickling process itself.

  1. Take 35–50 g of salt per 1 kg of fresh mushrooms or, according to old standards, 1.5–2 tbsp. salt on a bucket of mushrooms.
  2. The top of the mushrooms should be covered with a layer of currant, horseradish, cherry, and dill leaves to protect them from mold that may appear on the surface of the brine.
  3. Then the mushrooms are covered with a wooden circle, a weight is placed on it and the container is covered with a clean rag.
  4. For oppression, it is best to take a stone that does not dissolve in brine. Do not use bricks, limestone and dolomite stones, or metal objects that rust.

If you don't have a suitable stone, you can take an enamel pan with intact enamel and fill it with something heavy. The severity of the pressure should be selected so as to press the mushrooms and displace the air from them, but not crush them. After 1–2 days, the mushrooms will settle and release juice. The entire pickling process takes 1.5–2 months, then the mushrooms can be used for food. The temperature in the room when pickling mushrooms should not exceed 6–8 °C, otherwise they may turn sour or moldy, but it should not fall below 0 °C, because at low temperatures pickling is slower. If the mushrooms freeze, they turn black and become tasteless.

It is best to store ready-to-eat mushrooms at a temperature of 0–4 °C. The brine should completely cover the mushrooms. If there is not enough brine or it has leaked out for some reason, you need to pour a 10% salt solution in boiled water over the mushrooms. If mold appears, you need to remove it from the walls of the container with a clean cloth moistened with a solution of salt or vinegar, and also wash the wooden circle and the bend in this solution. If the tub is not full, you can add mushrooms collected later. They need to be cleaned, washed, cut off the stems, then remove the oppression and the top layer of leaves, place the mushrooms on top of the salted ones, as described above, cover them again with a layer of leaves so that they completely cover the mushrooms, and return the oppression to its place.

Recipe for cold pickling of white milk mushrooms at home

In order to pickle porcini mushrooms at home, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg mushrooms
  • 25 g dill seeds
  • 40 g salt

The recipe for cold pickling of white milk mushrooms begins with the fact that the mushrooms need to be soaked for 2 days in cold salted water (20 g of salt and 1 teaspoon of citric acid per 1 liter of water).

During the soaking process, the water must be changed 4-5 times.

Sprinkle a layer of salt on the bottom of the jar, then place the prepared mushrooms with their caps down.

Each layer of mushrooms (no more than 5 cm) should be sprinkled with salt and dill seeds.

Cover the top layer with gauze folded in 2-3 layers, place a circle with a weight and leave at room temperature for 2-3 days.

After this time, the mushrooms will settle, and new mushrooms can be added on top, also sprinkling them with salt layer by layer.

The mushrooms remain in a warm room for another 5 days; if after this time there is not enough brine in the jar, then the pressure will need to be increased.

Mushrooms should be stored in a cool place; after 1–1.5 months they will be ready for consumption.

Recipes for pickling white milk mushrooms in jars for the winter

Each locality has its own recipe for pickling white milk mushrooms for the winter, some of them deserve our attention.

Cold salting of white milk mushrooms in Belarusian style: Before salting (and they are salted raw), the mushrooms must be soaked in cold water, changing it several times: milk mushrooms, milk mushrooms - 2 days.

In Vyatka Pickling white milk mushrooms in jars for the winter is distinguished by a preliminary stage: the mushrooms are soaked for 5 days.

In Moscow: Milk mushrooms and milk mushrooms are soaked in slightly brackish water for 3 days.

In Volga: Mushrooms should never be soaked; it is believed that they lose their taste. They are only washed well and immediately salted. The bitterness will go away on its own.

In Oryol: Just don’t salt the mushrooms raw! Be sure to boil it first. They become more fragrant, more tender, and easier on the stomach.

How to pickle white milk mushrooms using a hot method

And now it’s time to learn how to pickle white milk mushrooms using the hot method, since this canning option significantly extends the shelf life.


  • 1 kg mushrooms
  • 1–2 bay leaves
  • 2–3 blackcurrant leaves
  • 20 g dill
  • 10 g parsley
  • 1–2 cloves of garlic
  • black peppercorns to taste
  • 30 g salt

For the brine:

  • 3 liters of water
  • 150 g salt

Wash the mushrooms in several waters and remove any debris. Prepare the brine by dissolving salt in boiling water. Place the mushrooms in the brine and cook over low heat, skimming off the foam and stirring occasionally. When the broth becomes clear and the mushrooms settle to the bottom, place them in a colander and let cool. Place the mushrooms in a jar, sprinkle with salt and arrange with currant leaves, bay leaves, dill and parsley, garlic and adding black peppercorns. Close the jar with a nylon lid and put it in a cool place. After 30–35 days, the mushrooms will be ready to eat.

How to pickle white milk mushrooms in a hot way so that they are crispy

In general terms, how to pickle white milk mushrooms using a hot method was described above. And now we’ll share the secret of how to pickle milk mushrooms so that they are white and crispy and can be stored in the winter2 for as long as possible.

For 10 kg of boiled mushrooms, 450–600 g of salt (garlic, onion, horseradish, tarragon or dill stems).

Clean and washed mushrooms are boiled in lightly salted water. The cooking time depends on the type of mushroom. Cool in cold water. Let the water drain on a sieve. Then the mushrooms are placed in a jar or barrel, mixed with salt, covered with a cloth and a lid with pressure. After a few days, the mushrooms will settle and you need to add more mushrooms with the appropriate amount of salt. The amount of salt depends on the storage location: in a damp and warm room there is more salt, in a well-ventilated room - less. Seasonings are placed at the bottom of the dish or mixed with mushrooms. After a week they become suitable for consumption. The brine must completely cover the mushrooms throughout the storage period to avoid mold. If there is not enough brine and it does not cover the mushrooms, you should add chilled salted boiled water (take 50 g, i.e. 2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water). During storage, mushrooms should be checked from time to time and mold should be removed. The lid, oppression stone and fabric are washed from mold in soda water and boiled, the inner edge of the dish is wiped with a napkin moistened with a solution of salt or vinegar.

Recipe for hot pickling of white milk mushrooms

The ingredients for this recipe for hot pickling of white milk mushrooms are the following products:

  • 1 kg milk mushrooms
  • 5 bay leaves
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 15 g dill seeds
  • 5–6 black peppercorns
  • 60 g salt

Dip the prepared, soaked and peeled milk mushrooms for 5 minutes in boiling salted water with the addition of citric acid (20 g of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid per 1 liter of water). Remove the milk mushrooms using a slotted spoon, place in an enamel container and let cool. At the bottom of the jar prepared for pickling, place some bay leaves, a few black peppercorns, dill seeds and a clove of garlic, sprinkle salt, place mushrooms on top, salting each layer and alternating with the remaining ingredients. Sprinkle the top layer with salt and cover with gauze, cover with a circle with a weight. After a week, close the jar with a lid and put it in a cool place.

How to properly pickle white milk mushrooms for the winter

Before you pickle white milk mushrooms for the winter according to this recipe, you need to take the following products according to the layout:

For 10 kg of raw mushrooms, 450 to 600 g of salt (2-3 cups).

And now about how to properly pickle white milk mushrooms for the winter. To do this, mushrooms collected in dry weather are cleaned, removing all damaged parts, then mushrooms with more delicate flesh are quickly washed with cold water, bitter mushrooms are soaked for several hours or the whole night. Allow the water to drain and layer it, sprinkling each layer with salt, and place it in large jars or a barrel. The bottom is covered with salt, the mushrooms are placed (caps down) in a layer of 5-6 cm and again sprinkled with salt. The top layer is sprinkled with more salt, covered with a clean napkin, and a wooden circle with pressure is placed on it. After a few days, the mushrooms will settle. Add a new portion of mushrooms or fill with mushrooms that were previously salted in another small bowl. The resulting brine is not poured out, but is used together with mushrooms or even without them - it gives a pleasant taste to soups and sauces. Mushrooms salted in this way are salted and become suitable for consumption after one or two months.

Recipes: how to pickle white milk mushrooms in jars at home

Choosing the right recipe for how to pickle white milk mushrooms is very difficult, since each family has its own taste preferences. Before pickling white milk mushrooms in jars, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the most interesting methods of preparing such preservation further on the page.

Dry salting of white milk mushrooms

Prepared mushrooms – 10 kg; salt – 500 g.

Peel and disassemble the mushrooms, cut off the stem, place in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, cover with a napkin, place a circle and a weight on top. Pickled mushrooms, separating their juice, noticeably thicken. As they settle, you can add fresh triba, sprinkling them with salt until the dish is full and the settling stops. Mushrooms are ready to eat after 35 days.

Pickling blanched white milk mushrooms

For 10 kg of raw mushrooms, 400–500 g of salt (2–2.5 cups), (garlic, parsley, horseradish, dill or celery stalks).

Peeled and washed mushrooms are blanched: placed on a sieve, poured generously with boiling water, steamed or dipped in boiling water for a short time so that the mushrooms become elastic. Then quickly cool, fill with cold water or keep in a draft. Salted in the same way as fresh mushrooms. After 3-4 days, blanched mushrooms are ready to eat.

Pickling soaked and boiled mushrooms

Many lamellar mushrooms have a bitter, pungent or unpleasant taste and odor. These shortcomings are eliminated if you soak the mushrooms in water for 2-3 days or boil them thoroughly.

Place the mushrooms in a bowl and pour cold salted water (1 liter of water per 5 kg of mushrooms). Cover with a napkin, then with a wooden circle, with a weight on top. Place the dishes with soaked mushrooms in the cold, preferably a refrigerator, so that they do not sour. Soaking time is from 1 to 3 days. The water is changed at least once a day.

Sometimes it is better to replace soaking with scalding.

Mushrooms with a persistent unpleasant taste and odor should be boiled. Milk mushrooms and podgruzdi are dipped in boiling water and cooked for 5 to 30 minutes. The water must be thrown away after each cooking or scalding. After cooking the mushrooms, the pan should be thoroughly wiped with dry salt, washed thoroughly and wiped dry.

Salting white milk mushrooms and milk mushrooms in Altai style

  • Mushrooms – 10 kg
  • dill greens – 35 g
  • horseradish root – 20 g
  • garlic – 40 g
  • allspice – 35–40 peas
  • bay leaf – 10 sheets
  • salt – 400 g

The mushrooms are sorted, cleaned, the stem is cut off and soaked in cold water for 2-3 days. The water is changed at least once a day. Then the mushrooms are thrown onto a sieve and placed in a barrel, layered with spices and salt. Cover with a napkin, place a circle and a weight. Brine should appear above the circle. If the brine does not appear within 2 days, it is necessary to increase the load. The barrel is filled with new mushrooms, as the volume of mushrooms gradually decreases by one third. After 20 days, the mushrooms are ready to eat.

Spicy white milk mushrooms

  • 1 kg milk mushrooms
  • 50 g salt
  • Bay leaf
  • Dill seeds
  • black pepper to taste

Before you pickle white milk mushrooms at home according to this recipe, soak the mushrooms in cold water for 7–8 hours. Then rinse, put in another bowl, add fresh water, add salt, bay leaf and cook for 15 minutes, skimming off the foam. Cool the milk mushrooms in brine and place them in sterilized jars in layers, sprinkling them with salt, dill seeds and pepper. Close the jars with a lid and store in the cellar or refrigerator. The mushrooms will be ready to eat in 10 days.

Spicy milk mushrooms

  • 1 kg milk mushrooms
  • 50 g salt
  • Garlic, dill, currant and cherry leaves, bay leaf, cloves, black pepper to taste

Soak the milk mushrooms in cold water for 7–8 hours. Then rinse, put in another bowl, add fresh water, add salt, bay leaf and cook for 15 minutes, skimming off the foam. Cool the milk mushrooms in brine. Place garlic, cloves, and pepper at the bottom of sterilized jars. Then lay out the cooled milk mushrooms. Place dill, currant leaves, cherries and 1 tbsp on top of each jar. l. salt. Pour brine over the mushrooms and close the jars with lids. Store in a cellar or refrigerator. The mushrooms will be ready to eat in 10 days.

Milk mushrooms with onions

  • 1 bucket of milk mushrooms
  • 400 g salt
  • onions to taste

Wash the milk mushrooms and soak for 2 days, changing the water every day. Place the prepared mushrooms in a container in layers, sprinkle with salt and chopped onions. Press down on top and keep in a cool place for 1.5–2 months.

Small milk mushrooms with dill

  • 1 bucket of small milk mushrooms
  • 400 g salt
  • dill to taste

Select small milk mushrooms, rinse thoroughly, but do not soak. Dry on wire racks. Place the prepared mushrooms in large jars in layers, sprinkling with dill and salt. Sprinkle salt on top and cover with cabbage leaves. Do not put oppression. Store in a cool place for 1–1.5 months. Soak the mushrooms before eating.

Milk mushrooms with horseradish

  • 10 kg milk mushrooms
  • 400 g salt
  • garlic, horseradish root, dill, bay leaf, allspice to taste

Clean the mushrooms and cut off the stems. Soak prepared mushrooms in cold water for 2–4 days. Change the water at least once a day. Then place the mushrooms in a colander and let the liquid drain. Place the mushrooms in a container in layers, sprinkling with salt, spices, chopped garlic, horseradish root and dill. Press down with a weight on top. If brine does not form within 24 hours, the load should be increased. After the mushrooms have settled, add fresh ones to the container (after salting, the volume of the mushrooms will decrease by about a third). Mushrooms will be ready for consumption 20–25 days after the last batch is planted.

Salted milk mushrooms

  • 1 kg boiled milk mushrooms
  • 50 g salt
  • horseradish leaves
  • black currant leaves
  • spices to taste

Soak the peeled mushrooms for 24 hours in salted water (30–35 g of salt per 1 liter of water), changing it twice. Then wash them in running water, immerse them in boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Drain in a colander and cool. Place in a container in layers, sprinkling with salt and arranging with spices, horseradish and black currant leaves. Also place leaves on top of the mushrooms. Cover with gauze and apply light pressure so that after a day the mushrooms are immersed in the brine.

Hot-salted white milk mushrooms in Oryol style

  • 1 kg mushrooms
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt
  • 5 allspice peas
  • 7 black peppercorns
  • ground red pepper
  • 20 g dill
  • 2–3 blackcurrant leaves

Before salting, soak the mushrooms in salted water, changing it several times. Boil in lightly salted water for 5–8 minutes. Drain in a colander and cool. Place in a container in layers, sprinkling with salt and arranging with spices, blackcurrant leaves and dill stems.

Salted blanched white milk mushrooms

  • 10 kg mushrooms
  • 400–500 g salt (2–2.5 cups)
  • garlic
  • parsley
  • horseradish leaves
  • stalks of dill or celery

Blanch the peeled and washed mushrooms. To do this, put them in a colander, pour plenty of boiling water over them, steam them or put them in boiling water for a short time so that the mushrooms become elastic and not brittle. Then cool quickly by pouring cold water. Place in a colander and let the water drain. Place in prepared containers in layers, sprinkling each layer with salt and garlic, parsley, horseradish leaves, dill and celery. After 3–4 days, the blanched mushrooms are salted and ready for consumption. This is a good way to salt russula, ringed caps, and rows.

White milk mushrooms sterilized in brine

  • fresh firm mushrooms
  • lemon acid

Wash the peeled mushrooms, cut large ones into 2 or 4 parts and boil in water with a small addition of salt and citric acid. Then strain, rinse with cold water and, well dried, place in jars to a height of 1.5 cm below the rim. Pour in brine (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water), close with lids and sterilize at 100 °C for 90–95 minutes. Upon completion of sterilization, immediately cool the jars. After 2 days, sterilize the mushrooms again for 45–50 minutes at 100 °C. For long-term storage, repeat sterilization after 2 days (45–50 minutes at 100 °C).

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In the midst of the mushroom picking period, the question of their further processing always arises. I would like to turn these gifts of forests and fields into a real culinary delicacy, an excellent snack and decoration for any table. Here are several options for preparing white milk mushrooms for the winter. Pickling is the best option for this type of mushroom.

Hot way

This is one of the fastest ways. Here's how to pickle Hot salting is not difficult. You should start with careful processing of mushrooms. Since they are usually collected in forests, they come across a lot of garbage: twigs, leaves and soil. All this must be removed and the milk mushrooms washed with water. Next, remove a thin layer of skin from the caps. After this, you need to soak the mushrooms in water for about 4 hours. During this time, it is necessary to change the water several times.
These mushrooms have some bitterness and it should go away.

Next, boil the milk mushrooms for 20 minutes, adding salt to the water. Then drain the broth and add a new portion of warm water. Boil for about 10 minutes. The process of boiling before allows you to speed up the pickling. The finished mushrooms should settle to the bottom of the pan. Now let them cool a little, and at this time we prepare the jars. Next, put the milk mushrooms in jars, sprinkling them with salt. We also use chopped garlic, bay leaves, dill, peppercorns and other spices. You can also cook white ones in a saucepan and have the same recipe. You just need to put pressure on top. Every other day, after keeping the mushrooms at room temperature, we send them to a cooler place. After another day you can eat them.

Cold way

This is a longer cooking option, but no less effective, because you get very tasty white milk mushrooms. Salting is carried out using the following products: one kilogram of mushrooms, three large spoons of salt (iodized), several cloves of garlic, dill umbrellas, several cherry leaves and peppercorns. We start with preparing the milk mushrooms. We go through them, removing damaged, wormy and old ones. Remove debris and rinse with water. It is better if all the mushrooms are approximately the same size, then they will be salted evenly. Therefore, we cut large specimens into pieces. We take suitable dishes (enamel). The size depends on the number of mushrooms and other ingredients. Place the mushrooms in a container and cover them with one handful of coarse salt. Then fill with cold water and soak the mushrooms for about two days. You need to change the water three times a day, but do not add salt. In this way we remove bitterness. When the soaking process is over, you need to take a pickling dish and line the bottom with horseradish leaves. Next, place the milk mushrooms caps down in a thin layer. Place all the spicy leaves, garlic and pepper on top. So we continue layer by layer. Cover the top with clean gauze, place a wooden weight and weight. You can also add white milk mushrooms to this dish. Salting lasts 20-30 days. Then the mushrooms can be placed in clean jars and closed. If there is not enough brine during the salting process, then a heavier load should be placed. Excess brine is drained. If the mushrooms are very salty, then they are soaked before eating.

Salted milk mushrooms are a purely Slavic snack."Why?" - you ask. Because this mushroom is considered conditionally edible and is prepared only in our area.

It is completely safe for health, and useful substances, but has a bitter aftertaste.

It is for this reason that milk mushrooms are not suitable for frying or soups, but are ideal for pickling.

Especially if the final product is slightly crispy.

And in order to get rid of the unpleasant aftertaste and delight yourself with a delicious everyday and holiday snack for the whole winter, just soak the mushrooms and start pickling.

This article contains the best recipes for salting milk mushrooms at home and properly processing mushrooms before cooking.

Preparing mushrooms for pickling

And the most important thing in cooking mushrooms is collecting them.

In order not to cause irreparable harm to your health, remember that you need to collect milk mushrooms, as well as any other mushrooms. and under no circumstances eat raw.

It is these foods that absorb the greatest amount of poisons first, so during the mushroom season, go away from highways and factories.

Also adhere to the following rules:

  1. Before pickling, carefully sort the mushrooms and discard any wormy or damaged ones. Rinse the rest thoroughly.
  2. If stains cannot be removed under running water, brush them off with a toothbrush.
  3. To remove all harmful substances, immerse it in a bowl of cold water for two hours.
  4. Next, for pickling, cut into 3-4 pieces. You can also salt only the caps and use the legs to prepare mushroom caviar.
  5. Soak the mushrooms for three days, changing the water three times a day and rinsing each mushroom. For soaking, choose a deep dish, place a plate on top and put pressure on it. Mushrooms should be in the liquid and not floating on the surface.
  6. During the soaking process, the milk mushrooms will lose all their bitter juice and noticeably decrease in volume.
  7. Use ceramic, wooden or glass dishes. You should not salt milk mushrooms in metal or clay containers. The metal oxidizes, and the clay absorbs all the aroma.

Before cooking, mushrooms need to be washed and soaked.

Method No. 1. How to salt milk mushrooms at home in a cold way

This is the easiest recipe for pickling mushrooms, since it eliminates the need to prepare brine.

You will need:

  1. 1 kg white milk mushrooms
  2. 40 g salt
  3. Bunch of dill
  4. 2 bay leaves
  5. 5 cloves garlic
  6. Horseradish root
  7. Ground black pepper to taste

Cold cooking method

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. At the first stage, soak the mushrooms for three minutes, as indicated above, to remove all the bitterness from them.
  2. Next, in a deep bowl, chop the dry bay leaf, garlic and horseradish. We also send finely chopped dill there, add salt and ground black pepper to taste.
  3. Take a jar for pickling. Place a little mixture on the bottom, pieces of mushrooms, and the pickling mixture again and alternate layers until the ingredients are gone.
  4. We compact it with a wooden masher, close it with a plastic lid and put the jar in the refrigerator.
  5. We salt the mushrooms for 30-40 days, after which they can be tasted.
  6. If the appetizer tastes too salty, the mushrooms can be washed with water.

Method No. 2. How to salt milk mushrooms at home using a hot method

This method of salting is considered the safest, since when boiled, all the natural bitterness and unpleasant odor will be removed from the milk mushrooms, and additional heat treatment will protect your health.

You will need:

  1. 1 kg white milk mushrooms
  2. 60 g salt
  3. 5 cloves garlic
  4. 10-12 black peppercorns
  5. 10-12 blackcurrant leaves
  6. 2-3 dill umbrellas

Milk mushrooms in brine

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. We wash the mushrooms well, discard the damaged ones, cut them into 3-4 parts and place them in a pan with water. Bring to a boil.
  2. Cook over low heat for five minutes, periodically skimming off the foam.
  3. Place in a colander and rinse with cold water. Let it drain and dry.
  4. We compact the mushrooms into a jar in layers, adding black peppercorns, currant leaves, halved garlic cloves and dill umbrellas.
  5. Fill with mushroom broth.
  6. Let the snack cool, cover with plastic lids and store in a cool place. For complete salting, milk mushrooms will need about a month and a half.

Tip: metal lids are not suitable for sealing milk mushrooms, as they tend to actively oxidize.

Method No. 3. How to salt milk mushrooms at home - Altai recipe

In Altai, during the mushroom season, milk mushrooms are salted in wooden barrels of several kilograms - and this is the main difference between this method.

This type of mushroom usually grows in whole families - if you manage to find one such family, it means there are several more hiding nearby.

You will need:

  1. 5 kg fresh mushrooms
  2. 200 g coarse salt
  3. Large bunch of dill
  4. Half a head of garlic
  5. 10 g grated horseradish root
  6. 5 bay leaves
  7. 20 g allspice

Mushrooms cooked in a barrel

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. At the first stage, we process the mushrooms in the traditional way: peel, rinse, and soak for three days.
  2. Wash the barrel thoroughly, scald with boiling water and dry.
  3. We place the prepared mushrooms in it, arranging each layer with spices: chopped dill and garlic, finely chopped bay leaves, grated horseradish root, allspice peas and generously season with salt.
  4. Alternate until we run out of ingredients. Cover the top layer with gauze or a clean linen napkin. We place a heavy press on top - if this is not done, the milk mushrooms will not release juice.
  5. During the salting process, the milk mushrooms will noticeably decrease in volume. Mushrooms will be ready to eat in 25 days.

Tip: it is strictly forbidden to use iodized salt for pickling, otherwise the mushrooms will turn black.

Method No. 4. How to salt milk mushrooms at home deliciously - the simplest step-by-step recipe

This pickling method is suitable for those who simply adore mushrooms, but do not consider themselves a fan of spices. It contains only 2 components.

You will need:

  1. 3 kg mushrooms
  2. 150-160 g coarse salt

The simplest recipe

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. We soak the mushrooms for three days using the already known method.
  2. Then we take a glass or wooden bowl for salting and lay out the milk mushrooms in layers, generously sprinkling each one with salt.
  3. We place a press on top and keep the workpiece under pressure for three days.
  4. During this time, mix the milk mushrooms 4 times a day.
  5. After which we place the mushrooms in small, pre-sterilized jars, seal them with nylon lids and store them in a cool place - a cellar or refrigerator. They will be ready for use in a month and a half.

Method number 5. Salted mushrooms with onions

You will need:

  1. 5 liters of water
  2. 5 kg mushrooms
  3. 1 kg onions
  4. 250 g coarse salt

With onion

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Soak the mushrooms for three days.
  2. Prepare a brine from water and 60 g of salt. Pour the milk mushrooms with the resulting mixture and leave for 12 hours. During this time, you need to rinse them twice with plain water, removing them from the brine and putting them back in.
  3. We take out the milk mushrooms, preserving the brine - we will need it later.
  4. Peel the onion and chop it finely.
  5. Mix the mushrooms with the remaining salt and onion.
  6. We put all the components under pressure and wait 2 days. Stir the mixture every 7 hours, then place it in sterilized jars and compact well.
  7. Fill with brine, seal with nylon lids, put in the cold or cellar for 2 days, after which you can try the milk mushrooms.

Method number 6. Cooking milk mushrooms in cabbage leaves

For a snack, we have prepared for you the most unusual way of pickling milk mushrooms.

You will need:

  1. 25 cherry and currant leaves each
  2. 5 kg mushrooms
  3. 300 g coarse salt
  4. head of garlic
  5. 2 bunches of dill
  6. 12 cabbage leaves
  7. 5 liters of water

Milk mushrooms, salted with cabbage

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. We prepare the mushrooms in the manner indicated above - after soaking, mix 60 g of salt with five liters of water. We set the pressure and wait 12 hours.
  2. Every 4 hours, take them out of the brine and rinse with running water.
  3. Cut the garlic into slices, chop the dill. Wash cabbage, currant and cherry leaves.
  4. Place the mushrooms in sterilized jars, alternating them with a mixture of the remaining salt, garlic and other ingredients.
  5. We cover the finished milk mushrooms with nylon lids and leave for a month and a half, after which we begin tasting. Bon appetit!

Tip: how to quickly and easily sterilize jars for winter preparations, read the article at the link.

You will learn another interesting recipe for how to pickle milk mushrooms at home for the winter in this video:

Mushrooms have always been respected in Rus'. And they salted them, and fried them, and dried them. Mushrooms were wrapped in pancakes and stuffed into pies and dumplings, seasoned into soups and porridges, and served on both holidays and weekdays. They are still very popular today. And pickling mushrooms, although it is not the easiest way to prepare them for future use, the result is simply delicious! Milk mushrooms are especially tasty when pickled - large, fleshy, aromatic. Guests will simply be delighted with such an appetizer. Our article will discuss how to pickle milk mushrooms.

Cold salting of milk mushrooms


    fresh raw milk mushrooms - 1 bucket;

    water (cold) - 2-3 liters;

    salt - 2 cups;

    black pepper (peas) - 1 bag;

    currant leaves - 20-40 pcs.;

    dill umbrellas - 2-3 handfuls;

    garlic - 3-4 heads;

    bay leaf - 1 packet (10 g).

Step 1. Washing

Before salting, milk mushrooms must be washed. This is perhaps the most difficult process, and it is done in stages. First, prepare a basin for rough washing, in which the mushrooms are washed with a sponge and brush and cleaned of dirt. You will also need a knife and a stream of water. At the same stage, you need to trim the leg at the base.

Step 2: Soaking

It is simply necessary to soak the milk mushrooms. Toxins will go into the water, as well as “milk” - after all, milk mushrooms are laticiferous mushrooms. To soak the mushrooms, immerse them in clean cold water and press under pressure, since milk mushrooms do not want to sink. Leave it at least overnight, but better for a day (no more!).

Step 3. Final rinsing

The water in which the mushrooms were soaked must be drained and cannot be used in cooking. And before salting, the milk mushrooms should be thoroughly rinsed again in clean water.

Step 4. Salting process

The main stage begins, for which a large vessel is required. Pickling black milk mushrooms can be done in a bucket, tub, or barrel. We place the mushrooms in layers, plates up, and first cut large mushrooms into pieces. Salt each layer. Add peppercorns, a few bay leaves, chopped garlic. We lay the top layer with dill umbrellas, and place oppression and weight on top. The mushrooms should release abundant juice and be completely covered with it.

Step 5. Placement in jars

Place the salted milk mushrooms in sterilized jars using sterile gloves, trying to place them as tightly as possible. Pour brine into each jar and put dill umbrellas. Cover the jars with sterilized lids. We leave the jars for several hours, making sure that there are no leaks. We transfer it to a cool place: basement, cellar or refrigerator.

Step 6. Further application

After 4-7 months of storage, the milk mushrooms will be completely ready for consumption. These salted milk mushrooms can be served as a side dish of porridge and potatoes or made into soups, sauces, fillings for pies and dumplings.

Salted milk mushrooms - it's easy!

Of course, cold pickling is far from the only way to prepare mushrooms. There are a great many recipes telling how to pickle milk mushrooms. As you can see, the process of cold salting milk mushrooms is not at all complicated. The main thing is to collect a sufficient number of ripe, but not overripe mushrooms, rinse them thoroughly, and maintain the proportions in preparation. Then you can pamper your family and surprise your guests with delicious mushrooms for every holiday!

Bitter pungent taste and elasticity milk mushrooms They create a lot of trouble for housewives in the kitchen, especially when preparing for the winter. I want to get rid of the bitterness caused by the milky milk, and at the same time preserve their original hardness. Despite these contradictory properties of mushrooms, they still find their place in many dishes. In addition, lovers of “quiet hunting” value them for their richness in vitamins and proteins, as well as for their calorie content, which is equivalent to meat. We managed to collect advice from experienced chefs and learn in detail how to prepare delicious milk mushrooms for the winter.

Drying milk mushrooms

Like any mushrooms, these representatives of the Russula genus are very demanding on the drying process, which can be carried out not only under the influence of sunlight, but also in the oven or over a fire.

Important! Due to their taste characteristics, milk mushrooms are included in the list of conditionally edible mushrooms. They are not toxic or hallucinogenic, but are suitable for consumption only after special processing.

If, of the many ways to prepare milk mushrooms for the winter, you have chosen this one, before starting work you should have young and not flabby mushrooms collected in sunny weather. Select undamaged specimens, carefully inspect them, and clean them of any remaining leaves and soil. After this, wipe with a damp cloth, but do not wash. Water is very quickly absorbed into the structure of forest trophies, as a result of which they lose their taste properties, and over time they can become moldy and crumble. Large mushrooms should be divided in half and the stems of all should be cut off.

Now it’s time to decide where you will store milk mushrooms for the winter.

How to dry milk mushrooms naturally

Mushrooms strung on pre-prepared rods made of stainless materials or raw threads are hung in the air on a sunny day or in a well-ventilated dry room. It is advisable that drying takes place away from the road, in a place protected from wind and dust. The ideal option is an attic or roof.

To cook milk mushrooms in the air and the sun, you can use a wooden sieve, a sheet of plywood, or even an ordinary table. In these cases, the workpieces are spread out in a thin layer and care is taken to turn them over in time. Mushrooms need sunbathing until they lose their juiciness and become dry and brittle. In good weather, sometimes a day is enough for this.

How to dry milk mushrooms using the oven

When the dampness outside does not allow for natural cooking, dry the milk mushrooms in the oven. First, they are kept at temperatures up to 50 degrees and
placed at the top of the oven. And when the moisture has evaporated, after about 4 hours, the temperature can be gradually adjusted to 75 degrees and moved lower. Don’t forget to turn the milk mushrooms over and make sure they don’t steam. It is recommended to dry them at the original temperature.

If you want to dry several baskets of forest products, you can, without waiting for the first baking sheet to complete the process, place the second one in the top row. But remember that for each batch the equipment must be washed and wiped dry. Did you know?

Gourmets refuse dried mushrooms, believing that during processing they lose their taste and acquire an unpleasant dark color.

Ready mushrooms are placed in plastic bags and stored away from strong-smelling foods. Before eating, be sure to wash them thoroughly and soak them in water for several hours so that their inherent bitterness goes away.

How to pickle milk mushrooms for the winter Many people love salted milk mushrooms due to the variety of recipes for preparing them for the winter.

It is these preparations that enjoy great success among chefs of all levels. Depending on taste preferences, there are several pickling techniques. And the risk that the mushrooms will turn out tasteless is almost always eliminated.

How to prepare milk mushrooms for pickling for the winter

Moreover, the water needs to be renewed daily every 4 hours. If the kitchen where the container is located is hot, two days will be enough. Readiness is checked by chewing a small piece of mushroom.

If they are not bitter, they are washed thoroughly and large specimens are cut coarsely.

How to salt milk mushrooms for the winter in a cold way Before preparing milk mushrooms for the winter using this technology, it is important to take their soaking seriously - this will affect their taste.

Traditional recipes for simple salting do not require excess ingredients.

  • To prepare you need:
  • 2 cups table salt;
  • old dill stems without caps;
  • several cherry leaves (can be replaced with currants);
  • horseradish leaves;
  • several cloves of garlic;

5 kg of milk mushrooms.

Salt the milk mushrooms and transfer them to the prepared container. A wooden tub or an enamel pan will do. It is important that the dishes are free of splits and rusty stains. Dip small mushrooms in salt, each separately. Then generously top them with garlic and chopped horseradish. To prevent your pickle from darkening, experienced chefs recommend loosely tying it with gauze and placing all the remaining leaves on top, including horseradish.

Then we cover it with a plate (if we are talking about a saucepan) or a mug, and pour something heavy but small on top, so that the mushrooms will soon drown in the brine that will be released. We send the barrel to the cellar and make sure that mold does not form on top. If you are salting milk mushrooms cold for the first time, remember: to avoid this, the top layer should always be in brine.

Important! In a month, you will be able to diversify your table with pickles. The finished mushrooms amaze with their white, fleshy pulp and taste; they are transferred to glass jars or left in a tub.

Under no circumstances should you seal the salted milk mushrooms with a tight lid. This promotes the development of microbes that cause botulism and poisoning.

Salted milk mushrooms are used to prepare simple salads, holiday dishes, various snacks and savory dietary cutlets. It is also served as a separate dish with sunflower oil and onion.

How to pickle milk mushrooms using the hot method (in jars) You will be able to savor the delicious milk mushrooms in just a few weeks.

The technique is also considered safer, because during harvesting the mushrooms undergo heat treatment.

  • Salting milk mushrooms using a hot method is also not troublesome. The composition of the marinade can only be vinegar and salt, or it can be supplemented with laurel leaves, currants, cherries, horseradish; cloves of garlic, dill, allspice or black pepper. You can expand the ingredients according to your taste.
  • To marinate mushrooms according to the classic recipe you need:
  • currant leaves;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 1 kg of milk mushrooms;
  • 1 liter of water;

6 tablespoons vinegar;

2 tablespoons sugar. Cut the prepared mushrooms and place them in a pan with water. After boiling, cook for another 10 minutes, removing the foam. Mix salt and sugar with water, add vinegar and put on fire. When it boils, add the mushrooms and boil for about 20 minutes. After that, transfer to jars and roll up the lids. When choosing a cooking method, many are interested in how to store salted milk mushrooms. When compared, the cold method loses.

Such mushrooms can remain in the cellar for no more than six months,

and pickled ones won’t go bad for a year. True, in both methods their hardness is lost; the pickles are suitable for filling in pies and soup. Methods for freezing milk mushrooms

When frozen, inexperienced mushroom pickers often pierce.

  1. Subsequently, after defrosting, the milk mushrooms look like something slippery, gray and unpleasant.
  2. Obviously, this method is not easy and requires certain knowledge:
  3. Milk mushrooms are wet mushrooms. If you put them in the freezer without pre-treatment, they will retain their natural bitterness and will be unusable.
  4. The less porosity, the more suitable the mushroom is for freezing.
  5. Before freezing, milk mushrooms must be sorted by size. Large ones are cut into pieces.
  6. When frozen, mushrooms can be stored for no more than four months at a temperature of -14 degrees.
  7. Mushrooms can only be thawed once.