Time out group is official. Group "Time-Out": composition and history. Discography of the Time Out Ensemble

The Time-Out group is a Soviet and Russian group representing the rock genre. The project was founded in 1987 by Pavel Molchanov and Alexander Minaev. The group became the founder of the cult of motorology.


In 1986, Alexander Minaev had already played in several bands and decided to organize a project that would represent heavy metal. The newly formed team was named “Shock” and became a member of the Moscow Rock Laboratory. It was there that Alexander Minaev met Pavel Molchanov. At that time, the latter was the vocalist of the Martin group. Minaev called Molchanov to his place. Thus, the future rock band “Time Out” found its creative basis for many years.

In 1987, Vladislav Zorin, music director, met the “Shock” project. At a certain point, his group refused to tour the North Caucasus. At the same time, the concerts have already been announced and posters posted. The group that refused was called Time Out. As a result, the director began to look for a team that would agree to perform under someone else's name. Molchanov and Minaev accepted the offer, thereby beginning the history of the new team.

Era of Zorin

Under the patronage of the above-mentioned musical director, for two years the Time-Out group traveled to the Far East, the Urals and the North Caucasus. This period was characterized by a frantic pace of work, when the musicians were not home for months, instability of the lineup and not always good organization of tours. From time to time, musicians were forced to put up with the fact that they did not have basic amenities at their disposal. It was under these conditions that “The Science of the High” was created. With her came a whole series of poems, prose, jokes and songs.

Thus, we can say that “Time-Out” is a group that became the pioneer of the direction of motorology, which until a certain point was still in the shadows.

By 1989, the historical composition of the group had been formed: vocals - Pavel Molchanov, bass guitar - Alexander Minaev, electric guitar - Vladimir Pavlov, drums - Yuri Shipilov. The group parted ways with Zorin and received from him the right to the name, which was already assigned to this association.

After returning to Moscow, the musicians recorded their first album entitled “We Love You.” In 1990, Yuri Shipilov left the group for religious reasons. Andrei Rodin, an acquaintance of Pavel Molchanov, came to the vacant seat.

"The quachas have arrived"

The Time Out group got on the radio. This happened due to the fact that in 1991, Yuri Spiridonov (a friend of the team from the Moscow Rock Laboratory) invited its leaders to his program called “Parents’ Day,” which aired on SNC. The musicians seriously prepared and staged a real bacchanalia live. Introducing themselves as rock and roll veterans Akaki Nazarych Zirnbirnstein and Torvlobnor Petrovich Puzdym, the guests had fun for an hour, read out musical treatises, and also sang songs. The program aired in 1991, on May 29. This date became the birthday of motorology.

The shocking image and dashing jokes appealed to the taste of the listeners. As a result, the musicians were invited to permanent cooperation. The new program was called “Hello! The kwachas have arrived!” There were also some dissatisfied people. Demands to stop the broadcast rained down on the station. Stas Namin, director of SNC, stood up for the duo and gave the project carte blanche to broadcast. Despite all the scandalous fame, the program was nominated for the Golden Ostap award and received a silver statuette. After the closure of the SNC station in 1992, the project was broadcast on RaKurs. Then there was a period of wandering across frequencies. In 1996, the program settled on “Silver Rain”.


Thanks to success on the radio, a trend that had long been the property of a circle of friends began to penetrate into creativity. In 1991, the Time-Out group recorded their debut motorcycle album entitled “Medical Equipment”. Some songs received a warm reception on the radio, and the band went on tour. It was at this time that Vladimir Pavlov left the group.

Alexander Minaev, while looking for a replacement, remembered the musician of the Legion band. Both groups often toured together. As a result, Sergei Stepanov joined the team. This is how the Time-Out group found its updated composition.

“Pinocchio” is a song that has turned into one of the main motorological finds. The group played a cover of the song from the film of the same name, which was released in 1975. The composition fits into the concept so well that the group still performs it today.

Present tense

In 2009, Pavel Molchanov left the team. Wanting to save the project, Rodin and Minaev invited Roman Mukhachev and Sergei Stepanov. The reshuffle was formalized during the motorcycle New Year celebrations. The concert was divided into three parts: trio, quintet and new composition. It soon became known that the group would re-record unreleased material, as well as a number of old songs.

In 2010, at the celebration of the motorcycle New Year, a new album “Cabbage” was presented. At the event, unsold CDs of the band's songs were distributed free of charge. The team is actively involved in the tour schedule. The program exists in acoustic and electric formats.

In 2016, Roman Mukhachev went into long-term rehabilitation after a stroke. He also turned to the band's fans asking for help. Olesya Grinfeld, a backing vocalist, took his place. She took part in the work on the album “Cabbage”. Soon Olesya left the group. At the same time, saxophonist, backing vocalist and flutist Evgeniy Chernyakov joined the lineup.

Based on the radio broadcast mentioned above, a four-part film was created called “The Kwachas have arrived!” with Pavel Molchanov and Alexander Minaev in leading roles. According to legend, Pavel Molchanov found a dentist’s sign broken into 2 parts in a garbage dump. The inscription “one hundred” seemed insufficiently meaningful to him. The “matologist” fragment is located on Molchanov’s door.

Current composition

Now you know how the Time Out group was formed. Its composition has changed slightly. Currently, Alexander Minaev plays acoustic and bass guitar and is a vocalist. Evgeny Chernyakov is responsible for flute and saxophone. Andrey Rodin took over drums. Sergey Stepanov plays acoustic and electric guitar, and is also one of the vocalists.

Personal style is a particularly important component that largely determines the success of a musical group. “Time-Out” is a legendary band that managed not only to stand out among a number of other domestic rock groups, but also created an absolute trend. The achievements of musicians and their creativity will be discussed in this article.

History of the group

Initially, the team, which later became Time Out, was called Shock. The soloist was Alexander Minaev, A. Lyudvipol played the drums, brothers Andrei and Mikhail Melnikov were responsible for the bass guitar and lead guitar. Soon after the formation of this group, Minaev met P. Molchanov, who performed in a group called “Martin”. Molchanov experienced difficulties in mutual understanding with other members of “Martin”, therefore, without thinking twice, he agreed to the offer of the lead singer of “Shock” and joined the new team.

The Time Out group gave its first concerts in Makhachkala, where the musicians were urgently invited by the Dagestan State Philharmonic. An interesting fact: six months before the band’s arrival, a group with the same name had already performed at the Philharmonic, but the musicians had a conflict with the management of the institution, as a result of which they were fired, and a new lineup had to be recruited. Since the agreements had already been signed, they decided not to change the name. So “Shock” turned into “Time Out”.

The composition of the team changed several times. In 1992, it took final shape: A. Minaev, P. Molchanov, Sergei Stepanov and Andrei Rodin. It is noteworthy that the musicians chose unusual pseudonyms for themselves and are also known to their fans as A. Zirnbirnstein, T. Puzdoy, G. Sikkorsky and A. Kislorodin.


The Time-Out group is not only talented musicians, but also unique creative individuals. In 1990, Minaev and Molchanov came up with a whole “science” - motology, “the science of getting high.”

The history of its appearance boils down to the following. Pavel Molchanov once found an old sign in the trash that said “dentist” and decided to attach it to the door of his apartment. Unfortunately, the find turned out to be too large, its width far exceeded the width of the doorway, so the musician shortened the tablet by removing the first syllable. This is how motology appeared.

The alternation of letters should be explained A And O in the name "science". Media representatives associated the word “matologist” with obscene expressions, so the team members decided to replace the letter in order to avoid such a negative interpretation of their invention.

What is the purpose of this “science”? It's about enjoying your own performances even when no one is listening. However, the audience was not bored at any of the group’s concerts. Musicians often came up with various competitions, appeared spectacularly on stage and staged unforgettable bright and funny shows.

Team members

A. Minaev is one of the founders of the group. He also performed in “Shock”, later renamed “Time Out”. In addition to the function of a soloist, which he performs when performing compositions at concerts, the musician also plays the guitar. It was thanks to Minaev that Pavel Molchanov, the founder of motorology, appeared in the team, as already mentioned above.

Sergei Stepanov came to the group after the virtuoso guitarist V. Pavlov, who left for Germany in 1992, completed his performances in it. Before this, Stepanov was a member of Legion, with which Time Out often went on tour. The musician is the second soloist and guitarist.

Roman Mukhachev is another soloist who plays the synthesizer and accordion. He performed in the group in 1994-1995, then left the group for a while, but then returned.

The Time Out band could not exist without a drummer. Such a person is Andrei Rodin, who plays under the pseudonym Arkhimandrei Kislorodin. He joined the team shortly before the recording of the second album entitled “Medical Equipment” and since then has been permanently responsible for drums.

The Time Out group is an extraordinary phenomenon even for the revolutionary era of the 90s. The musicians put on a real show at every concert. If we add together all the previously mentioned facts, it is not surprising that the team reached the North Pole. It was there that one of the most famous performances of the group took place on 04/21/1995 at a temperature of -38 o C. About a hundred people were present at the concert, it lasted 12 minutes and was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Time Out is the only group in the history of music that managed to perform in such harsh conditions.


The songs of the Time-Out group were compiled into 12 albums, which were incredibly popular among listeners and fans of the group. The first disc with compositions appeared in 1989 and was called “We Love You.” Subsequent albums were distinguished by original titles that fully reflected the unique style of the musicians and their own philosophy of life and creativity.

I will not rewrite in my own words what is already well written on the official website of the group, incl. I bring to your attention the history of the formation of the group from the page of the official website of the Time-Out group.

The ensemble of motorological music Time Out in its current composition has a long and very turbulent history. He owes his appearance to the famous character - Zopukh. But first things first.

“This heavy rock lineup was created in the summer of 1986 as the group “Art” and was based in the city of Ordzhonikidze (now Vladikavkaz) at the Philharmonic. But already at the beginning of next year, the musicians leave their place of work and begin performing under the name “Time Out”. For some time the group was registered in Makhachkala, and then moved to Moscow, where rock poet Alexander Elin began to take charge of its affairs. He offered Time-Out a new soloist - Mikhail Pakhmanov, who had an original, well-recognized vocal.

The group began performing in Moscow, had its own audience, and in 1988 recorded its only full-length album, Prometheus. But Pakhmanov unexpectedly decided to pursue a solo career. A new vocalist was invited - Konstantin Chilingiridis from Stavropol. “Time Out” were going to rewrite the album with his vocals, but in the end everything dragged on and gradually lost its meaning. With Chilingiridis, the group (Stas Veselov - guitar; Sergey Novikov - guitar; Alexey Kalinin - bass; Viktor Mozharov - keyboards; Alexander Erokhin - drums) recorded only a demo tape of four songs in English.

At the end of 1989, Chilingiridis left for Greece, and they had to look for a vocalist again. This time it was Pavel Shcherbakov. “Time-Out” shortened its name to “Out” and, unfortunately, it turned out to be very prophetic - they failed to improve their affairs and, finding themselves in such an out, the group finally broke up in the spring of 1990.”

"Who's Who in Soviet Rock"

“Time-Out is a team that has already been polished and become familiar in the fatal spheres. Has prestige and authority. She is one of those in our heavy faction who consistently turns to the traditions of melodic hard rock, going back to the early creations of the classics from Deep Purple, Nazareth, Grand Funk and their later followers. Good and professional melodic music. However, I think it should be borne in mind that we are not (yet) talking about unparalleled originality that can make significant adjustments to the theory and practice of world rock culture. But obviously it doesn't matter. By and large, the global malaise of all Soviet rock makes itself felt here.

Time-Out has been working on his debut album with the provisional title “Prometheus” for several months now. The work could have been completed long ago if not for the helplessness of the Melodiya company, which was unable to provide the proper conditions for high-quality and fruitful work.

The group consists of drummer Alexander Erokhin, guitarists Sergei Novikov and Stanislav Veselov, keyboardist Viktor Nazarov and bass guitarist Alexey Kalinin. With the arrival of the fragile and lively vocalist Konstantin Chilingiridis, a certain pleasing reactivity and lightness appeared in the stage appearance of Time Out.”

Arthur Gasparyan, “Moskovsky Komsomolets”, 11.11.1988

It remains to add a list of songs from “Prometheus”:

* Prometheus;
* There are no simple roads;
* New war (Who will raise the sword);
* There is still time;
* The trace left in us;
* Maybe (Try me);
* Metal.

However, another story was developing in parallel. When, during a tour of Transcaucasia, discord began in the team, the director - Vladislav Efimovich Zorin (or Vadim Zorin, as he usually introduced himself) - went to the Moscow Rock Laboratory. There he became acquainted with the work of the group “Shock”, whose leaders were Alexander Minaev and Pavel Molchanov.

Zorin suggested that they change their name to “Time-Out” and continue working in the city of Makhachkala, in the Dagestan State Philharmonic. And on February 17, the renewed team went on their first tour.

However, for the director, the musicians’ agreement to cooperate did not mean that the story would end happily. Realizing that the group could not play other people’s songs, he voluntarily left them the name “Time-Out” and stopped working with the group.

At the same time, the group began playing their songs, and in 1989, under the leadership of A. Minaev, acting director, the first record was recorded at the Gorky Film Studio - “We Love You”, similar in style to the above-mentioned magnetic album “Prometheus”.

Apparently, even then the first line-up of the group performed under the “Out” brand, having only “Prometheus” to its credit, which, according to some information, was recorded back in 1987. Although on the collection “Rock in the Struggle for Peace” released in 1988, the composition “Who Will Raise the Sword” (on the album - “New War”) by A. Novikov and A. Elin is listed as Time Out...

Minaev and Molchanov began their careers as musicians at a young age. Alexander played in the school ensemble, and then in the above-mentioned group “Shock”. Pavel studied cello at the school for gifted children named after Dmitry Kabalevsky. Later he tried to continue his musical education at the Moscow Conservatory, where he studied conducting. The attempt failed, as the conservatory was abandoned after the third year due to “the roof falling off due to rock and roll.” Before “Shock”, Pavel was a member of the group “Martin”.

As can be seen from this excerpt, the paths of several groups often crossed with the general line of the Time-Out Ensemble, for the mentioned Andrei Rodin subsequently became firmly entrenched in the group. And “Legion,” with which Time Out toured a lot, to the delight of fans, brought up guitarist Sergei Stepanov, who joined the Ensemble in 1992 and performed with it for almost ten years.

The acquaintance of the future founders of the motological doctrine happened as follows. Alexander Minaev dreamed of a good guitar and searched for it for a long time. He ended up getting the phone number of a man who supposedly had an excellent guitar.

However, after contacting its owner, Alexander found out that the guitar was not at all excellent, but very homemade. However, meeting the owner, Pavel Molchanov, turned out to be much more valuable.

By offering him cooperation, Minaev lured Pavel into his group. So “Shock” got a new vocalist.

“In 1986 there was “Shock”: Alexander Minaev (vocals, guitar), Arkady Lyudvipol (drums), Andrey Melnikov (bass), Mikhail Melnikov (lead guitar, vocals). In February 1987, Minaev met the vocalist of the group “Martin” Pavel Molchanov, who began to have problems in his native band. Without thinking twice, Minaev invited him to sing in “Shock,” which did not last long.

At the same time, Andrei Melnikov contacted Vladislav Zorin and found out that the Dagestan State Philharmonic urgently needed a ready-made composition. This is how the group ended up in Makhachkala. The concerts were charged for a long time, and in February 1987 “Shock” under the name “Time Out” went on tour in the North Caucasus.

The group worked at the Dagestan Philharmonic until 1989 and gave a huge number of concerts in the North Caucasus and the Far East. But in 1989, a very difficult situation with touring developed, and the musicians quit.

In the same year, the group released its first record on Melodiya. Three songs were recorded there, which later became musical hits: “Shards of Evil,” “Rock-women,” and “Let me Go” (albeit with different lyrics).

The composition of the group changed at breakneck speed from 1987 to 1989. Only Minaev and Molchanov remained constantly. Already in Dagestan the group went with another guitarist - Alexander Karachun. But he only went on one trip, after which Dmitry Sharaev appeared (later he played for V. Dobrynin, and then went to America with “Galaktika”).

At the same time, the bassist left the group and Alexander Minaev took up the bass guitar. But in 1988 it happened that the entire lineup - except for Minaev - was taken off the tour and sent to Moscow. Then Minaev assembled a new line-up: Yuri Shipilov (known as Mr. PZh) (drums), Andrei Antonov (guitar), Sergei Solovyov (vocals) and Minaev (bass).

So the group went on several trips, but in one of them, right on tour, Sergei Solovyov lost his voice. Then Pavel Molchanov returned to the group. The group recorded the second record - “Medical Equipment” - with drummer Andrei Rodin, and the famous guitar master Vladimir Pavlov (the future prototype of Yohan Palych) played the guitar.”


The further history of the Shock team is known.

Having gained independence and played in the “heavy metal” style, the musicians decided to radically change the concept of their activity, and at the turn of the eighties and nineties the motorological movement arose.

One of the first concerts of Time-Out in a motorcycle lineup took place in St. Petersburg in 1992 at the Lenin Palace of Culture (later - the Indie Club). Refuting the skeptical mood of the concert organizers, with a hall capacity of 1000 people, Time Out attracted 1200 listeners.

How it all began

The ensemble of motological music appeared at the very beginning of 1987. And it was invented by none other than Zopukh. His name was actually not Zopukh, but Zorin V.E. The word “Zopuh” was formed like this: ANZ, being in a state of absolute joy, read the name of the artistic director in Latin on the poster.

So here it is. There was such a group - Time Out, but not in the current composition, but in Gorky. And during the next tour of Transcaucasia, Zorin, for no apparent reason, quarreled with the team. The musicians fled under the noise, and Zorin Vladislav Efimych, fleeing, unknown how, found the group “Shock” in the Moscow rock laboratory, in which Sasha Minaev and Pasha Molchanov played, and offered a job in the city of Makhachkala in the Dagestan State Philharmonic. It was proposed to change the name of the group to Time Out.

As soon as Zorin realized that the group had died completely and irrevocably, that they did not know how to play someone else’s music, he waved his hand and the newly-minted Time Out began playing his own songs. And in the late eighties at the film studio named after. Gorky recorded the record “We Love You”.

Minaev and Molchanov began their careers as musicians at a young age: Alexander played in a school ensemble, then in the above-mentioned group "Shock", and Pavel studied at the School for Gifted Children. Dmitry Kabalevsky in cello class, and later tried to continue his musical education at the Moscow Conservatory, where he studied conducting. The attempt failed, as the conservatory was abandoned after the third year due to “the roof falling off due to rock and roll.” Before Time Out, he played in the group "Martin".

They met like this: at that time A. Minaev dreamed of a good guitar, looked for it for a long time and finally got the phone number of one person who supposedly had it. Having contacted the owner of the guitar, which, by the way, was not at all cool, but very homemade, Alexander Semenovich did not think long and offered its owner, Pavel Valerievich (a member of the Martin group), cooperation. So the Shock group got a new vocalist.

The first concert in St. Petersburg took place in 1992 at the Kirov Palace of Culture (now the Indie Club). To the great surprise of the concert organizers, with a capacity of 1000 people, Time Out attracted 1200 listeners.

The Science of Getting High

How did the science of Motology originate? Here's how it happened: Alexander Semenovich Minaev (Akaky Nazarych Zirnbirnshtein - ANZ), while in the Republic of Dagestan, went to the toilet in a hotel and found something similar to a toilet there, but it was actually not at all the same.

Exactly half of what is called a toilet in our country was sticking out of the wall in the restroom. It was then that ANZ realized that he was a motorologist. Later, in one of the interviews, he said the following words about himself: “And I’m not only Sasha, but also Akaki Nazarych Zirnbirnstein, I come up with all the jokes for our ensemble. Apparently, it’s lucky if some young journalists directly ask me: “Are you a fool?” I answer honestly: “Yes, you’re a fool.” I’m such an idiot that I managed to promote my business, which is what I wish for everyone.”

For Pavel Valerievich Molchanov (Torvlobnor Petrovich Puzdoy - CCI), motology began differently. Having found a sign in the trash that said “dentist,” he brought it home and was about to nail it to the door, but it turned out to be too long. The resourceful Chamber of Commerce and Industry, without hesitation, tapped the sign and the inscription “matologist” shone on the door. The name Torvlobnor Petrovich Puzdoy itself was formed from Torvlobnaya Petrovich Pustoy, whose origin is unknown.

Later, however, “matologists” became “motologists,” since media workers associated the first option with swearing, so the ensemble’s texts were feared like fire. After this, Time Out became an off-air group, which, for some reason, remains to this day. Although, the motologists themselves treat this with a degree of humor: on the cover of the Yokhan Palych Forever disc there is the following inscription - “100% Radio Suitable”. Does not contain obscene expressions or profanity. Unfortunately.”

Since then, the composition of the group has changed somewhat: young guitarist S. Stepanov replaced V. Pavlov, A. Rodin replaced Yu. Shipilov, and keyboardist R. Mukhachev also joined Time Out.

The promotion of the science of Motology occurs not only at Time Out concerts, but also at other events. For example, ANZ and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry are constant hosts of the Bike Show, regularly performed at the rock festival “They Ruined Their Childhood”, winning in several categories at once, at the MK and Beer festivals in Luzhniki and at many other events.

About motorological kurultai

Molchanov-Puzdoy spoke about one of the concerts: “That’s why we became motorologists, because we go out and play a concert, even when no one is listening to us. It doesn’t bother us at all, we play it for ourselves, we play it well. And then, every concert - this is some kind of event, we didn’t have one similar to the other. In St. Petersburg, for example, when we arrived with a motorcycle trick after SNC, we worked at the Indy Club, they showed us a device, everything we needed, and they said, they say, guys, you won’t gather a damn crowd. However, the hall was full, there was a completely bright, dazzling show. We put a cabinet on the stage next to the drums and held a competition “The Little Felt Kvachin” was supposed to suit someone. this “bastard” had the opportunity to sit in the closet for one song. But there were a lot of such “bastards” in the hall, and at the end of the concert the closet was simply smashed to smithereens - it was so much fun, however, later we had to pay the Indie Club for the damage. The concert also began in a very boring way: the curtain opens, and Styopa (Sergei Stepanov) stands on skis and with poles, the bindings on the skis are so stupid, not iron, but soft - for children."

One of the most famous concerts of Time Out in their current composition took place on April 21, 1995 for 12 minutes... at the North Pole with a wind speed of 5 m/s, a temperature of -38°C and subsequent 40%. In general, as motologists admitted, they had the coldest, in the sense of the frozen, audience there (about a hundred people), and they called the concert itself the most attended in the entire history of the North Pole.

When the motological ensemble arrived at the pole, there were already quite a lot of people there - various travelers and researchers. During Time Out's performance, someone played football, someone listened to motorological creativity. When the ensemble performed Yohan Palych, the Canadian scientist and traveler Wil Steiger appeared on a dog sled and, seeing a crowd of Russians, inflamed by the national drink (probably only ANZ and GGSK were sober, since they were fasting), spat and said the legendary phrase: “Not a pole , and some kind of passage yard!..”

But it still wasn’t without adventures. Firstly, ANZ and GGSC, who took with them only oranges and boiled rice from food, found them in a frozen state (the oranges turned into “billiard balls”, and the rice into “granite crumbs”). Secondly, they arrived at the pole wearing boots, after which they had to exchange them for polar explorers’ felt boots. Thirdly, TPP and AK, having had too much, mixed up the transport and flew not back to Taimyr, but to Franz Josef Land. So the concert at the pole was not a banal gathering and took place in a rather cheerful atmosphere.

In addition, every year, according to the old tradition, the Time Out Ensemble always plays a charity concert in the hospital for disabled children in the Olympic Village. The Kwachas have arrived

ANZ and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry gained wider fame while working on the radio program “Hello. Kvachi have arrived.” When motology could no longer be contained within the confines of concerts, the idea arose to present its doctrine to the public more widely. Then another proposal appeared. In 1990, a certain Yuri Spiridonov, who had previously worked with Time Out as a compere on tour, invited Minaev and Molchanov to the SNC radio that had opened at that time. At first there was no show, they were asked to just come chat on air and play their music. Stas Namin, director of SNC, liked it and invited them to work on air regularly. In 1992, the pretentious program, as the most popular on the radio station, was nominated for various awards (Golden Ostaps, all sorts of them), but the judges always shortchanged it and did not give it first place.

In 1992, the radio station was covered with a copper toilet and along with it the above-mentioned program. Only in December 1996 did she start caressing the heron’s ears again. But instead of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the newly-minted motorologist Sergei Anatolyevich Stepanov (Gagey Gageevich Sikorsky Koncheny, aka GGSK) was talking with Akakiy. Since then, all this happened on Radio Silver Rain until October 25, 2000, when the program stopped airing.

She returned, however, the same week, but on Our Radio. And instead of the GGSC, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry again broadcasts and motorology is not particularly present there. It’s just that ANZ and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry are broadcasting for an hour. In 1999, some changes took place in the program, still on Dozhd - a new section, “Thin Ear,” appeared, something like the old “Hello, we are looking for talents.” In this part of the program, motologists broadcast poems and songs from various groups or simply creative individuals, sent to them in advance on various types of media. On April 8, 2000, a festival with the same name took place at the Svalka club, in which many of those whose works were heard on air took part.

Beer and knak...

Now about the Time Out drink. Oddly enough, it was not really beer, but real ale (more precisely, Khmel Time Out). The presentation of the drink took place at MNG"97. The advertising text read: "Time Out ale is made according to the technology and recipes of old English breweries without the use of preservatives under license and from concentrates provided by Concord. This unique double-fermentation beer matures, like champagne, directly in the bottle. It can “live” for up to three years, and over time it only becomes tastier, hoppier, healthier for the body and more beautiful in color. The presence of brewer's yeast sediment in the bottle is a must! It is thanks to “live” yeast that Time Out ale is a unique drink for people experiencing significant physical activity. The B complex of vitamins contained in brewer's yeast perfectly restores the body. Just one mug is enough and you will feel pleasant flexibility in your body and complacency!

This drink is no longer available. There was a company that knew a secret and original recipe for making ale, which was bottled in 1.5 liter bottles and labeled with the Time Out logo. Then motologists stopped ordering ale and it was lost forever. You can see it in one of the interviews with ANZ and GGSC from 1998 entitled “Living Collection”, which is interspersed with excerpts from the concert. By the way, during the performance of songs at that concert, motologists often sipped their ale.

And in general, the Time Out ensemble itself is very respectful of beer: ANZ and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry are members of the Party of Beer Lovers (ANZ was even a candidate from the Republic of Tuva for the post of State Duma deputy from the PLP), and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry won the competition for drinking beer quickly (1 liter in about 5 seconds), for which I received another box as a reward. But the fame of the “beer ensemble” came to Time Out when the “Song about Beer” appeared, later called “Hymn to Beer” and released on the album “Chasing a Long Ruble”.

Torvlobnor Petrovich once took part in a talk show, winning a competition for drinking beer at speed - a liter in 5 seconds. For which he received a reward - another pack of beer.

As Akaki Nazarych said, his life has been connected with beer since childhood. The fact is that there was a famous brewery in the courtyard of his house, and now he lives in a house with a pub on the ground floor. So the happy motologist has always been and will be provided with beer to the fullest.

The case is being heard...

On August 5, 1999, the program “The Case is Hearing” took place. LDPR leader V.V. Zhirinovsky sued Russian rock, represented by A.S. Minaev - Akaki Nazarych Zirnbirnstein. Zhirinovsky stated that rock promotes the spread of drugs by mentioning the latter in songs. It was unclear what Time Out had to do with it, since motorcycle experts repeatedly called on those who started to quit and those who didn’t try not to start? ANZ has two daughters and he himself is not interested in the distribution and promotion of drugs. To illustrate the harmlessness of the songs, they even played a video of Yokhan Palych from the concert, but in the words “...the grass is turning green...” V.V. Zhirinovsky caught a secret meaning that could be unsafe for fans. Zhirinovsky, together with his lawyer and witnesses, attacked A.N.Z., but all their facts were unconvincing and Akaki easily fended off all the accusations. When they invited witnesses from the defendant’s side, Zhirinovsky’s entire attack fizzled out.

When the debate between the parties began, Zhirinovsky realized that the case was lost and proposed a settlement, saying in an apologetic voice that rock is good and even proposed forming a public organization Rock + Politicians against drugs. Akaki, being a noble man, supported the initiative and even shook hands with Zhirinovsky as a sign of reconciliation.

Motology in cinema...

Motologists don’t forget about film production. Along with the clips for the compositions “Fragments of Evil”, “I Love to Ride”, “Yokhan Palych”, “Autumn” and “Pinocchio”, there is also such a thing as the four-part film “The Kvachi Have Arrived”, which was even shown at the Anniversary of the Motorcycle Movement at MDM in 1998. In addition, Time Out was also writing music for some films, the latest of which is “DMB”.

Since Program A on television, Time Out appears rarely, but quite regularly. In addition to the Buratino video and the Live Collection, which can be seen relatively often, the motological ensemble also reveres Caprice on MTv with its presence. In addition, there is Time Out in the Muz TV studio, in Anthropology, Sharks of the Feather and other programs. And at the end of 1999 - beginning of 2000, a television version of the program “Kvachi have arrived” was broadcast on MTv, hosted by ANZ and GGSK, but after some time it faded away.

But! There is another film that, at first glance, does not have much to do with motology, but does a great job of helping to understand the motological doctrine. We are talking about the film by G. Danelia “Kin Dza Dza”. Such famous aphorisms as, for example, “everyone lie down for half an hour,” “I loved you, I will teach you,” or that very famous “ku” came from there. And the music in the intro of “The Subtle Ear” is also taken from this film, and Danelia also had a hand in the “yellow pants”. Actually, all of it, both in terms of plot and other indicators, is of great motorological value.

Motorological New Year...

The Motological New Year began in Akaki’s apartment one June day over a glass of beer. A lemon tree covered in fish scales was placed on the table. Given this combination of circumstances, motorologists could not help but celebrate such an important holiday. By the way, it is also celebrated among a wide circle of motorcycle enthusiasts with a large crowd of people, but not in the summer, but in the late autumn. When celebrating MNG, motologists recommend decorating the lemon tree with dried wild cucumbers, drinking beer, scattering fish scales (preferably bream) around the apartment and dancing fiery motological dances, of course.

Bream scales, according to ANZ, are remarkable in that after you scatter them on the carpet, they are not completely cleaned out. So throughout the year you will certainly find flakes in the carpet that will immediately evoke pleasant memories of the holiday.

The lemon tree became an attribute of the MNG due to the fact that in the summer it was difficult (and too lazy) to find a Christmas tree, so it was this tree that was put on the summer New Year's table. Then, in the early nineties, this tree was still green and healthy in all respects, but Akaki Nazarych personally destroyed it (he simply did not water it), which led to the tree drying up. Now it is decorated with dried wild cucumbers that look like hedgehogs and other crap.

For the Kvachas themselves, the New Year is just another holiday, or, more precisely, a reason to spend time. And the best pastime, according to the motological doctrine, is “drinking and snacking.” Where else can you do this other than at a concert? Motologists even advocated for MNG to be made a national holiday and declared a day off, for which they signed and submitted a petition to the State Duma.

Kvachi and BigMac...

In 1999, a new fan club of Time Out was formed, nicknamed Big MAK (International Association of Quaches). Before that, there was another fan club called MAK. With the new fan club, Time Out received more powerful and well-organized support from fans due to the fact that the fan club provides its members with discounts and other benefits in exchange for ever-increasing love and devotion.

The Rybba bird Kvach is a creature wearing felt boots, with an udder and scales on its body. Kvacha give birth head first (if you give birth with your tail forward, you get the so-called “effect of a cone stuck in your mouth” - it goes in and doesn’t go back out). Motologists themselves define a kvach as follows: a kvach is a creature of the future with an udder and wearing felt boots. It is self-sufficient, for which it has an udder, through which kvacha milk is produced and consumed by the kvacha. Akaki Nazarych himself said that “kvachi are those who believe: one must live happily, and what is not a pleasure must be made into a pleasure.”

Kvach, like most living beings, comes in two genders: kvach (male) and mamzel or kvachikha (female). There are also cases where fairly old people joined the Kvacha movement. Then men became kvachas, and women became honorary ladies of motorology. It is impossible to become a motorologist. Only the GGSC managed to increase the number of motorologists - it became third after ANZ and CCI. Therefore, such titles as, say, “motorwoman” are absent as such.

In order to become a kvach, you need to listen to several radio programs or go to a Time Out concert, or even better, do both. In general, kvachas can be called those people who support the motological doctrine and are fans of the motological ensemble.

Separate creativity...

Here A. Minaev did not further ado and published the book “Zopuh, the Bobson cockroach and more.” It included many, many creations of the motologist, both very old from the SNC times, and new ones that appeared shortly before the book was published. These include such famous works as “The Verse about the Nail”, of course, “Bobson the Cockroach”, as well as song lyrics, scientific treatises on motorology, stories about Zopokha and much more. In addition, the book is decorated with drawings by A. Minaev and his youngest daughter Yulia.

But Torvlobnor Petrovich was the first to succeed in this matter. Regardless of the ensemble, already under the name P. Molchanov, he released two solo albums, recorded and mixed in his own home studio. Both albums consist mainly of slow acoustic compositions. The title of the first solo album is “Magic Forest”, the second is “Everything Everywhere”.

Experienced Kvachi still remember Molchanov’s other hobby - drawing. A clear confirmation of this is the cover of the album “Yokhan Palych”, on which there are three drawings by Molchanov. One of them is "Rooster on the Roost". Naturally, the creativity of the motologist artist is not limited to album design - in 1997 he held a fairly successful exhibition of his own paintings. Molchanov, of course, was also interested in prose and poetry, but not to the same extent as Minaev, so his poems and stories are known to a narrower circle of motorology fans. Thus, everyone was once again convinced of how involved motologists and the motological community are with traditional culture. So if, after all, the musicians from Time Out suddenly end their careers, we will be able to see at least two talented artists and writers.

Modern composition of the Time Out Ensemble:

Bass, vocals - Alexander Minaev

Vocals, acoustics - Pavel Molchanov

Lead guitar - Sergey Stepanov

Drums - Andrey Rodin

Director - Alexey Privalov

Sound engineer - Sergey Pedchenko

Discography of the Time Out Ensemble:

1989 - We Love You

1992 - Medical Technology

1994 - Kvachi Arrived Live

1995 - Yohan Palych Forever

1996 - Mu-Mu

1997 - Victims of Science Fiction

1998 - Living Collection

1999 - Chasing the Long Ruble

History of education

Vladislav Zorin announced a performance by the rock band Time Out in several cities. Posters and tickets were printed. However, the team for which Zorin prepared performances suddenly broke up. Zorin turned to Molchanov and Minaev with a request to perform under the name “Time-Out”, and the tour was a success - at that time the group played popular and dense Soviet hard rock, and the lyrics corresponded to the poetics of perestroika. This is how the group acquired its modern name.


On May 30, 1991, the first radio broadcast was broadcast on Radio SNC, hosted by Molchanov and Minaev: “Hello, the kvachi have arrived.” As part of the program, the musicians immersed radio listeners in the discourse of kvachas - this is how the group’s fans later began to be called.

After the closure of Radio SNC, the program tried to settle on radio Rakurs, and then found a true second life on radio Silver Rain. The transfer is now closed.


  • We Love You (LP, MC) - 1989
  • Medical Technology (LP, MC, CD) - 1991
  • Time Out at Sexton, part I,II (MC) - 1993
  • The Kwachas have arrived (Live), (MC, CD) - 1994
  • Yohan Palych forever, (MC, CD) - 1995
  • Moo-moo, (MC, CD) - 1996
  • Science Fiction Victims (MC, CD) - 1997
  • Live Collection (MC, CD) - 1998
  • Chasing a long ruble (MC, CD) - 1999
  • Good - 2001
  • Motorological New Year. We are 15½ years old - 2003
  • Time Out - mp3 collection - 2004


In 2002, Sergei Stepanov (Gagey Gageevich Sikorsky-Koncheny) left the group.

In 2009, one of the founders of the group, Pavel Molchanov, retired to an honorary motorcycle pension.

In the same year, Sergei Stepanov and Roman Mukhachev again joined the team.

Current composition:

  • Alexander Minaev (Akaky Nazarych Zirnbirnstein) - bass guitar, acoustic guitar, vocals
  • Sergey Stepanov (Gagey Gageich Sikorsky-Koncheny) - electric guitar, acoustic guitar, vocals
  • Roman Mukhachev (Terminator Kuklachev) - keys, accordion, vocals
  • Andrey Rodin (Archimandrey Kislorodin) - drums


Pavel Molchanov found a sign in the trash that said “Dentist” and decided to hang it on the door of his room. But the sign turned out to be wider, and so he cut off the “Hundred” prefix. This is how motology and motologists were born. Motologists are silent about the alternation of o-a. No, they are not keeping silent. At the beginning of their journey, motologists were asked the question: “Do you swear?” It is assumed that the word-forming law of complete consonance has worked.

Fun facts

The word “Zopuh” was born as a transliteration of the surname “Zorin”: 30PUH. The amused Minaev read the name of the artistic director written on the poster as if it were written in Latin.

Conquest of the Pole

One of the most famous Time Out concerts to the general public took place on April 21, 1995 for 12 minutes... at the North Pole with a wind speed of 5 m/s and a temperature of −38 °C. In general, as motologists admitted, they had the coldest, in the sense of the frozen, audience there (about a hundred people), and they called the concert itself the most attended in the entire history of the North Pole. Moreover, this concert went down in the history of both motorology and the world. And the Time Out group is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the only group to give a 12-minute concert at the North Pole.


Pavel Molchanov left the group and created the Creative Workshop "Fortissimo" At the end of 2009, Pavel Molchanov, known in Motological circles as Torvlobnor Petrovich Puzdoy, left the team and created the creative workshop “Fortissimo”. Studio "Fortissimo" is engaged in the search for talented, spiritual children, as well as in the education and development of creativity in the child. Today TM "Fortissimo" has dozens of students who show very impressive results! The studio also actively participates in various competitions, concerts, television and radio programs.


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