Tatar names for girls starting with the letter a. Tatar names for women

The birth of a child is always a holiday. Everyone is waiting, worrying, this is accompanied by enormous efforts: arranging a suitable children's room, reading a huge amount of literature for parents, grandparents and, in general, all immediate relatives. This algorithm of action is used by almost all future parents, regardless of religion. But one day comes one crucial moment, for which you seem to be preparing, but it is difficult to decide - choosing a name for the child. It seems that everything is simple, there is a word that seems pleasant in sound and popular, and even the child smiles in response to it - everything has been chosen. But that’s not the case, if this is for Muslim girls, who have their own meanings, and you can’t just go and call your daughter whatever you like, here you need to have a good understanding of the meaning, since the child will wear it all his life. But everything is in order.

When considering beautiful names, you need to note several patterns of this or that choice, certain criteria that parents are guided by. Firstly, the girl’s name should be gentle and pleasant to the ear, so that future husband I just wanted to call him. Also, the name is chosen with a certain historical value; it was either the name of one of the Prophet’s companions, or it was worn by a grandmother, mother, a close or revered person. For some parents, modern names are not as important as their connection to Islamic history, or even their mention in the Koran. Some of them can be simply solid and strict, without the slightest hint of beauty. Everyone knows that beauty is a relative concept and everyone has their own idea about this.

In the Islamic tradition, a name often determines a person’s destiny, so its choice is approached carefully

Beautiful options for naming your daughter

There are a huge number of euphonious Islamic words that can be used to name a child. Now we will look at those that are considered the most beautiful, not forgetting to indicate the meaning of some of them.

  • Aliya عالية, “lofty, high, high-rise, outstanding.” The first syllable is stressed.
  • Amani أماني, “dreams, desires” (second syllable stressed). Very often used in the past, it was very popular in most Arab countries. Now it is very often used in America.
  • Amira أميرة, "emira, princess, princess." The woman named Amira is not necessarily a member of high society or a lady." blue bloods“, but when giving such a “name” to a child, parents define her as “Amira” in a figurative sense, that is, Amira by character, in a certain circle of people, by her beauty.
  • Anisa أنيسة - “interlocutor, affectionate, affable, friendly, friend” (the second syllable is stressed. If we change the place of stress, then the meaning of “girl” (unmarried) changes. This name also belonged to some associates, but it was not widespread Arab countries.
  • Asiya آسية – “healing, comforting” (emphasis on the first syllable). The name belongs to one of the four most perfect women in religion and is mentioned in the Koran.

Women's names in Islamic countries are very poetic

  • Darin دارين (last syllable stressed) is a rather ancient name. Darin is a port city in India where musk was delivered from India.
  • Jamila جميلة - “beautiful”. This Arabic word is ancient and the Prophet liked it.
  • Judi جودي (the first syllable is stressed) is the mountain where the ark of the prophet Nuh stopped. There is a mention in the Koran.
  • Jumana جمانة (stressed second syllable) – “pearl”.
  • Juri جوري (the first syllable under stress) - its meaning is one of beautiful views roses - in Russian “ward al-juri” (“roses al-juri”) or damask roses.
  • Zagra (Zahra) زهرة (first syllable stressed), “the best time; beauty; flower; shine". There is a mention in the Koran
  • Karima كريمة – “noble; generous daughter." Belongs to the ancient Arabic, it was very rarely popular.
  • Malika مليحة – “queen, queen.” Very rarely used nowadays.
  • Mira ميرة (first syllable under stress) - “provisions, provisions.” It came into use relatively recently and is therefore not widespread.

In ancient times, they believed that a name could influence a person’s personality, character, and, ultimately, destiny.

  • Munira منيرة – “bright, light, luminous, brilliant.” A couple of decades ago it was extremely popular in Saudi Arabia. These days it is practically not used. Previously, the king's daughters were often called Munira. The meaning of names can be very diverse.
  • Narmin نرمين (last syllable stressed) - “tender, soft”, is of non-Arabic origin.
  • Nujud نجود – plural of “nejd نجد” – “hill, plateau, plateau”.
  • Rania رانية (first syllable stressed) “without blinking, looking intently.”
  • Rahma رحمة (first syllable stressed), “mercy, mercy.”
  • Ruweida رويدة (second syllable under stress) from “rud” - “slowness” and from “rada” - “young and beautiful girl”.
  • Salima سليمة (emphasis on the second syllable) - “normal, whole, healthy, unharmed.” Another meaning is “dangerously stung, wounded”, which is not popular in our time. Options such as Salima are rare names.
  • Saliha صالحة (first syllable under stress) - “pious.” The younger generation practically does not use it, although it used to be very popular.
  • Salsabil سلسبيل (last syllable stressed) - this was the name of the source in paradise. Allah gave wine to good people from this source.
  • Safiya صفية (second syllable stressed) - “clear, pure, transparent; girlfriend".
  • Tasnim تسنيم (emphasize the last syllable). This was also the name of the spring in paradise, like Salsabil. Allah spoke about this source in the Quran. Popular Muslim names often associated with mentions in the Qur'an.
  • Umayma أميمة (second stressed syllable) is an ancient word, diminutive form from several words: “umm أم” - “mother” and “umama أمامة” - “three hundred camels”.
  • Farah فرح (first syllable stressed) - “joy”. May be masculine in some regions.
  • Halima حليمة – “soft, meek, patient.”
  • Sharifa شريفة (second syllable stressed) – “noble”.

Whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float - this mostly applies to humans as well

  • Sheyma شيماء (last syllable under stress) – “a person with good features character; a girl with a mole (or birthmark).”

Muslim names for girls are very popular these days. Here is a list of the most used options.

Amina أمينة – “reliable, faithful, prosperous; honest, trustworthy." Probably the leader in popularity in Islamic countries. An interesting fact is that before Islam it was almost not used, but with the spread of religion it gained popularity.

Dana دانة (first stressed syllable) - “large-sized pearl.” It is also used in other languages, where it is also very popular among the Slavs, Jews, English, etc. WITH definite article you can find it among the Arabs - ad-Dan.

Jana جنى (first syllable stressed) is a very popular variant, especially in Jordan. The meaning of "fresh fruits" is mentioned in the Qur'an, in the words of Allah.

Leila ليلى almost everywhere the meaning of this word is interpreted as “night”. There is also such a meaning as “night beauty” and “born at night.” Two words “leylatun leila” - “the most dark night month." “Leila” is an unusual night, like all others, but a dark, long, dark, hopeless night. This is also the beginning of hopping, the name geographical location, the name of the wine drink.

Choose a word name primarily by meaning, and not by consonance or combination of letters

Lin لين means “softness, tenderness, meekness.”

And then there is Lina لينة (the first syllable is stressed). If Lin is a young name, then Lina has been widely used for a long time. Its meaning is “palm tree”. This name is international: it is used by Italians, English-speaking peoples, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Scandinavians, French, Lithuanians, Spaniards, Portuguese, Danes, Swedes, etc.

Layan (Layan, Leyan) “happy life.”

Maryam مريم (first syllable stressed). Since the first century Hijri, Maryam has become one of the most popular female names. Pronunciation from Hebrew is “Miryam”. Its popularity is associated with certain facts. The best woman, one of, was called - “The best women in Paradise are Khadija bint Khuwaylid, Fatima bint Muhammad, Asiya bint Muzahim, the wife of Pharaoh, and Maryam, the daughter of Imran,” and is used 33 times in 11 suras. The image of Maryam, the mother of Isa, is filled with purity, fear of God and piety, a symbol of female religion and chastity. By calling their daughter this, people believe that this will help resist her depravity modern world. Beautiful names for girls don't have to be of new origin.

Maryam (Mariam) is one of the most popular variations, which has spread far beyond the Islamic world

Nur نور (“light”) – the word “nur” is masculine, it can also be used to name a man, but is more often used for women.

Nura نورة (first stressed syllable). It is interesting to know that the word itself is translated as “limestone”.

Rima ريمة – from the word “Rome”, which has many meanings, some of which are: “scale”, “foam”, “slag”, “scale”, “white antelopes”. Often used (named for its meaning of "white antelope").

Salma سلمى “prosperity, health.”

Sara سارة - is common in most countries, not only Arab ones. But many consider it Jewish, and for example, in Russia, as a rule, children are not called that. Where it is not considered European, Christians also call their daughters Sarah. The meaning of this word in Hebrew is "princess".

It turns out that Sarah means "princess"

Farida فريدة (second syllable under stress), “a rare, incomparable thing; pearl; unique."

Habiba حبيبة (second syllable under stress) is a very ancient word with a clear meaning of “beloved”.

Khanin حنين (second syllable under stress) - “pity; yearning; sigh, passionate desire.” It became popular not so long ago.

Yasmin ياسمين - is of Persian origin, has become very popular in all Arab countries. If “yasmine” is the entire jasmine plant, then “Yasmine ياسمينة” is just a twig or flower.

Modern names for girls are just as good as the ancient, widely known options.

Often the child is named by month

Modern parents name their daughter this way to help her in her future life. Or, wanting your daughter to be gentle, call her in consonance with such a meaning. Some prefer to name according to a specific season or month. Islamic peoples take a very responsible approach to naming a child, associating it with a particular month.

In the European tradition, there are also a couple of female “names” for the months. For example, Julia or Augusta. Oh yes, also Oktyabrina - a tribute to the revolution

The names of girls may also not be an indication of the month of birth of the child, but of an event that occurs during this period, or of the naming of one of the saints who are in a certain way associated with this period of time. It has been proven that the character is different depending on the time of year. Monthly names must be chosen very responsibly and carefully.


Now you will be presented with a wide list, only with meaning. Who knows, maybe in this list you will like the option that your child will have!

There are no fewer Islamic variations than Russian or European ones

Starting with the letter "A"

Adila - translated from Arabic as fair, incorruptible, rewarding according to deserts.

Azalea - from Latin this word is translated as an open azalea bud.

Aziza - in Persian it sounds like “ strong in spirit, persistent and precious."

Aigul is a Tatar word translated as “moon flower”.

Ayla (Ayly) - just like Aigul, this word is associated with the Moon and it means “light as the Moon.”

Aisylu is a Tatar word that means “she who keeps the lunar secret.”

Aisha - in Arabic it sounds like “alive.” (Arabic) - alive.

Aliya - from Arabic is interpreted as “famous, exalted.”

Alsou is beautiful, wonderful, charming.

Albina means "white" in Latin.

Alfiya - if you look at the literal translation, then this is a poem with a thousand verses, but if you use the semantic translation and the same root words, then the word means “nice, friendly.”

Amina is faithful, honest, reliable, prosperous. This is exactly what the mother of the Prophet Muhammad was named.

Amira - the lady who commands; princess.

Anisa is my best friend.

Asma - the highest, majestic.

Afiyat - guest, guest; health; good health, welfare; vitality.

Ahsana is the best, most beautiful, incomparable.

Starting with the letter "B"

Valida is a girl.

Valiya - 1. economic; 2. saint; 3. girlfriend.

Vasima (Vyasimya) - graceful, beautiful, charming.

Valida means "girl". Not to be confused with valid :)

Starting with the letter "G"

Guzelia - translated from Turkic-Tatar as “a girl of incredible beauty.”

Guzel - in Turkic-Tatar means “most graceful, worthy of admiration.”

Gulnara is the color of pomegranate.

Gulfia is like a flower.

Gulshat is a flower of joy.

Gulya is a flower.

Starting with the letter "D"

Damira - in Turkic-Tatar means: hard, iron-like, hard.

Denmark - 1. ally; 2. famous, wonderful.

Daria is a full-flowing river.

Delfusa is the silver of the soul.

Dilia - translated from Persian as sincere, heartfelt.

Dilnaz - in Persian: soft, flirtatious.

Dilshat is a Persian name meaning “cheerful, contented.”

Dilya is a Persian word that translates to “soul, heart and mind”

Dilyara is an old Persian word that has two interpretations: 1. pleasing the soul; 2. everyone's favorite.

Dina is a believer and confident.

Dinara - gold.

In the countries of the Middle East there was even such a coin - the dinar

Starting with the letter "Z"

Zaira is a guest.

Zakiya is understanding, quick-witted.

Zamilya is a companion, comrade.

The jam is the basis of the essence, a guarantee.

Zarima (Zarema) - flammable; incendiary.

Zilya - merciful, unsullied.

Zifa - Persian origin, meaning "slender, graceful".

Zulfiya - curly; attractive, pretty.

Zukhra - illuminating, morning Star.

Starting with the letter "I"

Ikrima is blue.

Iman is faith.

Imtisal – submission, politeness.

The other one is caring.

Insaf is fair.

Intisar – winner, triumph.

Inshirah – joyful, successful.

Ingham is a reward for labor.

Irada - will

Irtiyad – visit, visit.

Isar – altuism, love for people, selflessness.

Ikhlas - sincerity.

Ikhtiram - respect.

Ihtisham - modesty.

Ishrak – light, shiny.

Ikhtibar - prestige, honor.

Ikhtidal – slender.

Ichtizaz is a proud, great value.

Ilgiza is a wanderer.

Ilzida is the strength of the homeland.

Ilnara (Elnara) - the light of the native land.

Ilnura is the light of the Fatherland.

Irada is a sacred gift.

Starting with the letter "K"

Kamlya – perfection, integrity.

Kamilya – perfect, full-fledged, mature

Karima is a generous, kind daughter.

Kyaukab - translated from Arabic as “star”.

Kyausar is a heavenly river.

Kulsum - with a thin face.

Starting with the letter "L"

Lyamis - translated from Arabic as “soft, kind, obedient.”

Lyamya is a beauty

Latifa is gentle, affectionate.

Lina is a soft and gentle girl.

Lyubaba - with a kind heart.

Lyaali - pearl shine.

Starting with the letter "M"

Madina - from the city of Medina.

Malika - mistress, queen, mistress.

Mansura is victorious.

Maulida is a newborn.

Mahfuza - patronizing, guarded, protected.

Munira - giver of light.

Murshida - showing the right path.

Muslima is a Muslim, devout, obedient.

Mukhsina - 1. virtuous; 2. immaculate.

Muemina is a believer.

Notice what beautiful meanings Muslims have all female “names”

Starting with the letter "N"

Najia - salvation, deliverance.

Nadira is rare.

Nadia is like morning dew, wet.

Nazira - messenger, broadcaster

Nazifa is pure.

Naima - the sweetness of life, happy, blissful.

Nailya is a gift, a gift.

Nairiyat - illuminating the path, source of light.

Nargiza - overcoming the flame.

Narima - dear.

Nasima is sweet, with a soft heart.

Nafisa is graceful, beautiful, flexible.

Nigara is pretty and attractive.

Nurania - giver of light, illuminating the path.

Nuria - with a kind soul and heart, good-natured, bright.

Nursida - derived from “nur” - “light” - young light.

Nursia. - beloved, precious light.

Starting with the letter "R"

Rabab - cloud

Rabia – spring, snowdrop, first flower.

Rada is beautiful, a whirlwind.

Radua - comes from the name of the mountain in Medina.

Ragd – pleasant, lovely.

Raida is the first, the leader.

Raja - desired.

Rana is cheerful, funny.

Rafa – happy, carefree.

Rand – fragrant.

Russia is a gazelle.

Rashida is mature, wise, smart, walking the right path.

Rauda is a blooming garden.

Raya is juicy and thirst quenching.

Rome is a white gazelle.

Rima is an antelope.

Rukan - confident.

Ruqaiya – sublime.

Starting with the letter "C"

Sabria is patient and enduring.

Safa – clear, pure, immaculate.

Safiya is my best friend.

Sugar – translated from Arabic as “dawn”.

Sahlya is smooth, delicate, quick, smooth.

Sakina - serene, quiet.

Saliha - excellent, good.

Salima is pure and in good health.

Salma is a quiet, peaceful, serene girl.

Salva - tranquility, tranquility.

Samaah - generous.

Samar is an interlocutor.

Samiha is generous.

Samira is a conversation starter.

Samiya - sublime.

Sana - luxury, radiance.

Sawsan is a lily flower.

Siham - arrow.

Suha – meaning “star”.

Suhailya - smooth, soft.

Suhaima is a small arrow.

Suhair - sugar.

Sumaya - sky.

Sanaa - gratitude.

Saraa is an asset.

Islamic options reflect the best feminine qualities, and rightly so.

Starting with the letter "T"

Tamam - completeness, perfection.

Tahira - unsullied, immaculate.

Tarub - cheerful, cheerful.

Starting with the letter "U"

Uafa - loyalty.

Uafika is successful.

Uafia is obedient.

Wajiha - outstanding, famous.

Huarda is a rose bud.

Ouidad - love, friendship.

Uijan - tender.

Uisaal is a union of love.

The word you use to name a child should not only have good value, but also be easy to pronounce, otherwise your child may face difficulties in the future

Starting with the letter "F"

Faiza is a conqueror who brings victory.

Fadilya - superiority, dignity, primacy.

Fadua - self-sacrificing.

Falyak is translated from Arabic as “dawn”.

Farida is unique, unique, rare.

Fariha - happy, cheerful.

Firuz - turquoise.

Fatima - weaning the baby.

Faatin is amazing.

Fatina is wise, smart, quick-witted.

Fauzia - successful, overpowering.

Firdaus - paradise, garden of Eden.

Starting with the letter "X"

Khaadiya - showing the right path.

Khadija - born prematurely.

Khalida - immortal, eternal.

Khairiya - generous, good-natured.

Khulyuk - immortality, eternity.

Hadiya is a gift.

Hamida is worthy of praise.

Chana - grace.

Hanan - mercy.

Hala is a halo.

Halima - sensitive; patient.

Hanifa is a true believer.

Haniya - satisfied, happy.

Hasna is excellent.

Khayyam is a strong lover.

Hayat - life, being, existence of all living things.

Haifa is slender, beautiful in body.

Hessa is fate.

Hiba is a gift.

Huda - straight path, guidance.

Huma is the bird of joy.

Khuriya is strong.

Husn - beauty, beauty.

Starting with the letter "SH"

Shatha - fragrant.

Shaadia is a singer.

Sharifa is respectable.

Starting with the letter "Y"

Yumn - victory, triumph.

Yusraa - relieving.

Starting with the letter "I"

Yasmine is jasmine.

Yasira is condescending.

Yafyah - the highest.

Yakutakh - emerald gemstone.

Yamkha - dove, bird.

Remember that the name should please not only you, but also your child when he grows up

Modern names provide a wide range of choices; all that remains is to find the one that suits your daughter.

Usually, when choosing one, parents try to find out full meaning. It is believed that a name should determine a person's destiny. People face a choice different nationalities. It seems to us that Russians, very light, in other countries think the same about their names.

Each name necessarily has its own story, which reveals its meaning. Tatar women take the choice of what to name their child very seriously, since the name should suit him, be similar to his character, and not desecrate the girl.

One more important point When naming a girl at birth, there is melody so that men like the name. For the future husband, the name of the chosen one should be like music, so that it is in tune with his own.

The most common name among Tatar families is the name of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad - Aisha.

The list of Tatar names for women is very long.

Aigul– means “like the moon and a flower” or like a lunar flower.
Aizilya– clear as the moon.
Ainura– translated as “moon ray”.
Ayziryak, Ainaz, Aina, Aisylu– names that begin with “Ay” in translation mean a connection with the moon; the woman named by them is considered pure and immaculate like the moon.

The meaning of many names is associated with nature:

  • Abelkhayat– pure living water;
  • Adgamia- garden;
  • Azhariya– all in flowers;
  • Varida- rose;
  • Gakram– compared to a pigeon;
  • Gulimnur– radiant flower;
  • Gulisa, Guli, Gulim, Gulirada, Gulimbika, Gulimzada– in meaning, the prefix “Gul” sounds like a flower.

Female names that indicate their status in the family:

  • Kadbanu- wife, mistress of the house;
  • Cabra– a woman with authority in the family;
  • Kaderbanat- a girl who has respect and respect;
  • Cadernisa- dear girl;
  • Kadernisa, Cadiz, Kadricihan– names with the prefix “Kad” denote reverence and respect for a woman, a girl, her greatness, power in the family and the society around her.

Tatars very often use complex compound names, parts of which have different meanings:

The Tatars have more than a hundred names starting with “Bibi”. They refer to women at an early age, girls, unmarried girls.

Some have an additional suffix “iya”, which softens the pronunciation:

  • Dulkynia- comparison with water.
  • Jihaniya- comparison with the universe.

If they refer to an older lady, then they use the addition of “bika”; if they refer to a young girl, then they add “Bana” (Latifabana, Latifabika).

A large list has names with the prefix “Minle”, which is assigned to girls, women with a mole, denoting how happy (Minlesalia, Minlejufar, Minlezifa, Minlekausaria).

All complex compound names today are considered ancient and rare. Rarely found among indigenous Tatar women.

Historical meaning

The Tatar nationality is the richest in names. The names of Tatar women and girls are associated with any ecological, natural, religious processes, as well as with the culture and customs of peoples. There are about 25 thousand.

All Tatar names have Turkic roots; the birth of such names occurs in the 9th century. Many names of women indicated their belonging to various goddesses or idols, and denoted social significance in society and their status. For example, Urazbike, which meant the happiest princess, or Altynbike - the golden princess.

Names from European and Arabic languages ​​began to appear often: Svetlana, Almaz, Rose.

The fantasy of the Tatars did not stand still; along with the development of history, names also developed. The Tatars began to use complex ones when two or more merged. Women's names began to be distinguished by the beauty of their construction and meanings. Valiya means bright, Latifa means beautiful, Zalika means able to speak beautifully.

Many women's names are derived from men's names. Among them are Farida and Jamila.

It doesn’t matter what language the names of Tatar women are taken from, they still sound very beautiful and melodic today.

They are ancient, still in use today, but are increasingly falling out of use.

Tatar girl names used in the modern world

Each modern name of a Tatar girl carries a story. Often found in historical documents or biographies of ancient people.

Aliya, Amilya, Amani, Jamilya, Anisa, Karima, Farida
- these beautiful names are borrowed from the peoples of the Arabian Peninsula, and are widespread in modern society.

Guzel, Jana- came from Turkic peoples.

Fairuza, Yasmin- modern, coming from Persia.

Popular and common female names of our time are:

  • Ayla.
  • Aisylu.
  • Guzelia.
  • Irkya.
  • Azalea.
  • Agdalia.
  • Agnia.

When listing Tatar names, the following picture is observed: among Russian women the names are used Tatar peoples. These are Svetlana, Larisa (seagull), Agnia, Azalea, Venus, Alsou, Clara, Amalia, Roxana, Regina, Rosa, Susanna, Sarah, Elvira, etc.

The names of Tatar women take their roots from Islam. Muslim Tatars named their daughters based on the Holy Quran and the history of the formation of Islam. Taken from the Koran - Fatima, Zeinab, Khadija.

The Tatars have one characteristic characteristic of them: they do not duplicate names, they do not name their daughter after their grandmother or mother, great-grandmother. Even if they can't choose suitable name for their daughter, they will come up with it, since their imagination is developed in this area.

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AASIM (Rasim) - defender

ABA - 1. Senior, venerable; father. 2. Bear.

ABABIL - Shore swallow, killer whale. Preserved in the surnames Ababilov, Babilov. Dialectal variant: Babil.

ABADI - Eternal, inexhaustible.

ABAY - Elder brother, uncle; older relative. Among the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz, the name Abai means “careful”, “attentive”.

ABAC - 1. In the ancient Turkic language it means “elder brother, uncle.” 2. Among the Mongols: a statue that is worshiped, an idol.

ABASH - Elder relative, uncle on father's side.

ABEL - Father - the word ab, which has the meaning "father of the child; the main, true owner", taking the forms aba, abi and abu, is used as an anthropolexeme as part of nicknames (for example, Abugali - the father of Gali, Abutagir - the father of Tagir, etc.) and names formed on their basis. IN spoken language also has the forms Abil, Abli.

ABELGAZI - Abel (see) + Ghazi (see). Dialectal variants: Abelgaz, Abelkhas.

ABELGAZIZ - Abel (see) + Gaziz (see). Dialectal variants: Abliz, Ablyaz, Ablyas, Ablaz.

ABELGALIM - Abel (see) + Galim (see).

ABELGARAY - Abel (see) + Garay (see).

ABELGASIM - Abel (see) + Gasim (see). Dialectal variants: Abelgasi, Abelgas.

ABELGATA - Abel (see) + Gata (see).

ABELGAFFAR - Abel (see) + Gaffar (see).

ABELGAYAZ - Abel (see) + Gayaz (see).

ABELGAYAN - Abel (see) + Gayan (see).

ABELJALIL - Abel (see) + Jalil (see). Dialectal variant: Abjalil.

ABELZADA - Abel (see) + Zada ​​(see).

ABELKABIR - Abel (see) + Kabir (see).

ABELKADIR - Abel (see) + Kadyr (see).

ABELKARAM - Abel (see) + Karam (see).

ABELKARIM - Abel (see) + Karim (see).

ABELKASIM - Abel (see) + Kasim (see).

ABELKAYUM - Abel (see) + Kayum (see).

ABELMAGJUN - Abel (see) + Magjun (see).

ABELMALICH - Abel (see) + Malikh (see). Dialectal variant: Abelmanikh.

ABELMUTALLAP - Abel (see) + Mutallap (see).

ABELFAZYL - Abel (see) + Fazyl (see).

ABELFAIZ - Abel (see) + Faiz (see).

ABELFATIH - Abel (see) + Fatih (see).

ABELKHAIR - Abel (see) + Khair (see). Dialectal variants: Abulgair, Bulgair.

ABELHAKIM - Abel (see) + Hakim (see).

ABELKHALIL - Abel (see) + Khalil (see).

ABELKHAN - Father of the Khan.

ABELHANIF - Abel (see) + Hanif (see).

ABELHARIS - Abel (see) + Kharis (see). IN figurative meaning: A lion.

ABELKHASAN - Abel (see) + Hassan (see).

ABELKHUZYA - Abel (see) + Khoja (master, owner; mentor, teacher).

ABESSALAM - Father of peace. Dialectal options: Absalam, Apsalam.

ABIL - Infusion of the soul. The name of Adam's son (Abel).

ABRAR - Holy, pious person.

ABRARETDIN - Saints, pious servants of religion (plural).

ABU - see Abel. Anthropolexema.

ABUBAKER - 1. Abu (see) + Baker (see). 2. The embodiment of purity. The name of the closest associate of the Prophet Muhammad - the first caliph. Dialectal variants: Abaker, Abakur.

ABUGALI - Abu (see) + Gali (see).

ABUGALIM - Abu (see) + Galim (see).

ABUJAGFAR - 1. Abu (see) + Jagfar (see). 2. Heavenly stone, meteorite.

ABUZIA - Abu (see) + Zia (see). Father of the radiant.

ABUZYAR - 1. Source of radiance, light. 2. Elder.

ABUKALIM - Abu (see) + Kalim (see). Dialectal variants: Abkali, Abkalim.

ABULAIS - Father of lions.


ABUNAGIM - Abu (see) + Naked (see). Dialectal option: Abnagim.

ABUNASYR - Abu (see) + Nasyr (see).

ABUNAFIK - Abu (see) + Nafik (see).

ABURAIM - Abu (see) + Raim (see). Dialectal option: Abraim.

ABUSABIR - Abu (see) + Sabir (see).

ABUSAGIT - Abu (see) + Sagit (see).

ABUSADYK - Abu (see) + Sadyk (see).

ABUSAIT - Abu (see) + Sait (see). Happy.

ABUSALIM - Abu (see) + Salim (see).

ABUSALIH - Abu (see) + Salih (see).

ABUSAHIP - Abu (see) + Sakhip (see).

ABUSITDIK - Abu (see) + Sitdik (see).

ABUSUGUD - Father of Saud. The father of the one who rushes upward.

ABUSULEYMAN - 1. Abu (see) + Suleiman. 2. Rooster.

ABUTAGIR - Abu (see) + Tagir (see).

ABUTALIP - 1. The one who acquires replenishes his knowledge; student. 2. Father Talip (see).

ABUKHALIL - Abu (see) + Khalil (see).

ABUKHALIT - Abu (see) + Khalit (see).

ABUCHAMIT - Abu (see) + Hamit (see).

ABUKHAN - Father of the Khan.

ABUSHAKHMAN - Father of the Shah. Dialectal variant: Abushai.

ABUSHEIKH - Abu (see) + sheikh. Dialectal variants: Abushai, Abush.

ABUYAR - Abu (see) + yar (close / beloved / person; friend, comrade).

ABYZBAI - Abyz (see) + bai (owner; wealthy, influential person, master).

ABYZBAKI - Abyz (see) + Baki (see).

ABYZGARAI - Abyz (see) + Garay (see).

ABYZGILDE - Abyz came (was born) (see).

ABYAZ - White; White color.

AVAZ - Change; compensation, payment.

AVAN - A good-natured, simple, unceremonious person.

ABBAS (Abbyas) - severe

ABDULLAH (Abdul, Abdel, Gabdulla) - Arabic. servant of god

ABJALIL - wonderful son

ABDUKHAN - God's chief servant

ABDULHAK - from Abdulkhan - the main servant of God

ABDURRAUF - Tat. of 2 names: Abdul and Rauf

ABZALTDIN - Arabic. noble faith, abzalt - noble, din-vera

ABID - praying

ABREK - the most blessed

ABSALYAM - Arabic. from 2 words: abu - son and salam - health

ABSALIM - Arabic. from 2 words: abu - son and salim - health

ABULKHAYAR - doing good

AVAD - reward, reward

AGZAM - Arabic. tall, sublime

AGILE - smart, understanding, knowledgeable

AGABAY - Senior Bai.

AGABEK - Headman, senior bek (mister).

AGAZ - Head, initial; in a figurative meaning: the first child in the family.

AGATE - Expensive stone; gem; chalcedony.

AGAKHAN - Senior Khan.

AGVAN - Help, assistance (plural).

AGDAL - The most fair, honest.

AGDAL - Pure soul; with a pure soul.

AGER - Hunting dog, greyhound. It was given with the wish that the boy would have good scent and endurance like a hunting dog. Preserved in the name of a Tatar village in the Aznakai region of the Republic of Tatarstan.

AGERDJE ~ AGRYZ - Formed by adding to the word ager (see) the affix - dzhe (-che), indicating the person’s occupation. Means: “trainer of hunting dogs, catcher.” Preserved in the names of the city and region of the Republic of Tatarstan, in the name of the Tatar village in the Aznakai region.

AGZAM - The Greatest; high, exalted, high-ranking; eldest, big. Anthropolexema.

AGZAMJAN - Agzam (see) + jan (soul, person). Great person.

AGZAMKHAN - Agzam (see) + khan.

AGI - Cheerful, cheerful.

AGISH - Comrade (friend, equal) with a pure soul.

AGLEBAY - The owner of wealth. Dialectal variants: Alebay, Albay, Albay.

AGLEISLAM - Followers of Islam, Muslims (plural).

AGLETDIN - Clergy (plural).

AGLI - 1. Domestic, belonging to the house; belonging to the homeland, people, nation. 2. Possessor, possessor, master. The name Aglia also has the meaning “experienced, learned.” Anthropolexema.

AGLIMULLA - The best (highly educated) mullah. Dialectal option: Aglim.

AGLIULLA - 1. The Greatness of Allah. 2. A follower of Allah, a servant of Allah. Dialectal variant: Aglulla.

AGLIAR - A real, best friend.

AGLYA - The Greatest; very beautiful; with a beautiful soul, noble; occupying a high position. Dialectal variant: Agli.

AGLAM - He who knows more than anyone, has great knowledge, is a very great connoisseur. Anthropolexema.

AGLAMJAN - Aglyam (see) + jan (soul, person).

AGLYAMETDIN - The greatest expert on religion. Dialectal variants: Agli, Agluk, Aglyuk.

AGLYAMKHAN - Aglyam (see) + khan.

AGLYANUR - Beautiful ray, wondrous radiance.

AGMAL - Actions, deeds (plural).

AGRAF - More famous, famous.

AGSAR - Centuries (plural).

AGFAR - Recognized, famous, famous.

AGYAN - 1. Aristocrat. 2. Handsome, with big eyes.

ADAI - Birdie; figuratively: baby.

ADASH - 1. Friend, buddy, comrade. 2. Namesake.

ADVAM - Continuer.

ADVAR - Epochs (plural)

ADGAM - 1. Dark-skinned person. 2. Black tulpar. 3. Dense garden; dense forest, thicket.

ADJE - Elder relative, elder brother, uncle. From this name the Tatar and Russian surnames Azeev and Aziev were formed. Anthropolexema.

ADJEBAY - Adje (see) + bai (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). A variety found among the Kazakhs: Adzhibay.

ADZHEBI - Adje (see) + bi (prince, lord).

ADZHIGUL ~ ADJIKUL - Adje (see) + kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior).

ADJIM - the word gajim (ajim) has the following meanings: 1. Not from the Arabs; 2. Persians; 3. Prophetic dream. Historical phonetic variant: Ujim.

Ajme - Very beautiful. Anthropolexema.

ADJMEGUL - Ajme (see) + kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior).

AJMEMUKHAMMET - Ajme (see) + Muhammet (see). Dialectal options: Ajmamet, Ajmet, Ajembet.

AJMESALIM - Ajme (see) + Salim (see).

AJMEKHAN - Ajme (see) + khan.

AJMULLA - Beauty of Allah.

ADJUNBAI - Rich man.

ADIL - see Gadil.

ADIP - 1. Well-mannered, calling for morality. 2. Writer, writer.

ADIB - Arabic. scientist

ADELINA fr. - noble

ADELYA (Adilya) - Adel (Adela) Arabic. free (free).

ADIL (Adil) – fair. f.f. - Adile, Adilya

ADEL - righteous

AZAK - Exodus, completion; the last, youngest child.

AZALAK - A person (child) who loves with all his soul.

AZAL - Eternal; limitless; endless.

AZAMATULLA - Brave, courageous servant of God (man).

AZBAR - Learn by heart, remember.

AZIM - see Gazim.

AZKI - Very lively, agile, capable (plural).

AZMAN - Times (plural).

AZNABAY - see Atnabay.

AZNAGUL - see Atnagul.

AZNAKAY - A name formed by adding a diminutive affix - kai - to the word "azna" ~ "atna" (meaning "Friday" - a holy day for Muslims). Anthropolexema.

AZRAF - More beautiful.

AZKHAR - 1. White-faced; very beautiful. 2. Light, clear, one from which it is impossible to take your eyes off.

AY - In the ancient Turkic language, the word ay (month) had the following figurative meanings: “beautiful, valuable; holy; pure, bright, radiant; smart; dear; abundant; happy; full”, etc. According to ancient custom, a child born during the radiance of the moon or full moon, a name was given that included the word ai. The ai component is often found in names with complex structures.

AYBAK - May the month bestow its radiance; in a figurative meaning: may a child be born as beautiful as a month.

AIBAKSYN - May the month bestow its radiance; May a child be born as beautiful as a month.

AIBAKTY - The month bestowed its radiance; in a figurative meaning: a child was born, beautiful as a month.

AYBAR - 1. Here it is, the month; here he is, a child (boy) with the beauty of the month; 2. Brave, courageous.

AYBARS - Ai (month) + leopard (strong, like a leopard, tiger).

AIBASH - A child (boy) born at the beginning of the month. In ancient times, it was believed that a child born at the beginning of the month was gifted.

AIBEK - Month-bek (lord month); in a figurative meaning: bek (lord) is as handsome as a moon.

AYBIRDE - Given month; in a figurative meaning: a child (boy) was born, beautiful as a month.

AIBUGA - Ai (month) + buga (bull). Beautiful as the moon, strong as a bull.

AIBUL - Be the month, i.e. be like a month (see Ai).

AIBULAT - Ai (month) + damask steel (high-grade steel). Beautiful as the moon, strong as damask steel (steel).

AIBULYAK - A gift (gift) is beautiful and graceful, like a month. According to ancient Turkic custom, if a father died before the birth of his son, the child was given a name that included the word bulyak (gift, gift), which meant: “The father left this child as a gift.”

AIVAZ - 1. Servant. 2. Clear month, full moon. 3. Change.

IVAR - 1. Lunar; beautiful as a month. 2. B English language The name Aivar means “God”, “judge, master, lord”. In the city of Bavly (Republic of Tatarstan) families with the surname Aivarov live.

AIGALI - Gali (see), similar to a month; majestic, like a month of high rank.

AIGIZ - Fly to the Moon, travel on the Moon. A new name that appeared in the 60s of the twentieth century under the influence of successes in space exploration.

AIGIZAR - Will fly to the Moon, travel on the Moon (see Aigiz).

AIGUZYA - The owner is as beautiful as the month; equal to a month. Preserved in the surname Aiguzin.

AIGUL - Servant of God (man) with the beauty of the month. Preserved in the surnames Aigulov, Aikulov.

AYGYNA - Only a month, exactly like a month. Preserved in the surname Aiginin.

IDAI - Like a month, like a month.

AIDAK - Lunar, owning the moon; owner of the month. This name is also found among the Mari.

AIDAR - 1. Lunar, with the features of the month. 2. Crown, forelock; with a month in the forehead (L. Budagov). In the old days, boys often did not have their forehead hair shaved from birth. As a result, a large forelock braid grew (among the Cossacks it is called Oseledets). 3. An authoritative, worthy, prominent young man; from among worthy husbands. According to Alim Gafurov, the name Aidar is a phonetic version of the Arabic name Haydar

AYDARBEK - Aidar (see) + bek (master).

AIDARGALI - Aidar (see) + Gali (see).

AIDARKHAN - Aidar (see) + khan.

AIDASH - Similar to a month, with the features of a month.

AIDIN - Light, radiant; radiant.

AYEGET - Radiant, like the moon, a handsome young man.

ISAAC - Beautiful as the moon; clean.

AYZAN - Again, again, again, again; in addition.

AYZAT - Personality (person) with the beauty of the month.

AYKAI - Formed by adding the diminutive affix - kai - to the word ai (month). Preserved in the surnames Aikaev and Aikin. The surname Aikin is also found among Russians.

AIKYN - Clear, precise, definite; dexterous, agile.

AIMURAT - Ay (month) + Murat (see).

AYMURZA - Ay (month) + murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

AIMUKHAMMET - Ay (month) + Muhammet (see). Dialectal variants: Aymamet, Aymet.

AINAZAR - Ay (month) + Nazar (see). Clear as the moon, with a radiant gaze.

AINUR - Moonlight.

AIRAT - 1. From the former name of the Oirat people - “forest people” (translated from Mongolian oy - forest, arat - people), living in Altai. 2. From the Mongolian word khairat, meaning “dear, beloved.” 3. From the Arabic name Khairat (“amazing, amazing”).

AIRATKUL - Airat (see) + kul (servant of God, man).

AYSAR - 1. Similar to a month; golden yellow, like a moon. 2. Lighter, more convenient.

AYSAF - Clean, clear month.

AYSUN - Yellow; similar to a month, match the month.

AYTASH - 1. Beautiful, like a moon, and hard, like a stone. 2. Gemstone with the beauty of the month; Moonstone. Preserved in the surname Aitashev.

ITIMER - Iron is pure and strong as a month; the iron is light and radiant, like a moon.

AYTIRYAK - The poplar is beautiful and strong, like a month.

AYTUAR - A son will be born as beautiful as a month.

AYTUGAY - Meadow (floodplain), illuminated moonlight. Preserved in the surname Aitugaev.

AYTUGAN - The moon has risen; in a figurative meaning: a child (boy) was born, beautiful as a month. Compare: Tuganai.

AYTULY - Full moon.

AYCHUAK - Bright and clean, like a month.

AYCHURA - Ai (month) + chura (boy; worker, farmer, warrior; friend). Preserved by the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surnames Aichurin, Aichurov.

AISHAT - The month radiating joy; joy is the same (big and pure) as a month, a child (boy) bringing joy.

AISHUKHRAT - Glory illuminating like a moon.

AZAD (Azat) - Pers. - free

AZAT (Azad) - Pers. - free

AZAMAT - Arabic. greatness, glory

AZER – fire, flame

AZZAM - decisive

AZIZ - Arabic. mighty, dear (f. Aziza)

AZKHAR - the brightest

AIBIKA (Aibikya) - Turkic. moon mistress

AYGUL (Oigul) - Turkic. Lunar flower

AYDAR - bulg. worthy, from among worthy husbands (aidarly keshe).

AYDIN ​​- light, bright

AINUR - Turkic. Moonlight

AIRAT - dear, beloved

AYTUGAN - Turkic. moonrise

AISHAH - Arab, living (one of the wives of the prophet Muhammad)

AK - White. From ancient times, among the Tatars, white color was a symbol of such concepts and qualities as “purity”, “light”, “ray”; "good wishes"; “faith”, “devotion”, “justice”, “honesty”, etc. Anthropolexeme.

AKBAR - The greatest, the biggest, the oldest.

AKBARS - White leopard. The symbol of the Republic of Tatarstan, depicted on the state emblem.

AKBATYR - Bogatyr, a hero with a pure, kind soul.

AKBASH - White head. The name given to blond children (boys). Preserved in the surname Akbashev.

AKBEK - Ak (white; light, clean) + bek (lord); happy bek (mister).

AKBI - Ak (white; light, pure) + bi (prince). Preserved in the surname Akbiev.

AKBIT - White-faced (with a pure soul). Preserved in the Akbitov surname.

AKBUGA - White bull. This name was given with the wish that the child (boy) would be strong, like a bull, and happy.

AKBULAT - Ak (white; light, clean) + damask steel (highest grade steel). Strong as damask steel (steel) and happy.

AKBULYAK - 1. “Clean” gift; a good, valuable gift. 2. A gift left by the father, the appearance of the father (this name was given to children born after the death of the father).

AKGARAI - Ak (white; light, pure) + Garai (see).

AKDAVLET - “Pure” (untainted, rightfully owned) wealth; having “pure” wealth, happy.

AKDAM - 1. The most ancient. 2. Earlier.

AKDAS - The most holy. Phonetic version: Agdas.

AKJAN - Pure soul; a person with a pure soul.

AKZADA - A child with a pure soul; happy son.-White blade. This ritual name was given with the wish that the child (boy) would be quick (“sharp” like a blade) and happy.

AKKYNA - Only white. Formed by adding the restrictive particle kyna to the word ak (see Ak). Preserved in the surname Akkinin.

AKLANYSH - Justification (of oneself), self-justification. With this name, a woman who had long been considered barren and finally gave birth to a son, seemed to justify herself to her husband’s relatives (J. Garay). Variety: Aktanysh.

AKLASH - Justification; the one who justifies. Compare: Bayaz.

AKLIM - A male name formed from the female name Aklima (see).

AKMALUTDIN - Perfection of religion.

AKMAL - The most mature; the most perfect.

AKMAN - The name of the month “January” among the ancient Turks; figuratively: born in the coldest winter month.

AKMANAY - Born in January. Preserved in the surname Akmanaev.

AKMARDAN - White youth; in a figurative meaning: a gifted, noble person.

AKMURAT - Pure (holy) aspiration (desire).

AKMURZA - Ak (white; light, pure) + Murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

AKMUKHAMMET - Muhammet (see) with a pure, holy soul.

AKNAZAR - Ak (white; light, pure) + Nazar (see). Light, radiant look.

AKRAM - The most generous; very respectful of others, noble, noble; valuable; the most beautiful. Anthropolexema.

AKRAMBAI - Akram (see) + bai (owner; wealthy, influential person, master).

AKRAMJAN - Akram (see) + jan (soul, person).

AKRAMULLA - The Generosity of Allah.

AKRAMUTDIN - Generosity, the beauty of religion.

AKSAIT - Ak (white; light, pure) + Sait (see).

AKSAMAT - Ak (white; light, pure) + Samat (see).

AKSAR - Majority; the most numerous.

AKSAF - Ak (white, light) + saf (pure, immaculate). Preserved in the Aksapov surname.

AKSUBAI - 1. Ak (white; light, pure) + subai (mounted warrior). 2. Handsome, with pure beauty. Preserved in the surname Aksubaev and in the names of the Aksubaevsky district and the urban-type settlement Aksubaevo of the Republic of Tatarstan. Dialectal variant: Aksyby.

AKSULTAN - Ak (see) + Sultan.

AKTAI - 1. White foal. 2. White. Preserved among the Mishar Tatars (Meshcheryaks) in the surnames Aktaev, Oktaev.

AKTAN - White dawn. This ritual name was given to a child (boy) born during the dawn.

AKTANAY - Ak (white; light, pure) + Tanay (see).

ACTIMER - Ak (white; light, pure) + timer (iron).

AKTIRYAK - Silver poplar. In ancient times, this tree was considered sacred among the Turkic peoples. Preserved in the Aktiryakov surname.

AKTUGAN - Relative, dear person with a pure soul.

AKTUK - Ak (white; light, clean) + tuk (meaning “happy”). Preserved in the name of the Tatar-Mishar village Aktuk (Sergach district, Nizhny Novgorod region).

SHARK - Son with a pure soul. Preserved by the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Akulov.

AKURAK - White sickle. A sickle that brings happiness, wealth, abundance. Preserved in the Akurakov surname.

AKFAL - Locks, constipations (plural). It was given based on the desire to keep death away from the child by locking it away.

AKHAN - Ak (white; light, pure) + khan.

AKKHUZYA - An owner with a pure soul.

AKCHUAK - Ak (white; light, clean) + chuak (clear, cloudless day). Given to the child with the wish that he life path was happy and cloudless. Preserved in the surname Akchuakov (Akchuvakov).

AKCHULPAN - Venus (morning star). Preserved in the surname Akchulpanov.

AKCHURA - Companion, guard, warrior or farmer with a pure soul. Preserved in the surnames Akchurov, Akchurin.

AKYEGET - A kind and honest young man with a pure soul. Compare: Akmardan.

AKYAR - A friend with a pure, bright soul.

ALAY - Regiment. Preserved in the surname Alaev.

ALAN - Glade; in a figurative meaning: fragrant, like flowers in a meadow, with a kind soul, good-natured.

ALBARS - Giant leopard; a leopard with enormous strength.

ALBEK ~ ALIBEK - see Galibek.

ALGAI - First (child).

ALGYR - 1. Advanced. 2. Frisky, agile, efficient.

ALDAN - Firstborn.

ALEM - Hand; in a figurative meaning: assistant, support.

ALEMGUL - Alem (see) + kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior). A servant of God (man) who can be a helper, a support.

ALIMBAY - see Galimbay.

ALIMGUL - see Galimkul.

ALIMKHUZYA - see Galimkhuzya.

ALIF - 1. Manual; friend, comrade. 2. The first letter of the Arabic alphabet. The Greek alphabet is alpha. In a figurative meaning: a rich man.

ALISH - 1. Galishir (see) or 2. phonetic version of the name Galish.

ALKYN - Fast, quick, zealous; stormy; efficient, capable.

ALLABIRGAN - A child (boy) given by Allah. Preserved in the Allabirganov surname.

ALLABIRDE - Allah gave a child (boy). Dialectal variant: Alabirde.

Allahul - Servant of God.

ALLAQUAT - The power and strength of Allah.

ALLAMURATH - The desire of Allah; a request addressed to Allah.

ALLAHYAR ~ ALLAYAR - Follower of Allah; following Allah. Compare: Yarulla.

ALLAHUZA - Master given by Allah.

DIAMOND - Diamond (precious stone, diamond).

ALMAS - This child will be spared the disease, evil forces will not harm him.

ALMASKHAN - Almas (see) + khan. The name of the khan of the Volga-Kama Bulgars, who lived in the 10th century.

ALMATY - Alma (apple) + tai (foal); foal in apples. Compare: Sebak.

ALMASH - Change; the one who comes to replace.

ALPAK - Alpak (military headdress made of metal, iron cap).

ALPAR - Giant Man; a strong, brave man.

ALTAI - 1. High mountain, covered with forest. 2. Golden Mountain.

ALTAN - Scarlet dawn; in a figurative meaning: with cheeks the color of scarlet dawn.

ALTYN - Gold ( a precious metal); gold. Anthropolexema.

ALTYNAI - Altyn (golden) + ay (month). Preserved among the Siberian Tatars and Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Altynaev.

ALTYNBAY - Altyn (golden) + bai (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Preserved in the surname Altynbaev.

ALTYNBEK - Altyn (golden) + bek (lord). The name of one of the sons of the last Bulgar khan Gabdulla.

ALTYNBULAT - Altyn (gold) + damask steel (high-grade steel).

ALTYNGALI - Altyn (golden) + Gali (see).

ALTYNGARAY - Altyn (golden) + Garay (see).

ALTYNGUL - Altyn (golden) + kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior).

ALTYNKAY - Dear as gold.

ALTYNNUR - Golden ray; expensive, valuable ray.

ALTYNSARY - Altyn (golden) + Sary (see). Golden yellow color. The Kazakh surname Altynsarin is derived from this name. Dialectal option: Altynsar.

ALTYNTASH - Golden stone.

ALTYNTIMER - Altyn (gold) + timer (iron).

ALTYNKHODZHA ~ ALTYNKHUZYA - Altyn (golden) + Khoja (master, owner; mentor, teacher).

ALTYNCHURA - Altyn (golden) + chura (boy; worker, tiller, warrior; friend).

ALTYNSHAKH, ALTYNSHA - Altyn (golden) + check.

ALCHIN - 1. Falcon. 2. Happy; happy lot. 3. The name of the Turkic tribe.

ALCHINBAI - Alchin (see) + bai (owner; wealthy, influential person, master).

ALYP - Giant, giant; hero. This name is found in epitaphs on the tombstones of the graves of the Volga Bulgars.

ALYPARSLAN - Huge lion; lion-hero.

ALYPKUL - Courageous servant of God; a tall, large-built man.

ALYPTAI - 1. Strong, brave foal. 2. Like a giant, a giant. This name is found in epitaphs on the tombstones of the graves of the Volga Bulgars.

ALYPHUZYA - Bogatyr, master-batyr. This name is found in epitaphs on the tombstones of the graves of the Volga Bulgars.

Al - Article of certainty, possession. Anthropolexema.

ALBAB ~ ALBAP - Minds (plural).

ALBERT - Glorious; famous, beneficent. A name that was included in Tatar anthroponymy in the 30s of the twentieth century.

ALGAZ - Riddles, secrets (plural).

ALZAM - The most necessary.

ALMANDAR - see Gilmandar. The name of a Tatar village in the Apastovsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

ALMURZA - Famous (recognized) murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

ALMUHAMMET - Known, recognized Muhammet (see). Dialectal variants: Almet, Almi, Almakay, Albet, Albetkay, Alkay, Alki, Almush, Almush, Almay, Almamet.

ALTAF - The cutest, charming, handsome. The surname Altapov is derived from this name.

ALTAFETDIN - The most charming, courteous servant of religion.

ALPHARIT - Recognized, famous Farit (see).

ALFAT - The most faithful friend.

ALPHIZ - Very valuable silver. Phonetic variant: Alphys.

ALFIN - He who will live a thousand years; possessing a thousand valuable qualities.

ALFIR - Superiority, advantage. Dialectal variant: Alfar.

ALYAUDDIN - nobility of religion

AMALETDIN - Hope, the support of religion.

AMAN - Alive, healthy, prosperous. Anthropolexema.

AMANBAI - Alive, healthy, prosperous bai (person).

AMANTAY - Aman (alive, healthy, prosperous) + tai (foal).

AMANULLAH - 1. Allah is the guardian, guardian of peace and tranquility. 2. A healthy and prosperous servant of Allah.

AMANHUZYA - Our master (Allah) is the keeper, guardian of peace and tranquility. Dialectal variant: Amanguzya.

AMIL - Lord, ruler, ruler; viceroy

AMIN - 1. Reliable, honest, faithful. 2. Guardian, guardian. Anthropolexema.

AMINBAI - Amin (see) + bai (master; wealthy, influential person, master).

AMINGARAY - Amin (see) + Garai (see).

AMINULLA - Devotee to Allah.

AMIR - 1. Commanding, ordering. 2. Emir (ruler, head of state, prince; military leader; leader of the clan). Anthropolexema.

AMIRARSLAN - Amir (see) + arslan (lion). Compare: Mirarslan.

AMIRBAI - Amir (see) + bai (owner; wealthy, influential person, master).

AMIRGALI - Amir (see) + Gali (see). Compare: Mirgali.

AMIRGANI - Amir (see) + Ghani (see). Compare: Mirgani.

AMIRJAN - Amir (see) + jan (soul, person). Variety: Mirjan.

AMIRETDIN - Religious leader.

AMIRZAGID - Amir (see) + Zagid (see). Compare: Mirzagid.

AMIRSANI - Second Emir; second son of the emir.

AMIRULLA - Emir of Allah.

AMIRKHAN - Amir (see) + khan. Variety: Mirkhan.

AMIRSHAH, AMIRSH - Amir (see) + Shah. Dialectal option: Mirsha.

AMIRSHEYKH - Amir (see) + sheikh. Compare: Mirsheikh.

AMP - 1. Life, life path. 2. Genesis. Anthropolexema.

AMRETDIN - Life of religion.

AMSAR - Form plural words Misyr (Egypt). see Misir.

ANAM - Sons of Adam, people; humanity, peoples (plural).

ANAR - Pomegranate tree (fruit).

ANAS - Joy, gaiety; cheerfulness.

ANVAR - Radiant, very light. Anthropolexema.

ANVARBEK - Anvar (see) + bek (lord).

ANVARGALI - Anwar (see) + Gali (see).

ANVARJAN - Anvar (see) + jan (soul, person).

ANVARETDIN - Rays, the radiance of religion.

ANWARULLA - Rays, the radiance of Allah.

ANVARKHAN - Anvar (see) + khan.

ANVARSHAKH, ANVARSHA - Anwar (see) + Shah.

ANGAM - 1. Food, dishes, dishes. 2. Pleasure, pleasure, bliss.

ANGIZ - Executor.

ANDAM - Body, figure, height.

ANDAR - Rare; noble, noble, valuable (see Nader). Anthropolexema.

ANDARBAY - Andar (see) + bai (owner; wealthy, influential person, master).

ANDARBEK - Andar (see) + bek (lord).

ANDARJAN - Andar (see) + jan (soul, person). Dialectal option: Andaryan.

ANDARKHAN - Andar (see) + khan.

ANDAS - Friend, comrade.

ANJAM - Last, final; result, result. The name given to the youngest son.

ANDUZ - 1. Achieving, achieving something. 2. Accumulating, accumulating; grouping, concentrating.

ANZIM - I establish order, I put things in order.

ANZIF - I am pure, blameless.

ANIR - I illuminate, illuminate.

ANIS - 1. Close friend, comrade. 2. Anise ( herbaceous plant). Variety: Anas.

ANKILDE - In the ancient Turkic language the word an meant “elk, deer, game.” The name Ankilde has a figurative meaning "a child was born." Found in the Kazan census books of 1565-1568 and 1646.

ANNUR - Ray, radiance, light; white. Dialectal variants: Anur.

ANSAR - Helpers; followers, companions (plural).

ANSAF - Fair, conscientious.

ANFAS - Very beautiful, graceful.

AMAL - hope, expectation

AMANULLA (Emmanuel, Immanuel, Emmanuel) - Arabic. faithful son

AMJAD - the most glorious

AMIN - Arabic. faithful, reliable, honest (J.F. Amina)

AMIL (Hamil, Emil) - Turkic. Ray

AMIR (Emir) - Turkic. ruler, prince, prince

AMIRKHAN (Emirkhan) – chief leader

AMMAR - prosperous

ANAS (Anise) - Persian. close friend (f. Anisa)

ANIYA (Hania) - Turkic. present

ANVAR (Anver, Anvyar, Enver) - Arabic. radiant, the brightest, the brightest, (one of the surahs of the Koran)

ANZOR - the most caring

ANIS (Anas) - Pers. close friend (f. Anisa)

ANSAR - Arabic. assistant, supporter, travel companion

APIPA (Habibya) - Arabic. beloved, friend

ARAN – self-possessed, cold-blooded

AREF - smart, wise

ARMAN - perfect; hope

ARSEN - brave, fearless

ARSLAN - Turkic. lion (Ruslan)

ARTHUR is a strong, large man

ASAD is Arabic. a lion

ASADULLA - lion of Allah

ASAN (Hasan, Khasyan, Hussein, Husain) - Arabic. good

ASIM - protecting

ASIF - forgiveness

ASIA - Arabic. comforting, healing

ASLAN - fearless

ASLIYA - Arabic. real, true

ASMA - Arabic. sublime

ASHAB is the friendliest

ATA - Turkic. gift

Ata - Senior, chief; Dear. Anthropolexema.

ATABAY - Chief Buy; senior bai.

ATABEK - Chief Bek (Mr.); senior bek (master), a respected person in the country. Preserved in the Atabekov surname.

ATAGUL - Senior, main person.

ATAJAN - Big, beautiful soul (about a person).

ATAMURAT - The main (great) desire; main (big) goal.

ATANIAZ - Ata (senior, chief) + Niyaz (see).

ATAKHUZYA - Ata (senior, chief) + Khoja (master, owner; mentor, teacher). Main owner.

ATILLA - Resident (native) of the Volga region. The name of the legendary leader of the Turko-Huns who fought the Roman Empire in the 5th century.

ATIYAZ - His name is “spring”.

SATIN - Satin (fabric).

Atna - 1. Friday (holy day for Muslims). 2. Week. Anthropolexema.

ATNABAY - Bai (boy), born on Friday (a holy day for Muslims).

ATNAGALI - Gali (see), born on Friday (a holy day for Muslims).

ATNAGUL - Servant of God, born on Friday (a holy day for Muslims).

ATNAKAY - A name formed by adding the diminutive affix - kai - to the word atna ("Friday" - a holy day for Muslims).

ATNAKHOJA ~ ATNAHUZYA - The owner, born on Friday (a holy day for Muslims).

ATRYAK - Red. An ancient name given to red-haired boys. The name of one of the ancient Kipchak khans.

ATFAL - Young children, babies (plural).

AUVALBAY - First buy, i.e. the first boy in the family. Dialectal option: Avalbay.

AUZAKH - Extremely open, clear. Dialectal variant: Auzak.

AUKAT - Food, food.

AULAD - Children; descendants, generations (plural).

AULIYAR - Good friend, comrade.

AUSAF - Qualities, signs, features (plural).

AUKHADETDIN - The only, unique, beautiful servant of religion. Dialectal options: Auhat, Auhadi, Auhi.

AUHADI - First, very first; the only one.

AUKHATSHAKH, AUKHATSHA - The first, the very first check.

AURANG (Aurangzeb) - wisdom, understanding

AFGHAN - The name of the people of Afghanistan.

AFZAL - Arabic. most worthy

AFIF - chaste, modest

AFDAKH - 1. The owner of the greatest happiness. 2. Success, luck; very successful, lucky.

AFZAL - The best, the most worthy, the most expensive.

AFZALETDIN - The most worthy, dearest adherent of religion.

AFKAR - Thoughts, opinions (plural).

AFLYATUN - Derived from the Greek word platus ("with a wide nape, scruff"). The Arabic version of the name Plato is the name of an outstanding ancient Greek philosopher. The name Aflyatun was borrowed by the Tatars from the Arabs and came into use a very long time ago (Kh. Mannanov). Dialectal variant: Afli.

AFRAZ - Supreme; superior.

AFRIDUN - see Faridun.

AFSAH - Eloquent; able to speak beautifully, eloquent.

AFTAB - Sun; sunlight.

AFTAH - 1. I open, I begin; I am conquering. 2. The one who starts; initiator.

AFTAKHETDIN - Opener, beginner of religion.

AFKHAM - The most beautiful, wonderful.

AFSHAN - Sowing, sprinkling.

AHAD (Ahat) - Arabic. the only one

AKHMET (Ahmad, Ahmed) - Arabic. illustrious

AHMAD (Ahmet) - Arabic. illustrious, praiseworthy

AHMAR - Arabic. red (Akhmer)

AKHBAR - Arabic. star

AKHUND - Turkic. sir

AKHAP - Very dear, beloved.

AKHAT - The only one.

AKHATNUR - Akhat (see) + nur (ray, radiance). Compare: Nurahat.

AKHBAB - Beloved, friends (plural). Dialectal variants: Akhbap, Ahap.

AHZAR - Green. It was given with a wish for the boy to have eternal youth.

AHIR - End, limit; the last, youngest child.

AKHIRYAR ~ AKHIYAR - 1. Last friend (child). 2. Good people, creators of good. 3. Relatives, relatives (plural). Anthropolexema.

AKHIYARETDIN - People of the same religion, brothers and sisters in religion (plural).

AHIYARULLAH - Benefits, holiness of Allah (plural).

AKHKAM - Canons, laws. Anthropolexema.

AHKAMJAN - Ahkam (see) + jan (soul, person).

AHKAMULLA - The canons of Allah.

AHLAF - Friends, those who are together (plural).

AHMADELISLAM - Praiseworthy, illustrious servant of Islam.

AHMADELHAK - A very famous, famous, praiseworthy servant of the Almighty.

AKHMADETDIN - A very famous, famous, praiseworthy servant of religion.

AHMADI - 1. Praiseworthy, famous, famous, illustrious. 2. A Muslim who believes in Allah alone. Anthropolexema.

AHMADINUR - Ahmadi (see) + nur (ray, radiance).

AHMADISHAH, AHMADISHA - Ahmadi (see) + Shah. Compare: Shagiakhmet.

AHMADYAR - Ahmadi (see) + yar (close / beloved / person; friend, comrade). Friend, close person Ahmed.

AHMADULLA - Ahmad is the messenger of Allah. Dialectal variants: Akhmi, Akhmuch, Akhmuk, Akhmaduk.

AKHMER - Red (color). Red-faced (rosy-cheeked) child.

AKHMET - The most famous, famous, renowned, most worthy of praise. Anthropolexema.

AKHMETBAY - Akhmet (see) + bai (owner; wealthy, influential person, master). Compare: Bayakhmet.

AKHMETBAKI - Akhmet (see) + Baki (see).

AKHMETBAKIR - Akhmet (see) + Bakir (see).

AKHMETBARI - Akhmet (see) + Bari (see).

AKHMETBASIR - Akhmet (see) + Basir (see).

AKHMETBEK - Akhmet (see) + bek (master).

AKHMETBIJAN - Akhmet (see) + Bijan (see).

AKHMETVALI - Akhmet (see) + Vali (see). Compare: Valiakhmet.

AKHMETVALIT - Akhmet (see) + Valit (see).

AKHMETVAFA - Akhmet (see) + Vafa (see).

AKHMETGAZI - Akhmet (see) + Gazi (see). Compare: Gaziakhmet.

AKHMETGAZIM - Akhmet (see) + Gazim (see).

AKHMETGALI - Akhmet (see) + Gali (see). Compare: Galiakhmet.

AKHMETGALIM - Akhmet (see) + Galim (see).

AKHMETGANI - Akhmet (see) + Gani (see). Compare: Ganiakhmet.

AKHMETGARAY - Akhmet (see) + Garay (see).

AKHMETGARIF - Akhmet (see) + Garif (see).

AKHMETGATA - Akhmet (see) + Gata (see).

AKHMETGAFUR - Akhmet (see) + Gafur (see).

AKHMETGAFFAR - Akhmet (see) + Gaffar (see).

AKHMETDAMIN - Akhmet (see) + Damin (see).

AHMETJALIL - Akhmet (see) + Jalil (see).

AKHMETDIN - The most famous, praiseworthy servant of religion. Compare: Dinakhmet.

AKHMETZAGIR - Akhmet (see) + 3agir (see).

AKHMETZADA - Akhmet (see) + 3ada (see).

AKHMETZAKI - Akhmet (see) + 3aki (see).

AKHMETZAKIR - Akhmet (see) + 3akir (see).

AKHMETZARIF - Akhmet (see) + Zarif (see).

AKHMETZIA - Akhmet (see) + 3iya (see). Compare: Ziyaakhmet.

AKHMETZYAN - Akhmet (see) + jan (soul, person). Compare: Dzhanakhmet. Dialectal option: Akhmetyan.

AKHMETKABIR - Akhmet (see) + Kabir (see).

AKHMETKAVI - Akhmet (see) + Kavi (see).

AKHMETKADIR - Akhmet (see) + Kadir (see).

AKHMETKAMAL - Akhmet (see) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws).

AKHMETKARIM - Akhmet (see) + Karim (see).

AKHMETKILDE - Akhmet (see) + came (meaning “born”).

AKHMETKUL - Akhmet (see) + kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior). Compare: Kulakhmet.

AKHMETLATIF - Akhmet (see) + Latif (see). Compare: Lutfiahmet.

AKHMETMURZA - Akhmet (see) + Murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility). Compare: Murzakhmet.

AKHMETNABI - Akhmet (see) + Nabi (see). Compare: Nabiakhmet.

AKHMETNAGIM - Akhmet (see) + Nagim (see).

AKHMETNAKI - Akhmet (see) + Naki (see).

AKHMETNAFIK - Akhmet (see) + Nafik (see).

AKHMETNIYAZ - Akhmet (see) + Niyaz (see).

AKHMETNUR - Akhmet (see) + nur (ray, radiance). Compare: Nuriakhmet.

AKHMETRASUL - Akhmet (see) + Rasul (see). Compare: Rasulahmet.

AKHMETRAKHIM - Akhmet (see) + Rahim (see).

AKHMETSABIR - Akhmet (see) + Sabir (see).

AKHMETSAGIR - Akhmet (see) + Sagir (see).

AKHMETSAGIT - Akhmet (see) + Sagit (see)

AKHMETSADIK - Akhmet (see) + Sadyk (see).

AKHMETSADIR - Akhmet (see) + Sadyr (see).

AKHMETSAIT - Akhmet (see) + Sait (see). Compare: Saitakhmet.

AKHMETSAlim - Akhmet (see) + Salim (see).

AHMETSALIH - Akhmet (see) + Salih (see).

AKHMETSAFA - Akhmet (see) + Safa (see). Compare: Safiakhmet.

AKHMETSITDIK - Akhmet (see) + Sitdik (see).

AKHMETSULTAN - Akhmet (see) + Sultan. Compare: Sultanahmet.

AKHMETTAGIR - Akhmet (see) + Tagir (see).

AKHMETTAZI - Akhmet (see) + Taji (see). Compare: Tadzhiakhmet.

AKHMETFAIZ - Akhmet (see) + Faiz (see). Compare: Faizakhmet.

AKHMETFAIK - Akhmet (see) + Faik (see).

AKHMETFATIH - Akhmet (see) + Fatih (see).

AKHMETHABIB - Akhmet (see) + Khabib (see).

AKHMETHABIR - Akhmet (see) + Khabir (see).

AKHMETHAJI - Akhmet (see) + Hadji (see). Compare: Hadzhiakhmet.

AKHMETHADI - Akhmet (see) + Khadi (see). Compare: Khadiakhmet.

AKHMETKHAIR - Akhmet (see) + Khair (see).

AKHMETHAKIM - Akhmet (see) + Hakim (see).

AKHMETHALIL - Akhmet (see) + Khalil (see).

AKHMETKHAN - Akhmet (see) + khan.

AKHMETHARIS - Akhmet (see) + Kharis (see).

AKHMETHAFIZ - Akhmet (see) + Hafiz (see).

AKHMETKHUZYA - Akhmet (see) + Khoja (master, owner; mentor, teacher). Compare: Khojaakhmet, Khuziakhmet.

AKHMETSHAKIR - Akhmet (see) + Shakir (see).

AKHMETSHARIF - Akhmet (see) + Sharif (see).

AKHMETSHAFIK - Akhmet (see) + Shafik (see).

AKHMETSHAH, AKHMETSHA - Akhmet (see) + check. Compare: Shagiakhmet, Shayakhmet.

AKHMETSHEIKH - Akhmet (see) + sheikh. Compare: Shaikhiakhmet.

AKHMETYAR - Akhmet (see) + yar (friend, close person).

AKHNAS - With an upturned nose, snub-nosed.

AKHNAF - 1. The one whose words are the most faithful, true. 2. Keeper of secrets (Kusimova).

AKHNAFETDIN - Truthfulness, fidelity to religion.

AKHRAM - Pyramids (plural).

AHRAR - Master, master among aristocrats. A shortened form of the epithet "Khoja-i-akhrar" (A. Gafurov).

AHRARJAN - Ahrar (see) + jan (soul, person).

AHSAN - Very beautiful; the best. Anthropolexema.

AKHSANJAN - Ahsan (see) + jan (soul, person).

AKHSANETDIN - The beauty of religion.

AHSANULLAH - Beauty of Allah.

AHTYAM - 1. The most generous of the generous. 2. Toothless (Gafurov). Dialectal option: Ahti.

AKHTYAMDZHAN - Akhtyam (see) + jan (soul, person).

AKHTYAR ~ AKHTYARI - 1. Star. 2. Prediction of fate by the stars, astrology. 3. Starry. Synonym: Yulduz.

AKHTYARDZHAN - Akhtyar (see) + jan (soul, person).

AKHUN - 1. Instructing on the path of truth. 2. Teacher, mentor; close person. Anthropolexema.

AKHUNBAI - Akhun (instructor on the path of truth) + bai (master; wealthy, influential person, master).

AKHUNJAN - Akhun (instructor on the path of truth) + jan (man).

AHYAN - Update.

AKHYAR (AKHIYAR) - From good, kind people.

ACHI - Bitter, sour. In ancient times, the Turkic peoples had a custom: in order to scare away evil forces from a child, they gave him the name Achi (“bitter, sour”). It is known that in the 18th century the name Achi was used by the Chuvash. The Uzbeks still use the name Achi to this day. The fact that this name was used by the Volga-Kama Bulgars and Kazan Tatars is confirmed by the ancient names of the tribes and the current names of the villages of Zakazania. For example, in the village of Nurlaty, Zelenodolsk district of the Republic of Tatarstan, one of the clans is called Achi.

ASHRAF - most noble

ASHAN - In the ancient Mongolian language, the word ashin meant “wolf”. In the 5th century, Prince Ashin - a representative of the family of the same name - laid the foundations ancient horde Turkut. This name was preserved in the Ashanov surname. Synonyms: Buri, Kashkar, Kurt, Chan.

ASHIT - It can be assumed that this name represents the plural form of the name of the ancient Turkic clan Ashin ("wolf") (-t is the plural affix). Apparently, one part of this family in the 4th-7th centuries, as part of the ancient Turkic tribes (Huns, Turks, Turgeshs, etc.), moved to the territory of the Order of present-day Tatarstan and immortalized its name in the name of the Ashit River. From him came the names of the villages Iske Ashit (Old Ashit), Yana Ashit (New Ashit), Ashitbash. This name is found in epitaphs on Bulgarian tombstones. The name Ashit (surname - Tarzimin) was registered in 1834 in the materials "Revision Tales" (Kazan Province).

ASHKAR - Red-haired; with wheat-colored hair. Dialectal variants: Ashkar, Ashka.

ASHMAS - Will not die. Preserved in the surname Ashmasov.

ASHRAF - Most respected; enjoying great authority; noble, distinguished, valued. Anthropolexema.

ASHRAFETDIN - Noble, noble, valued servant of religion.

ASHRAFZYAN - Ashraf (see) + jan (soul, person).

ASHRAFULLA - Beneficent, noble, noble, valued servant of Allah.

ASHRAFKHAN - Ashraf (see) + khan.

ASHUR - A name derived from the Arabic name of the religious holiday Gashara (ten), celebrated on the tenth day of the month of Muharram (Gashura is a synonym for the name of the month of Muharram among non-Arab Muslims). It was given to children born on the tenth day of the month of Muharram or on any other day of this month. Dialectal option: Ashir.

AYU - Bear. Anthropolexema.

AYUBI - Prince strong as a bear. Preserved in the surnames Ayubiev, Ayubeev.

AYUKAI - Formed by adding a diminutive affix - kai - to the word ayu (bear). Preserved in the surnames Ayukaev, Ayukov. Variety: Ayuka.

AYUKACH - Formed by adding a diminutive affix - quality - to the word ayu (bear). Preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surnames Ayukatsev, Ayukasov. Variety: Ayukas.

AUP - Penitent. The name of the prophet.

AYUPKHAN - Ayup (see) + khan.

AYUTASH - Ayu (bear) + tash (stone). It was given with the wish that the child (boy) be strong like a bear and strong like a stone. Traditional name, found among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks).

AYUHAN - Ayu (bear) + khan. Preserved by the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Ayukhanov.

AYUCHI - Bear Hunter; bear tamer. Preserved by the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Ayuchiev.

AYAZ - 1. Cloudless, sunny day. 2. In a figurative meaning: quick-witted, savvy, with a good memory. It was given with a wish for the child to be cloudless, happy life. In the ancient Turkic language the name Ayaz meant “beautiful” (Kashgari). Anthropolexema.

AYAZGAIT - Ayaz (cloudless, sunny) + Gait (Muslim holiday; see Gait).

AYAZGUL ~ AYAZKUL - Ayaz (smart, savvy) + kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior). A smart and handsome person (Kashgari); a man with an open, smiling face. Preserved in the surnames Ayazgolov, Ayazgulov.

Tatar names. The meaning of Tatar names

Women's Tatar names. Tatar names for girls

ABELKHAYAT - Living water; elixir.

ABYZBIKA - Abyz (see) + bika (lady, mistress; mistress).

AGDALIYA - The most fair, honest, devoted.

AGGIBA - Miracle of miracles.

AGZAMA - The greatest, having the highest rank. Synonym: Agzamia.

AGZAMIA - The greatest, having the highest rank. Synonym: Agzama.

AGZIA - Food, dishes (plural).

AGILYA - Smart, capable.

AGLI - Very dear, good, kind; very beautiful; noble. Variety: Aglia.

AGLIDJAMAL - Possessing beauty.

AGLIDZHIKHAN - Serving the whole world; belonging to the world, the universe.

AGLICAMAL - Perfection itself.

AGLINUR - She from whom rays, radiance emanate.

AGLIA - 1. Domestic, belonging to the house; belonging to the homeland, people, nation. 2. Possessor, possessor, mistress.

AGNIYA - Rich people (plural).

AGSARIA - Centuries, centuries (plural).

ADVYA - Healing remedies (plural).

ADGAMIYA - 1. Dark. 2. Dense garden, thicket.

ADGIYA - Entreaties, requests, prayers (plural).

ADELINA - Honest, decent, conscientious.

Ajme - Very beautiful. Anthropolexema.

ADJMEBIKA - Very beautiful girl.

ADJMEGUL - Very beautiful flower(gorgeous).

AJMENUR - Very beautiful ray (beauty).

ADIBA - 1. Well-mannered, calling for morality. 2. Woman writer, writer.

ADILYA - Fair, faithful, honest.

AZADA - Generous, beneficent.

AZADIA - Free.

AZALEA - 1. Azalea (flower). 2. Eternal, endless.

AZIMA - see Gazima.

AZIRA - Being in a state of readiness.

ASIA - Asia (continent). In the ancient Assyrian language, asu means “sunrise, east.”

AZKIA - Capable, gifted (plural).

AZMINA - Times, eras (plural).

AZKHARIYA - 1. Moon-faced; very beautiful. 2. Strewn with flowers.

AIDA - 1. In ancient Greek mythology, Hades is the kingdom of ghosts, shadows and the dead. 2. The origin of this name is possible from the Arabic word faida (benefit). A new name that became popular under the influence of the opera of the same name by the great Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi.

AYBANAT - Ay (moon) + Banat (see). Girl Like the Moon; beautiful as the moon. Synonym: Mahibanat.

AIBANU - Ai (moon) + banu (girl, young woman, lady). A girl, a woman, like the moon. Synonyms: Kamarbanu, Mahibanu, Shahribanu.

AIBIBI - Ai (moon) + Bibi (see). A woman like the moon.

AIBIKA - 1. Ai (moon) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). A girl born on a moonlit night; girl like the moon. 2. According to legend: daughter of the Moon, Venus. This name is also found among the Mari. Synonyms: Aibanu, Kamarbanu, Kamarbika, Mahibanu, Mahibika.

AIBIKACH - Ay (moon) + bikach (young wife, young lady). A girl like the moon. This name appears on one of the Bulgaro-Tatar tombstones of 1539.

AIBULYAK - Gift of the moon; radiant, bright gift (about a girl).

QUINCE - A new name derived from the name of the sweet southern fruit quince.

AIGIZYA - Rise to the moon, travel on the moon.

AIGULEM - My moon flower. Affectionate form of the name Aigul.

AIGUL - Ai (moon) + gul (flower). Like the moon and the flower; Lunar flower. Compare: Gulbadar. Synonyms: Kamargul, Mahigul.

AYGYNA - Only the moon; equal to the moon.

AIDARIA - A name formed by adding to the male name Aidar (see) the affix -iya, which serves to form female names.

AYDARSYLU - Aidar (see. male name Aidar) + sylu (beauty).

AIJAMAL - Beautiful as the moon. Synonym: Mahijamal.

AYDINBIKA - A girl bathed in moonlight; a girl shining like the moon.

AYZADA - A girl like the moon.

AIZANIA - Again, again, again, again.

AYZILYA - Pure, immaculate, like the moon.

AYZIRYAK - Ay (moon) + ziryak (capable, gifted). A girl who delights everyone with her talent.

AIZIFA - Ai (moon) + zifa (slender, stately). Stately, beautiful, like the moon.

AYZUKHRA - 1. Ai (moon) + 3ukhra (see). 2. According to legend, the daughter of the Moon is Zuhra.

AIKASH - Ay (moon) + kash (eyebrow). With arched eyebrows like the new moon; moon-browed.

AILULYA - September; child (girl) born in September.

AILY - Lunar, having a moon; in a figurative meaning: radiant and beautiful, like the moon. Yakut variety: Aity.

AILYBIKA - Ay (moon) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). Moon Girl; the girl is radiant and beautiful, like the moon.

AINA - Mirror; in a figurative meaning: light, pure, immaculate.

AINAZ - Ay (moon) + naz (bliss, affection). Beautiful, pretty, tender and radiant as the moon; slender and graceful; light-faced bliss, caress.

AINAZA - Tender and graceful, like the moon.

AINISA - A woman like the moon. Synonyms: Kamarnisa, Mahinisa, Badernisa.

AINURA - Moonbeam.

AINURIA - Ai (moon) + Nuria (see).

AYSABAKH - Ay (moon) + Sabah (see). Moonlit morning, moonrise.

AYSARA - Ay (moon) + Sarah (see). A woman like the moon, a noble woman. Synonym: Mahisara.

AYSARA - More convenient, more convenient.

AISIMA - Moon-faced; with features of the moon.

AISINA - Ai (moon) + Sina (chest). With breasts like the moon; in a figurative meaning: good-natured.

AYSIYAR - She who will love the moon, moonlight, beauty.

AYSULTAN - Ay (moon) + sultan. Synonym: Mahisultan.

AISUNA - Similar to the moon, equal to the moon.

AISURATH - With the appearance of the moon; with features of the moon.

AISYLU - Beautiful as the moon; lunar beauty. Synonyms: Kamarsylu, Mahisylu.

AYSYN - You are like the moon, you are equal to the moon.

AICHEK - Ay (moon) + chechek (flower); The flower is as beautiful as the moon.

AICHIBYAR - Beautiful as the moon.

AICHIRA - Moon-faced.

AISHAT - Ay (moon) + shat (joyful); in a figurative meaning: the moon that brings joy; moon shining with joy.

AISHUKHRAT - Fame, glory, shining like the moon.

AYULDUZ - Ay (moon) + yulduz (star). Like the moon and stars.

Ak - White. In the Tatar language, the word ak has the following meanings: “pure, immaculate; bright, radiant; beautiful; very expensive; fair, faithful, honest, reliable; holy; good wish; happiness, joy” and others. Anthropolexeme.

AKBARIA - The greatest, largest, most significant.

AKBIBI - Ak (see) + Bibi (see). Pure, immaculate, noble woman.

AKBIKA - Ak (see) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). An immaculate, beautiful girl (lady).

AKBULYAK - Ak (see) + bulyak (gift). A clean, expensive gift.

AKDASA - The most holy.

AKKUSH - White bird, swan.

AKKYZ - White girl. Meaning "beautiful girl, beauty."

AKLIMA - Consciousness, mind, mind, intellect. The name of the daughter of the prophet Adam.

AKRAMA - The most generous, very respectful of other people; very noble, noble; very beautiful.

AKRAMBANU - A very noble, noble girl (woman).

AKRAMBIKA - A very noble, noble, beautiful girl, the most generous girl.

AKRAMNISA - The most generous, very noble, beautiful woman.

AKSARIA - The most abundant, filled, numerous.

AKSYL - Whitish; with a whitish face.

AKSYLU - Ak (see) + sylu (beauty). A beauty with a pure, immaculate soul.

ACTULUUM - White braid; with white hair braided.

AKPHALIA - Locks, constipation (plural). A ritual name given with the desire to keep death away from the child by locking it away.

AKCHECHEK - White flower (symbol of purity, beauty, honesty).

AKYULDUZ - Ak (see) + yulduz (star). White Star. Meaning "radiant, beautiful, immaculate girl."

Al - Scarlet, pink; scarlet, pink color. Anthropolexema.

ALBIKA - 1. Rosy-cheeked girl, lady. 2. The first girl in the family.

ALGUL - Scarlet flower; in a figurative meaning: beautiful, like a scarlet flower.

ALICE - 1. From the noble, noble family. 2. Beautiful, graceful.

ALIFA - 1. Accustomed to hands, tamed; friend, comrade. 2. The first letter of the Arabic alphabet; in a figurative meaning: the first child in the family.

ALIA - see Galia.

ALKYN - Fast, playful, nimble, impetuous; businesslike.

ALMA - Apple; in a figurative meaning: sweet and beautiful, like an apple. Anthropolexema.

ALMABANU - Alma (apple) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

ALMABIKA - Alma (apple) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). This name is also found among the Mari.

ALMAGUL - Alma (apple) + gul (flower). Pink and beautiful flower like an apple.

DIAMOND - 1. Diamond (see) + 3rd (see). 2. Diamond (see) + -iya (affix used to form female names).

ALSINA - Al (pink) + sin (chest). With pink breasts.

ALSU - Pink (color); pink water; rosy-cheeked; figuratively: beautiful.

ALSUGUL - Alsou (see) + gul (flower). Pink color OK.

ALSYLU - Red-cheeked beauty, beautiful.

ALTAN - Al (scarlet) + tan (dawn, dawn). In a figurative meaning: rosy-cheeked, beautiful, like the light of dawn.

ALTYN - Gold (precious metal). Anthropolexema.

ALTYNBIKA - Altyn (gold) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). The girl is as precious as gold.

ALTYNGUL - Golden flower; a flower as dear as gold (about a girl).

ALTYNNUR - Golden ray; the ray is as expensive as gold.

ALTYNSULU - Golden beauty; a beauty as dear as gold.

ALTYNCHECH - Golden hair; with golden hair, goldilocks. In historical legends: the name of the daughter of the Bulgar Khan. The name Altynchech is widespread among the Mari (Gordeev). Synonym: Zarban.

ALCHEK - Scarlet flower.

ALCHIRA - Pink-faced, rosy-cheeked (beautiful).

ALBINA - White; white-faced

ALGIYA - Changing, changing; changing color.

ALSAMIA - The most necessary.

ALMIRA - A name derived from the name of the Spanish port city of Almeria (toponym).

ALSINA - Languages ​​(plural).

ALPHA - 1. The first letter of the Greek alphabet. 2. Starting a business or enterprise. Variety: Alfina.

ALPHAGIMA - Recognized, famous Fagima (see). Dialectal variants: Alfaima, Alfama.

ALPHIZA - Famous, valuable silver. Dialectal variant: Alfisa.

ALFINA - 1. She who will live for a thousand years. 2. see Alpha.

ALFINAZ - The one who receives a thousand negations, caresses.

ALFINUR - 1. Ray, the radiance of friendship (Kusimova). 2. She from which a thousand rays emanate; figuratively: very beautiful.

ALFIRA - Advantage, superiority. Dialectal variants: Alfara, Alfriya.

ALFIRUZ - Famous, famous and happy.

ALPHIA - 1. She who will live for a thousand years. 2. A poem consisting of a thousand lines. 3. The very first one.

ALFRUZE - Famous and radiant.

ALYUSA - The Tatar version of the Russian name Alisa, which is an affectionate form of the ancient German name Adelaide, meaning "noble family".

AMILIA - Hard worker, worker.

AMIN - 1. Reliable, honest, faithful. 2. With a calm disposition. 3. Located in a calm, safe place. The name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad.

AMIRA - Commanding, commanding; princess.

ANARA - Pomegranate tree, fruit of the pomegranate tree.

ANVAR - Very light, radiant. Varieties: Anvaria, Anwara. Anthropolexema.

ANWARA - see Anwar.

ANVARBANU - A very bright, radiant girl.

ANVARBIKA - A very bright, radiant girl.

ANVARGUL - A very light, radiant (beautiful) flower.

ANVARIYA - see Anwar.

ANGAMA - 1. Food, dishes. 2. Pleasure, pleasure, bliss.

ANGIZA - Causing excitement, troublemaker.

ANDAZA - Degree, measure, measurement.

ANDARIA - Very rare, noble, noble, valuable.

ANDASA - Friend, comrade.

ANJAMIA - Last, final; result, result. A ritual name given to the youngest daughter.

ANJUDA - I help, I provide assistance.

ANDUZA - 1. Pitying, showing pity. 2. Collecting in one place, gatherer.

ANZIMA - Putting in order, bringing order.

ANZIFA - I am pure.

ANZIA - I am bright, radiant.

ANIRA - I illuminate, illuminate.

ANISA - Close friend. Among the Arabs: a form of respectful address to a girl.

ANNURA - Ray, radiance, light.

ANSARIYA - Helpers, adherents, supporters (plural).

ANSAFA - Fair, pure, immaculate; conscientious, honest.

ANUZA - see Hanuza.

ANFASA - Very beautiful, graceful.

ANFISA - Blooming.

APIPA - see Gafifa.

APPAK - Whitest, snow-white; figuratively: with with the purest soul, immaculate.

ARZU - Desire, desire. Anthropolexema.

ARZUBIKA - Arzu (see) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). Desired, long-awaited girl (daughter).

ARZUGUL - Arzu (see) + gul (flower). A long-awaited flower begged from God (girl).

ARSLANBIKA - Arslan (lion) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). Lioness. Synonyms: Laisa, Haydaria, Asadia.

ARTYKBIKA - Extra (unnecessary) girl. A ritual name given to a girl born into a family with many daughters.

ARUBIKA - Pure, immaculate, healthy girl.

ASADIA - 1. Lioness. 2. The name of the seventh month of the Muslim lunar year. Synonyms: Arslanbika, Laisa, Haydaria.

ASAL - Honey; figuratively: sweet (girl). Anthropolexema.

ASALBANU - Honey (sweet) girl, woman.

ASALBIKA - Honey (sweet) girl, woman.

ASALGUL - Honey (sweet) flower (beauty).

ASALIA - Honey, honey.

ASGADIA - The happiest. Dialectal option: Askhadia.

ASGATJAMAL - The happiest beauty.

ASGATKAMAL - The happiest and most perfect.

ASILIA - Noble, noble, valuable.

ASIMA - Protector.

ASIFA - Hurricane, whirlwind, sandstorm.

ASIA - 1. Calming, giving consolation. 2. The one who heals, the female doctor.

ASLAMIYA - The healthiest, most correct.

ASLIYA - Main, valuable, true, real.

ASMA - Very high, sublime, great. Anthropolexema.

ASMABANAT - A girl significantly superior to others.

ASMABANU - A girl (woman) significantly superior to others.

ASMABIKA - A girl who is significantly superior to others.

ASMAGUL - Flower (beautiful), superior to others. Compare: Gulyasma.

ASMANUR - Excellent ray, magnificent radiance. Compare: Nuriasma.

ASNA - Very bright beam.

ASRARIYA - Hidden secrets (plural).

ASPHIRE - 1. Yellow (color). 2. Caring about someone, worrying about someone.

ASFIYA - A sincere, sincere friend.

ASHAPBANU - The closest friend (about a girl, woman).

ASHAPBIKA - The closest friend (about a girl).

ASHAPJAMAL - The closest and most beautiful friend.

ASHAPKAMAL - The closest excellent friend.

ASHIA - Generous (plural).

ASYL - Valuable, dear; noble, noble, the best; beautiful. Anthropolexema.

ASYLBANU - Dear (beautiful) girl, woman.

ASYLBIKA - Dear (beautiful) girl, woman.

ASYLGUL - Valuable (beautiful) flower.

ASYLTAN - Beautiful (majestic) dawn.

ASYLTASH - Precious stone (pearl, emerald).

ASYLYAR - Dear (sweet, cordial) friend, comrade, close person.

AUJA - The most famous, valuable, noble.

AUZAKHA - Completely open, clear.

AULADIA - Children, offspring (plural).

AUSAF - Quality, sign.

AUSAFKAM - Possessing excellent qualities; very good, the best.

AFAC - Whitest, snow-white; immaculate.

AFZALIA - The most worthy, dear. Dialectal variant: Apzalia.

AFKARIYA - Opinions, thoughts (plural).

AFRUZ - Illuminating, illuminating.

AFRUZA - Illuminating, illuminating.

AFTAB - Sun; the girl is as beautiful as the sun. Compare: Kuyash, Kun, Shamsia, Khurshid ~ Khurshida.

AHAK - Agate, precious stone.

AHMADYAH - Praiseworthy, famous, renowned.

AKHSANA - The most beautiful.

AKHTARIA - 1. Star. 2. Prediction of fate by the stars, astrology.

ACHILGUL - A flower that opens will grow stronger. It was given to a girl born with poor health.

ASHIRA - see Ashura.

ASHRAF - The most respected, revered; noble, noble, valuable. Anthropolexema.

ASHRAFBANU - The most respected, noble girl (woman).

ASHRAFBIKA - The most respected, noble girl.

ASHRAFJAMAL - The most respected, noble beauty.

ASHRAFJIKHAN - The most respected, noble in the world.

ASHRAFKAMAL - Highest degree perfection.

ASHRAFNISA - The most respected, noble woman.

Today, Tatar names for girls are widespread among Turkic-speaking and Muslim people - modern, but at the same time keeping a thousand-year history, mentioned in the sacred scriptures and historical documents.

Truly beautiful ones are found today in numerous collections of names. We would like to give examples of the most striking, in our opinion, excellent values, carrying amazingly colorful descriptions and meaning.

Tatar modern, who came from the Arabian Peninsula

  • Aliya - sublime, high, honorable, outstanding.
  • Amani (emphasis on the second syllable) - dreams, desires. There is a version that given name may mean "secret".
  • Amilya is an Arabic name which means hard worker, worker.
  • Amira is a princess, princess, daughter of royal blood.
  • Anisa (emphasis on the second syllable) is an interlocutor, sweet, affectionate, friendly, pleasant to talk to, friendly, friend. If we put the emphasis on the first syllable, we get another word with a different translation - unmarried girl.
  • Asiya (emphasis on the first syllable) - healing, comforting. This is the name of the wife of Pharaoh, who oppressed the people of Moses.
  • Jamila is undoubtedly beautiful. The name is ancient Arabic.
  • Karima is a very noble, giving, generous daughter - such different meanings carries this name.
  • Farida (emphasis on the second syllable) - exclusive, unique, rare, incomparable, extraordinary, amazing. Another translation is pearl.

Tatar names for girls, modern, coming from Turkic-speaking peoples

  • Guzel - in Turkic means incredibly beautiful, most elegant, causing delight.
  • Jana (the first syllable is stressed) is a name that means “soul” in translation. This name is also found in Arabic. It is translated as “fresh fruits” and is mentioned in the Koran.

Tatar names for girls - modern ones that came from Persia

  • Fairuza - turquoise ( semiprecious stone), azure, radiant. Another translation is famous, renowned, popular, illustrious.
  • Yasmine - heavenly If you add the letter A at the end - “Yasmina”, it will mean a sprig of jasmine or its flower.

Popular Tatar names for girls, folk motifs

  • Aisylu - the one who keeps
  • Ayla or Ayly - light-faced, like the moon.
  • Alsou - famous name, means beautiful, charming, wonderful.
  • Guzelia is a girl of incredible beauty.
  • Irkya is gentle, sophisticated, affectionate, touching. In another translation it means baby, female child (daughter). Another option is intelligent, pure, generous, honest.

In the history of Tatar names, intertwining with Arabic words is most common. The reason is the tendency of the Muslim world to give children Arabic-language names. After all, according to Islamic etiquette, it is preferable to name babies with names from the Koran and history that were borne by the companions and descendants of the Prophet Muhammad.

Also, Turkic roots had a significant influence, since it belongs to the Turkic group.

A person’s name is an important and responsible choice for parents; a lot in the child’s life will depend on it.

Everyone is guided by different criteria when making this choice:

  • Continuous transmission of a name from generation to generation: from father to son, or from grandfather to grandson.
  • Nationality.
  • The beauty of sound.

Choice of loved ones: parents entrust the responsible choice to the eldest in the family, or a close relative, as a tribute of respect. The baby is named after a friend, relative, person who is honored and respected.

Tatar names have become fashionable today among people of different nationalities. They are often called children in Russia. The reason for this is the beauty of their sound and the semantic load they carry.

It's theirs individual feature and national pride: each of them has a deep meaning.

List of modern Tatar female names with a description of the meaning:

Name Meaning
1 Gamira Harmonious, beautiful
2 Aigul Like the moon
3 Leili Night
4 Safa Immaculate
5 Jihaniya Like the universe itself
6 Latifa Beautiful
7 Zalika Possessing the gift of speaking beautifully
8 Faina Shining
9 Fatima The girl who was taken from her mother
10 Shamima Fragrant
11 Yasmina Blooming jasmine
12 Salima healthy
13 Saida noble girl
14 Rumia Born in Byzantium
15 Rania Beautiful flower

Important! The Tatar dictionary contains the largest number of female names.

It was this nation that gave us the common sonorous female names, carrying meaning.

Many Muslim women name their children based not on the beauty of the sound, but on the meaning. They matter various features newborn baby.

If a girl has a mole at birth, she will be considered lucky. To cement the opinion, the baby will be named Minlesifa. It means: happy.

Top rare names

There are old beautiful names that almost no children are given today. Each nation has its own. Time does not stand still; today Western and Muslim names have become popular in Russia.

Our state is famous for being multinational. A huge number of nations live here. People try to preserve their roots, customs and traditions. They name their children after their ancestors.

List of rare female Slavic names:

  • Ruslana.
  • Lunara.
  • Bereslava.
  • Aksinya.
  • Svyatoslav.
  • Pelagia.
  • Stepanida.
  • Fevronya.
  • Euphrosyne.
  • Vitalina.

Today they are almost never found. Along with them, there are rare Muslim names that have become a thing of the past.

For some reason they stopped using them. Fashion dictates the rules, people's tastes change.

List of rare Muslim names:

  • Balkia.
  • Gayasia.
  • Zainia.
  • Masguda.
  • Nilufar.
  • Satire.
  • Tahiya.
  • Shafikamal.

Important! Fashion is cyclical. Today certain old names: They are increasingly common among the younger generation.

It is difficult to explain the reason for the outbreak of their popularity - today they are considered resonant and interesting.

Such as:

  • Yesenia.
  • Vladlena.
  • Alevtina.
  • Yaroslav.
  • Milana.
  • Varvara.
  • Tomila.
  • Sabina.
  • Martha.

They have become popular in the last decade. They are chosen by parents who want to give their daughter a beautiful name and make her different from others.

The choice is made solely for aesthetic reasons: the beauty of sound gives its owner some competitive advantages.

How to choose a name for your daughter?

When a dispute breaks out between parents over what to name the baby, use the old-fashioned method.

Both parents make a list of 7 items. The number can be changed in any direction. Each one is written on a separate small note.

The next stage is verification. Of the proposed 7 points, each person excludes two. Then the lists are exchanged and three items are eliminated from each other’s lists. There are only 4 pieces of paper left.

They are placed in a hat, mixed, and eyes closed one of the spouses takes out the finished result.

Important! The meaning of this method is deeper than it seems. While parents exclude items from their own and others’ lists, they make their own choices.

They see which options the spouse does not like. By the method of exclusion, an attachment is made to the opinion and wishes of another.

Whatever note is pulled out at the end of the experiment, both parents will already have formed a ready-made opinion. Negotiated through negotiations.

Advice for those choosing a name for their daughter:

  • Think Is there someone around you who would like to be entrusted with choosing a name? A future godfather, beloved grandmother or best friend can suggest an option, or take responsibility for the choice.
  • Talk with friends and family, ask them for advice, listen to their opinions, maybe someone will suggest an interesting option.
  • Think what name would you choose for yourself.
  • Not the last The aesthetic component should occupy a place: for girls, the beauty of sound is important.
  • Look meanings, read the information in a reference book or on the Internet, this will help eliminate options with undesirable semantic load.
  • Remember that in addition to the full sound, there is an abbreviated one that will be used more often.

    Polina is memorable and rare, but in abbreviation it sounds completely different: Polya.

  • Find compromise option. Complete rejection of the spouse’s choice threatens quarrels and troubles, and when a new addition is expected to the family, this is inappropriate.

    The birth of a baby should not be overshadowed by conflicts.

  • Name baby in honor of your beloved mother, sister, friend. You will save yourself from painful thoughts and do something nice for a loved one.
  • Help Your favorite movie, actor or performer will help you make your choice. Alice - in honor legendary rock band, Jenny - in honor of the famous Jennifer Lopez.

If it is difficult to make a choice on your own, try turning to the Orthodox calendar, which contains names for each day.

It is believed that a child who was named after the calendar, using orthodox calendar, will receive the qualities of a patron saint. He will receive the protection of higher powers.

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