Topic: “Orientation in space and on a sheet of paper. Method of orientation on a sheet of paper – Magic leaves

Games for developing the ability to navigate on a plane (orientation on a sheet of paper, i.e. in two-dimensional space)

Orientation on a plane. In the older group, children must learn to freely navigate on a plane, that is, in two-dimensional space. At the beginning of the school year, in math classes, children are taught to place objects in a specified direction: top to bottom or bottom to top, left to right or right to left. Much attention is paid to the consistent selection, description and reproduction of the relative position of geometric shapes in relation to each other.

Further development of orientation on a plane is taught to children in the ability to find the middle (center) of a sheet of paper or table, the top and bottom, left and right edges of the sheet, the top left and right, and the bottom left and right corners of the sheet. The main part of 3-4 lessons is devoted to this work. In the first lesson, the teacher demonstrates the table and gives a sample description of the location of objects in relation to the sheet. Children describe and reproduce the sample. Later they are taught to act as directed, and the example is shown after the task is completed. Now it serves as a means of self-control. After completing the task, children describe how many of which figures they placed and where. Starting from the second or third lesson, the teacher asks them to first repeat the task and then complete it.

Children must use precise words to indicate the position of objects in relation to the sheet, floor, area. In mathematics classes, children receive their first ideas about certain spatial connections and relationships. Their assimilation occurs in different types of practical activities of children (for example, visual arts)

Game "Name the neighbors." To do this, use a sheet of paper on which images of various objects are randomly located.

Option 1: the teacher asks to find an image of some object and determine:

  • - what is shown to the right of it,
  • - what is drawn under it,
  • - what is located at the top right of a given object, etc.

Option 2: the teacher asks to name or show the object(s) that are:

  • - in the upper right corner,
  • - along the underside of the sheet,
  • - in the center of the sheet, etc.

Game "Harry Potter's Labyrinth". The teacher gives each child a sheet on which a labyrinth is drawn and an arrow indicates the beginning of the path. Children are then asked to help find the way to the cup by following the instructions and then checking to see if they were followed correctly. First, the sheet with the labyrinth must be positioned so that the entrance to it is on the left (right, above, below), then follow it (draw a line) until it turns, turn in the right direction according to the instructions. For example, the entrance to the labyrinth is below, go up, left, up, right, down. Having reached the end, the children can check themselves: the teacher drew the same route with a marker on the film, placing it on his sheet, the child sees whether he has completed the entire path correctly.

Game "Geometric dictation". In front of the children is a sheet of paper and a set of geometric shapes. The teacher gives instructions, and the children must follow at a fast pace. For example, put a red square in the upper left corner, a yellow circle in the center of the sheet, etc. After completing the task, children can check whether they completed it correctly:

option 1: the teacher has prepared in advance a sheet with drawn geometric figures according to the dictation;

option 2: one of the children (under the supervision of the teacher) does the work on a magnetic board, which can then be turned to all children.

Game "I'm driving a car." In front of each child is a sheet of paper (A3) and a small car.

Option 1. Children, listening to the teacher’s instructions, move the car in the right direction. For example, in the lower right corner of the sheet there is a garage, from there we will go along the bottom side of the sheet to the school. It is in the lower left corner, and after school we will go to the zoo, which is in the upper right corner, etc.

Option 2. The teacher starts the game, the children take turns coming up with and pronouncing the next landmark.

Game "Kaleidoscope". To play, children are invited to draw an ornament or stick on ready-made shapes (geometric shapes, cut-out pictures) and talk about their work. To do this, it would be rational to give the teacher a topic for work. For example: “Bookmark”, “Rug”, “Patchwork Quilt”, “Easter Egg”, “Picture Frame” and others.

Game "Decorate the Christmas tree." Option 1. Each child has a Christmas tree drawn on a piece of paper, but all the balls on it are white. Children paint the balls according to the teacher's instructions.

Option 2. Children prepare a Christmas tree from paper and geometric shapes of different colors cut out of paper. Children take turns naming landmarks - where to stick which figure.

Topic: “Orientation in space and on a sheet of paper”

To contribute to increasing the interest of teachers in finding interesting methods and techniques in working with children to develop mathematical concepts of orientation in space and on a sheet of paper.

Increase the level of professionalism of educators.

Introduce techniques and methods of work to familiarize children with orientation in space and on a sheet of paper;

Create conditions for the active participation of teachers in conducting a master class;

To develop the interest of colleagues in working to consolidate children’s orientation in space and on paper with a view to further using them in their teaching activities.

Equipment: sheets of paper with squares and numbers; pictures: plane, ball, rocket; colored cardboard.

Progress of the master class


“Orientation in space is one of the sections of the program for the development of elementary mathematical concepts in children.” But this does not mean that the topic “Spatial Representations” is purely mathematical.

Mastering spatial perception, ideas and orientation increases the effectiveness and quality of cognitive activity. For example, the quality of a drawing is determined by its compositional structure, aesthetic expressiveness by symmetry, and rhythm by the alternation of elements. And mastering traffic rules is completely impossible without basic knowledge of space.

Most children have difficulty orienting themselves in space. To make the learning process easy and interesting, I use didactic games in my work aimed at the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, I explain the meaning of the expressions “in the center”, “middle”, “right”, “left”, “top left (right) corner", "lower left (right) corner". The work is carried out on a sheet of paper and is based on the active activity of children with handouts.

Productive activities:

1. Didactic game “Aerobatics”. (children have a sheet of blue cardboard and a picture of an airplane)

Our vacation ends
The work begins.
We will work hard
to learn something.

Educator: The holiday is coming - Victory Day, a parade will be held on Red Square, various types of troops and military equipment will take part in it. Guess the riddle of what technique I guessed:

Floats boldly in the sky,
Overtaking birds in flight.
Man controls it.
What's happened? (airplane)

Q: Well done, pilots will take part in the parade and show aerobatic maneuvers. Today we will be pilots with you.

In front of you lies the takeoff field (sheet of paper). What kind of figure does it look like to us? What does a rectangle have? Show me the top corners, bottom corners, right side...etc. d.

Q: Place your plane on the takeoff field - a sheet of paper below. The plane rises quickly.

Q: Where is your plane?

Q: Then it rapidly falls down and rises to the upper right corner.

Q: Where did you park your plane? Etc.

The following games are played by analogy: “Football”, “I’m driving a car”, “Space. Children follow the teacher’s verbal instructions and can work in pairs. The game plot attracts children, their cognitive activity increases.

2. D/game “Take a step.”

Children are given a matryoshka doll (chip, etc.)

Educator: Our nesting doll wants to take a walk, but she is still small and doesn’t go anywhere alone, let’s take a walk with her.

Q: Place your nesting doll on the number 1. Now take two steps to the right.

What number is the matryoshka doll on now? (3)

Q: Is the next step one down?

Where is the nesting doll now? (7)

Q: Then one step to the left? (6)

Q: Tell me where and how many steps do I need to take to get to the smiley?

In the future, children can independently give instructions for movement on the sheet.

3. D/ game “Count the triangles”

Educator: Guess my riddle:

Three peaks are visible here,
Three corners, three sides, -
Well, perhaps that’s enough! -
What do you see? - ...

Triangles of different colors are drawn in each corner of a piece of paper.

Which triangle is in the upper left corner? (blue).

How many triangles do you see there? (3) etc.

With the help of this game, not only orientation on the sheet is consolidated, but also logical thinking and the ability to correctly find triangles and quadrilaterals are developed.

4. D/game “Assemble and arrange the figures”

Educator: Look how our figures are scattered. I probably already guessed who scattered them like that. And you will know too if you guess my riddle.

Modest little gray thief,

He slipped almost silently,
He stole a crust of bread,
He hid in the hole again.
Keeps his ears on top
A very smart little animal.
Do you know her, baby?
Mischief is ( Mouse).

Educator: Our mouse ran, waved its tail and scattered all our figures. Help me collect them, but we will collect them according to my instructions.

Take the red circle that is on the right side of the box.

Why did you take this figure? (circle, red, right side)

Take the blue square under the box.

Why did you take this figure?

Bring what's to the left of the box.

What did you bring? Why?

This game will help consolidate orientation in space, color, and geometric shapes.

That's the end of the lesson.
Let your laughter ring again
We can rest safely
And then back to business.


1. To develop the ability to determine time using a clock with an accuracy of one hour;

2. Continue teaching how to solve logical problems;

3. Practice determining the location of objects on a sheet of paper;

4. Develop memory, attention, thinking.



Summary of a math lesson for the preparatory group “Orientation in time, space, on a sheet of paper”


  1. To develop the ability to determine time using a clock with an accuracy of one hour;
  2. Continue learning to solve logical problems;
  3. Practice determining the location of objects on a sheet of paper;
  4. Develop memory, attention, thinking.

Progress of the lesson.

Voss: Guys, the postman brought us a letter from the president of the country of mathematics. Shall we read it?(Yes)

(The teacher reads the letter)

Hello guys! There's a problem in my country. Recently we were given a gift with a written name, but we did not have time to read the name of this gift because an eagle swooped down on it and took it away with it. And now we don’t know what kind of gift was given to us. He scattered the letters that made up the name of the gift all over our country, and to find out the name of the gift we need to collect all the letters, but we can’t do it without your help.

Voss: Well, guys, let's help the president?(YES)

Now we will go to the land of mathematics by transport, but what kind(child's name) He’ll draw for us now.(the child goes to the board and connects the dots by numbers, after which he should get a balloon)

Game exercise “Balloon”

Voss: We are in the land of mathematics. And here is the first task for you. You need to solve the riddle and answer the questions. You are ready?(Yes)

There are exactly seven of these brothers, you all know them.

Every week they walk around each other. (Days of the week)

  • How many days are there in a week?
  • What day of the week is today?
  • What day of the week will it be tomorrow?
  • List the days of the week in order, starting with Monday.
  • Name the working days of the week.
  • Name the weekend days of the week.

Voss: What great fellows you are, and here is the first letter “U”.

Look, there are three trees in front of you, you need to place circles on them, I will tell you where, and you place them.

  • Draw a circle on top of the first tree;
  • Draw a circle to the right of the second tree;
  • Draw a circle under the third tree;
  • Draw a circle to the left of the fourth tree;

Voss: That's right, you completed this task quickly. Look, here is the second letter “K”

Guys, please guess one more riddle:

No legs, but I walk, no mouth, but I’ll say,

when to sleep, when to get up, when to start work. (watch)

That's right, it's a watch. What is the name of the circle on the clock?(clock face)

There are worksheets in front of you with the task. They show a clock. Look carefully and tell me what the artist forgot to draw on the clock?(arrows) Right. Now you and I will finish drawing them.

  • On the first clock you need to draw arrows so that it turns out to be exactly 9 hours;
  • On the second clock you need to draw arrows so that it turns out to be exactly 6 hours;
  • On the third clock, draw arrows so that it turns out to be exactly 3 o’clock.

Vos: You did an excellent job with this task. Here's another letter "A" for you.

Now let's warm up and maybe get another letter with our hands.

We are getting higher and higher, reaching the roofs with our hands.

1, 2, 3 – raised, 3, 4 – hands down.

Voss: Okay. I just took out the fourth letter “Z”. Go to your workstations. On your table there are pieces of paper with pictures of balloons; for each balloon you need to draw a string according to my algorithm:

  • The largest ball needs to be completed with a long rope;
  • The smaller ball needs to draw a shorter rope;
  • The small ball needs to be drawn shorter than the other balls.

Voss: And you handled this task deftly, well done. Here's another letter "K"

We have one last attentiveness task left. Whoever listens carefully will answer correctly.

  • How many tails do two cats have?
  • How many ears do two mice have?
  • How many legs do two dogs have?
  • How many legs does a chicken have?
  • Grandmother Masha has a granddaughter Dasha, a cat, fluff, and a dog, Buddy. How many grandchildren does grandma have?
  • The rooster laid an egg, who will get it?
  • There are 4 bears and 5 rams in the zoo. How many wild animals are there in the zoo?
  • 5 apples grew on a birch tree, 2 apples fell. How many apples are left on the birch tree?

Voss: How attentive you all are, you all answered correctly. Here's the last letter "A"

What kind of word did it turn out to be?(pointer)

Let's quickly write an answer to the president of mathematics that we have completed all the tasks and collected all the letters, we got the word “Pointer”

Summary of an open lesson on psychomotor skills

Topic: Orientation on a piece of paper

Goal: learn to navigate on a sheet of paper


Develop the ability to highlight angles on a sheet of paper, fine motor skills of fingers, active vocabulary

Teach the ability to move in a given direction

Correct attention, interpersonal relationships

Cultivate respect for each other and politeness

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time

Hello guys.

Who will remember what we did in the last lesson? (children's answers)

Today we will learn to navigate on a piece of paper

Updating students' knowledge

Reading of a poem by V. Berestov followed by analysis.

A man stood at a fork in the road

Where is right, where is left - he could not understand.

But suddenly the student scratched his head

With the same hand that I wrote with,

And he threw the ball and flipped through the pages,

And he held a spoon and swept the floor,

"Victory!" - there was a jubilant cry:

Where is right and where is left the student recognized.


1.What is this poem about?

2. Why do you need to know which side is which?

Explanation of a new topic

Let's remember where our right hand is. Pick her up.

Where is our left hand? Pick her up.

Do you know what the words above and below mean?

The teacher-psychologist clarifies these concepts:

At the top are those objects that are in the upper part, at a height. Name the objects that are at height.

Below are those objects that are at the bottom of something, under something. Name the objects that are below.

Do you know where the cent is?

Center is a place equally distant from the edges, ends, i.e. middle. Name the objects that are in the center.

In front of you is a white sheet of paper.

The leaf has edges. This is the right one, and this is the left one. Closer to you is the lower one, and further away from you is the upper one.

Look, there are still angles, let’s count how many there are.

Find the right side of the sheet. On the right side there is one and the other right corner. The corner at the top of the sheet is the upper right corner, and at the bottom of the sheet is the lower right corner.

Find the left side of the sheet. On the left side there is one and the other left corner. The corner at the top of the sheet is the upper left corner, and at the bottom of the sheet is the lower left corner.

We repeat the names and show them together with the children.

Physical education minute

There is a picture of a house on the board. This house is not simple, it is fabulous, forest animals will study in it.

I'll tell you a fairy tale now. Listen carefully and draw a house on your sheet of paper with a simple pencil in the place mentioned in the fairy tale.

Animals live in a dense forest. They have their own children. And the animals decided to build a forest school for them. They gathered at the edge of the forest and began to think about where to put it.

Bears suggested building in the lower left corner. The wolf wanted the school to be in the upper right corner. The fox insisted on building a school in the upper left corner, next to his hole. The hare asks to build in the lower right corner. The mouse intervened in the conversation. She said: “The school needs to be built in the center.” The animals listened to the mouse's advice and decided to build a school in the middle of the forest clearing. It's so convenient for everyone.

Well done boys!

Reinforcing the material learned

Now guys, we’ll see how you learned to navigate on a piece of paper and find the right place.

Assignment for independent work.

You need to put on the sheet what I’m about to say, and you’ll find out where to put it if you listen to me carefully.

Spring has come. The sun is shining brightly. Place the sun in the upper left corner.

The first flowers appeared. Place the flower in the lower left corner.

This makes us happy. Put a smile in the top right corner.

The birds have arrived. Place a bird in the middle of the sheet.

The grass is turning green. Draw it along the bottom edge

Clouds are floating across the sky. Place them along the top edge of the sheet.

Which corner is left free? There we sign the drawing.

Test yourself. Look how it should have turned out.

Bottom line

What did we do in class?

Did you like the games?

Evaluating the work of the class and each student.

Agryz correctional boarding school of 8 types

Orientation on a sheet of paper.

Alfiya Nailevna
teacher-speech pathologist
II category
open lesson on
psychomotor skills and
sensory processes
in 2nd grade

Summary of an open lesson on the development of psychomotor and sensory processes
Topic: Orientation on a sheet of paper.
Goals and objectives: Teach children to navigate on a sheet of paper.
Cultivate discipline, the ability to listen to classmates, and careful handling of handouts and educational supplies. Develop the ability to highlight angles on a sheet of paper, fine motor skills of fingers, and active vocabulary. Adjust attention and interpersonal relationships.
Lesson type: combined.
Equipment: paper sheets, a simple pencil, colored pencils, an educational card, an answer card, sets of geometric shapes, toy cars.
During the classes. 1Organizational moment.
- Hello!
- sit down.
- who is on duty today?
- who is absent?
a) Exercise "Flower" speech with movement.
Our flower gathered its petals into a bud. The sun sends its rays. In the morning, under the sun, the flower opens. The sun set and the darkness deepened. And until the morning my flower closed.
b) Conversation about what we studied in the last lesson.
- we learned to navigate indoors.
c) Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.
-We will learn to navigate on a sheet of paper.

2 Updating students' knowledge.
a) Reading a poem by V. Berestov followed by analysis.
There was a man standing at a fork in the road.
Where is right, where is left - he could not understand.
But suddenly the student scratched his head
With the same hand with which I wrote,
And he threw the ball and flipped through the pages,
And he held a spoon and swept the floor,
"Victory!" - there was a jubilant cry:
Where is right and where is left the student recognized.
Questions: What is this poem about?
Why do we need to know which side is which?
What do we do with our right hand? What about the left?
How do you understand the expression: “He is my right hand?”
Can I say that about you?

3 Explanation of a new topic.
a) Teaching orientation on a sheet of paper.
- the duty officer distributes a sheet of paper to everyone.
-raise your right hand and place it on the right side of the sheet, then place your left hand on the left side like I did. Show the sides of the sheet. If you draw a line from top to bottom and divide the sheet in half, you can say that this is the right half of the sheet, and this is the left half of the sheet. Draw a line with a red pencil like mine. Show the halves you got.
-if you draw a line from left to right along the middle of the sheet,
then the line will divide this sheet into upper and lower halves. Lead
line with a blue pencil like mine. Show the halves that
turned out.
-where the lines intersect is the middle of the sheet. Show the middle of the sheet.
-the sheet has edges. I'll show you. This is the right one, and this is the left one. Closer to you
- the lower one, and further from you - the upper one. Show the edges of the sheet.
-Look, there are still angles, let’s count how many there are.
Find the right side of the sheet. On the right side there is one and the other right corner. The corner at the top of the sheet is the upper right corner, and at the bottom of the sheet is the lower right corner. Close the top corner as I did, and then the bottom corner. Find the left side of the sheet. On the left side there is one and the other left corner.

The corner at the top of the sheet is the upper left corner, and at the bottom of the sheet is the lower left corner. Close like I did first the top and then the bottom corner
-Repeat the names after me and show them.
b) Modeling fairy tales “Forest School” (L.S. Gorbacheva)
Equipment: Each child has a sheet of paper. On the board is a house cut out of cardboard and a clearing sheet.
-Guys, this house is not simple, it is fabulous. Foresters will study there
little animals. I'll tell you a story. Listen carefully and draw
with a simple pencil on your sheet of paper, a house in the place mentioned in
fairy tale
Animals live in a dense forest. They have their own children. And the animals decided
build a forest school for them. They gathered at the edge of the forest and began
think about where to put it.
The bear suggested building in the lower left corner.
The wolf wanted the school to be in the upper right corner.
Lisa insisted on building a school in the upper left corner,
next to his hole.
The hare asks to build in the lower right corner.
The mouse intervened in the conversation. She said: “The school needs to be built in
The animals listened to the advice of the mouse and decided to build a school in the forest
clearing in the middle. It's so convenient for everyone.
4 Physical education minute.
- listen and repeat the movements after me.
We are marching bravely in the ranks.
We learn science. We know left, we know right. And, of course, all around. This is the right hand. Oh, science is not easy!
5 Consolidation of the studied material.
a) game “Name the neighbors”.
To do this, use a sheet of paper on which the
images of various objects.
-look at your friends, and I’ll ask you about who is where.
- in the upper right corner,
- along the underside of the sheet,
- in the center of the sheet, etc.

B) game “I’m driving a car.”
In front of each child is a sheet of paper and a small car. Children, listening to the teacher's instructions, move the car in the right direction. For example, in the lower right corner of the sheet there is a garage, from there we will go along the bottom side of the sheet to the school. It is in the lower left corner, and after school we will go to the zoo, which is in the upper right corner, etc.
c) game “Geometric dictation”.
In front of the children is a sheet of paper and a set of geometric shapes. The teacher gives instructions and the children must follow at a fast pace. For example, put a red square in the upper left corner, a yellow circle in the center of the sheet, etc. After completing the task, children can check the correctness of execution: a sheet with drawn geometric figures has been prepared in advance according to the dictation.
d) finger gymnastics.
e) laying out according to instructions.
In front of the children there is a sheet of paper and in a plate there is cereal: peas and beans.
- you need to put on the sheet what I’m about to say, and where to put it is up to you
You will find out if you listen to me carefully.
1. Spring has come. The sun is shining brightly. Lay out the sun with
cereals in the upper left corner.
2. The first flowers appeared. Place the flower in the lower left corner.
3. This makes us happy. Put a smile in the top right corner.
4. The birds have arrived. Place 3 birds in the middle of the sheet.
5. The grass is turning green. Draw it along the bottom edge of the sheet.
6. Clouds are floating across the sky. Lay them out along the top edge of the sheet.
7. Which corner is left free? There we sign the drawing.

Test yourself. Look how it should have turned out.
- come up with a name.
- You can call it "Spring". What time of year is it now?
What month? What day of the week? What number?
6. Lesson summary.
a) conversation.
-What did we do in class?
-Did you like the games?
b) evaluating the work of the class and each student.
c) D.Z. Cut out and paste subject pictures on a sheet of paper in the corners.
In the next lesson we’ll look at your work and I’ll ask what and where