Stewing squid in sour cream. How to cook squid in sour cream sauce. Fried squid with onions - general cooking principles

Squids are the seafood that is most loved in our country. Many dishes are prepared from them. A distinctive feature of squid stewed in sour cream is that the dish is prepared quickly.

And this circumstance popularizes these seafood in our country. More and more new recipes are appearing - chefs are experimenting and creating real culinary masterpieces.

And the cost of squid meat is quite reasonable, which allows even people with average incomes to “create.”

The benefits of squid in the daily diet come down to the fact that they are sufficiently capable of replacing protein sources such as chicken, beef, turkey and eggs. Squids contain no cholesterol and contain many beneficial elements for the body.

Squid stewed in sour cream: basics of cooking

If you cook squid in sour cream correctly, you will get a dish that will melt in your mouth. During the cooking process, it is important not to overcook this seafood on the fire, otherwise the tender meat will become tough.

A harmonious combination is considered to be squid meat and creamy sauce. These components complement each other, which allows you to give the dish unparalleled taste.

For dishes prepared from squid, tomatoes, onions, various greens, carrots, garlic, and zucchini are used as additional components (products). The amount and type of products to add depends on personal preference.

When using vegetables, the main thing to remember is that if they are overcooked, they can interrupt the delicate taste that is obtained from the combination of squid meat and sour cream.

Stewed squid with cream and onions

Add salt to a pan of boiling water and lower the carcasses of pre-prepared seafood one by one. Each carcass should be in boiling water for no more than 1 minute. After removing the carcass from boiling water, it is immediately immersed in cold water.

This procedure will make it easy to clean the seafood, which is then cut into rings.

The onion needs to be cut into rings and fried in sunflower oil (vegetable).

After this, add sour cream, a little more salt and pepper. Mix everything and fry over medium heat for 5-6 minutes with the lid open.

Then add seafood cut into rings to the onion, cover the frying pan with a lid and simmer for several minutes.

When serving, the dish is sprinkled with herbs on top. Can be served as either a hot or cold dish.

Incredibly delicious sour cream squid with mushrooms

The following ingredients will be required:

  • 500 grams of squid;
  • Vegetable oil (the amount is adjusted when frying);
  • 500 grams of fresh champignons;
  • Salt is added to taste;
  • 1 head of large onion;
  • Ground pepper of various types;
  • 300 grams of sour cream.

We clean the squid carcasses. To do this, put them in a colander and pour over freshly boiled water. Immediately after this, the seafood should be placed under cold water. This treatment will allow you to quickly remove the skin from carcasses. After cleaning, seafood must be cut into rings.

The champignons must be cut at your discretion - into cubes or small slices. The bulbs are chopped with a knife.

In a frying pan with high brims, you need to heat the vegetable oil, in which you fry the chopped onion until golden brown.

Then add chopped champignons to it, mix everything, reduce the heat and fry for 10 minutes with constant stirring. After this, sour cream, salt, pepper and seafood are added. Mix everything again and simmer for 10 minutes (with the lid closed).

This dish is served hot. It can be combined with pasta and rice. When serving, be sure to add greens.

Recipe for tender squid stewed in a slow cooker

With the advent of multicookers, the life of housewives has become simpler. This kitchen appliance allows you to quickly prepare any dish. Therefore, let’s pay attention to how to stew juicy squid in sour cream in a multicooker.

Required Products:

  • 4 large carcasses of fresh squid;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • 2 heads of large onions;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper mixture;
  • 3 tablespoons (tablespoons) of sour cream.

The onion must be chopped with a knife. We clean the squid carcasses and cut them into rings.

In a multi-cooker set to “frying” mode, fry the onion in sunflower oil (regular vegetable oil) (about 15 minutes). There is no need to close the lid, and the onions should turn golden.

After frying the onion, add salt and pepper to it, stir and fry for another 1 minute. Then add the seafood cut into rings, mix and continue frying for another 2 minutes. After this, add sour cream, close the lid, and simmer for several minutes.

When the allotted cooking time is up, turn off the multicooker and let the dish brew with the lid closed for 20 minutes.

This dish is served with a side dish - mashed potatoes, pasta, rice. When serving, be sure to decorate the cooked seafood with herbs.

: these are canapes, sandwiches, snacks on skewers and other appetizers that will perfectly complement any feast.

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An interesting recipe for stewed squid with tomatoes and carrots, seasoned with sour cream

To prepare you will need:

  • 800 grams of squid;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 8 tomatoes;
  • Greenery;
  • Spices;
  • Salt;
  • 4 onions;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons (teaspoons) of wheat flour;
  • 1 glass of sour cream.

The stem of the tomatoes is removed and the juice is squeezed out. The vegetable pulp should be finely chopped, mixed with juice and vegetable oil. Bring all this to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat.

Cleaned seafood must be cut into strips and added to the tomato mixture. Finely chopped onions and coarsely grated carrots are also added here - these ingredients must be pre-fried. Boil everything again for 5 minutes over low heat.

The flour is first pricked in a frying pan until it turns light yellow. Then cool, mix with sour cream, making sure that no lumps form, and combine with those products that have already been mixed. Add salt and spices and cook everything with constant stirring for 5 minutes.

Serve hot and garnish with herbs.

If sour cream is not available during cooking, it can be replaced with yogurt, which does not contain salt or sugar. Such a replacement will not affect the tenderness of the finished dish, but you will be able to prepare a dish with a minimum calorie content.

Fans of hot and spicy dishes can add garlic or chili pepper to the prepared squid.

Many squid recipes indicate that you need to use frozen shellfish. However, in stores you can find already cleaned seafood, and even cut into rings. This opportunity saves time, but already prepared seafood is an expensive pleasure.

If onions are not available, you can replace them with leeks.

The fat content of sour cream used for cooking should be 15-20%.

Bon appetit!

Seafood is low in calories and contains a lot of protein, phosphorus and other essential elements. They are indispensable in dietary nutrition. One of the most affordable varieties of seafood delicacies is squid. If you don’t know how to cook it, you can end up with pieces that resemble rubber instead of a tasty dish, but if cooked correctly, these shellfish will surprise you with their delicate, refined taste. Squid in sour cream sauce is a success even for inexperienced cooks. You just need to choose a recipe and learn a few technological subtleties.

Cooking features

At first glance, the process of preparing squid may seem complicated. But experience comes quickly. Over time, cooking seafood will not take much time and effort. Advice from experienced chefs will help you master the technology of cooking squid in sour cream sauce:

  • The quality of the products plays an important role. The main one is squid. If it has been thawed and re-frozen, its structure will be damaged and it will become tough when cooked. Damage on the carcasses, a large layer of ice, snow and water covering them in a bag of seafood indicate that the product has been defrosted. It is better to refuse such a purchase.
  • Some customers are confused by the purple, pink or yellowish color of the squid skin. The degree of freshness of the product cannot be determined by its shade; the color can be any - it depends only on the type of squid. But its meat should be white, not painted in other colors.
  • Cleaned squid carcasses look attractive on the shelves, but connoisseurs avoid them, preferring uncut mollusks. The meat of giant Peruvian squid is often sold peeled, while Commander and Patagonian squid are sold unpeeled. The former are a little tough, the meat of the latter is tender and soft, and cooks quickly.
  • If you know how to properly cut up squid, it will only take 5-10 minutes. First of all, you need to separate the head with tentacles by pulling it and removing the insides along with it. Then the carcass needs to be turned inside out to remove the chord (this can be done without turning the mollusk inside out). After this, the squid carcass is placed in boiling water for a minute, then transferred to a container with cold water - from these procedures, the film on the surface curls up and is easily washed off with running water.
  • You should not exceed the cooking time for squid recommended by the recipe, especially if you are boiling it. Otherwise, its meat will become tough as rubber. If it becomes necessary to add water while stewing a shellfish, use hot water so that the protein does not change its structure due to temperature changes.

Squid in sour cream sauce can be cooked in a frying pan, in a saucepan, slow cooker or oven. According to some recipes, it is stewed, cut into pieces, while according to others, it is baked stuffed with whole carcasses. The cooking technology depends on the specific recipe, but the above rules remain unchanged.

Squid in sour cream sauce with onions in a frying pan

  • squid – 0.7 kg;
  • onions – 150 g;
  • sour cream – 0.2 l;
  • vegetable oil – 80 ml;
  • fresh dill – 100 g;
  • allspice – 3 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Thaw the squid carcasses, avoiding temperature changes.
  • Gut and clean if necessary. It is enough to rinse the cleaned carcasses.
  • Cut the squid into rings or strips about half a centimeter thick.
  • Peel the onion, cut into half rings or whole rings (depending on the size of the onions).
  • Heat oil in a frying pan and add onion. Fry until golden brown.
  • Add the shellfish pieces to the onion and stir-fry for a minute.
  • Mix finely chopped dill with sour cream and salt.
  • Pour sour cream sauce over the squid.
  • Add allspice and bay leaf.
  • Stew the squid in sour cream for 3-4 minutes. The intensity of the flame should be low, the pan should be covered with a lid.

After turning off the heat, it is recommended to leave the pan with the squid on the stove for another 10–15 minutes so that it is better saturated with the taste and aroma of the sauce. Before serving, pour the clams generously with the sour cream in which they were stewed. A side dish would not go amiss with this dish. Rice, pasta, and stewed vegetables are suitable.

Using the same recipe, you can cook squid in a slow cooker. Food should be fried in the “Frying” or “Baking” mode, then cooked using the “Stew” program, then left for a quarter of an hour in the heating mode.

Squid in sour cream sauce with garlic

  • squid – 0.5 kg;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • dill – 50 g;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • sour cream – 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the prepared squid carcasses into small strips.
  • Cut the onion into small cubes.
  • Crush the garlic with a press and mix with sour cream.
  • Fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  • Place the squids. Salt and pepper them. Fry for a minute or a minute and a half.
  • Pour in sour cream sauce, simmer for 4 minutes. Remove from heat.
  • Add dill, after finely chopping it, stir, leave covered for 10 minutes.

This dish is similar in consistency to seafood sauce. Goes well with pasta.

Squid in sour cream sauce, baked in pieces in the oven

  • squid – 0.5 kg;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • flour – 10 g;
  • sour cream – 0.2 l;
  • hard cheese – 50 g;
  • salt, pepper, dried dill - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • After peeling the onion, cut into thin rings.
  • Gut the squid carcasses and remove the chords from them. Pour boiling water over and rinse with cold water. Cut into not too narrow rings.
  • Heat the oil and throw the onion into it. Fry until golden brown.
  • Sprinkle flour on the onion and stir.
  • Salt and season to taste, pour in sour cream. Stir and simmer for 3-4 minutes until the sauce thickens.
  • Place squid rings in sour cream sauce and simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  • Place everything in a baking dish.
  • Finely grate the cheese and sprinkle the dish with it.
  • Place the mold in an oven preheated to 160–180 degrees. Bake the squid for 15 minutes.

Despite the ease of preparation and availability of ingredients, the dish looks elegant and festive. You can not only feed your household with it, but also treat your friends.

Squid stuffed with cheese, baked in sour cream in the oven

  • squid carcasses – 1 kg;
  • cheese – 150 g;
  • vegetable oil – 40 ml;
  • onions – 0.2 kg;
  • sour cream – 100 ml;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare squid carcasses by cleaning them from chords and membrane. Cut off the tail parts, leaving only the carcasses for stuffing.
  • Cut the cut parts into small squares.
  • Coarsely grate the cheese.
  • Remove the skins from the onion and cut it into small cubes.
  • Pour half the oil into a frying pan and heat it up.
  • Place the onion pieces in the oil and fry them over low heat until they become soft and translucent.
  • Add squid pieces and a couple of spoons of sour cream. Simmer for a couple of minutes.
  • Remove the onion and squid from the frying pan, add salt, season and mix with grated cheese.
  • Stuff the squid carcasses with the resulting mixture. There should not be too much filling, otherwise the squid may burst during cooking. Secure the ends of the carcasses with wooden toothpicks so that the minced meat does not fall out during subsequent cooking.
  • Add a little pepper and salt to the sour cream and stir.
  • Grease the pan with the remaining oil and place the squid carcasses in it.
  • Grease them with sour cream sauce.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  • Place the form with squid in it, bake for 10–15 minutes, no longer.

Squid stuffed with cheese and baked with sour cream sauce will be a good appetizer with wine or beer. However, this does not mean that they cannot be served at the family table on a weekday. Instead of cheese or as an addition to it, you can add fried champignons, a boiled egg, and cooked rice to the minced meat. You can add a little tomato paste to the sour cream.

Squid in sour cream sauce with vegetables

  • squid – 1 kg;
  • sour cream – 0.5 l;
  • carrots – 0.3 kg;
  • onions – 0.2 kg;
  • bell pepper – 0.25 kg;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - how much will be needed;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Clean the squid and cut into large strips.
  • Peel the onion and cut it into small pieces.
  • Wash the pepper, cut off the stalk, remove the seeds.
  • Cut the pepper into quarters or strips.
  • Peel the carrots and chop them using a Korean salad grater or a regular grater with large holes.
  • Pour oil into a deep frying pan or small saucepan.
  • Put it on fire.
  • Place garlic cloves cut in half into the oil. After a couple of minutes, remove them and add the onion.
  • Fry the onion for 2-3 minutes, then add the carrots. Continue stir-frying vegetables for 5 minutes.
  • Add squid. Stir.
  • After a minute, add the pepper and continue cooking for another 2-3 minutes.
  • Add seasonings, pour sour cream, stir.
  • Simmer the squid with vegetables under the lid for another 5 minutes after the sauce boils.

Before serving, the dish should be allowed to sit for at least 10 minutes. You can serve it with a side dish or separately: the presence of a large number of vegetables makes this appetizer quite filling.

Squid in sour cream sauce turns out tender and soft. This tasty and healthy dish is suitable for both a family dinner and a holiday table.

To enjoy food or surprise your loved ones with a new and delicious recipe, you don’t always have to cook something large-scale. It’s enough to use a little imagination, choose original ingredients and spend literally half an hour to get a tasty and healthy dish. We are talking about seafood.

Some of them are still considered a delicacy in our country and require a certain skill in preparation, but this does not mean that such recipes should be abandoned. One of them is squid in sour cream. This dish not only has a deliciously delicate taste, but also has many other advantages, which will be discussed in this article.

At the very beginning, it should definitely be mentioned that squid is a perishable product that must be stored exclusively frozen and defrosted in cold salted water immediately before cooking. After defrosting, the carcasses should be washed under running water, the cartilage plate and entrails should be removed.

Detailed recipes will tell you how to cook squid in sour cream. Almost each of them requires pre-cooking this seafood in boiling water that is salty to taste. By all accounts, this process only takes three or four minutes. More time will make the squid “rubbery” and taste tough.

Prepared carcasses should be cooked by alternately placing them in water and removing them from it. Then carefully remove the skin from them. After the squid has completely cooled, you can begin directly preparing the dish according to the chosen recipe, which will take very little time.

Wide choice

Today, squid in sour cream recipe is especially popular. There are many varieties to choose from. Every housewife will be able to choose one or even several of them for herself, which will help her surprise not only her family, but also her guests.

Here are some of them:


  • 500g squid;
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil.

Cooking recipe: cut the pre-boiled carcasses into strips, then place them in a preheated saucepan or frying pan with olive oil. Then pour in sour cream, add salt, mix thoroughly and simmer over low heat for three minutes.

  1. Squid fried with onions in sour cream. According to this recipe, squid does not require pre-cooking, and the dish is prepared simply and quickly, literally in a hurry.


  • 600g squid;
  • 0.5 tbsp salt;
  • 4 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 5 tbsp. water;
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 1 onion bulb;

Cooking recipe: rinse thawed carcasses with hot water, then remove the skin, remove the cartilage plate and entrails, and rinse thoroughly under running water. Then cut them together with the onion into not very thick strips and place them in a preheated and oiled frying pan. Fry for two or three minutes, then add water, sour cream, salt and pepper. Simmer for another ten minutes, stirring constantly.

  1. Squid stewed in sour cream. This dish is quick to prepare and turns out to be tender in taste and airy in appearance.


  • 500g squid;
  • 0.5 tbsp salt;
  • 3 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 2 onions;
  • ground black pepper to taste.

Cooking recipe: cut pre-cooked squid carcasses and peeled onions into rings. Heat olive oil in a frying pan and fry the onion, then place the squid rings on it. Cover everything with a lid and simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes. Then add sour cream, salt and pepper, mix everything. Simmer in sour cream and onions for another five minutes. Don’t take it out right away, but let it sit for a couple more minutes.

  1. Squid in sour cream in a slow cooker. With the help of this modern household appliance, the dish will not only be juicy, but will also have a unique aroma.


  • 2 squid carcasses;
  • 0.5 tbsp salt;
  • 3 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 2 onions;
  • ground black pepper to taste.

Cooking recipe: cut the onion into rings and fry in oil with a little salt in a slow cooker using the “Fry” mode. Place the cleaned, washed and cut into rings carcasses with the onion, sprinkle with the remaining salt and pepper, and fry for a couple of minutes. Add sour cream, mix thoroughly and fry for another two minutes, then cover with a lid and let sit for ten minutes.

A little secret: before adding sour cream to the squid, you can add a little flour to thicken it. You can also add a little greenery to any dish, and then eat it hot or cold with a side dish of rice or simply on its own. It is not recommended to add any spices, as they interrupt the delicate taste of the dish.

Heart balm

In Japan, squid meat is rightly called “balm for the heart.” This name is directly related to the fact that squid contains a lot of potassium, which is responsible for the good functioning of the heart muscle. Additionally, it rids the body of excess fluid, which helps lower blood pressure.

Vitamins of group B, as well as C and E, slow down the aging process, and taurine lowers cholesterol levels, which prevents the formation of sclerotic plaques on blood vessels. The content of animal protein in squid is practically the same as beef or chicken, and a small amount of fat ensures low calorie content for dishes made from it.

This excellent dietary product contains iodine, selenium, sodium, zinc and many other useful trace elements. But in order to preserve all the valuable qualities, there are several nuances in the process of preparing squid, which were disclosed in the recipes.

Squid is an amazing creature from the depths of the sea, which has no bones at all, but is the owner of ten legs and three hearts, which drive blue blood through the vessels in the literal sense of the word. Recipes from this seafood are deservedly the most beloved in our country, especially those that include sour cream.

Cooking squid in sour cream today is not exotic and does not require special skills or a special occasion. To enjoy the amazingly delicate taste of this dish, which literally melts in your mouth, and to pamper the people dearest to your heart, a simple desire and a little time will be enough.

The sight of squid swimming in the seas and oceans is far from attractive. And especially large individuals can even be scared. But on a plate this mollusk looks very appetizing, fried or stewed pieces of which just beg to be put into your mouth. This is a very popular seafood product. Unlike other sea delicacies, squid is more affordable, and in terms of the content of some useful substances it is in many ways superior to them.

For a very long time, squid was used mainly as one of the main ingredients in salad. But independent dishes from this shellfish are no less tasty. Especially if you cook them in sour cream. You can simmer it immediately, or pre-fry it together with the onion, cutting it into rings. You can stuff it with mushrooms, boiled eggs, cheese, onions, and then pour sour cream over the carcasses filled with minced meat and bake or stew. You can add neutral spices to sour cream, such as salt and pepper, or with a more rich taste - garlic, bay leaf. To add spice to the dish, add hot pepper or hot sauce.

Squid in sour cream - food preparation

Squid meat is very tender if not overcooked. Therefore, heat treatment of the product should take no more than three to five minutes. This does not apply to sour cream sauce. Meat stewed in sour cream for ten to fifteen minutes remains just as soft.

Before cooking, the squid must be peeled from the film. This can be done quickly by dipping the still frozen carcasses into hot water or pouring boiling water over them. Unnecessary film can be easily separated from the meat. All that remains is to remove the chord (transparent rod) and the squid is ready for cooking.

Squid in sour cream - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Squid stewed in sour cream

Unusual but very tasty squids. They are first fried, then stewed in sour cream along with onions.

Ingredients: 500g squid, 2 onions, black pepper, 150ml sour cream, salt, flour, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Cut the cleaned squid carcasses into rings. Pepper, add salt and roll in flour. Heat the oil and quickly fry the squid until golden brown. Transfer the fried rings to a plate, and in this frying pan fry the onion, chopped into rings or half rings. Place the squid back into the frying pan, stir, pour in sour cream and simmer for ten to fifteen minutes.

Recipe 2: Stuffed squid in sour cream

Fans of mushrooms and seafood delicacies will be delighted with this dish. Its preparation does not take as much time as it seems. Stuffed carcasses can be sewn up with thread or stabbed with a toothpick.

Ingredients: 6-8 pcs. squid (depending on size), 500g fresh mushrooms, 50g butter, 5 eggs, 150-200g cheese, a bunch of green onions and parsley (greens can be chosen to taste), 2 onions, 500ml sour cream, salt, flour, pepper.

Cooking method

Clean the squid carcasses. Hard boil the eggs.

Fry small onion cubes and mushroom slices in butter until half cooked.

Grate the cheese, finely chop the herbs and eggs. Prepare the minced meat by mixing mushrooms, onions, eggs and cheese, pepper and salt. Fill the squids with the mixture and pinch the edges (with a toothpick or sew them up). Place the stuffed carcasses in a casserole or non-stick dish, pour sour cream sauce on top, for which mix sour cream, a spoonful of flour, salt and pepper. Simmer for fifteen to twenty minutes at medium boil.

Recipe 3: Squid in sour cream, baked with buckwheat porridge

A delicious juicy casserole of squid and buckwheat porridge is a complete dish that can be served for dinner or, as a main course, for lunch.

Ingredients: 500g squid, 200g buckwheat, 300ml sour cream, 3 onions, vegetable oil for frying, 1 table. lie flour, 50g of cheese and butter.

Cooking method

Cook buckwheat porridge. Sort the grains, rinse, add water (1:2), add salt and cook until tender.

Boil the squid for two minutes (15g of salt per 1 liter of water), cut into rings or slices.

Sauté finely chopped onion, add pieces of squid, fry for two to three minutes. Salt and pepper.

For the sauce, fry the flour in butter, add sour cream, salt, pepper, stir and cook for two minutes.

Assemble the casserole. Grease the bottom of the mold with oil, add the porridge, and level the surface. Place squid with onions on top and pour sour cream sauce. Sprinkle with shredded cheese and bake for fifteen to twenty minutes (180C).
Cut the finished casserole into portions and serve.

Recipe 4: Squid in sour cream with soy sauce

Sour cream gives the squid meat a creamy tenderness, and soy sauce makes it piquant. Together they give the dish an interesting and unusual taste.

Ingredients: 500g squid, 100ml sour cream, 5 tablespoons. soy sauce (preferably shrimp), 2-3 peas. allspice, 1 bay leaf.

Cooking method

Boil the cleaned squids for two minutes in salted water. Cool, cut into rings. Pour in sour cream and simmer for ten minutes. Pour in soy sauce, add peppercorns, bay leaves and simmer for another five minutes.

Recipe 5: Squid in sour cream with garlic

The dish is prepared in literally a matter of minutes. The result is very tasty squids with a spicy aroma of dill and garlic.

Ingredients: 1 kg of squid, 300 ml of sour cream, a bunch of dill, 2 cloves of garlic, salt, a pinch of black pepper.

Cooking method

Boil the prepared carcasses for three to four minutes in salted water. Cool and cut into rings. Place them in a frying pan, add chopped herbs and garlic, salt and pepper, add sour cream, stir. Simmer for three minutes.

Recipe 6: Spicy squid in sour cream

Squid in sour cream can be not only tender and creamy, but also hot. What spicy lovers will be very happy about. The most common sour cream, tomato sauce and chili pepper, when combined, give the dish a truly inimitable and magical taste.

Ingredients: 700g squid, 250ml sour cream, 1.5 tablespoons each. lie flour and tomato sauce (or ketchup) Chili, 2 onions, salt, hot ground pepper.

Cooking method

Clean the squid carcasses and cut into strips.

Fry the onion half rings until golden, add the squid and fry for another four minutes, at the end add the flour and fry it for a minute.

Mix tomato sauce and sour cream, add a pinch or two of hot red pepper and pour this mixture over the squid. Simmer for five to seven minutes.

— Frozen squid carcasses should be easily separated from each other. If they stick together, this only means that the product has been defrosted and frozen more than once. Such squids can give off a bitter taste, which will appear during heat treatment, or become completely boiled.

Squid is one of the most beloved seafood in our country. You can cook many delicious dishes with them, but according to widespread opinion, there is nothing tastier than squid cooked in sour cream.

Squids in sour cream turn out very tender, literally melting in your mouth, of course, if they are cooked correctly - if you keep them on the stove, they become tough. The taste of squid is very harmoniously complemented by the creamy taste of sour cream, so such dishes are an example of the best combination of products.

As additional ingredients for such dishes, in addition to sour cream and squid, onions are most often used; you can also use vegetables such as carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, parsley roots, celery, etc., garlic, green onions and other herbs. It all depends on your taste, but you should remember that products that have too strong a taste can overwhelm the delicate notes of taste of the squid-sour cream combination.

We will tell you about the most delicious options for preparing squid in sour cream.

Recipe one: Simple squid in sour cream

You will need: 500g boiled squid fillet, 1 cup sour cream, salt to taste.

How to cook squid in sour cream. Cut the boiled and peeled squid into strips, place in a saucepan or deep frying pan, pour in sour cream, add salt and simmer for 3 minutes over low heat. Serve with a side dish of fried or boiled potatoes, rice or vegetables.

Remember: you should not cook squid for more than 5 minutes - they can become tough, it is better to cook them for 2-3 minutes, no more. Subsequent temperature treatment of the squid in sour cream will no longer affect their tenderness, so you can safely simmer them in it for a few more minutes. You can stew both boiled and raw squid in sour cream.

This is the most basic option for preparing squid in sour cream. Add a couple of spices - ground pepper, paprika, and herbs, and the taste will become a little different. To thicken the sour cream, add a little flour to the squid before pouring it and mix - then the sour cream becomes thicker.

Recipe two: Squid Stroganoff style

You will need: 100g boiled squid meat, 20ml sour cream 15%, 2 onions, 1 tsp. tomato puree and vegetable oil, ½ tsp. flour, parsley, dill, salt.

How to cook beef squid stroganoff. Cut the boiled squid into strips, place in a frying pan with butter, add salt, add chopped onion and fry for 2-3 minutes, add flour, stir, pour in sour cream and tomato puree, stir and bring everything to a boil while stirring quickly. Sprinkle the squid beef stroganoff with chopped herbs before serving.

Well, in the next two recipes we propose to complement the wonderful combination of squid and sour cream with vegetables.

Recipe three: Squid with tomatoes in sour cream

You will need: 700-800g squid fillets, 8-10 tomatoes, 3-4 onions, ½ cup vegetable oil, ½-1 cup sour cream, 1-2 tsp. wheat flour, dill and parsley, ground pepper, salt.

How to cook squid with tomatoes in sour cream. Cut out the stems of the tomatoes, squeeze out the juice and pour it into a saucepan, finely chop the pulp or grind in a meat grinder, put it in the juice, pour in the oil, bring everything to a boil, simmer over low heat for 5-6 minutes. Cut raw peeled squid into strips, place in tomatoes, add onion, previously finely chopped and fried, bring everything to a boil again, simmer for 5 minutes. Heat the flour in a dry frying pan until light yellow, cool, dilute part of the tomato mass and sour cream to a thick sauce so that there are no lumps, then pour this sauce into the rest of the mixture and mix, bring to a boil, add salt, pepper and boil for 5 minutes. over low heat. Serve squid with tomatoes in sour cream with fluffy rice or mashed potatoes.

Recipe four: Squid stewed with vegetables in sour cream

You will need: 1 kg squid fillet, 500 ml sour cream, 3 onions, 2 carrots, vegetable oil, garlic, spices to taste.

How to cook squid with vegetables in sour cream. Cut the onion into half rings, cut the carrots into strips, peel the squid and cut into strips. Place garlic and vegetables in a frying pan with hot oil and fry for 10 minutes, add squid, pour in sour cream, add salt, season with spices and stir, simmer under the lid for 3 minutes after boiling. Serve squid with vegetables in sour cream and a side dish of boiled rice.

The indisputable advantage of delicious and very appetizing squid in sour cream is also the fact that such dishes are light, because squid contain a minimum of carbohydrates and fats, and in many ways the energy value of this dish will depend on the fat content of the sour cream used. Eat light, but at the same time very tasty and appetizing dishes and feel great!