Human resources management: general and specific issues. Job security and the development of friendly relationships with colleagues must be ensured.


2. Course of economic theory: For the system of retraining and advanced training of civil servants / M.A. Abramova, E.G. Becker, I.Yu. Belyaeva and others: under the general direction. ed. A.G. Gryaznova, N.N. Dumnoy, A.Yu. Yudanova. 2nd ed., revised. and additional M.: Finance and Statistics, 2008. 640 p.




The article reveals the concept of “labor resources”. Attention is paid to the components of labor resource management.

Without people there is no organization. Without the right people, no organization can achieve its goals and survive. There is no doubt that human resources management is one of the most important aspects of management theory and practice.

Labor resources represent the working-age part of the country's population, which, due to its capabilities (physical and intellectual), is capable of creating material goods or services. Labor resources may include people employed in the economy; Also, labor resources include people who are not employed in the economy, but are able to work.

Human resources management at an enterprise is an activity aimed at effectively using the potential of employees to achieve the goals of the enterprise while respecting the interests of employees. The professional and qualification structure of the employed population, reflected in the corresponding market segmentation, is of great importance. Human resources management is designed to solve the following main tasks: meeting the need for workers; development of employees, their career advancement.

The development of the enterprise’s employees is associated with the implementation of personnel policy, which is as follows:

Planning, attraction, selection, hiring and placement of workers;

Staff development;

Certification and assessment of skill level, promotion, retirement and dismissal are carried out, staff turnover is analyzed;

Improving the organization and stimulating labor, providing social benefits, safety at the enterprise, and taking actions to maintain and create a favorable psychological climate.

When defining the organization's goals, management must determine the resources necessary to achieve them. The need for money, equipment and materials is quite obvious. Few managers will miss these points when planning. The need for people also seems quite obvious. Unfortunately, human resource planning is often carried out inappropriately and is not given the attention it deserves (