Ultrasound of the prostate gland: interpretation of results, norms and deviations, where it can be done. What size should the prostate gland be? Prostate ultrasound by age

Location and size of the prostate. Photo courtesy of flickr.com

An organ that is an important part of the genitourinary system in men. One might say, the entire life of the male population depends on it. Because it directly affects not only urination, but also sex life. Therefore, the entire work of the genitourinary tract depends on its size and functioning.

Characteristics of the prostate


The normal prostate gland is a secretory organ, which is an asymmetrical paired organ. Both shares are connected by a special transition. The entire system is located just below the bladder, and the back side rests on the rectum. Thanks to the influence of male hormones, it can change its elasticity.

The organ affects exclusively male body functions:

  • by producing the hormone testosterone, it affects the volume and normal quality of sperm;
  • holds all urine in the bladder;
  • removes urine through the canal.

Changes in size can cause big problems in any body. This disrupts sex life and impairs urine output.

Prostate sizes

The normal size of the prostate gland is determined relative to the age category. It develops at the age of 22 - 23, due to the fact that hormones begin their active life. At this point, minimal changes in size are not considered pathology.

The alarm should only be sounded when the size of the prostate begins to rapidly increase.

In order to detect pathology in time, it is necessary to study the real size of your prostate gland.

  • width varies between 27 - 42 cm;
  • length varies between 23 - 45 cm;
  • thickness varies between 15 - 25 cm.

Gland volume

As a result, the normal volume of the prostate gland in a twenty-year-old young man is 25 cm. As soon as the age reaches 40 years, it begins to increase to 30 cm. This process lasts up to 60 years.

ATTENTION! Any disease that affects the size or size of the prostate goes away very slowly and almost unnoticeably. The illness is felt only when patients experience characteristic problems with intimate life or urination. Therefore, checking prostate volume is recommended not only in old age.

Evaluation of indicators

Methods for determining parameters

To accurately determine the normal size of the prostate gland in men, an ultrasound scan should be taken. This method will be discussed below. Standard methods for detecting pathological abnormalities include the following procedures:

  • palpation is a common technique that diagnoses anomalies directly;
  • MRI finds minor abnormalities;
  • X-ray with contrast allows you to examine the area and detect a specific substance (the method allows you to find unidentified tumors, determine how the seminal vesicles move or detect other abnormalities);
  • The intracavitary transurethral method allows the installation of a sensor that reports the general condition of the organ.

It is associated with the genitourinary system. Therefore, many diseases can arise due to it. Therefore, there are many techniques that identify urological problems.

Standards for men under 50

Until the age of 50, with normal development of the body, there should be no deviations from the norm. Those. The gland develops at its own pace. There shouldn't be any sudden jumps. Therefore, the prostate develops according to the table.

ATTENTION! If the overall dimensions of your prostate are very different from the data in the table, then there is a pathology. Treatment should be started immediately.

Normal after 50 for men

In old age, after 50 years, the male population begins to transform the body. Hormones are in turmoil. As a result, estrogens (female hormones) take over. Therefore, the norm for this age should be increased by 2 rubles. (60 - 70 years old).

In late old age, due to the fact that hormones fluctuate unevenly, iron in the body begins to rapidly grow. Therefore, an enlarged prostate puts pressure on the bladder and this causes problems with urination.

Comparison of prostate sizes. Photo courtesy of flickr.com

How do the jelly sizes change when prostatitis is diagnosed?

Some problems with the urinary system are associated with changes in the size of the prostate.

  1. Adenoma provokes the following symptoms. The endocrine gland changes noticeably in size. She's getting bigger. Changes directly depend on diseases of organ tissues. Urine flow is impaired.
  2. Prostatitis provokes inflammatory processes in various connective tissues. As a result, the patient feels discomfort. At night he has uncontrollable discharge.
  3. Cyst. Fluid begins to form in the soft tissues.
  4. Calcification. Small crystals with a characteristic calcium content begin to be deposited in the tissues. As a result, inflammatory processes begin to occur in the gland.
  5. Tumors. New growths between tissues and subsequent development of cancer are possible.

ATTENTION! Common symptoms significantly change the size of the gland. Moreover, the disease directly affects its parameters and stages of its development.

After 55 years, the male population may experience the following problem - prostate hyperplasia. In the initial stages, it practically does not interfere. A small nodule becomes larger and over time causes many problems for the wearer.

The disease occurs in several stages.

  1. The gland increases to 45 cm (42 cm for the prostate). Symptoms are mild, but the patient already begins to experience minor changes at these stages.
  2. The prostate changes in size. Its volume increases to 56 cm. He often goes to the toilet. Pain begins in the lower part of the belt.
  3. The extreme stage of gland enlargement (up to 100 cm).

Why know prostate size?

Knowing what the gland should be like, it is possible to determine whether the patient has a pathology of the organ. All known diseases may not appear immediately. Consequently, the presence of a particular disease can be judged only after examination.

Often these problems begin to be diagnosed when the disease is in its final stages. Therefore, any man over 37 years of age should be examined twice a year.

Blood begins to come out with urine, and the anus produces strange discharge. Periodically, the patient begins to experience constipation. As a result, all important lymph nodes begin to enlarge, and the lower limbs swell.

Prostate structure

The size and shape of the prostate gland resemble an indeterminate shape, more like a chestnut fruit. It is located below the urinary tract, between the pubic bones and the rectum. Its function is to unite the urinary and reproductive systems. This organ regulates the flow of urine and sperm.

Ejaculation occurs as follows. The seminal vesicles are released from the testicles through the prostate. Several secret threads are added to this process:

  • prostate;
  • glands of the urethra.

As a result, during ejaculation, this entire mixture comes out.

The gland is similar to a ring and covers the back of the genitourinary canal. It can be felt by inserting your index finger into the anus and using the rectal examination method.

The gland is connected to the pubic bones by strong ligaments. The entire circulatory system in this area is closely interconnected. Thus, thanks to this organ, men get an erection.

The component is glandular tissue. It mainly consists of smooth muscle and connective elements. The health of an organism depends on the concentration of all components of this organism.

The density of the fabrics differs:

  • dense but elastic;
  • soft over the entire area;
  • very dense.

The prostate also consists of the following components:

  • smooth muscle tissue - ¼ - ½ of the actual volume of the organ;
  • glandular component - from 30 to 50 glands along the entire perimeter of the family tubercle.

ATTENTION! A familial tubercle is a formation that is detected by the following signs. It rises on the back wall of the urethra. Its normal parameters are (9 x 3 (4), x 3 mm.). Education directly affects potency and ejaculation.

Each element of the prostate is surrounded by circular muscles. And between the tissues there are glandular lobules. Smooth muscles form one system that provides a complete urinary system.

The outer shell of the organ is surrounded by a fibrous capsule, from which connective tissue septa extend.

The organ is united by a numerous plexus of large veins. They connect to a special vein that is responsible for erection (dorsal vein). But, at the same time, the ball of nerves is connected to the rectum by the hemorrhoidal junction.

Carrying out an ultrasound

Thanks to ultrasound, you can accurately determine the size of the prostate. This method determines all organ parameters and canal patency. The procedure allows you to determine the structure of the organ itself, its density and tissue shape.

The doctor prescribes an ultrasound if he finds the following anomalies:

  • after 30 years, the patient experiences noticeable growth of the prostate gland, and all possible methods give false results;
  • it is necessary to see an accurate picture of the flow channels;
  • it is necessary to ensure that the prostate develops normally, without abnormal phenomena.

What prostate pathologies are detected on ultrasound?

The dimensions of the gland correspond to the following standards:

  • minimum parameters (25 x 15 x 22);
  • norm (29 x 21 x 30);
  • acceptable values ​​(40 x 30 x 45).

As a result of an ultrasound examination, the following diseases can be detected:

  • adenoma;
  • prostatitis;
  • cyst;
  • calcification


Treatment is carried out only by a medical professional with higher education. The method is chosen depending on the degree of the disease. This is a series of techniques that allow you to normalize the size of the prostate and improve blood circulation and return a man to his potency.

First, the patient undergoes a series of procedures related to testing. After the examination, the doctor decides which technique to prescribe to the patient.

Drug treatment is to comprehensively improve the condition of the body. In particular:

  • strengthening the immune system with immunomodulators;
  • as a result of detection of viral infections, antibiotics should be taken;
  • direct treatment of the prostate is aimed at taking antibacterial agents;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

The latest types of treatment include the following methods:

  • massage;
  • magnetic resonance therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • reflexology methods;
  • ultrasonic methods;
  • hirudotherapy.

Folk remedies combine physical exercise and various infusions. But before using these products, you should consult a doctor.

  1. Squats help well if the disease concerns inflammation in the prostate gland. But it does not help with viral infections. To do this, you need to raise your arms just above your head and sit down. The exercise must be complete. Those. you need to sit at full depth. This is done at least 100 times. Thus, the blood circulates throughout the body and helps improve the general condition. The exercise does not need to be done every day. 3 rubles is enough. during the week. If the hundredfold number is difficult to achieve the first time, do as many as you can and increase the number of squats every day.
  2. Additionally, this exercise can be supplemented with other methods. For example, the popular “scissors” (20 rubles for each leg).
  3. You can also lie on your back and raise your legs straight. The main thing is that the blood circulates throughout the body.
  4. For prostatitis, it is useful to drink tea with honey. This is a rehabilitation course after strict antibiotic therapy. Remember - honey is a pure allergen. Therefore, it should be taken very carefully.
  5. Pumpkin seeds contain more zinc. To do this, you just need to consume at least 30 seeds per day.

Advanced prostatitis is a severe form of the disease. To do this, the patient is prescribed medications that remove stagnation and improve metabolic processes. In particular, with this type of disease there is no viral pathology. Therefore, doctors exclude the use of antibiotics.

ATTENTION! If the patient has an advanced form of prostate disease, the doctor prescribes surgery.

Let's sum it up

The prostate gland (prostate) is an important organ of any man. She is responsible not only for the excretion of urine. Sex life directly depends on it. Those. - erection of the penis and ejaculation are regulated by it. Therefore, all males should carefully monitor their prostate health. Otherwise, the genitourinary function will experience disruptions, which will lead to problems with urination, even impotence. Therefore, after 30 years, you should undergo examination at least 2 times a year in order to reduce the risk of urological diseases in the future.

Measuring the size of the prostate gland - video

It’s not for nothing that the prostate gland is called “the second heart of a man.” The physical and emotional state of a person depends on the normal functionality of the organ. What should be the size of the prostate, why do they increase or decrease, and what are the signs of the two most popular ailments: prostatitis and adenoma?

Prostate gland and its characteristics

An organ shaped like a chestnut fruit, the prostate consists of glandular and muscle tissue. The unpaired organ is responsible for the production of a specific secretion that is part of male sperm and is responsible for the development, protection and nutrition of sperm.

The standard weight of the prostate is 20-50 g, the structure is homogeneous. The slightest pathologies lead to an increase in volume. Located close to the urinary system, the prostate body covers the urethra, which explains problems with urination when the gland is inflamed. The prostate has a complex nervous apparatus, affects the performance of the body and is characterized by two important zones: peripheral and central. The first can be easily felt during a rectal examination of the patient.

Important! Malignant tumors in 70% of cases affect the peripheral zone, in 30% of cases the formation is localized in the central part of the gland.

Normal prostate function is extremely important for a man. What the gland is responsible for:

  1. Production of secretions consisting of proteins, fats, hormones and electrolytes;
  2. Contraction of muscle fibers releases sperm into the urethra and guarantees normal ejaculation;
  3. The gland is responsible for normal erectile function;
  4. The secretory fluid dilutes the sperm for normal sperm functionality.

Any pathology leads to a failure of processes, which a man feels immediately: frequent urge to urinate, pain, discomfort, pressing sensation, malaise, rapid fatigue. And, most importantly, with prostate problems it is no longer possible to talk about a normal sex life.

Optimal volume and weight of the prostate

In order to find out your own prostate size, you should undergo an ultrasound. The study will show the volume and weight of the organ depending on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. But there are average sizes and norms for adults:

  1. length no more than 3 cm;
  2. thickness – 2 cm;
  3. width – 3 cm.

The normal dimensions of the prostate according to ultrasound are:

  • length up to 4.5 cm;
  • width 2-2.5 cm;
  • thickness 2-2.3 cm;
  • weight up to 50 g.

The dependence of the parameters on the age and development of the patient has been confirmed by clinical trials. Studies have shown that a healthy adult male can have some deviation in indicators without the presence of infection or organ pathologies.

Change in prostate size over the course of life

At birth, a boy has a tiny organ size, puberty means the production of testosterone, and the gland begins to grow. Puberty is reached by 16-17 years and the normal size of the prostate is: 3*2*3 cm (length*width*thickness). Until the age of 20-21, the organ does not change, treatment is not applied.

After 30 years, iron tends to increase, which is associated with the individual structure of the body and the accumulation of chronic diseases. After 45 years, the second round of organ growth begins - an increase in size indicators is observed with each passing year. There are many reasons: infections, untreated diseases, stones, etc. As a rule, by the age of 60, 50% of patients already have significant growth of the gland; by the age of 90, 89% of the stronger half of humanity suffer from this disease.

To calculate the normal volume of the prostate gland, you should calculate the formula: 0.13 multiplied by the patient’s age and add 16.4 to the indicator. For example: (0.13*30) + 16.4 = 20.3 cm3 - this is the normal prostate volume for a given patient. Weight is calculated: the resulting volume is multiplied by 1.05.

Change in size due to prostatitis

Any inflammatory process in the body is accompanied by swelling, which leads to an increase in volume. With prostatitis, the prostate organ enlarges due to edema, while exerting a compressive effect on the urethra, noticeably narrowing the lumen. During the outflow of urine, the fluid pressure on the inner surface of the urethra increases, and the prostate ducts open into the urination channel.

With prostatitis, the inflammatory process impedes the contractility of smooth muscle fibers, which provokes the reflux of urine into the glandular tissue. Urine creates favorable conditions for increased inflammation, which leads to greater swelling. Thus, the size of the gland increases, and pronounced destruction of muscle function is observed, reaching atony. A vicious circle is formed, which can only be avoided by starting treatment on time.

The consequence of the infectious inflammatory process is capillary hypoxia, decreased sexual activity and severe discomfort. Main symptoms of prostatitis:

  • burning sensation during urine excretion;
  • problems in sexual life;
  • difficulty conceiving.

Important! In addition to the fact that the normal size of the prostate gland increases, with prostatitis it is possible that pus accumulates in the organ and the formation of stones. Lack of treatment leads to infertility and sexual dysfunction.

The positive point is the high efficiency of modern treatment methods. The size and volume of the prostate are restored; ultrasound examination does not reveal any pathology.

Changes in prostate adenoma

With adenoma, the normal size of the organ is not maintained. The beginning of diffuse changes is the growth of the gland with impaired urine outflow. Being a benign formation, adenoma differs in three degrees:

  1. Volume up to 40 cm3, size no more than 4.2 centimeters. There are no characteristic symptoms of the disease.
  2. The volume indicator reaches 55 cm3. Pain during sexual intercourse, frequent urge to go to the toilet, and difficulty urinating help determine the increased severity of the pathology.
  3. Pathology can enlarge the gland to 65-100 cm3. And this is far from the norm; the individual determining factors are the patient’s age and the presence of chronic diseases. Signs: bleeding, anal discharge, constipation.

With a particularly advanced disease, deformation of the lymph nodes and swelling of the limbs occurs. Most often, the pathology at the last stage requires surgical intervention, after which the patient is left with noticeable scars.

Knowing what the normal size of the prostate gland should be according to ultrasound, each patient can determine for himself what is normal for him and what is a deviation. Deciphering the tests will allow you to prevent the development of pathological changes in time and avoid serious ailments. Doctors recommend being examined at least once a year, and at the slightest sign of prostate disease, do not hesitate to visit a doctor.

The prostate gland is located in the small pelvis under the urogenital pelvic diaphragm. An important indicator is its size, which depends on the functional state, blood supply of the prostate and all surrounding organs.

Photo 1: The prostate gland is normal, in a healthy man, the size of a walnut or chestnut. Source: flickr (Photo of Moscow Moscow-Live.ru).

Why is prostate size important to know?

At the very beginning of the disease, there may be no discomfort, pain in the prostate gland, or difficulty urinating. The first indicator of a disorder is a change in the size of the prostate.

By increasing the size of the prostate gland, it responds to diseases such as prostatitis, tumors, etc.

A decrease in size is associated with underdevelopment of the organ and a decrease in its function. Hypoplasia can occur after irradiation, against the background of hypovitaminosis or stress.

List of diseases affecting prostate size

  • specific, nonspecific;
  • volumetric formations;
  • inflammatory diseases of the rectum, bladder;
  • violation of venous outflow from the rectum, expansion of hemorrhoidal veins;
  • paraproctitis.


Ultrasound or digital examination is used to examine the prostate. Rectal digital palpation allows you to determine the approximate size.

Ultrasound of the prostate

Performed through the anterior abdominal wall. The patient lies on his back with a full bladder.

The second option for ultrasound examination is TRUS, which is performed through the rectum. This method is considered more accurate for diagnosing the prostate.

Ultrasound determines not only the size, but also the volume and weight of the organ.

Normal prostate size

Ultrasound examination allows you to more accurately determine 3 parameters.

The normal size of the prostate gland in men of puberty is:

  • prostate length – 3.2 - 4.5 cm;
  • width – 3.5 - 5 cm;
  • maximum thickness – 1.7 - 2.5 cm.

Additional information is also provided by examination of the bladder, whose walls become hypertrophied as the prostate enlarges. This phenomenon develops due to obstruction of the bladder outlet.

Photo 2: Regular scheduled examination, ultrasound, allows you to obtain more accurate data, timely diagnose the problem, begin treatment, and avoid unpleasant consequences, life-threatening complications. Source: flickr (Veterans Health)

Age and prostate size

The size of the prostate gland in men is normal, as well as its density and shape vary depending on age and physiological processes.

Before the onset of puberty, the prostate is small and dense, because it consists mainly of muscles.

The endocrine glands develop fully by the time of puberty, and after 45 years the physiological process of aging of the body begins. The amount of hormones produced decreases, it gradually atrophies, and its size decreases.

A middle-aged man normally has a prostate between 3.2 and 4.5 cm long.

This breadth of the length range depends on the physical characteristics of the man and his genetic characteristics. The taller he is, the larger the prostate.

Therefore, any indicator must be assessed over time.

A single parameter does not carry an informative load.

Note! If there are complaints of discomfort in the prostate gland, an ultrasound scan should be done at the beginning of treatment and at the end. Then you can track the dynamics of the disease and the adequacy of the treatment.

Normal prostate volume and weight

To diagnose the condition, it is necessary to know not only the size, but also the weight and volume of the prostate gland. If necessary, a correction factor of 1.05 is introduced to determine the weight. Therefore, the weight and volume of the prostate are normally approximately equal.

According to its structure, the prostate is divided into the following segments:

  • right lobe;
  • isthmus;
  • left lobe.

Each of the halves is equal to each other and has a lobed structure. The structure is densely elastic, homogeneous. When diffuse inflammation, abscesses, cysts, and tumors appear, the structure changes.

Normal volume and weight according to age

With the onset of puberty, by the age of 23 - 25, normal weight and prostate volume are gradually established.

Note! After 40-45 years, involutive processes begin in a man’s body, which means that the size and volume of the prostate gland begins to decrease from year to year.

How to calculate the weight and volume of the prostate

The normal volume of the prostate gland is from 25 to 30 cm3.

However, it is worth considering that indicators may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the man’s body.

The volume is determined using special formulas.

There are several methods for calculating volume, which depend on the mass of the prostate. The most commonly used formulas are:

Truncated ellipse formula

Three parameters: anterior-posterior, longitudinal and transverse dimensions are multiplied among themselves, after which the resulting product is multiplied by a factor of 0.52. The volume is calculated using the formula separately for two slices.

Final formula: (A X B X C) X K 0.52.

Where A is the anteroposterior volume, B is the transverse and C is the longitudinal dimension. K 0.52 - coefficient 0.52

Prostate weight less than 80g

In this case, a different formula is used to calculate the volume. The anterior-posterior and transverse dimensions, squared, are multiplied among themselves and further multiplied by a factor of 0.52:

Final formula: (A squared X B squared) X K 0.52.

Prostate weight more than 80g

With a mass of more than 80 g, the calculation formula consists of the product of a coefficient of 0.52 by the transverse dimension cubed.

Final formula: B cubed X K 0.52.

What formula to choose for calculating the volume is determined by the doctor, based on the individual characteristics and age of the patient.

How to calculate normal volume depending on age

The normal weight and volume of the prostate gland also depends on age, so to calculate the volume you can take Gromov's formula, in which: coefficient 0.13 X age and coefficient 16.4 is added.

For example, for a 62-year-old man, the formula would be: 0.13 X 62 +16.4 = 24.46 grams.

Video on the topic

Author Oleg Dobrolyubov

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Alexander Mirnykh

Articles written

Not only the level of a man’s sexual activity, but also his overall health depends on the condition of this organ. With any deviation from the norm, be it inflammation, adenoma or a malignant process, the size of the prostate gland (prostate) increases. Find out how changes in the volume of this organ affect the functioning of the male reproductive system.

The prostate provides reproductive function in the stronger sex. The organ is an exocrine gland. The psychological and sexual health of a man depends on the state of the latter. The prostate gland (PG) is located under the bladder and includes zones of glandular and muscle tissue. The first is responsible for the production of prostate secretions and hormones, while the second promotes the outflow of seminal fluid. The organ has a complex nervous apparatus that responds to any changes and determines the local or general reaction of the body to the emerging condition.

Normal prostate size in men

As the concentration of sex hormones increases, the volume of the organ changes. A slight deviation from the norm is quite acceptable and does not indicate the occurrence of degenerative-destructive changes. A rapid increase in the size of the prostate gland, which is accompanied by sexual impotence, difficulty urinating and other clinical manifestations, is considered pathological. The normal size of the prostate in men of reproductive age is 4 cm in length and width, the maximum volume of the organ does not exceed 30 cm³.

Prostate size is normal according to ultrasound

When conducting an ultrasound examination, the doctor pays attention to the structure and contours of the organ: its size is largely determined by the man’s age. Physiological deviations due to individual structural characteristics may be present. The normal volume of the prostate gland according to ultrasound should not exceed 25-30 cm³. A healthy organ has a uniform structure, symmetrical shape and clear contours. The normal sizes of the prostate according to ultrasound in adult men from 25 to 45 years are as follows:

  1. longitudinal – 2.5-4 cm;
  2. transverse – 2.7-4.2 cm;
  3. anterior-posterior – 1.5-2.5 cm.

Norm by age

Can prostatitis be cured?


The average prostate volume for a man over 20 years of age is approximately 25 cm³. After 40 years, the second stage of prostate growth begins, during which it gradually increases, reaching 30 cm³ by the age of 60. Indicators may vary depending on height, physique and other characteristics of the male body. The normal volume of the prostate gland by age is presented below:

Any urological examination involves a thorough analysis of the condition of the prostate. If pathological changes are detected, additional diagnostic measures are prescribed in order to identify the cause that led to the enlargement of the organ. This may be a consequence of adenoma (prostatic hyperplasia), cancer, and other serious ailments. In addition, depending on the degree of prostate enlargement, the appropriate course of treatment is selected and the prognosis of the disease is formulated.

The transrectal ultrasound diagnostic (TRUS) method allows you to accurately determine the volume of the prostate. During the examination, a special sensor is inserted through the lumen of the rectum directly into the area being studied. In order to obtain more accurate results, doctors are recommended to independently calculate the volume of the organ based on the obtained linear dimensions of the gland. In addition to TRUS, the following methods are used to determine the size of the prostate in urology:

  1. Palpation is carried out through the walls of the rectum. The method helps to identify the degree of elasticity of the prostate gland and the presence of pain.
  2. MRI is a universal diagnostic method that detects even minimal deviations from the norm.
  3. Transabdominal ultrasound (TAUS) - involves examining an organ through the peritoneal wall. TAUS helps to assess the mass, volume, and contours of the prostate gland.
  4. X-ray with contrast - involves the injection of a special contrast agent into nearby organs. The method accurately determines the condition of the prostate and seminal vesicles, identifies neoplasms, and blockage of the secretory ducts.
  5. Intracavitary transurethral method - involves the introduction of a special sensor through the urethra, provides comprehensive information regarding the condition of the prostate.

This parameter is calculated based on the exact dimensions obtained by ultrasound. Nuances:

  1. To determine the volume, experts use the truncated ellipse formula. It involves multiplying the linear dimensions of the organ by 0.52.
  2. When the weight of an organ exceeds 80 g, the volume is determined by multiplying the transverse parameter cubed and a value of 0.52.
  3. If the mass is less than 80 g, another formula is used, where the volume is equal to the product of the anterior-posterior dimension, the transverse dimension squared and the value of 0.52.

Pathologies characterized by enlarged pancreas

The prostate acts as a biomarker of the body's condition. A healthy gland indicates the normal functioning of male sexual function and the endocrine system. If there are degenerative-destructive changes in the organ, extremely undesirable phenomena appear in the form of decreased sexual activity, hormonal imbalance, and psychological disorders. An increase in the size of the pancreas is a diagnostic criterion for the following pathologies:

  • benign tumors (for example, adenoma);
  • prostate cancer;
  • calcifications;
  • prostatitis;
  • cyst.

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

The prostate gland in men is an important organ of the reproductive system, which is an exocrine gland of the genitourinary tract. The intimate life, well-being, and health of representatives of the stronger half depend on the functioning of the prostate. The determining factor in the state of the secretory organ is the size, structure, and volume of the gland. Any pathologies, inflammatory infections, functional disruptions in the functioning of the genitourinary tract organs lead to its increase. What should be the normal volume of the prostate gland, what sizes are considered normal, and what indicates pathology.

Anatomical structure of the prostate

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The prostate gland is an unpaired secretory organ consisting of the right and left lobes, which are connected to each other by an isthmus. The gland has a tubular-alveolar structure and a dense elastic consistency. The shape resembles an inverted trapezoid or chestnut.

The gland is located slightly below the bladder in men. Covers his neck, the proximal urethra. The excretory ducts of the organ open into the urethra. The posterior part of the prostate is adjacent to the anterior wall of the rectum, which allows diagnostic examination by palpation through the rectum.

The main function of the prostate is to secrete secretions that liquefy the ejaculate. In addition, the gland blocks the urethra during erection. The main functions of the organ are controlled by pituitary hormones. Prostate secretion contains enzymes, zinc ions, vitamins, and immunoglobulins.

The prostate is a very vulnerable organ, especially in men from 35 to 60 years old. The size of the prostate can change throughout life and depends on many exo- and endogenous factors. The volume of the prostate gland, as a rule, depends on the hormonal background of a person, age, and individual characteristics of the male body.

With age in men, after 50-60 years, the isthmus thickens, which leads to compression of the urinary canal. In medical practice, such a pathological change is called prostate adenoma.

What should be the size of the prostate gland?

The formation of the organ occurs by the age of 22-23, which is associated with an increase in the concentration of sex hormones. With age, the size and volume of the prostate begins to increase. A slight increase in size is not a deviation from the norm and does not indicate the development of degenerative-destructive processes in the tissues of the gland.

A pathological deviation is the rapid growth of the prostate, which is accompanied by various pathological deviations and characteristic clinical symptoms. To prevent the development of serious complications, you need to know what size of the prostate is normal and what is pathological.

The normal physiological size of the prostate in men of reproductive age indicates the absence of pathologies in the organs of the genitourinary tract. Normally, the size of the gland in men of reproductive age should not exceed 40 mm in length and width, with a maximum volume of 30 cm3.

To determine the size of the prostate in men in medical practice, Gromov’s special formula is used: V = 0.13 * B + 16.4, where:

  • V – prostate volume;
  • B – age of patients.

Normal prostate size:

  • width (transverse size) – 27-42 mm;
  • length (top-bottom) – 23-45 mm;
  • thickness (antero-posterior) – 15-25 mm.

These indicators are the norm for men aged 23 to 40 years. After 40-60 years, these parameters may normally have different values.

Determining the size of the prostate gland in men

What width, length, thickness the prostate has will allow you to most accurately determine the method of transrectal ultrasound diagnostics (TRUS). The sensor is inserted through the lumen of the rectum into the prostate area. The main advantage of the technique is that the examination can be performed without the need to fill the bladder.

The volume of the organ when using the diagnostic method of transrectal ultrasound has more reliable indicators if the doctor who conducted the examination interprets the results independently, which are based on the identified linear dimensions of the gland. Despite the use of modern diagnostic medical equipment, the results of automatic calculations may be slightly distorted, especially in the presence of nodular formations in the prostate tissue.

In addition to TRUS, the following are used to determine the size of the gland:

  1. Palpation. Passed through the walls of the rectum. This method allows you to determine the structure, consistency, degree of elasticity of the organ, presence, and intensity of pain.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The most effective, reliable diagnostic method that allows you to determine any deviations from the norm.
  3. Transabdominal ultrasound of the prostate gland (TAUS). The diagnostic method involves conducting an external examination through the peritoneal wall. The simplest, most accessible diagnostic method in urology, used in many medical centers. Scanning is carried out in the transverse and longitudinal directions. This diagnostic technique allows you to assess the size of the prostate, as well as determine the mass, volume, and contours of the organ. Carrying out TAUS is difficult if a person is overweight or obese.

A less common diagnostic test is an intracavitary transurethral examination of the prostate through the urethra.

There is a category of urological pathologies that can be determined by prostatography. To determine the linear dimensions and structure of an organ, contrast radiography is used. A special solution is injected into the prostate and nearby organs. The diagnostic method is highly informative, accurately determines the condition of the gland, and allows you to identify the presence of neoplasms, cysts, and stones.

Carrying out ultrasound in combination with MRI makes it possible to determine pathologies and structural changes in the prostate gland in the initial stages of pathology. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor will select the optimal treatment to normalize the functions of the secretory organ. Only the urologist who examined the patient can reliably and correctly decipher the results obtained.

How to calculate prostate volume

The volume of the prostate in men is determined by simple calculations of its size in mm, which are obtained from ultrasound. To calculate the volume of the prostate, medical specialists use the truncated ellipse formula. Thus, the volume of the gland is obtained by multiplying all values ​​of the transverse, anteroposterior and longitudinal dimensions by 0.52.

If the mass of the prostate exceeds 80 g, its volume is determined by multiplying the value of 0.52 by the transverse size in cm3. If the weight of the gland is less than 80 g, the volume of the secretory organ will be equal to the product of 0.52, the anteroposterior size and the transverse size squared.

Important! For men 40-50 years old, it is considered normal if the volume of the gland is 25-30 cm3. If the volume of the prostate exceeds 37 cm3, this indicates the development of prostate adenoma.

If it is necessary to determine the exact mass of the prostate gland, the volume value obtained from the formula is multiplied by 1.05.

When undergoing an examination, in order to distinguish normality from pathology, doctors also determine the structure of the secretory organ. The prostate gland in men should normally have a homogeneous structure, have clear contours, boundaries, and a symmetrical shape. There should be no neoplasms, nodules, or calcifications in the gland. The halves of the gland are separated by a longitudinal groove, and each of them should consist of 15-27 lobules.

Cysts, neoplasms, and heterogeneous organ structure indicate the development of serious pathologies. Diffuse lesions may indicate hyperplasia, dysplasia, hypertrophy, and atrophy of the prostate.

Basic diseases, pathologies of the prostate gland

Commonly diagnosed prostate diseases and pathologies include:

  1. Prostate adenoma. The gland is enlarged in size. Diffuse lesions, morphological changes in organ tissues, and impaired urine outflow are noted.
  2. Prostatitis. The inflammatory process is localized in the connective, glandular tissues of the prostate. With this pathology, painful, difficult urination, frequent urge to urinate, especially at night, and erectile dysfunction are noted.
  3. Cyst. It is characterized by the formation of cavities with liquid exudate on the tissues of the organ.
  4. Calcification. With this pathology, the presence of round-shaped rocky deposits in the ducts of the gland is diagnosed. The disease is accompanied by the development of acute inflammation in the tissues.
  5. Neoplasms in glandular tissues, organ structures, prostate cancer.

An increase in the size of the prostate gland is noted with adenoma, BPH, prostatitis, and prostate hypertrophy. Moreover, the nature of structural pathological changes depends on age, general physical condition, and stage of the disease.

Prostate hyperplasia

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostate adenoma, is a benign formation of glandular epithelium and stromal structures of the organ. This pathology is most often diagnosed in older, elderly men, after 55-65 years. In 80-90% of cases, prostatic hyperplasia develops in men after 75-80 years of age.

BPH is characterized by benign growth and does not metastasize. It forms a nodule of small diameter on the tissues, which gradually increases in size, which leads to compression of the urinary canal. Hyperplastic tissues can grow towards the bladder and intestines.

Among the reasons that led to the development of this urological pathology are:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • stagnation of venous and arterial blood in the pelvis;
  • irregular sex life;
  • bad habits, stress;
  • infections, inflammatory processes in the genitourinary tract.

When diagnosed with BPH, men feel discomfort, pain in the lumbar region, in the lower part of the peritoneum, painful urination, erectile dysfunction, and weakness. As a rule, patients experience anxiety only when the prostate is greatly enlarged in size.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia can occur as an independent disease or manifest itself as a symptom of other diseases or disorders of the genitourinary tract.

There are three stages in the development of this pathology:

  1. First stage. The volume of the gland is increased to 37-45 cm³. If the size of the prostate is 40-42 mm, this indicates the initial form of the disease. Symptoms are mild and manifest as minor discomfort.
  2. In the second stage, the volume of the prostate increases to 47-56 cm³. Characteristic symptoms: frequent urge to urinate, pain in the lower part of the peritoneum, discomfort.
  3. At the third stage, the gland is greatly increased in size. The volume of the prostate reaches 65-100 cm³. Bleeding, uncharacteristic discharge from the anus, chronic constipation, and painful bowel movements are noted. The outflow of lymph leads to deformation of regional lymph nodes and swelling of the lower extremities.

The size of the prostate adenoma and the volume of the secretory organ make it possible to select an effective and correct treatment for urological pathology, which is aimed at relieving the main symptoms.

Conservative treatment methods will help normalize the functioning of the prostate and reduce the size of the prostate gland in the initial stages of the disease. In advanced cases, only surgical treatment, endoscopic surgery, and open abdominal surgery will help.

Why is it necessary to know the size of the prostate?

Having considered what the normal dimensions of the prostate gland should be, you can understand what is pathology and what causes the pathological changes occurring in the structural elements and tissues of the organ.

Unfortunately, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, and other diseases that lead to changes in size, enlargement, and disturbances in the functioning of the organ do not immediately manifest themselves with certain characteristic symptoms.

Often prostate adenoma and prostatitis are diagnosed in late stages, which can lead to serious complications. For example, a benign tumor with prostate hyperplasia can develop into a malignant one. Therefore, an adult man after 37-40 years of age should systematically, at least twice a year, undergo preventive examinations in medical centers.

Normal prostate size in men

Every time you are given an ultrasound examination report, you feel uncertain. What do these numbers mean? Whether your tests are good or bad. Of course, your doctor needs the results first of all in order to make the correct diagnosis, but the unknown is the worst thing - everyone will agree with this.

Let's try to understand the results of ultrasound (TRUS) of the prostate gland. This small glandular organ, located at the bottom of the bladder and in direct contact with the urethra, is susceptible to numerous infectious and autoimmune diseases. Among the most common: prostatitis, stones, cancer, cysts, tumors. Over the past twenty years, the number of patients with prostatitis has doubled. There are no more than 30-35% of men with an absolutely healthy prostate gland. Therefore, it is not surprising that every third person standing at the ultrasound room has a referral for prostate examination.

Size, volume and weight of the prostate gland

Modern ultrasound machines automatically determine the geometric dimensions and volume of the prostate gland.

The following prostate sizes are considered normal:

  • Upper-inferior (longitudinal section): 2.4…4.1 cm;
  • Transverse (cross section): 2.7…4.3 cm;
  • Anteroposterior (transverse section): 1.6…2.3 cm;
  • Gland volume: no more than 16…18 cm 3

These numbers are the norm for a healthy man 20 - 25 years old, but may vary depending on age, physique, and hereditary factors. So, there are two formulas by which the volume (norm) can be calculated more accurately:

  1. Gromov's formula corrects prostate volume depending on age:

V simple = (0.135*N) + 16.4 (cm 3), where N is the man’s age;

V simple = (length)*(width)*(thickness)*0.52 (cm 3).

With age, the size of the prostate increases. This is an inevitable process, just like wrinkles and baldness. Therefore, if you are over 60 years old and in the conclusion you found the words “benign hyperplasia” or “prostate adenoma,” then do not rush to panic - 65% of men at this age have an enlarged prostate gland. If there is no inflammatory process or complications with urination, then the size of the prostate and its volume are within the range of age-related changes.

Prostate shape and contour

  1. A healthy gland in most men under 60 years of age has an oval shape on linear scanning. With radial - triangular. Most doctors agree that this organ resembles a chestnut, the base of which is located in the upper part. With adenoma and prostatitis, the gland most often takes a spherical shape, the interlobar path is smoothed.
  2. “The contours of the organ are clear and well fixed along the entire length. The gland is strictly symmetrical relative to the urethral canal.”

Characteristics of the contour of the gland are given in order to exclude the possibility of prostate cancer. A cancerous tumor is easily recognizable because it “extends” far beyond the boundaries of the contour, causing it to become intermittent and blurred.


One of the most important ultrasound parameters. Determines the intensity of the reflection of sound waves. The bottom line is that objects with different densities will be reflected in different colors on the device’s monitor. For example, the muscle tissue of the fibromuscular zone of the prostate has a high density, so it will appear white on the screen. Liquid, as a substance with low density, is shown in black on the monitor. This is why an ultrasound will show the contents of a cyst or abscess as a black spot.

The prostate gland is heterogeneous in its morphological structure, so very often echogenicity is described by zones:

  1. Fibromuscular zone (muscle and connective tissue).
  2. Glandular part of the prostate: central, peripheral, transitory zones.

If echogenicity is normal, then this parameter will have the following characteristics:

If, for example, acute prostatitis is diagnosed, then the protocol will most likely contain the words:

  • “hypoechogenicity”, “low echogenicity”, “diffuse (focal) decrease in echogenicity.

In fibrosis and chronic prostatitis, echogenicity is increased, so the characteristics will include:

If focal changes in the echo density of the prostate gland are detected, then they should also be indicated in the study protocol. For example, the phrase “hyperechoic area with a clear sound track” means that a stone (nodule) is stuck somewhere in front of the urethral duct.


This indicator describes the “pattern” of a section of the prostate gland, its histological picture.

If the structure of the gland, from the doctor’s point of view, corresponds to the concept of “norm”, then the conclusion reads:

  • “The echostructure is homogeneous. There are no inclusions."

If changes have been noticed in the structure of the gland (cyst, prostatitis, abscess, cancer), then it automatically goes into the “heterogeneous” category.

There can be many options here:

  • “Diffuse-heterogeneous echostructure”, “diffuse compactions against the background of a homogeneous echostructure”, “focal compactions”, etc.


This characteristic is determined by Doppler ultrasound (one of the ultrasound modes) and is needed to assess the blood flow of the prostate gland. The following is assessed: the symmetry of the blood flow, the diameter of the main vessels, the direction of blood movement, the branching of the circulatory system within the gland. Based on the results of the study, a biopsy may be prescribed in areas where the processes of angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels) are particularly intense. This is one of the most reliable methods for diagnosing prostate cancer at an early stage, so every man over 40 years of age should undergo Doppler ultrasound.

Normal: the vascular pattern is not changed, vascularization is normal.

  • Central zone...no more than 1.4 mm
  • Peripheral zone... no more than 1.2 mm
  • Urethral arteries…. up to 0.18 m/s
  • Arteries of the central zone…..up to 0.4 m/s
  • Arteries of the peripheral zone…..up to 0.27 m/s

Seminal vesicles

Finally, the diameter of the right and left bubbles is indicated. The norm is within 8..10 mm. If the bubbles are larger than these sizes, then this is not a sign of pathology. Most often this is due to a decrease in sexual activity. Particular attention is paid to the symmetry of the seminal vesicles relative to the urethra.

Type of adenoma growth

This parameter characterizes the degree of invasion (penetration) of the prostate gland into the body of the bladder. Indicated if the patient has BPH or adenoma, which is diagnosed to one degree or another in every man after 60 years of age.

Most often, the shape of the prostate and the type of adenoma growth are interrelated. In men with an oval prostate, intravesical and mixed types of growth predominate. In patients with a spherical pancreas, subvesical adenoma growth is detected.

It is impossible to list absolutely all points of the ultrasound (TRUS) protocol, since each laboratory records the results in a form convenient for it. But there are parameters that must be indicated. These are: prostate size, volume, capsule condition and echogenicity of the gland. We hope this information helps you. Be healthy.

What does an ultrasound of the prostate show: indications, preparation and implementation The main causes, symptoms and methods of treatment of prostate hyperplasia What is the prostate in men? What are the symptoms of prostate inflammation, what should be the treatment?

What is the normal size of the prostate gland?

The initial stages of many prostate diseases are practically asymptomatic. Almost the only sign of pathological processes at this stage is a change in the size and structure of the organ. That is why periodic examination of the prostate is the most effective way of early detection of adenoma, malignant tumors, cystic formations, prostatitis and other diseases. First of all, this applies to men over 40, since it is from this age that the risk of developing pathologies increases significantly.

Features of the organ

The prostate is a small male reproductive gland located in the pelvis directly below the bladder. It is divided into two symmetrical halves, has a fairly dense consistency and consists of muscle, glandular and connective tissues. The shape of the prostate gland resembles an inverted trapezoid, so during the study its longitudinal and transverse dimensions are determined.

One of the important features of the organ is the constant change in its volume under the influence of hormones. Thus, in a newly born child, the prostate gland is in its infancy and weighs only a few grams. It gradually increases, and the most intensive growth occurs during puberty.

By the age of 20-25, men have finally formed the volume of the prostate that will remain until the next change in hormonal levels in adulthood. The period of stability ends at the age of 50-60 years, when the balance of hormones in the body changes again.

Prostate sizes

What normal size should the prostate gland have? The following organ parameters are considered normal: width - 3 cm, length - 2 cm.

Due to the individual characteristics of the body in men of reproductive age, some deviations from the specified parameters are allowed:

  • length can be 2.5-4.5 cm;
  • the transverse width should be in the range from 2.5 to 4 cm;
  • thickness varies from 1.5 to 2.5 cm.

Gland volume

Normal prostate volume is also an indicator of its stable functioning. It is calculated based on data on linear parameters using a coefficient that depends on the shape of the gland. In cases where it has normal outlines, the volume is the product of width, thickness, length, multiplied by a factor of 0.52.

If the result obtained is within 25-26 cubic meters. cm, we can assume that the organ is normal. This applies to men aged 20-40 years. The normal volume, taking into account age-related changes, can be calculated using the following formula: the number of years must be multiplied by a factor of 0.13 and added 16.4. Using this formula, we obtain the following results: the norm for 50 years is 22.9 cubic meters. cm, 60 years - 24.2, 70 years - 25.5.

During the examination, it is important not only to establish the linear parameters of the prostate, but also to find out its structure. An ultrasound or MRI helps to make this more accurate. A normal organ is divided into two identical halves, consisting of 30-45 lobules; there are no compactions, stones, or inhomogeneities in it.

Methods for determining prostate parameters

There are three main methods to determine the size and structure of the prostate gland:

The examination is carried out through the wall of the rectum and makes it possible to identify existing deviations associated with the presence of compactions or tissue heterogeneity. The method is suitable only for men of reproductive age, since in children and adolescents it is almost impossible to palpate a prostate that has not yet enlarged.

The most common method that helps to obtain accurate information about all parameters of the male organ and its possible structural changes.

MRI is also considered a highly accurate method for determining abnormalities in the structure of the gland and early detection of various pathologies.

Of all the proposed options, fairly accurate and affordable ultrasound examination is most often used. Ultrasound is performed externally (through the anterior abdominal wall and in the perineum) or by inserting a sensor into the urethra (transurethral) or rectum (transrectal).

When performing an external ultrasound, the bladder must be full, which allows for a more accurate scan. As a result, it is possible to obtain clear sections in the longitudinal and transverse directions, as well as calculate the volume of the male organ.

In some cases, when a more detailed examination of tissues or individual lobes is required, transrectal ultrasound is used, which is more accurate but less pleasant for the patient. This method of examination gives the most complete picture and allows us to detect even minor tumors or other foreign inclusions.

Based on the results of an ultrasound or tomogram, the following pathologies can be identified in men:

  • prostatitis (inflammatory process in glandular and connective tissues);
  • adenoma (uncontrolled tissue growth leading to disruption of the urinary system);
  • neoplasms with a pronounced malignant nature;
  • cystic formations (small cavities filled with liquid);
  • rocky deposits that form inside the ducts.

Regular examination of the prostate using palpation, ultrasound or tomography allows us to identify many pathologies at the development stage, which significantly increases the chances of quick and successful treatment.

Preventive examination is especially important for men over 40-45 years of age, since during this period the likelihood of developing diseases increases.

Prostate size in men: normal depending on age

The prostate gland is an important organ of the male genitourinary system. Sexual life and the general well-being of the stronger sex depend on its proper functioning. Due to the fact that many diseases of the gland are accompanied by an increase in its size, the volume of the prostate is a defining characteristic of the health of the organ. What is the normal size of the prostate? And by what methods can pathology be detected?

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The prostate gland is a small organ that has the appearance and size of a chestnut. It is located under the bladder and performs several important functions. The muscular tissue of the prostate controls and retains the secretion of urine, and the glandular tissue produces testosterone and prostatic juice, which nourishes and thins sperm.

What is the normal size of the prostate gland in representatives of the stronger sex at different ages? Boys are born with a prostate that weighs several grams. Until adolescence, it remains dormant, and during puberty it begins to increase in volume. When a young man turns 21-22 years old, the size of his gland stabilizes and reaches normal.

The normal size of the prostate in men has the following indicators:

  • Longitudinal – 24-40 mm.
  • Transverse – 27-42 mm.
  • Between the back and front walls – 15-22 mm.

It is worth noting that this size is typical for healthy men under the age of 60. After 60 years, a natural change in hormonal levels occurs, causing the prostate to slightly increase in volume.

To calculate the volume of the prostate gland, there is a formula compiled by A.I. Gromov. The normal prostate volume is 25-30 cm3.

  • V = 0.13V + 16.4 cm3 (V is the man’s age in years).

A prostate mass has no diagnostic value. It acts as an additional characteristic and is calculated based on the average specific gravity of 1.05 g/cm3.

To determine the health of the prostate, it is necessary to evaluate the condition of its structure. Normally, it has the appearance of a chestnut, divided by a bridge into two symmetrical lobes. Each of them looks like a bunch of grapes, consisting of 15-25 segments. The specialist always pays attention to the homogeneity of the organ, the absence of irregularities that may turn out to be cysts, stones, tumors.

The prostate increases in size after age 60

The normal size of the prostate gland indicates its health and proper functioning. Therefore, an adult man should undergo a preventive examination annually. Then he will have the opportunity to begin treatment of the disease from the earliest stages of its development. Remember, the earlier the pathology was identified, the more gentle ways you can get rid of the problem. What methods does modern medicine have for determining the size of the prostate gland?

For primary diagnosis, palpation is a mandatory examination, allowing an experienced urologist to get an idea of ​​the general condition of the organ. It allows you to evaluate the density, elasticity, mobility of the prostate, the symmetry of its lobes, the presence of pathological tubercles and compactions. In addition, as a result of manipulation, a few drops of prostate juice are always released from the man’s urethra, which, if necessary, can be sent for additional research. If the doctor has doubts about the health of the gland, he writes out a referral for other diagnostic measures.

The appearance, size and volume of the prostate gland can be assessed using ultrasound. This procedure is performed using a transducer that emits ultrasonic waves. Reflecting from the organ, they create an echo, which is picked up by the device and transmitted as an image to a computer monitor. After deciphering and processing the data obtained, the specialist understands how far from the norm the characteristics of the prostate are. Ultrasound can be performed transabdominal and transurethral, ​​but TRUS, that is, rectal insertion of the sensor, is considered the safest and most informative.

The appearance of the prostate and neighboring organs can be seen through an MRI procedure. The patient lies down on a special table, which moves inside a cylinder that creates a magnetic field. The device records the reflection of waves from the tissues of the male genitourinary system and transmits the information to the screen in the form of a clear image. Based on a series of layer-by-layer photographs, it is easy for a doctor to assess the individual characteristics of a man’s body and calculate how far the size of the prostate gland is from the norm.

The procedure allows you to see the appearance of the prostate and neighboring organs

What ailments does the deviation indicate?

If a diagnostic examination shows a normal size of the prostate gland in a man for his age, and he has no complaints, then the patient can be free until the next preventive examination. Small and large prostate requires diagnosing the disease and drawing up a treatment plan for the disease. What ailments affect the volume of the organ?

Pain during urination, sex or physical activity sometimes means the development of prostatitis. With this disease, the prostate retains its normal volume, but loses symmetry, elasticity and homogeneity. Depending on the number, location and characteristics of the inflamed areas of the organ, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment for the disease.

A significant increase in the size of the gland may imply the development of an adenoma - a benign tissue growth. This disease often occurs in older men, and early detection of the disease will help them maintain sexual activity and overall health for as long as possible.

This is the name of a cavity in the tissues of the gland filled with fluid. If a healthy organ has a homogeneous structure on ultrasound and MRI images, then the cyst stands out as a dark spot with clear boundaries. In the absence of unpleasant symptoms, wait-and-see treatment is used, and if pain occurs, surgery is performed to remove it.

Calcinates are crystals of various shapes formed from inorganic calcium salts. In ultrasound and MRI images, the doctor not only sees a certain characteristic clot, but also understands the reasons for the formation of stones (inflammatory processes, congestion). When pain symptoms appear, calcifications are crushed with a laser, dissolved with drugs, or removed surgically.

Pathology can lead to changes in the size of the prostate

If the doctor sees a significant deviation from the norm and suspects a malignant tumor, then he directs the patient to a number of additional studies. These include a PSA blood test and a histological examination of a piece of tissue that on ultrasound or MRI looks like the most damaged area of ​​the organ. Only on the basis of all tests is a diagnosis made and treatment prescribed.

The functioning of the prostate gland affects the functioning of many body systems. Therefore, men need to carefully monitor the health of the organ.

At an annual preventive examination, the doctor evaluates the appearance of the tissues and calculates their characteristics. If the size of the prostate turns out to be normal, the patient is sent home, and if a pathological increase in volume is detected, additional studies of the organ are prescribed to make a diagnosis and select the most effective treatment for the disease.

An important indicator of a man’s health is the condition of his prostate gland. The proper functioning of this organ ensures that men have a normal sex life.

This gland is located under the bladder and looks like a chestnut fruit. The prostate consists of muscle tissue that controls urine output and glandular tissue that produces the male hormone testosterone and prostatic fluid that dilutes sperm.

Age-related changes in size

The prostate of a newborn boy is almost invisible and weighs only a couple of grams. Gradually it changes shape, gains weight, and also increases in size. The peak intensity of its growth comes during puberty. By the age of 25, the prostate gland is finally formed, acquires weight and volume, which are fixed until the next age-related and hormonal changes. It is these indicators that one should focus on when diagnosing the condition of this gland.

The prostate is a very sensitive organ. Any malfunctions in the genitourinary system, inflammatory infections and other pathologies provoke its increase. This is why it is so important to control the size of this organ.

Normal indicators

So what size is a healthy prostate? This organ is considered healthy if it has the following indicators:

  • Length - 2 cm;
  • Transverse width - 3 cm;
  • Thickness - 2 cm.

However, it should be understood that these sizes are very average. Their actual value depends on many factors:

  • Age of the man;
  • His physique;
  • Heredity;
  • Physical state;

Deviations from the norm

Particularly obvious deviations from the norm are observed in older men. Thus, the size of the prostate in a 60-year-old man can exceed the proposed values ​​by 1.5 times. There is a universal formula for determining prostate volume. Prostate volume = 0.13*man's age+16.4.

So, in accordance with this formula, the normal size of a man’s prostate will change:

  • 10 years: 0.13*10+16.4=17.7;
  • 40 years: 0.13*40+16.4=21.6;
  • 70 years: 0.13*70+16.4=25.5;

Methods for determining gland size

As technology improves, so do prostate examination methods. Today there is a whole list of diagnostic techniques.

Using this method, an experienced specialist is able to obtain a general picture of the condition of the organ. This is an important element of the initial examination. Palpation helps to determine the mobility, density, elasticity of the gland tissues, assess how symmetrical its lobes are, identify painful formations, and, most importantly, determine the size of the organ. During this procedure, a small amount of prostate fluid is released from the urethra.

Laboratory studies of its chemical composition will provide additional information about the man’s health status. Painful symptoms detected as a result of palpation provide the basis for a deeper and more serious diagnosis.


This procedure allows you to determine not only the volume and size, but also the appearance of the organ. The main functional element of ultrasound is a sensitive sensor that emits ultrasound waves. The echo formed as a result of reflection from the organ is recorded by a special device, converted and visualized as a picture on a computer monitor. A qualified specialist can decipher the obtained indicators and evaluate their deviations from the norm.

This type of diagnosis is carried out transabdomially and transurethrally, but the most acceptable, from the point of view of comfort and safety, is the rectal examination method (TRUS).

Magnetic resonance imaging

The MRI procedure allows you to qualitatively assess the size, as well as other criteria for the health of the prostate and the organs closest to it. This type of examination is carried out using a special technology. A person lies down on a movable surface, which moves into the middle of a special cylinder. It creates a strong magnetic field. A special device picks up waves reflected from the surface of the organ under study and visualizes the information on the monitor in the form of an image.

It is interesting that such images display the state of the organ layer by layer at different levels of its structure. A series of photographs allows you to assess how far the size of the prostate is from normal.

Prostate diseases

An increase or decrease in the size of the prostate may indicate a prostate disease that requires immediate treatment. There are a number of such diseases.

This benign tissue growth leads to a very significant enlargement of the prostate gland. Men aged 60 often suffer from a similar problem. The sooner this disease is diagnosed and treated, the longer a man’s sexual function will remain.

Pain during sex, urination, and also during simple physical activity loudly signals the development of this disease. In a patient with prostatitis, the size of the prostate gland changes slightly, but the symmetry of its lobes is greatly distorted. In addition, a clear sign of the disease is loss of elasticity of organ tissue. Treatment of this problem is complex, depending on the degree of damage to various areas.

The results of ultrasound and MRI show the presence of this disease in the form of a dark spot with a clear outline, disrupting the overall homogeneity of the structure of the gland tissue. The cyst is removed through surgery, but if it does not bother the patient, a wait-and-see approach is used.

A significant increase in the size of an organ can signal to the doctor about the occurrence of a malignant tumor. In this case, the patient is prescribed a whole list of additional tests. This list includes the histology of the area of ​​prostate tissue that appears most affected on ultrasound and MRI images, as well as a blood test for prostate specific antigen. After a thorough and detailed study of the results of all tests, a conclusion is made and appropriate treatment is prescribed.


Calcifications are crystalline formations consisting of inorganic calcium salts. They are clearly visible on ultrasound and MRI results. An experienced specialist can see not only the presence of such crystals, but also accurately establish the prerequisites for their formation (stagnation, inflammation, etc.). If this formation causes harm to the patient, it is eliminated by laser crushing or surgery. In some cases, calcification can be dissolved with special preparations.

The doctor should know the patient in order to assess the health status of the man’s body. This organ is exclusively male, and human health depends on its condition and size. If the size of the gland is normal, then its functioning does not cause any problems. However, various unfavorable factors can affect this organ, as a result of which doctors often diagnose the development of pathological processes. Let's try to figure out what the prostate gland is. Treatment, dimensions (normal) of this organ are presented in the article.

Characteristics of the prostate

The gland is located just below the bladder. This is a hormone-dependent organ, and during life it undergoes significant changes. In newborn boys, it weighs several grams, and during puberty it grows sharply and increases, by the age of 20-25 it reaches normal size.

After some time, already in adulthood, the second stage of change occurs, when the gland also increases in size. Such a small growth is considered a variant of the norm, but pathological growth indicates the occurrence of a disease such as benign hyperplasia of the gland, which is also called

Strong tissue growth leads to the fact that the lumen of the urethra begins to narrow, and representatives of the stronger sex experience problems with urine discharge. Therefore, it is necessary to know the normal size of the prostate gland in men.

How big should the prostate be?

Depending on the individual characteristics of the male body, the size of the organ fluctuates within a certain range. The normal dimensions of the prostate gland according to ultrasound should be as follows:

  • length (distance between the edges of the upper and lower lobes) - 2.6-4.5 cm;
  • width - 2.3-4 cm;
  • thickness (distance between the posterior and anterior surfaces of both lobes) - 1.6-2.2 cm.

The individual norm depends on factors such as body type, age, genetic characteristics, and weight. Normal individual gland sizes are determined when a man has reached the age of 20 years and in the absence of urological diseases.

Prostate volume and weight

Knowing the normal size of the prostate, doctors can easily calculate the volume and weight of the gland. To determine the volume, all three linear dimensions are multiplied and the resulting number is multiplied by a special coefficient that takes into account the shape of the gland. As a result, the result should not be more than 26 cm 3, and the maximum permissible value is 30 cm 3.

In addition, doctors use a special formula to determine the relationship between normal prostate volume and a man’s age:

Volume = 0.13B + 16.4 cm 3, where B is age.

To find out the weight of the gland, multiply the volume by a special value of 1.05.

Prostate structure

It is very important, when determining the normal size of the prostate gland using ultrasound, to also evaluate its structure. The prostate consists of 30-50 lobules with excretory ducts. Normally, its structure is symmetrical, and during palpation the doctor can clearly palpate two symmetrical halves, which are separated by a groove. The structure of a healthy gland according to ultrasound is homogeneous, without any inclusions, calcifications, tumors and cysts.

If a pathological inclusion is detected, the doctor prescribes a more thorough examination - a biopsy to examine the cellular structure. This will eliminate the risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor.

How to determine the size of the prostate?

Determining the size of the gland is the first step in assessing its condition and diagnosing diseases. It is carried out in the following ways:

Carrying out an ultrasound

This method is accessible to most patients. The size and volume of the prostate gland are determined by ultrasound with high accuracy. When conducting it, various research methods are used:

  • externally, through the abdominal wall;
  • transrectal method, carried out through the rectum;
  • external method through the perineum;
  • transurethral method, carried out using a sensor inserted into the urethra.

As already mentioned, the size of the prostate gland (normal) is determined very accurately by ultrasound. Such a study, carried out through the abdominal wall, is the most accessible way. Before the procedure, the patient must fill the bladder with saline, thereby creating an acoustic window to view the gland.

The scan is carried out in the transverse and longitudinal directions, while simultaneously examining the bladder and seminal vesicles. A longitudinal section of the prostate is obtained, from which the length is determined, and a transverse section, which determines the thickness and width. The boundaries of the prostate gland must be smooth and clear.

External scanning is characterized by insufficient sensitivity, therefore, to detect pathology, a rather traumatic study is carried out using TRUS. It consists of inserting a special sensor into the gland area through the rectum. The advantage of this method is that there is no need to fill the bladder.

Using TRUS, the iron is examined in lobes; it also helps to examine the periprostatic tissue and paraprostatic venous plexus. Once the size of the prostate gland (normal) is determined by ultrasound, the doctor can easily calculate the volume of the organ using the following formula: V = 0.52 x A x C x L, where A is width, C is thickness, L is length.

What prostate pathologies are detected on ultrasound?

The test often reveals diffuse changes in the gland, which usually indicates the development of the following diseases:

  • prostatitis;
  • adenoma;
  • prostate tumor;
  • cyst;
  • calcifications in

The diagnostic measures carried out allow us to establish the expected diagnosis as accurately as possible.

Prostate treatment

The doctor prescribes therapeutic measures depending on the condition of the gland and its functional characteristics.

A prostate tumor, especially a malignant one, is treated with a prostatectomy procedure, which involves removing the organ through an incision made along the anterior wall of the peritoneum.

It is not possible to get rid of calcifications in the prostate gland using medications; crushing them is also ineffective, so they are removed by transurethral resection.

To avoid possible surgical intervention, you should adhere to preventive measures:

  • eat well;
  • maintain physical activity.


Thus, we found out what the prostate gland is. You also know the size (normal) in adults (ultrasound is a fairly effective method for determining the size of the prostate). With the help, the doctor receives all the necessary information about the condition of this organ.