Extracurricular activity: "Unusual about ordinary water." Scenario of the event “Water Day”

March 22 is declared International Water Day on Earth. And this day is celebrated not because there is a lot of water on Earth, but because it most often requires protection.

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""Water Day" holiday script"

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

Center for extracurricular activities "Leisure" Proletarsky district of Rostov-on-Don

Ecological holiday scenario

Compiled by:

ON THE. Babeshkina


Participants: school leaders in the Proletarsky district

Design: environmental drawings

Presenters: Abajan L.A., guys from the “Small Theater Forms” group

Goal: Developing interest in studying nature, flora and fauna.

Progress of the event

Leading: March 22 is declared International Water Day on Earth. And this day is celebrated not because there is a lot of water on Earth, but because it most often requires protection. So how much water is there on our planet? Will there be enough for everyone?

Now let's welcome our guest, who is she? Droplet comes out Do not know? Then I'll give you a hint:

They can't wait for her,

And when they see it, they will run away (Droplet, rain)

droplet(is reading):

1. If our hands are waxed,

If there are blots on your nose,

Who is our first friend then?

Will it remove dirt from your face and hands?

What mom can't live without

No cooking, no washing?

Without what, we will say frankly,

Should a person die?

For the rain to fall from the sky,

So that the ears of bread grow,

For ships to sail,

So that the jelly can be cooked,

So that there is no trouble -

We cannot live without... (water)!

Leading: Even though a drop only lives for a moment, people say that “a drop chisels a stone.” Many drops merge into such a powerful and strong current that they can not only hollow out a stone, but also carry it far, far away from its native places in a stormy spring stream.

Droplet and I invite you guys to take a journey along the rivers and seas and overcome all the obstacles along the way.

Leading: So what should we take with us on our journey?

Game "Necessary things"

The guys select cards with the necessary things during the trip.

  • Warm clothes

  • Scuba

  • Sunglasses

    Suntan cream

  • Camera


Leading: we ended up on a desert island, which means that no one lives on it. I propose to populate this island with your friends, so that you don’t get bored alone.

Game "Friends"

On a piece of whatman paper, the teams draw little people, and whichever team has the most people wins.

Leading: The amazing substance water! She not only gives life. This is another source of beauty on Earth. Phenomena in nature such as rain, snow, fog, hail, frost, ice - all this is... water. Only in different states.

Game “Water is not water”

A game of attentiveness. The presenter calls out the words. If the named word means something that contains water (cloud, puddle), then the children must stand up. If an object or phenomenon is indirectly related to water (ship, fish), children raise their hands. If an object or phenomenon is named that has no connection with water (wind, stone), children clap their hands.


  • Seaweed

Leading: Now guess a few riddles.

Island of Mysteries

1. There is a sea, but you can’t swim.

There are roads - you can't drive.

There is land - you can’t plow it. (Geographic map.)

2. There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Salty sea.)

3. He doesn’t hide from the wind,

And, with his chest exposed, he backs away. (Sail.)

4. It is not the swimmer, but the swimmer who helps to swim, not the cunning one,

And it blinks, blinks, blinks. (Lighthouse.)

5. We say: “it flows”

We say: “plays.”

She always runs forward

But he doesn't run away. (river)

6. When needed, they are abandoned,

If they are not needed, they are raised.

Can't guess? Well, it's in vain.

After all, this is... (Anchors)

Leading: Guys, how do people get to the other side of the river? Right on the bridge!

Relay "Let's build a bridge"

The guys place the planks under their feet and thus get to the other “shore”, run back, taking the planks in their hands, and then pass them on to the next relay participant.

Leading: guys, who will answer the question: why is it raining? (Students’ answers.) Listen to this tale about rain.

One day, on a warm day, a drop of water, along with its sisters, the same droplets, was in the lake. The sun has warmed up. The water heated up and became light steam. The wind carried steam across the sky and collected it into large clouds. There were a lot of them - they began to push, crowd and offend each other. At the same time, their tears flowed. People called these tears rain.

Game "Bring a Drop"

The guys stand in a circle and, to the music, pass each other a blue balloon - a “droplet”; the participant who still has the balloon in his hands when the music turns off is eliminated from the game.

Leading: and now, guys, let's imagine ourselves as the sisters and brothers of our Droplet and play the next game.

Game "Streams and Lakes"

The guys are divided into 5 - 6 teams, with the same number of participants. Every child is a trickle. At the signal “The streams ran!” everyone is running in different directions. When the signal “Lake” or the music stops, the players find each other and join hands, forming lakes.


Well done boys. Our holiday dedicated to Water Day is coming to an end. For this holiday, many children composed fairy tales, drew pictures, made electronic presentations and photographed the rivers and lakes of Rostov and the Rostov region. And now we will sum up the results of creative work. The floor is given to the methodologist of the environmental center at the Vodokanal enterprise, Natalya Viktorovna Asaulova.

(summarizing the results of creative competitions, awarding the winners)

Vacuum cleaner


Suntan cream

First aid kit










Warm clothes




Target: organizing meaningful leisure time for schoolchildren during the autumn holidays, promoting environmental knowledge on the topic of fresh water conservation.

Equipment: felt-tip pens, tabulators - 3 pcs., blue squares, drops, projector, laptop, one-liter jars of water - 4 pcs., 3 ice containers, 3 flowers in a pot, stickers, globe, 10 ml syringes. - 4 things.

1. Speech (presenter) – 3 min.

Hello guys, dear guests, teachers!
Listen, I’ll tell you some riddles now. And you must be careful and guess them.

For the rain to fall from the sky,

So that the ears of bread grow,

For ships to sail,

So that the jelly can be cooked,

So that there is no trouble -

We can't live without...

He runs, he runs, he won’t run out,

It flows, it flows, it won’t leak.

I am both a cloud and a fog,

And the stream and the ocean,

And I fly and I run,

And I can be glass.

What are these riddles about? (about water). So what are we going to talk about today? (about water). Distribution into 3 teams, design of paraphernalia (droplets, team names).

2. Experimental part: “Water on planet Earth.”

Amazing water

Water is a liquid

Water is part of all living things

Water has no color, smell or taste

Water is found on Earth in 3 states

- water has a high heat capacity

Water is a universal solvent

Water is a chemically resistant substance

Water interacts with almost all metals and destroys the hardest rocks - granite, marble...

A story about the human body's need for drinking water

Freshwater pollution from industry and agriculture

Disinfecting water with chlorine - harmful or not.

  • Fill a liter jar with water tinted blue. This is all the earth's water reserves.
  • Let's take 1 ml. water from the jar and squeeze it into the air. This is water that is in the atmosphere.
  • 4 ml. pour water into a glass - this is fresh water in rivers and lakes.
  • Pour 21 ml into an ice tray - the amount of water that is frozen on Earth
  • Pour 1 ml into the soil - this is the water located in the earth's surface.
  • Add salt to the remaining 973 ml - this is the salty water of the seas, oceans, lakes.
  • Discussion: Which containers contain water suitable for humans? (children write the number of ml on stickers along the way; water in a glass (rivers, lakes), soil water is suitable for use). Using illustrative examples, we conclude that there is very little fresh water.

Water is the source of life and all living things. However, 97% of all water resources are the reserves of the World Ocean that are not suitable for drinking. Approximately 2.1% of water is concentrated in polar ice and glaciers. All fresh water in lakes, rivers and groundwater constitutes only 0.6% of its total amount. The remaining 0.1% of the water is composed of salt water from wells and saline waters.

Most water supply stations operate according to a two-stage water purification scheme, which is based on coagulation and clarification of water in settling tanks and filtration through quartz sand. Disinfection is carried out with chlorine with the addition of an ammonia-containing reagent.

This practice is typical for large cities of the world (Moscow, Paris, London, etc.) with an extensive water supply network. This is due to the strong bactericidal properties of combined chlorine, the long-term effect of which allows you to maintain the city water supply network in proper sanitary condition. Today in Russia, on average, 200 micrograms of chlorine is added per 1 liter of water. This is 5 times more than in the United States of America. On the one hand, chlorine kills pathogens in water, and on the other hand, it reacts with organic substances present in the water, forming toxic organochlorine compounds.

Many modern water treatment plants have already begun to use sodium hypochlorite in combination with ammonium sulfate, followed by additional ultraviolet treatment. The use of liquid chlorine, which is known to be a highly toxic substance, is gradually being abandoned in favor of sodium hypochlorite, a reagent no less effective, but absolutely safe from the point of view of production and transportation.

Today, more than a billion people do not have access to clean water, and 2.4 billion people do not have hygienic toilets. Some facts about the current state of water, as well as forecasts for the future:

According to UN estimates, by 2025, 2/3 of the world's population will live in regions experiencing moderate or severe water shortages;

In developed countries, up to 30% of water is lost during delivery to the consumer, and in large cities losses amount to 40-70%;

In developing countries, almost 90% of sewage is discharged into waterways and rivers without any treatment;

Every year, 2.2 million people in the world die from diseases associated with poor water quality, 90% of them are children under 5 years of age.

In the 20th century, water use increased 6 times compared to previous centuries;

Water on the planet is used extremely unevenly (in the USA, an average of 380 liters of water per day is consumed per inhabitant, in Germany - 129 liters per day, and in many developing countries - no more than 20-30 liters per day);

In many large regions, such as the United States, India and China, groundwater is being used up faster than it is replenished, with the direct consequence of the threat of severe water shortages in the near future.

3. As a rule, in order for fresh water to be drinkable, it must go through a certain purification system. In cities, water purification is carried out by special institutions - water utilities. We will now learn about one of these.

4. In a big city, in specialized laboratories, a lot of work is being done on water purification, and we invite you guys to become experts for a short time. And learn to determine the quality of water in nature.

5. Consolidation of the material covered (for the correct answer, the guys are given tokens, then the results are summed up, 15 seconds for discussion)

Summing up, counting points, issuing certificates.

At this time, the children go on an excursion, 20 minutes.

Winner's reward ceremony.

We dedicate to you

Poems, and songs, and deeds!

We glorify you today,

May you always be with us.

So that the rivers are full

And they would always flow peacefully,

If only the water in them would be clear!

So that it rains on us

You are from clear, blue skies

And he would be less angry with us

Mighty and omnipotent Zeus.

To you, Water, we sing glory!

Live for happiness and fun!

And always make us happy,

Let the Water be glorified!

Thanks to all participants, goodbye!

Why should we save water?

- The quality of consumed water directly affects the health of humans and animals;

- The cleaner the water, the better the ecology and the more beautiful the native nature;

- What is better – spending a lot of money on water purification or trying not to pollute it;

Although water, thanks to the cycle, is a constantly renewed resource, dirty and poisoned water is a mortal threat to all living things.

Goal: Strengthen children's swimming skills. Induce a feeling of joy and satisfaction from movement in the water.

Inventory and equipment: hoop, inflatable balls, balloons, ice floes, gauze fabric, plastic barrels with fresh water.

Venue: kindergarten swimming pool

Progress of the event:

Presenter: March 22 is World Water Day. And this day is celebrated not because there is a lot of water on Earth, but because it increasingly requires protection. If you imagine that all the water on our planet fits in a three-liter jar, then fresh water takes up only half a glass. By pipetting three drops from this glass, you will get water from rivers and lakes.

Those who live in harmony with water do not need pills.

He is cheerful and healthy without pills and doctors.

We love to swim, tumble in a warm river,

We are not afraid of the depths, we will be brave and strong.

Adults and children know: You cannot live without water!

Droplet: Hello, kids - girls and boys!

I'm Droplet and I'm glad to see you as a guest. I invite you to play on the water where I and my droplet sisters live. We are not simple, but magical droplets, we can turn into snowflakes, ice, fog.

Presenter: (Physical training minute).

We are floating along a warm river,

The water splashes quietly.

There are clouds in the sky like sheep,

They ran away in all directions.

We're climbing out of the river,

Let's take a walk to dry off.

Now take a deep breath,

And we sit down on the sand.


Are you all friends with water?

You must prove it to me.

(Organized entry into the water).

Droplet: The water in the sea is salty; to travel across the seas and oceans, sailors stock up on fresh water.

Relay “Don’t Spill” (Teams line up in one column, on the opposite side there are “barrels of fresh water” in the hoop, at the end of the basket. Task: swim, run, reach the hoop, take the “barrel of fresh water” and bring it, put it in basket. Each participant.)


One annoying guy
I caught a stream by the tail.
Gotcha! - it suddenly seemed
But the tail slipped out of my hands.
Yes, the stream is not at all simple -
There is no way to grab the tail.
Lo and behold, it’s already under the bridge
He's wagging his tail!

“Stream” relay (Teams line up in one column (water up to the knees), bend over and pass the ball to the last player, and he, receiving the ball, stands forward. Task: pass the ball as quickly as possible)


There was a gray-haired old fog,

He hid the river in his pocket!

Hid the garden

garden fence,

And a large herd of cows,

He even put the Pacific Ocean in his pocket!

“Fog” relay race (Teams line up in one column, one at a time, the children put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. A gas fabric (“Fog”) is stretched across the center of the pool; in front of the “Fog,” the children take a deep breath and slide under the water so that pass without touching the “Fog”).

Objective: cover the distance to a landmark and back as quickly as possible.


I'll take a piece of ice

I'll put it on my palm,

All the patterns and sparkles,

I'll take a closer look.

I'll fall in love with a painting,

Hey, inventor frost!

Into a small piece of ice

A wonderful world has come!

Relay “Ice Pieces” (The whole team takes part. There is a hoop in the center, all children hold onto the hoop with one hand. There are pieces of ice inside the hoop. Task: to cover the distance to the landmark and back as quickly as possible, without losing the pieces of ice).


A raindrop drives
Stream after stream,
They run without losing heart,
The rivers are fast.

And then the blue of the sea!
And behind it is the ocean!
So our meeting has come to an end. Guys, I can’t just let you go, I want to give you memorable gifts. (Memorabilia are presented).

Game "Fountain-salute". The children all raise the spray up together, pretending to be a fireworks fountain.


Presenter: Hello guys! We have gathered here for a very significant

event. And what kind of event you will find out by guessing the riddle.

Very good-natured

Soft, obedient,

But when I want,

I'll wear out even a stone

That's right, it's water. So our event is called “Queen - Voditsa”

March 22 is World Water Day. It was first announced in 1992 at the proposal of the International Water Users Association. Since then, on this day, mass events to protect water bodies, excursions, conferences, seminars, forums, and exhibitions dedicated to the most extraordinary substance on our planet have been held.

The great French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said, turning to water: “You are life itself, you are the most important wealth in the world..” The most ordinary water, which you and I use every day, and extraordinary, without it we simply could not live.

Have you heard about water?

They say she is everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean.

And in the water tap.

We are used to the fact that water

Our companion always!

We can't wash ourselves without her,

Don't eat, don't get drunk!

I dare to report to you -

We can't live without water!

Guys, Her Majesty water came to us today. (recording: sound of the sea)

Water: I, my friends, tried

I came from afar,

I was in a hurry to get here to you

Are you happy to see me, kids?

I wanted to see

How are you friends with water?

Aren't you threatening me with trouble?

How do you respect me?

How do you know my domain?

Guess my riddles, don’t speak in unison, raise your hand, I’ll give you a drop for the correct answer. Whoever has the most drops will win a prize.

There is water all around, but drinking is a problem (sea)

It flows, it flows, it won’t flow,

Runs, runs, but won’t run out (river)

Not the sea, not the land,

Ships don't float

But you can’t walk. . (swamp)

Boats are sailing along it,

When the cold goes away,

It's a pity that moms let you go

It’s not always possible to run there (puddle)

Falling from a great height,

He roars menacingly and, oh stone

Breaking, it rises with foam (waterfall)

Not a gem, but glowing. (ice)

In the middle of the field lies a mirror,

The glass is blue and the frame is green (lake)

It pours into it, pours out of it, and itself weaves along the ground.. (river)

Yes, my possessions are oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, and even small puddles. You know me well, smart guys!

Guys, tell me, what are these words? What do they have in common... How do you understand this word: “KIND”? Why do they say our homeland?

The beginning - the beginning..., the place where it all began...

Presenter: - These are words with the same root. The root genus means the beginning, the beginning of life.

Clean, ringing fontanel -

Like a sip of the Fatherland,

Like the beginning of all beginnings,

Like the beginning of life.

Guess the riddle:

He lives in the ground

And he runs and he hits

Clean and fresh -

And no one will stop him. (spring)

Meet my assistant.

A spring runs in:

I'm running like up a flight of stairs,

Ringing over the pebbles

And you according to this song

You will recognize me.

Hello guys! I'm glad you recognized me. Do you know that water can be “dead”?

Presenter: Rodnichok, have you decided to tell us a fairy tale?

Rodnik: No, not a fairy tale, but a true story. Listen here:

Slide 7 Photos of the Kura River.
The river Kura came to me, so exhausted, so tired - not alive, not dead. What happened to you?
Oh, fontanel, I don’t know what to do. It became unbearable to live. Cars are washed right on the shore, dirt mixed with gasoline is poured into me, garbage, old things are thrown into the water, just yesterday an old refrigerator and a sofa were thrown out. My “living” water is becoming “dead”. Soon no one will be able to drink my water, all the fish will be gone. Very soon people may destroy me. What will happen to me and my inhabitants?

Presenter: Guys, we urgently need to save the river - the Kura and the spring. Let's come up with prohibitive rules that will help save our springs and rivers

1 answers guys.

Queen-Water: Every year the quality of the water becomes worse and worse because of our people, because of their carelessness. Therefore, I have prepared a decree that everyone must follow.

Slide 8 (expands the decree)

The Kura River flows in the glorious city of Novopavlovsk. It was majestic and beautiful until the ignoramuses and villains littered it and destroyed all its inhabitants. Therefore I command:

1. Do not throw broken glass and garbage into rivers and their banks.

Clean the springs that feed the rivers from debris, silt, and snags.
To strengthen the banks, plant trees and shrubs on them.
In winter, cut holes in the ice to make it easier for the fish to breathe.

Queen-Water: Post the order in a visible place and strictly follow it.

Rodnichok: Guys, look at these words: Motherland, clan, spring, parents. What do they have in common?

Presenter: - These are words with the same root. The root genus means the beginning, the beginning of life. Fontana: Pure, ringing fontanel - Like a sip of the Fatherland,

Like the beginning of all beginnings, Like the beginning of life.

Presenter: - Indeed, to love a spring means to love the Motherland. Protecting a spring means protecting nature. And nature is a part of you and me. There is a wonderful tradition in Bulgaria: to develop roadside springs using your own funds, and then everyone from grandfather to grandson takes care of the preservation of this spring. We also have our own tradition at the Ecological and Biological Center: Every year in the spring, our guys hold the “LIVE SPRING” campaign. There are many springs near our city, and we take care of them and clean them of garbage. May the Springs not die on Earth, May misfortune pass them by, May the icy and tasty water remain pure in them forever. Rodnichok: And you see good guys, you have kind souls. Come to me, I will treat you with my water.

Queen-Water: And I have prepared a task for you, remember the proverbs and sayings about water: Water does not flow under a lying stone (stone)

The truth does not burn in fire and (does not drown in water)
April with water, and May with (grass)
Spring rain, autumn rots (grows)
The still waters are deep (the pools)
Wet is not afraid (of rain)
Fish in the river - not in (hand)
A lot of water has flown under the bridge since then
To learn, you need to get into the water (swim)
Where there was no water, there. (dry)

Presenter: - Guys, do you know:

River, underground, lake, glacial - fresh waters make up only 1% of the water shell.

The human body consists of 80% water and 80% of its diseases a person acquires due to poor quality of drinking water.

Water consumption for household needs averages 150 liters per day per person.

Queen-Water: A lot of water is wasted. What can you and I do to save water? Close the tap so that water does not run in vain. -Good girls, I hope you will make sure that the taps are well closed.
Slide 13

Presenter: - Today, we learned a lot and remembered. To summarize, I would like to appeal to you: SAVE WATER! TREAT IT WITH CARE! After all, without water there will be no Life on the planet.

Queen-Water, Rodnichok: Goodbye, see you our Friends!

Methodological development of an environmental game for schoolchildren from 8 to 13 years old. Scenario for a summer holiday. Scenario for children's camp.

Equipment: globe, glass, three-liter jar of water, pipette, “Water Consumption” table, posters on the topic, blank sheets of paper, pens, pencils.

An announcement is made in advance about the Water Day.

Leading: Today we are celebrating Water Day. We celebrate this day because water on Earth increasingly requires protection. Is there a lot of water on our planet?

Shows the globe to the children and reminds them that water is depicted on it in blue.

But is all water suitable for our needs? After all, most of it is made up of seas and oceans - this is salt water. If you imagine that all the water on our planet fits in a three-liter jar, then fresh water will take only half a glass. By pipetting three drops from this glass, you will get water from rivers and lakes.

The presenter accompanies his words with a demonstration of his experience.

Air, water - simple things. But let's think about how much we know about the air we breathe or the water we drink every day? Do you know what forms water can take?

An ice bag hangs outside the window,

It is full of drops and smells like spring. (Icicle)

Without wings - he flies,

Without legs - he runs,

Without a sail, it floats. (Cloud)

Trees in white velvet,

And fences and houses,

And when the wind attacks -

This velvet will fall off. (Frost)

An owl flies across the blue sky,

Wings spread out

The sun was covered up. (Cloud)

The blanket is white,

Not made by hand

It was not woven or cut -

It fell from the sky to the ground. (Snow)

What wonderful stars

On a coat and on a scarf?

All through, cut-out,

And if you take it, there is water in your hand. (Snowflakes)

The presenter shows the globe to the children.

Oceans, seas and rivers regulate the cycle of life on Earth. They occupy a huge surface area of ​​the planet and play a decisive role in the functioning of its systems, climate regulation and the conservation of flora and fauna.

How many oceans are there on our planet? (Four: Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Indian)

Which ocean is the largest and which is the smallest? (Pacific Ocean and Arctic Ocean respectively)

White, Red, Black, Yellow - what is it? (Names of the seas)

Which sea is the saltiest on our planet? (Dead Sea)

What are the beginning and end of the river called? (Source and mouth)

Which body of water has branches? (River)

Which river is the longest on Earth? (Nile)

Which lake contains 80% of all the fresh water in our country and a fifth of the fresh water on the entire planet? (Baikal)

Through which river does a fifth of all the world's river water flow? (Amazon)

What percentage of the earth's surface is covered with water? (About 70%)

What percentage of the Earth's total water mass is fresh water? (3%)

Do you know plants and animals whose life is connected with water?

Who has both eyes on the same side? (Flounder)

Who has one leg to carry a house? (Clam)

Who breathes through one nostril? (Sperm whale)

Who plows the bottom with fangs? (Walrus)

What bird did the sea stop flying? (Penguin)

What is "sea kale"? (Seaweed)

Which migratory flock promises snow? (Flock of geese)

Who drinks with their feet? (Frog)

Water is not water

The presenter pronounces the words. If the named word means something that contains water (for example: cloud, puddle), the guys must stand up. If an object or phenomenon is related to water (ship, fish), the guys raise their hands. If an object or phenomenon has no connection with water (wind, stone), the guys clap their hands.

Leading: Our next competition is “Across the Country with a Smile.” You will now understand why we called it that.

Which tributary of the Samara River flows through the wires? (Current)

In the Amur region there is a river in which mice hide. What is it called? (Nora)

Which tributary of the Volga flows from a wounded birch tree? (Juice)

Which river of the Valdai Upland flows between the fields? (Mezha)

There are no volcanoes in the Kaliningrad region, but there is a river flowing from the crater of the volcano. What is it called? (Lava)

A river with the shortest name flows into Lake Ilmen; it contains only half a letter. Name it. (Paul - Pol-A)

The Vyatka River has a “poisonous” tributary, and the Pra River has a “non-poisonous” one. Name these tributaries. (Cobra, Snake)

Which river can be cut with a pocketknife? (Rod)

Which Ural river is used to play chess? (Tura)

Leading: At the very beginning we found out that there is very little fresh water. And living beings (including humans) need a lot of it. The human body is mainly composed of water. It is contained in the blood. Water, which is part of saliva and gastric juice, helps digest food. With the help of water, harmful substances are removed from the body. A person can live for several days without food, but he cannot do without water. Question: what else, besides drinking, does a person need water for?

The guys are asked to write where a person uses water. The answers are read out. Then the presenter shows the “Water Consumption” table:

Leading: This is how much water we waste and how much we pollute it. Can anything be done to save water?

The children are invited to find examples of uneconomical water consumption in everyday life and suggest their own methods of saving water.

Leading: With the arrival of water comes life. Water disappears and life becomes impossible. Because water is the elixir of life. But there is a threat hanging over the water - pollution. Plants, factories, cities are poisoned by wastewater from rivers, lakes and seas. If urgent measures are not taken, the reservoirs will die, and the whole world of creatures living in them and near them will die. Science fiction writers in their works sometimes paint terrible pictures of the future of our planet. Can such predictions come true? Yes, if we are indifferent to water! And it is necessary to protect not only river water, but also that which flows from the tap. A third of the water supplied to taps ends up uselessly down the drain. Imagine that someone eats a third of your breakfast every day.