I walked barefoot in my dream: versions of various dream books. Dream Interpretation Barefoot. Why do you dream of being barefoot in a dream?

Immediately after the “skating” dream, that same night I had the following dream: for some reason I took off and left my shoes on some hill near the store and went to wander barefoot. I see some kind of crowd of people in the distance, it looks like something is happening there. I want to go there through a place that looks like a square, but then for some reason I’m not interested, and I return to the store and decide to go into it. Along the way, the thought comes that it was right that I got rid of the shoes, since they are already old. And when I go into the store, I suddenly feel awkward that I’m barefoot and even seem to be disdainful, after all, the floor is probably dirty - this is a store (but I don’t see the condition of the floor, I’m guessing). I go outside and want to put on my shoes, but they are not where I left them. I am puzzled and look behind the dais, maybe they are there, but instead of shoes I see three mismatched sneakers there, all very large although of different sizes. I'm surprised how unusually long they are! It seems that such sizes do not exist! The dream ends in this vivid picture. Please tell me, Yaroslav, what all these sneakers are for. Thank you.


Walking barefoot is a good part of sleep. Grass and earth symbolize, respectively, the natural aspects of personality and the immediate potential of femininity. The more complete the contact with them, the more complete the interaction of mental processes. In this sense, the rejection of psychological defenses and protective stereotypes in the form of shoes [my boots fell apart] is favorable. .
Shoes also relate to clothing, that is, ways of self-expression. In such a framework, unpleasant emotions from unexpected barefootness must be considered as a discrepancy between certain habits and the situation.
A puddle of mud or dirt in itself denotes the normal processes of mental decay and destruction.


I dreamed that I was walking with my friends in the forest, then suddenly I decided to walk alone... I walked through the forest and, taking off my boots (I dreamed that it was winter), I began to walk barefoot in the snow, but I was not cold at all. Soon, I decide to return home, and, forgetting to put on my boots, I return. Arriving home, I discover that the boots were left in the forest, it’s already dark outside and I can’t go looking for them. Because of this, for some reason I feel very bad, I rush around the house, but I can’t do anything... This is where I woke up :(


I dreamed that I was walking to a cafe and suddenly I was left without shoes, I was walking and everyone around me was looking at me because I was barefoot. And what’s also strange is that the road to the cafe was sandy, like in the desert. I came to the cafe and suddenly under the table I saw black platform flip-flops. I had a feeling that I had left them there before, I was happy and put them on. Then in the same cafe I met a classmate whom I had not seen for a long time, we drank tea together and talked (we don’t really have a very good relationship with her). Explain what my dream means? I am 25 years old.


I arrived in my hometown, I’m standing at the station, they were supposed to meet me, but they couldn’t, I’m about to go to the bus stop, but I understand that I’m barefoot, it’s winter and snow outside, but strangers offer to take me and I agree, where did I go? and I don't know


“I’m barefoot” means I feel my situation with all acuteness. Arriving in the “hometown” means that a person is looking for himself in the past. “Winter and snow” is a frightening stagnation, and a ride in someone else’s car is when we allow someone else’s will to control us. It is clear that everyone should have their own Christmas (their own “car”, their own “future”). And fortune telling at Christmas creates a special context for looking into yourself as an exclusively individual person. But don't wait for next year - we are born continuously.


Today I dreamed that I was walking along a dirt road barefoot and thinking. Because I still had a long way to go, I stopped at a stop that immediately appeared to wait for transport. There are people standing there. And I look at the road and my shoes are there, thoughts in my head, how can I be without shoes? I wanted to pick her up and put her on, but my shoes were full of dirt. that is, the shoes themselves are clean, but inside they are concreted with dirt - somehow strange and incomprehensible. Even in my sleep I was confused and didn’t know what to do? I immediately woke up from a terrible thought.


My mother had a strange dream. First, she and I were in a restaurant, we had a good time, and when we got ready to leave, I couldn’t find my scarf for a long time. After an unsuccessful search, I left in great frustration, leaving my mother alone. And only then did she notice that she was barefoot. Mom had to go, so she went, only it was cold: late autumn, mom was wearing an autumn coat and trousers, and her feet were bare. Main idea: “What will people say?! They’ll think she’s homeless.” Mom was very ashamed and embarrassed, she went down into the underground passage leading to the metro station. I saw a seller of slippers and approached her, but didn’t choose anything - there was no money. She walked onto the platform, there was no train, mechanically she put her hand in her pocket and felt for the coins. Mom was glad that there was at least some money. But there are not enough of them to buy slippers. Yellow coins glittered on the platform. Mom decided that it was 50 kopecks, and when she picked it up, they turned out to be of lower denomination. Suddenly my mother noticed a lot of coins on the platform, a whole bunch, and people picking up money. Mom again felt ashamed to pick up alms, especially since she realized that this was a special platform where rich people from trains passing by throw away valuables to help the poor. “What a humiliation to accept alms!” - Mom was indignant in her heart. However, she needed to get out of the situation, and she began to pick up coins. He looks, and then there are watches and watches, first expensive ones (if they ticked or not, mom doesn’t remember), and then cheap ones, followed by a bunch of jewelry. There are people on the platform, they are greedily rowing under themselves, my mother also got involved, she was overcome by excitement. But she saved enough to buy slippers. Mom returns to the merchant, still embarrassed that she will have to go in slippers. “But it’s okay, it’s better to wear them than barefoot: it’s cold and embarrassing,” she consoled herself. The slippers we bought turned out to be almost shoes: very strong, cozy, with beautiful soles and, most importantly, comfortable. Mom is very happy with the purchase, she didn’t even expect this.


I have already dreamed several times that I was walking barefoot in the snow. Dressed in a fur coat, headscarf (sometimes bare-haired), but without boots, not even socks. Typically, I’m not cold at all. The last of these dreams occurred quite recently. I walk barefoot through the snow along the streets of Murmansk, a city I have never been to. All around there are red brick houses, like in Hamburg. I feel very lonely, almost in a panic. And then I meet my beloved. He takes me into his house and says that here we will live with his family. For some reason, he is a military naval officer. Although, in fact, his profession has nothing to do with the army. His children welcome me very cordially and persuade me to stay with them. Then complete calm sets in. It becomes very easy for me. There is some kind of peace.


Bare feet represent the absence of “falsehood.” Compare: almost all site visitors use logins, and you use your real name. If deceitfulness is considered broadly, then its manifestations are often based on automatisms (stereotypes of manipulation, mechanical tenacity, artificiality). Then there is an element of truth in going barefoot. Meneghetti writes: “The biographies of great preachers, great sages claim that they walked barefoot. This is not a symbol of humility, but evidence of the importance of one’s own inner world.”

Sometimes we don’t think at all about the meaning of the dreams we have. We forget or simply do not pay attention to symbols and signs that warn us of imminent happiness or unexpected failure. It is worth being more attentive to this voice of the unconscious - sometimes it tells a lot of useful things.

Anything can be a dream, so we simply consider many dreams to be stupidity or a joke of our brain. In fact, visions contain a sacred meaning. For example, a dream associated with a walk along the street may seem absolutely banal and foreshadowing nothing, and we don’t even know what meaning it carries.

Walking barefoot in visions means that you have inner strength and energy. Many esotericists and some scientists recommend walking without shoes both on the ground and on the floor at home in order to restore your energy. And a dream in which you walk barefoot predicts many interesting events.

Let's start analyzing what it means to dream about walking barefoot. If you find yourself without, then the dream book interprets this as relying on yourself and your own strengths in life, as well as your connection with the world around you.

Pay attention to the subtleties and plot of the dream, to its obvious and hidden meaning.

  • Who was wandering?
  • On asphalt or on ice?
  • How did you feel?

Who was wandering where?

If you dreamed that you walked barefoot, it means that harmony and peace await you. You will become more successful and achieve a lot as soon as you begin to manage your emotions and soberly assess the situation. Remember: the more calm you are, the further you can go.

Seeing your friend walking without shoes means that he has taken the right path. Soon his business will rapidly improve. Be happy for him, and he will respond with support, but if you are consumed by envy, then your friendship will come to an end.

If in a vision people you didn’t know wandered around barefoot, then this indicates imminent changes in your life. You will meet resourceful and energetically charged people, which will improve the quality of your life significantly.

Walking on thin ice in a dream and seeing how every step you take makes it covered with a web of cracks means you feel unsure of yourself and your abilities. You have gone too far and are now experiencing fear and anxiety. Don't worry, just go through your fears - and then self-confidence will return to you.

Also, running on ice means that you are a risky person and are not afraid to lose. Sliding bare feet on thick ice is a quick solution to all your difficulties and problems. Walking on ice in a dream, and then falling through the ice - The Eastern dream book associates this with the fact that the business you are undertaking is risky.

Walking on hot asphalt means tension in your relationship with your spouse. You need to pay more attention to family and less to work. Also, walking on asphalt without shoes means that you are not moving quickly enough towards your goal, you tend to be lazy and miss good opportunities.

Walking barefoot in the mud means that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation, where you will literally have to listen to very unpleasant things. Running through the mud means that all your attempts to run away from your negative sides are pointless: until you understand that a person must have both black and white, you will not move forward.

Finding yourself outside the city and wandering the earth, plunging your feet into the black scattering, means that you will find your source of energy. Also, walking barefoot on the ground means that you have practically found your calling, and you just need to start moving in the chosen direction.

If you dreamed of walking along, then this is a very good sign - it means that everything will work out for you and good luck will favor you. Walking on grassy ground is a symbol of your connection with the world. Walking barefoot on the street in front of other people means that you are a fearless person. Also, walks on the street foreshadow many unexpected meetings.

How did you feel?

Feeling the excitement of running through mud means that even if you find yourself in a difficult situation, you will not lose your presence of mind and sense of humor. But to be indignant at the dirt on your feet means that you are not ready to accept yourself for who you really are.

  • Being stunned by walking on water means you are ready for new discoveries.
  • But if you still have unpleasant sensations from being in the water, it means that you will not be able to accept the new knowledge yet.
  • To be afraid while walking on water means that you are afraid of your inner world.

Feeling strength and vigor while stepping on the ground means that these feelings will now always be with you. You should go barefoot and in real life to keep your energy up.

Walking barefoot is a powerful charge of positive emotions. Even if you did this in your sleep, the next morning you will wake up fresh and rested. Therefore, we declare the question of why you dream of walking without shoes closed.

Similar: with shoes off, barefoot, on a bald leg, barefoot, with shoes off, bare feet, without any shoes

Barefoot in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita:

Walking barefoot - buying a house, success in business, profit

Interpretation in Freud's Dream Book sleeping barefoot:

  • Running barefoot in a dream means that in your intimate life you are not shy to express your feelings and emotions. This makes your relationship especially close and trusting.
  • Why do you dream of being barefoot? Modern dream book?

  • If in a dream you see that you are walking barefoot, then in reality you should be prepared for possible scandals and gossip. For the young women a dream in which she walks barefoot along the coast, splashing water, foretells a successful outcome of all endeavors. Seeing a bare foot print in the sand is a sign of your short-term triumph and success. For a woman, such a dream promises a flash of attention to her from the male half of society. If you dreamed that you were walking barefoot and your shoes were on another person’s feet, then you need to seriously think about the existence of a rival.
  • IN Miller's Dream Book if you dream of being barefoot:

  • Wandering around at night barefoot, in torn clothes, means that your hopes will fail. Some evil forces will interfere with your every action.
  • If you dream of being barefoot? IN Azar's Dream Book:

  • walking barefoot is ruin
  • Interpretation of the dream Barefoot The newest dream book:

  • Seeing yourself B. in the room - to deception, disappointment, on the grass - you will catch a cold; If you are sick, one of the ways to recovery has been suggested to you: walk more without shoes.
  • Seeing Barefoot in a dream Eastern dream book:

  • For the young women a dream in which she walks barefoot along the coast, splashing water, foretells a successful outcome of all endeavors. Seeing the footprint of a bare foot in the sand is a sign of triumph and success - although, alas, it quickly passes. For a woman, such a dream promises a flash of attention to her from the stronger sex.
  • What does it mean to see barefoot in a dream? Schiller's Dream Book?

  • walking barefoot means success in business, profit and wealth.
  • What does barefoot mean in a dream? Women's dream book?

  • If you dream that you are traveling along the seashore barefoot, getting an unforgettable impression of water, sand and sun, a magical fulfillment of all your desires awaits you ahead. If you notice a trace of a bare foot in the wet sand, be prepared for increased attention from the male part of the population. Know that you are irresistible.
  • Barefoot in a dream Dream Book of the Wanderer:

  • To go barefoot, to be - poverty, lack, obstacles.
  • To see barefoot in a dream. IN Islamic dream book of Ibn Sirin:

  • And whoever sees that he is walking barefoot is a sign that he is a good believer and his misfortunes will end. And some also say that this dream is for men portends a catastrophe or great misfortune with his wife, which will be the reason for their divorce.
  • Shoes in a dream represent a journey or occupation, and a pair of shoes usually means that you are not satisfied with your life and are looking for a partner or someone who can become close to you.

    Dreaming about shoes is one of the most important dreams that predicts changes in business and personal life.

    Putting on shoes in a dream is a sign that you will soon have to hit the road (if these are your usual shoes) or take up some new business (if the shoes are new).

    Putting on shoes given by a loved one in a dream and getting ready to go out in them warns you that you are putting your love affairs on display, which will inevitably turn into a scandal for you.

    Taking off your shoes in a dream means abandoning your intentions or plans. Choosing or trying on shoes in a dream is a sign that you are thirsty for change.

    If you dream that you are wearing expensive, fashionable and beautiful shoes that evoke your admiration, and perhaps the admiration of others, then soon you will have a new lover or patron who will pamper you like a child and give you gifts.

    You will not be denied anything, but others will envy you.

    New, expensive, comfortable and fashionable shoes in a dream indicate that your life will turn out in the most favorable way. You will have a prestigious job, money, and you will be able to buy what you like.

    However, if in a dream you see that your shoes have deteriorated, torn so that they can no longer be worn, then expect changes in your life for the worse. Such a dream predicts that you may soon lose a good job or a loved one, and sometimes both.

    Sometimes such a dream speaks of an undeserved insult that you have to endure. Unusual shoes in a dream are a sign that unusual events, changes or adventures await you.

    See how it fits you and whether you can walk in it.

    Seeing, putting on, wearing rough, heavy shoes in a dream is a sign that your life path will not be strewn with rose petals. Many difficulties and humiliations await you. However, if such shoes are durable and of good quality, then you will earn enough for yourself, but it will not be easy for you.

    Losing your shoes in a dream is a sign of obstacles in a profitable business.

    If you dream of a pair of shoes you took off, then soon you will have to move to another apartment.

    A dream in which you saw that you were given a pair of shoes predicts that you will provide someone with an important service, for which they will subsequently thank you.

    Elegant shoes in a dream indicate that many pleasant moments and meetings await you. Sometimes a dream about her predicts a pleasant pastime, bliss, and affection from a loved one.

    Mismatched shoes in a dream mean fear, loneliness, suffering.

    Seeing a lot of shoes in a dream is a sign of discord, disputes, division. After such a dream, you should expect to be summoned to court.

    Rough shoes in a dream, on the contrary, predict difficulties, discontent, and obstacles in business.

    Wooden, flimsy, paper shoes in a dream are a sign of obstacles in business.

    Flannel, soft shoes, slippers, felt boots are a symbol of home comfort, a calm, measured life, and sometimes senile illness or simply old age.

    Beautiful slippers in a dream are a harbinger of a dangerous love affair.

    Galoshes in a dream mean difficulties on the way associated with health risks.

    See interpretation: boots.

    If you dream that someone has placed rough boots or shoes in front of you, then the dream encourages you to take action. Perhaps you are about to go on a trip that will largely determine your future well-being.

    Good boots in a dream mean true friends who are ready to help you in difficult times.

    Expensive boots in a dream are a harbinger that you will have a rich and powerful patron.

    Seeing elegant boots in a dream is a harbinger of a prosperous future with a loved one.

    Choosing boots in a dream means that you are faced with a choice and you have to make a decision on which your future will depend. Sometimes such a dream also indicates that you are extremely unhappy with your current situation and are worried about your future.

    Trying on or putting on new boots in a dream is a sign of big changes in your destiny.

    A dream in which you saw or thought that some pair of shoes is very durable and will last a long time tells you that your position will not be easy, but strong, which you will receive for a long time and which will provide you with a decent existence, although not easy .

    Being barefoot in a dream means that illness and poverty await you. See interpretation: walk, run.

    Repairing shoes in a dream is a sign of prosperity and satisfaction.

    Cleaning shoes in a dream is a harbinger of troubles in personal affairs. The dream speaks of your attempt to put your affairs in order.

    But shoes polished to a shine in a dream predicts the respect of others and the love of neighbors.

    Changing shoes in a dream means that changes await you. If you change your shoes for better ones, then the changes will be for the better, and if for the worse, then, accordingly, the changes will be bad.

    Giving shoes in a dream means that you are disposed towards this person or that he deserves it.

    Seeing a shoemaker in a dream is a harbinger of good events, if only he is benevolent towards you.

    If in a dream you see that his business is going well, then you will receive news about the successful progress of your business.

    If you dream that your loved one has become a shoemaker or shoemaker, then the dream predicts the fulfillment of your desires.

    If you dream that your shoes are too small, then difficulties and dissatisfaction with your real life await you.

    If in a dream your shoes are so small that you cannot walk in them, then regardless of your desire you will have to change your lifestyle.

    Patent leather shoes in a dream predict a pleasant and useful trip that will bring good results.

    A hole in the sole of your shoe, seen in a dream, foreshadows a break in the relationship.

    A dirty sole in a dream is a sign of insults or resentment. See interpretation: heel, color, dirt, road, stones.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    Feet in the kingdom of Hypnos are associated with the fate of a person. That’s why everything connected with this symbol is so important. Shoes, their quality or lack thereof are important signs. They report in which area of ​​the sleeper’s life significant changes will occur.

    What if you dream about walking barefoot?

    You can often hear the opinion that walking barefoot in a dream means impoverishment. But the interpretation of such dreams largely depends on its details. For example, walking barefoot through puddles and mud in the dark and seeing the prints of your feet means that soon the sleeping person will experience unpleasant events that will leave a serious mark on his fate. If a person walks through a quagmire in a dream and his shoes are buried in it, this means losses. If the shoe falls off the right foot, it means there will be financial losses. If the left shoe remains in the mud, this is a sign that in the near future there will be a break in the relationship with your loved one. Noticing with horror that one’s own feet are covered in blood means that merciless enemies will appear in the sleeping person’s real life.

    In dreams in which a person walks barefoot, it is important to note all the details: what time of day the action takes place, the quality of the road, if there were shoes, what they looked like. All this will help to understand the prediction contained in the dream.

    Climbing a mountain barefoot is a sign that you will soon experience grief. However, if the sleeper reaches the top, it means that in real life he will achieve what he wants and success will come to him. A dream has a negative interpretation only if in a dream a person has difficulty climbing mountain paths.

    Walking barefoot on the beach is a sign of a date with a nice person. If in a dream the sleeper wanders barefoot through the water, its condition is of great importance. Walking on clear, clean water is a favorable sign. He reports that soon changes for the better will occur in the fate of the sleeper. Hearing the murmur of water is news. If the dreamer wanders barefoot through muddy, dirty water, this portends quarrels and troubles.

    What does it portend?

    If a sleeper runs barefoot hand in hand with his loved one in a dream, it means that in real life he is not shy about showing sincerity in intimate relationships. If a person sees a dream in which he wanders barefoot through gloomy streets at night, this foreshadows the collapse of his hopes. This will be facilitated by evil people who will soon appear in his life. If a person takes off his shoes in a dream and is surprised to notice that his feet are covered in mud, such a dream indicates that in the real world he will soon become rich. Walking barefoot in a crowded place and not feeling awkward means that in the near future the sleeper will have the need to “pour out” his whole soul to someone. If a person walks barefoot on sharp stones in a dream and experiences pain from this, it means that events will soon occur that will cause him mental suffering.

    To understand why you dream of walking barefoot, you need to pay attention to the emotions that this event evokes in the sleeper. For example, if a person in a dream is upset by the lack of shoes, it means that in reality he will have experiences in personal relationships.

    Finding a pair of beautiful, high-quality shoes in a dream is a favorable sign. He reports that in real life the sleeping person will have a fateful meeting with a person who will soon become his spouse. If the shoes found are torn, this means a fragile relationship.