In a dream, see bleeding in a feminine way. The magic of numbers. Why do you dream that you are bleeding?

Did you see bleeding like a woman? The Dream Interpretation is the book you should turn to first. Such visions don’t just happen; they always foreshadow one event or another.

Which one exactly? This already depends on the details present in the vision, as well as on the interpretations of the chosen interpreter. Well, the topic is interesting, so now it’s worth turning to the most popular dream books in order to understand why menstruation is dreamed about.

Miller's Interpreter

Did you see bleeding like a woman? The dream book of a famous psychologist will help you figure out what to expect from such a plot.

If a girl gets dirty, then in reality she should behave more carefully. Her well-being, as well as the peace and quiet life of her loved ones, is at risk.

In the vision, menstruation began suddenly, and therefore stained the girl’s clothes when she was in a crowded place? After such a dream, it is recommended to take a closer look at the people in your immediate environment. Some of them are definitely dangerous.

In the vision, the girl felt blood flowing down her bare legs, but no one saw it? This means that very soon one of her relatives or friends will become famous. Perhaps not in the best way. Be that as it may, he will make a lot of noise.

If a woman is pregnant

Then all the more she needs to look into the dream book. Female bleeding during pregnancy does not mean anything bad if it was in a vision. On the contrary, this is a good sign! It portends an easy and prosperous birth.

But at the same time, you don’t have to stop taking care of yourself. First of all, a woman should listen to her own feelings.

The girl is not actually pregnant, but she dreamed that she was pregnant and was bleeding? This dream is usually an echo of the body. It only portends an earlier onset of menstruation.

Eastern interpreter

This source also talks about what is feminine. The dream book assures: such a vision promises change. The past has already outlived its usefulness - very soon it will be replaced by a new era.

If a girl felt severe pain during a dreamed menstruation, it means that she needs to let go of feelings that are gone or fading. Holding onto them is not an option. Because of this, she will miss out on new love. You just need to accept it and move on, opening your soul to new feelings.

Did the dreamer find menstrual blood on her hands? Such a vision promises a temporary alienation that will occur in the relationship between her and her loved ones due to their unfair treatment.

Did the girl see only traces of menstruation, and not heavy bleeding like a woman? The dream book says that soon she will have to sacrifice something. And you need to do this without hesitation! If you believe the interpreter, then in the future the sacrifice will pay off tenfold.

Persian interpreter

In it you can also learn something about why you dream of bleeding like a woman. The dream book offers the following interpretations:

  • Has the girl noticed characteristic stains on her underwear? Oddly enough, but this is good. Such a vision foreshadows the onset of a bright streak in her life. Obstacles will recede for a while, and she will be able to reach certain heights.
  • Did you see very profuse, strong bleeding like a woman? The dream book warns that health problems are possible.
  • Did the girl see how the bleeding began not in her, but in another lady? This means that she should slightly reduce her level of vital activity for a while. A period of creation is coming, and therefore you should make as few fateful decisions as possible.

By the way, sometimes such visions come to women who have long since entered menopause. For her, such a dream foreshadows dramatic, shocking life changes. They will probably affect your financial condition or personal life.

Male interpreter

Some young people also dream of bleeding like a woman. This dream seems strange and unpleasant to them, and for good reason - it does not bode well.

If a man saw how his companion suddenly began to have “days”, in real life it would not hurt him to be more attentive and careful. For some time, Fortune turned away from him, so the risk of getting into an accident, getting injured, or having problems at work increased significantly.

The man clearly saw blood caused by menstruation, but he did not remember under what circumstances it was? Such a dream is considered a harbinger of a serious loss. The fact of loss will greatly upset the man, but over time he will forget about what happened. Maybe he can even find some positives in it.

Did he dream of spying on a girl on her period? This means that in reality he is too passionate about someone else's life. And to the detriment of their own.

Other interpretations

There are many other interpretations regarding the vision being discussed. Here are the ones that haven't been mentioned yet:

  • For a girl who is not in a relationship, menstruation accompanied by pain is a sign of problems in her personal life.
  • For a married woman, the same vision promises an early pregnancy. Perhaps conception has already occurred.
  • In the vision, the girl looked closely at the blood and realized that it had a strange color? This may indicate a disease of the genitourinary system.
  • Was all this accompanied by a pungent odor? Then you should perceive the dream as the personification of her causeless complexes, which would be worth getting rid of.
  • The unexpected arrival of menstruation symbolizes bad news. They will overtake the dreamer any day now.
  • The girl tried to carefully eliminate the consequences, but ended up getting all her clothes dirty? Such a vision is a harbinger of large, sudden expenses. They seem pointless - the girl will only lose the amount she has been saving for a long time.
  • Does a woman dream that menstruation is about to begin, but it hasn’t happened yet? Perhaps she will be late for an important meeting. If you are really planning something serious in life, you should do everything possible to get it done on time.
  • The bleeding began, and it turned out to be so strong that it was not possible to stop it? This means that something will soon happen in the girl’s life that will torment her and weaken her. Maybe it will be an illness or a situation that is difficult mentally.

In general, female bleeding can mean anything. That is why, for an accurate interpretation, it is recommended to refer not to one dream book, but to several at once.

One of the worst nightmares of all car enthusiasts. But this plot is not directly related to the hijacking, as such. Theft symbolizes the loss of independence, a decrease in autonomy in life in general. In addition to the hijacking, dreams most often contain some other circumstances, people -...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Hijacking?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

For newlyweds and couples in love, car theft can symbolize a break in a relationship or a very long separation. Therefore, it is necessary to take your relationship more carefully and seriously. If your car is stolen, this means that due to the envy of the people around you, the person is expected to be very...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Car?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

For lovers who dream of a car, the dream foretells good luck and a strong relationship. A car accident in which you are involved means that you will have bad impressions after a party or other entertainment event in which you take part. If you survived a car accident...

Car - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Reflection of the state of awareness, level of perception. Stolen, hijacking is a reflection of the fear of loss. Many cars passing by are a reflection of the desire to travel. The inability to slow down is a reflection of the fear of being punished. In an erotic dream - a reflection of the state of sexual harmony.

If you had a dream - Car

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Driving a car means managing people. It will be as skilled as you were driving a vehicle in your dream. Driving backwards - you have become like those who commanded before. Buying a car means you will have the opportunity for career growth. ...

Dreaming of "Parking" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Your car may be stolen.

Why do you dream about Bleeding like a woman in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream about bleeding in a feminine way promises a new addition to the family. If there are many enough, then there is a possibility of two or more children. To see the initial stage - you should prepare for important news that directly concerns you personally, as well as close relatives.


Video: Why do you dream about Bleeding like a woman?

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Did you dream about Bleeding like a woman, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Bleeding like a woman in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I dreamed of a young girl, about 16 years old, pregnant. I don’t know her in life, but in a dream, it’s as if I knew her. She started bleeding like a woman. There is a man in the house, not a stranger. I shout to him to call an ambulance, I take the girl to the bed myself, looking for a diaper and a towel. Then I woke up. Another dream, I also had a dream today: we are burying (according to the dream) my grandmother (in the present I don’t know this person). She gets up and follows us. It is necessary to rebury the person who was once killed and buried in the house - then the grandmother will also leave. SOMETHING TERRIBLE.

    I dreamed of bleeding like a woman (I can’t see it, but I feel it), very profuse, with clots. Blood stains begin to appear on the dress in different places: on the leg, on the butt, below the knees, large drops fly onto the pink boots, seep through them... and everything I touch (sitting down, lying down) does not get dirty... then I woke up in fear

    Tatyana, help me interpret the dream. I saw myself in the hospital, complaining to the doctor about abdominal pain. The doctor said that I had pinworms in my stomach - in each striae (postpartum stretch marks) there was one fat white worm, I seemed to see myself in the mirror and was horrified. The doctor advised me to go to the toilet and push so that all the worms come out. I did so, but the worms did not come out. Instead, blood gushed out of me like a bucket (like a woman). There was so much blood, it poured out in volleys. In my dream, I began to weaken and lose consciousness from loss of blood and asked my son (who for some reason was nearby) to tell the doctor that I was dying... at that moment I woke up.


    I had a dream! That my daughter is 6 years old. The shower stream was directed into the uterus and red water came out! She laughed. And then he froze. I'm Katya to her, Katya. And she was silent. I picked her up and blood started pouring down her legs! But in the dream she was about 3 years old.

    Without asking, I put on my mother-in-law’s bright yellow clothes: sneakers and pants, and immediately began bleeding so badly that I sat in the bathtub without water in my clothes and watched her come out. Bright red with a small spot of brown and there was no strength to get up. such a dream

    I dreamed that I started having severe uterine bleeding, an ambulance came and looked, then left, but I couldn’t find which hospital she went to, and in my dream I saw the number 2, supposedly hospital No. 2, but not exactly, and I was going with heavy bleeding and I'm looking for this hospital

    I dream that while going up the steps, I see blood on them and follow its tracks. The tracks lead into a room and there a man I know (from the dream) wipes it with a rag, and then it dawns on me that this is my blood, because... I have blood all over my legs. I kick this man out of the room, supposedly I need to clean myself up

    In a cafe, they tried to rob me and my mother, I took a closer look, and it was my former classmate, I gave him my phone number, said that I would try to help. Another guy and a girl arrived; I also knew them, but I hadn’t seen them for more than 10 years. Trying to help them so that they would not steal, coming up with work for them, I found myself involved in a conflict and a fight, it turned out that, wanting to help their friends, they accused me of some kind of gossip. After the fight, I went to the toilet and found a woman bleeding. In reality it passed not so long ago.

    I dreamed of uterine bleeding while sitting. but I didn’t get dirty with blood: I was sitting with my legs spread apart and squatting. I told my mother about this. After this, the bleeding continued for some time. sometimes with clots.

    I dreamed that I had some kind of heavy discharge, and when I looked, the pad was soaked in blood. I waited for an ambulance for a very long time. there was a hospital, but for some reason there was no doctor, there was a nurse, but she also went somewhere. So no one helped me.

    I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy. then my ex-husband was nearby. and in a dream I knew that I had three boys. We chose names (all some rare or unusual). in fact, there is 1 son. then bleeding started, but I didn’t see it, I just knew it was bleeding. and was going to see a doctor.

    Hello Tatiana. I dreamed that I was in a subordinate position in some non-Russian (Caucasian) family. Men treat me condescendingly, but I don’t allow them to offend me. At the beginning of sleep, bleeding began, it is very difficult to prevent flow down the legs, and there is nothing special to do. The rugs that were dirty were partially washed. Several rather aggressive men were on my bed and at the table nearby. She forced them to clean up the dirty dishes and kicked them out. For some reason I went to the pool and sauna. The disdainful attitude of others towards my status. I know he's tall enough. In the sauna, with a large number of women, bleeding began again, after which I ran out into the snow in one sheet. I saw that armed people were coming towards me to kill everyone, but I was no longer afraid, I walked towards and between them. They dispersed. Someone sympathized that she had lost the child. When she found herself opposite a thicket of bushes, she dived into them. And on time. Two returned to finish me off with some pipes. I carefully backed through the bushes, they followed along the road until I found myself opposite the parking lot where their women and children were. The bushes have thinned out greatly and they would definitely have seen me if they had not been distracted by their children. The first dream is over. The second one is shorter. I was in my native village, walking past one of the houses. I saw children playing, a brother and sister, only the sister was about 5 years old Russian, plump and well-groomed, and the boy, about 1.5-2 years old, was from Central Asia in appearance, all grimy. The nanny is with the girl, she took her for a walk, and in the garden there is their Russian grandfather and non-Russian father. I played with the boy and took him to my grandfather to kiss him. (since the child is unkempt, you need to force your relatives to pay attention to him). The grandfather smiled and kissed, the father reluctantly, and I could not persuade the mother who appeared to do this, even though the child was reaching out. I forced her to show where the girl and the nanny were walking so that I could give her the baby, she agreed with difficulty. But from the side of the garden where they were walking, the same people from the first dream appeared and killed everyone. The mother screamed and ran away, and I ran away with the boy to my mother.

    Good evening. I dreamed that I started bleeding like a woman. I panicked. Moreover, in a dream, my sister tells me that it’s nothing to worry about and that it happens and in general it’s in the order of things, and I believed her in the dream and calmed down.

    Hello, I dreamed that I was at school with the guys, dressed in a yellow suit, jumping, laughing, and suddenly I realized that something was wrong. I go to the locker room and see blood on my panties, at first a little, then more, all my clothes are stained. I sit down on the bench, and blood from the vagina flows from the bench through my clothes. Everyone sees this and I don’t feel comfortable. What does it mean?

    I had a dream today that I was with a girlfriend, we were probably walking around Kiev...I went into one entrance, and there was a grandfather sitting on some floor...and I started bleeding, female FROM THERE ..and I, right in front of him, without hesitation, take action! Having gone downstairs to the courtyard, my friend and I went into the salon, where they began to cut my hair very short, which was not customary for me before... and then my sister, who was not around, said, that the bangs don’t fit well... and it doesn’t suit me... I went out, shook my hair, and it was wet, like it was in foam, and it became longer.. and I said “that’s better this way” and woke up!

    I’m pregnant, the period is short - 6 weeks, I dreamed that I started spotting from the genitals, the dream was as if I had already woken up and saw them, panicked and from this I really woke up and nothing happened

    good evening, my dream is like this.. on the night when I had a dream I had my period, and suddenly I started bleeding, we went to the hospital and the doctors told me that I was pregnant for a month

    I dreamed that I started bleeding like a woman, the blood in the dream was somehow thick and its color was somehow unclear, why could this be a dream at the moment I’m pregnant but wanted to have an abortion

    Hello, I’ll start with the fact that at the moment I’m pregnant but the period is short, not so long ago I had a dream that my pregnant woman started bleeding at home and that I was having twins, that I was trying with all my might to keep the children within myself, I was standing over the toilet and the blood is flowing, I feel that the children are already nearby, that I could soon lose them, and I keep trying to strain my muscles so that they don’t come out of me, and that’s why I woke up

    I dreamed that I was bleeding very heavily, I was very scared, I asked to call an ambulance, to help me, there were a lot of people, everyone was watching, but no one did anything. I stood in a pool of blood.

    Hello, I dreamed that I had female bleeding, what scared me most was that I dreamed about it from Thursday to Friday, even as a child I was told that from Thursday to Friday dreams come true. Thank you

    Hello, my name is Maria. I had a dream in which I had sex with a girl, and liquid poured out of my vagina. At the beginning it is white. SOOO much. then blood. I immediately went to the hospital. That's all.
    Thank you

    I dreamed that when I got out of bed after sleep, almost everything was bloody - my underwear, the mattress; literally everything was soaked in blood. And for some reason, next to me was my ex-husband, with whom we have not communicated for a long time.

    Hello! I dreamed that blood was gushing out of my vagina! It just poured out of me like water. It poured out onto the floor, and then I lay down and it flowed onto the sofa! In a dream, my family wanted to call an ambulance for me, and then it stopped abruptly and I got up in a great mood and had fun with my family

    Hello. I am pregnant. The period is short. Doctors threatened that the pregnancy would not develop. If there was blood, they said to call an ambulance. I woke up with severe vaginal bleeding in my dream. I was afraid that there was a miscarriage, but pah-pah-pah - no. What does it mean? Thanks for the answer

    I dreamed that in a crowded room blood suddenly poured down my legs and it was not like menstruation, and a lot of blood poured out. You know what they say, “it’s pouring like buckets.” that's about it. I was scared, I sat in this puddle of blood, I tried to somehow stop it and called for help, so that they would call an ambulance.

    in fact, I think, but I don’t know yet exactly whether I’m in the position or not. But today I had a dream: my sister and I were choosing a cake or a pastry, and I suddenly began to bleed and there was a lot of blood. I ran to the toilet, gave my sister money and sent me to buy hygiene products. In the same toilet I picked up the key. Why this dream, I immediately woke up as if it had happened in reality, I let you start checking. my period has already passed. and yesterday I actually dreamed that I had a little daughter, in fact I have two girls, only they live with my mother for now. and yesterday I dreamed of a lot of salted or sauerkraut and I ate it.. there are chocolates, why do I have these dreams, please tell me. and I dream about them all in the morning when it’s light….

    I was with my mother, suddenly men accosted me, they wanted to take me away, I ran and ended up in the hospital with a stomach I began to feel incomprehensible, that I first saw a bed covered in bunches of red currants, then a cherry tree was coming out of me on the bed, and sitting opposite me in a chair, my father, who died 4 years ago, then I was sitting on the bed in a pool of blood, and to my left, two women in white coats were fiddling with some woman, then I realized that she was dead, and when they began to take her away, my 2-year-old niece was sitting and said I’ll write to you in classmates, then wandering around the hospital, it seemed like I couldn’t give birth and the doctors didn’t know what to do and I didn’t allow a Caesarean section

    hello, I dreamed that I was bleeding, like a woman, I see it and understand that I need to go to the hospital, I go there and there are a lot of people in line, but they let me see the doctor and the dream ended. Thank you.

    Hello, I had a dream that I was bleeding like a woman, very profusely, blood clots, the blood was all over the floor, then suddenly everything stopped. At that moment I was in a state of panic

    Hello! Today I had a dream that it was as if I, but I don’t see myself, started bleeding, I know that there was a lot of blood, but I don’t see it. I start making some movements and I start to bleed more and more. In a dream, I called my sister, when she entered the room she was simply terrified. And then everything immediately disappeared, as if nothing had happened, no periods or bleeding, and I immediately woke up.

    Hello. I dreamed of heavy uterine bleeding after menstruation, but in reality I was just finishing my period. In the dream, this happened in the toilet, in the hospital, and there was salted fish, a lot of fish nearby. Thank you.

    I came to a man I knew to have sex, went to the bathroom in a shirt, the bathroom was white and large, and I started bleeding (heavy periods), but the blood was bright red. I didn’t know what to do, how to get out, I had nothing but water, no paper, no towels. then I woke up.

    I dreamed that I was standing with my boyfriend talking, and then we went somewhere together, I think to see friends, I came back alone down the steps and felt something running down my legs, he ran up and started screaming if I was okay, but It’s as if I myself don’t understand what’s happening. and then they put me in the hospital. I am getting up

    Hello! I dreamed that I had a female operation, in the dream I didn’t realize that they had removed it, either a tumor, or something in the uterus, then I started bleeding, and I couldn’t stop it, I changed pads often, and looked for them the whole dream, dream How in reality, what could this be?

    In a strange apartment, strange owners. First I crushed the bug, the bug seemed to explode - blood splashed onto my leg. Then someone reported that we were all drugged and poisoned by these strange owners. Afterwards, for some reason, I see myself lying on a cot and hear something dripping on the floor, I get up and realize that I have uterine bleeding. I tell the owner that I am bleeding, I can’t wait until the morning because I will bleed and die.

    Ъъ090 in general

    Hello! The dream is like this: I’m lying in the hospital waiting for the birth, or rather in conservancy, I walk along the corridor to find a doctor and say that I’m starting to bleed, the blood is not thick, not in clots, but like ichor, but it runs without stopping, I find the doctor, I have time to show him everything lined and wake up,

    Hello, Tatyana, I’m currently on my period), I dreamed that I went to the toilet to change a tampon, when I took it out, blood flowed from me, like from a faucet. This is such a dream.

    Hello, I dream that I am pregnant for several months and suddenly my period starts and there is blood on my hands. All this happened on the street near the sea, I walk along a small pier from the shore to the sea, and along this path there are people with whom it is impossible to separate, and a woman pushes me into the sea with her elbow. I fall and find myself naked, swimming to the shore where the girls I know are sitting, and I ask them to throw something over me. The girl offers me a scarf, but it is completely transparent.

    This morning around 4 am I dreamed that I was bleeding, running in a stream down my legs and there were several stains on my clothes. In the dream, I was in a hurry to go to the hospital and waited for an ambulance. After that, I woke up.

    Hello, from Friday to Saturday I had a dream that a young man and I were somewhere in another city, we were both flying, perhaps for work, there was no emphasis on this in the dream, we went shopping, watched something, something... something happened, not particularly active, because I don’t remember the actions clearly, but suddenly, out of the blue, I started bleeding (very strong, from the female genital organs, I seemed to be wearing a skirt or dress, but definitely not in trousers, maybe I rarely wear them in my life) and I understand in my head (in a dream) that this is not because of menstruation, because it was recently, about 10 days ago (as at the moment in my life) and the next one is still far away, there have been no problems for a long time in this matter. And the young man says that we urgently need to fly to our city in Moscow time, that we urgently need the help of a doctor in Moscow time. And there were thoughts in my head about supposedly being pregnant, but at the same time thoughts that this couldn’t be, I’m not pregnant. And we got on a strange little plane and flew away. Then the dream was interrupted.

    I dreamed that I was at work and I started having uterine bleeding, profuse with bloody clots. I got scared in my dream - it looked like pieces of meat... then I ended up in the hospital, and there...
    a long line of men.. and I had to walk past them and go in out of turn.. and there as usual.. the doctors are sitting chatting and not paying attention... and I sit and wait... and there are layers of thickened blood on my shoes... I wake up in horror

    Hello! I dreamed that I started bleeding like a woman. I saw a lot of blood. The dream was colorful. My friend, an emergency doctor, was nearby, she calmed me down, and I cried and understood that this was serious, and I also called my 4-year-old granddaughter, who ran away. The place was unfamiliar. Then I went out onto the balcony on a chair and the blood was still flowing out of me, I saw my granddaughter below, I screamed but she didn’t seem to hear me

    Hello, Tatyana. So I had a dream the day before yesterday, severe uterine bleeding, at home I’m standing in the bathroom and starting to bleed, I call my mother and see my grandfather, I scream to call an ambulance, but they don’t want to, I didn’t see my mother, I saw my grandfather, both were alive. The dream was in warm colors, but it was dark, I felt warm. I didn’t feel much fear in the dream, because I’m a doctor and I know what and how it is, only when I woke up it was scary. At the end of the dream it seemed to begin to stop.

    I dreamed at night from Thursday to Friday of bleeding from the vagina in pieces, similar to a miscarriage, I climbed into the bathtub and let’s wash it all off with water. I’m 54 years old, what’s this for, and that same night before this dream I saw a lot of large human poop

    I'm in the bathroom, my husband is standing at the door. I start bleeding (feminine style), I tell him to close the door, then I’m already standing in the bathtub itself with blood pouring out of me, in clots, dark. It was as if I had spat something out of myself... then everything stopped, I got out of the bath, turned on the water and began to wash off the blood with my palms closer to the drain hole...

    Hello! My name is Victoria, I had a dream today. As blood flowed out of me, there was a lot of it. I stood in the bathroom and the water gradually turned red. The blood thickened and changed color, from scarlet to dark red. I touched it with my hand. There were people near me whom I knew, but they were in no hurry to help me. Then I dream about the garden. In the garden, summer shoes from large to small sizes in beige color are neatly displayed. Please tell me what this all means.

    I had sex with a friend, uterine bleeding opened, we were very scared of the blood, there was a lot of it, I saw this blood as it flowed from me into the bathroom, water flowed and washed it off; his late father was in this room, I didn’t see him, but I felt him, although I didn’t even know his father when he was alive knew

    I dreamed that I had heavy periods. I was somewhere and got a leather lounger dirty. And then I tried to wipe it off, but it didn’t work. Then my friends saw my problem on my clothes. But it wasn't somehow embarrassing. Everything is within limits.

    I dreamed that my menstruation began, but as if not from me, but from under the closed lid of a white plastic bottle of hair spray. I started wrapping paper and cloth around the lid, but blood seeped out. I was worried. And then to my right I saw my older sister (she died a year ago), she said worriedly: “Olya, blood!” I answer: “I see, you see, I’m holding it so it doesn’t leak!”
    I run to the sink, release my hands from the lid, blood splashes, hits me in the thighs, my hands are covered in blood, and in my palms there is a blood clot from which a frog of brown-brown-black-green color (dark) appears (I was surprised for a moment and disgust), smoothly moves towards a stream of clean, pleasant temperature water, and during the moment while it was moving, it grew into a toad the size of a palm, changed color to light gray-beige, and its back became iridescent, beautiful. The toad sat down under the stream, I stroked it, like a cat, on its belly and back. At that moment I felt surprise, sympathy, and admired her beauty. The toad was cute) I wanted her to sit still under the water, but she slowly slid down and disappeared ((

    Hello) I dreamed that I was walking with a classmate on the street half naked, it’s not clear how I woke up, it seemed like on the street, but also in bed. I noticed blood on my legs, a friend said about a sharp and bad smell, when I got up I saw that I was already on the street and saw some woman passing by and fucking, then a girl approached her friend, they were chatting, at that time I saw blood flowing on my feet and it was in front of people and it stank a lot! Afterwards I saw it gushing out like a fountain, very strongly and in a dream I lost consciousness and woke up abruptly! This after-sleep feeling is unpleasant(’s like a double dream......I’m sitting with my daughter in the corridor, it looks like she’s in hospital and it’s like my daughter is pregnant with my daughter 14. and I’m just worried about how it’s like this, it’s necessary to have an abortion, but I’m afraid it’s impossible, but I repeat it many times it could be a shame. but she sits there and doesn’t care......then I walk along the road with someone but I don’t know who I’m with the females and I see that there are many drops of menstrual blood, I’m scared but not very much and they flow and flow then I look between my legs and I see that the pad is full and blood is leaking from it. But I didn’t calm down and I’m not sure that this is so and I think that it’s bleeding

    I'm 54 years old. I haven't had my period for a long time. but I had a dream about how I started my period. and a lot of blood doesn’t stop. at this time samaya is my friend. How are we going to go and relax in a boarding house? and I feel very bad that I got into the veto position.. I'm sorry, I'm not correct Russian

    Good afternoon
    I dreamed that my period suddenly started and everything started flowing down my legs and shoes. I immediately found myself in line for the women's room and asked people to let me through. They let me through and I ended up in a small house, where I began to take off everything and change clothes, there were clothes and shoes. Then I found myself on the road, two paths came out of it, and on the other side there was a clearing, as I understood my final goal. One path was in the water, you could swim through it, but I was afraid of the water. The second path, which was dry and flat, could be accessed through a small hill, but I couldn’t climb there, and then a big spider appeared and I sat thinking about how I could deal with it and what path I should decide to go on.
    Thanks for the answer!

    I dreamed that I was at a gynecologist’s office (I had everything removed in a female manner several years ago) for a consultation. And I start bleeding. I run to the toilet and see blood dripping from me into the toilet. Then I begin to pull out a long red and white worm from the lower abdomen from the right side. I pull it and throw it on the floor, and hold the end of it in my other hand so that it doesn’t crawl back up. I pull and pull, but it doesn’t end. And so I wake up in horror..

    I was lying on the floor. She was dressed. It was warm. I started having heavy female bleeding. Just a sea of ​​blood. But I didn’t get dirty with blood, although I was lying in a huge sea of ​​blood. My strength did not leave me, but on the contrary, it increased. People began to appear around and I began to be indignant at why no one was helping. This lasted a very long time and the blood flowed like a fountain. I started to get scared and woke up. The blood of the ball is the same color. This was the first time I had such a dream.

Most often, blood in a dream indicates a family (blood) connection and communicates that something future will be related directly to relatives. However, this image has other interpretations. Popular dream books will tell you why exactly you dream about bleeding.

Interpretation of Miller's dream book

Did you dream about blood pouring from a wound on your body or head? This means that you will have to worry a lot about your own health or a broken deal. Did you happen to see your bloody hands? In the near future, failures and total bad luck await you. The dream book advises to sort things out quickly.

There is bleeding according to Medea's dream book

Blood in a dream is a symbol of personal energy. For this reason, any bleeding indicates a loss of much-needed vitality for a person and eloquently warns of the onset of illness, spiritual or physical exhaustion. In addition, blood loss can predict other adversities and problems, ranging from sudden loss of money to the death of loved ones.

If you dreamed that another character was bleeding, then this conveys the dreamer’s guilt towards him in the real world. Essentially, you risk doing something that will cause trouble for the person you dreamed about. If you happened to get dirty in someone else’s blood, then this literally means that you became related to him in another dream world.

Opinion of the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If there is blood in a dream, it means that a person is losing energy. Seeing a bright scarlet stream of blood suddenly gushing out means that you are able to accomplish something that previously seemed impossible. But only if you can direct your forces in the right direction.

Did you dream that a clean, clotless stream flows from a deep wound? You will worry when solving an important problem. If it flows from your mouth, then you can captivate others with your enthusiasm. Bleeding from the ears warns that you will hear news that will push you to take decisive action. A nosebleed signifies worries and thoughts. Most likely, you are wasting your vitality.

Did you dream that black blood was flowing? For the sick, the vision promises a speedy recovery, for the healthy, deliverance from mental wounds. If there were clots in pure blood, then health problems will arise. A caked bloody crust marks a period of sadness and suffering.

Bleeding according to the modern combined dream book

To dream that blood is flowing onto clothes means that enemies are looking for a suitable opportunity to harm. After such a vision, you should be careful in communicating with strangers and strange people.

Did you dream that blood was coming from a wound? There is a possibility of illness and failure of a commercial deal with foreign partners. If blood spills onto your hands, you are definitely out of luck. It is also an omen of an accident and major failure.

I dreamed of blood - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If there was blood in a dream, then there will be news from relatives. Bleeding means temporary loneliness and great sadness. Did you happen to hurt another character bloody? Carelessness and short-sightedness make it difficult to understand the current situation.

Did you dream that a loved one was bleeding? Your own selfishness will lead to a quarrel and even separation from him. If the flowing blood literally flooded the earth, then the entire people would have to experience hardships, disasters and other misfortunes.

Interpretation of the image from a collection of dream books

Your own blood loss is a very bad sign, especially if you were unable to stop it in your dreams. Most likely, you will be deprived of strength and resources by a severe and prolonged illness.

At the same time, bleeding warns that you will commit an act that will cause your friends and loved ones to turn away from you.

What does it mean to dream about bleeding from the head?

However, if blood flows exclusively from the head, then this is a sign of rapid enrichment and increase in property. After the vision, expect good luck and favorable circumstances.

Did you dream that you got into a fight with someone and inflicted a serious wound on your opponent, from which a bloody fountain sprayed out? Try not to interfere in the upcoming quarrel, otherwise you will have unpleasant consequences. If in a dream there was blood flowing from the head, then some news will become the starting point for decisive action.

In a dream there is blood coming from a tooth

As you know, teeth represent relatives and closest people. If they bled in their dreams, then some kind of misfortune or trouble will happen to their relatives. The worst thing is if the tooth falls out with ichor. This is a sign that someone in the family will die.

Have you ever seen a tooth bleeding? This is a reflection of passivity, powerlessness or unwillingness to change anything. In rare cases, the vision is interpreted as fear of old age and one’s own death. If in a dream you had a tooth pulled out and the bleeding did not stop for a long time, then in reality you will quarrel with your loved one until a complete rupture.

Why do you dream about blood coming out of your mouth?

If in a dream there is blood coming from your mouth, then in reality you have all the prerequisites to lead people or to captivate them with some business or idea. The blood coming from the mouths of other characters hints at rumors and gossip that evil tongues are spreading. Did you dream that bloody juice was flowing profusely from your mouth? You will gain a lot, but you will lose just as quickly.

Why do you dream about nosebleeds?

Seeing a nosebleed in a dream means purchasing a prohibited product. For people with great power, this is a warning against rash decisions and dishonest actions. Is there dark blood coming from your nose? There will be losses, poverty and humiliation. If it is bright and clean, then you will have to worry and worry a lot, but without serious consequences.

What does bleeding from wounds mean?

Bloodshed due to injury symbolizes the loss of energy, time and material resources. The dream promises a breakdown in transactions, a deterioration in the financial situation and other troubles related to money. Seeing blood flowing from a wound is a sign of a situation that will seem insignificant, but will bring a lot of trouble and difficulties.

If in a dream you tried to stop the blood coming from a wound, then in real life you cannot forget the deceased person. Bleeding after being wounded literally means living beyond your means.

If the sight of blood from a wound fascinates you and even pleases you, then you are hiding some secret that weighs heavily on you.

Why do you dream about blood from the uterus?

In magical practices, the female uterus is considered an inexhaustible source of energy. Therefore, bleeding from it encourages you to accumulate vital energy and strength before some important event.

It is also a symbol of mental trauma received as a result of external influence. Sometimes you dream of uterine bleeding before pregnancy. But most often it reflects the need for protection and security. In any case, you should consult a doctor and check the condition of the genital area.

Did you dream about menstruation? The vision is considered a reflection of imminent changes. In reality, get rid of what interferes with your life and get new habits, relationships, ideas in return.

Dreamed of bleeding during pregnancy

If a lady who was pregnant in real life dreamed of bleeding, then this is a reflection of her suspiciousness and fears. Usually, the dream, on the contrary, promises the birth of an absolutely healthy and strong baby. Although caution will not hurt, because in such an interesting situation you need to be more careful about yourself.

Did you dream that you had a miscarriage during pregnancy? Changes are coming soon that you are not yet ready for. This is also a signal of unexpected changes in long-conceived plans.

Sometimes miscarriage and uterine bleeding reflect injustice or a truly shocking situation.

Why do you dream that you are bleeding?

Seeing blood loss in a dream that cannot be stopped means longing for a person who has gone to another world. If blood flows and stains clothes, then new friends or fans are up to something evil.

Did you dream that blood gushed out like a fountain or stream? You are capable of incredible things and can easily overcome any obstacles if you understand your own purpose and direct all your energy to fulfill it.

Why do you dream about bleeding in another person?

To see a friend bleeding in a dream literally means that communication with him may completely stop due to your selfishness or excessive talkativeness.

If black blood flows from the body of a sick person in real life, then he will soon recover. If healthy, he will get rid of difficult thoughts or relationships.

If you dreamed that another person started bleeding because of your fault (for example, you pushed him, beat him or wounded him), then you urgently need to take the initiative and not wait for help from others.

There is blood in a dream - interpretation

To make a more accurate interpretation, you should take into account any details of what happened in the dream. After all, the interpretation largely depends on the quality of the blood in the dream, the location of the bleeding, etc.

  • red blood - for fun
  • its bright scarlet - to health
  • stranger - death of a blood loved one
  • diluted with saliva - the death of a cousin
  • warm - to obtain energy
  • cold - love fades away
  • with clots - to illness
  • black – to recovery/deliverance
  • blue - to surprise
  • caked with crust - a relative will get sick
  • animal - to fulfill desires
  • person - to loss of energy
  • its own - to headaches, migraines
  • someone else's - to little profit
  • a lot of clean - for benefit, enrichment
  • dark, with clots - for testing
  • bloody puddle - wish fulfillment, dangerous feelings
  • drops - satisfaction
  • bloody trails - wealth
  • tears - you will find yourself in a strange situation
  • combat wound - haste will lead to trouble
  • from a small cut - to a party with friends
  • from a deep wound - to experiences
  • from the nose - to an accident, a car accident
  • from the ears - to the news
  • from the eyes - to shock, fear
  • from the throat - to shame for one’s own shortcomings
  • from a severed head - to grief, serious loss
  • out of hand - things will fall apart
  • from the leg - the situation will be shaken
  • from the heart - “heart” wound
  • from the boil - to the base
  • spitting blood - to shame, illness
  • vomiting blood - to difficult disposal
  • drinking blood - to new hope
  • licking - to mental anxiety
  • letting yourself in - to weakness, losses
  • swimming in it means shock
  • get dirty - circumstances will be unfavorable
  • pours to the ground - fortunately, the future
  • floods everything around - to disaster

If in a dream you suddenly find that another character has clean water pouring out of his wound instead of blood, then in the real world he literally lives an imaginary life and prefers to wear a mask, hiding his true essence under it. It’s even worse to see similar bleeding in yourself.

To dream that you are bleeding is a very bad sign, especially if the bleeding cannot be stopped. You are threatened with a long, protracted illness that will exhaust and weaken you. If you dream that your nose is bleeding, it means that you will get sick and your life will be in danger. For traders, the dream foreshadows bad trade and heavy material losses. If you are under trial or investigation, the dream means that you will risk incurring expenses that will almost ruin you. If you are in love, your beloved will cheat on you with your close friend and marry him. This dream also foreshadows quarrels and short-term discord in your own family, which will make you suffer for a long time. But in the end, the gap will be healed and happiness will return to your home. This dream should serve as a warning to you: you do not need to travel for a while, as disasters and accidents are possible; and there is no need to undertake any new business, and above all, do not lend money, otherwise you will lose both the money and the friendship of the person to whom you lent it.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream Interpretation - Female genital organs

Apart from explicit sexual content, the female genital organs can be seen as a symbol of the reproductive function of women, and also - if used in an even broader sense - as a natural creative force. In any meaning, this symbol will have such an interpretation that the organs act as producing something new. But this interpretation can hardly satisfy our needs in studying the essence of the unconscious.

Regardless of the gender of the person who sees this dream, its meaning is that the unconscious requires the introduction of new elements into life. The circle of things and people in which you exist no longer satisfies you; you are simply bored with it. You strive for something that can give you something new, which will give meaning to your entire existence, give you a complete sense of the world and a feeling of joy and well-being.

The old age and decrepitude of your mental state is compensated by the unconscious in a dream, but you need to understand that this is not enough. After all, the instinctive sphere cannot fully function if consciousness turns away from it: a conflict arises in the psyche, which is easier to prevent than to overcome later, wasting precious energy and time. Thus, your search actually becomes a search for yourself in another, this is exactly what the unconscious requires of you.

According to the theory of the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, hollow and round objects seen in a dream symbolize the female genital organs, and all elongated and sharp objects symbolize the male genital organs.

Interpretation of dreams from