All about girls' periods. What are periods? Is it menstruation?

Over the course of a calendar month, a woman’s body undergoes cyclical changes that culminate in menstruation. From the first day they begin to count the new menstrual cycle.

Menstruation (periods, critical days) is the main stage of puberty in girls. This is one of the many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman.

Some girls can't wait for it to start. Others may feel afraid or anxious. Many girls (and most guys!) don't have a full understanding of the function of the female reproductive system and what actually happens during the menstrual cycle. This can make the process even more mysterious.

Everything that happens during menstruation depends on the rhythmic release of sex hormones and pituitary hormones.

First menstruation

Puberty begins no earlier than 9 years of age. This does not mean that your first period will come at this age.

First, the girl’s body must prepare and go through the following stages:

  1. 1 The appearance of pubic hair, almost simultaneously, hair begins to grow in the armpits.
  2. 2 Growth and development of the mammary gland.
  3. 3 Menarche is the first menstruation.

Sometimes changes in the mammary gland occur before pubic hair begins to grow. It takes about two years from the start of breast growth to the appearance of the first menstruation. A girl's first period appears at about 13 years of age.

About six months before, the girl may notice an increase in the amount of discharge; this is normal. There is no need to worry if the discharge does not have an unpleasant odor and does not cause itching or burning.

Sometimes puberty occurs at a slower pace, then menstruation may begin at 14-15 years of age.

It is necessary to consult a doctor if you do not have periods at the age of 15, and other signs of puberty are not expressed.

2. What periods are considered normal?

Menstruation is bleeding that occurs due to the shedding of the inner lining of the uterus. Bleeding can last from 3 to 7 days, most often 4-5.

The duration of a full cycle from the beginning of one menstruation to the next is on average 28 days. Shortening the cycle to 21 days or increasing it to 35 days is not considered a deviation.

During menstruation, about 30-80 ml of blood is lost. This amount of blood loss does not affect the general condition and well-being. The body manages to compensate for blood loss by diluting the blood and releasing additional blood cells from the depot.

Menstrual discharge contains parts of the endometrium and epithelial cells; they differ in appearance from any other bleeding.

The blood itself is dark in color and does not clot. In the first few days, it contains mucous blood cords and clots - remnants of the inner lining of the uterus. In the last days of menstruation, only blood is released. It is gradually becoming smaller.

The amount of blood loss can be determined independently by the fullness of sanitary pads. If one pad lasts more than 2 hours, then there is nothing to worry about.

They need to be changed at least every 3-4 hours. Blood is a good breeding ground for bacteria, so a rare change of hygiene products can lead to the development of an inflammatory process (vulvovaginitis).

During this period, your health may deteriorate: pain and cramps in the lower abdomen and lower back, dizziness and headache, and weakness. Paracetamol and ibuprofen, which your doctor may prescribe, will relieve these symptoms. A warm heating pad and a warm shower will also help get rid of cramps.

Some girls feel a deterioration in their condition a few days before the onset of menstruation. In this case, signs appear that are combined into the concept:

  1. 1 Breast engorgement.
  2. 2 Headache.
  3. 3 Changes in mood.
  4. 4 Tearfulness.
  5. 5 Sometimes – aggression.
  6. 6 Digestive disorders, constipation, bloating.
  7. 7 Sleep disorders.

The severity of these symptoms can vary - from slight discomfort and heaviness in the chest on the eve of menstruation to serious disorders that force you to change your lifestyle and social activity.

They do not require special treatment, and in severe cases, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. Usually all unwanted symptoms disappear with the onset of menstruation.

3. Deviations from the norm

Menstruation is a reflection of the health of the female body. If the duration, regularity and volume of blood loss are not within the normal range, you need to look for the reasons and eliminate them.

Girls need to remember the date of their first menstruation and monitor their body. For most, it takes about a year for a normal cycle to develop; sometimes this process can take longer. In this case, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

The period between bleeding may initially vary; it may lengthen or shorten. The amount of bleeding sometimes ranges from scanty spotting for a couple of days to intense bleeding.

Pay attention to the following symptoms that may be signs of illness:

  1. 1 The menstrual cycle lasts more than 35 or less than 21 days.
  2. 2 In the middle of the cycle there are .
  3. 3 Irregular periods, there are no equal spaces between them.
  4. 4 Excessive discharge, one pad only lasts for 2 hours.
  5. 5 The bleeding continues more than 7 days.
  6. 6 No periods for more than 3 months, and pregnancy is excluded.
  7. 7 Arises lower abdomen.
  8. 8 Increases during menstruation temperature.

A doctor's help is also necessary for severe premenstrual syndrome. In some girls, its symptoms appear long before menstruation, immediately after ovulation.

The doctor will conduct an examination, find out the causes and prescribe treatment that will help reduce the severity of discomfort.

4. What sets the rhythm?

The menstrual cycle of any woman is controlled by the pituitary gland, a special part of the brain whose cells produce hormones.

Over the course of three weeks, under the influence of pituitary hormones, changes occur in the ovaries and uterus. Menstruation completes the development of the endometrium. But it is from the first day of menstruation that a new cycle begins.

This is due to the fact that at this moment the concentration of all hormones is in the “starting” state. The amount of estrogen is reduced.

At this time, the pituitary gland secretes follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). It causes the follicles in the ovaries to grow and prepares the egg for maturation. Estrogen is also intensively produced there. They affect the inner lining of the uterus and lead to a gradual increase in the thickness of the mucous layer.

The pituitary gland also secretes luteinizing hormone (LH). In the middle of the cycle there is a sharp release. This provokes ovulation - the release of an egg from the follicle.

Then the level of LH decreases, but under its influence a corpus luteum is formed at the site of the burst follicle. This hormone is needed to maintain the function of the corpus luteum.

Cells of the corpus luteum secrete progesterone. This is a hormone that prepares the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) for pregnancy. The number of vessels and glands in it increases, it becomes suitable for the attachment of a fertilized egg.

So, over the course of a month, the body prepares for pregnancy. This is a natural process that occurs in a girl who is not yet mentally mature to have children.

When pregnancy does not occur, the reverse process begins:

  1. 1 The corpus luteum “fades” and gradually disappears.
  2. 2 Endometrial vessels contract.
  3. 3 Blood flow and nutrition of the mucous membrane deteriorate.
  4. 4 The blood flow to the uterus does not change.
  5. 5 Blood separates the functional layer of the endometrium from the wall of the uterus; it leaves the body in the form of dark red, brownish strands and lumps.
  6. 6 Various influences on the phases of the menstrual cycle can lead to irregular periods.

5. How to behave during menstruation?

Menstruation is a normal phenomenon in the body of any woman. This period should not significantly affect your lifestyle. But you need to follow some rules so that problems do not arise during your period.

Hygiene is an important issue. This includes a daily shower and change of linen. Girls can use pads and sanitary tampons.

Modern pads for critical days are thin multi-layer napkins, the bottom oilcloth layer of which reliably protects the linen. They differ in the degree of absorption and size. They are changed, regardless of how full they are, at least every 3-4 hours. Why can't you do this less often?

There is a gap between the pad and the vaginal opening. Menstrual blood flows freely and drips onto the pad, but can stain the skin of the perineum and linger on the vulva.

Blood is a breeding ground for bacteria, and increased humidity and heat create favorable conditions for their reproduction. The degree of microbial contamination on the vulva is very high, so menstrual blood is quickly decomposed by bacteria. A pungent odor appears. Therefore, rarely changing pads is unhygienic.

Girls can also use tampons. They will not damage the hymen. For virgins, special tampons of minimal size are suitable.

Under the influence of estrogen, the hymen tissue softens and becomes slightly folded, so it does not interfere with the insertion of a tampon. Its use may be difficult only if there is an abnormal development of the hymen or vagina.

The tampon needs to be replaced every 3-4 hours, the maximum allowable time for its presence is 7-8 hours. If you change a dry tampon too often, mechanical irritation of the vagina will occur. Changing swollen tampons less frequently can cause infection and toxic shock.

In addition to hygiene, many girls are interested in the question of playing sports on menstruation days. There are no absolute contraindications to this. On the contrary, moderate physical exercise can reduce the severity of pain and keep the body in good shape.

In the first two days, when bleeding is most pronounced. You should not lift heavy objects or visit the bathhouse or sauna these days. Properly selected tampons will not interfere with swimming, dancing and training.

6. Sexual life and pregnancy

For some girls, the onset of sexual activity is between 14 and 16 years of age. Most likely, none of them wants to become a mother at this age, so you need to remember about contraception.

Don't forget about the possibility of pregnancy. Sometimes ovulation occurs not on days 12-14 of the cycle, but earlier. Sperm can remain viable for up to 3 days, so sex during menstruation can result in pregnancy.

Sex without a condom is dangerous. The cervix during menstruation does not protect against the penetration of bacteria into the body of the uterus and appendages. Inflammation that develops in these areas can cause infertility.

After the first menstruation, girls begin to truly grow up and become more responsible for their health. Therefore, if you have any questions or concerns, you should contact your gynecologist.

Young girls who will become mothers in the future should know what menstruation is and why they are needed. This cyclical process will accompany them until the completion of reproductive functioning. This article will tell you everything about menstruation: their duration, frequency of occurrence, changes in the body that they provoke.

Before talking about cyclical physiological characteristics, you need to find out what menstruation is.

This term refers to the stage of the cycle, which is characterized by peeling and rejection of the outer layer of the uterus - the endometrium. Menstruation is a regular process that begins on the first day of the cycle.

Critical days are often accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Therefore, until they are completed, it is difficult for a woman to maintain working capacity.

The process of separation of the uterine endometrium in gynecology is called desquamation. During this period, blood comes out of the vagina, which may contain small clots and particles of the endometrium.

Once desquamation is complete, the outer uterine layer becomes thicker. Thanks to its compaction, favorable conditions are created in the body for the attachment of a fertilized egg.

That is, the main function of critical days is to prepare the body for pregnancy. If conception does not occur, their main mission becomes purification. After completion of the reproductive stage, which occurs around 45–48 years of age, the endometrium does not separate from the uterus.

12 years may begin. In gynecology they are called “menarche”. Most teenagers become sexually mature at this age. That is, the presence of menstruation indicates the body’s readiness to conceive and bear a fetus.

Read more about what is happening in the body at this time in a separate article on our website.

Type of menstrual flow

Sometimes menstruation in girls indicates the development of a pathological process in the body. Therefore, to maintain reproductive functioning, you need to know which discharges are considered normal and which are not.

Classification of menstrual flow:

  1. .Appear mainly a few days before the onset of desquamation. Brown color. If discharge is observed during menstruation, this may indicate erosion of the uterine cervix, exhausted ovarian syndrome, polyps or neoplasms in the genital area and other ailments.
  2. Very scarce. The volume of such secretions does not exceed 35–40 ml. They arise due to hormonal imbalance. Sometimes scanty periods appear before some important event, such as a wedding, that is, during a period of strong psycho-emotional stress.
  3. . There is no need to worry about the presence of clots in your monthly discharge, because in fact it is clotted blood. They often form if a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle.
  4. Abundant. The volume of such secretions is more than 80 ml. Usually they do not go away on the 6th–7th day. Their presence may indicate cancer, uterine polyps, or endometriosis. Also, a large output of menstrual blood is a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy.

– bright red. In the second half of desquamation they turn brown.

As for the release of yellow or green foamy fluid from the vagina during menstrual periods, this is a pathology. Its presence may be associated with an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs, as well as candidiasis and other gynecological diseases.

What happens in the body

During menstrual periods in women, the endometrium is actively torn away from the uterus. This process is accompanied by bleeding from the vagina. Menstrual discharge contains enzymes that prevent it from clotting.

Blood flow contributes to the rapid removal of endometrial remnants from the body. The amount of fluid depends on the duration of menstruation and other cyclical features.

If the egg has been fertilized, the endometrium is completely renewed. For 9 months it serves as additional protection for the fetus.

In the absence of pregnancy, the renewed upper layer of the uterus is released from the body along with menstrual blood.

Symptoms of critical days

Most women experience discomfort during menstrual periods. Their occurrence is associated with increased hormonal activity at this time.

Main symptoms of menstruation:

  1. Aching or nagging pain in the ovarian area (lower abdomen).
  2. Nausea. Sometimes it may be accompanied by vomiting.
  3. Breast swelling.
  4. Increased irritability, tendency to sudden mood swings.

It is worth noting that not all representatives of the fair sex experience these unpleasant symptoms. According to statistics, 45% of women do not experience any discomfort during menstrual periods.

Additional signs of desquamation:

  1. Anxiety, apathy.
  2. Pain in the heart area.
  3. Frequent urination.
  4. Panic attacks.
  5. Slight increase in body temperature.

Duration of menstruation

Women have periods until reproductive function is complete, that is, until menopause.

The duration of menstrual bleeding varies among girls. On average, menstruation lasts from 3 to 7 days.

The first desquamation is usually not characterized by abundance and duration. In 12-year-old girls at menarche, the amount of vaginal blood released does not exceed 10 ml.

What is the menstrual cycle

Every sexually mature woman regularly experiences physiological changes. The monthly (menstrual) cycle is called periodic changes in the female body. Each stage is controlled by hormones.

Regularity and duration of this period

The number of days in one cycle is from 21 to 33. Its average duration is 27–28 days. Every day, under the influence of sex hormones, changes occur in a girl’s body. These chemicals prepare the body for pregnancy every month.

The monthly cycle begins on the first day of desquamation and ends with the onset of the next critical days.

Cyclic duration depends on the body's production of sex hormones, in particular estrogen and progesterone.

What changes occur during the cycle

Women who want to understand the specifics of their physiological nature should know what happens during the menstrual cycle in their body and when their periods begin.

In the first half of this stage, the production of estrogen, one of the main female hormones, increases. This chemical not only prepares the body for pregnancy, creating favorable conditions for conception, but also strengthens bone tissue. However, its main function is to thicken the endometrium.

In parallel with the increase in the body's production of estrogen, the follicle grows and develops in the ovaries, which is a small vesicle containing an egg.

Approximately in the middle of the cycle (on days 14–16), the follicle leaves the ovary and enters the fallopian tube to meet the sperm there. This process is called ovulation. Its main characteristic is the accelerated production of sex hormones, which ensures the creation of favorable conditions for pregnancy.

The highest chances of successful embryo implantation exist 2–3 days before the onset of ovulation and on the first day of this phase. That is, if during this period the egg meets the sperm, there is a high probability that the woman will become pregnant.

If conception does not occur, menstruation occurs. After monthly discharge, the endometrium is renewed again.

How and why to keep a calendar

The beginning of menstruation for girls is marked on the calendar. This is done to control the stability of the cycle. The implementation of the calendar method makes it possible to determine not only the duration of the cycle, but also the possible occurrence of pregnancy.

That is, if menstruation does not begin by the expected date and the delay is more than 5 days, perhaps the girl will soon become a mother.

Keeping a menstrual calendar is convenient. It can be used to track cyclical failures. If they were not provoked by psycho-emotional stress, physical fatigue or other external factors, it is necessary to undergo a gynecological examination. Regular shifts in the cycle may indicate a pathological process occurring in the body.

By the age of 10-11, girls are usually already aware of the existence of menstruation and why they are needed. The onset of the first menstruation marks the beginning of adulthood. They are waiting for him with excitement. Questions often arise that not every mother can answer. For example, what kind of strange discharge appeared, is this normal for a 9-10 year old girl, when to expect her period to start and why is it late. And it also happens that menstruation appears completely unexpectedly at the age of 7-8 years. The girl is not ready for this either mentally or physically. It is important to understand what the causes and consequences of early and late periods may be.


What determines the timing of the appearance of the first menstruation?

Puberty in girls begins at about 10 years of age and ends by 17-18 years. They begin to grow mammary glands and develop genital organs. 1-1.5 years after the start of maturation, the first menstruation (menarche) appears. The ovaries begin to function and female sex hormones are produced. At this time, ovulation appears, and pregnancy may occur.

The timing of this period depends on the following factors:

  • heredity;
  • physical development;
  • state of the nervous system;
  • lifestyle and social environment;
  • awareness of gender relations;
  • general health, presence of endocrine diseases.

If a girl was often sick since childhood, had congenital pathologies, or had to take a lot of medications, then menstruation may appear later. The norm is the appearance of the first menstruation at the age of 12-15 years. If it occurs at the age of 8-10, it is considered that menstruation is early, and if after 15 years, then it is considered late. In both cases, the causes of deviations are most often hormonal disorders or improper development of the genital organs.

What should your first period be like?

The first periods in girls appear in connection with the beginning of the functioning of the ovaries. Puberty begins when the pituitary gland and hypothalamus produce hormones (FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone, LH - luteinizing hormone) that promote the formation of estrogens in the ovaries. In the reproductive system, processes such as egg maturation, ovulation, and endometrial development begin to occur. Conception becomes possible. In this case, regular fluctuations in the level of sex hormones occur, characteristic of the menstrual cycles.

Addition: Follicles with egg primordia are present in the girl’s ovaries from birth. Their number is determined genetically. They are consumed throughout the reproductive period. The reserve is exhausted by the age of 45-52. A woman enters menopause and menstruation stops.

Menstruation occurs as a result of rejection and renewal of the uterine mucosa if fertilization of the egg does not occur. Menstrual discharge contains blood from vessels damaged during endometrial detachment. Therefore, normal first menstruation is dark red in color and has a mucous consistency with clots. There is slight discomfort; there should not be severe abdominal pain.

The volume of blood discharge during the entire period of menstruation is from 50 to 150 ml. Girls have the most intense periods in the first 2-3 days.

The approach of the first menstruation, signs and preparation

Based on some signs, you can understand that the girl will soon begin her first menstruation. Mild soreness appears in the mammary glands, their volume begins to increase, hair appears on the pubis, under the arms, on the legs and arms. About 1-1.5 years before the start of menstruation, white, odorless discharge appears. If their volume increases, they become more liquid, then the first menstruation may occur within 1 month.

An attentive mother notices that the girl’s mood often changes for no reason; she has an increased interest in intimate hygiene products and changes in her own figure. Before the first menstruation appears, some people gain weight.

To ensure that a girl’s first period does not come as a surprise or cause panic, she must be prepared for its onset. A girl should know what menstruation is, what it should be like normally, why deviations are possible, and whether they are always a pathology. She should have an idea of ​​what age her first period comes, how many days it lasts, and what the menstrual cycle should be like.

The girl needs to be told about what sensations she may have and in which case she needs advice and help from a doctor. After signs of the imminent arrival of the first period appear, the girl should always have pads with her.

Warning: The mother should explain to her daughter how to use pads and talk about the need for enhanced care of the genitals during menstruation. Otherwise, due to inexperience, an infection may be introduced into the genitals. Incorrectly chosen gaskets often leak. This causes not only discomfort, but also emotional stress.

After the appearance of menstruation, you need to start a calendar, marking the date of its beginning and end. This will allow you to monitor the regularity of your cycle and notice deviations in the nature of menstruation. The first cycles are unstable in duration and time of onset.

Video: Causes of instability of the first menstruation

When to see a doctor

Pathology is said to exist if:

  1. Menstruation appears at too young an age or is late.
  2. The volume of menstruation exceeds 150 ml, they are bright red in color. This may be a sign of hormonal disorders, pathological development of the reproductive organs. Such abnormal first periods in girls occur due to blood diseases. Such menstruation is a sign of tumor diseases and occurs due to taking certain medications that affect the development of the endometrium.
  3. The first menstruation has appeared, but the next one does not come, although more than 3 months have passed. The reason for this phenomenon may be professional sports or ballet, when the body experiences too much stress. At the same time, such a pathology is a consequence of an inflammatory process, an infectious disease, or a malfunction of the endocrine glands.
  4. Menstruation comes irregularly, although more than 1.5 years have passed since its onset. They appear either after 20 days, or after 35-40. The reasons for the instability of the cycle are illnesses, injuries, vitamin deficiencies, and the desire to lose weight by exhausting the body by starvation.
  5. Severe abdominal pain appears during menstruation.
  6. Their duration is 1-2 days. The cause may be a lack of estrogen due to underdevelopment of the ovaries. If they last 8-10 days, this indicates increased functioning of the ovaries or weak contractility of the uterine muscles.

In such cases, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination by a pediatric gynecologist, as well as an endocrinologist.

Video: About the features of the first menstruation, the need to prepare girls for their onset

Symptoms during menstruation

The girl should be prepared for the fact that with the onset of her period she may experience the following symptoms:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • tearfulness, causeless irritability;
  • headache, dizziness, nausea;
  • intestinal disorders during menstruation.

It is necessary to limit sports and other physical activities on menstruation days, and get more rest.

Early periods

Early menstruation is considered to occur when a girl is under 11 years of age. There are cases when menstruation occurs in 8-year-old girls.

Sometimes early puberty is not a pathology. If the same situation was observed in mother and grandmother, then this is genetically determined. Accelerated physical development, intense sports, and dancing can also trigger the onset of menstruation at a young age.

However, in any case, when a girl’s first period appears at this age, it is recommended that she be examined, since most often the cause of the phenomenon is hormonal disorders, developmental pathologies, or diseases of the reproductive system. Hormonal disorders are caused by brain tumors, since it is the pituitary gland and hypothalamus that produce hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle.

Menstruation appears early if the child has diabetes. Early periods often occur in girls who have experienced severe stress or psychological trauma. One of the causes of stress may be too early exposure to issues of the physiology of sexes. A child’s psyche is easily traumatized by watching non-children’s programs on TV, as well as observing the sexual relations of loved ones.

What are the dangers of early puberty?

The early appearance of menstruation in a girl causes future health problems, such as early menopause, cardiovascular diseases, abnormalities in the thyroid gland, and hormonal disorders. Women who get their periods early are at increased risk of tumors of the reproductive organs and breasts.

With the onset of puberty, growth and physical development slow down. An important factor in the proper development of the reproductive system is good nutrition and normal living conditions.

Prevention of early menstruation

In order not to provoke the onset of menstruation too early, parents need to take into account what factors contribute to early sexual development. Prevention measures are:

  1. Elimination of stress that can traumatize the delicate psyche of children. We need a calm, friendly atmosphere in the family and a trusting relationship between children and parents, and timely introduction to the problems of sexual development.
  2. Ensuring proper diet. It is harmful for children to eat spicy, overly salty or sour foods, drink a lot of cocoa, coffee, and strong tea. Drinking beer and other alcoholic beverages is strictly contraindicated for teenagers.
  3. Treatment of endocrine diseases.
  4. Parental control over what the child watches on TV or on the computer.

It is important to observe moderation in sports and not to physically overload the child’s body.

Video: What will a girl’s early maturation lead to?

Late periods

The onset of the first menstruation in girls aged 16-18 is considered a deviation from the norm. Late sexual development is also indicated by poor development of the mammary glands.

The causes of late menstruation may be abnormal development of the uterus and ovaries, dysfunction of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, and the presence of neuropsychiatric diseases. Late puberty is caused by infectious diseases suffered in childhood (measles, mumps, scarlet fever, rubella).

Often the cause of late menstruation is a girl’s excessive thinness. Adipose tissue, like the ovaries, produces estrogens. In its absence, the level of estrogen is insufficient for the normal functioning of the genital organs.

There are other unfavorable factors that lead to the late appearance of the first menstruation in girls: vitamin deficiency, poor ecology, consumption of genetically modified foods.

Consequences of late puberty

If you do not consult a doctor in time and do not eliminate the anomalies during adolescence, then the woman subsequently develops so-called genital infantilism. At the same time, the reproductive system of a mature woman remains underdeveloped (like a teenager). This affects your appearance and leads to hormonal imbalances that affect your overall health.

In girls, unlike adult women, this pathology is usually curable.

Video: What are the dangers of early and late onset of the first period

The beginning of the menstrual cycle is a fairly important event in the life of any girl. For this reason, many people are concerned about such a pressing topic - what menstruation is and when it starts. Interest in these issues is determined not only by curiosity, but also by the fact that many young representatives of the fair sex want to be mentally prepared for the onset of this event. Of course, talking about this is the task of any mother, nevertheless not all parents can provide the most complete information about how menstruation occurs and what to be wary of.

Menstruation, why they are needed, features

The beginning of the menstrual cycle often raises a natural question for girls - why are they needed, and how to perceive your body now, what has changed.

In fact, the topic of what menstruation is and when it begins is quite interesting and extraordinary. Menstruation means the beginning of a certain cycle, indicating that the girl’s body is ready for reproductive function. However, the beginning of the cycle does not at all mean that the girl is ready for motherhood. Menstruation is usually begins in girls aged 11 to 15 years and indicate the physiological readiness of the body.

Menstruation is characterized by the release of bloody discharge and small clots from the genital tract. The appearance of clots during the menstrual cycle is the norm, since this is nothing more than the remnants of the endometrial layer that peels off during menstruation.

Note that this layer grows during the monthly cycle, thereby creating certain conditions ideal for implantation of a fertilized egg. If this does not happen, this functional layer separates and comes out along with the blood.

The beginning of menstruation, what they look like, photo

Answering the question of what menstruation is and when it begins, photo, first of all I would like to note that in the first days of menstruation a process occurs that is accompanied by a fairly slow rejection of the endometrium with slight blood loss.

On the second or third day, as a rule, the uterus recovers and by the sixth or seventh day the menstruation process is completely over. Then the cycle begins again, during which the endometrial layer thickens in preparation for fertilization; in the absence of the latter, the cycle ends with the beginning of menstruation.

We pay special attention to the fact that in the presence of a disease such as endometriosis, it is possible to isolate a special type of clot, which is the remnants of functional endometrial tissue.

The onset of menstruation in girls depends on the characteristics of the body, but the standard age range is 11-15 years. However, they can start earlier as well as later. But if menstruation does not begin when you reach the age of sixteen, you should consult a specialist.

Menstruation in girls 12 years old, what to look for

Note that the onset of menstruation is characterized by the fact that a few days before the start, certain symptoms may occur, talking about the imminent arrival of menstruation. This is caused by premenstrual syndrome, which causes some discomfort. Most often this such signs:

  • quite frequent mood swings;
  • the appearance of weakness, apathy to almost everything happening around;
  • increased irritability.

The appearance of blood stains on your underwear can also indicate the onset of your period. Note that even girls 12 years old can have heavy discharge, so you shouldn’t be surprised by this. As a rule, it all depends on the characteristics of the organism.

In addition, critical days are not always accompanied by painful sensations, as many believe. Some teenagers learn about the onset of menstruation only when blood appears, while others are quite bothered by aching pain in the lower abdomen. Often, menstruation, its intensity and pain syndrome are determined by hereditary factors.

Menstruation in girls 14 years old: possible disorders

The intensity and regularity of menstruation in adolescents (menstruation in girls 14 years of age and older) is quite sensitive to the influence of various factors. That is, this is influenced not only by heredity, but also by ecology, family situation, physical and mental stress, lifestyle, nutrition, as well as the presence of diseases, etc.

It should also be taken into account that, as a rule, Teens' periods are often irregular and therefore both the girls themselves and their parents are interested in the question of in what cases they should worry. Exists several reasons for concern, which will be indicated below:

  • absence of menstruation before age 16;
  • absence of breast development up to 13 years of age;
  • sudden cessation of menstruation for a long period (from 3 months);
  • after the monthly cycle became regular, a failure occurred, after which the cyclicity of menstruation is irregular and sudden;
  • cycle too short or too long;
  • duration of menstruation for more than a week;
  • excessive bleeding, severe pain;
  • the appearance of bleeding between cycles;
  • sudden increase in temperature.

Menstruation in women: basic rules

The menstrual cycle in women occurs differently, as mentioned above, everything depends on the characteristics of the body and hereditary factors. For some, the cycle has virtually no effect on their well-being, while others suffer quite a lot from discomfort and pain.

There are several basic rules that should be followed in order to alleviate the condition and not harm the body. First of all, during menstruation, you should reduce physical activity and be sure to follow the basics of intimate hygiene.

Please note that when carrying out water procedures there are some restrictions when menstruating, these include:

  • ban on visiting bathhouses and saunas.
  • prohibition on visiting and swimming in pools and open bodies of water.
  • prohibition on taking hot baths.

These recommendations are primarily aimed at preventing infection and the occurrence of a disease such as endometriosis. Also, for these reasons, many experts do not recommend sexual activity during menstruation. This is explained by the fact that during menstruation the uterus is slightly open, which in turn makes it easier for various infections to enter its cavity.

Menstruation and their role, video

According to the current definition, the menstrual cycle is the period from one menstruation to the next. That is, a woman has the opportunity to conceive a child every month. This is explained by the fact that monthly cyclical changes occur in the body of women of reproductive age, which are a kind of preparation for pregnancy.

The central event of the cycle, both in its significance and in timing, is the process of ovulation, which involves the maturation of the egg and its release, after which it can be fertilized.

That is, menstruation and their role, a video about which you can watch below, is very important and significant process, without which the prolongation of the human race would not have been possible. And therefore it is very important that women’s health is always in order. This requires a timely visit to a gynecologist and an appropriate examination. This will help you avoid possible problems, as well as plan the desired pregnancy and fully experience all the happiness of motherhood.

Let's sum it up

We hope that the presented material helped our readers answer a question that was of concern to many- What are periods and when do they begin? The main purpose of the menstrual cycle and the periods themselves is to prepare the female body for conceiving a child. For this reason, you should not neglect the recommendations presented. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum about treatment with folk remedies.

How many days a woman’s menstruation lasts is influenced by many factors, including the physiological characteristics of the body and lifestyle. Significant deviations from the norm and instability of the menstrual cycle are symptoms of diseases of the reproductive system. Only a gynecological examination will help determine the cause of the disorders. You should not put off visiting a doctor in the hope that everything will get better on its own. An advanced disease is more difficult to treat, and its consequences can be serious.


Normal and pathological menstruation in women of reproductive age

The normal duration of menstrual bleeding should be 3-7 days. The body is weakened these days due to blood loss. The woman quickly gets tired and feels weak. A headache occurs. All these ailments are normal, they do not last long and disappear with the end of menstruation. Normal menstruation is characterized by the release of blood with a total volume of 50 to 80 ml.

In a healthy woman, the cycle length ranges from 21 days to 35 days. Moreover, menstruation occurs at approximately constant intervals with a maximum deviation of 2-4 days.

The presence of pathology in the body can be assumed in cases where menstruation lasts 2 days and less or more than 7 days, the volume of discharge is less than 40 ml or more than 80-100 ml. If spotting brown discharge appears before and after menstruation, increasing the number of critical days, this is also a violation.

A normal cycle should not be shorter than 21 days or longer than 35 days. Its beginning is considered the first day of menstruation.

Factors influencing the duration of menstruation

How long your period lasts depends on the following factors:

  1. Heredity. For some, menstruation lasts 10 days or even more in the absence of any pathologies. This duration is typical for women of this family.
  2. The presence of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the reproductive organs, benign neoplasms (fibroids, polyps, cysts), malignant tumors of the uterus and ovaries. With these diseases, the structure of the mucous membranes of organs is disrupted, damage to blood vessels and tissues occurs, as a result of which menstruation becomes more abundant and lasts longer.
  3. Ovarian dysfunction. The cause of this condition can be both diseases of the genital organs and frequent abortions, the use of an intrauterine device, and uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs. With ovarian dysfunction due to insufficient production of sex hormones, menstruation lasts 2 days or less.
  4. Deviations in the functioning of the thyroid, pancreas, pituitary gland, adrenal glands - organs responsible for the state of hormonal levels in the body.

In addition, the number of critical days is sharply reduced with intense physical activity (sports, weight lifting). Nervous stress, psychological trauma, and depression cause heavy menstrual bleeding that lasts for 10-14 days.

Fasting and vitamin deficiency lead to hormonal shifts, a reduction in the duration of menstruation or their complete cessation. Smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use, and exposure to an unfavorable environment lead to the same result.

Video: How long does a normal period last?

How long do teenage girls menstruate?

At the age of 12-15, girls experience their first menstruation. During this period, hormonal changes begin in the body associated with the maturation of the ovaries. The first menstruation comes irregularly, with delays of several months. This happens within 1-2 years. The volume of menstruation can fluctuate significantly.

It is difficult to say how many days teenage girls should menstruate until their character is finally established. Their duration can vary significantly, but gradually it returns to normal and is usually 3-5 days. After this, the girl needs to start a special calendar to mark the start and end day of her period.

If any deviations appear (menstruation does not come, ends too quickly, or, conversely, lasts longer than last time), there is no need to panic. There can be many reasons: overwork, dieting, sports overload, teenage mental imbalance, change of environment. Such violations will disappear after their cause is eliminated.

But if the disturbances are persistent, or menstruation is too painful, then you should definitely consult a doctor. Such symptoms indicate the presence of diseases of the reproductive organs and other body systems.

Video: Menstruation in girls and adult women

Menstruation during pregnancy

Once pregnant, most women's periods disappear, but sometimes they come at their usual time, which may cause the woman to not realize that she is pregnant. If menstruation came only during the first 30 days of pregnancy, this is explained by the fact that fertilization occurred at the very end of the menstrual cycle, when the endometrium had already partially exfoliated. Bloody discharge is scanty.

In rare cases, simultaneous maturation of eggs in both ovaries occurs. One of them is fertilized, and the second is brought out. In this case, slight bleeding occurs, which may look like scanty periods that last for 1-2 days.

If during pregnancy during the first 3-4 months menstruation is scanty and short in duration, this may be the result of an incomplete cessation of hormone production in the ovaries, which is explained by the physiological characteristics of the body. But in any case, you should not calm down, since most often the appearance of bloody discharge during pregnancy portends a miscarriage or indicates endocrine disorders in the body.

Warning: If any bleeding occurs, a pregnant woman should immediately consult a doctor. You may need to be hospitalized for several days to maintain the pregnancy.

How long do you miss your period after childbirth?

The timing of the first menstruation after childbirth depends on the nature of its course and general health. If a woman is breastfeeding, she does not have periods during the entire period of lactation. If for some reason the child is transferred to artificial feeding immediately after birth, then the woman’s period begins after about 12 weeks.

In the absence of complications, most often the menstrual cycle becomes more stable. If earlier your periods were too heavy and long, then after childbirth the indicators are close to normal. Menstruation becomes painless and less intense. This is due to a change in the position of the uterus, improving the outflow of blood from it. How long your period lasts depends on the nature of the hormonal changes that have occurred. They usually last from 3 to 5 days.

How many days does menstruation last during menopause?

Menopause (complete cessation of menstruation) occurs in women at approximately 48-50 years of age. After 40 years, the production of sex hormones in the ovaries begins to gradually decline, and the supply of eggs is depleted. Ovulation does not occur in every cycle. All this is reflected in the nature of menstruation. They come irregularly, the duration changes with each cycle. After heavy bleeding that does not stop for 8 days, there may be a long pause (2 months or more), followed by scanty spotting brown periods that disappear after 2 days. Then they stop altogether.

Addition: If spotting was absent for 1 year and then reappeared, it is no longer menstruation. Bleeding of any duration and intensity during the postmenopausal period is a sign of hormonal imbalance, endocrine diseases, or the occurrence of tumors of the uterus or ovaries. It is necessary to urgently contact medical specialists (gynecologist, endocrinologist, oncologist) to identify the pathology.

Menstruation while using oral contraceptives

Birth control pills contain female sex hormones, estrogens and progesterone. Their action is aimed at suppressing ovulation by changing their natural ratio in the body. Within 1-3 months after starting to take the pills, the body adapts to the new hormonal levels. In this case, the nature of menstruation may change compared to usual. How many days menstruation lasts in this case and what its intensity depends on the chosen remedy. They can become abundant and long-lasting, or, on the contrary, they can be scanty and short-lived.

If after 3 months the nature of menstruation does not return to normal, you should consult a gynecologist. You may need to choose a different drug.

Video: Gynecologist about the consequences of using hormonal drugs