Money spell - the most powerful rituals for attracting money. Proven conspiracies, rituals and rituals for the waning moon

Rituals for the waning moon have their own specifics, which are important to know if you are seriously interested in magic. It has long been scientifically proven that the Earth’s satellite has a significant impact on human well-being. Therefore, experienced magicians always take into account the phase of the moon when planning the performance of various rituals. From this article you will learn what rituals you can resort to during the waning phase of the moon.

Even in ancient times, people noted the fact that the moon has a specific cycle. It can be in the waxing, full moon or waning phase.

Unlike the full moon, which provokes increased arousal, during the waning moon the body is cleansed and freed from negativity. This is a great time to carry out cleansing manipulations, get rid of bad thoughts, and also do some spring cleaning.

When the moon is in its waning phase, invisible channels open up to help a person eliminate various problems. The main thing is to be able to use them correctly and in a timely manner.

What rituals are suitable for the waning moon?

When you pronounce this spell, imagine how your body is filled with the vital force of the earth, how it is rejuvenated and healed from any negative energy.

It is best to resort to this ritual in late spring or early summer. At this time, the earth is already sufficiently warmed up and filled with strength after winter inactivity, which it can give to a person who turns to it for help.

Ritual of release from negativity

You will need to retire to your room, put a candle on the table, light it, and then take a piece of paper and write down on it all the problems and troubles that you want to eliminate.

These can be habits that destroy you, obsessive states, bad thoughts, anxieties and worries - whatever comes to mind.

You can deal with ashes in different ways: either flush it down the toilet, or take it away from your home. The second option is used much more often than the first.

It is forbidden to tell anyone about what you have done; keep the ritual in the strictest confidence.

Ritual for failure

Its time is late evening, you need to wait for the waning moon to appear in the sky. Go out into the yard, open your arms towards the heavenly body and, lingering in this position, complain to the moon about what does not make you feel like a happy person.

At the end of your monologue, add the following statement:

“The pure silver moon is waning, all my troubles are gone
takes with her when she dissolves in the night, new hope in me
will be born."

Then go home and try to fall asleep immediately. And when you wake up in the morning, you will feel freed from the negativity of past troubles. When the waning moon phase ends, Lady Luck will turn her face to you.

Ritual for financial troubles

If you are constantly experiencing a lack of funds and dream of achieving financial stability, use the following ritual.

It is performed strictly on the fifteenth lunar day.

You will need to stand in such a way as to see the earth's satellite. It is important that the moon is clearly visible; it should not be hidden by clouds.

Stand with your back to the moon, take a mirror in your hands (you need the moon to be reflected in it) and say three times:

“Mother Moon, please take me
I bring poverty and lack of money.”

Note! With the help of this ritual, money will not fall from the sky on you, but you will have opportunities to earn money in an honest way and get the desired profit.

It is important not to behave passively and rely only on magical actions, but to make active efforts on your part. Money magic works on this principle - it helps to open channels that will attract finance to you, but on your part it is necessary to notice them in time and use them correctly.

When resorting to magic, do not forget that sincere faith is the force that makes any rituals work. So always believe in what you do

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The phase of the waning moon is a favorable period for cleansing, renewal and getting rid of everything that has long outlived its usefulness. In magical rituals, the celestial body plays an important role. Thus, rituals according to the phases of the moon are performed in strict order, without experiments or negligence on your part. You don't have to be an astronomer or a dreamer peering into the starry sky.

The waning moon is a powerful source of magic

Trust the experience of magicians and sorcerers. Such a familiar celestial body as the Moon is the only powerful natural assistant to a person who needs urgent help from magic. This is the secret to your success, so take advantage of it. Conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon will transform your life in a matter of days, and after many years of waiting for good changes, you will finally experience them fully.

The power of the moon in magical rituals

Magic, which brings people (with proper treatment) success and luck in all spheres of life, has changed beyond recognition over a thousand-year history, but at the same time, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, it has remained the same. A person became smarter, more experienced and learned to see the world around him, but in himself, in his own internal chaos, he never found harmony and balance.

Love, money, health, who doesn’t dream of having prosperity in all its wonderful manifestations? Answers to painful questions about how to find prosperity are given by mysterious magic. With the help of her rituals and rituals, you can gain unlimited power, mutual relationships and even fame (fame).

It would seem that it’s a simple matter - you performed a couple of magic “tricks” and that’s it, the whole world is at your feet. But achieving any goal requires effort, perseverance and responsibility. Performing any ritual, even the most primitive one, requires careful preparation and fulfillment of all necessary conditions. Thus, ceremonies and rituals that are carried out on the waning moon are carried out only when the moon is waning. Otherwise, not a single miracle in the universe can guarantee you results.

Ritual for good luck in the house during the waning moon

Rituals for good luck on the waning moon are not always fatal and irreversible. Sometimes, in order to get the ball rolling, it is enough to carry out a small ceremony, with a minimal set of complex magical paraphernalia.

Perform such an action at home, without outside help - treat the ritual with all diligence and caution. Only in your hands is the outcome of the ritual designed to improve all aspects of your life, and the Moon, the eternal companion and protector of the Earth, will contribute with all its might to this.

The waning moon will help improve your finances

Running away from lack of money is not a sin at all, and a perfect ritual on the waning moon from failures will allow you to take a fresh look at the troubles of strangers. The ritual of calling for money can be carried out at any other time, but the result is unlikely to please you.

It is not for nothing that magical actions are carried out only after drawing up a calendar of the phases of the moon. What attributes will you need? Money rituals, as well as spells to fulfill a secret desire, must be done without doubt and skepticism. Your sincere faith is the key to success.

Ritual of getting rid of bad habits on the waning moon

Bad, even destructive habits slowly but surely destroy human life, day after day and year after year. To decisively combat weakness of spirit and body, it is recommended to perform a ritual to get rid of habits on the waning moon. Rituals and conspiracies pronounced at a certain position of the night luminary have truly limitless power.

With the help of inner strength and faith in the best outcome of the entire magical event, you will be able to overcome annoying difficulties on the path to a completely new, carefree life. Rituals for the waning moon are carried out only after long moral preparation of the one on whom the magical influence is performed.

Rituals for the phase of the waning moon for quick relief from alcoholism or smoking, with lasting further results, can be performed on another person, your close friend or relative.

For the ritual you will need:

  • new towel;
  • Holy water.

You should buy a towel in advance and do not allow anyone to touch it. You will not need any other items to quickly get rid of bad habits.

How to perform a ritual

The main ritual for the waning moon takes place at night, in complete solitude and silence. Make sure no one can see or hear you. Next, repeat the following steps:

  1. During the waning moon, open the window.
  2. Sprinkle a new towel with water brought from a temple or church.
  3. Stand so that the moonlight illuminates your hands and towel. Then say the words of the magic spell:

    “As God’s servant (name) wipes himself with this towel, his craving for alcohol will cease. The illness from the servant of God (name) goes away, all the dirt goes into the towel. As soon as seven days have passed, the servant of God (name) will be completely clean and healthy. My will is strong, my word is true, as I said, servant of God (name). That's what will happen. Amen".

  4. The next morning, give the person with the bad habit a gift of a charmed towel. Make sure he uses it for at least seven days.
  5. After a week, secretly take the towel out of the house and bury it under an old tree.
  6. Thank the higher powers for your help.

Bad habits destroy everything. Families, friendships and careers built over the years. Don't let momentary weakness disrupt the harmony in your own family. Conspiracies and rituals of such power remove the attachment to bad habits in a matter of days without dire consequences for another person.

A proven, powerful ritual should be performed at the first symptoms of addiction, because delays threaten serious consequences when the magic turns out to be powerless. Is it possible to perform such a ritual without the consent of the addicted person? It’s not just possible, but highly recommended by specialists who have encountered similar problems more than once.

Ritual for sudden luck according to the lunar calendar

Luck is something weightless and difficult to explain. Without it, there is no successful career or profitable acquaintances. She is not prone to pity and certainly does not give in to cold calculation. Rituals with candles or ceremonies for the waning moon phase only help those who sincerely desire, even crave, drastic changes against failure. Are you tired of watching life from the outside as if you don’t exist at all? Then feel free to begin the ritual as soon as the waning moon appears in the sky.

What is needed for the ritual

Rituals aimed at attracting good luck are carried out exclusively during the waxing Moon, but getting rid of a streak of constant troubles and problems is necessary only during the period of the waning of the heavenly body. Confusing similar rituals is extremely dangerous, so before taking decisive action, make sure that all the nuances and subtleties of magical manipulations are observed. For the ritual to get rid of bad luck you will need:

  • Holy water;
  • paper.

The main condition for the correct operation of the ritual is secrecy, which you must resort to in order to avoid failure of the entire ritual.

How to perform a ritual

No one, neither your family nor close friends, should know about your intentions.

  1. Before starting the ritual, put on new clothes: clean and comfortable. Remove all jewelry and restrictive elements, such as belts or garters. Next, having gathered your courage, begin the ritual:
  2. Write down on a piece of paper all the things, phenomena, events that have been bothering you for a long time. Take your time, focus on what you mean by “failure.”
  3. As soon as the moon rises, go outside, raise your hands to the sky and tell the heavenly body about everything that is bothering you.

    “The moon is bright, the moon is pure silver, the moon is waning, the moon takes all my troubles and difficulties with it. Just as the moon dissolves in a dark night, so new hope and new luck will be born in me. Amen".

  4. Return to the house, thanking the Moon for paying attention to your troubles.
  5. Burn the piece of paper with all the problems of the past, and scatter the ashes through an open window.
  6. Wash your face with holy water as a sign of complete cleansing and liberation from the troubles that haunted you in the past.
  7. Go to bed peacefully.

The next morning, as soon as the sun rises, you will feel a surge of strength and energy. You will want to sing and dance, and what is important - to do new, successful things. Don’t be afraid and take risks, because lunar magic has become your patron. Get rid of poverty, problems at work and failures in personal relationships once and for all. Poverty is not a vice, loneliness is not a crime either, but if you are haunted by thoughts that you are a flawed person, break your old life without regret.

Lapel rituals for the period of the dying moon

Lapel rituals are the abolition of external influence on the energy of a particular person. Love spells, calls, evil eyes, any manifestations of extraneous magic that affect a person’s life path are removed only with the onset of the waning moon.

The cleansing, destroying power of the heavenly body will help you get rid of control over your mind and soul. The Moon cycle is coming to an end as well as your suffering. Lapel rituals are powerful, so be extremely careful when performing them without the help of experienced magicians or sorcerers. A black love spell ritual needs an immediate light love spell.

What is needed for the ritual

A love spell cast on the object of affection creates an incredible attachment, which is difficult, and sometimes completely impossible, to remove. In love magic, lapel rituals are quite common; sometimes they are resorted to by women who have cast a love spell on a man who ultimately disappointed them. You can cancel the effect of a love spell, to do this you should find:

  • needles;
  • church candles;
  • matches.

For powerful love spells, it is often necessary to work out rituals with a photograph of the one or the one who performed a strong, will-depriving, magical action. If the name of the ill-wisher is unknown, then the ritual is performed without a photo or image.

How to perform a ritual

The best time for rituals of this kind is called night. Many people may think that it is midnight. Find a secluded place where no one will disturb you. Next, for further successful results, you should do the following:

  1. Dig a small hole that will hold exactly 9 new sewing needles.
  2. Imagine how a person, deprived of his will and right to choose in love, is freed from forced shackles.
  3. Keep a pleasant picture in your head.
  4. Carefully bury the hole and repeat in a whisper:

    “Just as needles cannot be together, just as they cannot grow into one whole, so you, the servant of God (name), cannot be together with the servant of God (name). As the needles grow together, then these lovers will only come together. Let it be so".

  5. Leave the candle in the hole and go home. On the way, do not talk to anyone and do not turn to strangers.
  6. At home, before going to bed, read the Lord's Prayer.
  7. The waning celestial body will give you strength and the opportunity to end a strong attachment; during the ritual, the magical power will return to the one who used it, in the form of failures and problems in his personal life.
  8. After performing the lapel ritual, it is recommended to put strong protection on all your loved ones so that a similar situation does not happen again.

Magic rituals based on the phases of the moon are more precise, with directed force to solve a specific problem. Rituals that should be performed only according to the lunar calendar will surprise you with their simplicity and effectiveness. They do not require special knowledge or attributes, which are difficult to find even in specialized magic shops.

Simple rituals with salt, candles and needles - prostate combined with incredible results, what could be better? All you have to do is identify the things that are hindering your progress and growth as an individual and professional. Get rid of the old, burdened by the problems of the past, and something new will appear in your life. Unusual, but so exciting. The opportunity to be a happy, loved, successful person.

Many people have problems related to finances, so some are in serious need, while others do not have enough for some purchase. To improve the situation and attract cash flow to yourself, you can use magical help by reading special conspiracies.

Conspiracy to attract money

There are many different rituals, united by a certain set of rules that should definitely be taken into account to obtain results. The best day to read strong money spells is Wednesday, as it is characterized by powerful money energy. It is important to follow all the rules, since amateur activities can have negative consequences. Another rule is that you need to perform rituals in a quiet place and alone. You should not think that magic will do everything itself, since it only helps hardworking people who work hard.

Spell for money on the waxing moon

The period of growth of the Moon is considered an ideal time for performing rituals aimed at increasing something, and in this case, this is financial status. There are many different rituals and for the presented option it is necessary to prepare a ripe pumpkin. Remove all the seeds and prepare some kind of dish from the pulp. You need to put the seeds in front of you on the table and say a strong money spell three times. After that, fry them in a frying pan and eat them with the whole family. The result will be noticeable in about a month.

Spell for money on the full moon

It is believed that rituals to improve material condition are especially effective during the full moon. This is due to the fact that the Moon accumulates energy throughout the month, which then falls on the earth. Before reading, you need to tune in correctly; for this, it is important, while looking at the Moon, to get rid of all thoughts. You should wish for a specific amount of money that is needed. It is important to feel the energy of the Moon, which should saturate the body. After this, read a strong plot previously written on a piece of paper.

Spell for money on the waning moon

The period when the Earth's satellite wanes is used in magic to perform rituals aimed at getting rid of something, and in this case, it is lack of money. To carry out the ceremony, you must first purchase three thin medium-sized candles from the church shop. During the waning moon at night, twist the candles in a spiral so that the wicks are next to each other. Then read the plot to make money, cross yourself and leave the candles to burn out on the windowsill. Along with the decrease in the Moon, material problems will also disappear.

There is another ritual for the waning moon on Sunday, since this day symbolizes the completion of a certain stage. For him, prepare something that will be associated with poverty, for example, cracked dishes or shabby clothes. Light a candle, place the selected item next to it, read any prayer and the plot below.

While doing this, cross the object. When the magic words are spoken, you need to look at the candle flame and imagine how the money is coming in. You need to extinguish the candle with your fingers or water. Take the old item outside, putting it in the trash, and leave without looking back. It is important to do this on the day of the ceremony, as it may not work. In the next period, the ritual can be performed again.

Spell for money with bay leaf

If you have problems with finances, then to change the situation you can perform a simple ritual and before that you need to take a small piece of paper and write the desired amount of money on it. It is important that it be real, which will increase the chance of achieving your plans. Fold a sheet of paper several times and put it in an ordinary tin jar, saying a spell for money on a bay leaf.

After pronouncing the magic words, you need to put seven coins into the jar, and the denomination does not matter. Then add three bay leaves and close the jar with a lid. Place the container in any convenient place and put a coin there every day, not forgetting to visualize how money comes from different sources. After two months, take out the coins and spend them, but bury the bay leaf along with the paper in a deserted place.

Water money plot

There are many rituals using water, as it absorbs energy well. The presented ritual is recommended to be performed on a new moon. Remember that the white money conspiracy must be read with full confidence in a positive result. To perform the ceremony, prepare holy water and two church candles. It is important that on this night there are no clouds in the sky, and the Moon and stars are clearly visible. Place a glass of holy water on the table, light a candle nearby and read the plot seven times. Leave the candles to burn out completely and drink a sip of water.

There is another conspiracy for money, which is pronounced near the front door, since the energy arriving in the house will strengthen the result of the ritual. Take a glass container, pour ice water into it and place it near the entrance to the house. Standing nearby, hold a coin in your right hand, and a gold jewelry in your left, and say a spell. After this, throw the coin into the water and leave it for a while so that it absorbs the energy of the enchanted water. Take it out and carry it in your wallet as a talisman.

Spell for money for sugar

The list of available magical items includes granulated sugar, the crystals of which absorb and concentrate magical energy well. To carry out the ritual, you need to write down on paper your desires regarding money, that is, how much you want to receive. Place the paper in an envelope, add some sugar and any banknote. After this, seal the envelope, write “Sweet Life” on it and say a plot for quick money. You can store the envelope at home or carry it with you in your bag, the main thing is not to open it until your plan is realized. When the amount is received, burn the envelope.

Conspiracy for money on a bill

It is believed that rituals that use money are the most effective. Take a banknote of any denomination, bend the corners to form a triangle, and then fold it in half. Holding the corners of the bill, you need to say a money spell and put it in your wallet with other money. It is important not to spend the bill, as the money will leak out of your wallet.

For the next ritual, you need to purchase three green candles, since green is associated with prosperity and money. Also have a small dollar bill ready. It is necessary to start the ritual at midnight during the waxing moon. Exactly at midnight, place candles on the table in a triangle, and place a bill in the center. Behind each candle, place a mirror “facing” in the center. Looking in one mirror, say the spell three times, and then attach the bill to the inner surface of the table using candle wax.

Wealth conspiracy - consequences

If a person uses white magic rituals, then you should not worry that something bad will happen. This cannot be said about dark forces, since in such cases a person gives more than he receives, and sometimes the consequences are observed after a long period of time. Particularly dangerous are money conspiracies that are read in a cemetery. If you have no experience with magic, then it is better not to use black rituals.

The conspiracy for wealth also has consequences, which was read with errors and with changes in the ritual itself. In such a situation, the effect of using even white magic will be the opposite, that is, instead of getting wealth, money will begin to flow out of your pocket and various financial problems will arise. To correct the situation, it is important to correctly identify the error and perform the ritual correctly.

Everyone knows that the Moon, as the celestial body closest to our planet, has a tremendous influence on all earthly processes and phenomena. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that magicians and sorcerers actively use lunar energy in their magical rituals. Let's look at what rituals there are for the waning moon, and how the magic of the waning moon works.

The magic of the waning moon

As you know, there are four lunar phases: new moon, waxing moon, full moon and waning moon. Each of the designated periods has a different impact on human life. If we talk about the lunar waning phase, it makes people passive and apathetic. At this time period, the human body “feeds” on the reserves accumulated during the lunar growth. The period of the “aging Month” is given to us to find peace, relaxation and rethinking of our lives; these are moments of loneliness, repentance and “search for oneself”.

In magical practices during the phase of the aging Moon, it is customary to get rid of everything unnecessary, breaking old connections and letting go of obsessive thoughts. In this regard, there are some rituals that are recommended to be carried out precisely during the phase of the waning Month:

  1. Lapel rituals, quarrels.
  2. Influences aimed at getting rid of diseases.
  3. Rituals to help get rid of failures, poverty, debt and financial troubles.
  4. Impacts to restore beauty, especially spells to help you lose weight.

Love magic spells

When considering love rituals and rituals for the waning moon, it should be noted that they are all destructive in nature. During the aging Month, love spells work poorly, but influences aimed at destroying relationships work just fine. With the help of magic in the phase of the waning moon, you can get rid of your rival or opponent by having a quarrel or turning away. If you don’t know how to break off a boring relationship or get rid of annoying courtship, find an appropriate ritual and perform it during the lunar waning period.

Poppy quarrel

If your loved one has “found someone else”, and you are unable to endure all this and want to get him back in any way, one time-tested ritual called a quarrel will help you. He is able to quarrel lovers so much that their time together becomes simply impossible. This ritual must be done during the waning moon phase. To perform it you will need a black candle and a handful of poppy seeds.

You need to buy poppy seeds in advance, and a representative of the fair half of humanity must sell them to you. When buying, you shouldn’t haggle with her and you shouldn’t take change either. Wait until the month begins to wane and begin the sacrament of the ritual at night. There should be no strangers in the room where it will take place. In addition, all windows must be curtained and doors must be closed.

Light a black candle and place it in the center of the table. Then pour poppy seeds into your hand and say the magic spell:

“I will gather grain by grain, I will speak the right word to them. May the poppy seeds serve me faithfully, may the peace between the Servant of God (name of the man) and the Servant of God (name of the woman) be broken forever. Let my seeds sow enmity, quarrels, and discord over trifles among them. They will know no more peace, let them always fight among themselves. Just as my grains cannot be gathered together, my conspiracy cannot be lifted by anyone.”

After reciting, pour the poppy seeds into a small bag and place it on the table near a burning black candle. This completes the first part of the ritual, and you can go and rest.

When the next day comes, take all the melted wax from the black candle and take it away from the house. It would be better to bury it in the forest under a rotten tree. Now you need to pour the charmed poppy into a place where the people you want to quarrel with could step on it. This could be the threshold of a lover's house or a place where the couple often meets. Having quietly scattered the poppy seeds, quickly go home without talking or looking back.


Sometimes it can be quite difficult to get rid of a boring boyfriend or a disgusted “admirer”. If there is a person in your life who follows you around, depriving you of peace and the opportunity to build relationships with others, turn away from his love feelings towards you. To carry out this simple but quite powerful ritual you will need a black or white candle and a sour green apple. At night on the aging Moon, light a candle and place it in the center of the table. Place a saucer nearby and place the prepared sour apple on it.

Tune in to the ceremony and think about the person whose annoying attention you want to achieve. Then think about a sour apple, imagine how tasteless and disgusting it is. Next, take a bite from it and say:

“As this apple is sour and disgusting, so let me (your name) be unloved and unwanted for the Servant of God (name of the man). As this apple rots, let the Servant of God (man’s name) stop loving me (your name) forever and ever. Let him forget about me (your name), but if he meets me, he won’t know. The word is said, the deed is done."

After the recitation, extinguish the candle and, together with the enchanted sour apple, take it to the trash.

Money rituals

Among fans of white and black magic, the so-called “money” rituals are especially popular, with the help of which you can get rid of financial problems and debts. Depending on the goal you set for yourself, the lunar phase in which one or another ritual for money is carried out is determined. Thus, during the period of the waxing Moon, it is customary to perform rituals aimed at increasing funds and business income, increasing trade turnover, attracting new clients and concluding profitable contracts. The lunar waning phase is a good time to reduce your debts and get rid of lack of money and business failures.

Conspiracy from lack of money

To get rid of poverty forever, perform the following magic ritual using money on the waning moon. To do this, take a banknote at midnight, hold it up to the moonlight and read the following plot:

“I bow low to Mother Moon, I ask you to help me get rid of poverty. As Mother Moon descends from the sky, she will take my poverty with her. As Mother Moon is renewed in the sky, my lack of money will cease forever. I’ll buy myself out of poverty with the spoiled money, I’ll pray with a church candle. As my candle burns out, wealth will pour in to me. Let it happen my way."

After reading the spell, go to rest, but leave the charmed bill on the windowsill. The next day, go to the temple and buy candles with all the enchanted “money” without taking change. To complete the ritual against lack of money on the waning moon, light candles in the church and pray for the success of your business.

Ritual for the waning moon against poverty and lack of money.

A. Sheps on periscope. Ritual for the waning moon


Conspiracy to get rid of debts

Many people are familiar with the situation when overwhelming financial problems force a person to “go deeply into debt.” If you are “stuck in this abyss” and don’t know “where to get away” from creditors to whom you can’t repay loans, turn to magic. A special conspiracy to get rid of debts will help solve money problems and set you on the right path. This money ritual is performed on the waning moon at dawn. To make your wish come true, go to the river in the morning and take with you coins of any denomination.

Coming to the river bank, stand facing the direction of its flow and take the prepared coins in your right hand. Then focus, think about your debt obligations and imagine how good and easy it will be for you when you get rid of them. Next, start reading the words of the conspiracy to get rid of debts and attract money:

“Mother River, you are powerful and fast. Take my debts and take them away from me with water. I pay off my debts, I will bathe in your waters. I will thank you for your service and give you gold and silver. Be it my way."

After reading the spell, take a swim in the river and throw the prepared coins into it. Then get out of the water and leave the river bank as quickly as possible.

Rituals for health and beauty

The “aging” of the Moon is a good moment for carrying out interventions aimed at getting rid of diseases and problems associated with appearance. Since magical rituals for the waning moon help a person get rid of everything unnecessary, it is good to start losing weight during this lunar phase. Also during this period you can treat your teeth and visit a cosmetologist. As for various surgical interventions, they can be resorted to only in the first half of the lunar waning phase.

Conspiracy against diseases

Among the strong and proven conspiracies for the waning moon, there is a ritual with which you can get rid of a protracted illness. To carry out the ceremony, you will need to go to the river at dawn. At the same time, before the ritual you cannot eat, drink, or comb your hair. Arriving at the river, go into the water up to your ankles and loudly pronounce the following magic spell:

“I drive out illnesses and infirmities from my body, I drive them into deep waters. Let the river waters take away my ailments and restore health to my sick body. The river roots will entangle the disease, and forever envelop it in viscous silt. In a whirlpool of infirmity they will disappear, illnesses will leave me forever. Let it be so".

Then get out of the water and quickly go home, without looking back and remaining silent.

Conspiracy to gain slimness

Almost every woman dreams of a beautiful, slender figure, but not everyone manages to “get” it. If you are tired of endless diets that do not produce results, but your desire to lose weight is very strong, turn to magic for help. So, to become slim, here's what you need to do: on the waning moon at night, stay in the room alone and light a black candle. Then place in front of you a container with spring or church-blessed water. The amount of water, in this case, can be any.

“Beyond the distant seas, behind the high mountains, a monster sits, guarding my fat. With the right word, and with a strong desire, I will speak to that monster, I will command him to eat my fat. There will be no rest for him either day or night until my fat disappears from me. And as the monster eats my fat, my body will gain harmony. Let it be so".

Next, leave the charmed water on the table, but do not extinguish the candle. In the morning, take the candle out of the house and bury it in a secluded place. Drink the charmed water every morning on an empty stomach, not forgetting to make every effort to gain harmony.

Rituals for good luck

There is a “dark streak” in every person’s life, when it seems that luck has “turned away” and will never return. But, mired in the “abyss of misfortune,” you should not “fold your paws” and “think and guess” about the injustice of life. Fight, and magic will help you with this, in the “arsenal” of which there are suitable methods. Before you “get down to business,” you should understand for yourself what ritual and in what lunar phase you can do it.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the fact that rituals for good luck cannot be performed on the waning moon. The period of lunar growth is more suitable for such influences. On the waning moon, rituals are performed against bad luck. These are quite strong influences that are aimed not at attracting good luck, but at “expelling” bad luck.

Ritual with moon water

To carry out a strong ritual against failure on the waning Moon, you need to stock up on spring water or water consecrated in the temple. Pour it into a beautiful vessel and place it on the windowsill overnight. It is desirable that at this moment the sky is clear and the Moon is clearly visible. Leaving the container of water on the windowsill, go to bed and try to fall asleep. In the morning, wash your face with charged water, saying:

“I will get up in the morning at dawn and wash my face with holy water. How you, Mother Voditsa, are glorious in your strength and red in your purity. Just as you wash away mountains and spill over into wide open spaces, so wash me, Servant of God (your name), wash away all misfortunes from me. As soon as the water touches my body, good luck will come to my business. As the water wipes away all the impurities from me, happiness will flow to me like a river. Protect me, Mother Water, from all harm, from an evil witch, from human rumor, from an unkind eye and from a fatal hour. Let only good things happen to me, and let bad things never happen to me again. Amen"

Coin spell

To get rid of misfortunes and attract good luck into your life, take a few coins of any denomination and go at night on the waning moon to the crossroads of four roads. This must be done after the clock strikes twelve. Having arrived at the appointed place, take the coins in your hand and, without taking your eyes off the night luminary, say:

“As the moon wanes, it takes my troubles with it. As soon as the Moon leaves the sky, good luck will come to my house. I redeem myself from troubles and misfortunes with gold, I will say goodbye to them forever. Let it be so".

Then throw the coins over your left shoulder, say "Paid" and quickly go home. Throughout the entire journey you cannot look back or talk.

In this article:

The period of the waning moon is a time with very strong, bright energy, which is ideal for internal cleansing, in order to rid your life of everything unnecessary, boring, alien.

Conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon are very diverse; at this time, lapels, quarrels, rituals to get rid of diseases and any other problems have special power.

Waning moon in a person's life

Today, even scientists confirm the fact that the phases of the moon have different effects on human life and health. For example, the full moon is a time when a person feels the subtle world especially acutely.

During this period, the number of heart attacks and strokes increases, significant agitation is observed in psychiatric hospitals and patients, and paranoia manifests itself.

The waning moon is a period of purification and liberation.

Try to do some general cleaning in your home at this time, and you will feel how, along with dirt and dust, all the negative energy leaves your home, resentment and evil go away, and the desire to breathe and live appears. But on the waning moon you need to clean not only your apartment, but also yourself.

At this time, you can cleanse the body of toxins and waste, cleanse the intestines, kidneys and all other internal organs. All this can be done both with the help of traditional methods of treatment, and through special magical rituals for the waning moon.

Rituals against alcoholism for the waning moon

During the period of the waning moon, all rituals against alcoholism are carried out without exception. These are powerful magical rituals that should be performed only if a person really suffers from this terrible disease and desperately needs the help of his family and friends, although he himself does not admit it.

Ritual with a white towel

This ritual is performed with a new, white towel, which no one has ever used before. At night you need to open the window, stand under the rays of moonlight and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“As God’s servant (name) wipes himself with this towel, his craving for alcohol will cease. The illness from the servant of God (name) goes away, all the dirt goes into the towel. As soon as seven days pass, the servant of God (name) will be completely clean and healthy. My will is strong, my word is true, as I said, servant of God (name). That's what will happen. Amen".

Now you need to give the enchanted towel to the alcoholic, and only one person should use it for seven days. After this period, you need to take the towel and bury it in a deserted place where people rarely appear, if it is not possible to go to the wasteland. You can simply burn the towel.

Alcohol ritual with holy water

In order to save a loved one from alcohol addiction, you need to speak holy water taken from church. The words are read thirty and three times:

“Holy water, you, healing water, help God’s servant (name) cope with his illness, with a severe addiction, with a harmful habit. Let his body not accept vodka, let him reject any alcohol from this day on and for the rest of his life. As soon as seven days pass, the craving for alcohol in the servant of God (name) will go away forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now the charmed water needs to be added a few drops to any alcohol that the target of the magical ritual drinks.

So that the husband does not drink

To perform this effective magical ritual, you will need your husband's wedding ring (it is best that he does not even know that you are taking this ring, let alone the purpose). So, you need to throw the ring into a faceted glass of holy water and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“You are holy water, heal my husband, God’s servant (name), cure him of drunkenness, drive away the disease, so that it goes away and never returns. As long as my husband wears this ring, it will protect him from alcohol and binge drinking. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

Read the text as close to the water as possible so that the information comes through

Afterwards, you need to remove the ring from the glass, let it dry and quietly return it to your husband.

Ritual with water

In this spell, you can use any water, but experienced magicians recommend clean water, preferably spring water. You need to collect the liquid in a small vessel and say the words of the conspiracy:

“As this water gets inside the servant of God (name), his drunkenness will go away, all addiction will disappear, disappear and will not return. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing the spell, the vessel must be placed on the windowsill with an open (or slightly open) window and left there all night. Now add a few drops of enchanted water every day to any liquid that the drunkard will drink, except alcoholic beverages. The ritual cannot be interrupted until the alcoholic drinks all the charmed water.

Rituals for good luck on the waning moon

Most rituals to attract good luck should be carried out on the waxing moon, since it is the new month that symbolizes the appearance of something new in life.

Rituals for the waning moon are intended, rather, not to attract good luck into life, but to get rid of failure and constant problems.

Be that as it may, such rituals are not inferior in effectiveness to those performed at the beginning of the lunar cycle.

Ritual against failure on the waning moon

As soon as the moon appears in the sky after sunset, you need to go outside (or stand by an open window), raise your hands to the night star and talk about all the failures and problems that you want to solve. Then we read the words of the conspiracy:

“The moon is bright, the moon is pure silver, the moon is waning, the moon takes all my troubles and difficulties with it. Just as the moon dissolves in a dark night, so new hope and new luck will be born in me. Amen".

After pronouncing the conspiracy, go home and go to bed, imagining that in the morning all your problems will go away by themselves, that there will be a way out of all difficult situations, and good luck will come to you in all matters.

Don't read the words in vain, just into the air. Pronounce the text with force, work consciously

If there is a streak of bad luck in life

This is a very powerful magical ritual that can be used no more than once a year. To perform the ritual you will need fresh spring water. The liquid should be poured into a small bowl and placed in the evening near an open window. Now take one sip from the bowl and wash your face, neck and shoulders with the rest of the water. After this, read the plot:

“Mother, you, water, are pure and cold, like gold you are valuable, like silver you are precious. Just as water washes mountains and spills over wide open spaces, so it will wash away all bad luck, all failures and evil slander from me, the servant of God (name).

It will wash away impurities from a clean body, from a white body, from all one hundred joints, from the malice of others, from a black sorcerer, from a dark witch, from an old white man, and from an old woman, from evil eyes, and from vain speeches.

Big beluga, you are a friend of clean water, you sharpened your iron teeth on stones, you took care of your tin eyes, you swam in all the waters of the seas and oceans, help me too, drive away all evil, bring good things into the life of God’s servant (name).

Let it be so. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Water is one of the best helpers in such rituals.

Rituals for healing and purification

As already mentioned, the waning moon is the best time to perform magical rituals aimed at healing, cleansing, and getting rid of everything unnecessary and bad. There are a great many such rituals in magic, some of them are universal, that is, they help “with everything”, others are aimed at solving only one problem.

To cleanse the body and the energy of youth

During the waning moon, this conspiracy will help you get rid of all the accumulated negative energy, it will cleanse you of everything unnecessary and evil, give you strength, and heal your body. This ritual needs to be carried out away from everyday hustle and bustle and worries, so it is better to travel outside the city or go to a deserted park. When you are there, lay any cloth on the ground and lie down on it.

First, lie still, look at the sky, at the trees above you, then roll on the ground a little and stop when you are lying on your stomach. In this position, you need to press your whole body to the ground and not move for the next few minutes, then roll over onto your back and read in a whisper:

“Just as the earth is forever strong, young and healthy, so I, the servant of God (name), will be healthy and strong. Just as the earth gives strength to all living things, just as all plants and animals are born from the earth, so I will gain strength and cleanse myself of everything unnecessary. My words are strong, just as Mother Earth is strong, as I said, so she will do. Amen".

Neutral ways of working suit absolutely everyone

An effective ritual for healing

To carry out this ritual you will need: - one chicken egg (preferably not purchased, from the village); - a small paper bag (can be replaced with a cellophane one); - blue marker.

We leave the egg in a dark, empty room for an hour and a half, then we go into the room, take off all our clothes and lie down on the bed.

You need to take a comfortable position, then take the egg and carefully roll it over your body, starting from your feet, ending with your head (if you want to completely cleanse the body).

If you need to get rid of a certain disease, you need to roll the egg where it hurts. At this time, you need to imagine that all diseases are leaving your body, you are freeing yourself from everything bad and unnecessary.

Now take a marker and write the following words on the egg:

“Healing comes, illnesses go away. I am healthy".

After this, you need to put the egg in the prepared bag and take it to the trash, which is located as far as possible from your place of residence. When you throw the bag, try to hit the egg harder so that it breaks.

Waning moon lapels

The period of the waning moon is best suited for lapel rituals. This lunar cycle symbolizes completion, a break in relationships, and therefore lapels and rituals for quarrels carried out at this time have special power.

Lapel ritual with needles

To rid a person of love spells, you need to perform a special ritual, for which you will need new needles, a church candle and matches. You need to go to a deserted place, dig a small hole in the ground there, and put 9 needles there. As you stick each needle into the ground, you need to imagine that the desired person is freeing himself from a love affair. Afterwards you need to dig a hole, stand on the ground at full height and read the words:

“Just as needles cannot be together, just as they cannot grow into one whole, so you, the servant of God (name), cannot be together with the servant of God (name). As the needles grow together, then these lovers will only come together. Let it be so".

Now we light a candle in the place of the hole and leave that place without turning around.