Spells for good luck and money with a broom. How to read a spell for a new broom

We all know that the walls of a house store the energy of the events that took place in it, the energy of the people living in it. However, everyday objects can also have unusual properties, and one of such objects is an ordinary broom.

There is a broom in every home. Although nowadays it is increasingly giving way to electrical engineering, most people still have a traditional tool for dealing with garbage and dust in their home.

Why do people prefer not to part with a broom, since a vacuum cleaner, for example, copes with cleaning much more efficiently? It's all about the magical properties of the broom, rumors about which have reached us from time immemorial.

The Slavs interpreted the meaning of a broom in our lives differently. On the one hand, it is believed that this is an invariable attribute of black magic. On the other hand, many say, on the contrary, that a broom brings good luck and protects from evil spirits.

In order to understand this, you need to understand where these beliefs came from. The first opinion is mainly due to the fact that fairy tales very often depict witches who fly on a broom. So the broom was attributed to the instrument of evil spirits. There are no other reasons for this opinion. Therefore, the beliefs that are associated with the protective function of the broom and the fact that it brings good luck are much more truthful.

In addition, various beliefs associated with it can tell about the magic of a broom, and there are a lot of them. For example, you should not allow a stranger to sweep your house, because this way your luck will go to him and turn away from you. You cannot take revenge towards the doorstep, because this way you sweep your luck out of the house.

You need to place a broom at the entrance to the house, with the handle up, then you will attract money and prosperity to you. You cannot sweep the house immediately after one of the owners leaves, otherwise he may encounter difficulties during the trip.


When buying a new broom, when you first start using it, you need to make a wish - it will come true very quickly. Before the newlyweds, it is customary to sweep the road with a broom so that no envy will harm them and so that their family life will be prosperous.

In general, we can say that a broom perfectly scares away evil spirits and sweeps them out of the house, and at the same time attracts good luck and prosperity to the owners.

It is believed that a broom can be a great help in attracting money. There are several rituals that can be performed in order to increase your wealth.

Option 1. One of the most powerful money conspiracies. This is what it boils down to: In the first few days after the new moon, you should buy a new broom and tie its handle with green thread or some kind of ribbon. A green scoop is also required for the ritual. After this, you need to scatter coins around the house and leave them on the floor for a day. After this, we sweep up all the coins, saying:

After that, it needs to be hidden in a place where no one will see. You cannot open the lid, otherwise your luck will slip away. From now on, the place for the broom should be the same corner in which you placed the container with coins.


Option 2. There are other ways to attract money using a broom and a conspiracy. However, it should only be carried out in the fall, when the leaves fall from the trees. In addition, you need to find an aspen growing nearby. If you can do this, feel free to perform the ritual. You should grab the tree trunk as tightly as possible and say the following plot out loud three times:

After you come into the house, place the broom with the handle facing up. The ceremony can be performed more than once.

Plot for a new broom

Each of us periodically experiences difficult times in life, when it seems that troubles follow one after another. In this case, you need to carry out a simple ritual that will help you cope with all the difficulties and put negativity aside.

To do this, you will need a new broom, purchased within a few days after the full moon. After you have bought a broom, you should carefully sweep each room, saying:

All collected garbage must be burned. Then go out onto the country road with a broom and find intersecting paths. Throw it away there. All troubles and failures will remain with the broom. Therefore, if you come across a discarded broom at the intersection of two paths, do not touch it under any circumstances, otherwise you may bring upon yourself the misfortunes of others.

Charm a broom to sell an apartment or house

Selling a home is a responsible decision that needs to be approached as responsibly as possible. And in order not to spend long weeks and even months searching for a suitable buyer, we suggest performing a simple ritual using an ordinary broom. For the ritual you will also need some holy water.

The first thing to consider is that the broom must be new, and it must be purchased on Friday. There is no haggling when purchasing.

At sunrise, when it appears over the horizon, you need to sprinkle a broom with holy water and at the same time repeat the following words:

After the spell is pronounced, you need to carefully sweep the entire house, leaving not a single corner. And this must be repeated for three days. Be sure that after these three days more than one buyer will be seriously interested in buying your home.

There is another way that can help you sell your home. It is simpler, it does not require holy water, and besides, it is not necessary to use a new broom bought on Friday - any one will do.

The ritual should be performed at night, at three o'clock. You need to speak a broom with the following words:

In the morning, at sunrise, with a charmed broom you need to sweep every corner, the whole house. Perform the ritual for 3 days in a row.

Spell for a birch bath broom

We all know about the health benefits that a trip to the sauna can bring us. Since ancient times, people have used bath brooms to get rid of various diseases. The birch broom, which was made on the holy day of Trinity, has always been especially popular. It not only helped to improve health, but was also used as a talisman.

Bath brooms were often used by our ancestors for various spells. We will consider the strongest of them later in the article.

  1. A spell for those who are unrequitedly in love. You need to take a birch broom and take a good steam bath with it. After that, leave it outside. As soon as the broom dries, it should be burned, saying:

  1. A conspiracy for the health and well-being of the child. In order for your child to be happy and healthy, you need to carry out a special conspiracy that will protect him from dark forces. To do this, when you steam your child in the bathhouse, say the following words over a birch broom:

After this, you should wrap the child in a sheet so that he sits like that for some time.

  1. Smoking conspiracy. In order to get rid of a bad habit yourself, or to help someone close to you, you can also use a birch bath broom. To do this, you need to pick a few dry leaves from a broom and throw them into the fire. When they burn, you need to hold several cigarettes over the flame, saying:

Even in ancient times, people knew how to attract good luck to their home. Various signs with a broom helped them in this. Here are the most famous of them, apply them and you will know how to attract good luck:

  • To protect yourself from demons and maintain your well-being, you should always place the broom with the handle down.
  • You cannot step over the broom.
  • In order not to sweep money out of the house, you cannot sweep the threshold with a broom.
  • You need to take an old broom with you when moving.
  • Revenge after sunset is a sign of illness.
  • A new broom is used to sweep newborns so that they sleep well.
  • Children are beaten on the doorstep with a new broom to make them behave.
  • To attract suitors, unmarried girls need to jump over the broom 9 times.
  • You need to beat fruit trees with a new broom - for the harvest.
  • Revenge cannot be taken with two brooms in one day, since the house will lose its wealth.
  • While there is a deceased person in the house, you cannot sweep.
  • You need to buy a new broom for the waxing moon and make a wish on it.
  • If one of the family members is on the road, revenge is not allowed in the house.
  • You cannot have someone else sweeping your house: you will lose your luck.
  • An old broom should not be thrown away or burned near the house.

However, it is important to know not only how to attract good luck into the house, but also how to carelessly take away good luck with a broom.

In ancient times, it was believed that by sweeping around someone else's yard, people were stealing good fortune. Today, neighbors can do the same by sweeping next to your apartment. For example, while cleaning, they can sweep under the doors of prosperous residents and say, “I’ll take your money and luck for myself.” They can take the garbage to themselves at night so that it attracts someone else's well-being.

In the same way, neighbors can “give away” their problems and diseases by sweeping garbage from their door to someone else’s. At the same time, they say something like “Take my misfortunes and illnesses for yourself.” Therefore, if you find someone else’s garbage at your door, collect it on paper and burn it with the words “Go back to the one who did this.”

Getting rid of failures and negativity

If a streak of bad luck has entered your life and failures are literally pursuing you, buy a new broom on the waning moon and sweep the apartment from the most distant corner to the threshold. At the same time, say “With this rubbish, let all failures and misfortunes leave me.” The garbage should be taken out on the same day and burned, and the broom should be thrown at a pedestrian intersection, then leave without looking back. That is why, if you see a discarded broom on the street, do not touch it or step over it.

Attracting money and good luck with a broom

You need to buy a new broom on the waxing moon and tie it with a green ribbon. Scatter coins in the corners of the house and leave them overnight, and in the morning sweep all the corners with a broom and collect your coins on a dustpan. At the same time, you need to say “I collect coins, I invite wealth, silver and gold, I will be rich.” After this, put the coins in the jar, close it with a lid and hide it, you cannot take coins from there, as it is a money bait.

Buy a broom to attract money and good luck!

To attract money, even if you only use a vacuum cleaner, it is recommended to have a broom in the house, at least a decorative one. But remember that it should be hung with the handle down. In the corridor, an ordinary broom should be placed in a corner to protect against evil spirits. In the kitchen, they hang a decorative broom on the wall to attract wealth and money.

Every time we clean our home, we use a broom. Who ever wondered what day is best to clean? What kind of power does this simple but irreplaceable tool have?

Using magical rituals with a broom, you can attract good luck and wealth to your home

Broom as a magical tool

There are the following signs that relate to a broom:

  1. In order for the house to be filled with luck and prosperity, the broom should be placed up in the corner of the corridor, as close as possible to the front door. This will also prevent evil spirits from crossing the threshold of the house.
  2. In order not to sweep money out of the house, you need to collect garbage in a dustpan and throw it in the trash can, rather than sweep it out the door. To be healthy, you should clean before sunset.
  3. A woman should not step over the broom; she may lose the opportunity to have children.
  4. In order not to bring illness to a person, you should not hit him with a broom that was used in cleaning. In order for the trees to bear fruit, they must be beaten with a new broom in early spring.
  5. If the baby is not sleeping well, you can cover him with a new broom.
  6. A broom can fulfill a wish by increasing profits and prosperity if you buy it on the waxing moon and make a wish. By jumping nine times over a new broom, you can attract your betrothed.
  7. In order not to lose wealth in the house, it is better to have one broom. In order not to lose luck and good fortune, you need to clean the house yourself, and not trust the procedure to a stranger in the house.
  8. If you have a new home, then it is better to clean it with an old broom from your previous place of residence.
  9. You can’t burn an old broom, you just need to take it and throw it away from home. It is necessary to postpone cleaning if one of your relatives is on the road; by sweeping, you can complicate the road for him. If there is a dead person in the house, there is no need to sweep.

By sweeping on a certain day of the week, you can not only find order, but also invite wealth into your home by sweeping away the waste.

People clean without thinking about what day they can do it and what day they can’t. Instead of cleaning for money and good luck, you can, without realizing it, perform a ritual for negativity and loss.

  1. To avoid losing money, it is better not to sweep on Monday.
  2. You will definitely find money if you clean the house on Tuesday.
  3. If the work is related to trade, then in order for the business to grow, it is necessary to take revenge on Wednesday, you can gain good luck and money.
  4. By opening doors and windows on Thursday, sweeping can get rid of poverty and troubles.
  5. If you don’t want to lose money, it’s better to wait for cleaning from Thursday to Saturday. Friday is not suitable for this procedure.
  6. It’s good to clean on Saturday, thereby inviting money.
  7. Sunday is a day off. You can’t clean it up; you can cause trouble and complicate your financial situation.

A broom is not only a helper in the household, but also can be a talisman and a means of fulfilling desires. Even if there is no need to purchase a broom, since a vacuum cleaner is more convenient and almost everyone has one, it is necessary to ensure its presence in the house. Using magical rituals, you can attract good luck and wealth to your home. Clearing it of negativity.

Broom spell to attract money

A money ritual that, with the help of an ordinary broom, will help attract wealth into the house.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform a magical action, you must prepare the following set of magical tools:

  • new broom;
  • green ribbon;
  • coins;
  • scoop;
  • jar;
  • lid.

For a conspiracy to attract money you need a new broom

How to perform a ritual

  1. You need to wait until the moon is waxing and buy a new broom and a new green ribbon.
  2. Tie the broom with ribbon.
  3. Scatter coins in the corners of your home.
  4. Do not touch them all night, but leave them until the morning.
  5. At dawn, collect coins on a scoop, reading the words of the conspiracy:

    “I collect coins, I invite wealth, silver and gold, I will be rich.”

  6. Place the coins in the jar and close it with a lid.
  7. Hide it in a secluded place so that no one sees or knows about its existence.
  8. The coins in the bank serve as a talisman, so you cannot take them and pay with them.

Use a broom for cleaning, then place the fluffy part up.

To free yourself from negativity and failures

A simple broom ritual that will help protect your home from negativity and failure.

What is needed for the ceremony

You can reproduce the magical effect by preparing the following:

  • new broom;
  • garbage bag;
  • scoop.

How to perform the ceremony

  1. The ritual procedure is reminiscent of regular general cleaning of the house, before which you need to buy a broom.
  2. You should buy a new broom, the main thing is to do this on the waning moon.
  3. Sweep the entire apartment, just start from the farthest corner and sweep to the threshold.
  4. At this time, read the words of the conspiracy:

    “With this rubbish, with this broom, all misfortunes and failures will leave me.”

  5. Scoop up the trash and put it in a trash bag.
  6. On the same day, without delay, the garbage must be taken out and burned.
  7. And leave the broom at a pedestrian intersection.
  8. Leave the place without looking back and without talking to anyone.

It’s good to have money, health and luck, but how often does a person find himself in a state of apathy due to feelings of loneliness and lack of love? You can use a broom to improve your family happiness.

So that there is money in the house

An easy ritual with a broom, which brings good luck, will help you get rid of debts and lack of money.

What is needed to carry out the ritual and how should it be carried out?

On a man's day, early in the morning you should buy a broom from your grandmother. Men's days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

Returning home, you need to place the broom in the corner of the front door, with the handle down.

To find a groom

The magical effect will speed up the meeting with your betrothed.

What is needed to perform the ritual and how to perform it correctly

  1. You should wake up at dawn early in the morning on Friday, which should be the third of the month, and go to the market.
  2. You need to buy a new broom, you can’t talk to anyone along the way.
  3. Return home the same way.
  4. If on the way home a woman in a bright headdress appears, you should say hello and this will be a good sign.
  5. For three days before purchasing, you need to wear a scarf around your neck, any one you wish.
  6. Tie a new broom with a neckerchief and use it to clean the room where you go to bed.
  7. Sweep clockwise while reading the plot:

    “I sweep, I attract my destiny, come, my happiness, and don’t go!”

  8. Hide the broom behind the curtain of the room without removing the scarf.
  9. In the near future there will be a meeting with the betrothed.

A magical action with a broom will speed up the meeting with your betrothed

When a man wants to come to the house for the first time, he must sweep it with a magic broom before coming.

When we hear the word broom, we always think only about cleaning. And there is also a bath broom, which is no less powerful in protection and in helping with rituals.

The rituals that are performed in the bathhouse are very powerful and give effective results. It must be remembered that before performing a magical action, it is necessary to appease the good spirits who are assistants in the providence of the ritual. At Epiphany and Christmas, you should definitely leave a plate of honey or sweets for the spirits. Sweets are the best gift for spiritual residents. In a bathhouse, such a spirit is called a bath attendant, so before performing rituals you need to win him over.

Ritual in the bathhouse against a rival

A ritual with which you can protect yourself from a person who encroaches on your own happiness

To be prepared:

  • candle;
  • plate;
  • gingerbread;
  • bucket;
  • cold water;
  • broom.

How to perform the ceremony

To perform a magical action, you need to approach the bathhouse at midnight with a lit candle in your hands.

  1. Before reaching the threshold of the bathhouse, you need to bow to the bathhouse keeper and direct your thoughts about asking him to help.
  2. Go into the bathhouse and put a plate of gingerbread and honey in it. This is gratitude to the spirit for help.
  3. Take a bucket and pour cold water into it.
  4. Place the broom so that its loose part points upward.
  5. Read the following plot:

    “The bathhouse spirit helps and drives out the rival. Amen".

You need to go behind the plot of your house and pour the water out of the bucket, and place a broom near the threshold.

Leave the broom without touching it for seven days

Ritual with a pair of brooms for cleansing in the bathhouse

A ritual, a ceremony with a broom in a bathhouse will help relieve irritation and fatigue, save yourself and your loved ones from frequent ailments. This ritual with a bath broom is best performed at Christmas, as custom says, but it can also be done on an ordinary day on the waxing moon.

What will be needed for the ceremony

Before you begin the magical action, you need to prepare:

  • bucket;
  • water;
  • broom;
  • wormwood grass;
  • lavender oil;
  • a thread;
  • vessel;
  • matches;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • chamomile oil;
  • Holy water.

How to perform the ceremony

The ritual is not very complicated and takes a fairly short amount of time.

The ritual itself should be done like this:

Stage one

  1. Go into the bathhouse and sweep away the cobwebs and sweep the floor.
  2. Wipe away dust and dirt from all corners
  3. Take a bucket, pour half of the running water into it and add the holy water.
  4. Wash the floor thoroughly with this water three times.
  5. Take the water out of the bucket and pour it over the threshold of the bathhouse.
  6. You must take dried wormwood grass and put it in a vessel.
  7. Add a little lavender oil.
  8. Stick a thread inside the vessel to form a wick.
  9. Light the thread with matches.

Stage two

  1. When the smoke is at its maximum, you should walk through the bathhouse and cleanse it of evil spirits.
  2. Stand in the corners longer.

A ritual with a broom in the bath will help relieve irritation and fatigue

During the expulsion procedure, it is required to say the prayer: “Our Father.”

When the action ends, open the windows and doors and wait until the room is ventilated.

Stage three

  1. Next you need to flood the bathhouse.
  2. For effective results, it is better to use a new bath broom.
  3. Use chamomile oil and eucalyptus oil.

Simple rituals for a broom

Every business has its own power and its own magic. We don't think about what should be done with old things and how to handle new ones. We don’t think about what day we need to clean, and then we wonder why the cleaning stopped or why our neighbors who don’t work have more money than those who practically live at work.

It should be noted that if such a situation affected you personally, perhaps there was a ritual for stealing good luck.

This ritual is simple, and its results are great.

  1. You need to sweep the trash from your front door under your neighbors’ door, saying:

    “Your luck, I’ll take your money for myself.”

  2. Collect the garbage in your own bin and leave it overnight in the apartment.

If a purchased broom appears in the house, then you should not use it to perform any rituals for the decreasing monthly cycle. You should wait for the moon phase to change, hiding it so as not to sweep it up, accidentally or forget it.

Any magical action, even if it seems simple to perform, has power and produces results. You need to focus as much as possible on the task and tune your thoughts to desire. It is imperative to thank the Higher Powers for their help and for the fact that they provide the opportunity to welcome new wealth, luck, love and health into the home.

A broom is a friend of any housewife. Its use began several centuries ago. The popularity of this household item is explained not only by its ease of use, but also by long-standing traditions. According to legend, with the help of rituals you can charm a broom. You can make a broom spell yourself, just repeat the words and perform ritual actions.

You can't clean someone else's house

Over time, many superstitions about the broom have accumulated. Some remain relevant to this day.

  • To preserve good luck and prosperity in the house, do not sweep after sunset.
  • The broom is stored with the handle down to attract happiness and maintain financial well-being in the home.
  • If a stranger cleans the house, then failure and grief await the owner.
  • Keeping a lot of brooms in the house is a bad sign. There will be no agreement in the family, harmony in communication between family members will disappear.
  • Keeping a too shabby broom indoors means keeping all the misfortunes in the house. A broom that has become unusable prevents good people from coming into the family.
  • Throwing away a broom, re-gifting it or selling it is a bad omen. A person will soon disgrace his name without the possibility of clearing his reputation. To avoid bad consequences, you need to perform a ritual of burning an old broom.
  • It was believed that sweeping near someone else's house meant taking away the misfortunes of the owner.

Sweeping away negativity and negative energy

A conspiracy to cleanse a house of negative energy is carried out several times a year:

  • For the New Year. On the eve of the holiday, you need to decorate the broom with ribbons and sweep the room in which the feast will be held. The broom cannot be used for the next day. The floor can only be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Let it be longer, but family members will be lucky and happy in the coming year.
  • When moving. They take the old broom with them to the new house, since it is not recommended to perform rituals with a new broom. All rooms in the home need to be swept, including the kitchen and toilet. At the same time, you need to pronounce the text of the conspiracy: “I cleanse the new house, I call for good. Negativity, go away, make way for happiness.” The trash must be taken out immediately. After the conspiracy, you should burn the broom that has become unusable.
  • After meeting a new person in the house. Getting to know each other indoors can negatively affect the aura of the home. Therefore, after the conversation, they sweep everything out of the rooms in which the new acquaintance was.
  • It is possible to carry out a less effective unplanned conspiracy. At any time of the day you need to sweep the entire room, saying:

“I sweep the dirty linen out of the house - I drive away failures!”

To cast a spell against bad luck, the broom must be used repeatedly by the owner of the house.

A broom spell against failure can be carried out any day. The spells will work if the broom has already been used several times by the owner of the house. The ritual is performed in several steps.

  1. You need to tie a small bracelet made by hand from red beads and green thread onto the handle of the broom.
  2. Stand in the living room in the corner next to the door. Raising and releasing the broom, they say: “Failure, run away, take your grief with you. I will feast, invite happiness, joy". The broom should be held with the broom down.
  3. Go to the middle of the room. Turn the broom handle towards you and wave the broom in a circle. Make three turns around its axis. At the same time, read the text of the conspiracy loudly: “Happiness, my friend, where are you? I'm tired of waiting in trouble. Come quickly and take the joy with you.".
  4. At the end of the conspiracy, they start eating. You need to prepare hearty dishes in advance and invite friends and family members to the table.
  5. After this, you cannot remove the bracelet from the broom for a week. Then, along with the decorations, the broom must be burned.

Plot for the groom

When plotting against the groom, a new broom is used. Two braids are braided from multi-colored ribbons and attached to the handle of a broom. You can use materials for needlework in all shades except red, black and white. Then they put the broom on the bed and say:

“Hey, bride, why are you languishing? Where is your fiance? Betrothed, will she dream about you? Forget others! You come to the bride and say everything as it is. We’ll have a wedding there and have children.”

Then cover the broom with a blanket. In an hour you need to go to bed, then the conspiracy will take effect.

There is also a stronger love spell, which Vanga recommended using. You need to prepare several dried flowers in advance and pin them to the broom with a pin. Then you need to leave the broom at the threshold, bow to it, while reading the plot:

“Find me a groom, bring me to the house quickly.”

Then they take a few steps back, stop and say:

“Everything is ready, I’m waiting for you. Your term is four days.”

The first one to enter the house will be the betrothed. Relatives and family members are not counted.

For a ritual to speed up the sale of a home, you need to buy a new broom

To plot to sell an apartment, you need to buy a new broom. You need to put it opposite the old one and say:

“We are ready to move, a new home is calling. We’re waiting for good buyers all day long.”

Then you need to take a new broom and sweep the entrance. Then they place the brooms in the hallway opposite each other, repeating the same ritual words. Then you need to pack the old broom as if the person is already moving. Then the conspiracy will help you sell the house faster.

Conspiracy to attract money

Our ancestors knew how to attract money and good luck with the help of a broom. To attract wealth to your home, you need to perform one of the rituals with a family member. According to the signs, to cast a spell on money and attract wealth, take a new broom.

  1. You need to lay out coins with a denomination of several kopecks on the floor. They take a dustpan and sweep the room, saying “Hey, fate, be good to me. Help with money, I will repay with good deeds". At the same time, they try to collect as many coins as possible.
  2. You need to take beads from decorative coins and decorate the broom with them. Then they take the broom and say: "I need money. Don’t refuse, accept my gift, repay in kind.”. After this, you need to sweep the entrance and get rid of unwanted debris. The decoration is left on the whisk for several days. During this time, the broom cannot be used on the farm for its intended purpose. And if you decorate it with ribbons, you will get a money bait-broom.

The ritual in the bathhouse against a rival is carried out after cleansing the body

There are several options for a broom spell. The ritual is carried out in a bathhouse after complete cleansing of the body.

  • A bath broom is dipped in hot water and then sprinkled in all corners. At the same time they say: “Victory awaits me, but failure awaits you.” He feels comfortable with me, but he’s lost with you. There will be no more fighting, no more quarrels. He will not return to you, that is your verdict.”
  • Then you need to repeat sprinkling the corners with cold water. The water remaining in the basins or buckets should be poured onto the stove and sit in the bathhouse for another 3-5 minutes. Such a conspiracy for a new broom against a rival is also relevant. You need to dip the tied tree branches in cold water several times, apply them to the stove and say: “Give up before things get worse!” Then they immerse the broom in hot water with the words:“My anger towards you will be just as hot” . Then they do the same with cold water, saying:.

“I will be just as cold and merciless in the fight with you”

Ritual with a pair of brooms for cleansing in the bathhouse

The ritual with a bath broom to improve health is carried out on New Year's Eve. The ritual will depend on what diseases torment the person.

If you have a persistent cold, you need to immerse your feet in a basin of cold water, pick up a broom and move it through the water. At the same time the following words are said:

“Leave me, illness, you are now my enemy. I’m not afraid of you, I’ll defend myself with a conspiracy.”

After this, they apply a broom to their forehead and in their own words ask him for better health.

If a person’s illness is serious, then he should take a steam bath on New Year’s Eve. At the same time, the person who whips with a bunch of tied branches must say:

“Illness, quickly go away, go to another body! There is no way for you here, so don’t come back to us.”

Our ancestors often used magical rituals that helped them solve pressing problems. Thanks to the continuity of generations, the texts of conspiracies have survived to this day. Modern people can also use Russian rituals, changing their lives for the better.

Our ancestors also drew attention to the fact that the power of magic lies in nature. They could draw strength and energy from nature, and achieve incredible success in the magical field. If you analyze science fiction films, then even in them brooms and brooms were constant companions of witches. They were used in most rituals. For this reason, signs that relate to brooms have a large number of variations. The spell for a new broom has an incredibly powerful effect.

Interpretations of ancient beliefs

Our ancestors found out that all the objects that surround us have their own energy. It was just necessary to find out what kind of power was hidden in each of them. Using various methods, it was found that even the most ordinary broom, found in every home, perfectly helps in magical rituals and has amazing magical properties. If you need to bring luck and success into your life, then a broom will be an excellent helper in this situation. Some ancient signs have the following interpretations:

  • if you sweep near someone else's yard, you can take away the owner's luck;
  • if a person steps on a broom, illness will soon overtake him;
  • if you set fire to a broom, a large number of pests will appear in the house;
  • if it is necessary to protect your home from sinister forces, then the new broom should be stored with the handle facing down;
  • Decorations that resemble this household item are used as amulets.

Even in the modern world, the meaning of a broom remains one of the most mysterious. Everyone remembers how grandparents said that you can’t sweep up the trash in the evening. It is believed that in this way all good things are swept out of the house. You should not allow strangers to clean your home. If you need to preserve family comfort, then there should be only one broom in the house. You can use another one only if the previous one has deteriorated and was thrown away.

White magic has a large number of rituals that are aimed at all life needs. Moreover, they are so simple to perform that they can be easily done independently at home. You don't even need special magical knowledge.

Ritual to attract good luck

If you begin to notice that luck is disappearing from your life, then you can use the following broom spell. Only the new broom should be used as an attribute. Preferably birch. Its purchase should be made during the waning moon.

The ceremony is carried out at any time convenient for you. Take a new broom and sweep all the rooms of your house.

While cleaning, recite the following spell:

“I, the servant of God (your name), do not sweep garbage out of the house. I only remove all the bad luck that has settled in my home. As soon as the rubbish leaves my house, all the negativity from my life will immediately disappear. Amen".

After cleaning, collect all trash and take it outside. Throwing away garbage is prohibited; it must be burned. Take the broom to the intersection and throw it there. For the same reason, if you see a broom at an intersection, or next to it, then do not even think about touching it, because in this case, you can simply take on the negativity that the previous owner got rid of. You should also not step over the broom. Just go around it and go about your business.

Conspiracy to attract money

If you need to attract a large amount of monetary wealth into your life, then buy a broom during the new moon. It is the fact that the waxing moon is happening that will contribute to the growth of your financial situation. Now take the green ribbon and tie the purchase. The green ribbon symbolizes money. Place coins throughout the house. It will be better if they are all of different denominations. It is better to carry out actions in the evening and wait until dawn. Now you need to sweep all the rooms and collect money for a dustpan.

“I, the mistress of this house, do not sweep away money. In this way, on the contrary, I try to attract money into my life. Lately my financial situation is not as good as I would like. That is why I call on higher powers to help me. I ask you to help ensure that a white streak begins in my life financially. I just need money at the moment. My words are strong and cannot be changed. Amen".

Throw the collected coins into a glass jar and close it. Hide the jar in a place where no one can see it. It is prohibited to take money out of it. This talisman will be a symbol of attracting money into your home. You don’t have to throw away the broom that you used in the ritual. It's okay if you use it for household purposes.

A ritual to get married faster

Every girl dreams of marriage. Just a broom, and will be an excellent helper for a speedy marriage. To perform the ceremony, you need to purchase a household item from the market. Payment should be slightly higher than the amount requested by the seller. Immediately after the purchase, call your assistant the most pleasant words. You must cajole him for better results. The ritual should be performed in the first days of the new moon. Sweep the house daily. If you live in an apartment building, then take the staircase as well. Garbage must be collected in a yellow dustpan.

“I invite beautiful young people to my home. They must be good looking. Let their character be flexible. Let each of them have no negative qualities. Let them come to me from near houses and from distant houses. I am not choosy. I only want a good husband who will love and cherish me. I want to be loved and desired. Let my words reach the sky, where the blessing will come from. Amen".

First of all, sprinkle the broom with water, and now you need to pronounce the spell:

“I sweep trash out of my house. In this way I try to cleanse my home of negative energy. If there is no waste, buyers will respond to sales offers faster. Holy water will also help get rid of the evil spirits that live in the corners. My apartment will sell faster. Every corner will be cleared. Whoever likes this, let him come and buy an apartment (house). My words are strong. Cannot be changed or waived. Amen".