"Western Regional Housing Directorate" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Rougeau. ugregionhousing. FGKU Southern Regional Department of Housing of the Russian Federation. reference material Rougeau contacts

to a military personnel presenting documents to obtain residential premises under a social tenancy agreement

1. To obtain residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, the following documents are submitted:
a) copies of documents proving the identity of the military personnel and family members living with him - citizens Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as family members) (passports with information on registration at the place of residence, birth certificates of persons who do not have passports).
For reference: copies certified by an official of the military unit, accompanied by the seal of the given military unit, must be submitted:
2, 3, 5-12 sheets of passport;
birth certificates of persons who do not have passports.
Documents are certified within one working day after the serviceman applies to the command of the military unit on this issue. A serviceman has the right to submit copies of documents certified by a notary:
b) an extract from the service record, a certificate of military service, the total duration of military service and family composition.
For reference: issued by officials of military units within one working day after a serviceman applies to the command of the military unit on the specified issue.
c) a copy of the marriage certificate (divorce) - in case of marriage (divorce).
For reference: a copy of the marriage certificate (divorce) must be submitted, certified by an official of the military unit with the seal of this military unit attached. Documents are certified within one working day after the serviceman applies to the command of the military unit on this issue. The serviceman has the right to submit copies of these documents, certified by a notary;
d) documents from the places of residence of the serviceman and family members since 1991:
extracts from house books;
certificates (messages) from the technical inventory bureau until January 31, 1998;
For reference: the specified documents are presented for the purpose of establishing the facts:
participation of the military personnel and family members in the privatization of residential premises before January 31, 1998 and their current ownership of these residential premises;
military personnel and family members committing actions to deliberately worsen living conditions.
Extracts from house registers are submitted from all registration addresses at the place of residence of the serviceman and family members; if it is impossible to submit them, archival certificates of registration at the place of residence.
Certificates (messages) from the Technical Inventory Bureau (until January 31, 1998) are submitted from all settlements where the serviceman and (or) family members were registered at the place of residence (according to the submitted extracts from house books).
In case of a change of surname (first name, patronymic) (for example, in connection with the conclusion (divorce) of marriage, adoption, etc.), certificates from the technical inventory bureau are submitted, including for the previous surnames (first names, patronymic).
Extracts from house books and copies of financial personal accounts from the places of residence of military personnel and family members are issued by organizations that operate the housing stock (housing departments, public health departments, management companies, etc.).
Archival certificates of registration at the place of residence are issued by the departments of the Federal Migration Service serving the relevant settlements(regions of populated areas).
These documents must be submitted in originals;
e) copies of financial personal accounts from the places of residence of the serviceman and family members for the last five years before filing the application;
For reference: these documents are presented in order to establish the facts that military personnel and (or) family members have committed actions to deliberately worsen living conditions.
These documents must be submitted in originals;
e) extracts from the Unified state register rights to real estate and transactions with it on the rights of military personnel and family members to residential premises throughout the Russian Federation from January 31, 1998 (hereinafter referred to as Extracts);
For reference: Extracts are presented in order to establish the fact of the presence (absence) of residential premises owned by the military personnel and family members throughout the Russian Federation.
In the absence of an Extract within thirty days from the date of receipt of the notice of distribution of residential premises, information is provided on the availability (absence) of residential premises occupied under social tenancy agreements and (or) owned by the military personnel and family members according to the attached form with an example of its completion.
These documents must be submitted in originals;
g) copies of documents on the right to provide additional social guarantees in terms of housing provision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
For reference: certificates from personnel authorities confirming that a serviceman, in accordance with paragraph 8 of Article 15 of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the Status of Military Personnel,” has the right to additional total living space, shall be submitted in the originals. The specified certificates are issued by officials of military units within one working day after the serviceman applies to the command of the military unit on the specified issue.
h) information about the presence of a taxpayer identification number for the military personnel and all family members.
For reference: copies of certificates of assignment of a taxpayer identification number are presented to the military personnel and all family members, including minors.
A serviceman has the right to submit other documents confirming his right to receive housing.
For reference: a certificate of dismissal of a serviceman is issued by the personnel authority on the day of his application and is presented in the original. Copies of the resolution of the local administration on the inclusion of residential premises in a specialized housing stock, a warrant for residential premises, a rental agreement for residential premises, a certificate of state registration ownership rights to residential premises, agreements for the gratuitous transfer of residential premises into joint ownership of citizens (privatization) are certified within one working day after the serviceman applies to the command of the military unit on this issue.

In order to reduce the terms for concluding contracts for the social rental of residential premises (hereinafter referred to as contracts) received (received) by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, I DEMAND:
1. Ensure that military personnel to whom living quarters are allocated submit documents specified in paragraph 5 of the Appendix to the instructions of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2010 No. 205/2/832 (hereinafter referred to as documents) to the regional housing departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, for which, in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2010 No. 1135, assigned the territories where the specified military personnel undergo military service (hereinafter referred to as departments).
2. Notify military personnel whose documents, after passing a check at the Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Department), were sent to military command authorities, of the need to come with documents to the departments to formalize contracts.
3. To the Department from April 11, 2011:
send to Rosreestr for consideration information about the presence (absence) of residential premises owned by military personnel and members of their families (hereinafter referred to as information). Receive messages from Rosreestr regarding the information provided (hereinafter referred to as messages). In relation to military personnel who have submitted documents in accordance with paragraph of these instructions, send messages to the relevant departments on a weekly basis;
carry out verification of documents and, based on its results, taking into account received messages, make decisions on the provision of residential premises under contracts (hereinafter referred to as decisions) or give reasoned refusals;
conclude agreements with military personnel and citizens discharged from military service, undergoing (passing) military service throughout the Russian Federation;
hand over to military personnel decisions (extracts from decisions), notices of the need to appear at the operating organization and contracts concluded with the specified military personnel. Inform the command of military units in which military personnel are serving in military service about the date of concluding contracts with the specified military personnel on the day the contract is concluded with the military personnel;
send lists of military personnel with whom contracts have been concluded (hereinafter referred to as lists), with the attachment of certificates of acceptance and transfer of residential premises signed by the Department in triplicate to the operating organization for their signing and transfer of residential premises to the specified military personnel and subsequent execution of documents for Maintenance daily;
send lists to the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on a weekly basis;
deregister from the register those in need of residential premises provided under contracts, military personnel with whom contracts have been concluded, as well as military personnel who have lost the right to receive residential premises provided under contracts;
make changes, based on the results of document checks carried out by the departments, into the information in the register of military personnel recognized as in need of residential premises provided under contracts,
4. Departments from April 11, 2011:
accept documents submitted in accordance with paragraph 1 of these instructions and send them to the Department in in electronic format according to formats agreed upon with Rosreestr, lists of military personnel and members of their families who submitted documents:
carry out verification of the submitted documents and, based on its results, taking into account the message received from the Department, make decisions or give reasoned refusals, copies of which must be submitted to the Department within three working days after receiving the message:
conclude agreements with military personnel performing military service in the territories assigned to departments in accordance with Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2010 No. 1135:
hand over to military personnel decisions (extracts from decisions), notices of the need to appear at the operating organization and contracts concluded with the specified military personnel; Inform the command of military units in which military personnel are serving in military service about the date of concluding contracts with the specified military personnel on the day of concluding the contract with to military personnel:
send lists with the attached certificates of acceptance and transfer of residential premises in triplicate, signed by the departments, to the operating organization for their signing and transfer of residential premises to the specified military personnel and subsequent execution of documents for maintenance on a daily basis;
inform the Department weekly on Wednesdays about the progress of concluding contracts and about the occupancy of distributed residential premises.
5. To operating organizations: on the day of the serviceman’s request:
organize the signing by military personnel of the acts of acceptance and transfer of residential premises received from the Department or departments, one copy of which should be given to the tenant of the residential premises, the second - sent to the Department or department, the official of which entered into the agreement, the third - to keep with:
draw up documents for the maintenance of the specified residential premises;
provide the tenant with the keys to the residential premises;
send to the Department or directorate that submitted the lists information about military personnel who did not arrive at the operating organization within ten days from the date of conclusion of the contract every day.
6. As of April 11, 2011, apartment management authorities will stop concluding social rental agreements.
Control over the implementation of these instructions is entrusted to the head of the Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In the Southern Military District there is one officer who interacts with the Southern RUZHO and makes sure that within five days applicants learn about the receipt of family notices at the department; all that remains is for a soldier or a representative of a military unit to come with a power of attorney to receive the notice and pick it up. Plus five days to consider the notice and, if he agrees to allocated housing, 30 days to collect documents, and you don’t need to make an extract from the Unified State Register, but simply write an application for it and leave it in the RUZHO. After collecting documents and submitting them to YURUZHO(not in JO - some officers did just that, bypassing RUGEAU, now they are waiting), the girls from office 12 immediately make a decision on moving in (to their credit, they work even on weekends - they sort out a bunch of documents). But there are comrades who don’t even come for notifications - out of 2,000 notifications that have arrived since the beginning of the year, another 150 people have not received them, and these are apartments that could have gone to others. Scheme from the moment of notification to the conclusion of a social contract. hiring has started, over the last half month about 150 people have already signed a contract of agreement, when since the beginning of the year the indicators were zero, this is also due to the fact that the decision-making functions of the JO were transferred to the RUJO in April


JO MO RF. Department of Housing for Military Personnel of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Background information on the provision of permanent and service housing to military personnel in Moscow and the Moscow region. Addresses, maps, reception times.


Sergey Vladimirovich

The Housing Support Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation informs about the new procedure for organizing housing support for military personnel in Moscow and the Moscow region:


The Housing Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation notifies of the termination of reception of citizens at the address: Moscow, Bolshoi Znamensky Lane. d. 8/12.

Starting from July 17, 2018, reception of citizens on issues of issuing decisions on the provision of residential premises (housing subsidies), receiving notices for allocated residential premises, as well as accepting documents will be carried out at the address: Moscow, st. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 26/40, building 4 (1st floor, right).

Nearest metro station: Mayakovskaya

Please note that we have changed the schedule for receiving citizens:

Acceptance of additional accounting documents:

weekly Tuesday, Thursday from 10.00 to 12.30

Issuance of decisions on the provision of residential premises (housing subsidies):

Issuance of notices on the distribution of residential premises:

weekly Tuesday, Thursday from 14.00 to 16.00

Also at the address: Moscow, st. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 26/40, building 4, weekly on Wednesdays from 10.00 to 13.00 the following will be carried out:

  • reception of officials appointed by orders of commanders of military units responsible for the implementation of the savings and mortgage housing system for military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as NIS) in military units, stationed in the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region to provide the relevant documents for the implementation of the NIS;
  • conducting consultations and receiving documents from military personnel and citizens living in closed military camps located in Moscow and the Moscow region by appointment on the provision of social benefits for the purchase of housing, certified by a state housing certificate.