3D paintings on asphalt. How it's made, how it works, how it works. HDI insurance company

Although 3d drawing is called a drawing, it can also be done with paint, where, logically, it would be more correct to call it 3d painting on asphalt, but it so happened that we began to call it a drawing; let me remind you that abroad it is most often called 3d street painting - 3d street painting, although sometimes you can find the term 3d drawings like we have.

1. In the previous post, we built a grid in perspective reduction on a plane (on our asphalt), according to the selected parameters, the dimensions of the grid squares are 50x50 cm (length of the segment AB). The height of the human figure in the picture and the height of the viewer located at the inspection point is 170 cm, the distance to the inspection point is 2 meters.
As you can see in the photo below, by placing our apple sketch on the resulting mesh, 3d drawing from the inspection point on site it should look exactly the same as in the sketch, i.e. without distortions or deformations.

2. Now we need to draw a grid without distortion, this is our projection sketch, with which we will work on the site and transfer the image to the asphalt.
Our grid is built on the edge of the picture plane, which is a straight line for us H, the grid will be parallel to the picture plane and perpendicular to the base plane, i.e. the “asphalt”. The size of the grid squares is still the same - 50 cm; in the drawing, of course, you have it in the scale you chose.

3. Next, watch your hands... We number the squares for convenience. Let's conduct a beam, I called it " projection beam", from the viewing point N, at the point of any intersection of our drawing with the grid that lies in our perspective, I chose the edge of an apple leaf - it is located on the line of our grid in perspective (the base of the square C2). Intersecting our usual grid, which is parallel to us, the projection beam hits a point, which is the edge of our apple leaf.

4. In this clever way we find all the intersection points on our grid. Points that fall on the center line are found using the proportional calculation method.
To achieve a more accurate result of constructing parts and lines 3d drawing, the grid is specified by a smaller cell step.
We connect all the points with a smooth line, as it was in kindergarten once upon a time...
3d drawing the projection sketch is ready!
As you can see from the result obtained, our sketch turned out to be deformed. Now all that remains is to transfer it to the asphalt in nature, where you have already drawn out the grid and are sitting and waiting..

Using the same principle, the image is built on walls and ceilings. This is where the fairy tale ends...
P.S. And don't forget that 3d drawing This is, first of all, a drawing that requires drawing skills, mastery of color and composition, otherwise the work may not be effective.
Thank you for attention!
You can get acquainted with my works here.

In this post I will talk about the principles of creating 3D drawings on asphalt and not only on it. The word asphalt means a horizontal plane on which we walk every day, it can be concrete and a wooden base, glass and even sand, yes, now there is such a thing - a 3D drawing on the sand. It just so happened that we began to call it “on the asphalt,” apparently because in childhood we said: “Chalk drawing on the asphalt,” although we often drew them more on concrete, perhaps the word concrete does not sound... Abroad literally translated - 3d street painting in English. 3d street painting.So... Many of you who are reading this article are already familiar with this type street art from photographs that you found on the Internet, or maybe even some of you saw 3D drawings live, or maybe even tried to create them with your own hands, and probably most of you wondered, how street artists Are you trying to achieve a 3D effect?
I’m sure that some of you have already exclaimed: “By, what’s secret here!?...This is an elementary projection of an image onto a plane!” And they will be right. I would clarify that this is projection + perspective, although of course the concept of projection cannot be separated from perspective, these are interacting concepts.
So where do you start working on a 3D drawing? And the work begins, as with all artists, with defining the plot and developing a sketch, which depends on the size of the site on which the drawing will be performed. You may ask how does the plot depend on the size of the site? To do this, you need to understand that a drawing on asphalt is a projection onto a plane, which is at an angle to us and has its own perspective contraction, and if you decide to depict an object that is larger than human height, let’s say an adult bear attacking a person, who will be the person being photographed, then Such a drawing will stretch for many meters, provided that the height at the viewing point from which a person looks at the drawing is equal to the average height of a person. Therefore, sometimes artists can use a combination of a plane under the feet and a wall, or even two walls, which uses three and four planes (floor, ceiling and two walls) - the corner part of the room.
1. In this image you can see how the dimensions of the image change during projection onto the plane by the line of sight. And the sharper the angle of the line of sight to the asphalt plane, the more elongated the pattern will be.
Yes, everyone knew this without you, move on!..
2.After you have decided on the sketch, you need to transfer it to a plane, in our case, asphalt. How to do this?
Some of you have already exclaimed, yes, with the help of a projector! Yes, I will answer, it is possible with the help of a projector, but there is one small condition, you need to complete the drawing within one daylight hours, as this can happen, say, at a festival, at which the process of using the projector becomes impossible - the projected image is simply not visible in bright light light. So how!?...
To do this, I will introduce you a little bit into the subject of perspective and the method of constructing geometric objects in space - the architect's method. Why geometric? Because first we will need to build a grid in space. This method is more familiar to artists and architects of the respective educational institutions, although someone has encountered the basics in the subject of drawing.

From the viewing point, the 3D drawing should look exactly like your sketch.
3. At the same time, on the asphalt, the apple pattern will look like this (top view). You can see how the drawing on the plane is deformed, so a 3D drawing or, as it may also be called, an anamorphic drawing, should not be confused with an amorphous one! :) you need to look at only one point.
The diagram shows the human field of vision, approx. 120°. 4. The viewing point for the viewer is indicated by such a sign (which I use) or any other, making it clear to the person that they need to be and film right here and in this particular direction. So what to look for high-quality photography I need just such a sign.
5. A couple of photos to understand how much the drawing changes in size.
This photo shows a 3D drawing on the asphalt, through the camera lens from the designated inspection point.
6. And here’s how the drawing is transformed (view from the back)
The drawn sewer hatch, which looks from the inspection point (where the tripod is) as a round lying pancake, the width of which is almost twice as long as the length, actually has the shape of an elongated oval, which has the opposite values ​​- the length is greater than the width.
7.An example of using two planes for a 3D drawing

8.What does the deformation of such a drawing look like from a different viewing point.

9. First, you need to set the size of the rectangular area that will capture your pattern on the asphalt and determine the perspective scale, namely the scale of length and width. To do this, you need to mark the horizon on a sheet of paper and draw a line H parallel to the horizon, this line is the edge of the picture plane in our drawing, which we will get to later, on the asphalt this line is the edge of a rectangular grid, which will be divided into squares measuring 50x50 cm. This size is set arbitrarily by the artist, depending on the complexity of the image, according to the principle, the more details, the smaller the squares - for more precise definition positions of lines in the drawing.
We all remember that the horizon passes at the level of a person’s eyes, provided that the line of sight of the person looking at this figure is at the same height, that is, roughly speaking, if these figures are of the same height. And of course, if someone is taller or shorter, our horizon line changes.
10. Thus, knowing the height of a person (take average height 170 cm) we can set the footage on the picture plane, i.e. on line H.
Next, we draw a center line, which is at an angle of 90° to the edge of the picture plane, in this case to line H.
11.For convenience, I divide the meter segments into floors and connect them to point P on the horizon, thus obtaining the vanishing point P and the length scale of the segments, which are equal to 50 cm.

12. Now the main thing, we need to determine the scale of the width, or you can also say the scale of the depth of a segment 50 cm long. Simply put, we need to determine how visually the grid will shrink in perspective when placed on the asphalt. I recommend initially stocking up on a larger paper format for the drawing.
We set the distance to the main viewing point (from which the public will photograph the 3D drawing), that is, to the edge of your drawing (or rather, to the edge of your future grid on the asphalt). I set 2 meters, the artist arbitrarily sets the distance that he needs, but I don’t think that it makes sense to make it less than 1.5 meters.
On the center line of our drawing, from the edge of the picture plane, which is line H, we set aside a distance of 2 meters, ultimately obtaining a segment CN. This point N itself does not play a role for the further construction of the drawing.
13. Next, we need to get the distance point D1 on the horizon, from which the ray will intersect the picture plane at an angle of 45°, at point C, this will help us determine the vertex of the square. To do this, we set the distance to be twice the height of the human figure, since the figure is the object from which we measure. Why 2 times from the picture plane? The reason is in the device human eye, our grip angle is greater in width than in height. For more or less normal, not distorted perception, we need to be at a distance from the object that is twice its height) This way we get point Q (we won’t need it on the site). From the main vanishing point P we will lay off (you can use a compass) a segment equal to PQ on the horizon line, thus obtaining point D1 and D2, most often it will extend beyond the sheet of paper, so the segment PQ is divided by 2 to obtain point D½ and by four for point D¼. By passing the ray through points D1, C, we obtain a straight line that intersects the plane of the picture at an angle of 45° in perspective.

14. The resulting point B1 of the segment BP is the vertex of the square, the segment B,B1 is a side 50 cm long in perspective.

15. As I said above, the distance point D1 extends beyond the sheet of paper; for convenience, the segment D1,P is divided into four parts and we get point D¼
When using distance point D¼, keep in mind that in in this case the rays intersect the side of the square B1, C1 at a different angle (this is approximately 75°) to the picture plane. And to find the intersection point, the segment BC is divided into four equal parts like any other segment on the line of the picture plane, from the intersection point a straight line is drawn to the vanishing point P, from D¼ to C - the intersection point and will determine the side B1, C1 as this and makes a ray drawn from D1 to C.

17. In this cunning way, at the intersections of rays from a remote point with rays of abbreviations AP, BP, CP, DP, EP, we obtain a grid measuring 2 by 2 meters in a perspective abbreviation with a size of square sections of 50x50 cm. Voila!
Despite the fact that a 3D drawing is called a drawing, it can also be made with paint, where, logically, it would be more correct to call it 3D painting on asphalt, but it so happened that in our country they began to call it a drawing, let me remind you that abroad it is most often called 3d street painting - 3d street painting, although sometimes you can find the term 3d drawings like ours.

The height of the human figure in the picture and the height of the viewer located at the inspection point is 170 cm, the distance to the inspection point is 2 meters.
As you can see in the photo below, by placing our sketch of an apple on the resulting mesh, the 3D drawing from the inspection point on the site should look exactly the same as on the sketch, i.e. without distortions and deformations.
Now we need to draw a grid without distortion, this is our projection sketch, with which we will work on the site and transfer the image to the asphalt.
Our grid is built on the edge of the picture plane, which is straight line H for us, the grid will be parallel to the picture plane and perpendicular to the plane of the base, that is, the “asphalt”. The size of the grid squares is still the same - 50 cm; in the drawing, of course, you have it in the scale you chose.
Next, watch your hands... We number the squares for convenience. We draw a ray, I called it a “projection ray”, from the inspection point N, to the point of any intersection of our drawing with the grid that lies in our perspective, I chose the edge of the apple leaf - it is located on the line of our grid in perspective (the base of the square C2 ). Intersecting our usual grid, which is parallel to us, the projection beam hits a point, which is the edge of our apple leaf. In this clever way we find all the intersection points on our grid. Points that fall on the center line are found using the proportional calculation method.
To achieve a more accurate result of constructing the details and lines of a 3D drawing, the grid is set with a smaller cell pitch.
We connect all the dots with a smooth line, as it was once in kindergarten...
The 3D drawing in the projection sketch is ready!
As you can see from the result obtained, our sketch turned out to be deformed. Now all that remains is to transfer it to the asphalt in nature, where you have already drawn out the grid and are sitting and waiting.. P.S. And don’t forget that a 3D drawing is, first of all, a drawing that requires drawing skills, mastery of color and composition, otherwise the work may not be effective.
Thank you for attention!

Any aspiring artist can do this on asphalt or paper. To do this, you need to follow simple tips.

How to learn to draw 3D drawings for beginners

To become a 3D artist, try learning how to draw simple volumetric figures. An ideal place to start is to try to depict a cube, ball, pyramid, star, cylinder, cone.

To make a three-dimensional 3D picture, carefully study the shape of the depicted object, all its bulges and depressions. Look how the light falls. Certain parts of the figure are quite dark, while others receive bright light and produce bright highlights. Don't forget that any object provides a shadow.

The best way to learn to draw 3D with simple pencils with different hardness. For this it is better to purchase a special set. Soft pencils produce darker and thicker lines, while hard pencils produce thinner and lighter lines. Also, to obtain a three-dimensional image, it is necessary to increase and decrease the pressure on the pencil where necessary.

How to draw 3d drawings on paper

Make a printout on a color printer. To make the picture clearer, it is advisable to use laser models and photo paper.

3D drawings on asphalt are drawn using cans of aerosol paints or colored crayons.

The difficulty in using the former is to find a large number of the shades you need. But learning to draw 3D drawings on asphalt correctly using spray cans is quite difficult. To spray paint in thinner streams, you can use an airbrush.

Drawings on asphalt made using 3D photo and video techniques simply amaze with their realism and illusion of volume. Only real talented artist can do a job of this complexity. After all, for this you need to master the technique of seeing perspective, know all the conditions for constructing a composition and be able to do much more in order to get the most cool pictures 3D drawings on asphalt. I have always been amazed by these unusual, one might say magical paintings when absolutely three-dimensional subjects suddenly appear on a flat surface, it cannot leave you indifferent. Moreover, these images are so realistic and similar to reality that a certain respect for the master who painted this miracle arises automatically.

The technique of creating 3D drawings on asphalt is very complex, not every person, even those with certain abilities in the field visual arts can perform such masterpieces. Here at first glance you can feel the hand of a talented craftsman, a professional in his field and simply genius artist. 3D drawings on asphalt amaze any person with their realism; it is not without reason that many people try to keep these pictures as a souvenir, and of course, take pictures themselves against the backdrop of this miracle. You have to see such things with your own eyes; photography, of course, is wonderful, but in real life everything looks with even greater interest and inspiration. True, we have few such images in Russia, but at least I have never seen such a miracle in any city in the country, but I hope someone will dare and create masterpieces in our homeland. So, let's admire these masterpieces of fine art together and look at cool 3D drawings on asphalt pictures, and at the end of the selection of photos you will find the coolest video - a cat versus an inflatable cat.

3D drawings on asphalt pictures 3D drawings on asphalt photos 3D drawings on asphalt photos

Collection of jokes:

How 3D drawings are made:

How 3D drawings are made, part 2. Video

Of course, any of you have seen graffiti on the walls at least once in your life, in reality or in photos - it doesn’t matter. However, there is such a type of drawings as 3D graffiti. The pictures are so real that it’s hard to believe your eyes!

With these drawings, the streets of Russian cities turned into a real art gallery. street street art.

Our Russian artists decided to surprise citizens in earnest. These voluminous graffiti can hardly be distinguished from reality. Cars in a hole, huge cliffs on the road and much more in this collection.

Exhibition of works by municipal artists in Samara.

The work of an unknown Russian artist.

A group of admiring spectators discusses the wonderful work of the master.

Artists from Belgorod do not lag behind their colleagues.

Citizens gathered to look at an incredibly realistic 3D drawing in Dzerzhinsk.

The drawing looks so realistic that the authorities came to fence it off so that viewers would not accidentally spoil it.

Like real.

Wonderful composition.

Unique work of Perm masters.

Painting “asphalt devouring Lada Kalina”. Unknown author.

Just look at this three-dimensional drawing of frozen water and cars stuck in it.

Ryazan street art masters.

A fascinating 3D drawing from Yaroslavl.

Doesn't it really seem like it's all real?

Very natural.

Some conceptual art.

Residents of Chelyabinsk photograph the work of local artists.

In Tyumen, masters created not just a drawing, but a real art installation.

Sochi. Roads connecting the once Olympic venues. In fact, the asphalt is perfectly smooth; the illusion of volume is created by the skillful work of the artists.

Samara, city center. If you don’t know that this is a drawing, you might think that the ground really opened up right in front of the building of the provincial Duma.

The artists tried to show what their city would look like if it were subjected to aerial bombardment.

It looks like the truck really goes underground, but it's a clever piece of perspective.

Large-scale work by Omsk artists. From the outside, you might think that cars are driving not on the road, but on water.