Scandal in the "League of Schools": why are closed educational institutions dangerous? Read to parents. Former students of the "League of Schools" published a video message after a sex scandal: you can not be silent

In the Chertanovsky District Court of Moscow, a preliminary discussion was held on the lawsuit filed by ex-director of the League of Schools Sergei Bebchuk against Meduza journalist Daniil Turovsky, who in January last year published an article with testimonies of former students of the school about harassment by Bebchuk and his deputy Nikolai Izyumov. After the publication, the Investigative Committee interviewed the victims, but found no corpus delicti in the actions of the leaders of the League of Schools.

Potential conflict of interest warning: Egor Skovoroda, an employee of Mediazona and editor of this material, is a graduate of the League of Schools.

On May 18, the Chertanovsky District Court accepted Bebchuk's claim against Turovsky for consideration. The press secretary of the court told the Moskva agency that Bebchuk asks to recognize Turovsky's article as untrue and discrediting his honor, dignity and business reputation. The ex-director of the League of Schools is demanding 3 million rubles from the journalist as compensation for moral damage, as well as almost 1.7 million rubles in lost profits - Bebchuk claims that after the publication he lost his job.

As journalist Daniil Turovsky told Mediazone, Sergei Bebchuk himself did not come to the interview. His representative, Dmitry Nikolaev, asked the court to consider the case behind closed doors, since personal data could be disclosed; the court postponed this decision until the start of the trial on the merits - it is scheduled for 14 August.

Tales of harassment

On January 23, 2017, Meduza published an investigation by Daniil Turovsky called 25 Years of Violence. The graduates of the League of Schools, which its creators called "a school for gifted children," told the journalist about numerous cases of sexual harassment by the school principal Sergei Bebchuk and his deputy Nikolai Izyumov. The first cases, the publication wrote, took place back in the nineties, when Bebchuk worked at the X school (in 1994, Bebchuk and Izyumov left X and opened the League of Schools).

“Medusa is aware of more than two dozen people who said they were victims of sexual assault and harassment by Bebchuk and his deputy Nikolai Izyumov,” Turovsky wrote.

Most of the testimonies were then anonymous - then Tatyana Karsten spoke openly about the harassment, and Vera Volyak agreed to publish her video message. Volyak said that she had a sexual relationship with director Bebchuk when she was 14–15 years old, as well as an unfinished sexual intercourse with Izyumov. Four more testimonies were given anonymously - for example, one of the girls claimed that her friend met with Bebchuk, and at the age of 16 she became pregnant and had an abortion.

School graduates and some teachers, Meduza wrote, learned about the scale of the harassment only at the end of 2014, after Tatyana Karsten told the head of the theater studio, Irina Dmitrieva, about the incident. After that, the graduates began to look for other victims, and on January 22, 2015, the participants in the investigation issued an ultimatum to Bebchuk and Izyumov, demanding that they quit the school and never work with children again. According to Meduza, Bebchuk dismissed these allegations as lies at a meeting with alumni. However, he and Izyumov, who also denies all the allegations, signed an ultimatum, and the school soon closed.

The reason for the closure was called changes in the situation in the country. “The school that was conceived and opened more than twenty years ago can no longer exist in today's conditions of a greatly narrowed legislative field,” Nikolai Izyumov wrote to students and graduates.

According to Meduza, the ultimatum meant that graduates would not speak publicly about harassment if the former leaders of the League of Schools followed its terms. However, in the fall of 2015, graduates learned that Bebchuk and Izyumov continued to work with children. Some time after that, Bebchuk was fired from the Intellectual school, where some of the students of the League of Schools went to study.

The reaction of the UK and students

On the day Turovsky's article was published, the Investigative Committee announced the start of a pre-investigation check.

On January 26, an appeal was sent to the prosecutor's office, signed by 15 former teachers of the League of Schools, with a request to protect the honor and dignity of the school leadership. “I worked at this school as a math teacher for 14 years, from 2001 until it closed, and I didn't see anything like that at the school. It is against the law to spread dirty rumors without concrete evidence. Meanwhile, the materials I'm talking about contain easily refuted data,” said German Levitas, the author of the appeal.

Meduza also received letters from about ten former students of the school defending Bebchuk and Izyumov.

Soon, Meduza was told about sexual harassment by five other League of Schools students: Anna Zverkova, Lyudmila Solovieva, Vera Baikovskaya, Tatyana Korovkina (Grosheva), and a girl whose real name was not disclosed.

Surveys of victims

On April 24, 2017, the Investigative Committee issued a decision to refuse to initiate a case - the investigator did not find corpus delicti in the actions of Bebchuk and Izyumov. During the pre-investigation check, 87 people were interviewed, including ten former students of the school, who spoke about harassment towards them or their acquaintances.

Investigators interviewed Lyudmila Solovieva, Vera Baikovskaya, Tatyana Korovkina (Grosheva), and Svetlana Bozrova, former students of the League of Schools with whom Meduza spoke. Solovieva and Baikovskaya repeated what they had told Meduza, while Korovkina confirmed to the investigator that there had been harassment on the part of the director and his deputy, but that she "doesn't remember the events described to her well." Graduate Svetlana Bozrova, who was one of the initiators of the internal investigation, told the investigator that while studying in 2006-2007, she learned from other students that the director and his deputy were harassing students, but she herself had not come across this.

Lyudmila Solovieva asked to bring Bebchuk and Izyumov to criminal liability for indecent acts against her. She spoke about the events of 2007 in the village of Bobrovo, where Bebchuk had a house where school students regularly came. She went with Bebchuk to the forest to pick up abandoned building materials, where suddenly Bebchuk complimented her, hugged her and kissed her on the lips. The girl recalled that she was in a state of shock. After that, the director got into the car and they drove back to the dacha and did not discuss this case again. Soloviev did not tell anyone about this then.

In turn, Vera Baikovskaya said that in 2007 she also came to Bebchuk in Bobrovo, having reached the village from the bus stop on a ride with unknown men. After that, her fellow travelers returned to Bebchuk's house and called the girl. Then the director of the school ordered the students to return to Moscow - Baikovskaya with two students, he drove to a stop in his car. On the way, he dropped off two girls and took Baikovskaya towards the dairy plant, where he stopped the car and began to demand that the girl undress. She refused, and after repeated demands, she said that she realized her mistake - she decided that the director was trying to teach her a lesson because she was driving in a car with strangers. After that, Bebchuk returned for two other students and drove them to the bus stop.

The refusal decision of the Investigative Committee also cites the testimonies of students whose stories were published by Meduza anonymously or did not appear in the press at all. One of the former students of the "League of Schools" said that in 2008, during a trip to the Carpathians, when schoolchildren stopped to set up camp in the evening, she and Bebchuk went for wood chips not far from the halt. While the girl was chipping, Bebchuk began stroking her neck and hair, then began kissing her neck, ears, cheeks.

He said that he had been in love with a ninth grader for a long time and knew that she was not indifferent to him. Then he asked: “Do you want to?”, The girl recalled. The student refused, after which both returned to the camp. The girl noted that she was shocked. A few days after giving explanations to the investigator, she asked to stop the check on her statement, explaining that she did not consider herself a victim.

Another girl told the investigator how, at the dacha in Bobrovo, the director took her to the bathhouse to take a steam bath. “They went to the steam room, where he told her to completely undress. She was embarrassed by this requirement, but since she had never bathed before, she thought that it should be so, ”the decision says. The girl noted that she knew about other cases of indecent acts by Bebchuk.

Most of the victims interviewed by the investigator spoke of harassment by Nikolai Izyumov as well. They confirmed that the deputy director met the students at the entrance to the school with kisses, and in the Porechye winter camp he came to the girls' rooms in the morning and kissed them, hugged them, stroked their faces and hair. Some interviewed girls said that he harassed them at school in his office - he put them on his knees, kissed them, touched them under their clothes. Pupils were afraid to tell anyone about the harassment, ashamed of what had happened or fearing "problems at school."

No corpus delicti

At the same time, two other graduates, Anna Rcheulishvili and Maria Kantanistova, whose interviews are retold in detail in the investigator’s decision, spoke of their distrust of the Meduza article and insisted that there had been no harassment.

Bebchuk and Izyumov themselves denied everything during the poll. The ruling provides a detailed explanation of Bebchuk's daughter Tatyana, who claims that the "organizers" of the school investigation and the publication on Meduza were students who studied at the theater studio under the direction of Irina Dmitrieva - it was she who, after Tatyana Karsten's story, began to look for other victims. Tatyana Bebchuk called Carsten a girl prone to fantasizing and emotional perception of the world.

The investigator wrote that Tatyana Bebchuk “considers what is happening as an archetypal story about how adults throw their own idols off their pedestals, which it is difficult for them to equal.” According to her, for Dmitrieva it was "a performance of a federal scale, at the same time being compensation for her professional unemployment."

As a result, Nikita Belousov, investigator of the Cheryomushkinsky Interdistrict Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee for Moscow, came to the conclusion that the actions of Bebchuk and his deputy Izyumov did not constitute a crime under Article 135 of the Criminal Code (lewd acts).

The investigator argued his decision by the fact that ten former students spoke about sexual harassment during the pre-investigation check, but none of them "did not contact law enforcement agencies in a timely manner" and did not talk about someone's attempts to file a complaint with the police. The investigator does not mention the possible expiration of the statute of limitations for some episodes. In addition, he noted that the testimonies of other students and teachers do not confirm the testimonies of ten girls. At the same time, the investigator noted that there were no signs of a false denunciation in the stories of these girls (Article 306 of the Criminal Code).

Last June, Meduza reported this refusal to the Investigative Committee. A week after the publication, the department resumed the check - a month later, Ivan Elinsky, an investigator of the Zyuzinsky Interdistrict Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee for Moscow, issued a similar refusal decision with the same reasoning. During this check, the investigator re-interrogated Tatyana Korovkina - and Sergei Bebchuk himself was present during the interrogation. This time, the girl who told how Bebchuk went into bed with her during the campaign (she was 13 at the time) said that she did not consider his actions depraved. She added that she considers her interview with Meduza to be a stupid act.

At the same time, the investigators never interviewed Vera Volyak, who said that Bebchuk had sex with her, and Tatyana Karsten, who told Meduza that at the dacha in Bobrovo, the teacher took her to the bathhouse to solve math problems, and then began to soar naked with a broom , kiss on the lips and confess your love.

Since then, the investigation has issued several refusals to initiate proceedings, all of which have been cancelled. In the spring of 2018, the department of the Investigative Committee for the South-Western Administrative District canceled another refusal of the investigator to initiate a case against Bebchuk and Izyumov, lawyer Sergei Badamshin told Mediazone. “After that, we have not yet received new documents, while such a sluggish story,” says the lawyer. Now representatives of the victims are trying to get acquainted with the latest materials of inspections, which are still ongoing.

For a year and a half, Sergei Bebchuk has not commented on the accusations made by his former students. Bebchuk did not respond to calls and messages from a Mediazona correspondent. His lawyer Dmitry Nikolaev declined to comment.

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Alumni of the League of Schools, who do not agree with the allegations of sexual harassment by their director Sergei Bebchuk and his deputy Nikolai Izyumov, told the 360 ​​TV channel their version of events.

Scary details

Two former students Tatyana Karsten and Vera Volyak made video messages in which they told how teachers molested them. The students went to the village where Bebchuk's house is located. Karsten recalled the incident in the bathhouse, when the teacher floated her naked, then kissed her and confessed his love to her.

Volyak shared that, as a 14-year-old, she had an intimate relationship with the director and once participated in group sex with him and his wife Anastasia Loseva.

According to the League of Schools 2015 graduates, everything that Karsten and Volyak told is not true, they called the accusations slander.

Bath trips

“Everything happened a little differently than Tanya describes. You live there for two weeks, sometimes you have to wash, this is logical. Therefore, at some point, Sergei Alexandrovich warmed up the bath. Girls came separately, in towels, steamed, washed, went out, separately boys. There was [nothing vulgar with open towels], no one was peeping,” one of the graduates said.

Another graduate denied the words in the Meduza article that the director bathed with girls, and said that he always bathed only with boys.

“About Tanya Karsten’s conversion, I can say that it really looks like some kind of wet teenage fantasy,” said another graduate.

"It's just impossible"

“I studied at this school for five years. I kept some contact with these people, so I have known them for almost seven years. And I think my opinion can hardly be called unfounded. For seven years of acquaintance, I still gained some experience of communication, and I can say that it was impossible, this is not true, this is slander, ”said the graduate.

“In general, there are a lot of us, people who believe that this is simply impossible,” a classmate supported the girl.

According to the interlocutors of the correspondent of the TV channel, there were no “wet kisses” either. Izyumov "chastely" and "fatherly" kissed girls at a meeting, shook hands with guys.

“These are not such people. With such people it would be impossible. Both Sergei Alexandrovich and Nikolai Mikhailovich are people of principle. They have some notions of honor, of principles, in general, some kind of moral principles. These are the people who raised us. They not only gave us knowledge, they taught us to defend our opinion, to be self-confident, to respect the work of others,” said one of the former students of the League of Schools.

“As far as I know, most of these people communicate closely with each other. For example, Irina Dmitrieva, who decided not to hide her name, communicated very well with Tanya Karsten. Izyumov and Bebchuk are punchy people, I think some of them could have conflict and resentment with accusers," the graduate said.

Recall, according to Meduza’s investigation, League of Schools students were sexually harassed by principal Sergei Bebchuk and his deputy Nikolai Izyumov. The school was closed in 2015 after a group of alumni and staff conducted their own investigation. They put forward demands for Bebchuk and Izyumov to quit and no longer work in the education system.

The Investigative Committee has begun an audit, and a member of the Federation Council, Elena Mizulina, intends to submit to the State Duma a bill providing for life punishment for child molestation.

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Recently, information appeared on the Internet that in the prestigious "League of Schools" students were allegedly raped for 25 years. Specific names of offenders were also named - the director of the educational institution Sergei Bebchuk and his deputy Nikolai Izyumov. Journalists conducted an investigation and found out the details of the scandalous story. Later, shocking video messages from graduates appeared on the Web, alleging harassment by Bebchuk and Izyumov.

The data posted in the media became interested in the Investigative Committee. They initiated a check on the fact of publication in an online publication. At the same time, social network users began to harass "rapists" on the Internet. They wrote angry comments on Izyumov's page. The man himself answered some of them. He continues to deny his guilt.

Later, graduates and teachers of the League of Schools, who disagree with the accusations against Bebchuk and Izyumov, created a page on social networks. They call for the restoration of the reputation of a prestigious educational institution for gifted children. According to the defenders of the educational institution, it can be destroyed in a matter of hours. What happened after the journalists initiated heated discussions of the sex scandal.

// Photo: frame of the lecture ""

Thus, ex-school teacher Vasily Tumanov believes that the information published in the media reveals only one point of view on what was happening. “There was a rewriting of other people's versions of events, which cannot be directly verified. It would be possible to compare the testimonies of the same people (as in the case of Tatyana Karsten), to compare the testimonies of different people about the same events, but we, the readers, did not see anything of this, ”the man notes.

Tumanov also commented on the reasons for the closure of the educational institution. Previously, a version was put forward that this happened due to a sex scandal that had arisen, which they wanted to hush up. However, according to the teacher, the closure of the school was due to the "narrowing of the legislative field." The teacher noted that the administration of the educational institution did everything possible for its further existence, but it was not possible to cope with external circumstances.

A group of teachers also expressed their opinion, saying that they were sending a collective letter to the prosecutor's office. The appeal was initiated by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences and Professor German Levitas. The man is outraged by the large number of lies that, in his opinion, the former teachers of the unique school and its graduates had to face. German Grigoryevich was supported by 12 of his former colleagues.

“Unverified rumors are circulating in the media about alleged cases of molestation of girls by the leaders of this school. I worked there as a mathematics teacher for 14 years: from 2001 until its closure - and I did not see anything similar at the school ... This discredits the name of one of the best pedagogical institutions in our country. A very important feature of this school was that the school lived like one family, with its own inner joys and sorrows, agreements and disputes, quarrels and consolations. Dirty people can always see in this what interests them most. But the principle of the presumption of innocence should act to protect against them,” said Levitas.

A graduate of 2014, Fathi El-Kuhoun, said that his school years were the best thing that ever happened to him. He stated that children who for some reason left the walls of his beloved educational institution could think about revenge. The young man claims that he is personally acquainted with the director Sergei Bebchuk, who is accused of violence, and his close people. Fathi finds the accusations against the man unfair. According to El-Kukhun, Bebchuk is not capable of molesting minors. The director of the League of Schools, says Fathi, sought to give knowledge to students and therefore even sometimes sacrificed his days off.

“It was so incredible that at first I refused to believe that such a thing was possible. I spent whole days there from morning to evening, although I had never been a diligent student. It's just that life has always been in full swing in this place, in this school you could easily communicate with students and, most importantly, teachers at any time. And everyone who studied at the League of Schools fell in love with this informal atmosphere for at least a month,” recalls El-Kuhun.

Eight other alumni came together and sent a collective letter, which was published on social networks. Young people expressed categorical disagreement with the accusations that are being made against the director and his wife, as well as the head teacher of the educational institution.

“We grew up in the League of Schools. It was there that we became who we are… Sergei Alexandrovich, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Anastasia Stanislavovna – these are the teachers without whom the League of Schools would not have appeared, and we are very grateful to them for the fact that such a miracle happened in 1994… "League" had many difficulties. On the one hand, difficulties with financing, with the building, with food, and on the other hand, with people. We did not think that those people who were not close to the “League” life would decide to collectively express their dislike, ”the former students say in the publication.

Alumni said that everyone at the school knew each other and maintained an atmosphere of trust. “We were as honest with each other as possible, and if conflicts arose between us, they were quickly resolved. With such a system of relations, it was impossible to hide something,” they note.

Later, a new detail surfaced on the Web regarding the erupted sex scandal. It turned out that there is a conflict of interest. Former chief editor of Finanz Pavel Miledin drew attention to the fact that the general director of the school, Sergei Bebchuk, and the alleged brother of one of the victims, Petr Volyak, are mentioned in the SPARK system as the owner and CEO of a software company. The patronymic and registration of this possible relative of the victim coincides with the data of Vera Volyak. The fact discovered by the journalist raised many questions in him.

After some time, Miledin was answered by the editor-in-chief of the publication, where an investigation into the violence with the League of Schools appeared. Ivan Kolpakov stated that there are no hidden business interests in this story.

“I consider such an assumption irresponsible. In addition to this heroine, we have two dozen testimonies from former students of the League of Schools, including those recorded on video, plus a tangible amount of documentary evidence, among which the most important is a recording of a meeting of graduates with Bebchuk (during which Bebchuk indirectly confirms his involvement in sexual harassment and accepts an ultimatum),” the journalist said.

A sex scandal at the League of Schools, a prestigious educational institution for gifted children, is overgrown with new details. The teachers themselves, who allegedly raped their pupils, deny their guilt. They argue that the numerous stories of the victims have nothing to do with reality. Recently, video messages of girls appeared on the Web, accusing director Sergei Bebchuk and his deputy Nikolai Izyumov of harassment. These videos, dated from different years, were placed in the media with the consent of their authors.

The first video that surfaced after the sex scandal is dated 2014, it was recorded by Tatyana Karsten. The girl told about what happened to her in the 9th grade during the May holidays. According to Tatyana, students of the League of Schools often went to the principal's dacha. Sergei Bebchuk and his wife Anastasia Loseva, who taught art history, insisted that the girl go out of town.

Karsten said that the director's dacha did not have a bathroom. Therefore, schoolchildren went to wash in the bath. At that time, it so happened that at some point Tatyana was left alone. Sergei Alexandrovich advised her to work out in the bath. But the schoolgirl did not succeed well, and Bebchuk suggested that the naked pupil be treated with a broom. Then, according to Karsten, the man began to molest her. Tatyana was frightened and did not know what to do. She wanted to tell the headmaster's wife what had happened, but she couldn't. Karsten says that it was unpleasant for her to think that what happened could hurt a woman. In the end, she convinced herself that this was nothing to worry about, since men fall in love with girls. The ninth grader was also afraid that someone might get hurt and the school would be closed.

“He sat down on the bench next to me and hugged me. He said that I am a very smart and beautiful girl. That he has been in love with me for a long time. I didn’t expect this to happen so much that, probably, from shock, from fear, from everything together, I sat and didn’t know what to do ... He asked me: “Maybe I’m doing a bad thing that I’m pestering you?” I said I don't know. We stood at the door, then he hugged me, kissed my forehead, cheeks, hair, I don't know. He said how good I am, how he loves me. I was 17 years old at that moment, which is probably important to mention, ”Tatiana said.

Another appeal that appeared on the Web belongs to Vera Volyak. The first time she wrote it down in 2014, but after the journalists conducted an investigation, the girl invited them to answer the questions again.

According to Volyak, Bebchuk forced her to have sex with him. The first time it happened was when the schoolgirl was 14 years old. “You can’t say that it was, as you call it, petting or caressing, something like that, kissing or touching, no, it was full sex,” she said. Vera also claims that the director could arrange orgies, and his wife was aware of what was happening. Moreover, Loseva herself was a member of a group intimate relationship.

Volyak also said that many victims did not want to advertise what happened to them. When they graduated from high school, they didn't think about it. Vera said that she herself tried to forget about everything. She didn't think it could happen to other students.

In addition, Volyak spoke frankly about what Izyumov allegedly did to his pupils. Usually, the deputy director allegedly preferred to hug schoolgirls, but once he undressed in the presence of Vera and was ready to cross the line. But that did not happen.

“I saw now his answers in an interview, and he says, like - what is it, I stroked someone there? If you have a girl sitting on your lap, and you have, how to say, an erection, and you stroke her breasts, in my opinion, this is very far from shaking hands. He just closed the door - you go into his office, he closes the door and then, what's there, caresses you, presses you. I'm not saying I had sex with him. There was no full sex, ”the girl claims.

Vera told a Meduza correspondent that the director and his deputy allegedly emotionally persuaded the pupils to have intimate relationships. For a long time she did not dare to talk about it, but overcame herself.

In turn, the alleged "rapists" continue to deny the allegations. Recently, the deputy director published an appeal to the public, in which he shared his version of what was happening. Izyumov claims that he was not involved in cases of violence, and the news about this seriously undermined his health. According to a former employee of the scandalous school, he has not stopped getting sick since 2015.

“I call all accusations slander. This is a story about a group of very good people with whom we have been in very good relations all the years, we were friends with many, we happily met at the evenings of the reunion of graduates, ”the man said.

Izyumov assured that he has a lot of joint photos with graduates and postcards from former students. The former head teacher of the "League of Schools" drew attention to the fact that many teachers of the now closed educational institution supported him.

“Not a single girl of the last year of study in any class could accuse me of harassment, because this did not happen - once, because these girls do not need such accusations - twice. And who needs them? That's right, through the years aunties. Because accusations of pedophilia through the years, as you know, are always a desire for revenge. For what? This is a difficult conversation. Everyone has their own reasons,” he says.

The man also said that many are trying to help him. “Now I receive many more calls, letters and messages from people who support and speak kind words than accusations from outsiders,” he said. Izyumov claims that the investigation published in the media does not provide all the details of what happened. According to him, some graduates themselves provoked representatives of the opposite sex. “You can have different attitudes towards the methods of Sergei Alexandrovich, but he didn’t seduce her [one of the alleged victims] and didn’t divide her. He just showed her what could be. But she didn’t forgive, ”Izyumov said.

Published on 23.01.17 23:02

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has already begun checking after the publication of an article about sexual harassment in the capital's educational institution.

Sex scandal in the former Moscow "League of Schools" surfaced: school graduates spoke about violence

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More than 20 graduates of the state school "League of Schools" in the Moscow district of Yasenevo reported harassment by its director and his deputy, Meduza reports.

According to former students, girls as young as 13 were harassed. As noted, everything lasted 21 years (from the moment the school was founded in 1994 until it closed in 2015). The school was accepted from the 7th grade.

By intkbbee According to the graduates, school director Sergei Bebchuk and his deputy Nikolai Izyumov forced the girls to undress, touched them and had sex with them. The scandalous story became known thanks to the story of one of the students of the school, who was the first to pluck up courage and confess to the incident to the head of the theater circle of this school - Irina Dmitrieva.

Photo: Nikolai Izyumov, former deputy director of the school

The latter, in turn, conducted its own investigation and revealed about 20 similar cases with already graduates of this school.

As noted, Bebchuk and Izyumov touched schoolgirls, forced them to undress and even forced them to perform sexual acts. These happened on campaigns, camps, in their apartments and even in baths, where they invited girls under the pretext that "the blood liquefies and enters the brain better - therefore it will be better to solve problems." It is also noted that sex took place after school, in the country, in the car.

Moreover, it is alleged that the father of one of the girls tried to ask similar questions about a kiss when greeting and other signs of attention, but no one paid attention to his words, and moreover, they considered it nonsense.

Photo: former director of the League of Schools Sergei Bebchuk

In turn, alumni of the League of Schools, who investigated cases of harassment at school, in 2015 demanded that both leaders resign from their positions and never work in education again. Bebchuk and Izyumov agreed, and the League of Schools closed.

Later it turned out that Bebchuk works at the Intellectual school for gifted children, and Izyumov founded the Intellect Club, which includes several educational circles. The first Meduza has not been contacted, while the second denies the allegations. Moreover, he calls it revenge and a conspiracy against them by offended students.

"One of those who accuse us, herself too ... She took her husband away from another family. Then he cheated on her and went to another. Another sent me her erotic photo session, I still have it. Another [who conducted an investigation against Bebchuk and Izyumov ] tried to seduce me, wrote me letters! I was afraid of her. If I'm such a pedophile, why didn't I take advantage? These are difficult times. People's brains are clogged, people buy into any nonsense on the Internet. One also says that I got her into the office , climbed under the jacket, told her: "Oh, what a breast. How about a chicken? How could I say that? She is offended at me because I did not let her go to prom." - said Nikolai Izyumov.

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has already begun checking after the publication of an article about sexual harassment in the capital's educational institution.

"From the report of one of the online publications, it follows that for a long time the teaching staff, including the director of the educational institution, took students to children's camps, where they committed sexual acts against them. According to the author of the article, violations of sexual freedom and the inviolability of children also took place on the territory of the school," the TFR press release says.

It is worth noting that the article caused a great resonance on the Web, bloggers wonder why no one knew anything for so many years. They call it at least suspicious. Others are simply afraid for their children.