How to turn off sync between two iPhones. Create a second Apple ID and download apps in other countries Two iPads in one account

I wholeheartedly welcome everyone! Why do you think most people, after buying their first device from Apple, remain loyal to this brand in the future? Design, materials, cool technology, thoughtful ergonomics, convenience - all this is wonderful, but for many people, how iPhone and iPhone sync with each other plays a huge role.

And they are synchronized just "with a bang." The result is such an amazing and beautiful ecosystem that you completely immerse yourself in it - it will be very, very difficult to get out (for example, I still haven’t succeeded :)). And this is perhaps the coolest "trick" of devices from Apple.

The question in the title can be interpreted from different angles:

  1. You need to know how to sync all data from one iPhone to another iPhone. For example, after buying a brand new phone.
  2. Partial transfer of information is required. You just have two devices on hand and want to share photos, videos, contacts, games, and apps between them.

The first point is the most common, so let's start with it.

How to Fully Sync iPhone to iPhone

For users puzzled by this problem, there are two whole ways to solve it. The main concept of which is the same - to create a backup and restore it on a new gadget, but the process itself takes place using different methods and through different programs. Of course, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice will always be yours. I made mine for...


It will be my choice :) Why? The main reason is that all data is updated automatically and the most up-to-date information is stored in the "cloud". I don’t need to think about almost anything - I put it on charge, everything else happens by itself.

How to sync two iPhones using the cloud? In short, you need to back up your data on the old device and upload it to the new one. I have already described this process, I will not repeat it -. There everything is indicated in sufficient detail, step by step and with pictures. The duration of this action depends on the speed of the Internet channel and the amount of data.

  • Full automatism.
  • Always the latest data.
  • The storage size is limited to 5 gigabytes, if exceeded, .
  • Wi-Fi connection required.
  • Music and videos downloaded to the device are not copied.


To be honest, I don’t use this method, because I’m lazy every time to synchronize my phone, connect it with a wire to a computer. However, for those who do not have a Wi-Fi connection, this will be the only way to move all information between iPhones.

  • The copy size is limited only by the hard disk.
  • The ability to use without internet at all.
  • You can immediately load the media library (music, movies).
  • All actions must be done manually.

We carry out partial synchronization between iPhone

In order to synchronize only part of the data, you need to decide what it will be - a game, an application, a melody?

  1. Photos, bookmarks, links from the browser can be exchanged using.
  2. Games and applications cannot be transferred in the truest sense of the word, but there is a small nuance. If the game has already been purchased on your account, then by entering this identifier on another iPhone, you can download it there for free. What is best, if you remove the Apple ID from the second device, the game will remain on it and will work. That's just to update - no.
  3. It is not possible to exchange music and video files directly :(
  4. Need to transfer only contacts? from iPhone to another iPhone is easy!

As you can see, the blog has almost all the materials, the study of which will allow you to easily and easily synchronize your iPhone with another iPhone. This article is intended to generalize and systematize them rather. How it turned out - to evaluate you :)

Many owners of Apple equipment often link several smartphones and tablets to one Apple ID account at once. This is not prohibited by Apple policy, but there are some peculiarities when using gadgets in such conditions.

📍Thank you re:Store for useful information. 👌

A pair of smartphones can be configured for both full synchronization and partial data migration between them.

Setting up full sync

This method is suitable if both devices are used by one person and you need an identical copy of the data on both devices.

1. When setting up a new smartphone, we create a backup of the first one and restore it on the second one.

So immediately transfer most of the data between devices and make them almost identical.

2. Along the way Turn on data sync for all apps you use.

After making changes, for example, in notes or sending a letter, the data automatically migrates from one device to another.

3. On the menu enable automatic download for all kinds of content. Along the way Settings - Photo you can activate the iCloud Photos option to upload pictures from both devices to the cloud.

Now when you download a new game, movie or music on one device, it will all load on the other.

4. Turn on background data refresh in the section Settings - General - Content Update for commonly used applications.

So the data between will be loaded in the background and after you have changed the iPhone you will not have to wait for the information to be updated every time you start the program.

Most of the data between applications and information in the account will migrate from one device to the second. Each iPhone will have its own independent backup.

System settings and changes in applications will not be transferred from one device to the second without cloud synchronization. For such synchronization, you should periodically roll up a backup copy from the device with more up-to-date data.

Setting up selective sync

When the second smartphone is used by one of the parents, wife or child, you can also use one Apple ID for two, but on the second iPhone, set up only selective content synchronization.

So on two smartphones, content and purchases from one account will be available.

2. Disable content synchronization between smartphones.

To do this, go to Settings - iTunes Store and App Store and turn off all switches. Also, turn off photo sync along the way Settings - Photos - Photos in iCloud on at least one smartphone.

3. In chapter Settings - Passwords and Accounts You can specify different entries to use mail, calendar, notes, reminders, and contact synchronization separately.

So it will turn out to store contacts or notes of one user in iCloud, and the second in Gmail.

4. In the settings sections Messages And face time can share the use of Apple messenger.

As an identifier on each iPhone, you can choose your phone number or different email accounts.

5. Disable iCloud data sync ( Settings - Apple ID Account - iCloud) for those applications that you will use independently.

6. On one of the devices, you can completely prohibit the use of certain applications or block purchases. To do this, set the appropriate restrictions in the menu Settings - Screen Time - Content & Privacy.

So get a pair of smartphones on the same Apple ID account, but with different content.

Not all apps are created equal. Indeed, not all applications are available to us in Russia. There are other country specific apps as well as apps that are released in smaller markets. But what if you want to download these programs for yourself?

You can change your country in the App Store, but every time you change, entering new payment information is quite a hassle. Or, you can create a second Apple ID for a different country and then only sign in and out of the store. Here's how it's done.

Step 1: Sign out of iCloud.
To create a new iTunes account, you first need to sign out of your current iTunes/iCloud account. You can do this by opening Settings and tapping iCloud. Scroll to the bottom of the screen where you will see a button labeled "Exit". Click "Logout", your iPhone will warn you that if you log out of your account, all photo stream photos, documents and data stored in iCloud will be deleted from your iPhone.

Your iPhone will also prompt you to choose whether to keep your iCloud data and contacts on your iPhone, and then ask you to enter your iCloud password to turn off Find My iPhone.

Step 2: Create a new account.
Once you've signed out of your iTunes/iCloud account, you can create a new account. Go to "Settings > iCloud" and click "Create a new Apple ID".

You will be prompted to enter your date of birth, name, and email address (you will need to enter different email addresses for different iTunes/iCloud accounts). You will also be asked to choose a password, answer three security questions, and enter an additional backup email address. After you fill it all out, click on continue (this may take a while).

Step 3: Check your account.
Check your email, look for a confirmation message from Apple. Click the link in the email to verify your email address. Apple will ask you to sign in to your new iCloud account.

Step 4: Select the country of the new iTunes / iCloud account.
Before you start downloading applications for another country, you will need to select the country of your new account. To do this, open the App Store and click "Selected". Scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will see a button labeled "Login". Click this button and log in with your new credentials.

You should see a pop-up informing you that you have not used this Apple ID with the iTunes store. Click on the overview and wait a few seconds, a list of countries will appear on the screen. Select the correct country for the new ID, and then click Next. Apple will ask you to agree to some terms, click "Accept".

Next, Apple will ask you to enter payment information. To go further, you must enter a billing address and a phone number that matches the country you have selected, but you do not need to add a credit card yet. Thus, you can use any address: government building, bank, hotel. You won't be able to download a paid app without a credit card, but you can download free apps for that country.

The latest generations of all smart devices from Apple have a built-in "Continuous" or "Continuously" function. With its help, the details of some applications, configuration settings, calls and text messages can be duplicated on different gadgets belonging to the same owner.

Sometimes users have a situation where the same call comes to two iPhones. This brings a lot of inconvenience, especially when you are away from home or want to use only one gadget for making calls. Also, the function will be unnecessary if one of your devices is used by another family member. Frequent calls will interfere with the work with the gadget.

In what cases is there a duplication of calls on the iPhone?

The phone-to-tablet call will only be repeated if a number of continuity requirements are met, namely:

  • All gadgets must be connected to the same Apple ID;
  • Connection of devices with one router (single Wi-Fi network) or connection to one access point;
  • Gadgets share the same ID in the FaceTime app.

To deactivate the function, one of the above features must be changed. For example, disconnect another gadget from the router or FaceTime. Note that you should not try to change your Apple ID, otherwise this may lead to loss of access to the device. It is recommended that you use the ID that you set up initially after purchasing your iPhone.

Disable Sync in iPhone Settings

If you want the data on incoming and outgoing calls to no longer be duplicated on all your iPhones, you just need to deactivate the unnecessary option in the phone settings:

  • Go to Settings and click on "iMessage";
  • Scroll down the window;
  • Deactivate the "Calls from iPhone" slider;
  • Reboot both devices that are syncing.

For some users, the problem of duplicate calls on the iPhone does not disappear even after deactivating the add-on. If this happens, repeat a few more steps:

  • In the Smartphone Settings, open the "Phone" window;
  • Click on "Calls through other devices";
  • Disable call permission.

Synchronization of two Apple devices can occur not only due to the Continuity function, but also due to connection to the same iCloud storage account. To fix the problem, it is enough to make sure that one of the phones does not send data to the cloud:

  • Click on the "Settings" icon in the main menu of the iPhone;
  • Select "iCloud Drive";
  • Turn off the slider next to the "Allow to store data in iCloud" option.

Thus, all phonebook and dialer log data will not be sent to the cloud server and other device will not be able to receive it. Calls to iPhone and iPad will no longer be duplicated.

Another quick and effective way is to simply turn off the Internet on one of the gadgets. Without access to the global network, synchronization is impossible and there will be no more inconvenience with repeated calls.

Please note that even if one of the functions described above has already turned off the slider, activate it, and then turn it off again. This way you can eliminate possible errors and failures in the settings, which provoked incorrect operation during the synchronization process.

At one time, I often encountered the need to combine data on two iPhones, when one phone was work and the second was personal. There was no standard solution as such: you need to create a backup copy, then format one of the smartphones and restore it from the backup. Long, complicated and does not solve my problem.

This is where a third-party solution came to the rescue in the form of the AnyTrans app. This program is not only a full-fledged replacement for iTunes, but also has many useful features - for example, the free download of YouTube videos, which we wrote about earlier. Now, I have discovered the possibility of not only merging the data on two iOS devices, but also completely cloning one of them.

The menu for merging data is called Merge Device. We connect two iPhones to the computer and wait a bit while the application analyzes the information on each of them. At the next stage, we choose which devices to combine.

After that, we mark the categories for data aggregation.

The merging process will begin, which will take from a couple of minutes to an hour, depending on how much information you want to transfer. As a result, we get one iPhone, where information is collected from two smartphones at once, while no data is lost.

With the help of AnyTrans, you can not only merge two devices, but also clone one of them to another, with the complete replacement of information on the latter. You can, of course, first make a backup in iCloud or iTunes, then reset the second phone, restore from a copy - that's all the time. Here it’s fast, but it works by analogy with the union: we select devices - categories - we start “cloning”.

In general, once again I am convinced that the application is useful and multifunctional, it is worth the money spent. However, you can get by with the free version, although not all functions will be available. You can download it for both Mac and