What is a passive participle in Russian. What is participle in Russian Passive participles definition

The participle is a special part of speech, which is a verbal form, denotes a sign by action. It should be noted that, being a verbal form, pr-e has some morphological features of the verb: aspect and tense for each verbal form, transitivity and reflexivity can be distinguished in some verbal forms.

In contact with

Features of the part of speech

The sacrament answers the question:

  • Which?
  • Doing what?
  • What did you do?
  • What has done?

Here are some examples: melting snow (doing what?), melting snow (doing what), melting snow (doing what?), sown field (what?). It should be noted that the question "what?" can be set to all of the above, incl.

Since this part of speech answers the question "what?" And signifies action, it has several morphological features of an adjective: number, gender, case.

This part of speech has its own special morphemic features - suffixes:

  • ushch (yusch) - ashch (box)
  • vsh (sh)
  • em-im (om)
  • enn (yonn)

These suffixes distinguish it from other parts of speech.

In a sentence, it plays the role of an agreed definition or predicate.

For example:

  • A melting snowflake lies on my palm. In this sentence, "melting" is the agreed definition and is underlined with a wavy line.
  • snowflake melting. In this sentence, "melting" is part of a compound nominal predicate with an omitted linking verb (modality of the present tense).

About half of all participles have a short form. The short form is formed from the full form by truncation of the morphemic suffix. It is important not to confuse the short adjective form with the short participle form.

In Russian, this part of speech is of two types: real and passive.

Real Communion

The real participle denotes the object or person who himself performs the action.

For example: A running person (a person performs an action on his own), melting snow (snow performs an action on his own).

  • Present tense suffixes: ush-yusch, ash-box.
  • Past tense suffixes: vsh (sh).

These suffixes will help determine the time and type of the sacrament. All real participles of the present tense are formed from the stem of verbs of the same form.

It should be noted that suffixes usch (yusch) form this part of speech from the verb of the first conjugation, and the suffixes asch-yash - from the verb of the second conjugation. For example: "sower" is formed from the verb "sow" of the first present tense conjugation using the suffix "yusch".

Passive Communion

The passive form denotes a sign according to the action of an object that does not perform this action itself (experiences this action on the part of another object or person).

For example: a reed swayed by the wind (a reed that is swayed by the wind, the reed itself did not perform this action), a sown field (a field that someone sowed, the field did not perform the action itself).

  • Present tense suffixes of the passive pr-tion: am-em-im
  • Passive past tense suffixes: n, t.

Passive present participle formed in the same way as the real, only other suffixes are used. When forming the past participle with the help of suffixes nn, t the stem of the infinitive from which this part of speech was formed is preserved.

Exception! When forming a passive participle from the verb to "it", the stem of the infinitive will be cut off and a suffix will be added to it enn.

The passive participle can be formed from a single intransitive verb. For example: The words managed and led are formed from the verbs manage and lead, which are intransitive.

The passive form of the past tense is formed from full perfective and imperfective verbs. However, there are very few participles formed from imperfective verbs in Russian.

It is impossible to form such forms from verbs: seek, take, love, write, sew, revenge, beat. The verb "to give" has the exclusive form "given".

It should be noted that there are several verbs in -sti- and -st-, the forms of which are formed from the basis of the future tense.

  • Example: Bring - reduced, spin - spun

A return postfix can be added to the passive lines of the present and past tense "sya"

  • Example: Sold (books, buns), conceited (children, athletes).


Before finding out the role of these parts of speech in turnover, you need to understand what a turnover is. So, participial turnover is the creation of a phrase with dependent words. In both complex and simple sentences, the participle can be found:

  • Before the word being defined;
  • after the defined word.

It should be noted that participial turnover is always a single member of the sentence, namely the agreed common definition.

For example:

Painting, , hanging in the hall of our museum. In this sentence, the participial phrase " painted by famous artist» is in front of the defined word "picture" and is an agreed common definition.

We hope that our article has helped you improve your knowledge of the Russian language and understand what full passive participle is.

If you do not know what the sacrament is, then first of all we advise you to read the article "" on this site.

Valid participles

Real Communion- This is a participle that denotes a sign produced by an object / object. Example: A girl jumping rope. The action is performed by the object "girl" - she jumps over the rope.

Active participles are present and past tense. Let's look at examples:

  • The person who writes the news. Writer - active present participle. The person is writing the news at the moment. Such participles are formed from verbs in the present tense using the suffixes -usch-, -yushch- (for the first conjugation of verbs) and -ash-, -yash- (for the second conjugation of verbs).
  • The man giving the compliment. Made - real past participle. The man has already made a compliment. Such participles are formed from verbs in the past tense using the suffixes -vsh-, -sh-.

Passive participles

Passive Communion- This is a participle that denotes a sign produced on one object or object by the actions of another. Example: a ship built by the villagers. The villagers performed an action on the ship - they built it.

Passive participles are present and past tense. Let's look at examples:

  • A chair broken by a student. Breakable - present passive participle. The student performs an action on the chair - breaks it. Such participles are formed from verbs in the present tense using the suffixes -om-, -em- (for verbs of the first conjugation) and -im- (for verbs of the second conjugation).
  • Dog beaten by owner. Beaten - passive past participle. The owner performed an action on the dog - he beat her. Such participles are formed from verbs in the past with the help of suffixes -nn-, -enn-, -t-, -ot-.

Participle- a special form of the verb that denotes a sign of an object by action and answers the questions what? which? which? which?

Some scientists consider participles to be an independent part of speech, since they have a number of features that are not characteristic of the verb.

As verb forms, participles have some grammatical features. They are perfect kind and imperfect; present time and past; returnable And irrevocable.
The forms of the future tense do not have participles.
There are participles real and passive.

Denoting a sign of an object, participles, like adjectives, grammatically depend on nouns that agree with them, i.e. become in the same case, number and gender as the nouns they refer to.
Participles change by cases, by numbers, by gender.
The case, number, gender of participles is determined by the case, number, gender of the noun to which the participle refers. Some participles, like adjectives, have a full and short form.

initial participle form- nominative singular masculine. All verb signs of the participle correspond to the initial form of the verb - indefinite form.
Like an adjective, a full participle in a sentence is a definition.
Participles in short form are used only as a nominal part of a compound predicate.

Active and passive participles.

Valid participles designate a sign of the object that itself produces the action.
Passive participles denote a sign of the object that is experiencing the action of another object.

The formation of the sacraments.

When forming participles, the following verb signs are taken into account:

  1. Transitivity or intransitivity of the verb(both real and passive participles are formed from transitive verbs; only real participles are formed from intransitive verbs).
  2. Verb type(Present participles are not formed from perfective verbs. Real participles of the present and past tenses are formed from imperfective verbs, passive past participles are not formed from most imperfective verbs, although these verbs have the corresponding forms of passive present participles).
  3. Verb conjugations(both active and passive present participles have different suffixes depending on the conjugation of the verb).
  4. Reflexivity or non-recurrence of the verb(passive participles are not formed from reflexive verbs). Real participles formed from reflexive verbs retain the suffix -sya at all times, regardless of which sound (vowel or consonant) is in front of this suffix; the suffix -sya stands at the participle after the end.
When forming participles with present tense suffixes -usch- (-yusch-), -ash- (-box-), -em-, -im- and past tense -vsh-, -sh-, -nn-, -enn-, -t- the endings of the masculine, feminine and neuter singular are added ( -th, -th, -th, -her) or plural endings ( -th, -th).
From a number of verbs are formed Not all types of sacraments.

Most transitive imperfective verbs do not have a passive past participle form.

Morphological analysis of the sacrament.

I. Part of speech (special form of the verb); from which verb the general meaning is formed.
II. Morphological features:
1. The initial form is the nominative singular masculine.
2. Permanent signs:
a) real or passive;
b) time;
c) view.
3. Irregular signs:
a) full and short form (for passive participles);
b) case (for participles in full form);
c) number;
d) kind.
III. syntactic role.

Parts of speech

drawable - suffer. incl. present vr;
hand-drawn - suffer. incl. ave.

Valid participles designate a sign of the object that itself performs the action.

drawing - action. incl. present vr.;
painting - action. incl. ave.

Most verbs cannot form all four types of participles.

Forming Passive Present Participles

Passive present participles formed from the base present tense transitive imperfective verbs with suffixes -eat- (-om-) from verbs 1st conjugation and suffix -them- from verbs 2nd conjugations: lead - guided, respect - respected, see - visible, store - stored .

You need to remember the participle with the suffix -im- - movable(in the sense of "motivated": "moved by a feeling of remorse"; also used in relation to property that can be moved). This participle is not formed from the verb move (I conjugation), but from the obsolete verb " move".

Passive present participles are not formed from many transitive verbs (for example, take, wait, reap, write, wash, pour, beat, drink and etc.). At the same time, there are several passive participles formed from intransitive verbs: preceded, guided, managed .

The present passive participle should not be confused with verbal adjectives with suffixes -eat-, -them- (fossil, allowable, incomparable, invincible, inextinguishable ). Such adjectives can also be formed from intransitive verbs ( dependent, inexhaustible, impermeable, unceasing, unfading, incombustible ), and from perfective verbs ( beg - implacable ). Most of them are not used without a prefix Not— (imperturbable, unbearable, invisible, incalculable, inexhaustible ). Signs that are indicated by verbal adjectives are constant, do not flow in time (unlike the signs indicated by participles).

Forming Passive Past Participles

Passive past participles formed from the foundations indefinite form of transitive verbs with suffixes -nn-, -enn- (-yonn-), -t- (read, seen, decided, understood ).

With a suffix -nn- Passive past participles are formed from verbs in -at, -yat. In this case, the verb suffix -A- or -I- preserved before participle suffix -nn- (sow - sown, knead - mixed ).

With a suffix -enn-(yonn-) passive past participles are formed from verbs on - it, -et. In this case, the verb suffix -And- or -e- cut off ( glue - glued, see - seen, offend - offended, ask - asked ). Suffix -enn- (-yonn-) is also used to form participles from verbs with a stem into a consonant (verbs into -whose: captivate - enthusiastic, save - saved ; verbs with ending -ti: lead - brought, weave - woven ).

You have to differentiate!

vykach enn th barrel from the basement - from the verb to roll out vykach ann oil from the barrel - from the verb to pump out
Shot enn th beast - from shoot down Shot yann second gun - from shooting (determine the correct sight with shots)
Hang out enn th flour - from hang out (divided into parts by weight) Hang out ann th pictures - from hang up
body kit enn th buyer - from give weight body kit ann walls covered with portraits - from hanging
Smesh enn th dough - from mix Smesh ann th forest - from mix
Zamesh enn oh dough - from knead Zamesh ann st in crime - from knead

With a suffix -T- participles are formed from verbs with a suffix -Well- (leave - leave T th ), from verbs to -ot (prick - colo T th ), on - heret (lock - locked T th ), from monosyllabic verbs ( beat - bi T oh, wash - we T oh, take - take T th ), including monosyllabic ones with prefixes ( live - live T th ).

Passive past participles cannot be formed from some transitive verbs: drive, know, take, live, seek, love, although there are participles: exiled, recognized, chosen, lived, searched .