Sayings revealing the essence of Morozko's fairy tale. Analysis of the fairy tale "It's frosty". Russian folk tale "Morozko"

Once upon a time, the grandfather lived with another wife. The grandfather had a daughter, and the woman had a daughter.

Everyone knows how to live for a stepmother: if you turn over - a bit and if you don't trust - a bit. And whatever your own daughter does, they pat her on the head for everything: clever.

The stepdaughter watered and fed the cattle, carried firewood and water to the hut, heated the stove, chalked the hut - even before the light ... You can’t please the old woman - everything is wrong, everything is bad.

The wind, at least make some noise, but calm down, and the old woman disperses, it will not soon calm down. So the stepmother came up with the idea of ​​​​killing her stepdaughter.

Take her, take her, old man, - says to her husband, - wherever you want, so that my eyes do not see her! Take her to the forest, to the bitter cold.

The old man grieved, wept, but there was nothing to be done, the women could not be argued. Harness the horse:

Sit down, dear daughter, in the sleigh.

He took the homeless woman to the forest, dumped her into a snowdrift under a large spruce, and left.

The girl is sitting under a spruce, trembling, chills go through her. Suddenly hears - not far away crackles on the Christmas trees, jumps from Christmas tree to Christmas tree, clicks. He found himself on that spruce under which the girl was sitting, and from above he asked her:

Are you warm girl?

Frost began to descend lower, crackles more strongly, clicks:

She takes a breath:

Warmly, Morozushko, warmly, father.

Frost descended even lower, crackled more, clicked harder:

Are you warm girl? Are you warm, red? Are you warm, honey?

The girl began to ossify, moving her tongue a little:

Oh, it's warm, dear Morozushko!

Here took pity on the girl, wrapped her in warm fur coats, warmed her with duvets.

And the stepmother is already celebrating a commemoration for her, baking pancakes and shouting to her husband:

Go, old bastard, take your daughter to bury!

The old man went to the forest, he reaches that place - under a large spruce his daughter is sitting, cheerful, ruddy, in a sable coat, all in gold, in silver, and next to it is a box with rich gifts.

The old man was delighted, put all the goods in the sledge, put his daughter in, and took her home.

And at home the old woman bakes pancakes, and the dog is under the table:

The old woman will throw her a pancake:

You don't yap like that! Say: “They take the old woman’s daughter in marriage, and they take the bones to the old man’s daughter ...”

The dog will eat the pancake and again:

Tyf, tyf! They take the old man's daughter in gold, in silver, but they don't marry the old woman.

The old woman threw pancakes at her and beat her, the dog - all her own ...

Suddenly the gates creaked, the door opened, the stepdaughter entered the hut - in gold and silver, she shines. And behind it they carry a tall, heavy box. The old woman looked - and hands apart ...

Harness, old bastard, another horse! Take, take my daughter to the forest and put her in the same place ...

The old man put the old woman's daughter in a sleigh, drove her into the forest to the same place, dumped her into a snowdrift under a tall spruce, and left.

The old woman's daughter is sitting, chattering her teeth.

And Morozko crackles through the forest, jumps from tree to tree, clicks, looks at the old woman's daughter:

Are you warm girl?

And she told him:

Oh, it's cold! Don't creak, don't crack, Morozko...

Frost began to go down lower, more crackling, clicking.

Are you warm girl? Are you warm, red?

Oh, hands, feet are frozen! Go away, Frost...

Went even lower , hit harder, crackled, clicked:

Are you warm girl? Are you warm, red?

Oh, I'm quite cold! Get lost, damn !

Frosty got angry and got so angry that the old woman's daughter ossified.

A little light the old woman sends her husband:

Hurry up soon, old bastard, go for your daughter, bring her in gold and silver ...

The old man left. And the dog under the table:

Tyf, tyf! The suitors will take the old man's daughter, and they will carry the bones in a bag to the old woman's daughter.

The old woman threw her a pie: .

You don't yap like that! Say: “The old woman’s daughter in gold and silver is being taken ...”

And the dog is all his own:

Tyf, tyf! The old woman's daughter is carrying bones in a bag ...

The gates creaked, the old woman rushed to meet her daughter. She turned away the matting, and her daughter lies dead in the sleigh. The old woman began to cry, but it's too late.

R Russian folk tales are amazing creations that teach children good things. Each of them carries a certain meaning, gives a lesson. She sets up children to be honest, kind, hardworking, to love and help their loved ones.

The stories are funny and sad. But their most important difference is that all positive heroes always come out victorious, and evil is punished. After all, it is not in vain that many works say, “The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.”

This is what happens in the fairy tale "Morozko".
It begins simply: an old man and an old woman lived in the same village. They had two daughters, the eldest was not related to the old woman. So the grumpy old woman always offended her. It is not for nothing that they say that “It is warm under the mother, but cold under the stepmother,” the old woman loved only her youngest daughter, stroking her head for all things.

Marfusha, on the other hand, lived hard, she ran the whole household, fed the cattle, carried water, heated the house, and cleaned. But everything was not so for the stepmother, because “The wind even makes a noise, but it calms down, and the old woman disperses - it won’t calm down soon.”

And the father completely walked under his new wife, he could not stand up for his daughter in any way. It is not in vain that people say that "If a stepmother appeared, then the father is not native." Once his wife ordered him to take his stepdaughter to the forest in order to kill her from the white world. And on the street the frost is crackling, but there is nothing to do.

The peasant cried, mourned, but did not dare to argue with his new wife. He put his own daughter on a sled and took him to the forest. I left it under a large spruce, right in a snowdrift, and returned back. And Marfusha remained in the forest, freezing.

The frost this time was crackling, everything jumps from tree to tree and taps, clicks. I got to the place where the girl was sitting. To his questions whether she was warm, she answered with all her strength that it was warm. Even when Frost hit harder, she did not complain and answered the same.

Frost took pity on the girl, wrapped her in blankets and threw off his fur coat from his shoulders. And then he asked about life, how she got into the forest all alone. The girl told about her grief, about her relationship with her stepmother. And Morozko decided to reward her for the suffering that fell to her lot. He showered her with gold - silver, jewelry and sable furs.

At this time, the old woman is directly happy that she got rid of her unloved stepdaughter, she bakes pancakes, she is going to celebrate. And the grandfather sits and mourns his daughter. I didn’t think, old man, what he did! He took his native blood to certain death, decided to ruin it with his own hands. Finally, he made up his mind and told everything to his old woman.

Evil and stupid woman, and grandfather led astray. The grandfather was going back to the forest, he wanted to return his daughter. Come what may, but he still decided to save her. He equipped the sleigh, harnessed the horses and rushed into the forest, to the place where he left his daughter. Hurries, worries, flies straight along the snowy road.

He arrives at the place, and there his daughter is alive and well, she is wearing a beautiful and warm fur coat instead of old cast-offs, a downy scarf. And nearby in the snow are chests full of gold and treasures that good Morozko gave her. The grandfather was delighted and took his child home. I loaded the gifts into the sleigh, and they drove back to the village.

At home, the old woman had already prepared for the commemoration, baked pancakes, satisfied. And the dog under the table keeps yapping that the unloved stepdaughter will return home, and even with rich gifts, but the old woman’s daughter still cannot be married off. The old woman is angry, but the dog got the same thing. Yes, and rightly so, because the stepdaughter was very kind, and as the people say, “Good is good, and a rib is cut in half for a bad one.”

The gates open, and a sleigh full of good things drives up to the house. The stepdaughter sits on them, alive and well. Yes, even in beautiful clothes, but with gifts. She told her adventures, how Morozko gave her royal gifts.

The old woman envied her step-daughter, and she pestered the old man so that he and her daughter would be taken there. She coveted gifts, considered that her little blood should receive even more. She outfitted her properly, wrapped her in warm sheepskin coats, tied them with downy scarves, and even baked hot pies, gave her on the road so that her daughter would not remain hungry and cold.

The old man had nothing to do, he took the old woman's daughter to the forest, dropped him off at the same place, and went home.

Time passed, and Frost appeared at this place again. He looks, the girl is sitting again, this time the old woman's daughter. All wrapped in warm clothes, chewing pies. Morozko came closer and asked if she was warm to sit. To which the grandmother's daughter, a rude woman, replies indignantly, coldly, of course!

The stupid girl grew up, spoiled by an old woman, but did not know that "Stupidity is a troublesome neighbor." She was rude to Frost, and he let in even more cold. Then she completely demanded gifts for herself, you see, there is no time for her to sit and wait, she freezes completely. To which Frost was completely angry, and froze the old woman’s daughter completely!

At this time, the old man's wife sends for her daughter, waiting for gold and silver. Yes, admonish him so that he carefully carries chests with treasures, does not wake up by chance. And she is getting ready to meet her. But even here the dog is not silent, sits under the table and says that the grandfather's daughter will be married, and only bones remained from the old woman's daughter. And does not pay attention to the indignation of a grumpy woman.

Then a sleigh drives through the gate, and the old woman sees her daughter, frozen to death. She did not receive any gifts, the old woman cries, screams, but it's too late. She herself brought her own child to such a state with her stupidity and greed, she realized that nothing could be done. As the saying goes, "It's too late to save wine when the barrel is empty." And the grandfather's daughter remained in joy and prosperity, for her kindness.

H on this page: proverbs and sayings suitable for the Russian folk tale "Morozko"; summary of the fairy tale "Morozko".

Analysis of the Russian folk tale Morozko

A fairy tale known to us since childhood Morozko” is a Russian folk fairy tale. It is considered to be New Year's, Christmas or just winter fairy tales. The plot of the fairy tale “Morozko” is a variation on the theme of an innocently persecuted positive hero (stepdaughter), who comes to the rescue of a wonderful helper ( Morozko) and rewards the hero for meekness, humility, kindness and diligence.

The Russian fairy tale “Morozko” is included in the school literature curriculum due to its obvious educational, moralizing orientation. The main characters of the fairy tale “Morozko” are unequivocally divided by child readers into positive and negative. The main idea of ​​the fairy tale- retribution for deeds, the triumph of justice (humility and gentleness will be rewarded, and pride and anger will be punished) - is easily read by the students.

Fairy tale characters Morozko

The main character of the tale is a stepdaughter, a hardworking, helpful and meek girl - a “socially disadvantaged character” in her stepmother’s house: “Everyone knows how to live after a stepmother: if you roll over, you are beaten and you are not trusting, you are beaten ...” The stepdaughter did all the homework, but never was able to please the evil cruel stepmother.

According to the canon of fairy tales, the heroine leaves the house before finding her happiness. The reason is that the pest hero (stepmother) drives out: “So the stepmother came up with the stepdaughter to live out of the world. “Take her, take her, old man,” she says to her husband, “wherever you want, so that my eyes do not see her!” Take her to the forest, to the bitter cold.”

The nature of the stepdaughter is so meek that she does not argue or resist when her own father leaves her in the icy winter forest. And she behaves just as meekly when the title character of the tale - Morozko - tests her character, increasing and increasing the frost. The girl's answers are friendly, despite the burning frost. For this, Morozko takes pity on the girl and generously gives her gifts. Wealth as a reward is a characteristic device of folk tales.

The stepmother, imperious, envious and greedy, seeing her stepdaughter unharmed and with rich gifts, tells the old man to take her own daughter (anti-heroine) to the same place in the forest. The main reason for such envy is clear from the words of the dog: “They take the old man’s daughter in gold, in silver, but they don’t marry the old woman.” It is for the dowry that the old woman sends her beloved daughter to the cold.

The situation in the forest is repeated: Morozko appears and subjects the girl to a threefold test of cold. She, however, is not endowed with either kindness or meekness and is full of pride. Her answers are rude and irreverent, and Morozko severely punishes this heroine: she dies from the cold.

With such a tragic ending, the folk tale “Frost” shows the reader how cruelly the people condemn envy, greed, anger and oppression of the weak and defenseless, which was the stepdaughter. The behavior of the negative heroes of the tale, the stepmother and her own daughter, causes rejection of malice and injustice in the child's soul. And the punishment that the girl suffered is perceived by the young reader as a triumph of justice.

It is curious that today the Russian fairy tale “Morozko” causes quite a lot of discussion about its interpretation. The fairy tale is reproached for bloodthirstiness, for asserting dubious ideals (meekness instead of assertiveness, emphasis on the value of material goods). Proposals are made to protect the modern child from excessive cruelty by refusing to read folk tales.

However, one should not forget about the historical roots of the folk tale - the narration here is conditioned by the realities of the time when the tale was created. Some rigidity, and even cruelty, can also be justified by the goal pursued by the creators of the fairy tale: instruction, edification of the younger generation. And the more specifically the instruction is expressed in this case, the stronger the educational impact.

Fairy tales keep the centuries-old wisdom of the people, and the task of modern parents and teachers is not to break the connection between generations, to help the child in the correct reading and perception of age-old folk wisdom.

Class name

Morozko (Russian folk tale).

common goal

To promote the formation of skills to work with a literary text;

Learning outcomes for teachers (Expected results)

Students will demonstrate skills in:

understand the text; extract information from the text and analyze it; use different methods of working with information; express your thoughts orally and in writing; work in a group (play certain roles, be able to hear and listen to each other).

Main ideas worked out in the lesson

"What is the work, such is the reward"

Techniques for working with text

reception "Insert"; basket of questions, "Sinkwine"; thin, thick, creative questions;

Lesson topic: Russian folk tale "Morozko".

Target: Acquaintance with the Russian folk tale "Morozko"

Tasks : Learn to work with text, highlight the main idea, be able to characterize the main characters, describe them.

Develop oral speech, enrich vocabulary, develop creative thinking.

Instill a love of books, encourage children to read more.

Cultivate kindness and faith in a fairy tale.

Lesson type : integrated.

Equipment: textbooks, notebooks, colored pencils, interactive whiteboard, slides, proverbs, coloring books.

During the classes.

    Org. moment.

    Psychological attitude

The bell rang and fell silent,

Let's start our lesson.

We sat down at the desks together,

They looked at each other.

Wish you success with your eyes -

And forward, for new knowledge.

Division into groups (composition - 4-5 people) choice of figures

Please, guys, choose your geometric shapes. Let's create groups

It is easier for children who have chosen the same figures for themselves to work in the same group. I think you in your group use all your knowledge and skills today. So let's start the lesson! Good luck! So let a good mood accompany us throughout the lesson.

And for your correct answers and good work, I will give you snowflakes - a symbol of winter.

3. Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson. Close your eyes and listen, what do you hear?(Listening to the sounds of winter: snowstorm, crunching snow, wind…)-What time of year is this? (winter)-Today we will continue to talk about winter.

The old man at the gate

Warmly dragged away,

Doesn't run on his own

And he won't stop.

Whose drawings on the window

How is the pattern on the crystal?

Pinch anyone on the nose

Winter grandpa...

Answer (Frost)

How can you affectionately call him? That's right - Frosty.

Today we will get acquainted with the Russian folk tale “Morozko”.- In the lesson we will: listen, read expressively, highlight the main idea.4. Primary reading. Prepared pencils, mark incomprehensible words.-Reading the text by the teacher.- Tell me, is the story over?5. Vocabulary work. What words were incomprehensible, except for those written on the blackboard?- A stepmother is not a mother.“A stepdaughter is not a daughter.- Confused - saddened.- Chills - cold to the point of shivering.- To ossify - to freeze to death.- Regretted - sorry.- She screamed - she screamed loudly, wept.- urges - forces

Do you remember with what words fairy tales begin? This is the beginning of a fairy tale.

Find and read the beginning of the tale

Name the characters in the story.

Let's characterize each of the characters in the story.

6. Group work Fishbone

1 group-


2 group-


7. Individual work

Comparative characteristics of the stepdaughter and stepmother's daughter in words from a fairy tale.

(children perform independently on cards)


Stepmother's Daughter


Can't do anything, lazy






Pushing her sister around, not educated



Describe Morozko.

Why didn't Morozko freeze the girl? (excerpt in text)

Why did Morozko give the sisters gifts in different ways?

How do you think the story ends? (read the end of the story)

What conclusion can be drawn?


Bear clumsy walks through the forest
He collects cones and puts them in his pocket
The bump bounced off - right in the forehead of the bear,
The bear got angry - and top with his foot!

8. Work with a deformed plan. Puzzles - Arrange the parts of the plan in the correct order.Meeting of the stepdaughter with Morozko.Daughter of an old woman in the forest.The old man takes his stepdaughter into the forest.Gift chest

9. Highlighting the main idea. -What work did we meet?So let's conclude, shall we? What does a fairy tale teach us?Good is rewarded and evil is punished.

(Do not judge a person by their appearance, look deeper, evaluate people by their spiritual virtues, their deeds.)

The fairy tale teaches to distinguish good from evil, good from bad.

What proverb fits this story?

1. If you want a lot, you will lose the last.

2. Whoever honors his parents will never perish.

3. As it comes around, it will respond.

4. A kind person will do the job rather than an angry one.

5. What is the work, such is the reward.

6. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.

10. Consolidation of the studied.

How many parts can the story be divided into?

How can you title each part?

1). The stepmother drove her stepdaughter out of the yard.

2). Meeting with Morozko.

3). Frost's award.

4). Daughter of an old woman in the forest.

Retelling the tale in parts. (at home)

It would be wrong if we forget that every year, a fairy tale comes to every house in the form of Santa Claus, whom we all love and wait for. He lives in Veliky Ustyug.

Which of the heroines can fit the role of the Snow Maiden? Why?


Did you like the lesson?

What did you like?

What do you remember the most?

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it --- a lesson for good fellows.

The old Russian fairy tale "Morozko" belongs to the category of winter fairy tales, it is believed that it is an interpretation of "Lady Blizzard". However, there are several facts that may point to its more ancient roots. For example, the character Morozko or Ded Moroz is a primordially Slavic image of the master spirit of winter, cold and northern winds. And the fact that the main virtuous hero is a pagan Slavic character suggests that the fairy tale could have been created before the advent of Christianity. In addition, it never mentions Christmas, holidays, or anything that is often present in a later period.


The similarity of the ideas of "Morozko", "Mrs. Blizzard" and even "Cinderella" is not surprising. It is always easier for children to perceive evil if it does not come from a loved one, for example, a mother, but from strangers - a stepmother and her children. This is stated in the very first lines, as if immediately setting the listener to a negative attitude towards the image of the stepmother and her lazy and ugly daughter.
In the Soviet film fairy tale Alexander Row, the stepdaughter is called Nastya, and the stepmother's daughter is Marfa, but in the traditional Russian fairy tale, the names of the girls are not called.

"Morozko" teaches, first of all, diligence and humility. Daughter and stepdaughter are opposed to each other: one takes up any work, does not contradict her stepmother, calmly endures all her instructions, does not grumble and does not argue. Another girl is suspended from work, she is lazy and stubborn, capricious and evil, often laughs and mocks her sister. The fairy tale shows a beautiful hardworking and hardworking stepdaughter and her complete opposite - a lazy and capricious own daughter.

In reality, everything would be the opposite: constant work, lack of sleep and exposure to the sun would necessarily affect the appearance of a kind girl, while a lazy daughter would have time to take care of herself, relax and get enough sleep.


Resignation and blind obedience were highly valued in the women of the patriarchal society. Even when the stepmother sent her stepdaughter to certain death - to collect brushwood at night in the forest and even in a snowstorm in severe frost - the girl obediently. Between the lines in the tale it is read that she was obliged to do so, because. complete and unquestioning obedience to parents is at the heart of Slavic culture. Luckily, the stepdaughter met Morozko in the forest.


The main part of the tale is devoted to the meeting of the stepdaughter and Morozko, its main goal is to convey to the listener that in addition to diligence, there was another important female trait in her - meekness. Frost several times went around the girl in a circle, intensifying the frost, and asked: “Are you warm, girl?” And although the girl was poorly dressed for such a frost, she naturally froze, but at the same time she answered Morozko that she was warm. This is the meaning of female meekness - no matter how hard and bad it is, a real girl should not complain and grumble. For her character, meekness, modesty and diligence, Morozko rewards her stepdaughter with a wagon drawn by three horses and a chest with a dowry.