Aphorisms, quotes about medicine. Statements about doctors. A selection of statuses about students A selection of funny quotes

Statements about medicine. Quotes, aphorisms about doctors. Jokes

Cool and funny sayings, quotes, expressions, aphorisms about medicine and doctors

Free healthcare often costs more. (

The welfare of the patient is the highest law for doctors. (

Sick, wake up. It's time to take your sleeping pills.

The patient behaved badly, for which he was operated on a second time.

The patient refused an autopsy...

If a person had thirty-two eyes, ophthalmologists would be no poorer than dentists. (quote author: Ilya Gerchikov)

Be careful when reading medical books. You could die from a typo. (quote author: Mark Twain)

The great advantage of a doctor is that he is not obliged to follow his own advice. (author of the statement: Agatha Christie)

Faith in the doctor comes with the disease. (author of the aphorism: Baurzhan Toishibekov)

A visit to the doctor is often more painful than the reason for it. (author of the aphorism: Boris Krieger)

The possibilities of medicine are endless. The patient's capabilities are limited!

A doctor is the most humane profession. Especially the pathologist!

A doctor, when starting to treat his patient for the first time, should do it gracefully, cheerfully and with pleasure for the patient. And a gloomy doctor will never succeed in his craft. (quote author: Montaigne Michel)

A doctor who has never lied to a patient in his life is a bad doctor. (author of the statement: Baurzhan Toishibekov)

A doctor may have enormous talent, be able to capture the most subtle details of his prescriptions, and all this remains fruitless if he does not have the ability to conquer and subjugate the soul of the patient. (author of quote: Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev)

A doctor retires when he lacks the strength to fight his own illnesses. (author of the statement: Valery Krasovsky)

A doctor must have the gaze of a falcon, the hands of a girl, the wisdom of a snake and the heart of a lion. (author of the aphorism: Avicenna)

A doctor is nothing more than a consolation for the soul. (author of the aphorism: Arbiter Gaius Petronius)

The doctor is Satan when he demands reward. (author of the statement: unknown)

A doctor is a philosopher: there is not much difference between wisdom and medicine. (author of the aphorism: Hippocrates)

Doctors are hated either out of conviction or out of stinginess. (

Doctors know better what hurts the patient. (author of the statement: Valery Afonchenko)

Doctors are not as willing to share diagnostic and treatment methods among themselves as patients waiting to see a doctor. (author of the statement: Ilya Gerchikov)

Doctors, at best, know something about diseases, but they have absolutely no understanding of health. (author of the statement: Prentice Mulford)

Doctors are with us like children with toys - they are interested in what is inside us. (author of the statement: Ilya Gerchikov)

Doctors love to prescribe truisms to patients. (

Doctors are constantly working to preserve our health, and cooks are constantly working to destroy it; however, the latter are more confident of success. (

Doctors cannot prolong life, but they can prolong illness.

Doctors rule over life and death and are almost the main representatives of God on earth. (author of the statement: Stieg Larsson)

Doctors cure Nature's mistakes with their own. (author of the aphorism: Leonid S. Sukhorukov)

The doctor does not have to believe in medicine - the patient believes in it for both.

The times of thinking doctors are being replaced by computerization. (

Time heals, so don't waste it on doctors. (

Time heals, and doctors take credit for it. (author of the aphorism: Garry Simanovich)

Always give the patient hope, even if it seems to you that death is already behind him. (author of the aphorism: A. Pare)

Everyone knows what a magical healing effect one consoling word from a doctor can have, and, conversely, how sometimes the harsh, cold verdict of a doctor who does not know or does not want to know the power of suggestion has a deadly effect on a patient. (quote author: Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev)

Cure the disease and cure the patient. (

More people suffer from mental illness in hospitals in the United States than from all other illnesses combined. (author of the statement: Carnegie Dale)

There is nothing exact in medicine, everything in it is built on mere hypotheses, more or less witty guesses, the only serious approach is doubt. (quote author: Miguel de Unamuno)

In the new edition, the Hippocratic oath reads as follows: “Only if you have an insurance policy...”

In Russia, you need to try to get better before doctors start treating you.

There is nothing true in psychoanalysis except exaggerations. (

Hygiene and medicine are also important, but health is most important. (

Where G. Malakhov begins, medicine ends there!

Gynecologist to dentist: “It’s not your job to pick your teeth!”

Gymnastics is a healing part of medicine.

The main task of a paramedic is to prevent the patient from dying of his own death.

The main task of paid medicine is to transform acute pain into chronic!

The main medical secret is medical errors. (author of the statement: Ilya Gerchikov)

The main medicines are clean air, cold water, a saw and an ax. (author of the statement: V. D. Polenov)

The effectiveness of medicine is weakened by unbelief and strengthened by hope. (

The effect of surgery among the branches of medicine is the most obvious. (

The point of medical art is not to make every person healthy, but to get as close as possible to this goal, because it is quite possible to treat well those people who can no longer recover (quote author: Aristotle)

Diagnosis: acute intellectual failure.

For a patient, a doctor should be a father, for health, a friend. (author of the statement: V. A. Danilevsky)

A conscientious doctor, before prescribing treatment to a patient, must find out not only his illness, but also his habits in a healthy state, and the properties of his body. (quote author: Cicero)

Doctor, if you cure me of Internet addiction, I will add you as a friend

The doctor is not a horse, he doesn’t eat flowers.

Doctors are those who prescribe drugs they know little about, to treat diseases they know even less about, in people about whom they know nothing at all. (author of the statement: Voltaire)

The patient who made the doctor his heir is unlikely to recover. (author of the statement: Thomas Fuller)

The only doctor who thinks that everything is fine with you works at the military registration and enlistment office.

The only man who cannot live without women is a gynecologist. (

If a hopeless patient recovers, it means he was treated incorrectly. (author of the aphorism: Ilya Gerchikov)

If a patient does not feel better after talking with a doctor, then he is not a doctor. (author of the statement: Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev)

If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless. (author of the aphorism: Ranevskaya Faina)

If a doctor prescribes you many different medications, it means he doesn’t know what can really help you. (

If you have been ill for a long time or are hopelessly ill, it means that you have not yet found your doctor. Your doctor is not necessarily located outside.

Just because the doctor knows the name of your ailment does not mean that he knows what it is. (

If you pay your doctor regularly, the disease can become chronic...

If the client recovered faster than we intended to cure him, this is a flight to health. (

If it helps, nature is praised; if not, the doctor is blamed. (

If you have already gone to the dentist, then grit your teeth and endure it. (

If a person really wants to live, medicine is powerless...

If a person takes care of his own health, then it is difficult to find a doctor who would know better what is beneficial for his health than himself. (quote author: Socrates)

If I am a doctor, then I need patients and a hospital...

There are doctors who know everything, but can do nothing - these are therapists. There are doctors who can do everything, but know nothing - these are surgeons. And there are doctors who know everything and can do everything, but we get to them too late...

There are many ways to improve your poor health, and the best way is to see a doctor. (

Life is short, the path of art is long, opportunity is fleeting, experience is deceptive, judgment is difficult. Therefore, not only the doctor himself must use everything that is necessary, but also the patient, those around him, and all external circumstances must contribute to the doctor in his activities. (quote author: Hippocrates)

The doctor’s commandment is to treat not the disease, but the patient!

Hello, free doctor!! - Hello, hopeless patient!

The art of medicine consists of three elements: the disease, the patient and the doctor. (

Feeling compassion for the patient, the doctor treats better, and feeling this compassion, the patient recovers faster. (Eduard Aleksandrovich Sevrus)

A true doctor is one who does not lose self-control in thoughts and doubts and knows how to influence the patient beneficially, as well as the people around him. (

Anyone who goes to see a psychiatrist must first check whether he is sane. (author of the statement: Samuel Goldwyn)

Which disease is the worst of all? These are healers. Only a doctor can kill a person with impunity. (

What kind of health do you need to have today in order to endure medicine? (

When a doctor cannot do any good, let him do no harm. (

When the doctor leaves no chance, there is still a chance to change the doctor. (

When the doctor is full, the patient feels better.

The council of doctors ordered the patient to live a long time. (

We go to the doctor for the prospects of life, but we leave the doctor with the prospects of death. (

Treatment is a confrontation between the body and earnings. (

Treatment is a transfer from the majority of patients to the minority of healthy ones. (

The doctor treats diseases, but nature heals. (

It is not the disease that needs to be treated, but the soul. All methods of treating patients with modern medicine are similar to smearing the four legs of the bed on which the dying person lies with iodine and greenery. (

It is better to have good health than an excellent doctor.

It is better to fall into the hands of a happy doctor than a scientist doctor. (

The best cure for dandruff is the guillotine. (French proverb)

The best doctor is the one who knows the uselessness of most drugs. (

People in white coats, less negligence! (

The mask on the surgeon allows you to replace the professor with a trainee, even before anesthesia. (

A physician occupies a very special position within any society, any civilization: he is everywhere the subject of public attention and is almost always irreplaceable. (

Doctors have found that astronomers suffer from the greatest number of occupational diseases: sleepwalking, flatulence, star fever, not to mention a whole group of venereal diseases.

Medicine moves forward so quickly that health cannot keep up with it. (author of the statement: Stas Yankovsky)

Medicine is the only profession that tirelessly strives to destroy the basis of its own existence.

Medicine is the art of deceiving the patient while nature itself copes with the disease. (

Medicine is one of the greatest misconceptions of mankind. (

Medicine is the sister of philosophy. (

Medicine is a dubious science, rather it is also an art - the art of putting into practice the conclusions of other people's research. (

Medicine is love, otherwise it is worthless. (

Medicine is a collection of illogical prescriptions that do more harm than good. (

Medicine is a way to die painfully, slowly and expensively. (

The medicine of the future is hygiene in the broad sense of the word. (

Medicine makes us die longer and longer

Medicine rarely cures, often relieves and always comforts.

Medicine is truly the noblest of all arts. (

Medicine has taken a colossal step forward. She decided that if a patient gets sick or dies, there is nothing to worry about, because how many healthy people are left? (quote author: Boris Krieger)

Medicine is made up of science and art, and over them stretches a wonderful veil of heroism. (

He respected medicine, but its representatives did not deserve it from him. (

There is unhealthy competition between free and paid healthcare. (author of the statement: Leonid Krainov-Rytov)

The Ministry of Health warns about what it cannot prevent. (

We are urologists—doctors who make wine and food from urine!

A doctor must be a prudent person in his disposition, wonderful, kind and humane.

Treat the patient the way you would like to be treated in your hour of illness. First of all, do no harm.

It is necessary that the doctor keep his hands clean and his conscience clear.

Everything that is in wisdom is also in medicine, namely: contempt for money, conscientiousness, modesty, simplicity of dress, respect, determination, neatness, abundance of thoughts, knowledge of everything that is useful and necessary for life, disgust to vice,
denial of superstitious fear of the gods, divine superiority.

A good doctor must be a philosopher

The doctor must have the eye of a falcon, the hands of a girl, the wisdom of a snake and the heart of a lion.
Abu Ali Ibn Sina

Whatever house I enter, I will enter there for the benefit of the sick.

If we are demanding of ourselves, then not only successes, but also mistakes will become a source of knowledge.

Love for the art of medicine is love for humanity.

Whatever, during treatment - and also without treatment - I hear about human life that should never be disclosed, I will keep silent about it, considering such things a secret.

There is no need for an average doctor. It's better to have no doctor than a bad one.
M. Ya. Mudrov

Not only the doctor himself must use everything that is necessary, but also the patient, those around him, and all external circumstances must contribute to the doctor in his activities.

Of all the sciences, medicine is without a doubt the noblest.

Recognizing hidden diseases. A skilled physician gives us healing.
Abu Ali Ibn Sina

Remember that if you wish health for people, you wish poverty for doctors!

Imagine that your attending physician studied like you.. - scary..?

A doctor is the one whose task is to prevent people from dying a natural death.

The patient needs medical care. And the further the doctor goes, the better for the patient.

Entry in the medical card: “No mental abnormalities, just a fool”

Married couple at the doctor: - Doctor, my wife doesn’t want to have sex at all. “This is not true!” the wife protests. -I want! But not every month!

If a person truly wants to live, then medicine is powerless. - Statuses

Dear, I went to the doctor yesterday, he said that I will have a baby! - I’m thinking: if I go to a car mechanic, will I have a car?

Good health is when you only go to the pharmacy to buy condoms...

Doctor, will I live? - What's the point?

The patient asks the doctor: - What does C.E.Z. mean in my diagnosis? - The devil knows.

Doctors examine the conscript: - What's wrong with his hand? - They took blood from a finger. - Why is your arm in a cast? - But I didn’t give it!

The happiness of doctors is that their successes are visible to everyone, and their mistakes are hidden underground.

Doctor: “What kind of anesthesia do you need? Is it cheaper?” Patient: "Of course!" Doctor: "Bayushki-bayushki..."

The main medical secret is medical errors. - Statuses

The grandson, who spent the whole summer with his grandmother in the village, measures his blood pressure better than the local doctor.

The possibilities of medicine are limitless. Patients' options are limited

When the doctor announced to him a terrible diagnosis - infertility, he was so confused that he didn’t even know what to say to his pregnant wife...

No, you have to be so sick that all the doctors in the hospital recognize you. :(

- Doctor! We are losing him!!! - Don’t worry so much! We have a whole room of them...

I snorted cocaine for a long time, but one doctor forbade me. I didn't listen to the doctor, and I'm happy. Cha-cha-cha

The best medical specialty is dermatology. Patients will not wake you up in the middle of the night, will never die from their illness and will never get better.
Martin Fischer

Where are you going? I'm going to the doctor. And what are you talking about? Your urine. Where are you going, weirdo? And I’m going to the doctor, bringing cognac. Puzzle yourself with a question: Who will the doctor help most quickly?!

The most terrible doctors of time: childhood - a dentist, youth - a venereologist, old age - a pathologist...

Health is when everything hurts, but you still have the strength not to go to the doctor. - Statuses

A doctor must have the gaze of a falcon, the hands of a girl, the wisdom of a snake and the heart of a lion. Avicenna

The doctor treats diseases, but nature heals.

Medicine is the art of drawing conclusions about the symptoms of a disease based on the causes of death.

The main task of paid medicine is to transform acute pain into chronic pain.

Medicine is powerless when the patient passionately desires to live.

The madhouse misses us. The doctors are crying nervously.

He took off his underpants and it became clear that me and medicine were powerless... =(- Statuses

Gynecologist to dentist: It’s not your job to pick your teeth...

You don't have to live happily ever after to die one day.

A speech therapist recruits patients with subsequent guaranteed employment at a tram and trolleybus depot.

The radiologist, heating up the chicken in the microwave, said out of habit:
"Don't breathe."

– I really don’t like your cough.
“I can’t do anything, doctor, there’s nothing else.”

Medical Worker's Day or Doctor's Day is celebrated every year on the third Sunday of June.

Yes, there was a time when I woke up from a text message “My beloved, good morning.” Well, it’s okay, it’s my own fault, I’ll fix it myself!!!

I fell in love with the doctor and confessed rashly. He said: go home and calm your nerves.

Statuses about doctors and doctors

Cunning and cunning doctors - first they ask where it hurts, and then they put pressure there.

It’s hard to be a mute doctor; no one understands you, either verbally or in writing.

A typo on the poster at the entrance to the city clinic: “The treatment itself is dangerous to your health!”

It turned out that in the same language in which doctors write, commuter train drivers announce stops.

The successes of medicine are obvious: people do not die from many diseases, but only suffer.

Medicines help primarily those who produce them.

I’m getting better, but I feel like I won’t make it.

Everything in the body is interconnected: you pull hair out of your ass, and tears flow from your eyes.

Schizophrenia is convenient. There is always someone to talk to.

Doctors are people who sometimes draw a life line on their palm.

A man comes into the pharmacy and asks: “Are there any assholes?” The pharmacist answers: “Sometimes they come in.”

Did you know that students are recruited into medical schools based on their handwriting?

- Doctor, I'm dying! - Now, now I will help.

In the psychiatric hospital, a cry from the ward: “I am God’s messenger!” and a cry from the other: “Don’t fuck me!” I didn't send anyone.

Doctors are divided into three categories: a doctor from God, a doctor - well, God bless, and a doctor - God forbid!

This is how a doctor I know taught me how to give injections: “The basic principle is that your ass is not yours.”

I love annoying people. — Midwife status.

A Somali pirate lying in the hospital hijacked another ship.

A psychiatrist makes money by asking patients the same questions his wife asks him at home every day.

What, do you have a headache? - No, Pentalgin-N torments me. Because “Pentalgin-N” is five times stronger than pain!

My favorite disease is scabies: I scratch it and want more. And the most hated thing is hemorrhoids: you can’t see it for yourself, you can’t show it to people.

Sclerosis cannot be cured, but it can be forgotten.

Medical confidentiality is how much a doctor charges and what he spends it on!

Ships in bottles are made by retired gynecologists.

On advice, I bought an expensive imported laxative. Used. Now I understand what it means to “waste money.”

Trick or treat? - the doctor asked before the operation.

If a patient does not feel better after talking with a doctor, then he is not a doctor.

The patient has to pay a lot. Otherwise, he will not do what the doctor ordered.

If I liked annoying people, I would train to be an obstetrician.

“Seven don’t wait for one,” the nurses said and began the operation without a surgeon.

At the doctor: - Hello, I’m from Nadezhda Ivanovna... - What are you from Nadezhda Ivanovna?... - Got it.

Wishing health to people, you wish poverty to doctors!

The happiness of doctors is that their successes are visible to everyone, and their mistakes are hidden underground.

Where are you going? I'm going to the doctor. What are you carrying? I wet mine. Where are you going, weirdo? And I’m going to the doctor, bringing cognac. Puzzle yourself with a question: Who will the doctor help most quickly?!

Blood and urine - everything for the doctor!

Ambulance in Estonian! - Time heals.

You have a speech impediment! You stutter and cannot pronounce the letter R-- ASK AT THE CITY PHARMACIES!

Patients need medical care. Sometimes, the further the doctor goes, the better for the patients.

We must not forget that doctors are people just like you and me, and that 80 percent of us do not understand anything about our work.

Of all the doctors, the patient's rapid pulse worries most of all the pedantic pathologists.

The medical intern, memorizing the Latin alphabet in word forms and expressions, recklessly summoned the spirit of a demon from the fiery Gehenna.

A young intern doctor came to see my grandmother. When asked about a life-saving injection to help the old woman relieve an acute attack, the doctor thought about it and said that when he invents a method of treatment, he will certainly say so.

A hospital is a human hospital, where patients are treated in a painful, rude, sophisticated and scary way, and the toilet is always busy.

Best status:
When the dear police became the “sweetheart” police, conservative doctors also began to think seriously about changing their image.

Doctors are ruining their health behind stacks of methodological literature to save your precious one.

According to medical doctors, it is impossible to celebrate the New Year poorly after five glasses.

Doctors are powerless when a patient clings to life with the fibers of his soul, using faith and money.

A sterile institution, devoid of life and principles, is a hospital inpatient unit.

The hospital diet is standard treatment in a general hospital, with government meals of standard food.

Different doctors - different diagnoses, different prescriptions... It gets better, and you don’t know what helped or what you were sick with...

- Hello, is this a hospital? - No, this is a morgue. - Oh, it’s too early for me to go there! - It’s okay, we’ll wait..

Hospital, ward with dystrophies. A doctor enters the room. - Hello, eagles! - Doctor, what kind of eagles we are... - Who was flying yesterday when the ventilation was turned on?

Health is when everything hurts, but you still have the strength not to go to the doctor.

After a night with Angelina Jolie, a resident of Izhevsk will undergo plastic surgery. The doctors will try to remove the smile from his face.

Doctor, what's wrong with me? Diagnosis: Early stage of falling in love... medicine is powerless...

I have an attack of autumn and the mood of August in my blood. I am ill. I have a cold or allergies - medicine is not aware of it, especially not me.

Dagestan doctors swear by the mother of Hippocrates.

Two old doctors are talking. – I had a patient who, according to all forecasts, should have died 10 years ago, but he is still alive. - Yes, it happens. This once again proves that when a patient really wants to live, medicine is powerless.

They demand a miracle from doctors and teachers, and if a miracle happens, no one is surprised. Maria-Ebner Eschenbach.

There is something between us... and medicine is powerless here...

Colleagues are talking: “This doctor is a genius: he cured my wife in two minutes.” - How did he do it? “He told her that all her illnesses were a sign of approaching old age...

As doctors assure, fifty grams of cognac with dinner is not only healthy, but also not enough.

A well-fixed patient does not require anesthesia!

It is not enough to be a doctor, you also need to be able to help.

There are no healthy people, there are those who have not been thoroughly examined

The doctors' strike yielded first results. Mortality decreased by 30%.

Hello! Hospital? I need a surgeon! Urgently! Get this idiot out of my brain!

Attention! I treat humpbacks. Doctor Mogila V.I.

The most wonderful doctor is nature, if only because she cures three-quarters of all diseases and never speaks ill of her colleagues. V. Cherbulier.

The madhouse misses us. The doctors are crying nervously.

Why is medicine powerless in the face of mental pain...

An elderly lady and her pretty daughter enter a doctor's office. “Take off your clothes,” the doctor says to the girl. “I’m the one who’s sick, son,” explains the mother. - Oh, sorry, grandma. Show your tongue.

Doctors examine the conscript: - What's wrong with his hand? - They took blood from a finger. – Why is your arm in a cast? - But I didn’t give it!

Beaver, why are your teeth so white?...I’m not a beaver, I’m a narcologist...

Anesthesia is the only means by which the doctor gets rid of the patient’s advice during surgery.

Hospital. Department for dystrophics: - Vasya, roll out a pill! - Why Vasya right away, let Petrov come, he’s strong, he wears a T-shirt!

Psychologists, lawyers and doctors rarely fall in love. Because they know all the vices and shortcomings of a person.

If you go out into the yard at night, lie down and look at the starry sky for a long time through a colander, you can see the face of an emergency doctor.

The doctors' demonstration ended in vain: the authorities failed to read the demands on their posters.

Can't fry your nails? Is someone watching you? Call us. Mental hospital.

How superstitious dentists are! They constantly ask you to spit, and they place the spittoon behind your left shoulder!

Any disease can be treated with time and vodka, and if one or the other does not help, medicine is powerless!

You've pumped up your lips, pumped up your breasts, grown your hair - medicine is power...

– When I was a child, the doctor told me: “If you don’t stop biting your nails, you will grow up to be an idiot.” - And why didn’t you stop?

Medicine is free, but not treatment.

“Well, the pulse is normal,” says the doctor. – Doctor, take my left hand: the right one is a prosthesis.

Now is the time when your neighbor knows more about you than your doctor.

I read the certificate, didn’t understand a damn thing, I thought why all the doctors don’t skip the subject of “secret writing”!

The doctor prescribed me pills, I’m sitting and thinking now, are these side effects or a dinosaur in the kitchen.

Oleg can afford to cross the street in the wrong place. His father is a policeman, and his mother is a doctor. :)))

We have such medicine that it’s better not to get sick at all... XDXDXD

A resuscitator is a person who unsticks someone’s flippers every day!

Doctor: – The cause of your illness is alcohol. Patient: - Thank you, doctor! You are the first person who doesn't put all the blame on me!

Doctor: Have you already been operated on? - Yes. - So how is it? - Three thousand dollars. – I mean, what did you have? - Only a thousand dollars. – You didn’t understand me again. I ask, what are you complaining about? - For the cost of treatment.

Good health is when you only go to the pharmacy to buy condoms...

He took off his panties and it became clear that me and medicine were powerless... =(

Doctors say: The universal remedy for all diseases is an ax!

A doctor must have the gaze of a falcon, the hands of a girl, the wisdom of a snake and the heart of a lion. Avicenna.

Being treated by a young doctor is much worse than being sick!

Life is a hospital where every patient dreams of moving to another bed.

The doctor treats diseases, but nature heals.

The most expensive pleasure is medicine...

- Are you a doctor? – No – Then don’t treat me!

It is important to remember that doctors are people just like the rest of us, and that 80% of us do not understand anything about our work.

For a long time, doctors have tried all medicines on themselves. This is why tinctures and balms are made with alcohol.

If a person truly wants to live, then medicine is powerless.

Doctors are white people in good coats.

On Russian trains, stations are announced in the same language in which doctors write!

Doctor to patient: - If you quit smoking, you will live another 20 years. - Great, then I’ll probably quit when I’m 80 years old.

– Andrey Evgenievich, I want a new doctor. - Is the old one finished? (Interns)

The only doctor who thinks that everything is fine with you works at the military registration and enlistment office.

Free healthcare is a mixture of “health-fucking-ass” with “white-negligence”...

People with intestinal disorders escaped from the hospital. Doctors quickly found them in hot pursuit.