Alcohol disappears from the body within hours. How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

Meetings with friends, family holidays and corporate events are difficult to celebrate without drinking alcohol. What if you came to the meeting in your own car? He will have to be left until the driver sobers up completely. But sometimes it is more convenient to wait until the alcohol completes its effect.

Three AiF employees took part in the experiment. We asked two men of average build to drink vodka (350 g) and beer (1.5 liters), and the girl was offered a bottle of dry red wine from Italy (750 ml) - this is approximately how alcohol preferences are distributed among the majority.

The alcohol level was measured using a calibrated ethanol vapor analyzer Alcotest 6810 - simply put, a breathalyzer, and a professional one, exactly the one that traffic police officers use to check drivers.

We checked all the drinkers before the experiment: the device showed 0.0, which means everyone is sober as a glass! Our tester measured alcohol in mg/l (a measure of how much alcohol is in a liter of exhaled air). It is in this mode that police meters operate; do not try to find ppm on their screens (in the photographs on the device screen - mg/l - Ed.). But for the convenience of readers, we have converted all the numbers into the usual ppm (this is not difficult to do, because 1 ppm in the blood corresponds to approximately 0.45 mg/l in exhaled air).

On the Internet you can find a huge number of schemes for calculating the removal of all kinds of alcohol from the body and even approximate tables that suggest determining when you can get behind the wheel. You shouldn't rely on them! Our experiment completely refuted such calculations, although we specially selected average experimental subjects.


Male, 35 years old, weight 74 kg, height 178 cm.

Beer 5.4% ABV, 1.5 l

Immediately after the first glass of beer, the breathalyzer counted 0.62 ppm - this is even more than the journalist who drank wine, although it was twice as strong as beer!

The result after the second glass is 0.71 ppm, but after the third glass it is again 0.62 ppm. As narcologists explained to us, this figure is the result of the fact that beer begins to be eliminated from the blood very quickly. With the same parameters (if the same person drinks), it will dissipate faster than wine and vodka.

Within an hour, the device showed the figure with which in Italy a man would be allowed to drive - 0.48 ppm. 1.5 liters of beer were completely cleared from the blood only after 8 hours. This means that after drinking with friends in the evening after work, our correspondent could go to work while driving in the morning!


Woman, 34 years old, weight 65 kg, height 178 cm

Dry red wine 12% strength, 750 ml

After the first glass - already 0.48 ppm! You are not allowed to drive, although many people claim that in Europe everyone drives after drinking a glass of wine with dinner. Indeed, in Belgium, Germany, Italy and a number of other countries, 0.5 ppm is acceptable. But not with us! After the second glass, the device showed 0.68 ppm. When the bottle was finished, a figure of 1.15 ppm lit up on the panel. This result indicates that the person is very drunk, his reactions and coordination of movements are impaired. Our journalist turned out to be completely sober only 12 hours after the “celebration”. In the table you can see the dynamics of alcohol output. This means that, having drunk the night before, the girl would have to go to work by subway in the morning.


Male, 36 years old, weight 86 kg, height 176 cm

Vodka, strength 40%, 350 ml

After the first glass of vodka, the breathalyzer showed 0.8 ppm. But after the second, only 0.2 ppm was found in our investigation department editor. “Strong alcohol first reacts in the stomach, and then is absorbed into the blood,” a narcologist commented on our discovery. But after the third glass, when the hero of our experiment drank a total of 350 g of vodka, the device counted 2.75 ppm!

Strong alcohol was eliminated from our journalist’s body in the same way as wine was removed from the girl’s body. After 4 hours, 1.1 ppm remained, and after 8 hours - 0.6. After 12 hours the journalist was sober.

Experts' comments

Victor Travin, President of the College of Legal Protection of Car Owners:

I am critical of sobering up charts. Even for the same person, drinking the same amount of alcohol with the same snack, on a given day the process of removing alcohol breakdown products from the body may take different times. Obviously, people with unique organisms and metabolisms will require a completely different number of hours for this process. Unfortunately, now in our country, according to the law, only a person who is completely confident that there is no alcohol in his blood can drive. But calculating this using general formulas is an impossible task. I would advise motorists who often drink strong drinks to buy an expensive, high-quality breathalyzer and drive off only after checking it.

Vladimir Nuzhny, professor, doctor of medical sciences:

- The rate at which alcohol is eliminated from the body depends on the person’s gender, weight, amount of food eaten before and individual metabolism. In this experiment, the man who drank vodka turned out to be sober quite quickly. This is possible if the person did not have lunch that day. In this case, the stomach remains empty, the alcohol does not stagnate in it, passes into the intestines, is absorbed into the blood and is quickly eliminated. That is, a person will immediately become drunk and quickly sober up. If the stomach is full, the alcohol remains in it along with the food until it is digested, the person may not get drunk quickly, but this state lasts longer.

Keep in mind: the traffic police device analyzes exhaled air, not blood! This is not the same indicator. It happens that alcohol is detectable in the air, but not in the blood. If you take vodka into your mouth and spit it out, the alcohol will remain in the exhaled air for another 20 minutes. If you drink a medicine containing alcohol (valerian, Corvalol), the breathalyzer will show alcohol in the exhaled air, although there will be no alcohol in the blood - the alcohol will oxidize in the stomach and will not enter the blood. A tolerance of 0.2-0.3 ppm is needed not so that a person can drink while driving, but to avoid instrument errors and errors associated with metabolism in people with abnormally high levels of endogenous (natural - Ed.) alcohol.

Every driver sooner or later wonders: “How long does it take for alcohol to wear off?” The table, which was specially developed by doctors, provides a fairly accurate answer. But it is necessary to take into account that the average statistical data is given there. There are a number of nuances that affect the rate at which alcohol is removed from the human body.

Alcohol elimination table

It is worth emphasizing that medical data on the breakdown and removal of alcohol breakdown products concern healthy people. Moreover, the individual ability to break down alcohol, for which a special enzyme is responsible, is not taken into account in the calculations. We are talking about statistical averages. Therefore, if you want to clarify this point, you can take the results indicated in the table (see table below) and compare them with your own. For example, you can find out how long it takes for beer to dissipate using a breathalyzer (sold in pharmacies). Comparing the results with the indicators in the table will help to understand the individual characteristics of the metabolism of a particular person.

How long does it take for alcohol to disappear - Table of complete elimination of alcohol from the body in hours, depending on the amount drunk per 100, 300 and 500 grams

Permissible ethanol content standards

The amount of alcohol in the blood is measured in special units - ppm (‰). The indicator is calculated as follows: the content of pure ethanol in 1 liter of blood is estimated, the indicator 1 ‰ means that in the test sample the ethanol content is 1 ml in 1 liter of blood.

It should be noted that some concessions in the current legislation regarding blood alcohol content are not related to the permission to drink a small amount of alcohol before driving a car. There are products that do not contain alcohol at all, which, when broken down, change the amount of ppm in the body. “Classical” examples are kefir or kvass. Actually, this is related to the permission to drive a vehicle with a blood content of 0.35 ‰/0.16 ‰ in exhaled air.

The recommended break after drinking alcohol is a day. If it is not possible to wait this period, doctors recommend adding 2 to 3 hours to the data in the table (after what time alcohol disappears from the body) to be sure that alcohol is completely eliminated.

Do not forget that driving while intoxicated (alcoholic) is a serious offense and a high risk of various accidents due to the driver’s inability to adequately assess the situation on the roads, slow reaction, etc. Remember that when driving with a minimum amount of alcohol in the blood, the driver risks not only his license and money, but also his life (his own, passengers and other road users).

This table shows how long it takes not only alcohol to dissipate, but also other drinks - kvass, kefir, juice

Factors influencing alcohol withdrawal

When figuring out how long it takes for alcohol to leave the body, you need to take into account that this parameter is influenced by the following factors:

  • Age, gender, weight;
  • Individual characteristics;
  • Presence of diseases;
  • Type of alcoholic drink consumed and its quantity;
  • Ambient temperature;
  • Snacks (their quantity and quality);
  • Psycho-emotional state (stress, for example, unpredictably affects a person in a state of AO).

This is why it is recommended to take a longer break between driving and drinking alcohol to allow the alcohol to wear off. Moreover, for you personally, the removal of ethanol may take longer (compared to the average statistical data indicated in the tables).

The data on how long it takes for beer (or another drink) to disappear from the body differs between men and women, and this should also be taken into account by female drivers. Add 2 hours to the table data.

How to speed up the weathering of alcohol

There are many tips on how to sober up quickly. It is possible to contact a doctor. They will not only assess the person’s condition realistically, but also, with the help of special solutions, will help to quickly get rid of the decay products of the alcohol consumed. In this case, the question of how long it takes for vodka or another drink to dissipate will not be relevant. At home they will help:

  • Vitamin C (tablets or products containing it in large quantities);
  • Drink plenty of fluids;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Overheating the body to speed up the elimination of alcohol through sweat (sauna, bathhouse, etc.).

Alcohol disappears faster if you visit a sauna, take a hot bath, or eat a hearty meal.

Don’t forget, by artificially accelerating the removal of alcohol from the body, you are only relieving symptoms, but not fully correcting your mental state. Those. the risk of inadequate and inhibited reactions while driving remains.

Therefore, you should not take risks and get behind the wheel even after a series of procedures that can reduce the time it takes for alcohol to disappear. The absence of fumes (it indicates incomplete decomposition of alcohol) and ppm in the blood after intensive withdrawal is not always a guarantee of complete safety while driving in traffic with its rapidly changing conditions.

So, you have found out how long it takes for alcohol to dissipate. The table and breathalyzer will help the driver navigate the question of whether it is worth getting behind the wheel a few hours after a feast. But it is best to wait a day after the last drink to be sure that there are no consequences of drinking alcohol.

Video: How long does it take for alcohol to disappear from the body?

Drinking a little alcohol in the evening is the norm for many. Some people indulge in several bottles of beer or grams of vodka, even during a workday or weekend. To be honest, some allow themselves much more strong and not so strong drinks. But often, some time after drinking alcohol, you have to start a responsible activity or drive a car, so for many, the question of how long it takes for vodka, beer or low-alcohol to wear off is also relevant to the topic of the day.

How vodka is eliminated from the body - the physiology of the process

Drinking alcohol begins to enter the bloodstream already in the mouth, being absorbed through the mucous membrane. But the main amount of alcohol, no matter what drink is consumed - beer, vodka or wine, is absorbed in the stomach and in the upper intestines. Here, approximately 85% of all alcohol contained in consumed drinks enters the bloodstream. A small portion of alcohol does not enter the bloodstream and is excreted unchanged along with feces. But this happens if alcohol, be it cognac or beer, is consumed. Another certain percentage of ethanol interacts with animal fats contained in food. This is especially true for strong drinks, including vodka. Alcohol emulsifies (breaks down) fat molecules into triglycerides, thereby becoming inactive. This is why a fatty snack is recommended when drinking strong alcohol.

Once alcohol enters the bloodstream, it is distributed to the organs and tissues of the body. Ethyl alcohol enters the brain, breaking the blood-brain barrier. Ethanol molecules interact with neurons of the cortical structures and subcortex, resulting in signs of intoxication - a slow reaction, impaired balance and euphoria. Even a glass of vodka or a liter bottle of light beer causes intoxication, which can lead to loss of proper reaction and dull attention and vigilance, which can cause an accident on the road. Many people know this, so they try to avoid driving even with a small dose of alcohol. To objectively determine whether you can drive or not, you need to know the weathering time of vodka or beer.

Ethyl alcohol entering the body begins to disappear almost immediately. While the liver is “tuned” to neutralize ethanol, a small amount of the latter is already eliminated from the body by the lungs with exhaled air, the skin through the sweat glands and the kidneys, excreted in the urine. This way, 10 percent of the alcohol will disappear unchanged, but the bulk of the alcohol will pass through the liver. It is this organ that takes on the main anti-alcohol load.

The liver produces an enzyme that breaks down ethyl alcohol molecules into water and carbon dioxide - substances that are safe for the body. This happens if this enzyme is enough to completely metabolize the alcohol entering the bloodstream. If the dose is exceeded, especially significantly, the liver does not have time to completely process all the alcohol, which leads to the formation of under-oxidized molecules - organic acids, as well as aldehydes. The most toxic of them is acetaldehyde, which is the culprit of hangover suffering. Toxins are eliminated primarily by the kidneys, partially by the sweat glands and lungs (fumes).

However, the ability of the liver to process ethyl alcohol varies from person to person. It depends on the following features:

  • genetically determined activity of the anti-alcohol enzyme;
  • racial differences (in representatives of southern peoples and those living in Southeast Asia, the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase is noticeably reduced);
  • stage of alcoholism (the liver is most efficient in the second stage, which is called the “high-dose stage”);
  • general health of the organ (if you have had hepatitis, especially the chronic form of this disease, the functional activity of the liver is reduced).

The state of the liver enzymatic system is one of the reasons that one organism will eliminate half a liter faster than another will leave the body of 200 grams of vodka. But this is not the only reason why vodka or beer will dissipate in different numbers of hours in different situations.

How long does it take for alcohol to disappear – what does this depend on?

When the question arises about how much vodka evaporates, no one can answer definitely and accurately. Despite the existence of data on how quickly ethyl alcohol consumed in various drinks is eliminated from the body, they cannot be taken as truth. The reason is due to many factors due to which the process of cleansing the body takes a long time, but can also speed up. The main reasons that affect the rate of alcohol elimination are listed in the following list.

  1. Strength of the drink. It is clear that half a liter of vodka will take longer to dissipate than even a liter of wine or beer.
  2. Floor. Males sober up with one dose of alcohol about a quarter faster than women.
  3. Body mass. As weight increases, the elimination of ethyl alcohol from the body accelerates.
  4. Drink quality. Vodka, if you take a pure, high-quality product, will dissipate faster than surrogate or moonshine of the same strength.
  5. Snack quality. In order for what you drink (especially strong drinks) to disappear faster, you need a full, hearty snack (but without overeating).
  6. Age. In a young body, metabolic processes, including the breakdown of ethanol, occur faster.
  7. General health.
  8. The body, weakened by disease, will take longer to cope with the elimination of alcohol.
  9. Taking medications.

Drugs that are toxic to the kidneys and especially the liver, taken simultaneously with drinks containing alcohol, will inhibit the weathering of ethanol.

Important! Data on the rate of elimination of vodka and other alcohol are valid only if one drink is consumed. Mixing vodka with beer or wine makes the tabular data biased. In such cases, it is possible to determine the cleansing of the body from ethyl alcohol to the permitted ppm only with the help of a breathalyzer.

How long does it take for vodka to leave the body?

Due to the influence of ethanol on the brain of a drunk person, one cannot rely on one’s own sensations, since they are to a certain extent illusory. Many people often get behind the wheel feeling completely sober. However, the police breathalyzer does not always share the opinion of a hasty driver. The reason for this is the discrepancy between sensations and the actual ethanol content in the blood. Some strong men can feel quite adequate just six to seven hours after drinking a bottle of a forty-proof drink, be it vodka, whiskey or cognac. The actual period during which ppm returns to normal is much longer. This is confirmed by the data presented in this table for different weight categories of healthy men.

Volume of vodka drunk, ml 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
100 5 hours 37 minutes 4 hours 45 minutes 4 hours 18 minutes 3 hours 49 minutes 3 hours 31 minutes
300 17 h 22 min 14 h 35 min 13 h 10 min 11 hours 28 minutes 10 hours 23 minutes
500 29 h 53 min 24 hours 49 minutes 21 h 39 min 19 h 19 min 17 h 20 min

Pay attention to how long it actually takes to completely cleanse the blood of alcohol and the toxic products of its metabolism. Of course, these are approximate figures and adjustments need to be made for each organism, but for 500 grams of vodka the adjustment will be within 2-3 hours, no more. To make sure that the ethanol content in the blood complies with the legally permitted norm, it is better to use household breathalyzers rather than tabular data. Modern instruments give a very slight deviation from real figures, so they can be considered reliable.

Beer consumption in our country is growing year after year. Many people refuse vodka, cognac and other alcoholic drinks because of their high cost and high alcohol content. But beer, as a low-alcohol product, is finding more and more fans.

However, from the point of view of drivers, beer is not such a harmless drink. Firstly, it leaves a specific, very persistent smell, and secondly, The alcohol it contains enters the bloodstream and remains in it for a certain period of time.. So, even after small portions of a foamy drink, it is not recommended to drive, let alone in cases where about 2 liters or more were drunk. After such libations, driving a car is strictly prohibited, so drivers would do well to know how long it takes for 2 liters of beer to dissipate.

Mathematical calculation

Current Russian legislation clearly defines the permissible amount of alcohol in the blood of a driver - no more than 0.3 g per liter. To determine the level of intoxication on the spot, traffic police officers use a slightly different technology, according to which the composition of the air exhaled by a person is analyzed. It is considered normal if a liter of air contains more than 0.16 mg of alcohol vapor.

It is known that if a person, then the concentration of alcohol, depending on his body weight and the strength of the drink, can rise to 0.5 ppm. Drinking a liter leads to an increase in alcohol content to 0.8 ppm, and after two liters this figure can reach 1.2-1.5 ppm. More accurate data depends on the strength of the drink and the characteristics of a particular person: physique, weight and other specific data.

According to various medical studies, the approximate rate of beer removal from the body ranges from 0.1-0.15 ppm per hour for men and approximately 0.08 ppm per hour for the fairer sex. These data make it possible, through simple calculations, to determine how long it takes for 2 liters of beer to dissipate.

It turns out that after drinking so much, a man comes to a state that allows him to drive a car in about 10-12 hours. The female body needs a little more time for this - from 14 to 20 hours.

A typical mistake that many drivers make who are not too well informed about the physiological characteristics of the human body is that they focus on the presence or absence, as well as general well-being. However, even after the characteristic disappears and the normal reaction seems to be fully restored, the blood alcohol content may still exceed . Moreover, only a professional can record this fact - in this matter it is not recommended to trust amateur devices that are sold in some pharmacies due to their low sensitivity and high error.

What determines the rate of weathering of beer?

It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to accurately answer the question of how long it takes for 2 liters of beer to dissipate. The above data are of an average statistical nature, so they can only be used for theoretical calculations and assumptions. In practice, the rate at which the body releases alcohol is influenced by many additional factors. For example, the same gender as discussed in the previous part of the material. In addition, it is of certain importance:

  • general health. It's not just about body weight. It is clear that if a person has problems with the liver, then the metabolic process will not proceed as actively and fully as in a healthy individual. This means that alcohol will leave the body much more slowly;
  • strength of the drink. If one person drinks a certain amount of beer with a strength of 4%, and another, of the same build, drinks the same amount of a stronger foamy drink, then the alcohol content in the blood of the second will be an order of magnitude higher. Accordingly, it will also take more time to weather it;
  • presence, composition and quantity. The more food, especially fatty food, was consumed along with beer, the less the effect of alcohol on the body will be;
  • time of year and time of day. It is known that in the cold a person reacts to alcohol differently than when he is warm. The same can be said about the state of the body day and night, which is determined not only by biology, but also by the usual way of life.

Thus, the answer to the question of how long it takes for 2 liters of beer to dissipate can only be approximate, since it is not possible to take into account all the circumstances in advance. On average it is from 10 to 12 hours for men and 14-18 hours for women.

At the same time, doctors do not recommend trusting various folk methods, which supposedly activate the process of removing alcohol from the body. For example, the widespread belief that in the cold the blood is freed from alcohol faster is a misconception. Simply, under the influence of cold, blood vessels narrow, which only creates the illusion of sobering up, while the level of alcohol in the blood remains at the same level.

Numerous medications, anti-police agents and other means should be considered ineffective, which are actively advertised today. Their action is also aimed at only masking the signs of intoxication, but they do not affect the alcohol content in the blood.

There are pharmaceutical products that can reduce the content of alcohol, as well as some of its breakdown products in your stomach, and, accordingly, prevent them from entering the blood! These are various enterosorbents, for example, enterosgel; 3-4 tablespoons of this gel, taken after drinking beer, can completely clear your stomach of alcohol.

However The best way to rid the body of alcohol and alcohol intoxication is good healthy sleep! About how you struggle (and whether you struggle) with alcohol intoxication - write to

How long does it take for vodka to disappear from the human body? This question is asked by a large number of people, since life situations can be unexpected. It is especially relevant for many drivers who have to get behind the wheel after the celebration.

How much alcohol is in the blood?

How long does it take for ethanol to disappear from the body? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Since the weathering time depends not only on the drink, but also on the physical health and gender of the person. According to statistics, ethanol leaves the female body 25% slower than the male body.

Ethanol penetrates into the blood gradually, so the rate of absorption depends on the functioning of the digestive organs and other personal characteristics of the person. The rate of ethanol elimination is also affected by a person’s emotional state. It has been proven that in a state of shock or psychological shock, metabolic processes proceed much faster, which leads to the rapid elimination of ethanol.

Everyone can calculate the time it takes to remove alcohol from the body independently. When calculating the time, weight and gender, quality and strength of the alcoholic drink are taken into account. On average, 100 g of vodka disappears in 4-5 hours. If the body weight is more than 100 kg, then the weathering time can be 3 hours.

When drinking 100 grams of vodka, the breathalyzer reading will be 0.8 ppm. When drinking 200 g of alcohol, the indicators will increase to 0.2 ppm. If you drink another 150 g of vodka after this, the ethanol content in the body will be 2.75 ppm. It has been proven that it will take about 11-12 hours to remove 350-400 g of alcohol from the body.

You can remove ethanol using:

  • medicines;
  • folk methods.

Medication method

To remove vodka from the body, you can use medications. You should take certain medications only as prescribed by your doctor. The most effective method is the injection of Cordiamine, Apomorphine or Caffeine. After the injection, doctors recommend drinking 1-1.5 liters of warm boiled water. This will help induce vomiting.

A large dose of Metronidazole helps remove ethanol from the blood. Aspirin speeds up the process of eliminating vodka. It causes profuse sweating, which promotes the excretion of ethanol through the skin. Aspirin can be used as an injection or effervescent tablet. The combination of aspirin with vitamin C has a sobering effect. In addition, doctors may administer insulin or glucose injections.

As for absorbent drugs, they do not remove alcohol from the body. Activated carbon and all its derivatives can only remove oils and toxins from the body. When toxic substances are neutralized, your health improves significantly, but alcohol will remain in the blood.

If a large amount of vodka or any other strong drink has been drunk, then doctors use complex cleansing. In this case, the patient is given a drip of Reamberin and Trisol. Vitamins are prescribed in the complex. With this cleansing, vodka disappears from the body in just a couple of hours, but it is not recommended to abuse this method, since complex cleansing is a powerful blow to the body.

How long does it take for alcohol to dissipate in small quantities? If you need to remove a small dose of alcohol from your body, you can use drugs such as Glutargin or Zorex. If you experience aggression, slurred speech, vomiting, nausea, foaming at the mouth, or hallucinations, you should call a doctor.

Unconventional methods

How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body? When drinking a small dose of alcohol, ethanol is removed from the blood within a few hours.

You can remove toxins from the body in the old proven way, namely, by inducing vomiting. To do this, you can quickly drink a glass of water.

Vomiting removes some of the alcohol that is in the stomach. Vomiting can also lead to dehydration, so it is recommended to drink as much water or milk as possible.

With a small amount of alcohol, a large mug of black tea with honey will help quickly remove ethanol from the body.

This will cause profuse sweating. An extreme but effective way is a bath. It removes residual ethanol from the body. If you have heart disease, this method is highly undesirable.

A more gentle way to get rid of alcohol is a contrast shower. It will speed up metabolism and cleanse the skin, which promotes the rapid removal of ethanol through the skin.

Minor physical activity also helps remove alcohol from the body. During exercise, the excretory systems are activated, and ethanol is eliminated through sweat and urine.

Alcoholic substances will quickly disappear from the body if you eat some citrus fruits. They contain ascorbic acid, which accelerates the process of chemical reactions and removes ethanol from the body.

To neutralize the gastrointestinal tract from alcohol, you can eat some oatmeal with milk. The viscous absorbent mass will quickly restore the functioning of the stomach. Fresh fruits, honey and foods containing fructose are also considered beneficial.

The results of the above methods occur within a few hours. These methods are considered effective only with minor alcohol consumption, for example, when drinking 200-250 g. For moderate or severe intoxication, you can drink 1.5 glasses of a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After this, you can drink 100 ml of water with the addition of 7-10 drops of ammonia.

Quick sobering up is used only in the case of one-time drinking. No matter how much alcohol you drink, home remedies will not be effective for chronic alcoholism.