Alcohol poisoning: symptoms, treatment at home. What to do if you have alcohol intoxication at home

The question to narcologists about what to do when intoxicated is often asked by spouses of addicted people. Lack of awareness of the problem, degradation of the alcoholic’s personality under the influence of toxic ethanol substitutes does not allow contacting a specialist due to denial of the disease.

Classic remedies used by a person with an addiction to alcoholic beverages are cerucal (for vomiting), activated charcoal (for cleansing the intestines). When toxic metabolites accumulate, such medications cannot cure addiction. Under the influence of poisons, pathology of internal organs develops, and irreversible changes in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys gradually develop. Organ failure causes death. Alcoholics die young!

Alcohol poisoning: symptoms and syndromes

The problem is aggravated by the high cost of alcoholic beverages. In the absence of funds, a replacement for the next dose of alcohol is required. To compensate for the deficiency, alcohol-containing products are used: colognes, perfumes, medicinal tinctures, lotions. When consuming alkaline polishes, alcohol varnishes, and BF adhesives, life-threatening poisoning occurs.

The lethal dose of ethyl alcohol is 300-400 mg. This concentration is achieved by drinking 2-3 bottles of vodka per day with a break after 1-2 hours.

A decrease in the body's resistance in chronic alcoholics is accompanied by a certain degree of failure of internal organs. Against this background, mortality increases not from alcohol substitutes, but from exacerbation of secondary diseases.

Main symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

  • Mild degree – nausea, vomiting, intestinal disorders;
  • Medium degree – disruption of the cardiovascular system, changes in coordination and gait;
  • Severe – alcoholic coma with loss of pain and temperature sensitivity.

Due to the body’s high adaptation to alcohol surrogates, the comatose state of an alcoholic is not lethal. After a few hours the condition is restored.

The danger comes from severe injuries, bedsores, and gangrene of the extremities when a person is immobile for a long time. Disruption of local blood supply, hypothermia occurs at an ambient temperature of about 12 degrees Celsius. Gradually it decreases to 31-32 degrees. Reduction of heart rate to 30-60 beats per minute. Respiratory depression - up to 8 breaths per minute. These conditions lead to death directly from respiratory failure (in the first day) or from dangerous complications in the future (pneumonia, lung gangrene).

Names of tablets for alcohol poisoning of the adsorbent group

Activated carbon


Specially processed coal of plant or animal origin. Has high surface activity. It has the properties to absorb (adsorb) harmful substances (toxins), gases, as well as salts of heavy metals, synthetic and natural alkaloids, hypnotics, poisons, phenol derivatives, glycosides, hydrocyanic acid, etc.

Indications for use of activated carbon:

  1. Intoxication, manifested in the form of dyspepsia, flatulence (bloating), diarrhea, heartburn.
  2. Exacerbations of allergic diseases of various etiologies.
  3. Diseases of the digestive organs of infectious origin (dysentery, salmonellosis).
  4. Poisoning from medications, poor-quality food and toxic metals.
  5. Hepatitis.
  6. Intoxication caused by psychotropic or narcotic substances, as well as alcoholic substances.

Directions for use and dosage:

For any poisoning, 25 g of activated carbon is prescribed as a suspension (crush the tablets and stir in boiled water at room temperature). A similar suspension is used during the gastric lavage procedure. In addition, in case of poisoning, a mixture is prescribed in the following proportion: 2 parts of activated carbon, 1 part of magnesium oxide and 1 part of tannin (2 tablespoons per glass of water). If flatulence or heartburn occurs, take 2 g of activated charcoal mixed in heated water.

Side effects when used:

Taking activated carbon can cause diarrhea or constipation, and the development of a lack of fats, vitamins and proteins. Due to its adsorbing properties, this drug reduces the effectiveness of other medications.

Contraindications for use of the drug:

Storage conditions:

Store in a dry place, away from products that emit vapors and gases.



Has adsorbent properties. Binds and removes endogenous or exogenous toxins and allergens (bacterial and food) from organs. As well as highly toxic substances formed as a result of protein breakdown in the intestinal organs. Promotes the transport of toxic substances into the intestines from lymph and blood.

The following indications for which Polysorb is used:

  • Infectious intestinal diseases (salmonellosis, escherichiosis, other food infections).
  • Hepatitis of viral origin.
  • Various poisonings (including alcohol intoxication).

Methods of application and dosage:

Polysorb is taken orally in the form of a suspension. The suspension is prepared in this way: 1 tablespoon of powder (1.2 g) is stirred in 1 glass of boiled water. Take one hour before meals and medications. The daily dosage is about 12g. In case of exacerbation, the dose is increased to 24 g (divided into 4-5 doses). You can take about 7g of the drug at a time.


  • Cannot be prescribed to children under one year of age.
  • The presence of ulcerative and erosive damage to the intestinal mucosa.
  • Peptic ulcers during exacerbation.
  • Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the medication.
  • Pregnancy.

Interactions with other substances:

When taken simultaneously with acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), the process of breakdown of microelements increases. Also, when consuming Polysorb, the pharmacodynamic properties of nicotinic acid are enhanced.

Storage conditions:

Stored in sealed bottles. The room temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius. Keep away from children.

Shelf life:

Dry powder can be stored for up to 3 years. The prepared suspension can be used before 24 hours have passed. The temperature should be approximately 10-15 degrees Celsius.


Carbolong is produced in powdered form of activated carbon obtained from fruit seeds. Has high sorbent properties.

Method and dose of application:

Carbolong is used at a dose of 5-8g per dose, 3 times a day. It is advisable to take from 2 to 15 days. Used orally as a mixture of powder and water. You can also use dry powder (with a glass of water).

Names of tablets for alcohol poisoning symptomatic group



It has high detoxification, antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties. The main active substances that are included in the structure of Zorex are unithiol and calcium pantothenate. As a result of the interaction of unithiol and the breakdown products of ethanol (other poisons), non-toxic complexes are formed, which the body gets rid of in the urine. The presence of calcium pantothenate increases the effectiveness of the detoxifying action of Zorex.


As a result of taking this drug, its highest concentration in the body occurs after an hour and a half. The maximum plasma concentration of Zorex lasts approximately 9 hours. The duration of stay in the digestive organs is several minutes (20-25). The time required for ethanol and other toxins to break down is about 8 hours. On average, 55% of the drug is excreted from the body in urine, the rest is excreted in excrement.

When is ZOREX indicated:

  • Alcoholism in the chronic stage.
  • Acute poisoning from alcohol-containing drinks.
  • Poisoning caused by drugs from the group of cardiac glycosides.
  • Intoxication with toxic metals.

Directions for use, doses:

Taken before meals.

When treating alcoholism: take 1 capsule 2 times a day (treatment duration is 10 days).

In the treatment of acute alcohol poisoning: a similar dosage is prescribed - 1 capsule 2 times a day. In case of exacerbation, the dose can be increased: 1 capsule 3 times a day. The duration of the course of therapy is several days (until the symptoms of poisoning disappear).

When treating poisoning with toxic metals and arsenic compounds, the daily dose is increased: 350-1000 mg divided into 3 doses. Must be taken for at least 7 days.

Side effect:

In cases of taking increased doses, the following symptoms may be observed: rapid heartbeat, nausea, weakness. Also, very rarely, allergic-type skin reactions can develop.

It is not recommended to take if the patient is hypersensitive to this drug. Also, the use of Zorex is contraindicated if a person suffers from diseases associated with insufficient functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Overdose of the drug:

Exceeding the dose by several times (10 or more) can lead to convulsions, shortness of breath, a feeling of lethargy and lethargy. In this case, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, take a laxative and activated charcoal.

Interaction of Zorex with other drugs:

The simultaneous use of Zorex with products that contain toxic metals and alkalis leads to an increase in the rate of decomposition of the drug.

Storage conditions:

Zorex should be stored in a dark place, away from moisture. Temperature - no higher than 25 degrees Celsius. Children's access to the storage area must be limited.


Refers to combination drugs. Biotredin consists of L-threonine and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride). This remedy increases mental activity and normalizes the metabolic process. Helps relieve symptoms of acute alcohol poisoning and chronic alcohol dependence.

Indications for use:

  • Used to treat alcoholism in the chronic stage.
  • Constant craving for drinking alcohol.
  • A condition resulting from an abrupt cessation of alcohol intake (withdrawal syndrome).
  • Decreased mental abilities.

Directions for use and dosage:

To neutralize the craving for alcohol, 0.1-0.3 g of Biotredin is prescribed per dose. Take 4 times a day (5-7 days). The course of treatment can be repeated several times (7-10) a year.

To relieve alcohol withdrawal syndrome, up to 4 tablets can be prescribed. 4r/day. In subsequent days of therapy, the dose is reduced - 2 tablets. 3 rubles/day. Take for at least 1 month.

Contraindications for use:



The complex medicine Limontar consists of citric and succinic acids.

Helps normalize metabolic processes in body tissues. It has high antioxidant activity. Stimulates the release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, improves appetite. Relieves the symptoms of alcohol poisoning and increases the overall performance of the body.

Used to prevent alcohol intoxication. And also for withdrawal from binge drinking in chronic alcoholism.

Methods of application and dosage:

  • Limontar is intended for internal use. Used in the form of a suspension with water or juice.
  • For the purpose of preventive measures, take 0.25 g of the drug 1 hour before drinking alcohol.
  • For acute alcohol intoxication, use 0.25 g (number of doses - 4 times) every 2 hours.
  • When recovering from a drunken state, Limontar (0.25 g) is taken 4 times a day for 5 to 10 days.
  • Please note that when this drug is used simultaneously with tranquilizers or barbiturates, the pharmacological effect of the latter is reduced.

Side effect:

When taking Limontar, signs of increased blood pressure may occur: tinnitus, dizziness, headache in the back of the head. As well as the appearance of painful sensations in the stomach area.

The drug should be stored in a dark, dry place.


Pharmacological action:

The composition of the dietary supplement Yantavita is based on succinic acid, which has high adaptogenic properties. The action of Yantavit is aimed at strengthening the protective functions of the body, normalizing all metabolic processes, has an antihypoxic regenerative effect, and also improves the functioning of all organs and systems in cases of exposure to unfavorable factors.

Indications for use:

  • Stressful condition.
  • Physical or mental fatigue.
  • The period of treatment and rehabilitation of serious illnesses.
  • Acute poisoning by toxic elements, including alcohol).
  • Relieving hangover symptoms.

How to use and dosage:

For adults, the optimal dose per day is 1.0 g of the drug. Yantavit should be taken 1 tablet 2 times a day - morning and afternoon (during meals). You should not take it in the evening, as Yantavit has a tonic effect on the body. The duration of the course is at least 1 month. In the middle of the course of therapy (after 2 weeks), you need to take a break for 3 days. For good results, it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment every 3 months.



It has a high detoxification and hepatoprotective effect.

Activates liver enzymes alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, which are involved in the metabolism of ethanol, which leads to an acceleration of the process of elimination of ethanol and acetaldehyde.

Inhibits the formation of liver cirrhosis due to inhibition of the synthesis of fibronectin and collagen. Improves thinking and memory, reduces the risk of developing depressive disorders.

It is used in the treatment of alcoholism in acute and chronic stages. Also when undergoing a course of treatment for liver diseases caused by prolonged exposure to toxins on hepatocytes.

Pharmacological form of release: tablets, ampoules.

Directions for use: once orally (1 to 2 tablets), intravenously or intramuscularly (1-2 ampoules of 0.5 ml).

Contraindications for use:

Pregnancy, Parkinson's disease, hypersensitivity to the drug.


Pharmacological action:

Glycine calms the nervous system, improves mood and relieves depression. Stimulates mental abilities and improves sleep quality. Increases antitoxic activity in case of drug poisoning, as well as alcohol poisoning.

Indications for use:

  • Malaise and increased fatigue.
  • Sleep disturbances caused by increased nervous agitation.
  • Nervous disorders (also those caused by the long-term influence of alcohol).
  • Nervousness as a result of stressful situations.
  • Consequences of TBI.

What are the methods of use and dosage:

Glycine in tablet form is taken under the tongue (sublingual) or per cheek (buccal) 1 tablet. 3 rubles/day. The duration of the treatment course is at least 1 month. When treating diseases associated with alcohol addiction, the course of treatment is periodically repeated.

Glycine is contraindicated for children under 2 years of age, patients with low blood pressure, and people who are hypersensitive to this drug.

Names of anti-nausea pills for alcohol poisoning


It has a local anesthetic pharmacological effect.

Indications, for which the use is prescribed:

  • Spasmodic pain in the stomach area.
  • Nausea caused by alcohol poisoning.
  • Redness and itching of the skin.

Methods of use and dosage:

For internal use, anesthesin is used in the form of powder and tablets. For stomach pain or nausea, 0.3 g of the drug is prescribed with a frequency of use of 4 times a day. To relieve unpleasant symptoms of skin diseases, ointments and powders (5-10%) are used for external use.

Anesthesin is contraindicated in case of increased hypersensitivity to the drug.


This drug has a calming effect on the nervous system, as well as a reflex vasodilator effect on blood vessels. Thanks to the presence of menthol, it reduces the likelihood of developing a gag reflex.

Indications for use of the drug:

  • Ischemic heart diseases.
  • The occurrence of nausea and vomiting as a result of alcohol intoxication.
  • Increased nervousness, hysteria.

Methods of use and dosage:

Validol is available in tablet form (0.06 g) and in the form of a solution. Used sublingually - place 1 validol tablet under the tongue. You can also use a solution (5-6 drops). Due to this method of application, the pharmacological effect develops quite quickly.

Storage conditions:

Storage temperature - 20 degrees. If validol is stored in the form of a solution, then the bottles must be hermetically sealed.

Metoclopramide (Cerucal)


This drug has an antiemetic and antihiccup effect, and activates the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract. By blocking central and peripheral D2-dopamine receptors it has an antiemetic effect. It has a beneficial effect on the functional efficiency of the digestive tract.

Indications for which it is used:

  • Vomiting, nausea of ​​various origins, with the exception of vestibular etiology.
  • Acute and chronic stages of diseases of organs involved in digestive processes: flatulence, GERB, biliary dyskinesia.
  • Headache.
  • Diagnostic studies.

Methods of application and therapeutic doses:

This drug is intended for both internal and parenteral use.

Internal use: 1 tablet. 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

Parenteral use: 1 ampoule 2 times a day.

For diagnostic studies: 2 ampoules of metoclopramide (20 mg) are administered intravenously. Take 30 mg of the drug orally 20 minutes before the start of the procedure.

Side effect of the drug:

They occur extremely rarely. Sometimes you may feel drowsy. For this reason, it should be taken with caution by people who engage in activities that require maximum concentration. The effects of carcinogenicity and mutagenicity have been proven.

Metoclopramide should be stored in a dry, dark place. Keep away from children.

Anti-alcohol poisoning pills only make it easier to cope with a hangover. In case of acute intoxication, you first need to remove the person from the state of intoxication - flush the stomach or induce vomiting artificially. Only after this can medications be added. If you drink alcohol constantly and for a long time (chronic alcoholism), you should consult a narcologist. The best option is not to get carried away with strong drinks. Then pills for alcohol poisoning will not be needed, nor will visits to the doctor. Good health to you!

Alcohol poisoning treatment at home is a problem that worries everyone who at least occasionally drinks alcohol. No one is immune from a severe hangover. After all, even a small dose of alcohol sometimes leads to alcohol intoxication.

What is alcohol intoxication

Alcohol intoxication is poisoning with ethyl alcohol and its breakdown products. If you drink a small amount of alcohol, the liver easily processes harmful substances without consequences for the body. Minimum doses of alcoholic beverages are safe for health - 60 ml of vodka, 250 ml of wine or 650 ml of beer. However, few people stop at such marks, absorbing significantly larger amounts of alcohol. This leads to disruptions in the functioning of the body.

Particular stress is experienced by alcohol intoxication circulatory and nervous system.

The heart has to work harder. Brain activity suffers. There is clouding of consciousness, loss of coordination of movement. If the blood alcohol concentration exceeds 3%, severe abnormalities such as cardiac arrest and deep coma are possible.

Poisoning from low-quality alcoholic beverages

In some cases, even minimal doses of alcohol lead to intoxication. This happens due to the use of alcohol substitutes. Unscrupulous manufacturers, seeking to save on raw materials for alcoholic beverages, replace relatively safe ethanol with methyl, butyl, hydrolysis and sulfite alcohol. And some desperate lovers of strong drinks, in pursuit of a good mood, use cologne and paint industry products.

Even minimal doses of such drinks lead in some cases to death. While treatment at home is quite possible for ordinary alcohol poisoning, intoxication due to the use of low-quality drinks requires immediate hospitalization.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Signs of intoxication may appear some time after drinking strong drinks or the morning after a banquet. Before deciding what to do in case of alcohol poisoning, you should decide whether this is really a condition.

Headache and nausea do not indicate severe intoxication. These are signs of a mild hangover. In case of poisoning, more serious symptoms are observed:

  • continuous severe vomiting;
  • increased emotional activity;
  • impaired coordination of movements and speech;
  • inability to focus on one point;
  • pale skin;
  • rapid breathing;
  • interruptions in heart rhythm;
  • drop in body temperature and blood pressure;
  • constriction of the pupils;
  • convulsions;
  • persistent smell of ethanol when exhaling.

The presence of such signs indicates that the person is poisoned by alcohol and needs help.

First aid for alcohol intoxication

It is not always possible to relieve intoxication at home. To avoid irreversible consequences, you will have to call an ambulance. However, before the brigade arrives, it is necessary to provide first aid in case of poisoning. To do this, you need to know how to relieve alcohol intoxication.

First of all, you should empty your stomach of ethanol residues. The victim should be induced to vomit. To do this, he is given several glasses of lightly salted or acidified liquid at room temperature to drink. If it was not possible to rinse the stomach in this way, you need to press with two fingers at the base of the tongue. This procedure is repeated several times with short breaks.

If the poisoned person is unconscious, it will not be possible to rinse the stomach. Loosen all straps and fasteners on the victim's clothing and place him on his side with something under his head. It is important to ensure that the patient does not choke on vomit, overheat or become hypothermic.

Ammonia will help bring you to your senses and not prevent loss of consciousness during intoxication. A piece of cotton wool is moistened with the composition and given to the victim to smell. If the condition of the poisoned person worsens, it is necessary to take emergency measures - artificial respiration and cardiac massage.

Video - Alcohol poisoning: what to do? First aid!

How to treat alcohol poisoning

In most cases, gastric lavage significantly alleviates the symptoms of intoxication. But after this, treatment for alcohol poisoning should be continued. Some people believe that the best remedy is a hangover. However, you should remember: getting rid of intoxication with vodka is dangerous.

Treatment of alcohol toxicosis includes the following measures:

  • Normalization of water-salt balance. Gastric lavage has a positive effect on the condition of a victim of alcohol poisoning. However, persistent vomiting, which is sometimes accompanied by diarrhea, causes dehydration. Therefore, in case of intoxication, it is important to restore the water-salt balance.
  • Removing ethanol breakdown products from the body. After gastric lavage, harmful substances still remain in the body, acting as poison on the internal organs of a person. Enterosorbents will help remove them, the simplest and most accessible of which is activated carbon. You should drink it at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
  • Restoration of intestinal microflora. Along with toxic substances, beneficial bacteria are removed from the intestines, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. Therefore, a number of measures to eliminate the consequences of alcohol intoxication include the use of agents that restore microflora. These include Linex, Bifiform, Enterol and other drugs.
  • Symptomatic treatment. The consequences of intoxication can be different: tremors, headache, heaviness in the chest and disruption of the heart. Depending on the symptoms, appropriate medications are prescribed. The general condition of the victim will be alleviated by anti-hangover drugs - Alka-Seltzer, Zorex, effervescent tablets Alcaprim, Antipohmelin and many others.

What to do if you have severe vomiting

When intoxicated, the body is especially at risk of dehydration. When a person vomits, the water-salt balance in the body is disrupted. To restore it, you should drink a lot of fluids. This can be mineral water or water with lemon juice. Vitamin C also has a positive effect on the patient’s condition during alcohol poisoning.

It is useful to drink Regidron. It is sold in pharmacies in powder form. The contents of the sachet are dissolved in a liter of plain water and drunk in small sips. You can prepare such a remedy yourself. To do this, mix half a teaspoon of salt, the same amount of soda and 4 tablespoons of sugar. Salt, alkali and glucose help restore normal body functions.

In some cases it may be necessary. If the nausea does not stop and the condition cannot be alleviated, you cannot do without a drip. It can be installed at home, but only a specialist can do it.

Treatment of alcohol intoxication with folk remedies

After the first symptoms of intoxication have been removed, folk remedies are used to treat alcohol poisoning. Herbal decoctions help well, but choose them with caution, since many plants contain poisons that can aggravate the situation.

Mint, horsetail, lemon balm, tansy and chamomile help relieve alcohol intoxication. Decoctions are prepared from them or simply pour boiling water over the dried plants and leave for several minutes.

Helps with poisoning honey water. Fructose, which is part of it, restores strength and improves tone. This medicine is easy to prepare. Honey is dissolved in half a liter of water. The more beekeeping product in the liquid, the better. Chopped ginger root is also added to the composition. It is useful for hangovers.

Potato starch is useful for alcohol poisoning. One spoon of the product is dissolved in a glass of water and drunk in small portions. Starch draws out poison and toxins from the body. It has long been known that after a banquet, brine, preferably cabbage, relieves a hangover. It restores the water-salt balance and contains a large amount of vitamin C.

What is prohibited in case of alcohol poisoning

In order not to worsen the condition of a person poisoned by ethanol, it is not recommended:

  • Move actively– the victim must be ensured peace.
  • Place the patient on his back– he may lose consciousness and choke on vomit
  • Take laxatives– this contributes to dehydration.
  • Eat fatty foods– for some time after poisoning, it is necessary to adhere to a diet so as not to burden the liver and stomach.
  • Self-medicate if your condition worsens– in some cases it is impossible to do without the help of doctors. Only hospitalization will help you fully recover.

How to prevent alcohol poisoning

Alcohol intoxication is a serious illness that sometimes even leads to death. It is better to avoid this condition, since it is very difficult to cope with it and restore the functioning of the body.

You can prevent poisoning by taking several tablets of activated carbon or another pharmaceutical prescribed for this before the banquet. You should not drink strong drinks on an empty stomach. They eat plenty of fatty foods.
It is not recommended to drink alcohol with carbonated drinks. For these purposes, use fruit drink, compote juice or plain water. It is better to avoid smoking during the banquet altogether.

And most importantly, you should control the quality of alcohol consumed and its quantity. Only this guarantees protection against intoxication. Minimum doses of high-quality alcohol will improve your mood and will not disable your body.

Alcohol poisoning is a set of signs characterizing the intoxication of the body, in which the main toxic factor is ethyl alcohol and its breakdown products. In addition to ethyl alcohol, poisoning can be caused by methylene, butylene and isopropyl, but they are less likely to enter the human body.

The cause of alcohol poisoning is most often an overdose caused by excessive consumption of strong alcoholic beverages or their low-quality analogues. If symptoms of poisoning are observed when consuming low-alcohol drinks or alcohol substitutes, they cannot always be attributed to alcohol intoxication. Since such products contain foreign substances toxic to the body (acetone, methylene, etc.). It is worth noting that it is under the influence of this type of drink that the greatest number of poisonings occur.

The intensity with which symptoms of alcohol poisoning appear depends on the level of ethyl alcohol in the patient’s blood. As a rule, signs are detected gradually, intensifying over time. The general group of symptoms of alcohol poisoning can be divided into primary and secondary signs, according to which the severity of intoxication, first aid measures and further treatment are determined.

Primary signs of the effects of alcohol

Primary signs include changes in the patient's behavior and appearance. In fact, it is precisely due to the manifestation of this group of symptoms that alcohol has become so popular among the masses. When drinking alcoholic beverages, a person undergoes the following types of changes:

  • signs of emotional arousal appear;
  • there is liveliness in movements;
  • experiences a feeling of euphoria (distance from pressing problems, relaxation);
  • loquaciousness appears, and categoricalness appears in speech;
  • the skin (in some places or completely) turns red from a rush of blood;
  • pupils dilate;
  • sweating increases.

A list of primary symptoms can be observed in a person who has consumed even a small amount of alcohol. This is not a cause for serious concern until secondary signs of poisoning are added to the existing symptoms.

Secondary signs of alcohol intoxication

When drinking a significant amount of alcohol, alcohol and its metabolic products are absorbed into the blood through the walls of the stomach. This has a serious impact on the central nervous system, which, first of all, provokes brain poisoning with alcohol and affects the control and regulatory functions of the brain.

This is reflected in behavior as a transition to the instinctive level. Under the influence of a large amount of alcoholic drinks, a person begins to behave with overt aggression or sexuality, and the level of intelligence noticeably decreases. It is difficult for a drunk to coordinate the movements of his own body, which is manifested in a corresponding gait and other signs.

Symptoms of severe alcohol poisoning

Alcohol poisoning in severe form occurs when there are disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system (respiratory center). Thus, when a severe stage of intoxication occurs, communication and coordination are lost in speech and movements, hearing deteriorates, and a person stops responding to most external stimuli. A further increase in blood alcohol concentration is fraught with the onset of more severe conditions, such as alcoholic coma.

Types of alcohol surrogates

Since poisoning with alcohol surrogates is the most common type of household intoxication, it is worth understanding what types of such drinks exist. Alcohol surrogates mean drinks and other liquids, which, in addition to ethyl alcohol, include non-food additives and highly toxic alcohols. The most common surrogates consumed as drinks are:

  • BF glue;
  • denatured alcohol;
  • hygiene products (lotion, cologne, etc.);
  • wood alcohol;
  • ethanol;
  • antifreeze;
  • brake fluid.

This list concerns industrially produced products. However, in addition to those listed, there are also handicraft-produced drinks, the so-called “scorched vodka”. This is alcohol produced under conditions that do not meet the technological requirements for obtaining a quality product. It can even be sold under the guise of well-known brands. The level of fusel oils, which provoke intoxication, in such products significantly exceeds the norm, which leads to alcohol poisoning.

Also, the cause of many alcohol poisoning is often moonshine, a homemade product. In its manufacture, the main goal is to obtain the highest concentration of alcohol, and not acceptable quality.

Medicines deserve special attention. In this case, we mean alcohol tinctures, produced both independently and industrially. Abuse of such drugs is often also fraught with poisoning.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

Alcohol poisoning is an extremely dangerous condition, especially in severe form. For this reason, it is important to understand what to do at home (what to take, what pills to take, what medicine is effective) if intoxication occurs.

Help when observing alcohol poisoning includes two equally important stages: first aid and calling an ambulance. We will talk about the first stage and the prerequisites for the second stage below.

Help for alcohol poisoning at home

When providing assistance to a patient in a state of alcohol poisoning, it is important to return him to consciousness and cleanse the body. This also applies to situations when the patient is conscious, but there is general weakness of the body, a state of lethargy and drowsiness.

To clear consciousness, ammonia is used at home and in hospital settings. To achieve the goal, a cotton swab is moistened in ammonia and brought to the patient’s nose so that he feels the pungent odor of the liquid. You can also use strong tea or sobering drinks available in pharmacies for this purpose.

Cleansing the body involves removing alcohol that has not yet been absorbed from the digestive tract and then getting rid of toxins. For this purpose the following are used:

  • baking soda solution;
  • potassium permanganate solution (potassium permanganate).

Baking soda solution

To prepare the solution, you will need to dissolve a teaspoon (without a slide) of baking soda in one liter of cold boiled water. The patient needs to drink the entire volume of liquid in small sips. Then, having provoked a gag reflex by pressing the spoon on the base of the tongue, you need to ensure that the consumed liquid comes out along with the remaining alcohol.

Activated carbon

A well-known and widespread budget means of combating various types of poisoning, including alcoholic ones. The usual dose of charcoal for intoxication of the body is one tablet per 10 kilograms of the patient’s weight, however, in the case of alcohol, regardless of weight, you can take up to two tablets (20 pieces). The tablets are swallowed one at a time and washed down with plenty of water.

Potassium permanganate solution

A liter of cold boiled water requires a few grams of potassium permanganate (at the tip of a knife). The water should take on a pale pink tint. As with the soda solution, you need to drink all the liquid and induce vomiting.

The listed remedies are relevant when the patient is at least conscious and able to control his body. If a person who has been poisoned by alcohol is unable to swallow or has completely lost consciousness, his condition must be monitored until the ambulance arrives. This implies, first of all, breathing control, including preventing the tongue from sticking in and vomit from entering the respiratory tract. Also, taking into account the fact that in case of ethyl alcohol poisoning, the human body quickly consumes heat, it is necessary to prevent hypothermia by wrapping the patient in a warm blanket until the doctors arrive.

In what cases should you call an ambulance?

It is not always possible to understand in what cases qualified medical assistance is needed in case of alcohol poisoning. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the patient’s condition, and if it worsens, immediately go to the hospital. The dynamics of the manifestation of deterioration may be different, however, if at least a few signs appear, you need to urgently call an ambulance. These signs include:

  • loss of consciousness by the patient;
  • a noticeable decrease in temperature indicators;
  • the presence of sticky cold sweat;
  • a sharp manifestation of unhealthy skin color (extreme pallor or redness);
  • poorly defined rapid pulse;
  • uncontrolled release of urine and feces;
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • manifestation of muscle cramps;
  • intense headache;
  • pain in the peritoneum;
  • presence of blood in vomit and feces.

Alcohol poisoning can cause the death of a patient as a result of disruption of the heart, respiratory system, hypothermia or other symptoms. This indicates the importance of timely provision of first aid and calling doctors. Any delay can cause complications. To avoid this, it is important to take the patient’s condition seriously.

Complications of alcohol poisoning

Complications from alcohol poisoning include impairment of consciousness and vital body functions. Thus, loss of consciousness can turn into a coma if the patient is not provided with appropriate assistance in a timely manner.

Other complications from alcohol poisoning include breathing problems manifested in tongue retraction, bronchorrhea, trismus of masticatory muscles, and the consequences of vomit entering the respiratory tract (hypersalivation). Long-term intoxication also contributes to the development of acute renal failure.

Coma after drinking alcohol

As mentioned above, loss of consciousness due to alcohol poisoning can lead to a coma. There are three main stages of this condition depending on their severity and manifestation: superficial coma, moderate coma, deep coma.

Superficial coma

With a superficial coma, the patient reacts to light (the pupils constrict) and the smell of ammonia (wrinkles and pushes away with his hands). At the same time, despite the actions performed, he does not regain consciousness and does not respond to other external stimuli.

To eliminate this condition, a gastric lavage procedure is performed, in which a gastric tube is used. Most often, this is enough to restore the patient's consciousness.

Moderate coma

The onset of moderate coma is characterized by relaxation of muscle tissue. In this case, the patient practically does not react to the smell of ammonia and does not regain consciousness after gastric lavage.

To recover from a moderate coma, the patient must be sent to the toxicology department. Only when, under the influence of drugs, the body is cleansed of poisons, there are chances for the return of consciousness.

Deep coma

Deep coma is manifested by the absence (complete) of tendon reflexes, zero reaction of the pupils to light, and convulsive contractions of muscle tissue are observed. The reaction to ammonia, pain and other external stimuli is completely absent. As in the case of a moderate coma, it is necessary to hospitalize the patient in the toxicology department for treatment in a hospital setting.

What to do after alcohol poisoning

Treatment of alcohol poisoning includes an extensive course of rehabilitation, helping the patient to restore both physical health and memory, and moral well-being. This recovery course includes three main stages.

Ethyl alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages is considered one of the strongest poisons, which has a negative effect on the human central nervous system. According to statistics, more than 60% of fatal poisonings occur in cases of alcoholic beverages that greatly exceed the permissible dose or are of inappropriate quality. Depending on the strength of the drink, each of them - beer, wine, vodka, cognac and others - has conditionally safe consumption standards, exceeding which can result in alcohol poisoning and other complications.

You can cope with poisoning in cases of mild to moderate intoxication at home using the folk recipes given in this article, however, in cases of severe intoxication, a doctor should provide assistance to the victim.


One of the signs of alcohol poisoning is clouding of consciousness

In medicine, there is no concept of “mild intoxication” or a harmless dose of alcohol, therefore any degree of intoxication is considered poisoning; accordingly, a feeling of lightness, joy and euphoria, which is why many drink alcoholic beverages, are also signs of intoxication.

However, when talking about more serious symptoms of severe alcohol poisoning, it is necessary to pay attention to speech: it becomes slurred, confused, and it is difficult for a person to formulate thoughts and express them. All movements, gestures, facial expressions slow down, become uncoordinated, the pupils dilate, the headache intensifies, nausea and vomiting appear - the body tries to cleanse itself of the poison. The most extreme degree is loss of consciousness, also called “alcoholic coma.”

In some cases - with alcohol intolerance - a person, even with small doses, may begin to experience auditory and visual hallucinations, aggression, anxiety or fear. This state, as a rule, ends with a sudden sleep, after which the person does not remember anything.

Alcohol poisoning usually continues for several days with headache, weakness, indigestion and stomach pain. Chronic use leads to irreversible changes in the brain, micro-strokes, the development of liver cirrhosis and hepatitis, the development of central nervous system diseases and others.

First aid

In case of alcohol poisoning, it is necessary to rinse the stomach using any known method.

To quickly alleviate the condition of a poisoned person, it is necessary to reduce the degree of intoxication. The most effective way is to lavage the stomach - drink several glasses of water, and then induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue. Repeat this procedure up to 4-5 times so that the vomit contains only drunk water. Next, you need to sit or lay the poisoned person in a comfortable position and apply a cold compress to the head, drink strong, sweet black tea, and then give any sorbent (Smecta or Filtrum) or activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet. by 10 kg. weight.

If you lose consciousness, you must immediately call an ambulance, and before it arrives, if possible, bring the victim back to consciousness. – give him a sniff of cotton wool soaked in ammonia, lay him on his side, providing an influx of fresh air.

In case of respiratory arrest, it is necessary to use resuscitation methods - cardiac massage and artificial respiration.

Interestingly, in Belgium they brew beer with an alcohol content of 1.5%, intended for consumption at breakfast and lunch. Until 1970, such beer was sold even in school canteens, but gradually it was replaced by sweet soda. Today in the country there are many supporters of the return of beer to educational institutions, since it is recognized as healthier than a sugar-containing drink.

Decoctions and teas

Herbal decoctions help reduce symptoms of poisoning

Homemade teas and herbal infusions help relieve the symptoms of alcohol poisoning and remove toxins from the body.

Tea from marshmallow leaves is prepared at the rate of two tablespoons per two glasses of boiling water. Infuse the tea for at least 4 hours, strain before drinking. Take the medicine throughout the day, divided into 4 doses.

Ginger tea, which is prepared from 1 tablespoon of ground root per glass of water, will help restore strength and good health. Leave for half an hour and drink as often as possible, replacing regular water with it.

A decoction of chamomile, which is prepared at the rate of two dessert spoons per 300 ml. water will help get rid of headaches and nausea due to alcohol poisoning. Heat the broth over the fire for 15 minutes, then cool slightly and filter. You need to take the medicine as often as possible, replacing regular tea with it.

Fresh juices

Fresh orange juice will reduce headaches and nausea due to alcohol poisoning

Experts say that one of the most effective folk remedies to help get rid of alcohol poisoning is celery root juice. It should be taken one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Freshly squeezed orange juice is an excellent detoxifier, so doctors recommend drinking it for alcohol poisoning accompanied by headaches. If you drink juice during a feast, the symptoms of a hangover will be minimal.

Diluted lemon juice is also effective for headaches caused by excessive alcohol consumption. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass of water and add a teaspoon of sugar. Drink the juice slowly, but at one time.


Brine will help restore salt balance and replenish fluid loss in the body due to alcohol intoxication

One of the most common and effective ways to overcome a hangover is to drink pickle juice. This drink allows you not only to completely replenish the lack of water in the body, but also to normalize the salt balance and restore the osmotic pressure of the blood.

Cucumber and tomato brine or mild marinade are suitable for treatment. And the best of them is considered to be sauerkraut brine. To alleviate the condition, one glass of brine in the morning is enough.

Other means

Bananas and natural yogurt are effective hangover remedies

To improve your condition after drinking alcohol, treat headaches, and discomfort in the stomach, you need to eat two or three bananas. It contains a large amount of potassium, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and also normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Natural yogurt has the same effect.

A chicory drink will help quickly relieve dizziness and nausea. It tastes like coffee, and the substances contained in chicory help remove toxins from the body.

What not to do

If you have alcohol intoxication, you should not give alcohol-containing drinks to a person.

A person with moderate to severe intoxication needs help, but it must be timely, safe and adequate.

  • rinse the stomach of an unconscious person, since vomit can enter the respiratory system, causing asphyxia;
  • place the person on their back as they may choke on their own vomit;
  • send a person under a cold shower: at the time of poisoning, the body’s thermoregulation is disrupted, and, most likely, the victim is already shivering from the cold;
  • force a person to move, since all organs work to the limit, and unnecessary movements can lead to their damage;
  • leave the person alone, because at this moment breathing may stop, convulsions or vomiting may begin, he may fall and hit himself.


The best way to avoid ethanol poisoning is to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

The most important and effective rule is to stop drinking alcoholic beverages altogether. However, if a noisy feast or a fun holiday is expected, there are several simple rules to avoid alcohol intoxication:

  • do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach;
  • do not drink alcoholic beverages if you have any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, cardiovascular system, or if you are stressed or overworked;
  • give up alcohol while taking medications - antibiotics, antidepressants, painkillers, sedatives, etc.;
  • eat a hearty meal before drinking alcohol;
  • have a snack after each dose, giving preference to protein foods;
  • drink one drink without combining;
  • if you have to drink different drinks, then it is better to adhere to the rule of increasing the degree;
  • Drink only high-quality alcohol.

Many different methods and techniques will help get rid of any manifestation of alcohol intoxication, and a timely called doctor or rescue service will provide the necessary assistance to the poisoned person. However, even the most qualified assistance may not always be timely. Therefore, for a healthy, fulfilling and happy life, it is better to abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages altogether.