Anastasia Tikhanovich: Maybe I’ve lost weight because I don’t look at the scales? Tikhanovich and Poplavskaya: Family history of the famous “Veras” Tikhanovich Anastasia about her musical childhood

This event was truly significant, because if a boy had been born into the family of Yadwiga’s mother and Sasha’s father, the young father would have had to shave off one mustache. This is exactly what he was going to do if on December 23, 1980, instead of Nastyusha, some eccentric boy would appear. The birth of a girl saved the situation, and dad was left with a mustache!

From the age of 4, Nastya learned with interest the intricacies of playing the piano, and when she turned 6, she sang a song about “Chunga-Changa” and entered the 9th music school. True, after a couple of years the school was replaced by the Republican Lyceum, and later by the College of Arts on Makayonka Street. The walls of her native school saw not only strict exams in piano playing and other musical sciences, but also numerous performances by Nastya Tikhanovich at school concerts and skits.

My school years flew by quickly. Later, at the concert of the ONT TV channel "School Line", Anastasia Tikhanovich, together with her classmate Yaroslav Neverkovich (pianist of the Presidential Orchestra of Belarus), remembering their school days, performed their version of the famous jazz hit, called "Odnoklassniki".

The next page of the biography is the Institute of Modern Knowledge and Faculty of Arts. Learning the difficult craft of a producer, Anastasia Tikhanovich begins work on her first songs and prepares to perform at the festival of national song and poetry in Molodechno, where for the first time, accompanied by the State Concert Orchestra of Belarus under the direction of Professor, People's Artist of the Republic of Belarus M. Ya. Finberg, a ballad to the music of Vladimir was performed Domaratsky and the words of Leonid Pronchak “Pabudzi myane”. This was followed by the “Golden Hit” festival in Mogilev, where Anastasia, together with Y. Poplavskaya and A. Tikhanovich, performed one of their hits, the song “Only You” (music by Y. Poplavskaya, lyrics by G. Buravkin).

The TV competition "Hit Moment" brought Anastasia Tikhanovich victory in the nomination "For Charm and Artistry", and the song "Razvitanne" (music by Y. Poplavskaya, lyrics by L. Pronchak) became a finalist in the "Hit Moment". At the television competition “At the Crossroads of Europe,” Anastasia Tikhanovich was awarded a special award “Hope,” and the song “For Happiness Half the World” (music by Sergei Zhdanovich - lyrics by Mikhail Kozhukh) became a finalist in this television competition. So the beginning of the new century was marked by Nastya’s participation in numerous festivals, competitions and concert programs.

On May 16, 2003, in the Holy Spirit Cathedral, the servant of God Anastasia married the servant of God Dmitry, and some time later, on one of the Minsk evenings, baby John, aka Vanya, Vanyushka or Ivan Dmitrievich, was born.

At the beginning of 2005, Anastasia Tikhanovich decided to seriously engage in navigation and engineering in the field of television. Soon a new musical project, “Star Stagecoach,” appeared on the screens of the STV channel.

Currently, Anastasia Tikhanovich is working on new song compositions and projects.

Best of the day

Self made man

On a frosty December evening, a bright lamp was burning in one of the Minsk windows until late, and those who were on the other side of the window clearly could not sleep. The thing is that it was on this day that a girl was born, who was later named Nastenka in honor of her great-grandmother.

This event was truly significant, because if a boy had been born into the family of Yadwiga’s mother and Sasha’s father, the young father would have had to shave off one mustache. This is exactly what he was going to do if on December 23, 1980, instead of Nastyusha, some eccentric boy would appear. The birth of a girl saved the situation, and dad was left with a mustache!

From the age of 4, Nastya learned with interest the intricacies of playing the piano, and when she turned 6, she sang a song about “Chunga-Changa” and entered the 9th music school. True, after a couple of years the school was replaced by the Republican Lyceum, and later by the College of Arts on Makayonka Street. The walls of my native school saw not only strict exams in piano playing and other musical sciences, but also many

Numerous performances by Nastya Tikhanovich at school concerts and skits.

My school years flew by quickly. Later, at the concert of the ONT TV channel "School Line", Anastasia Tikhanovich, together with her classmate Yaroslav Neverkovich (pianist of the Presidential Orchestra of Belarus), remembering their school days, performed their version of the famous jazz hit, called "Odnoklassniki".

The next page of the biography is the Institute of Modern Knowledge and Faculty of Arts. Learning the difficult craft of producer, Anastasia Tikhanovich begins work on her first songs and prepares to perform at the national song and poetry festival in Molodechno, where for the first time she will be accompanied by the state concert orchestra

Belarus under the direction of Professor, People's Artist of the Republic of Belarus M. Ya. Finberg, a ballad was performed to the music of Vladimir Domaratsky and the words of Leonid Pronchak “Pabudzi myane”. This was followed by the “Golden Hit” festival in Mogilev, where Anastasia, together with Y. Poplavskaya and A. Tikhanovich, performed one of their hits, the song “Only You” (music by Y. Poplavskaya, lyrics by G. Buravkin).

The TV competition "Hit Moment" brought Anastasia Tikhanovich victory in the nomination "For Charm and Artistry", and the song "Razvitanne" (music by Y. Poplavskaya, lyrics by L. Pronchak) became a finalist in the "Hit Moment". At the television competition "At the Crossroads of Europe" Anastasia Tikhanovich was awarded a special award "Hope", and the song "For Happiness Half the World" (music by Sergei Zhdanovich - lyrics.

Mikhail Kozhukh) became a finalist of this television competition. So the beginning of the new century was marked by Nastya’s participation in numerous festivals, competitions and concert programs.

On May 16, 2003, in the Holy Spirit Cathedral, the servant of God Anastasia married the servant of God Dmitry, and some time later, on one of the Minsk evenings, baby John, aka Vanya, Vanyushka or Ivan Dmitrievich, was born.

At the beginning of 2005, Anastasia Tikhanovich decided to seriously engage in navigation and engineering in the field of television. Soon a new musical project, “Star Stagecoach,” appeared on the screens of the STV channel.

Currently, Anastasia Tikhanovich is working on new song compositions and projects.

Almost two years have passed since the death of the Belarusian singer Alexander Tikhanovich (in Soviet times he was a soloist of the popular ensemble “Verasy”). But his family still hasn’t come to terms with the fact that the legendary musician is no longer around.

Alexander Tikhonovich and Yadviga Poplavskaya with daughter Anastasia // editorial archive

Anastasia Tikhanovich followed in the footsteps of her famous parents. She is a singer, performs in her native Belarus, Interlocutor.

– I am happy that I was born into such a wonderful family! - says Anastasia. “Dad and mom often toured, but they didn’t forget about me, they tried to spend all their free time with me. Probably, looking at them, I myself wanted to study music. I started when I was four years old. Even my school was not ordinary, but with a musical bias. Classmates and teachers knew very well that my parents were famous artists. And they always took it calmly. We had a very friendly class, we studied music around the clock. My classmates also became famous musicians in Belarus, and we often meet with them backstage. Perhaps there was talk behind my back about some kind of protection from my parents, but I never paid attention to them. I understood that this exists in many areas... My parents loved and spoiled me endlessly. Dad has always played the role of gingerbread in our family. Mom was more strict, but I am grateful to her for that. Because any whip is very useful, especially in childhood.

In 2000, trouble came to their family. The head of the family was given a terrible diagnosis, and then he battled cancer for seven whole years. Anastasia knew that her father was seriously ill. But until the last moment I hoped for a miracle. Unfortunately, it did not happen - in January 2017, the 64-year-old musician passed away.

“Dad’s departure is a very difficult test for our family,” Nastya sighs. “But with God’s help we cope both in life and on stage. Of course, we miss him very much. He was a bright man and loved everyone around him infinitely. He was never offended or envious of anyone. These qualities were alien to him. Even in the last years of his life, which were very difficult for him due to illness, he felt like a happy person. And I am extremely pleased that the people I meet now say only good things about him. He helped many and gave joy. Agree, in our world this happens very rarely.

There was talk that after the death of her husband Yadviga Poplavskaya We can end our career. After all, the audience is accustomed to seeing them on stage together. The famous composer Eduard Hanok added fuel to the fire. A few months after Tikhanovich’s death, he unexpectedly forbade Poplavskaya from performing their famous hit, “Malinovka.” The official version is due to a violation of his copyright. Hunk did not like that the artist did not mention his name during her performances. According to Nastya, the conflict was resolved only recently - caring people helped, who paid the composer several tens of thousands of euros. But since then, Hanok and Jadwiga no longer communicate. Not without the participation of a third party.

“Mom continues to perform and give concerts, but now solo,” says Nastya. “She had no idea of ​​leaving the stage after her dad’s death. She never told anyone that she would no longer sing. After all, music is not just her profession, but a way of life. What fills her. Mom understands that with the help of music and her talent she serves people and gives them positive emotions.

Spectators still receive Poplavskaya very warmly. And every time they express sympathy for the death of their beloved spouse.

“The relationship between mom and dad was ideal,” says Nastya. “I would like to wish every girl a husband like my father.” The kind of person you can always trust, who will always love you and support you in everything! When you love and understand that being apart will be much worse for you. My parents proved that love is not about butterflies in the stomach, but about giving each other a lot.

Anastasia Tikhanovich herself is busy not only with the stage, but also with raising her son. This year Ivan went to ninth grade. Nastya says that her son has been making her happy with his successes lately.

“His grades at school have become much better,” the singer smiles. - Of course, we all help him. Last year, for example, they hired him a math tutor. But the son himself realized that he needed to improve in other subjects. Not only does he study with us, he also plays hockey, and also recently completed seven years at a music school. So, perhaps he will continue our musical dynasty. Mom and I hope so.

Now Yadviga Poplavskaya and Anastasia Tikhanovich are thinking about perpetuating the memory of their famous relative. It is possible that a museum named after Alexander Tikhanovich.

“We have been offered more than once to bring this idea to life,” continues Nastya. “Perhaps we should take this seriously.” Although dad was a very modest person in life, not an armchair person at all, I would like my dad’s name to be immortalized in some way.

Dmitry Ilyinsky

At the end of January, one of the most famous Belarusian artists, Alexander Tikhanovich, passed away. But the production center, which was headed by Alexander Grigorievich, is still working - his daughter Anastasia continues his business. spoke with the singer and producer about nepotism on the Belarusian stage, soulful performances in small towns, sky-high money for big hits, and also about “Malinovka,” which is no longer performed at concerts.

“The Minsk Rammstein concert is one of my favorites”

- You recently returned from vacation. Where did you vacation?

Yes, there was a short-term vacation. I was in Georgia. Tbilisi is my favorite city after Minsk. Every time I come there, I never get tired of walking along these incredible streets and trying the most delicious cuisine in the world, enjoying the warmth and amazing atmosphere. There are cities that you want to return to.

- As I understand it, your schedule is quite busy.

I joked that I arrived from the ship to the ball, because the next day after returning we had a concert in Liozno as part of the “About the Main Thing” tour with Alena Lanskaya, then we immediately went to Gomel with the “Touching Life” project - the organizers did this marathon through the cities of Belarus, and I am very pleased that Dmitry Korolev and I were offered to participate in it. And yesterday we congratulated medical workers on their professional holiday and one of our largest sanatoriums “Krynitsa” on its 95th anniversary.

- If you do the math, how many concerts do you have a year?

I never counted, because it is very difficult: in addition to the actual concerts in which I participate, we also organize events. It was very pleasant that at the last Lira award our production center received an award as the best concert organizer - then it was estimated that we held more than 200 events in a year.

From the outside it looked strange, because there are large concert agencies - they bring Depeche Mode, Rammstein, Robbie Williams here.

The fact is that these organizations were not among the nominees: the number of events was probably important. You won’t be able to hold Rammstein or Elton John-level concerts every day. It's quite difficult. Of course, there are organizations that have been successfully bringing artists to the country for many years: it is great that Belarusian audiences have the opportunity to see world-famous artists.

“The Minsk Rammstein concert is one of my favorites, because it is the coolest show. But, probably, the task was to understand who is organizing concert programs in the country and doing them in large numbers. Coincidentally, that year was very fruitful.”

- After Alexander Grigorievich passed away, who took over the leadership of the production center?

- Are you coping?

The fact is that throughout my life there have been people next to me from whom I could endlessly learn. I remember I had just graduated from college in 2003 when serious projects began - “Star Stagecoach”, “Hit Moment”, “Eurofest”. I learned wisdom from my dad, from Dmitry Baranov - a wonderful, strong producer, who, unfortunately, is no longer with us either.

Sometimes situations happen in life when you need to make some kind of decision: you really want what has been invested here - years of enormous work and creativity - to continue and work, so that there is some kind of continuity. Alexander Grigorievich helped young performers a lot: he endlessly came up with ideas and projects. He was a man of energy, and being next to him, you were charged with all this. And to begin with, I had to delve into some things that I simply had not thought about before.

- For example?

These are moments not related to creativity - just the life of any organization. Any paperwork. Although in any business you are not a warrior alone in the field, and the most valuable thing for me is the people who have been working nearby for many years: we have gathered here as a team.

This is indeed a very difficult time for us: we had to think about a lot, accept some facts and get used to some things. But there are wonderful people nearby - this is very important in creative work, because not all projects are associated with financial gain. You often have to work for an idea, and finding like-minded people who will be there and believe in you is quite difficult. It's good that they exist.

There was a period when television projects took up a lot of my time, and I was very worried that I could not fully devote myself to what I loved - being on stage, singing. We bring laughter and joy to people. But then I made a decision: it was time to take up the stage in full force. Purpose is a big word, but you feel like you are doing what you love.

“I can play Metallica with a symphony orchestra or listen to Nirvana”

- You’re talking about purpose... Have you ever been upset by the fact that you are doing pop songs?

I have a very broad musical taste - I am a music lover by nature and in my music library I keep completely different music.

- For example? What's on your player now?

I just returned from Georgia, so I have Georgian songs there. I discovered many interesting performers - something very suitable for the soul. In general, one of my favorite albums is “Again” by Ella Fitzgerald and Joe Pass.

“If I’m in the mood, I can listen to Metallica with a symphony orchestra - I’m eating and singing along. Yesterday we listened to Carlos Santana, sometimes we turned on “Unplugged in New York” by Nirvana, and sometimes Julio Iglesias. There is too much of this music - depending on your mood you turn on this or that.”

Why a pop song... It's hard to say. You see, we have been touring a lot lately - first with Vanya Buslay, now with Alena Lanskaya. I meet with the audience and realize that we did the right things: besides Minsk, there are many small places where there have been no artists for a very long time. And for me this is an opportunity to sing with ordinary people, to give them a joyful moment: so that a person can come and take his mind off his problems. But it doesn’t all end with the Belarusian stage: there is simply not enough time to organize everything into a separate project. But there were such moments - we made a great duet with the group “No Panic”. I sometimes attend their concerts, and the guys call me on stage - we perform the beautiful rock ballad “Fingers”. I also love singing in projects with an orchestra.

- But it all comes down to money, right?

No, not all. I believe that here you need to clearly plan something and really want it. Of course, the financial issue is important: in the store they won’t give you a piece of sausage for free. But somewhere we just don’t want something badly enough, because if we try hard, everything happens miraculously. You just need to do something and not sit still. Although I generally don’t like to talk about finances: we don’t have a completely correct idea of ​​the life of an ordinary Belarusian artist.

- Describe what she is like?

Here, for example, is an ordinary box office concert. What it is? This is when people buy tickets, and your earnings depend on how many people come to the concert. Today the situation is quite complicated not only here, but also in other countries - it’s all connected with the standard of living and people’s earnings. A ticket to a concert of a Belarusian artist costs 10 rubles, for some it costs 15. This money is received not only by the artist, but also by the venue, sound engineer, technical workers, ballet, musicians, administrators, concert directors, and drivers. In order to assemble a small hall, many people need to work hard. Posters, media, platform...

- …unions.

I don't understand why this causes such a reaction. How are New Year's parties selling? This is the same distribution of tickets, it does not happen by order. There’s just an offer: they come to you and say that there will be a concert at such and such a time, would you like to buy a ticket?

We have never done concerts under compulsion. In general, you can find a lot of videos from our events on the Internet; they show how the artists are received by the public. I think that if people are forced to be sent somewhere, they will not see you off with applause, give you flowers, or write thanks on social networks. I don’t understand why you need to constantly prove that you’re standing here for a reason?

- You are a public figure.

I’m talking in general about Belarusian artists and the skeptical attitude towards them.

-Where do you think it comes from?

I think it's not just about the artists. We are just not used to loving ourselves. Sometimes it seems to us that someone else's is better - this does not only apply to music. But there is a point that is not related to the material aspect - this is already a question of self-awareness. I think we need to be more proud of the country, history, culture and its achievements. They may be small, but they are ours.

- What achievements of Belarusian popular music over the past five years can you highlight?

Since I am involved in television, I can say that in terms of entertainment projects we have stepped far forward. Of course, now there is a huge amount of everything that can be seen - with effects, bells and whistles... Our artists are used to being compared with Western, Russian or Ukrainian ones, but you need to understand (being present, for example, at Ani Lorak's show) the scale of investment.

“Probably, there are still different territories, and somewhere the system works a little differently. No one forbids, in general, buying songs from famous authors - this is a purely financial issue.”

- How much does it cost?

If we are talking about a hit like Euphoria by Lauryn, then it will be hundreds of thousands of dollars. You can give $20-30 thousand, but where can you get it? Do you think Belarusian artists have an opportunity? You can write a good song and do the production, but again, this can only be afforded by those who have the means. An image, a costume, a video - to get all this, serious financial investments are required.

The conversation about “packing the hall” seems ridiculous, but understand that not all Russian artists do this - many concerts are simply cancelled. There is no need to say that no one goes to watch only Belarusian artists.

- Well, they go to see Belarusian artists, but not all of them.

They go when people are promoting themselves in another country. Probably, the question still lies in some kind of correct approach, and our public is accustomed to perceiving our own people this way: if you have achieved it there, then you’ve done well. Because the IOWA group existed in the city of Chausy even before “Star Stagecoach”, where Katya Ivanchikova came from. And when she participated in the project, it was immediately noticeable that this was a very original person - the new Zhanna Aguzarova. Many people want to create an image, but you can immediately tell when a person is real. The issue with Katya was not even about vocal abilities, but about this charisma. You saw it and realized that it needed to be highlighted somehow. I remember that after “Star Stagecoach” we tried to somehow support the guys. I remember there was a casting for the musical “The Prophet” here - I called the guys from “Stagecoach” and told them that there was such an opportunity. And Katya got into this musical, went, and everything worked out. You need to make an effort. If you just sit, nothing will happen.

“Why did they scold dad? Because then he was involved in this competition"

- Let's talk about Eurofest. Have you ever wanted to try your hand?

I can't say no - it would be wrong. It’s just that I was probably very absorbed in the “kitchen” and preparation - such things immediately draw you in. Philip Kirkorov correctly says: “Eurovision” makes you sick. But I understand one thing: in order to participate in this competition, there must be a song. At least kill yourself! Look how the competition has changed. I remember when we went to Eurovision with Dima Koldun, there was a bunch of scenery. We thought about how to pack it all and transport it correctly. Nowadays everything is based on graphics - there are very few things that need to be brought to the stage. But the essence remains the same: Eurovision is a song contest.

- But there was no song.

I had no goal of participating in the selection. However, if thoughts arise, then I know what is needed and how much needs to be invested - creative and financial resources. So many!

- Did you ever feel like you were considered a “daddy’s girl”?

In such situations there is no other way. I really am a daddy's girl - you can't erase the words from the song.

- Was it painful for you?

I'm happy that I'm my dad's daughter. He is one of the most wonderful and wonderful people in this world. Call me daddy's girl more often. A lot of warmth, peace and kindness - I received some kind of correct example from him. Being the daughter of people from eternity is awesome!

- Without a doubt. But you've probably heard talk about nepotism.

What else can you say in this situation? This is the very first thing that comes to a person’s mind. I once thought about this: a person has some kind of inner dream like “he could do it, so I can too.” Why are all the talent shows so popular? Not just because someone sings well there. These are things from our subconscious - deep and complex. A man from nowhere, from a simple family, came and showed on stage what he was capable of. And then a thought is born in my head: “So I can do this too.”

“What in my case? There is no such option, everything is clear here: everything is captured, everything is on a platter. Such myths are quite common among public people. I think the same thing happens in other areas: dynasties happen quite often."

Alexander Grigorievich said in one of his interviews that he often helps you with creative things and financially. What did this help consist of?

I wouldn't say so. Until some point, the question of help was very confusing to me, and I said: “I don’t need anything. I’ll do it myself!” And indeed, at that time it was necessary to do something on my own, to isolate myself from everything. Therefore, no one touched me or interfered. Let me make a mistake, but it will be my mistake. Sometimes it happened that my mother said: “I heard a song on the radio today. It's you? New song?" No one sat with a stick and drove me to the studio and concerts. We found our own team of people with whom we decided, worked and achieved a certain result. Until you go through all this yourself, no one will help you. And then the moment came when I myself wanted to consult my parents on creativity.

Overall, this is all strange to me. Why are people outraged by parents helping their child? You yourself are probably helping children. On the contrary, it’s cool when you can give something to your child if he needs your help and support. But there was never any purposeful pushing, and I probably even regret it now. Maybe you should have come up and said: “Yes, I want to go there! Push me through here!” Perhaps I should have done this, but I thought about what people would say. The most important thing is that after many concerts and projects, I really know that I can do it myself.

In general, Alexander Grigorievich is a person who has always been subject to a barrage of criticism. And first of all it was connected with Eurofest. Why was Tikhanovich always to blame?

And you read what they are writing now. The directors who invented the boat are to blame for everything, those are to blame, these are to blame... Guys, finally relax. I could never understand this overly responsible attitude. You come to the competition, look at delegations from other countries and see that people simply enjoy this wonderful show. I remember very well: when Fabrizio Foniello from Malta took almost the last place, he was still greeted as a hero. So what? This is a competition - anything can happen!

Why did they scold dad? Because then he was involved in this competition. If another person was doing it, they would scold him. And Alexander Grigorievich has always done this very actively: many still call the national selection “Eurofest” - apparently, they managed to create a mini-brand. These qualifying rounds gave artists the opportunity to take certain steps and somehow promote and show their creativity.

- There were also scandals. Why did this happen to Alena Lanskaya and the Litesound group?

It's difficult for me to explain why this situation happened. And it’s very painful that then all the dogs were unleashed on Dima Baranov, who died literally a year later. Probably, any structure has its pitfalls and intrigues. It was a rather complicated situation, and there are always moments that remain unclear. I don’t know why we’re talking to you about something that happened a long time ago...

“I think that as a result of the conflict, everyone who stood up for justice was satisfied. Although I really don’t understand what happened: I was busy with other issues related to the production.”

- Was your father very worried about this?

Most of all I was worried about Dima, who did a lot for this project. He was the first to come to work, the last to leave. Many innovations and special effects, the artists who were brought to the festival, were his merit. And at the last show we didn’t show what we wanted at all. A week before the event, we did not find a common language in order to implement everything we had planned. Remaking the entire concept of a show in a week is a disaster. But you still bear the responsibility and then you receive it from the audience.

“I am sincerely sorry that this happened at a difficult moment for our family.”

- Let's talk about the painful stuff. How was the conflict with Hunk resolved?

Who had a conflict with whom? Hanok made a claim. Well, “Robin”, “Zavirukha”, “Happy Occasion”, “I live with my grandmother” are no longer heard. I am deeply saddened because no one understood what suddenly happened. We communicated with him very often, sat together on the jury - in my understanding, he was a person who was very friendly towards our family. A month before dad passed away, we talked to him: “Edik came, showed new songs, wanted to give them as a gift”. And what happened then and at what moment, I don’t understand.

Maybe this whole story will really make us think about what copyright is, how the artist, arranger and lyricist should protect themselves. If that's the question...

“I don’t know who is right and who is wrong from a legal point of view, but these songs already belong to the people. Yes, many will say that this is some kind of pathetic and romantic. But if you understand that as a result of joint creativity, something was born that began to belong to everyone, that’s very cool.”

I am sincerely sorry that this happened at a difficult moment for our family. I just don't understand a lot of things. Constant mention of funerals...

-Have you tried to talk to him without emotion?

There was a conversation right in this kitchen. Only forty days have passed. We came to the studio to somehow understand what to do. Mom said: “Edik Hanok will come now, he wants to talk.” I was preparing coffee. He left and said some strange things... Like, they didn’t mention him at the concert. But at every concert, parents mentioned him at least three times - there are a lot of videos in which all this can be seen and heard. It was already like our father. At the concert in memory of his father, he was also mentioned: according to the concept proposed by the ONT channel, the concert was led from the screen by Alexander Grigorievich and talked about the history of the creation of the song “I live with my grandmother” and its author, Eduard Hanke.

And that day, leaving us, he said: “Yadya, I understand everything, I allow you to do everything for free.” And he repeated this three times. A month later a letter came with a ban. I posted it on social networks only after he started giving interviews. A lot of things have been said that have nothing to do with copyright. Why does a person speak in such a way about the people's artists of Belarus? Why does he publicly call these people mediocrities?

- Why does he do this?

I think he explained everything himself in the interview. Like, “at the memorial concert everyone was talking about Sasha’s songs.”

You know, in the 90s, dad and mom didn’t perform these compositions and went around, performed and packed halls in the same way. And they returned to them on a wave of nostalgia and retro already in the 2000s. I think Yadviga Konstantinovna will have new songs.

- Is mom ready to go on stage?

She's already on stage. Now he is working in the studio - there are big plans for new songs and programs. We will continue the work of our father - there must be continuity of generations.